Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains

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  • 5/28/2018 Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains


    Team Gemilang PPD Perak Tengah 2008 SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS MODULE


    Dengan kerjasamaPejabat Pelajaran Daera Perak Tenga

    ! " !

    #$r Year S%& S'%en'e Tea'ers

  • 5/28/2018 Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains


    Team Gemilang PPD Perak Tengah 2008 SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS MODULE




    Terlaksananya Dasar PPSMI telah memberikan satu dimensi baru dalam proses P&Pguru-guru Sains. Cabaran dan halangan yang dihadapi oleh guru-guru diharap tidakmenjejaskan aspirasi mata pelajaran Sains yang menuntut pembelajaran berfikrahberdasarkan kaedah inkuiri penemuan.

    Daripada maklumbalas dan soal selidik yang telah dijalankan para guru amatmemerlukan suntikan semula pemahaman terhadap konsep-konsep Sains yang sentiasaditekankan dalam akti!iti P&P. Menyedari hakikat ini Panitia Sains Daerah Perak Tengahmengambil inisiatif untuk membantu para guru menyelami semula "emahiran Saintifik dan"emahiran Proses Sains bagi memudahkan penerapan dan pengaplikasiannya di dalamkelas.

    Modul "emahiran Proses Sains ini telah diubahsuai dan dimurnikan khusus untukguru-guru tahun # atau guru-guru yang memerlukan pendedahan semula konsep Sains .

    $dalah diharapkan semua pengguna modul ini dapat menghayati dan mengikuti segala akti!itiyang dijalankan bagi mengukuhkan lagi pemahaman dan pengetahuan.Selamat berkursus.

    Objectives$t the end of the %ourse parti%ipants should be able to

    '. (ist the main %on%epts in any s%ientifi% skills.

    Menyenaraikan konsep-konsep yang terkandung dalam sesuatu kemahiran saintifik

    ). *+plain the definition for ea%h of the s%ien%e pro%ess skills.Menerangkan maksud setiap kemahiran proses sains

    ,. Constru%t the appropriate tea%hing and learning a%ti!ities hi%h helpstudents to understand the S%ien%e Pro%ess Skills.Membina aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains yang mampu membangunkankemahiran proses sains tertentu dalam diri murid

    ! ( !

    ") *BSER+ATI*N

  • 5/28/2018 Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains


    Team Gemilang PPD Perak Tengah 2008 SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS MODULE

    Senses Hunt 1

    There are many animals hi%h ha!e the strong senses su%h as dolphin. It has stronghearing sense that %an dete%t the lo%ation of any obje%t through sound. o aboutyour senses/

    If you lost any of your mira%le senses hi%h sense do you prefer/ 0hy/In your opinion does smelling sense make your food be%ome more deli%ious/ Canyou gi!e any reason/0hat is the relationship beteen senses and obser!ation/

    $ll things %an be obser!ed through senses.These a%ti!ities ill gi!e you opportunity to do your obser!ation but do not forget thatthe basi% of obser!ation must in!ol!e our fi!e senses and e+plain about the fa%ts1.

    Part 1

    Close your eyes hile the fa%ilitator distributes an obje%t to obser!e. To begin useyour tou%hing sense to obser!e it. Do not use other senses until you are alloed touse it.

    Tou%hing sense 0hat do you feel /


    earing sense 3pen the rapper and listen to the sound . 0hat %an you hear/


    Tasting sense State the taste.


    Smelling sense o is its smell/2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    Sighting sense 0hat %an you see/2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    ! , !

    0hat is obser!ation/

    4sing the sense of hearing tou%h taste and sight to find out about

    the obje%ts or e!ents.

    3bser!ation %an be di!ided into 5ualitati!e and 5uantitati!e.6ualitati!e is an e+planation hereas the 5uantitati!e is ameasurement. $ good obser!ation is a %ombination of both.

  • 5/28/2018 Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains


    Team Gemilang PPD Perak Tengah 2008 SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS MODULE

    Part 2

    0rite the details about the obje%t. Imagine that you are going to e+plain it to theyounger. Please do not tell them the name of the obje%t.

    ! - !

  • 5/28/2018 Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains


    Team Gemilang PPD Perak Tengah 2008 SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS MODULE

    0hat is Classifying/

    Using observations to group objects or events according to similarities or differences.

    Classifying is a systemati% pro%edure used to impose order on %olle%tions of obje%ts ore!ents. *+ample

    3bje%ts %an be grouped in a !ariety of ays su%h as by si7es shapes or %olours.

    Classificai!" i" Sci#"c#

    Classifi%ations are often used in s%ien%e. 8rouping together obje%ts that ha!e things in%ommon makes it easier for s%ientists to %ompare and differentiate the obje%ts. 9ust as it iseasier to find a book in an organi7ed room it is easier to de!elop s%ientifi% theories hennature is %lassified. $s you study s%ien%e you ill learn about different %lassifi%ation systems.

    Classify me :

    *!eryday you %lassify. Think about it. Sorting obje%ts and putting them in aspe%ifi% pla%e is %lassifi%ation. Do you ha!e a so%k draer in yourardrobe/ o about a %abinet in your kit%hen for storing your %ups and

    sau%ers/ Do you %olle%t baseball %ards or stamps/ Pra%ti%e %lassifyingobje%ts a%%ording to physi%al stru%ture and %hara%teristi%s.

    Ma#$ials$ bo+ of assorted buttons$ bag of peanuts ;in the shellor e+ample si7e %olor number ofholes te+ture et%.