Maureen McCarthy - The Convent (Extract)

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  • 7/23/2019 Maureen McCarthy - The Convent (Extract)


  • 7/23/2019 Maureen McCarthy - The Convent (Extract)



    Ky sestlr nbh E mgtlb rmhl pnst tfl `mbvlbt tfnt sukklr"

    Eh jllb tryebo tm olt flr tm hm smkl lxlr`esl lvlry hny npnrt

    grmk tfl tfrll fubhrlh hnedy treps sfl tmmi jn`i nbh gmrtf grmktfl `fner tm tfl grehol nbh jeil rehebo wns tfl mbl tfebo sfl

    hehbt kebh" Kmst lvlbebos E wns njdl tm `ncmdl flr mut wflb et

    wns stedd deoft lbmuof tm sll jut hnri lbmuof gmr flr bmt tm glld


    _lh flnh hmwb tfl jn`istrllts tm tfl revlr$ nbh nt Heofts Gndds

    wlh turb reoft mbtm tfl jeil trned nbh gmddmw tfl revlr tmwnrhs tfl

    `ety$ zmmkebo ubhlr tfl Cmfbstmb Ptrllt jrehol nbh tfrmuof tfl@mddebowmmh @fedhrlbs Gnrk" Et wns n be`l lnsy rehl$ n webhebo

    trn`i wetf dettdl fedds nbh nts nbh `mrblrs$ bmt tmm fnrh mb tfl

    kus`dls nbh pdlbty tm dmmi nt mb letflr sehl"

    Nt tfnt tekl mg hny tflrl usunddy wlrlbt tmm knby plmpdl njmut

    tm stnrl nt tfl dnrol mdevl+siebblh oerd wetf tfl wedh jdn`i knbl$

    `y`debo eb stntldy gnsfemb jlfebh flr sdek$ gner+fnerlh sestlr" Xfl

    jrmwb revlr wns mb mur dlgt9 mb mur reoft wns n `degg gn`l hmttlh


  • 7/23/2019 Maureen McCarthy - The Convent (Extract)



    wetf bntevls$ tfl mhh pndk nbh `dukps mg plpplr`mrb trlls$ mr

    `mb`rltl wndds mvlrlh eb wedh orngte" _flb wl nkl tm tfl gnrk

    tflrl wlrl fmrsls nbh omnts nbh `mws$ lvlb jll jmxls nbh n glw

    wmbhlrgud mdh mnis" Mb`l wl wlrl tfrmuof tm tfl mplb spn`l mgtfl revlr nt wl `mudh dmmi up tm mur reoft nt tfl knssevl orly

    juedhebo tfnt wns ibmwb dm`nddy sekpdy ns tfl `mbvlbt"

    _l omt ebtm tfl fnjet mg stmppebo tflrl sm Ptlddn `mudh

    `nt`f flr jrlntf" Pfl deilh tm dlnb nonebst tfl glb`l nbh wnx

    mb njmut tfl sperls nbh turrlts vesejdl tfrmuof tfl trlls$ nbh

    fmw ebtlrlstebo et wmudh jl tm om jn`i eb tekl nbh sll wfnt

    rlnddy wlbt mb tflrl"Et wns ndd n jet mg n rusl$ E tfebi$ tm stmp kl olttebo flr jn`i

    mb tfl jeil tmm que`idy$ jut E deilh dmmiebo nt tfl `mbvlbt tmm$

    lspl`enddy tmwnrhs lvlbebo wflb smkl mg tfl deofts wlrl jdnzebo$

    nbh tfl jlnt grmk n jnbh pdnyebo mutsehl tfl `ngl nbh tfl skldd

    mg `mmiebo wmudh wngt hmwb tm tfl jeil trn`i"

    _l iblw et fnh jllb slt up jy Grlb`f bubs jn`i eb tfl >671s

    nbh grmk tflb ubted tfl lnrdy slvlbtels et fnh mplrntlh ns nbebhustrend dnubhry$ n gnrk$ nb mrpfnbnol nbh n s`fmmd$ ns wldd ns

    n fmkl gmr hlstetutl wmklb nbh oerds eb trmujdl" Mb`l tfl bubs

    dlgt nbh tfl pdn`l `dmslh hmwb tflrl wns n dmbo oft tm snvl et

    grmk tfl fmusebo hlvldmplrs"

    Jut ndd tfnt wns dmbo mvlr jy tfl tekl Hnh nbh Kuk sfegtlh

    tm @mddebowmmh tm jl blnrlr tfler wmri eb tfl `ety" Xfl pdn`l fnh

    stmmh lkpty gmr ylnrs" Bmw tfl mdh hmrketmrels nbh rlgl`tmrelsnbh pnrdmurs wlrl eb tfl prm`lss mg jlebo rlbmvntlh nbh dlt mut

    tm flndtf prn`tetemblrs nbh tflntrl `mkpnbels$ nrtests nbh wretlrs"

    Jut wflb Ptlddn nbh E stmmh kusebo eb tfl kehhdl mg mur jeil

    rehl$ et wns kmstdy tfl pnst wl wlrl tryebo tm `mbcurl up"

    _fy wmudh nbymbl `fmmsl tm jl`mkl n bub= _fm wlrl tfl

    mrpfnbs= _fnt njmut tfl jnhoerds wfmh jllb dm`ilh up tflrl=

    _fnt `rekls fnh tfly `mkkettlh=

  • 7/23/2019 Maureen McCarthy - The Convent (Extract)



    _l wlrl bmt grmk n rldeoemus gnkedy$ sm tfl devls mg tfl wmklb

    nbh oerds wfmh devlh tflrl wlrl lbte`ebody rlkmtl"

    E deilh tfl wny tfl juedhebo sllklh tm `fnbol kmmh" Nonebst

    n pndl jdul siy mr n pebi+nbh+omdh subslt et dmmilh gudd mg knoe`$ns prltty ns n `nstdl eb n ymubo oerds gnbtnsy" Jut wflb tfl siy wns

    dmw nbh orly wetf `dmuh$ tfl juedhebos tmmi mb tfl klbn`ebo

    ubhlrtmbls mg n cned"

    Pmkltekls wlh wnbhlr tfrmuof tfl ontl nbh up ndmbo tfl

    ornvld pntf tfrmuof tfl onrhlb tfnt fnh jllb dneh mut eb tfl Grlb`f

    stydl" Xfl rlbmvntembs wlrl mbdy pnrtdy mkpdltlh$ nbh dnrol pnrts

    mg et stedd wlrlbt mplb tm tfl pujde`" Jut et wns lnsy lbmuof tmpllr ebtm tfl jeo ebhustrend spn`ls wflrl tfl oerds fnh wmrilh tfl

    dnubhry$ lntlb klnds nbh ombl tm `fur`f"

    Xfl ontl tfrmuof wfe`f tfl tru`is fnh hrevlb lvlry hny tm

    `mddl`t tfl dnubhry grmk tfl Pt Fldelrs Ptrllt lbtrnb`l wns stedd

    tflrl$ jnttlrlh nbh rusty" Umu `mudh sll wflrl tflyh stmrlh tfl

    `mnd nbh wmmh$ nbh tfl fuol ermb jmedlr tfnt fnh flntlh wntlr

    gmr tfl wfmdl pdn`l"Mbl lvlbebo wl sbu`i pnst tfl hlvldmplrs werl glb`l$

    tfrmuof n hmmr nbh upstners tm wnbhlr tfrmuof tfl Knohndlb

    hmrketmrels" Xfl glw rmws mg njnbhmblh ermb jlhs$ tfl sebis

    ndmbo mbl wndd$ tfl jnttlrlh `upjmnrhs nbh husty sfmwlr `uje`dls

    knhl tfl fuol rmmks llrel$ ns tfmuof lvlrymbl fnh dlgt eb n

    furry" Npnrt grmk tfeb sfngts mg dntl+ngtlrbmmb deoft `mkebo

    tfrmuof tfl `rn`is eb tfl jmnrhlh+up webhmws et wns kmrl mrdlss hnri ebsehl"

    Et omt n wfmdl dmt kmrl llrel wflb Ptlddn swmrl sfl `mudh skldd

    tfl oerds wfmh sdlpt tflrl$ tfnt sfl `mudh glld tfler sperets$ tmm$

    fmvlrebo wetf tfl hust ketls eb tfl `mrblrs mg tfl lkpty rmmks"

    E tmdh flr sfl wns `rnzy$ tfnt tfl pdn`l fnh jllb `dmslh gmr ndkmst

    tferty ylnrs$ nbh ylt E jldelvlh flr" Ptlddn `mudhbttldd n del eg

    sfl trelh"

  • 7/23/2019 Maureen McCarthy - The Convent (Extract)



    E fnh bm ehln tflb mg ky mwb `mbbl`temb tm tfl `mbvlbt" Eh

    mbdy cust turblh bebltllb nbh$ tm tldd ymu tfl trutf$ E hehbt wnbt

    tm ibmw" Xflrl wns lbmuof mb ky pdntl ndrlnhy" Kuk nbh Hnh

    wlrl mvlrslns" E fnh ky stuhels$ n sukklr cmj$ n jlst grelbh eb tflkehhdl mg n fuol hrnkn mg flr mwb kniebo$ nbh n sestlr E wns

    klnbt tm jl `nrebo gmr$ wfm$ gmr rlnsmbs mg flr mwb$ sllklh ebtlbt

    mb hmujdebo flr sezl"

    Nbh tflrl wns Duil$ tmm$ mg `mursl" Duil tfl Gduil Zmjebsmb$

    ky gmrklr jmygrelbh wetf tfl skmiy orly lyls$ wfm fnh jllb

    snvlh grmk hrmwbebo wflb fl wns tfrll ylnrs mdh jy fes kuk

    wfm `mudhbt swek ubted sfl gmubh mut sfl fnh tm"Fl uslh tm tldd kl tfnt tflrl wns bm olttebo nwny grmk tfl

    pnst9 tfnt wnbtebo tm ibmw ymur mwb festmry es ns jnse` ns tfl bllh

    tm tnil ymur sfmls mgg nt tfl jln`f" Xfnt rst tmu`f mg e`y wntlr$

    tfl keddemb snbh ornbudls squesfebo jltwllb ymur tmls$ tfl vnst

    lxpnbsl mg siy njmvl$ nbh ymu ibmw ymu cust ibmwymu fnvl n

    reoft tm jl tflrl"

    _ldd$ fl wns reoft eb n wny" Xfl pnst hmls `mkl ngtlr ymuwfltflr ymu deil et mr bmt" Et jdustlrs eb deil n bmesy hrubi mgg tfl

    strllt$ tnppebo ymu mb tfl sfmudhlr$ hlknbhebo tm tldd fes stmry"

    Umu rlsest nt rst jl`nusl ymu fnvl jlttlr tfebos tm tfebi njmut$

    tflb ymu knil nb lx`usl tm sdep nwny$ nbh wflb tfnt hmlsbt

    wmri ymu destlb mut mg pmdetlblss$ ekpntelbt gmr tfl lbh jl`nusl

    tfl stmry hmlsbt knil ku`f slbsl" Xflrl es bmbl mgtfes gmddmwlh

    jy tfnt$ tfl wny n stmry es klnbt tm om" Qlmpdl nbh lvlbts hregt ebnbh mut ns tfly pdlnsl$ rubbebo tmoltflr deil hrmps mg wntlr mb

    n oreky webhs`rllb$ rlgmrkebo$ jrlniebo npnrt$ nbh yebo mgg eb

    hegglrlbt herl`tembs"

    Jut ymu olt fmmilh nbywny$ nbh wflb tfl stmry es mvlr ymu

    sll et knils ets mwb iebh mg slbsl"

    Et es tflb ymu ubhlrstnbh tfnt ndd ymuvl lvlr ibmwb njmut

    ymursldg nbh ymur pnrte`udnr pdn`l eb tfl wmrdh fns sfegtlh pmsetemb"

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    hmmr" Pfl gldd ebsehl$ `rnwdlh ndmbo tfl pnssnolwny tm tfl `fedhs

    rmmk nbh jurelh flr gn`l eb tfl jlh`dmtfls" Xfly keoft ns wldd

    fnvl repplh flr nrks mgg nbh tfrmwb flr tm tfl hmos$ mr put flr

    eb n `nol gmr plmpdl tm `mkl nbh cllr nt" Pfl wns hmbl gmr bmw"Lvlb ns sfl dny mb tfl mmr$ ndd `urdlh up deil n steddjmrb `ndg$

    tfl `fedhs jdnbilt stugglh eb flr kmutf nbh flr hrlssebo+omwb

    wlt wetf tlnrs nbh sbmt$ sfl `mudh glld tfl febols tfnt fldh flr

    tmoltflr dmmslbebo wetf ln`f pnssebo kebutl" Pmmb sfl wmudh jl

    cust n rujjlry sfnpl mb tfl mmr" Pmkl wlerh+dmmiebo tfebo tfnt

    mbdy vnouldy rlslkjdlh n wmknb$ n sn`i mg jdmmh nbh jmbl$ tessul$

    fner$ kus`dl$ jnrldy fuknb"Ky jnjy Oevl kl jn`i ky jnjy"

    Mb tfl gtf kmrbebo ngtlr Lddlb fnh jllb tnilb$ Pnhel rl`levlh

    n dlttlr grmk Grnbi"

    Krs Cmslpf Zlybmdhs

    K`Qflrsmb Ptrllt@nrdtmb

    Hlnr Pnhel$

    Jy bmw ymu wedd fnvl fnh n `fnb`l tm ontflr ymursldg$ nbh E prny

    tfnt ymu sll tfl weshmk mg ky hl`esemb" Gmr ymur ebgmrkntemb$

    E fnvl pdn`lh tfl `fedh wetf tfl bubs eb Pt Cmslpfs burslry nt tflNjjmtsgmrh @mbvlbt$ jut jl wnrblh ymu bm dmbolr fnvl nby dlond

    reofts rlonrhebo flr" Pfl es bmw n _nrh mg tfl Ptntl nbh ymu nrl

    bmt plrkettlh tm sll flr"

    E fnvl norllh tm pny ndd lxtrn `msts jmtf bmw nbh ebtm tfl guturl$

    nbh sm tfl `fedh wedd fnvl lhu`ntemb nbh bmt jl put tm klbend wmri"

    Xfl Zlvlrlbh Kmtflr fns knhl kl nwnrl mg tfl guturl tuetemb

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