www.epa.govt.nz SUMMARY OF SUBMISSIONS REPORT MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal September 2012 Submission period Saturday 14 July 2012 – Friday 10 August 2012

MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal...5 MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report September 2012 decided by a board of inquiry under the Resource

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  • www.epa.govt.nz


    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal September 2012 Submission period Saturday 14 July 2012 – Friday 10 August 2012

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. 2

    1. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 3

    2. Structure of this report .................................................................................................................... 3

    3. Limitations of this report ................................................................................................................. 4

    4. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4

    4.1 Background .................................................................................................................................. 4

    4.2 Notification ................................................................................................................................... 5

    5. Submissions ..................................................................................................................................... 5

    5.1 Submissions received .................................................................................................................. 5

    5.2 Positions of submitters ................................................................................................................. 5

    5.3 Submissions by location and whether they wish to be heard ...................................................... 6

    5.4 Submissions received outside of time ......................................................................................... 7

    5.5 Submissions received by sector .................................................................................................. 7

    5.6 Trade Competition ....................................................................................................................... 8

    6. High-level issues raised in submissions ....................................................................................... 8

    Appendix One - Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 10

    Appendix Two – Schedule of Submitters (submitter number) ....................................................... 14

    Appendix Three – Schedule of Submitters (alphabetical) ............................................................... 18

    Appendix Four - Summary of Submissions Table ........................................................................... 22

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    1. Executive Summary

    The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has lodged an application for a Notice of Requirement

    and 29 Resource Consents with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for the MacKays to

    Peka Peka Expressway Proposal (the proposal).

    Of the 725 submissions the EPA received on the proposal:

    ∑ 408 submitters (56%) oppose the proposal either in full or in part, 302 submitters (42%) support the

    proposal either in full or in part, and 14 submitters (1.9%) are either neutral in full, in part, or have a

    mixed position. One submitter chose not to state a position.

    ∑ The majority of submitters are from Waikanae (27.3%) and Paraparaumu (18.5%).

    ∑ 234 submitters wish to be heard at the hearing.

    ∑ Fifty-one submissions were received out of the submission period; of which 49 have been accepted

    by the Board of Inquiry.

    ∑ A wide range of concerns have been raised in the submissions.

    2. Structure of this report

    This report is structured to assist the MacKays to Peka Peka Proposal Board of Inquiry (the Board of

    Inquiry) and parties in identifying the following matters:

    ∑ The nature of submissions (submitter position);

    ∑ The number of submissions received by location;

    ∑ The number of submitters that wish to be heard;

    ∑ The number of submissions received incomplete, non-complying or outside of the submission

    period, and the Board’s determination on these.

    ∑ Trends within the submissions, including submissions received per sector

    ∑ The number of submitters that are trade competitors;

    ∑ The high level concerns raised in submissions.

    Appendix One includes a list of commonly used abbreviations within both this report and the

    Appendices. Appendix Two provides an index of submitters by submission number. Appendix Three

    provides an index of submitters alphabetically.

    The ‘Summary of Submissions’ Table provided in Appendix Four describes the nature of each

    individual submission, and summarises the general concerns raised in each of the individual


    The discussion provided in the body of this report therefore draws on the submissions themselves and

    the tabulated information contained within the ‘Summary of Submissions’ table.

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    3. Limitations of this report

    ∑ Identification of trends and concerns within the report are based on information provided by

    submitters in their written submissions lodged during the submission period.

    ∑ Information is accurate at time of receipt of submission and takes into account changes requested

    by parties following close of submissions up to 30 August 2012.

    ∑ For the purpose of section 5.2 of this report, if a submitter has indicated a position both ‘in full’ and

    ‘in part’, ‘in full’ has been recorded as their overriding position.

    ∑ The categorisation of information in section 5.5 of this report were based on the submitter name on

    the submission form and does not reflect if an individual submission refers to businesses or other

    types of groups in their submission.

    ∑ It is not unusual for submissions received on notified proposals of this nature to cover a broad

    range of issues and offer differing levels of detail. Whilst each submission can be unique, the

    summary of the submissions necessarily involves a degree of generalisation. Summaries are

    therefore not a replication of the original submission. The original submission should be referred to

    at all times for the full content of the submission. Full copies of all of the submissions are available

    as PDF (Portable Document Format) files on the EPA website.

    ∑ The Summary of Submissions table in Appendix Four needs to be regarded with caution. The

    analysis is based solely on the content of the submission form and the stated position of the

    submitter. In some cases it is not immediately evident what decision a submitter seeks from the

    Board of Inquiry with respect to the information provided in their submission. If the submitter has

    strongly inferred through the reasons for the submission and/or their stated submitter position, the

    EPA has interpreted this inference and stated (inferred) in Appendix Four.

    4. Introduction

    1.1 Background

    On 20 April 2012, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) received an application from the

    NZTA for a Notice of Requirement and 29 Resource Consents ("the matters") for the MacKays to Peka

    Peka Expressway Proposal (the proposal).

    The proposal involves the construction, operation, and maintenance of an approximately 16 km

    section of State highway, formed to an expressway standard, from 2 kms north of MacKays Crossing

    to Te Kowhai Road, Peka Peka in the Kāpiti Coast District.

    The proposal will provide for an Expressway with two lanes of traffic in each direction, connections

    with local roads at four interchanges, new local roads and access roads to maintain local connectivity,

    and an additional bridge crossing over the Waikanae River.

    The EPA recommended to the Minister for the Environment to direct the matters to a board of inquiry

    for decision. The Minister has accepted the EPA’s recommendation and directed the matters to be

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    decided by a board of inquiry under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). The role of the

    Board of Inquiry is to hear and decide these matters.

    1.2 Notification The proposal was publicly notified on Saturday 14 July 2012 and closed at 5pm on Friday 10 August

    2012, by way of public notices in the New Zealand Herald, the Dominion Post, The Press, and the

    Otago Daily Times. A public notice was also placed in the Kapiti Observer on Monday 16 July 2012.

    The 20 working day submission period was from 14 July 2012 to 10 August 2012.

    A submission form tailored to the proposal was prepared by the EPA, and made available to

    submitters, in hard copy, electronic copy, and through an online form on the EPA website.

    5. Submissions

    5.1 Submissions received

    The EPA received 676 complete submissions before the close of the submission period at 5pm Friday

    10 August 2012.

    On 28 August 2012 the Board of Inquiry granted a waiver to accept an additional 49 submissions the

    EPA received as incomplete, late or non-complying.

    The total number of submissions received on the proposal is 725.

    5.2 Positions of submitters A total of 406 submitters (56%) opposed the proposal either in full or in part, whilst a total of 304

    submitters (42%) supported the proposal either in full or in part. These positions were received either

    as a check box on the submission form, or within the written submission itself if a submission form was

    not used. For the purpose of this report, if a submitter has indicated a position both ‘in full’ and ‘in

    part’, ‘in full’ has been recorded as their overriding position. Further information is provided in the

    table below.

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Table 1: Total Number of Submissions by submitter position

    Submitter Position No. of submissions Proportion

    Oppose in Full 361 49.8%

    Oppose in Part 43 5.9%

    Oppose & Neutral in Part 2 0.3%

    Oppose in full/part (total) 406 56%

    Support in Full 283 39%

    Support in Part 21 3%

    Support in full/part (total) 304 42%

    Neutral in Full 9 1.2%

    Neutral in Part 3 0.4%

    Support & Oppose in Part 2 0.3%

    Neutral in full/part & mixed (total) 14 1.9%

    Did not state 1 0.1%

    Total 725 100%

    5.3 Submissions by location and whether they wish to be heard The location of submitters is outlined in the table below. Those located from other areas than those

    stated in the table below have been grouped into the ‘other’ category. Of the 725 submitters, 234

    (32.3%) indicated that they wish to be heard in support of their submission.

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Table 5.2: Total Number of Submissions by location & whether they wish to be heard

    Location No. of submissions

    Proportion No. that wish to be heard


    Waikanae 196 27.0% 64 27.3%

    Paraparaumu 134 18.5% 35 15%

    Other 87 12.0% 32 13.7%

    Raumati Beach 71 9.8% 27 11.5%

    Raumati South 67 9.2% 24 10.2%

    Paraparaumu Beach 53 7.3% 10 4.3%

    Waikanae Beach 28 3.9% 7 3%

    Paekakariki 27 3.7% 14 6%

    Otaki 24 3.3% 10 4.3%

    Otaihanga 18 2.5% 6 2.6%

    Te Horo 11 1.5% 1 0.4%

    Peka Peka 9 1.3% 4 1.7%

    Total 725 100% 234 100%

    5.4 Submissions received outside of time Fifty-one submissions were:

    ∑ Received outside of time;

    ∑ Received incomplete during the submission period, requiring further details that were received

    outside of time;

    ∑ Served on the NZTA, but not the EPA.

    On behalf of the Board of Inquiry, the chairperson granted a waiver to accept 49 of these 51

    submissions on 23 August 2012.

    The remaining two submissions (numbers 738 and 739) were provided prior to the submission period

    starting and the EPA have been unable to contact the parties to obtain relevant details. The Board of

    Inquiry will consider accepting these submissions should further information be provided.

    5.5 Submissions received by sector

    The highest sector of submissions was from individuals, the proportion of businesses, advocacy

    groups, and other organisations is provided in the table below.

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Table 5.3: Total Number of Submissions by Sector

    Sector Number Proportion Individual 650 89.7%

    Business 32 4.4%

    Advocacy group 25 3.5%

    District/Regional Councils & Government Agencies 12 1.6%

    Other organisations 4 0.5%

    Iwi groups 2 0.3%

    Total 725 100%

    5.6 Trade Competition Of the 725 submissions received, no submitters indicated they were trade competitors. It is also noted

    that a number of submitters did not answer this question.

    6. High-level issues raised in submissions

    The submissions raised a range of issues covering the following:

    ∑ Location & alternative options available (e.g. Western Link Road)

    ∑ Size and type of road (e.g. expressway vs local road)

    ∑ Traffic congestion, travel times and road saftey

    ∑ Local road connections and access to facilities

    ∑ Separation of local traffic from through traffic

    ∑ SH1 road resilience and natural hazard resilience

    ∑ Emergency services access and freight movement

    ∑ Need to consider an integrated transport system

    ∑ Air pollution, noise, dust and vibration from construction and operation

    ∑ General adverse environmental effects, including flora and fauna

    ∑ Effects on waterways, wetlands, streams and ecological areas

    ∑ Stormwater storage areas and treatment

    ∑ Flooding

    ∑ Peat replacement and CO2∑ Community severance and social/community effects

    emissions from peat

    ∑ Cultural, archaeology and heritage effects

    ∑ Lifestyle and recreational disruption

    ∑ Visual/landscape changes

    ∑ Health, wellbeing and stress

    ∑ Removal of houses

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    ∑ Property de-valuation

    ∑ Economic viability and regional growth

    ∑ Costs

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Appendix One - Abbreviations

    AEE Assessment of Environmental Effects

    BoI Board of Inquiry

    BCR Benefit Cost Ratio

    CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan

    CO2 Carbon Dioxide

    CPTED Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

    CNVMP Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan

    DOC Department of Conservation

    EPA Environmental Protection Authority

    KCDC Kāpiti Coast District Council

    LTCCP Long Term Council Community Plan

    M2PP Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway

    No. Number

    NZ New Zealand

    NZHPT New Zealand Historic Places Trust

    NZTA New Zealand Transport Agency (the applicant)

    PPF Protected Premise and Facility

    PT Public Transport

    QE Park Queen Elizabeth Park

    RMA Resource Management Act 1991

    RoNS Roads of National Significance

    SAHA SAHA International Limited

    SH State Highway

    SH1 State Highway One

    TGM Transmission Gully Motorway

    US United States of America

    WCC Wellington City Council

    WLR Western Link Road

    WRC Greater Wellington Regional Council

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    List of Matters


    NSP 12/01.001 Notice of Requirement: Notice of requirement for a new designation for the construction, operation and maintenance of a State highway (MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway) from 2km north of MacKays Crossing to Te Kowhai Road, Peka Peka, in the Kāpiti Coast District.


    NSP 12/01.002 Resource Consent: The site to which the consent application relates is at 55 Rata Road, Paraparaumu. Land use consent for disturbing soil containing contaminants where there is a risk to human health and changing the use of land containing contaminants where there is a risk to human health pursuant to Regulation 10 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 (SR 2011/361).

    [3] NSP 12/01.003: Land use consent to disturb soil in areas identified as being erosion prone, and undertake large scale vegetation clearance for the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [4] NSP 12/01.004: Land use consent to disturb soil for the construction of roading and tracking for the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [5] NSP 12/01.005: Discharge permit to discharge sediment and chemical flocculent in treated storm water runoff to water, and to land where it may enter water, in association with bulk earthworks for the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.006: Land use consent to undertake the following activities within Queen Elizabeth Park Drain: ∑ To place structures (culverts, rip rap, and storm water outlets) and the associated diversion

    and reclamation of a section of the bed in this catchment; and ∑ To remove an existing culvert;

    including the associated disturbance of, and deposition of material on, the bed of the watercourse in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [7] NSP 12/01.007: Water permit to temporarily divert the full flow of the Queen Elizabeth Park Drain during construction of the culvert and associated structures in the bed of the waterway in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [8] NSP 12/01.008: Water permit to permanently divert the full flow of the Queen Elizabeth Park Drain in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.009: Land use consent to undertake the following activities within and over Drain 7, an unnamed tributary of Drain 7 and the Wharemauku Stream: ∑ To place structures ([bridges], culverts, rip rap, and storm water outlets) and the associated

    diversion and reclamation of a section of the bed in this catchment; and ∑ To remove an existing culvert;

    including the associated disturbance of, and deposition of material on, the bed of the watercourses in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.010: Water permit to temporarily divert the flow of Drain 7, an unnamed tributary of Drain 7 and the Wharemauku Stream during construction of the culvert and bridges and associated structures in the bed of the waterway in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [11] NSP 12/01.011: Water permit to permanently divert the full flow of Drain 7 and an unnamed tributary of Drain 7 in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012


    NSP 12/01.012: Land use consent to undertake the following activities within and over Mazengarb Drain, Waste Water Treatment Pond Drain, Landfill Drain, Otaihanga Drain, an unnamed tributary of the Muaupoko [Stream], Muaupoko Stream and the Waikanae River: ∑ To place structures ([bridges], culverts, rip rap, storm water outlets) and the associated

    diversion and reclamation of a section of the bed in this catchment; and ∑ To remove an existing culvert;

    including the associated disturbance of, and deposition of material on, the bed of the watercourses in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.013: Water permit to temporarily divert the flow of Mazengarb Drain, Waste Water Treatment Pond Drain, Landfill Drain, Otaihanga Drain, an unnamed tributary of the Muaupoko [Stream] and the Waikanae River; during construction of the culvert and bridges and associated structures in the bed of the waterway in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.014: Water permit to permanently divert the full flow of the Mazengarb Drain, Waste Water Treatment Pond Drain, Landfill Drain, Otaihanga Drain, an unnamed tributary of the Muaupoko [Stream], Muaupoko Stream and the Waikanae River in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.015: Land use consent to place structures (bridges, culverts, rip rap, and storm water outlets) within and over Market Garden Drain and Waimeha Stream; and the diversion and reclamation of a section of the bed in this catchment, including the associated disturbance of, and deposition of material on, the bed of the watercourses in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [16] NSP 12/01.016: Water permit to temporarily divert the flow of the Market Garden Drain and Waimeha Stream during construction of the culvert and bridges and associated structures in the bed of the waterway in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [17] NSP 12/01.017: Water permit to permanently divert the full flow of the Market Garden Drain in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.018: Land use consent to undertake the following activities within and over Ngarara Creek, Kakariki Stream, Smithfield Drain, unnamed tributary of Paetawa Drain and Paetawa Drain: ∑ To place structures ([bridges], culverts, rip rap, and storm water outlets) and the associated

    diversion and reclamation of a section of the bed in this catchment; and ∑ To remove an existing culvert;

    including the associated disturbance of, and deposition of material on, the bed of the watercourses in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.019: Water permit to temporarily divert the flow of the Ngarara Creek, Kakariki Stream (at the local road bridge), Smithfield Drain, an unnamed tributary of Paetawa Drain and the Paetawa Drain; during construction of the culvert and bridges and associated structures in the bed of the waterway in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [20] NSP 12/01.020: Water permit to permanently divert the full flow of the Ngarara Creek, Kakariki Stream (at local road and Expressway bridges), Smithfield Drain, an unnamed tributary of Paetawa Drain and the Paetawa Drain; in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.021: Land use consent to undertake the following activities within Hadfield/Te Kowhai Stream: ∑ To place structures (culverts, rip rap, and storm water outlets) and the associated diversion

    and reclamation of a section of the bed in this catchment; and

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    ∑ To remove an existing culvert;

    including the associated disturbance of, and deposition of material on, the bed of the watercourse in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [22] NSP 12/01.022: Water permit to temporarily divert the flow of the Hadfield/Te Kowhai Stream; during construction of the culvert and bridges and associated structures in the bed of the waterway in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [23] NSP 12/01.023: Water permit to permanently divert the full flow of the Hadfield/Te Kowhai Stream; in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.

    [24] NSP 12/01.024: Land use consent for the construction of bore holes for groundwater extraction, and for the formation of holes for bridge piles where this may intercept groundwater.

    [25] NSP 12/01.025: Water permit to take groundwater for bore testing, dewatering of excavations, dust suppression and construction purposes.

    [26] NSP 12/01.026: Water permit to divert groundwater from wetlands adjacent to the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway.


    NSP 12/01.027: Land use consent for the partial reclamation of wetlands (defined as lakes), being the Raumati Manuka Wetland, Otaihanga Southern and Northern Wetlands and El Rancho Wetland, in the vicinity of the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Project alignment, including the associated disturbance of the beds.

    [28] NSP 12/01.028: Land use consent to remove vegetation in the beds of various watercourses and wetlands (defined as lakes), being the Raumati Manuka Wetland, Otaihanga Southern and Northern Wetlands and El Rancho Wetland, including the associated disturbance of the beds.

    [29] NSP 12/01.029: Discharge permit to discharge treated cement contaminated water to water, and to land where it may enter water.

    [30] NSP 12/01.030: Discharge permit to discharge contaminants to land from contaminated sites.

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Appendix Two – Schedule of Submitters (submitter number) No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter 1 Mr Peter Knewstubb 31 Mr Tim Armstrong 61 Miss Nina Miller 92 Marico Marine NZ 122 Mr Anthony Marsh 153 Mr Peter Blackler

    2 Mrs Helen Booth 32 Mr Michael Welch 62 Dr Ronald Miller 93 Mr Charles Davies 123 Mr Howard Fletcher 154 Mr Jeff Wastney

    3 Mr Guy Weaver 33 Mr James Simpson 63 Mr Donald McFedries 94 Mrs Lorraine Davies 124 Ms Vicki Schleider Bunch 155 Mr Paul Franssen

    4 Mr Ian and Judith Pears 34 Mrs Norrey Simmons 64 Mr Keith Oldham 95 Mr Jeffry Adlam 125 Mr Ray & Mrs Rosemary Foss 156 Mr Anthony Ryan

    5 Mr Howard Ellis 35 Mr David Betteridge 65 Mr Eric Cornick 96 Mrs Lynley Davidson 126 Mr Charles Steward Hall Watson 157 Mr Stephen and Mrs Elly Simpson

    6 Mr Stephen Sharpe 36 Mrs Gai Foskett 66 Ms Samantha Hutcheson 97 Mr Robbie McGavin 127 Mr Clive Williams 158 Mr Trevor Morgan

    7 Mr Derek Chapman 37 Ms Vicki Simpson 67 Ms Mandy Wakeford 98 Mr Robert Strong 128 Mr Brian Hogg 159 Mr Ross Leggett

    8 Mrs Kathleen Hunter 38 Mr Warwick Wyatt 68 The Paetawa Trust 99 Mr Ross Meek 129 Ms Gillian Hill 160 Mrs Gillian Riding

    9 Mr Malcolm Hamilton Faulls 39 Mr John Granville 69 Ms Ann Verboeket 100 Mr Trevor Hosking 130 Mr Maurice Richardson 161 Mr Robert and Mrs Cristine McGechan

    10 Mr Jeffrey Short 40 Mr Robin McCandless 70 Ms Sahra Kress 101 Mrs Marionne Dixon 131 Mr Steve Ferguson 162 Mr Craig Bardell

    11 Mr Peter and Mrs Mary-Anne Smith

    41 Mr David Dews 71 Dr Robin Falconer 102 Mr Stephen Hudson 132 Mr John Grant 163 Mr John Edward Aburn

    12 Mr Jonathan Shorer 42 Ms Norma McCallum 72 Ms Dinah Hawken 103 Mrs Brenda Frazer 133 Mr Max Hooper 164 Mrs Marian Williams

    13 Ms Jean Murrey 43 Mr John Rapley 73 Mr Gordon Ford 104 Mrs Barbara Bourke 134 Mrs Jocelyn Vrede 165 Ms Kirsten Dobbertin

    14 Mrs Florence Maher 44 Mrs Lesley Blenkiron 74 Mr Jude Simpson 105 Mrs Vicky Cooper 135 Mr David Funnell 166 Mr David Milliner

    15 Mr Alun Hughes 45 Mr Graeme Blenkiron 75 Mrs Leanne Chapman 106 Ms Andrea Hadfield 137 Mrs Clare Borst 167 Mr Jordan Dallimore

    16 Ms Jamie Bull 46 Ms Ruth McKenzie 76 Ms Jane Stevenson 107 Mr William Ferguson 138 Mr Gary Cameron 168 Miss Kasey Beverdige

    17 Mr C. T. Brown 47 Miss Laura Dews 77 Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club Inc

    108 Mrs Annette Parry 139 Mr T R Griffith 169 Mr Alan Hurst

    18 Mrs E.M. Brown 48 Mr John O'Sullivan 78 Mr Leo Barber 109 Mr Hugh Guthrie 140 Miss Jennifer Ramage 170 Mr Mark Gibbin

    19 NZ Forest Owners Association Inc

    49 Mr Richard Moulton 79 Mr Rob Klaassen 110 Mr David Hanbury-Sparrow 141 Mr Brian Milne 171 Miss Kaye Nichols

    20 Mr Paul Judd 50 Mr Tony Lester 80 Mr John and Mrs Wendy Huston

    111 Mrs Julie Wintle 142 Mr Ray and Mrs Allison Philpott 172 Mr Krzysztof Zajaczkowski and Ms Aleka Beaumont

    21 Mr Murray Lobb 51 Mr Michael Fulton 81 Mr Alan Tennyson 112 Mrs Esther Consedine 143 Mr Nathan McColl 173 Mrs Anna Douglas

    22 Mr Graeme Barrell 52 Mr David Foulds 82 Mr Ian Mitchell 113 Mr Peter Hawker 144 Mr David Kenchington 174 Mr Peter Lawton

    23 Ms Janet Milne 53 Mr Christopher Blanchard 83 Mr Malcolm Ward 114 Mr Mervyn Martin 145 Mr Stuart Pritchard 175 Mrs Mary Oldham

    24 Dr Kenneth Milne 54 Mr Stephen Lange 84 Office Angels Limited 115 Dr George Stuart 146 Ms Joanne Gibbons 176 Mr Bryan Anderson

    25 Kapiti Office Products Depot 55 Mr Michael Gilbert 85 Mr Mark Ternent 116 Mrs Jane Martin 147 Mr Wal Marshall 177 Mrs Diane Jennings

    26 Mr Stuart Ayres 56 Ms Amanda Hager and Mr Brian Laird

    87 Ms Ann Ryder 117 Mr Paul Bennett 148 Mr Richard Mason 178 Transpower NZ Ltd

    27 Filter Clean NZ Ltd 57 Mr Derek Lynch 88 Mr Chris Stone 118 Mr Colin Kells 149 Mr Peter Jones 179 Mr Ian Basire

    28 Mrs Ann Saunders 58 Mr Chris Turver 89 Mrs Jennifer Adlam 119 Ms Jacky Renouf 150 Dr Kelly Hare 180 Ms Angie Cairncross

    29 NZ Contractors Federation 59 Friends of the Waikanae River Inc.

    90 Nga Manu Nature Reserve 120 Mr Warwick Vrede 151 Mr Simon Jones 181 Mr Denis and Mrs Joan Joyce

    30 Ms Helen Potusa 60 Road Transport Forum NZ 91 Mrs Anita Schurmann 121 Mr Ralph Macquisten Wallace 152 Mrs Vera Jones 182 Mr Josef and Mrs Anne Jaeger

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    183 Mr John William Tanner 213 Mrs Beverly Vera James 243

    The Trustees of the Arthur Bills Resettlement Trust (property owner) and Directors of Harrisons Country Gardenworld Ltd (tenant).

    273 Dr Brian Hooper 304 Mrs Janis Erica Scrimshaw 334 Ms Barbara McNay

    184 Mr Terence and Mrs Alexandra Davies 214 Mrs Eleonore Franzika Wheeler 244 Mrs Shirley Barrell 274 Mr Terry McAviney 305 Mrs Jean Taylor 335 Mr Lawrence Ordish

    185 Ms Joanne Robertson 215 Mrs Jacqueline Williams 245 Mr Gareth Griffis 275 Mr David Moger 306 Mr Neville Taylor 336 Ms Heather Hopkirk

    186 Mr Alison Tanner 216 Dowco Associates Ltd 246 Mr Antony Graham Cooke 276 Mr Michael and Mrs Veronica Weir 307 Mr Patrick John Scrimshaw 337 Ms Elizabeth Ann Laing

    187 Mrs Emma Maitland 217 Miss Karin Andersen 247 Mr Roy John and Mrs Meryl Brenda Opie 277 Mr Tony Lloyd 308 Mr Royden and Mrs Josette Bardsley

    338 Mr Neil K Woodbury

    188 Mr Anthony Staniford 218 Mr Arnold Regan 248 Bullen Consultancy 278 Ms Teresa Neches 309 Ms Loretta Anne Pomare 339 Mr James & Mrs June Kelly

    189 Mrs Winifred and Mr Graeme Kennedy 219 Mr David Livingston 249 Mr Mike Redman 279 Mr Richard Marshall 310 Mr Edward Laurence Cornell 340 Te Ra School

    190 Kapiti Emergency Medical Services Trust 220 Mrs Christine Bright 250 Mr William Reginald Morrison 280 Mr Lawrie Duncan 311 Mr William Gordon Painter 341 Ms Rachel Tandy

    191 Mrs Beatrice Tennyson 221 Mrs Maxine Livingston 251 Mr William Mansfield 281 Mr Gerald Ponsford 312 Mrs Linda Caroline Schager 342 Mrs Liz Welch

    192 Mr Ross and Mr Jocelyn Fletcher 222 Mr Paul Frederick Wheeler 252 CentrePort Limited 282 Mr Brian Ainger 313 Mr Clifford Driver 343 Dr Kevin & Mrs Kym Baker

    193 Mr Simon Frazer 223 Miss Wendy Eleanor Batterbee 253 Mr Richard Jury 283 Mr John David Barber 314 Dr Susan Mary Watterson 344 Mr Anthony Llewellyn Watmough

    194 Mrs Branka Cicak 224 Mr Stefan and Mrs Carolyn Hori 254 Whanganui Employer's Chamber of Commerce 284 Mrs Jill Lloyd 315 Mr Aylwyn Cedric Patterson 345 Ms Susan Heald

    195 Miss Jessica Jennings 225 Mr Norman John and Mrs Eileen Florence Gould 255 Mr Nigel White 285 Mrs Winsome Duncan 316 Mr Peter Watterson 346 Mr John Downie

    196 Mr Pieter Bosteels 226 Mr A Pullenger 256 Mr James Dryburgh 286 Mr Harold Brown 317 Mrs Elaine Maree and Mr Anton Adolf Vos 347 Mr Alan Roy & Mrs Ann Margaret Parsonnage

    197 Mr Murray Hopping 227 Four Seasons Caravans 1980 Ltd 257 Mr Michael John Jensen 287 Mrs Michael Hanbury-Sparrow 318 Mr Charles Richard Fawthorpe 348 Miss Frances Vagg

    198 Mrs Caren June Ashford 228 Mr Lennard James and Mrs Pamela Elaine Tong 258 Mr Mark Edgar 289 Ms Maria Gyles 319 Mrs Sally Morton 349 Mr Gordon W Shroff

    199 Ms Mary Mountier 229 Dr Susan Grace Ansell 259 Mr Tony Jack 290 Dr S Finlay 320 Ms Margaret Nixon 350 Ms Marion Isabel Sherley

    200 Mr Bruce Phillipps 230 Fourways Enterprises Ltd 260 Mrs Julie Margaret Jensen 291 Mr David Swann 321 Ms Sarah Biddiscombe 351 Mr Kevin H Henderson

    201 Mr Brian Wheeler 231 Mrs Vicki Bryden 261 Dr Christopher William and Mrs Monica Dearden 292 Mr Shane Walbran 322 Mr Matthew Beldham 352 Mr Leov Gary & Pamela Joyce Nicholson

    202 Mrs Judith Wheeler 232 Mrs Margaret Smith 262 Mr Gavin Ashworth Wright 293 Dr Joy Anderton & Ms. Jill Abigail. 323 Mr Bernard Harrison 353 Mr Colin Duke Clayton

    203 Mr Richard Mansell 233 Mr Robert Smith 263 Mrs Liz Morgan 294 Mr Michael Brendan Cartmer 324 Mr Steven Tomlinson 354 Dr April S Walker

    204 Mr Nicholas Wheeler 234 Mr Peter Canvin 264 Mr David Ian McCrae 295 Mr Michael George and Mrs Janice Merle Wood 325 Mrs Sally Harrow 355 Mr Bob Cowper

    205 Mr Stuart and Mary Pritchard 235 Ms Jan Morgan 265 Dr Sabien van Riessen 296 Mrs Joan Kathleen Painter 326 Mr Alan Power 356 Mrs Ann Cherrington

    206 Mr Howard Trevor and Mrs Josephine Isobel Patten 236 Mr Martin Armstrong 266 Automobile Association Wellington District

    297 Ms Hariata Mei Higgott 327 Mr Neil Saxby & Ms Barbara Breta Mountier 357 Mrs Catherine Keno

    207 Mr David John Hare 237 Mr Adrian Aldridge 267 Mr Daniel Ronald and Mrs Dionne Carol Waterson 298 Mr Glen Wiggs 328 Mrs Prue Sisarich 358 Quinovic Property Management - Kapiti-Mana

    208 Mr Warwick Dobbie 238 Mr Bruce Davie 268 Mr Ruben Blok 299 Mr Martin Burton 329 Ms Christine Cecil Lenk 359 Mrs Charmaine Brauer Fluker

    209 Miss Marie Hare 239 Mrs Sara Boeyen 269 Mrs Pip McCarroll 300 Mr Michael Leggott 330 Religious Society of Friends 360 Mr David Forsythe

    210 Mr Leonard John Taylor 240 Mr Stewart Macpherson 270 Dr Bob Gregory 301 Ms Alana Bowman 331 Mr Warren David Sisarich 361 Mr Neil Kane

    211 Ms Diana Mary Evans 241 Miss Joanne Watson 271 Mrs Jessica Luhn 302 Mr Henry Fullerton-Smith 332 Mr Warren & Mrs Prue Sisarich 362 Mr Graham Coe

    212 Mr Robert Gary James 242 Mr Dean Anderson 272 Mr Alan Lough 303 Mrs Patricia Frances Wright 333 Mr S P Richardson 363 Mr David Jennings

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    364 Kapiti Gateway Motel 400 Mr Richard Cherrill 432 Mrs Elizabeth and Mr Brent Waterhouse 462 Mr Collin Minnaar 492 Mr Brent Hume Cherry 522 Miss Lisa White

    368 Mr Graeme Eric Brown 401 Mrs Judith Cherrill 433 South Pacific Roses 2011 Ltd 463 Mr Marc Pettie 493 Mr Patrick John O'Brien and Ms Joanne Fisher Gray 523 Mr Gary Peter Allen

    369 Mr John Alexander Fluker 402 Mr Iain Mackay 434 Mrs Caroline Joan Beaufort 464 Mrs Tara Lemana 494 Ms Donna Kieboom 524 Mrs Linda Diane Allen

    370 Mr Peter Vere-Jones 403 Mr Sam Jennings 435 Mr Laurence Petherick 465 Mr Kane Joseph and Mrs Mary Ann Pomare 495 Mr Robert Allen Pugh 525 Kapiti Coast Airport Limited

    371 Mr David Simpson 404 Mrs Rachel Mackay 436 Mr Rein Purre 466 Mr Wilson Edward and Mrs Deborah Mary Lattey 496 Ms Wendy Frost 526 Mr Peter Graeme and Mrs Marion Milne

    372 Mrs Suzanne Vere-Jones 407 Mr Jay Brass 437 Mr Andrew and Mrs Lynnette Pritchard 467 Ms Andrea Breu 497 Ms Rachel Mason 527 Ms Dianna Fary

    374 Mr Neels Du Plessis 408 Mrs Michelle Brass 438 Mrs Hazel Purre 468 Department of Conservation 498 Mr Basil Hugh & Mrs Jane Elizabeth Pritchett 528 Ms Sonia Minnaar

    375 Mr David Blair 409 Mr John Wraight 439 Miss Serena Hastie 469 Mr Peter Reedy 499 Mr Nigel Wilson 529 Dr Janet Weber

    376 Ms Jane George 410 Mr Murray Eggers 440 Mr Henning Blem 470 Mrs Ruth Love 500 Ms Susan Christina Bull 530 Mr Peter Avery

    377 Dr Grant Hannis 411 Mr Frank Cherrill 441 Public Transport Voice 471 Mr Christopher Glover 501 Paraparaumu/Raumati Community Board 531 Mr John Short and Ms Gisella Schwass

    378 Mr Mitchell Anderson 412 Ms Maria van Lent 442 Mrs Shirley Goggin 472 Mr Ian G Jensen 502 Dr Kerstin Marianne Allan 532 Mr Wayne Hamilton

    380 Dr Jackie Cumming 413 Mr Tim Wilson 443 R W Thomson Ltd 473 Dr Dennis Page 503 Living Streets of Wellington 533 Mr Michael and Mrs Queenie Hyland

    381 Ms Ailsa Parker 414 Miss Katherine Sarah Elizabeth Sloane 444 Mr David Goggin 474 Waikanae Property Development Ltd

    504 Dr Susan Macdonald 534 Ms Maureen Ellis

    382 Mrs Petra Aregger 415 Kapanui School 445 RW Thomson Ltd 475 Mr Trevor Henderson 505 Save Kapiti Incorporated 535 Mr Alexander & Mrs Marion Shanks

    383 Ms Te-Aroha Jennings 416 Ms Monique Lepionka 446 Mr David Bright 476 Mr Quentin Haines 506 Miss Julie Midgley 536 Ms Kathleen Pivac

    384 Hyde Park Museum Te Horo 417 Mr Trevor Daniell 447 Ms Wendy McGregor 477 Waikanae Christian Holiday Park Inc. 507 Mr William A Moore 537 Generation Zero

    385 Mr Douglas Hipkins 418 Ms Beverley Jean Yaldwyn 448 Mrs Patricia Mallia 478 Mr Patrick Morgan 508 Miss Eleanor Dawidowski 538 Mrs Karina Bergin

    386 Mrs Karen McCall 419 Mr David Ruddlesden 449 Ms Vlasta Pilatova 479 Mr Te Roera Puna 509 Miss Cathleen Devenport 539 Mr Simon Doran

    387 Mr John Backler 420 Mr Grant Pearson 450 Mr Frank Mallia 480 Mr Graham Lewis 510 Ms Stacey Gasson 540 Mr Steven Bright

    388 Mrs Fiona Jeffries 421 Ms Kathryn Watson 451 Mr Douglas Stewart and Mrs Rona Janette Ritchie 481 Mr Jonathan Paul Gradwell 511 Mr Craig Phelps 541 Mr Graham C T Bathgate

    389 Mr Steven and Mrs Kathleen Ransley 422 Mr Colin and Mrs Isolde Annette Baxter

    452 Mr Michael and Mrs Brenda Malone 482 Ms Karen Whibley 512 Mr Desmond Keith & Mrs Margaret Edna Ellis

    542 Highway Occupants Group

    390 Mr Graham McCall 423 Mr Anthony Britton 453 Mrs Ann O'Rorke 483 Lynwood Nursery Limited 513 Miss Sarah Ramakers 543 Mrs Susie Mills

    391 Mr Marco Wuest 424 Mrs Karen Gwen and Mr Shaun Bernard Gray 454 Mr John Leighton 484 Smart Transport Network 514 Waikanae on One 544 Mr Air Commodore PG Tyler OBE

    392 Ms Brigitte Wuest 425 Mrs Jane McNamara 455 Mr Hallard O'Rorke 485 Implementation Group of the Kapiti Coast District Council Advisory on Cycleways, Walkways and Bridleways

    515 New Zealand Fire Service 545 Dr Rochelle J Wilson

    393 Miss Dina Wuest 426 Mr Roger Anthony and Mrs Pamela Anne Childs 456 Mrs Amanda Raymond 486 Dr Viola Palmer 516 Ms Paula Keene 546 Mr Frank Borren

    394 Mr Herbert Aregger 427 Mrs Michelle Lewis 457 Mrs Wendy Reid 487 Mr Johannes Sijbrant 517 Mr Steven William Edbrooke 547 Dr Robert Kieboom

    396 Mrs Sue Gardiner 428 Mr Robert Brass 458 Mr Mark & Mrs Elaine Jones 488 Mrs Marion Edbrooke 518 Mrs Elizabeth and Mr Terence O'Brien 548 Mr Gavin Welsh

    397 Mr Maurice Bly 429 Mr Bill and Jane Inge 459 Ms Sylvia Madden 489 Mr Brian and Mrs Rita Ann Cashmore 519 Mrs Sarah Jane Penny 549 Mr Reece Baker

    398 Mr Martin Cooke-Willis 430 Dr Joanna Humphries 460 Mrs Lenore Winterburn 490 Ms Andrea Beechey 520 Mrs Deryn Groves 550 Mrs Lynne Rosemary Cruickshank

    399 Dr Andrew Cherrill 431 Mr Ian Michael Bagshaw 461 Mr David Groves 491 Mr Derek and Mrs Andrea Paterson 521 Paraparaumu Medical Centre 551 Mr Hugo Tyler

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    552 Miss Kimbra Taylor 583 Ms Morag McNaughton 614 Mr I & Mrs J Butler 645 Mr Stafford Robert Coombe 676 Mr Roger Henry Frederic Brittain 709 Mrs Errolyn Jones

    553 Mr Colin Albert Mackinnon 584 Mr Dale Pfeiler 615 Ms Anne White 646 Equestrian Representative, Cycleways, Walkways, Bridleways GRP.

    677 Action to Protect and Sustain our Communities (APSOC) 710 Mr Dominic Saint

    554 Miss Caroline Lisa Howard 585 Ms Luca Duckworth 616 Ms Diane Connal 647 Historic Places Trust 678 Mr Martin Craig & Ms Jennifer Ann Anderson 711 Mrs Jocelyn Thornton

    555 Mrs Robyn Elisabeth Ash 586 Mr Jake and Dr Rebekah Roos 617 Mr John & Diane Baldwin 648 Mr David Simmons & Mrs Sally Walker-Simmons 679 Ferndale Trust 712 Mr Stephen Lewis

    556 Mr John Paul Edgar 587 Mr Bryan & Mrs Elizabeth Couchman 618 Penray Gardens 649 Mr Jan Nisbet 680 Mr Glen Raymond Hooker 713 Mr Mark & Mrs Julia Harris

    557 Miss Alison McEwen 588 Mr Jeremy Martyn 619 Mr Neville Graham Alexander & Ms Rosemary Anne Neilson 650 Mr Tony Brown 681 Mr Keith Dreyer 714 Mrs Debbie Mattingley

    558 Mr Matthew Thomas Howard 589 Mr Richard John Starke 620 Mr Richard Frank Williment 651 Mr Tonchi Begovich 682 Kapiti Coast District Council 715 Mrs Gina Woodward

    559 Mr Anthony R Gray 590 Miss Nicki Young 621 Ms Nicola Easthope 652 Ms Anca Soncodi 683 Ms Helene Donaldson 716 Mrs Jocelyn Prvanov

    560 Ms Suzan Wrinn 591 Ms Jean Luke 622 Ms Beth Lindsay 653 Ms Karen Apperley 684 Wellington Regional Council 717 Mr Alistair Barnett

    561 Mr Eric John Robinson 592 Miss June Beryl Robinson 623 Ms Fiona Melanie & Mr Nigel John Vining 654 Mr Brent Mckay & Ms Tordis Flath

    685 Mr Merlin Wayne McKenzie 718 Mr Derek Schulz

    562 Paekakariki Community Board 593 Mr Grant Brian Robertson 624 Kapiti Coast Grey Power Association Inc. 655 Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.

    686 Land Matters Limited 719 Ms Linda Niccol & Mr Eion and Mrs Eve Abernethy

    563 Miss Lorraine Robertson 594 Mrs Elizabeth Jane Leonard-Taylor 625 Ms Ani Parata 656 Ms Anna Carter 687 Dr Martin Richard Manning 720 Miss Robyn Snyders

    564 Dr Maram Wardakyn 595 Mr John Harding 626 Miss Samantha Coombes 657 Ms Judith Owen 688 Wellington Employers Chamber of Commerce 721 Mr Paul Hamilton Densem

    565 Miss Tessa Mackay 596 Mrs Micaela Young 627 Miss Holly Gaskin 658 Kapiti Coast Youth Council 689 Ms Bronwyn & Ray Drysdale & Levy 722 Mrs Judith Christine Gray Petry

    566 Ms Sandy Houston and Mr Rod Lord 597 Mr Zac Beechey-Gradwell 628 Miss Brittany Connell 659 Mr Christopher John Benge 690 Mrs Maureen Starke 723 Ms Sandra Woods

    567 Ms Susan Arnold 598 Ms Sally Ann Heppenstall 629 Miss Hannah Cosgrove 660 Mr Brian Karl & Ms Robyn Usmar 691 Mr James Chappèll 724 Ms Jennifer Wheatcroft

    568 Ms Judy Frost-Evans 599 Ms Valerie Jacobs 630 Dr Adele Cherrill 661 Mr Gerhard Pallo 692 Mr John Francis Rice 725 Mrs Rachel Elizabeth Palmer

    569 Mr Tony Rutledge 600 Mr Kees Nauta and Ms Dee Jones 631 Miss Guinevere Cherrill 662 Miss Eleanor Jayne Staple 693 Mrs Donna & John Peters 726 Mrs Gaya Pilaar

    570 Mr Michael David McGirr 601 Kapiti Cycling Incorporated 632 Miss Phillippa Cherrill 663 Ms Nicky Beechey 694 Porirua City Council 727 Mr Howard Farr

    571 Miss Susanne Hurst 602 Mr Henry Smith 633 Mr Peter Kerschbaumer 664 Mr John & Mrs Judith Le Harivel 695 Vintage Car Club of NZ - Wellington Branch 728 Ms Kathleen Knebel

    572 Alliance for a Sustainable Kapiti Inc 603 Mrs Rosemary Childs 634 Mr Kevin Gardner 665 Kapiti Coast Chamber of Commerce

    696 Mr Allan & Patricia Wood & Moul 729 Mr Raymond Julius

    573 Ms Sandy West 604 Ms Julie Leibrich 635 Baray Holdings Ltd 666 Mr Richard P Caldwell 697 Mr Jon Marten Nicholas Kooij 730 Lorax Partnership

    574 Mr Desmond Laughton 605 Mrs Heather McKenzie 636 Mr Stanley Francis Goodman 667 Mr Mercia & Mrs Bernadette Clarke 699 Miss Joanna Davies 731 Ms Jennifer F. Hall

    575 Mr Robert Dussler 606 Mr Wayne Love 637 Mr Guy Richard Stewart Forrest 668 Mrs Heather Chambers 700 Mr Mervyn Barrett & Ms Janet Horncy

    732 Mr Alister & Mrs Kay MacKenzie

    576 Ms Chriss Bull 607 Ms Kath Saint 638 BusinessNZ 669 Ms Bianca Dragica Begovich 701 Mr Albert (Des) Desmond & Madeleine Jeanne Capewell 733 Ms Joy Maree Svendsen

    577 Mrs Sheena Staniland 608 Metlifecare Kapiti Limited 639 Mr Richard John Halliday 670 Mr Debbie Hager & Neil Miller 702 Ms Ilene Wilson 734 Ms Pam Strike

    578 Mr Martin Vernazoni 609 Ms Diane Susan Benge 640 Mr Graham Ibell 671 Mr Archibald McKeown 703 Takamore Trust 735 Mrs Jenny Scott

    579 Ms Aleisha Grifith 610 Mr Nick Fisher 641 Ms Jan Lattie 672 Mr Albert Belcher 704 Mr Ian Lindsay Barnett 736 Ms Elaine Engman

    580 Friends of the Wharemauku Stream 611 Rational Transport Society 642 Ms Kathleen Salome Kennard 673 Ms Ellen Dale Hinkley 705 Ms Maureen Roxburgh 737 Ms Norma Jean Stacy

    581 Ms Roshana Fernando 612 Kapiti Car Clinic Limited 643 Mr Donald Goldie Roberts 674 Mr Brendon (Bos) Francis O'Sullivan 707 Raumati South Residents' Association Inc

    740 Mr Nicholas Barr

    Dr Meaburn Staniland 613 Ms Tink Stephenson 644 St Heliers Capital Limited 675 Dr Marie Therese O'Sullivan 708 Te Runanga o Ati Awa Ki Whakarongotai Inc

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Appendix Three – Schedule of Submitters (alphabetical)

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    719 Abernethy and Niccol, Eion, Linda and Eve 26 Ayres, Stuart 659 Benge, Christopher John 540 Bright, Steven 691 Chappèll, James 550 Cruickshank, Lynne Rosemary

    163 Aburn, John Edward 387 Backler, John 609 Benge, Diane Susan 676 Brittain, Roger Henry Frederic 630 Cherrill, Adele 380 Cumming, Jackie

    677 Action to Protect and Sustain our Communities (APSOC) 431 Bagshaw, Ian Michael 117 Bennett, Paul 423 Britton, Anthony 399 Cherrill, Andrew 167 Dallimore , Jordan

    95 Adlam, Jeffry 343 Baker, Kevin & Kym 538 Bergin, Karina 17 Brown, C. T. 411 Cherrill, Frank 417 Daniell, Trevor

    89 Adlam, Jennifer 549 Baker, Reece 35 Betteridge, David 18 Brown, E.M. 631 Cherrill, Guinevere 96 Davidson, Lynley

    282 Ainger, Brian 617 Baldwin, John & Diane 168 Beverdige , Kasey 368 Brown, Graeme Eric 401 Cherrill, Judith 238 Davie, Bruce

    237 Aldridge, Adrian 635 Baray Holdings Ltd 321 Biddiscombe, Sarah 286 Brown, Harold 632 Cherrill, Phillippa 93 Davies, Charles

    619 Alexander & Neilson, Neville Graham & Rosemary Anne 283 Barber, John David 153 Blackler, Peter 650 Brown, Tony 400 Cherrill, Richard 699 Davies, Joanna

    502 Allan, Kerstin Marianne 78 Barber, Leo 375 Blair, David 231 Bryden, Vicki 356 Cherrington, Ann 94 Davies, Lorraine

    523 Allen, Gary Peter 162 Bardell, Craig 53 Blanchard, Christopher 576 Bull, Chriss 492 Cherry, Brent Hume 184 Davies, Terence and Alexandra

    524 Allen, Linda Diane 308 Bardsley, Royden and Josette 440 Blem, Henning 16 Bull, Jamie 426 Childs, Roger Anthony and Pamela Anne 508 Dawidowski, Eleanor

    572 Alliance for a Sustainable Kapiti Inc 717 Barnett, Alistair 45 Blenkiron, Graeme 500 Bull, Susan Christina 603 Childs, Rosemary 261 Dearden, Christopher William and Monica

    217 Andersen, Karin 704 Barnett, Ian Lindsay 44 Blenkiron, Lesley 248 Bullen Consultancy 194 Cicak, Branka 721 Densem, Paul Hamilton

    176 Anderson, Bryan 740 Barr, Nicholas 268 Blok, Ruben 124 Bunch, Vicki Schleider 667 Clarke, Mercia & Bernadette 468 Department of Conservation

    242 Anderson, Dean 22 Barrell, Graeme 397 Bly, Maurice 299 Burton, Martin 353 Clayton, Colin Duke 509 Devenport, Cathleen

    678 Anderson, Martin Craig & Jennifer Ann 244 Barrell, Shirley 239 Boeyen, Sara 638 BusinessNZ 362 Coe, Graham 41 Dews, David

    378 Anderson, Mitchell 700 Barrett & Horncy, Mervyn & Janet 2 Booth, Helen 614 Butler, I & J 616 Connal, Diane 47 Dews, Laura

    293 Anderton and Abigail, Joy and Jill 179 Basire, Ian 546 Borren, Frank 180 Cairncross, Angie 628 Connell, Brittany 101 Dixon, Marionne

    229 Ansell, Susan Grace 541 Bathgate, Graham C T 137 Borst, Clare 666 Caldwell, Richard P 112 Consedine, Esther 165 Dobbertin, Kirsten

    653 Apperley, Karen 223 Batterbee, Wendy Eleanor 196 Bosteels, Pieter 138 Cameron, Gary 246 Cooke, Antony Graham 208 Dobbie, Warwick

    394 Aregger, Herbert 422 Baxter, Colin and Isolde Annette 104 Bourke, Barbara 234 Canvin, Peter 398 Cooke-Willis, Martin 683 Donaldson, Helene

    382 Aregger, Petra 434 Beaufort, Caroline Joan 301 Bowman, Alana 701 Capewell, Albert (Des) Desmond & Madeleine Jeanne 645 Coombe, Stafford Robert 539 Doran, Simon

    236 Armstrong, Martin 490 Beechey, Andrea 407 Brass, Jay 656 Carter, Anna 626 Coombes, Samantha 173 Douglas, Anna

    31 Armstrong, Tim 663 Beechey, Nicky 408 Brass, Michelle 294 Cartmer, Michael Brendan 105 Cooper, Vicky 216 Dowco Associates Ltd

    567 Arnold, Susan 597 Beechey-Gradwell, Zac 428 Brass, Robert 489 Cashmore, Brian and Rita Ann 310 Cornell, Edward Laurence 346 Downie, John

    555 Ash, Robyn Elisabeth 669 Begovich, Bianca Dragica 359 Brauer Fluker, Charmaine 252 CentrePort Limited 65 Cornick, Eric 681 Dreyer, Keith

    198 Ashford, Caren June 651 Begovich, Tonchi 467 Breu, Andrea 668 Chambers, Heather 629 Cosgrove, Hannah 313 Driver, Clifford

    266 Automobile Association Wellington District 672 Belcher, Albert 220 Bright, Christine 7 Chapman, Derek 587 Couchman, Bryan & Elizabeth 256 Dryburgh, James

    530 Avery, Peter 322 Beldham, Matthew 446 Bright, David 75 Chapman, Leanne 355 Cowper, Bob 689 Drysdale & Levy, Bronwyn & Ray

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    374 Du Plessis, Neels 123 Fletcher, Howard 55 Gilbert, Michael 595 Harding, John 558 Howard, Matthew Thomas 709 Jones, Errolyn

    585 Duckworth, Luca 192 Fletcher, Ross and Jocelyn 471 Glover, Christopher 207 Hare, David John 102 Hudson, Stephen 458 Jones, Mark & Mrs Elaine

    280 Duncan, Lawrie 369 Fluker, John Alexander 444 Goggin, David 150 Hare, Kelly 15 Hughes, Alun 149 Jones, Peter

    285 Duncan, Winsome 73 Ford, Gordon 442 Goggin, Shirley 209 Hare, Marie 430 Humphries, Joanna 151 Jones, Simon

    575 Dussler, Robert 637 Forrest, Guy Richard Stewart 636 Goodman, Stanley Francis 713 Harris, Mark & Julia 8 Hunter, Kathleen 152 Jones, Vera

    621 Easthope, Nicola 360 Forsythe, David 225 Gould, Norman John and Eileen Florence 323 Harrison, Bernard 169 Hurst, Alan 181 Joyce, Denis and Joan

    488 Edbrooke, Marion 36 Foskett, Gai 481 Gradwell, Jonathan Paul 325 Harrow, Sally 571 Hurst, Susanne 20 Judd, Paul

    517 Edbrooke, Steven William 125 Foss, Ray & Rosemary 132 Grant, John 439 Hastie, Serena 80 Huston, John and Wendy 729 Julius, Raymond

    556 Edgar, John Paul 52 Foulds, David 39 Granville, John 72 Hawken, Dinah 66 Hutcheson, Samantha 253 Jury, Richard

    258 Edgar, Mark 227 Four Seasons Caravans 1980 Ltd 559 Gray, Anthony R 113 Hawker, Peter 655 Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.

    361 Kane, Neil

    410 Eggers, Murray 230 Fourways Enterprises Ltd 424 Gray, Karen Gwen and Shaun Bernard 345 Heald, Susan 384 Hyde Park Museum Te Horo 415 Kapanui School

    512 Ellis, Desmond Keith & Margaret Edna 155 Franssen, Paul 270 Gregory, Bob 351 Henderson, Kevin H 533 Hyland, Michael and Queenie 612 Kapiti Car Clinic Limited

    5 Ellis, Howard 103 Frazer, Brenda 245 Griffis, Gareth 475 Henderson, Trevor 640 Ibell, Graham 525 Kapiti Coast Airport Limited

    534 Ellis, Maureen 193 Frazer, Simon 139 Griffith, T R 598 Heppenstall, Sally Ann 485 Implementation Group of the Kapiti Coast District Council Advisory on Cycleways, Walkways and Bridleways

    665 Kapiti Coast Chamber of Commerce

    736 Engman, Elaine 59 Friends of the Waikanae River Inc. 579 Grifith, Aleisha 297 Higgott, Hariata Mei 429 Inge, Bill and Jane 682 Kapiti Coast District Council

    646 Equestrian Representative, Cycleways, Walkways, Bridleways GRP.

    580 Friends of the Wharemauku Stream 461 Groves, David 542 Highway Occupants Group 259 Jack, Tony 624 Kapiti Coast Grey Power Association Inc.

    211 Evans, Diana Mary 496 Frost, Wendy 520 Groves, Deryn 129 Hill, Gillian 599 Jacobs, Valerie 658 Kapiti Coast Youth Council

    71 Falconer, Robin 568 Frost-Evans, Judy 109 Guthrie, Hugh 673 Hinkley, Ellen Dale 182 Jaeger, Josef and Mrs Anne 601 Kapiti Cycling Incorporated

    727 Farr, Howard 302 Fullerton-Smith, Henry 289 Gyles, Maria 385 Hipkins, Douglas 213 James, Beverly Vera 190 Kapiti Emergency Medical Services Trust

    527 Fary, Dianna 51 Fulton, Michael 106 Hadfield, Andrea 128 Hogg, Brian 212 James, Robert Gary 364 Kapiti Gateway Motel

    9 Faulls, Malcolm Hamilton 135 Funnell, David 670 Hager & Miller, Debbie & Neil 680 Hooker, Glen Raymond 388 Jeffries, Fiona 25 Kapiti Office Products Depot

    318 Fawthorpe, Charles Richard 396 Gardiner, Sue 56 Hager and Laird, Amanda and Brian 273 Hooper, Brian 363 Jennings, David 660 Karl & Usmar, Brian & Robyn

    131 Ferguson, Steve 634 Gardner, Kevin 476 Haines, Quentin 133 Hooper, Max 177 Jennings, Diane 516 Keene, Paula

    107 Ferguson, William 627 Gaskin, Holly 731 Hall, Jennifer F. 336 Hopkirk, Heather 195 Jennings, Jessica 118 Kells, Colin

    581 Fernando, Roshana 510 Gasson, Stacey 639 Halliday, Richard John 197 Hopping, Murray 403 Jennings, Sam 339 Kelly, James & June

    679 Ferndale Trust 537 Generation Zero 532 Hamilton, Wayne 224 Hori, Stefan and Carolyn 383 Jennings, Te-Aroha 144 Kenchington, David

    27 Filter Clean NZ Ltd 376 George, Jane 110 Hanbury-Sparrow, David 100 Hosking, Trevor 472 Jensen, Ian G 642 Kennard, Kathleen Salome

    290 Finlay , S 170 Gibbin, Mark 287 Hanbury-Sparrow, Michael 566 Houston and Lord, Sandy and Rod 260 Jensen, Julie Margaret 189 Kennedy, Winifred and Graeme

    610 Fisher, Nick 146 Gibbons, Joanne 377 Hannis, Grant 554 Howard, Caroline Lisa 257 Jensen, Michael John 357 Keno, Catherine

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    633 Kerschbaumer, Peter 503 Living Streets of Wellington 251 Mansfield, William 671 McKeown, Archibald 600 Nauta and Jones, Kees and Dee 725 Palmer, Rachel Elizabeth

    494 Kieboom, Donna 219 Livingston, David 92 Marico Marine NZ 425 McNamara, Jane 278 Neches, Teresa 486 Palmer, Viola

    547 Kieboom, Robert 221 Livingston, Maxine 122 Marsh, Anthony 583 McNaughton, Morag 90 Nga Manu Nature Reserve 77 Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club Inc

    79 Klaassen, Rob 284 Lloyd, Jill 279 Marshall, Richard 334 McNay, Barbara 171 Nichols, Kaye 521 Paraparaumu Medical Centre

    728 Knebel, Kathleen 277 Lloyd, Tony 147 Marshall, Wal 99 Meek, Ross 352 Nicholson, Leov Gary & Pamela Joyce 501 Paraparaumu/Raumati Community Board

    1 Knewstubb, Peter 21 Lobb, Murray 116 Martin, Jane 608 Metlifecare Kapiti Limited 649 Nisbet, Jan 625 Parata, Ani

    697 Kooij, Jon Marten Nicholas 730 Lorax Partnership 114 Martin, Mervyn 506 Midgley, Julie 320 Nixon, Margaret 381 Parker, Ailsa

    70 Kress, Sahra 272 Lough, Alan 588 Martyn, Jeremy 61 Miller, Nina 29 NZ Contractors Federation 108 Parry, Annette

    337 Laing, Elizabeth Ann 470 Love, Ruth 497 Mason, Rachel 62 Miller, Ronald 515 NZ Fire Service 347 Parsonnage, Alan Roy & Ann Margaret

    686 Land Matters Limited 606 Love, Wayne 148 Mason, Richard 166 Milliner, David 19 NZ Forest Owners Association Inc 491 Paterson, Derek and Andrea

    54 Lange, Stephen 271 Luhn, Jessica 714 Mattingley, Debbie 543 Mills, Susie 647 NZ Historic Places Trust 206 Patten, Howard Trevor and Josephine Isobel

    466 Lattey, Wilson Edward and Deborah Mary 591 Luke, Jean 274 McAviney, Terry 141 Milne, Brian 493 O'Brien and Gray, Patrick John and Joanne Fisher

    315 Patterson, Aylwyn Cedric

    641 Lattie, Jan 57 Lynch, Derek 390 McCall, Graham 23 Milne, Janet 518 O'Brien, Elizabeth and Terence 4 Pears, Ian and Judith

    574 Laughton, Desmond 483 Lynwood Nursery Limited 386 McCall, Karen 24 Milne, Kenneth 84 Office Angels Limited 420 Pearson, Grant

    174 Lawton, Peter 504 Macdonald, Susan 42 McCallum, Norma 526 Milne, Peter Graeme and Marion 64 Oldham, Keith 519 Penny, Sarah Jane

    664 Le Harivel, John & Mrs Judith 402 Mackay, Iain 40 McCandless, Robin 462 Minnaar, Collin 175 Oldham, Mary 618 Penray Gardens

    159 Leggett, Ross 404 Mackay, Rachel 269 McCarroll, Pip 528 Minnaar, Sonia 247 Opie, Roy John and Meryl Brenda 693 Peters, Donna & John

    300 Leggott, Michael 565 Mackay, Tessa 143 McColl, Nathan 82 Mitchell, Ian 335 Ordish, Lawrence 435 Petherick, Laurence

    604 Leibrich, Julie 732 MacKenzie, Alister & Kay 264 McCrae, David Ian 275 Moger, David 453 O'Rorke, Ann 722 Petry, Judith Christine Gray

    454 Leighton, John 553 Mackinnon, Colin Albert 557 McEwen, Alison 507 Moore, William A 455 O'Rorke, Hallard 463 Pettie, Marc

    464 Lemana, Tara 240 Macpherson, Stewart 63 McFedries, Donald 235 Morgan, Jan 674 O'Sullivan, Brendon (Bos) Francis 584 Pfeiler, Dale

    329 Lenk, Christine Cecil 459 Madden, Sylvia 97 McGavin, Robbie 263 Morgan, Liz 48 O'Sullivan, John 511 Phelps, Craig

    594 Leonard-Taylor, Elizabeth Jane 14 Maher, Florence 161 McGechan, Robert and Cristine

    478 Morgan, Patrick 675 O'Sullivan, Marie Therese 200 Phillipps, Bruce

    416 Lepionka, Monique 187 Maitland, Emma 570 McGirr, Michael David 158 Morgan, Trevor 657 Owen, Judith 142 Philpott, Ray and Allison

    50 Lester, Tony 450 Mallia, Frank 447 McGregor, Wendy 250 Morrison, William Reginald 562 Paekakariki Community Board 726 Pilaar, Gaya

    480 Lewis, Graham 448 Mallia, Patricia 654 Mckay & Flath, Brent & Tordis 319 Morton, Sally 473 Page, Dennis 449 Pilatova, Vlasta

    427 Lewis, Michelle 452 Malone, Michael and Brenda 605 McKenzie, Heather 49 Moulton, Richard 296 Painter, Joan Kathleen 536 Pivac, Kathleen

    712 Lewis, Stephen 687 Manning, Martin Richard 685 McKenzie, Merlin Wayne 199 Mountier, Mary 311 Painter, William Gordon 465 Pomare, Kane Joseph and Mary Ann

    622 Lindsay, Beth 203 Mansell, Richard 46 McKenzie, Ruth 13 Murrey, Jean 661 Pallo, Gerhard 309 Pomare, Loretta Anne

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter No. Submitter

    281 Ponsford, Gerald 119 Renouf, Jacky 304 Scrimshaw, Janis Erica 644 St Heliers Capital Limited 68 The Paetawa Trust 564 Wardakyn, Maram

    694 Porirua City Council 692 Rice, John Francis 307 Scrimshaw, Patrick John 737 Stacy, Norma Jean 243

    The Trustees of the Arthur Bills Resettlement Trust (property owner) and Directors of Harrisons Country Gardenworld Ltd (tenant).

    154 Wastney, Jeff

    30 Potusa, Helen 130 Richardson, Maurice 535 Shanks, Alexander & Marion 188 Staniford, Anthony 711 Thornton, Jocelyn 432 Waterhouse, Elizabeth and Brent

    326 Power, Alan 333 Richardson, S P 6 Sharpe, Stephen 582 Staniland, Meaburn 324 Tomlinson, Steven 267 Waterson, Daniel Ronald and Dionne Carol

    437 Pritchard, Andrew and Lynnette 160 Riding, Gillian 350 Sherley, Marion Isabel 577 Staniland, Sheena 228 Tong, Lennard James and Pamela Elaine

    344 Watmough, Anthony Llewellyn

    145 Pritchard, Stuart 451 Ritchie, Douglas Stewart and Rona Janette 12 Shorer, Jonathan 662 Staple, Eleanor Jayne 178 Transpower NZ Ltd 126 Watson, Charles Steward Hall

    205 Pritchard, Stuart and Mary 60 Road Transport Forum N.Z. 531 Short and Schwass, John and Gisella 690 Starke, Maureen 58 Turver, Chris 241 Watson, Joanne

    498 Pritchett, Basil Hugh & Jane Elizabeth 643 Roberts, Donald Goldie 10 Short, Jeffrey 589 Starke, Richard John 544 Tyler, Air Commodore PG Tyler OBE

    421 Watson, Kathryn

    716 Prvanov, Jocelyn 593 Robertson, Grant Brian 349 Shroff, Gordon W 613 Stephenson, Tink 551 Tyler, Hugo 316 Watterson, Peter

    441 Public Transport Voice 185 Robertson, Joanne 487 Sijbrant, Johannes 76 Stevenson, Jane 348 Vagg, Frances 314 Watterson, Susan Mary

    495 Pugh, Robert Allen 563 Robertson, Lorraine 648 Simmons & Walker-Simmons, David & Sally 88 Stone, Chris 412 van Lent, Maria 3 Weaver, Guy

    226 Pullenger, A 561 Robinson, Eric John 34 Simmons, Norrey 734 Strike, Pam 265 van Riessen, Sabien 529 Weber, Janet

    479 Puna, Te Roera 592 Robinson, June Beryl 371 Simpson, David 98 Strong, Robert 69 Verboeket, Ann 276 Weir, Michael and Veronica

    438 Purre, Hazel 586 Roos, Jake & Dr Rebekah 33 Simpson, James 115 Stuart, George 370 Vere-Jones, Peter 342 Welch, Liz

    436 Purre, Rein 705 Roxburgh, Maureen 74 Simpson, Jude 733 Svendsen, Joy Maree 372 Vere-Jones, Suzanne 32 Welch, Michael

    358 Quinovic Property Management - Kapiti-Mana 419 Ruddlesden, David 157 Simpson, Stephen and Elly 291 Swann, David 578 Vernazoni, Martin 688 Wellington Employers Chamber of Commerce

    443 R W Thomson Ltd 569 Rutledge, Tony 37 Simpson, Vicki 703 Takamore Trust 623 Vining, Fiona Melanie & Nigel John 684 Wellington Regional Council

    140 Ramage, Jennifer 445 RW Thomson Ltd 328 Sisarich, Prue 341 Tandy, Rachel 695 Vintage Car Club of NZ - Wellington Branch 548 Welsh, Gavin

    513 Ramakers, Sarah 156 Ryan, Anthony 332 Sisarich, Warren & Prue 186 Tanner, Alison 317 Vos, Elaine Maree and Anton Adolf 573 West, Sandy

    389 Ransley, Steven and Kathleen 87 Ryder, Ann 331 Sisarich, Warren David 183 Tanner, John William 134 Vrede, Jocelyn 254 Whanganui Employer's Chamber of Commerce

    43 Rapley, John 710 Saint, Dominic 414 Sloane, Katherine Sarah Elizabeth 305 Taylor, Jean 120 Vrede, Warwick 724 Wheatcroft, Jennifer

    611 Rational Transport Society 607 Saint, Kath 484 Smart Transport Network 552 Taylor, Kimbra 477 Waikanae Christian Holiday Park Inc. 201 Wheeler, Brian

    707 Raumati South Residents' Association Inc 28 Saunders, Ann 602 Smith, Henry 210 Taylor, Leonard John 514 Waikanae on One 214 Wheeler, Eleonore Franzika

    456 Raymond, Amanda 505 Save Kapiti Incorporated 232 Smith, Margaret 306 Taylor, Neville 474 Waikanae Property Development Ltd 202 Wheeler, Judith

    249 Redman, Mike 327 Saxby & Mountier, Neil & Barbara Breta 11 Smith, Peter and Mary-Anne 340 Te Ra School 67 Wakeford, Mandy 204 Wheeler, Nicholas

    469 Reedy, Peter 312 Schager, Linda Caroline 233 Smith, Robert 708 Te Runanga o Ati Awa Ki Whakarongotai Inc 292 Walbran, Shane 222 Wheeler, Paul Frederick

    218 Regan, Arnold 718 Schulz, Derek 720 Snyders, Robyn 81 Tennyson, Alan 354 Walker, April S 482 Whibley, Karen

    457 Reid, Wendy 91 Schurmann, Anita 652 Soncodi, Anca 191 Tennyson, Beatrice 121 Wallace, Ralph Macquisten 615 White, Anne

    330 Religious Society of Friends 735 Scott, Jenny 433 South Pacific Roses 2011 Ltd 85 Ternent, Mark 83 Ward, Malcolm 522 White, Lisa

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    MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway Proposal Summary of Submissions report

    September 2012

    Appendix Four - Summary of Submissions Table

    Submission periodSaturday 14 July 2012 – Friday 10 August 20121.1 Background1.2 Notification5.1 Submissions received5.2 Positions of submitters5.3 Submissions by location and whether they wish to be heard5.4 Submissions received outside of time5.5 Submissions received by sector5.6 Trade Competition