11\' ..... ":\(1,\, IO'l,\ '\ R~' \ '\ 1'\ \\/\<'\'," \\' 1 \'1 \ l' '7''' ".' I \ "I, , ,"<I\' '\ "ll \K.) \\ r, 0":>- I,ll ,'I ) \\' ,\' '\\ n M.O.R.E L 0 C A L CIRCULATION L 0 C A L ADVERTISING L 0 C A L NEWSMAlTER \' EDITOR S XOTE Every weele The Re\lew "'Ill pubh,h the names of the men and women of Gro<se POinte who hale beeD and are belng d 'Charged from all branches of the armed services. The ser\lee people. :hemsel .. es, the,r famlhes or fflends are In- ~1'ed to send theIr names to T'le Re\ Ie", offlce Welcome Ho-ne 1 CIVILIANS AGAIN! Sigmund ~aeth--\menc-a's most popular speaker and wl'Iter on mu- SIcal tOPICS \\ III present a delight- fuU" gal' program entitled • ~lusie for Fun' tor the bonu. lecture of the Gro.,e Pomte Commul1lty Ser- le<, -\prll 2 at 8 30 pm at the Pierce JUnior high school Dr Spaeth I' cOlbldered an out. standlOg aut lorllV on mU~IC-IS kn{)\\ n to mtlllon, of radiO I"leners a, "The Tunc Detectl\ e' He \I kno\\n all Oler tbe \\odd a, an all- 'round man 01 mUSIC H" (,ooks ranAc m ..v.pe Irom tC'\.tD00ks to 'Barber 5h<>p Bal1ao, ' ll.< pro~ram \\ 111Lh \lhl bc II "<- Haled at nc pld 10, \\111 be neither l(llh .. crt nor If'<...- lre rJ It a \("lmbma~ on 0' ~o'ld enterti\.mment \\ h \. 1 should arpe,l '0 C\ en one Cal 'ne Gro"c Pomte hoard of l'ducallon \, I 21M)(j c". 2:' wr I'" lormallOn Music for Fun Is Topic for BonuS Lecture April 2 that he intended to mO'l'e into G'rwN Pomte; however. he tttll mainta{ll. the ~larlborough address. Dur1l1g the past y .... r, he WlU elect- ed to head the Southeastern PolICe Ch1efs '\SSOCla.tlon, CHIEF Lighted Cigarette in Sleeper's Mouth Sets Mattress Afire to strike has not as yet been '«Ted on the \ IIlage, The commIttee, ordcred to make a thorough study of the vdlage's wagc scale, recommended a complete re,,<wn of the baSIC pa) 01 all etassi- ficatlon, It vanes a, to pOSItiOn, but IS tlpward~ 111 all lI1stanees, fluctuat- 111;; from 154 per cent to an amount sllghth' 101\ er than tcn per cent. -\t ~I onda\ 's meetlng, Lawrence Stranahan of the -\F of L, represent- IIlg thc puhllc \\orks empIOlee" ob- Jected to the adoptlOn ot the report on thc ha;l;, that the mcreascs recommended dld not meet thelr re- que,t The poltee and fire department cmplo) c.., \1ere represented b\ John J.flller, local auorne) and re51dent, 1\ ho a,!"~d lor a postpon~ment of actIon on the report to pcrmlt furth- er ol'portun,t) 10 <Ul>mlt ne\\ hgures In a s'lon inter\le\\ \\1th E. B, Lane, \ I1lage manager, he stated that the e'11ef hdd been a,ked to resIgn," but hc d,dn't kno" defil11tely "all about a', he onlv knew that P1el \lould !cale the Parks employ in 10 da), Lane explall1ed that an ex~- uhl e ,C"Ion ot the Park's offICial. '" as sch,duled for last nIght at whIch time thl> matter lias to have come up for d"cu,slon Homer C Fritsch, pohee eomnlis- &loner, saId hc l\ ould hesltat~ to comment bccause of the scant infor- mation he had. Chief P,el ,aid there wu "nothing dcfimte" tillS "cek. App~illted Chief in lNO- The apP01l1tment of Chief Piel to hIS post was the first change mad. n the personnel of Grosse P01l1t~ Park employees by Karl Goddard, ne\\ly-elected pre"dent In 1940. He as;,umed tillS post in ~fay, replacll111 The wage committee rcport pre- James C Drysdale: hIS appointment pared for the benefit of Grosse came shortlv after Drysdale's' resig- Pointe Farm, emplo) ees "as talen from the table last ~fonday I1lght nation" on ),{ay 14, P,el \\as \lcl1 knO\\n in poltce dr- and II as adopted 111It. present form, etes, he JOll1ed the DetrOIt poltce de. gl\lI1g lar)lI1g Increases In salancs parunent 111 1910, and was promoted TIm report was prepared by Coun- 1 \\ ' II F r_ II J step bv <~ep untll he reached the of. CI men I lam '-Nnno v, r, fi f -'- fd - 193" 1 RJ h d ~1 G S hI f c.. () ",let 0 etectl\ es III ~. ll. car .• axon, eorge C aep er, January, 1')39, a huge shal..eup rock- and \\i a!laee Jensen, The latter IS a ed the -DetrOIt police department and representallH on the com(mt~ee P1e1 wa' ret1red, HIS awlkation for from the \ lilage-at-large re-in,tatement _ rMUILed a few Follo\\ 101'( the adoption of thc re- mQflth. later, port, the publtc \\orks cmplo) ees leit P'et 'ed. __ . 01 the meetJD& fee\mg that their de- I r~elV a.a pm- 1" e~tlgatlorJ l')t rum()r~ Circulated 111 (,ro"c Pomte Park these last two da\, rL\ ealed that Henry \\' Plel, ch CI 01 pohce, \\ III leale the depart- mLnt '1pfll I Ho" ard P Parshall, village presl' dent, ,ald that Chief Plel had turned 111 hI> rcslgnation, effeLtl\ e April 1, and that -\rthur Lou\\ er" heutenant 111 the department, will be appoll1ted as toe ne\\ poltce chief. Strike Rumors In Farms ILieut A. Louwers 'May Succeed Park Police Chief PARK POLICE CHIEF HE.NRY W PIEL RETIRING A td,\\('ab drt\cr pa"'l... ln,R +j,t. huo;;l- ne" h'ock (In \I a, k a\CntH neat La,eroln'e ,arl\ \\ rdnc,d~\ morn- In~ \Iare 1 I hOJ-;::h' he ,all <ome- thl1~ am, ....... 111 +he ~partment ah(\\c 151111 \1 d'!" a\ cn1lr a,,, cll a, ,m"l-e pOtlfln~ t rC'm a \\ '10(')\\ Park hrcmcn a1lrl rOlll a 1'" enn;:: h" ,a Ii. 1I'l11d Ihat a mdl're" ',~rl (';:t .,."1,,, ~n tire n L'Pllh ne) ()n~(' s 'par m, nt It \La' rathed hI a ~I '- I Cd (l'l;rJa'tte \\,ah DC-\011 ...C \\a ... C.'llH lm!l I hI.. "t- {,1. pc HeT ... m(lkln~ \\htn he It. 1., ... np ~llH'\ \It'fk,,,n ...nl 11(l;1 ..... m'11 \\('r(' \\'1.kmc In the ~m('~l; let fL"" .... m a ...}..,(rl (\ Ilh 'I.. f 1(\\ II P \\ v"l.. Il( dl Hrt t<"l tne \\mrh)\ tl.nO hr01,...\,. mIll .. I,dn) 1".:1. nl a,.1 ih l 1'" th~ l.:: 0'1 ..... 11 an adl,m")o\ ) (gar 11'" ... ";11 P \ a I )I .. l~" Illl1o..'''' cot .. m0ht In .... 0 d\ 1~ 1(' (' ~ l 1... r, 1 n \1h "\ \ 1 1\ r h, , l 1111 d ;l n (1 r t q 1 ~1 '~ <: \., t ... \ t,. l .. \1 I 1.-1 r.... ~l .... t',( \'\. nIl Councilmen to Study New Insurance Policies Commissioner Joel "'" ~e of Grosse Poul<le P<Lrk d~ned the d,s-lI1terest wlllch was prevalent \11 the recent \Il1age elections at the Park meet- Ing on )'larch 14 Short I)' .. !ter the commISSioners c:anyasr.edtae vole retur-. be asked "..,'fP f"", C!arcn~e D Ble.,ed pollee and fire C<lmml""loner of the (Il\ ot Gro<se POlllte IIltends to recommend to the 0\\ councll a propOYl to dlscontlllue anglc pan""R on r...erche\31 a<enue m the ,hopplllg dlStnct IIc mlenrl, to a<k tha' parallel l'arkll1~ be e,tao'bhed on kerche",1 onl\ bet\\ ecn;'1 ClaIr ano Cad,eu,", road, for Ihe blo<!,. hetll ecn S' ClaIr ano "df a'r ..ao\ has thI< ape ot parl-mg on one <,dr Th I< mo\ c ...111be asked to e1un,- nd'l unnC(~''<Irv traffle l1CollP, \\ IlIl h ta].,e plaec at treql,ent lI1tu- "ah 10 tnlc; one 'I;,("{ t]()n Will Ask Parallel Parking in City Shopping Center land roten ought to hide ib head ,n shame wilen only 474 reSIdents cast ballots on March 11 He said this "leaves a bad taste in ml mouth" Commlssl0ner Sagl' contlnued when he said that thiS IS a "dlsgrace of OIlr~ and all other communllles whIch show no apprectatl0n to theIr offICials \\ho give thelr time, energ} and personal funds to admlllister the affairs of theIr gO\ ernment " He concluded by saying that thIS \\ as a part of our hentagc for \\ hlCh the -\mencatl boys shouldered guns these past four \ ears, and hopcd that the people would soon beg1l1 to rea- hze thiS Park Commissioner Scores Lack of Voting Interest 1. ,r " ,1 \ I' '\ II '11 'J , j, 1 ~... .-l ".:l" ~ '_,oj, ,., .:4' ~ i r:l, ,.. .. ri ~ f sMack ildings tlae Neirbborboocl dub .pe:;a bu.,. Saturday plaDninr •• boppinr and ta. for Torellbeuar.' and W~od ..athere .. ' raDk. PIC:tured in the inek, Joan .. Ridlur., Roae All .. and Celeotine Blondell; front row, I." VUetilielo, Carol,. .. Gateo and Jean C .... e,.. e amendmcltt \\hlch drew the hre was the one W(lIch ".ould hUSKed busme<s bmldmgs to teef lInd only one story. The maIO list dus lloU brought ~ j J \ I I " I, Monday's Induction Takes Many Boys From Pointe Area tfMt a lIbortage of wcG facilj. tieos exiMed m tlhe vlllage, ObJectors 1I1c1uded Woods mer. c1 ants, real e<tate men, resl<Ients a~d ta"payers hnng outSIde of the \lllage The Grosse Pomte \\ oods (1\ IC League was asking for the amcndme'lt \ft~r d~hberatl0n and stud\', tbe comm1SSlon adopted Comml5.S10ner Beauchamp's r~'olutlon callmg for a ltmlt of t\\O story bUlld1l1gs ",th a malClmum hCI~\ll of 2l! feet and a nllmmum hc,g"t of 10 leet o\lso dhct,,'cd at thh tIme was the amendmcnt prohlbltmg the mamtenance of It\ mg quarters abo\ e or m conjunct on "lIh bU'lI1es, bUlldmgs Latle ohJcctlon was raISed to thiS zomng changc -\.t the samc pubhc hearmg, h\ 0 olher zonmg ord,nanLe amendments \\cre pr0l'0,ed and II ere passed by the comml;,<lon Thc fir,t \11.1 a 1 10", the er ..Cllon Of dn orphanage 1I1 Ine \ 111a>:c \\ hlC1 IP untll no" had heen l>anned Ken- (Continued on Page 2) I i, 1, \\ ' \0 .", 1 T\I ent) -thre, ho\' \\ ~re ,chMuled o rrport tor mdt'rtl()n Into the >rmcd lorce, I"t \Ionoa\ \Iarch 1~ at i J() am at thc II1d~cllOn <ta- t I)n on J eft.'r,l)n ,nn \1, DOllgal' Thc ma'M'!\ "f llc dr-aftfr, ",err lC IS-\ear-old \01111,< IIho ha\C be' Ol1'e ellg,h,e lor Ihe d-a1l In rce ..n' "10nl", T11(' 1 lH t bcd \n ')(:t\" \(' 'en. eo Rc.a"d :;; 1" 1...lnl'o\\ Rober \ I ,- rl ~11l \1 ,nn rcl,<i la,]., II )' I " ~'I hmhrr "11 I <e ( I ~ml't ~J] Rt "hon ... t1r 1 d i).a\ld I, II I 1< I ~l'l)h ,1' I ,~, 111 Rour 11 (;l1e,- ~ IH'[r 1'1; I:; ! a.... t\\ c-.()O Dc-tro1t" >,0 'f'e-na d \ hi"" 1 hIl1R<,,1 e (, r,,, 1. r ( I Petr0 \r' rl I Par,on 26H I~ d;:cm -n \\ 'lirl P r,err ,- 10J- '1e lI_r IT "Ot, Ir .",\11) , ... P r ,i'" ( ... n '.1r1 C " 11,," R \\" " \ R, r\ Jr ,)11' "l\ard \\ .m H Ii," \- lr 19'>i\ "or- :" ..... ,rl 1 -, '1 , \\ ..... I ~,\ \ .. ' 'e< C' n". rl \\ '''In 11'0 r Forn ...... ,. 1,('()l".Rr f{ H.lt"1r"'to..orn I ,."" l,r-' <", Ro'vrt \\ £)0n, I ")\::If , .. (' \nlrn' "- 1 \' I 1 "'11 \\ ") ... I pr '\ l'l " . ",. Il ..-l'1 u\; 1 ;1 ,n ... () 1 n "'\ \ \ III l .... f' ~~ c •• THE WOAKIY A Camp Fire CUb preparln~ • dInner, one of the r ba",k row are Carol HirKino, M Millicent Vinital<y, Marilyu B"'er, Jn~ lIlt t. "fll r lnC'"n".;J[ ~('I,.,.tlon ('or the hrtlrh \\ JIll I, \\'l' t:rad""d la"''' ta'l ha ... ... an llc1 t P \\ .., n,,'llral \\.(1\(' a,....ron (\\Cf "1(' \ 1 rr 'lffH"lrnl:h , ..... \,,;1. .. - r I 1 ~ ..... I n~ ').1 a ')(';\ h (~n he n t \ 11 1 a; '1 .... ]c',{"a.!OTl \I'" .... 1 a d wtHch time residenAls ana VOiced thear opinions ej~her agamst se\Crnl amendments An Important step 1Il connectlon II IIh the del elopment of the ne\lIy acqu Ired Hock propcrtv adjacent to the Gro,se POll1le rarms mUl11elpa! plcr "a, takcn ~Ionda\ 111ght II hen the \ ,lIa>;c counCIl appro\ ed tne ex- penditure ot appro",maleh Ii\ e thou- sand doTI"r, lor a bathll1g bcach I n a detalicd rcport to the councd, VIII aRe Engll1eer \1 urray SmIth rl'cOTn'Ilendcd 'hat tt a natural beac~ IS deSired, \\ ood 'heetmg \Iould be u 'ed to 'eparate the present rubbIsh hll from the proposed 'and beach and a CO'lcrete \\ all \\ould be poured ,epardtll1g the ,and beach from tnc gra,' area Hc -ald 'nat lO addnlOn to the \\ all therc II ould hale to be a drag llnc and truc!,. II or!,. c"Ca\ atll1~ and haJ m" dlc rubb ,~ Iwm m Iront 01 thc \\all and thc plae,nR of tne ,and be;;e 1 \\ 1l,11 \\ ()J 'd be 200 f ect lont- b\ 50 ICC' II ,dc and appro'\lmatcl, t\\O ICCI th'lk Ot)";:nnln~ ( ..t mate ... 01 the co:)t I" lid' lea-ncd tna' the propo,ed 1I0,>d ,heel'~ "oJld hL ,pproflflate 1,'r t"" lIor]., 'l1rl 1I0Jld co'! <I.h'h ie" Ihan halt .he rnee ('\t ',eei <hee" Appropriate Money for Bathing Beach at Farms' Pier Library Wanb Quonaet ,,, I Hut Erected In Farms (I I (.11j\-ii\ ~'I;" '" (1 ....~ .. ,l on 1 ...... I , \\" " 1 I ,. 11"'10"'1~:AI:\~H I~;I' 1 '1'" 1.1 .... \\..... '1") "'I ... -1 1 rl \\ t ..1 .. ,.. \\ 1 1 1 f .,.<",\ ~ r'l ~.:tr (' I' I .... r Ii ..,-,. ~ .. ,... ... \1", I.. n , , ' \ ' It \\1 l"~11 d (\. to\. \ '..1 ... ( \[.,{ ~.... ( ... f_ R l.llC H It \I-iJ,j I" t.C 1 I Athletic Equipment Taken From Park School Yard " h 11 01 ,,122 \'cllrort eel,lod,.n at "1< CIl' 't,;;n Rnormcn ,~h()()\ at \Ian Idl10 all'; Goetnl reroped to Par]., rl' ,e la" rr:<1;n "Hcrnoon Iha' '110 ha,keto_1I rack< "ere tal-c~ from Ihe <,hool \ ..rd City to Pay Townahip Health Service Bill The 1n1l \I Inch the board 01 health 01 Gros<c POll1tc tOil ",hiI' sent to thc ('l\ 01 (,ro.,e Pomte reecntll lOr <cn lCC, rc ldered the Clt\ for the pa,t three \ ear, h to be pa d fhe den'lon came ahou t \londav nll:lht at a Clt\ LOunul mectmi: \\hen the b Ii camc up lor dhcu',lon It IS m fnt" ... um ot S10~22 .. 25, served two years in the Coast Guard, and was a membel' of the Alger Post, VFW L,eutenant Lou'l ers is al.o seeking any companions \Iho mIght hale been With thiS \ eteran bel ore he dIed lor endence. reI eal that he lOa)' ha\ e attcnded a dance at the Alger Post earher that e\Cl1lng "h'ch \las g1\ en 1I1 honor of \\'orld \Var II \ ets. The ocLupant> of a second car \\ ere qucsllOned m relation to thIS accldcnt \\ hen thc'r auto \\ as nouced dr1\ IIlg on \\ hHtler short I) aller the aCCIdent In\C~tlgat\On re\Caled that thcl' had nothms to do \1 nh thc ea,c ,..,. prqlanl1;: -.'I11L LOUhh medlLlnL for thl''' d.iJg.l,;er nl thelf l,,"'mC' at 1254 \\ 11Ittler, "hen \h,y nO!1ced a man "al!"lI1g do" n the ,Ircct \\ hen he approdc'led their !>ome hL II alhd 10 thL ,enter of \\ hither bcnt dOli n felt thc pdHment and then ,tral"h t cn cd lIP He repeated tIll' pro,edurc ,e\ eral tImes, and then \If> "magd ,a) s that he laId dOli n on thc street, tuc!"cd hIs legs undtr 111m and apl'arentll fcll a,leep Hc laid Ilngth\1 hC 111 the street ~l r. Smaga Immedlatcll' called for the pohLe, but Ju,t seconds before the\ arfll ed a car, tra\ elmg from J cff Lfson, approached the pro,trate bod\, hlt It, SII cn cd and then dro\ e on In thclr report to Chief Hcnr) Plcl, Officers G Boonc ,and D Del- Place saId that they rccCllcd the call that' a drunk \\as on \'y hltller be- t\\een Charlclo,," and Yernor," \Ihlle crU1>1I1g on Jefferson As thev ap- proached Ken'lngton, they deCIded I to rcach their destll1auon by turmng Woods Per do" n thiS street They saId that \\ 111le dri\mg on Kensington to\\ard< ~lack, they not- T S Iced a car on \\hLtlJer, one bloc!" wo tory a" a), tra\ chng parallel \\Ith them Thcy saId hc \\ as not spcedll1g and stoppcd for all stop streets and 1t IS behel ed that thIS lS the car \I hlch Grosse Pomle \\ ood. \\ III Itmit Its struck Stanko\\ Itl \Iack a\ cnue bus1I1css bUlldmgs to Inlc,tlgatin~ the actl\l\le<, of t\IO stOrlC' \Ilth the second floor Stankol\ ltz \\ hlle near the Smaga u,ed {or buslnes, or profe$SIOllal bome, 1.Iel1lea.ant Louwer. belleO'a rpaso.ns only. ~ ,r;~~:.u' cr two-hour slide rul~ , , " m 11 I~ , ,. ,l () l t I moil 1 \\.-If P ~n \\ 1111 N)" {d n (,r0 l P0l!1 (' 1',1 t.. rl. ., ~ ,11 r- \\ ~ r •\\ l 11~ \ t "11 i 1t. VIlIa~e attornc\ \Iawer 01 Gro"c Pomte rarm, told dlC Form' counc 1 ~Ionda~ that he c'\pceted to ha\C ,ome \I ord trom tne ,tate 0n th e matter 01 tne conunuerl po1l1t,on 01 InL lal,c 1" the _outhern \Ia~omb C()llnt \ mUTlILIr-ail; ,e.:; II, ,a,d l! It ~a 'fCp, II ne nCrC'- ... an tne\ "puld he ttik('n tfl hap tnc: ri ... ('har~(' nf ...('\'a~c \\ ,lch h prCll\- tl1 h fI()\,m~ mt) lhe lahC Seeks Answer on Lake Pollution A short course of £1\ c $CSSdOnS 10 the use M tbe .... ~~ Two War Plants Ignore Stop Order c.:.oHe In the use l)' me fundamental scales to del'~Iop proficiency 111 multipkca- uon and dl\'1SI0n, use of mverted and folded scalcs, square and square roob, the relation of logarithms to the ,hde rule and a genl'ral study of the \arIOUS tlpes of shde rules, \11- cludll1g a dlScusS1Qn 01 the \\Ide va- nety of spebal purpose sltde rules used m the busIness" arid The in.tructor \1 III bc Bennett Burgoon, graduate electncal engi. neer trom the Cn1\ erSltl' of Illlno\), ",ho has taught mathematiCs and me- ohanlc, at the L nl\ C1"'1l) of Ii1111ol> al,o extenslOn courscs for Penn" I- \ anla ~tale college 111 add,tlon to speCIal mdustrlal c1asscs m engll1cer- II1g all 01 \I hlch lI1cluded s1:de rule instructIon Call the Gros'c Pomte board of education, C\ I 2Q)(), ex.t 23 for cia's resenatlOnc;; Instructions for Use of Slide Rule Offered Pointers que~tlonmg The pobce oft,ce- bases h" rca,on. mil' on the fact that the ra'n and the pOSItIOn of the bod) \\ hlch \1 as 1) l1llo: In the street belore It \\ a, Illt, did not rc\ eal that It II as a mdn fallen In the street -\n) one \\ ho II a, m thlS n".ghbor- hood at thlS tlme IS urgcd to cooper- ate \\lth the pohee 111 soh mg thl> aCCident Noti"'e Pec:uliar Adiont- It ",as at approxlmateh 4 13 \\ hen ~fr and ~rrs VIctor Smaga \\ere \ 1...ldl 11It iIld I un "udent oc- Lr: ,d 111(;r,,, L 1'0 "e Pa'k eael) Id,\ ::'ul1dd\ IllUflllI1,., II hen COler) ~tdnko\\ It/ 01 ~IJ55 Bdl!our road dIed 111 Bon "cumr, ho,ptdl tllO hour, altcr hL nad [,,-en h,t b\ a car The <iLLIdcnt LOok rldCc at 4 20 am on \\ haucr bctl\Cen \ ernor H I";11\\a) dnd Ch.ull \ 0,," lleut \rthur LoU\\ er, ot the P.rk poilLe dLpdrtmcnl h.., a,ked 1 he Rc\ le\1 to a""t 111m 111 Jocat1l1g the dn\er 01 tbe car \llllch h,t ~'anko- \1 III He beilel es th<it thc dm er did not rCJ.hlL he hn a human body and IS an "IOU. to contact him for " \\ ~ I .....''"'I \ <1 \I ... 1. {\ I t II ~)(' (01 It. ... 1:1 It r I, I 1'-:- ... m" '["1'.111' .. 0'" ,1 C n~ n" l .. 1 , \ \\ A ... \ A" i .-l r r 1"1-1 , ... ,.,. 1 f'\, ~ 1,"r" r-;: ,...,t t,... F:I"'l.. r'~" (, f 1 ' .. ll)I~"11 ""''1 1" ,h r"r('\T',,.rl "1 , ,r' ~ "'0 ~,~, I ',' \ I" ,,(1'-1 " A"''''' \1... -1"'1' ...... ( \ \ ,.oj ;'I f" ~ ,~i 1 t f -i ... \ 1 ( \ 1 r n'" 1(' ;:. 1 f'" '.,r \\ -1'1 ;:1:'" .:t ... rl I .... Ir"'- ,H I I' " One Ye~r AI/O .... (~,... \( \1 " Ily THE POINTER orm \ , 11' II I \\ rl. REMEMBER? , \ COMPLETE -r r .~ \.1., [)l I { , ;'.in 1 .. .:t ........ , .... (, ( ~..t~d" ( The first In,h (and \Ie mcan all- In,h) h", '0 be born on St Pat- flek, Da\ l' thc nc\\ ,on of \\ alh and \1'lf1cl Conlan of Il3i Xot!1I1\(- ham, Gro',c pOlntc Park "'alter Patnek Conlan Jr madc h" appearan,e at , 1:' am Sunda\ '0 J01l1 hh ,,,tcr k.uen ThcI are t'le ~ran~rhllrlrrn 01 not onh the fn'h C('\nl,n, hut al<o Ine In<h r...11- hrl.;e, 01 112S "~tn~h_m \\ 0noer 11 ,1" la\ ctte "a< pre- <1 .... rn na'en III h Rrern r,lhcr '''an : 1t' .r~c1,t "'\n,i! p nl-... or h tiC Au Reloir, Albert, and good luck in yoor bUSII1e5S ven(ure, Spcal-lllg of poheemen, eHr~ one was" ondenng If the Farms counCIl \\ a~ gomg to appomt their new po- hce chief ..• but the matter was not brought up ~fonday I1lght. Here's a releasc <ent by the U S Armv recrmt\l1g statlOn 111 DetrOIt. The\ want dlscharged sen Icewomen to \olunteer for re-entry mto the sen Ice and must stay m for the du- ration or the II ar plus we months, or untll sooner reheved for the con- venIence of the gOI ernment ~eed more be said} ••• \\'e re \\ondermg if the fact that James \lcLeod, dmer for the Lake Shore Coach Line., was marned the night betore had an~1hlllll: to do \11th the mlllor acadent III \\hlCh he and Jo'eph Collc\ of IOAA \Ieldrum \I ere 111\01\ ed at r...erb\ and Grosse Pomte boulel ard la<t Saturday afternoon? Could be II I •• ••• E\ en hOle the City fathers at- tempted 10 d,scu<s some major prob- lem last :-.rondal' night they \~ere interrupt~d hy dCP<lrtll1S or return- ing fire trucks. \\'llllln an hour, there were three fal<e fire alarms turned 111 , and one 111 the Farms •• Buse' tra \ d,n" ca,tll ard on Char- le\ 0"", \\11l nOI ,tor at r"her road a 11\- more ~Ign, ba\C becn posted lor thcm to ,lop onh at LlI1coln and Charlc\ 0,," \ httle bl! 01 CAer- ClSe for somc' Prc"dent James K \\ alkms of the l- arm, askcd that a study be made of the appllcatlol1> for the erec- tion (>f quon,et hut;, III thclr \ Illage He <aid he 'dldn t \\ allt to see the \ Illage clultered up WIth too many of them Spnll ..... I,.{'.. drrl\ ui' \Llordlllg In Allan D \I."" 11 ., l1n~ Lhall mdn i H. t of thL L nl\ cr'l!\ 01 \llLh,::.n, a'-I I Ircm ~111 d, p.,iftllH nl th{ arrn dol tunc \\d-"J 12 " (111 10dd\ In let l \(~u d dll t kno\\ Prolc ... - sor \1 d'\\\ t"ll .... 0... "'prmg- blglns II hen the pldlH n[ thc Ldrtn , equdtor pa"c, through th, ,ul1 1 he equUlo", "hen dd)' dud \llghb are equal ,n length d.1 ... o OLcur;:, at the ~amc 11m,. 1, htlp qrdl,h~cn \OU out he sa" ~pnl1;'< drrl\ C' on \Iarch 2() on a leap \ edr and the \ car folloll 1I1g' \\ hlle 111 othcr \ lar, tne date IS ~raflh 21 POI NT E P k P I- S k PARAGRAPHS ar 0 Ice ee Driver Of Fatal and Run Auto ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe }RtuitUl .. .. J-. --..:..-=- -:::':":-=-;-::-:~:::_;::::__;_;~:_=::_------_;:;_;;;:;:;:;;;_;_;;_;_;;.;_ '~ VOL 22-~() J3 CIRCULATIO_ ()"e,:""f:~ TTHLY GRO~SE POl~l[' PARK 30, ~flCHll.1\:-J, 1HLl{~U\Y, .\l.\RCH 21,1946 BY CARRIER We A MONTH PHONE LE 1162 f ----------------- -- .4, C' J- (.,-1-; ----------------...-:-- ...... ----------:..------..:.---------~--------- ------------------ " 0,;...... -'y ~ 4"..,,, ~"'J' !Ill ~4'''. """ 01..~ < it.:- ;only The REVIEW Givel You 'I , Coverage of ALL Homel in t; Gra.s.e Pointe &: Gratiot Twp ••

M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief

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Page 1: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief

11\' .....":\(1,\,IO'l,\ '\ R~' \ '\1'\ \\/\<'\',"

\\' 1 \'1 \ l' '7''' ".'I \ "I, , ,"<I\' '\"ll \K.) \\ r, 0":>-I,ll ,'I )

\\' ,\' '\\ n





EDITOR S XOTE Everyweele The Re\lew "'Ill pubh,h thenames of the men and women ofGro<se POinte who hale beeDand are belng d 'Charged from allbranches of the armed services.The ser\lee people. :hemsel .. es,the,r famlhes or fflends are In-~1'ed to send theIr names to T'leRe\ Ie", offlce

Welcome Ho-ne 1


Sigmund ~aeth--\menc-a's mostpopular speaker and wl'Iter on mu-SIcal tOPICS \\ III present a delight-fuU" gal' program entitled • ~lusiefor Fun' tor the bonu. lecture ofthe Gro.,e Pomte Commul1lty Ser-le<, -\prll 2 at 8 30 pm at the PierceJUnior high school

Dr Spaeth I' cOlbldered an out.standlOg aut lorllV on mU~IC-ISkn{)\\ n to mtlllon, of radiO I"lenersa, "The Tunc Detectl\ e' He \I

kno\\n all Oler tbe \\odd a, an all-'round man 01 mUSIC H" (,ooksranAc m ..v.pe Irom tC'\.tD00ks to'Barber 5h<>p Bal1ao, '

ll.< pro~ram \\ 111Lh \lhl bc II "<-Haled at nc pld 10, \\111 be neitherl(llh ..crt nor If'<...- lre rJ It a \("lmbma~ on

0' ~o'ld enterti\.mment \\ h \. 1 shouldarpe,l '0 C\ en one

Cal 'ne Gro"c Pomte hoard ofl'ducallon \, I 21M)(j c". 2:' wr I'"lormallOn

Music for Fun IsTopic for BonuSLecture April 2

that he intended to mO'l'e into G'rwNPomte; however. he tttll mainta{ll.the ~larlborough address.

Dur1l1g the past y ....r, he WlU elect-ed to head the Southeastern PolICeCh1efs '\SSOCla.tlon,


Lighted Cigarettein Sleeper's MouthSets Mattress Afire

to strike has not as yet been '«Tedon the \ IIlage,

The commIttee, ordcred to makea thorough study of the vdlage'swagc scale, recommended a completere,,<wn of the baSIC pa) 01 all etassi-ficatlon, It vanes a, to pOSItiOn, butIS tlpward~ 111 all lI1stanees, fluctuat-111;; from 154 per cent to an amountsllghth' 101\ er than tcn per cent.

-\t ~I onda\ 's meetlng, LawrenceStranahan of the -\F of L, represent-IIlg thc puhllc \\orks empIOlee" ob-Jected to the adoptlOn ot the reporton thc ha;l;, that the mcreascsrecommended dld not meet thelr re-que,t

The poltee and fire departmentcmplo) c .. , \1 ere represented b\ JohnJ.flller, local auorne) and re51dent,1\ ho a,!"~d lor a postpon~ment ofactIon on the report to pcrmlt furth-er ol'portun,t) 10 <Ul>mlt ne\\ hgures

In a s'lon inter\le\\ \\1th E. B,Lane, \ I1lage manager, he stated thatthe e'11ef hdd been a,ked to resIgn,"but hc d,dn't kno" defil11tely "allabout a', he onlv knew that P1el\lould !cale the Parks employ in10 da), Lane explall1ed that an ex~-uhl e ,C"Ion ot the Park's offICial.'" as sch,duled for last nIght at whIchtime thl> matter lias to have comeup for d"cu,slon

Homer C Fritsch, pohee eomnlis-&loner, saId hc l\ ould hesltat~ tocomment bccause of the scant infor-mation he had.

Chief P,el ,aid there wu "nothingdcfimte" tillS "cek.App~illted Chief in lNO-

The apP01l1tment of Chief Piel tohIS post was the first change mad.n the personnel of Grosse P01l1t~Park employees by Karl Goddard,ne\\ly-elected pre"dent In 1940. Heas;,umed tillS post in ~fay, replacll111

The wage committee rcport pre-James C Drysdale: hIS appointment

pared for the benefit of Grossecame shortlv after Drysdale's' resig-

Pointe Farm, emplo) ees "as talenfrom the table last ~fonday I1lght nation" on ),{ay 14,

P,el \\as \lcl1 knO\\n in poltce dr-and II as adopted 111It. present form,

etes, he JOll1ed the DetrOIt poltce de.gl\lI1g lar)lI1g Increases In salancs

parunent 111 1910, and was promotedTIm report was prepared by Coun-1 \\' II F r_ II J step bv <~ep untll he reached the of.

CI men I lam • '-Nnno v, r, fi f -'- • f d - 193" 1RJ h d ~1 G S hI f c .. () ",let 0 etectl\ es III ~. ll.

car .• axon, eorge C aep er, January, 1')39, a huge shal..eup rock-and \\i a!laee Jensen, The latter IS a ed the -DetrOIt police department andrepresentallH on the com(mt~ee P1e1 wa' ret1red, HIS awlkation forfrom the \ lilage-at-large re-in,tatement _ rMUILed a few

Follo\\ 101'( the adoption of thc re- mQflth. later,port, the publtc \\orks cmplo) ees leit P'et 'ed. __ . 01the meetJD& fee\mg that their de- I r~elV a.a pm-

1" e~tlgatlorJ l')t rum()r~ Circulated111 (,ro"c Pomte Park these last twoda\, rL\ ealed that Henry \\' Plel,ch CI 01 pohce, \\ III leale the depart-mLnt '1pfll I

Ho" ard P Parshall, village presl'dent, ,ald that Chief Plel had turned111 hI> rcslgnation, effeLtl\ e April 1,and that -\rthur Lou\\ er" heutenant111 the department, will be appoll1tedas toe ne\\ poltce chief.

StrikeRumorsIn Farms

ILieut A. Louwers'May SucceedPark Police Chief




A td,\\('ab drt\cr pa"'l...ln,R +j,t. huo;;l-ne" h'ock (In \I a, k a\CntH neatLa,eroln'e ,arl\ \\ rdnc,d~\ morn-In~ \Iare 1 I hOJ-;::h' he ,all <ome-thl1~ am, .......111 +he ~partment ah(\\c151111 \1 d'!" a\ cn1lr a,,, cll a, ,m"l-epOtlfln~ t rC'm a \\ '10(')\\

Park hrcmcn a1lrl rOlll a 1'" enn;::h" ,a Ii. 1I'l11d Ihat a mdl're" ',~rl(';:t .,."1,,, ~n tire n L'Pllh ne) ()n~(' s'par m, nt It \La' rathed hI a ~I '-

ICd (l'l;rJa'tte \\,ah DC-\011 ...C \\a ...

C.'llH lm!l I hI.. "t- {,1. pc HeT ...m(lkln~ \\htn he It. 1., ... np

~llH'\ \It'fk,,,n ...nl 11(l;1 .....m'11 \\('r(' \\'1.kmc In the ~m('~l; let fL""....m

a ...}..,(rl (\ Ilh 'I.. f 1(\\ II P \\ v"l.. Il( dl Hrt t<"l tne \\mrh)\ tl.nO hr01,...\,.

mIll .. I,dn) 1".:1. nl a,.1 ih l 1'" th~ l.:: 0'1 ..... 11 an adl,m")o\ ) (gar 11'"

... ";11 P \ a I ) I .. l~" Illl1o..'''' cot ..m0ht In ....0 d \ 1~ 1(' (' ~l 1... r, 1 n \1 h "\ \ 1 1\ r h, , l 1111 d ;ln (1 r t q 1 ~ 1 ' ~ <: \., t ...

\ t,. l .. \1 I 1.-1 r.... ~l ....t',( \'\. nIl

Councilmen to StudyNew Insurance Policies

Commissioner Joel "'" ~e of GrossePoul<le P<Lrk d~ned the d,s-lI1terestwlllch was prevalent \11 the recent\Il1age elections at the Park meet-Ing on )'larch 14

Short I)' .. !ter the commISSionersc:anyasr.edtae vole retur-. be asked"..,'fP f"",

C!arcn~e D Ble.,ed pollee and fireC<lmml""loner of the (Il\ ot Gro<sePOlllte IIltends to recommend to the0\\ councll a propOYl to dlscontlllueanglc pan""R on r...erche\31 a<enuem the ,hopplllg dlStnct

IIc mlenrl, to a<k tha' parallell'arkll1~ be e,tao'bhed on kerche",1onl\ bet\\ ecn;'1 ClaIr ano Cad,eu,",road, for Ihe blo<!,. hetll ecn S'ClaIr ano "df a'r ..ao\ has thI< apeot parl-mg on one <,dr

Th I< mo\ c ... 111 be asked to e1un,-nd'l unnC(~''<Irv traffle l1CollP,\\ IlIl h ta].,e plaec at treql,ent lI1tu-"ah 10 tnlc; one 'I;,("{ t]()n

Will Ask ParallelParking in CityShopping Center

land roten ought to hide ib head,n shame wilen only 474 reSIdentscast ballots on March 11 He said this"leaves a bad taste in ml mouth"

Commlssl0ner Sagl' contlnuedwhen he said that thiS IS a "dlsgraceof OIlr~ and all other communllleswhIch show no apprectatl0n to theIroffICials \\ho give thelr time, energ}and personal funds to admlllister theaffairs of theIr gO\ ernment "

He concluded by saying that thIS\\ as a part of our hentagc for \\ hlChthe -\mencatl boys shouldered gunsthese past four \ ears, and hopcd thatthe people would soon beg1l1 to rea-hze thiS

Park CommissionerScores Lack ofVoting Interest


, r


,1 \ I''\

II '11

'J ,

• j, 1 ~... .-l ".:l" ~ '_,oj, ,.,

.:4' ~ i r:l, ,.. .. ri ~ f


tlae Neirbborboocl dub .pe:;a bu.,. Saturday plaDninr •• boppinr andta. for Torellbeuar.' and W~od ..athere .. ' raDk. PIC:tured in theinek, Joan .. Ridlur., Roae All .. and Celeotine Blondell; front row,I." VUetilielo, Carol,. .. Gateo and Jean C .... e,..

e amendmcltt \\hlch drew thehre was the one W(lIch ".ouldhUSKed busme<s bmldmgs to

teef lInd only one story. The maIOlist dus lloU brought


j J


• I "I,

Monday's InductionTakes Many BoysFrom Pointe Area

tfMt a lIbortage of wcG facilj.tieos exiMed m tlhe vlllage,

ObJectors 1I1c1uded Woods mer.c1 ants, real e<tate men, resl<Ientsa~d ta"payers hnng outSIde of the\lllage The Grosse Pomte \\ oods(1\ IC League was asking for theamcndme'lt

\ft~r d~hberatl0n and stud\', tbecomm1SSlon adopted Comml5.S10nerBeauchamp's r~'olutlon callmg fora ltmlt of t\\O story bUlld1l1gs ",th amalClmum hCI~\ll of 2l! feet and anllmmum hc,g"t of 10 leet

o\lso dhct,,'cd at thh tIme wasthe amendmcnt prohlbltmg themamtenance of It\ mg quarters abo\ eor m conjunct on "lIh bU'lI1es,bUlldmgs Latle ohJcctlon was raISedto thiS zomng changc

-\.t the samc pubhc hearmg, h\ 0olher zonmg ord,nanLe amendments\\cre pr0l'0,ed and II ere passed bythe comml;,<lon

Thc fir,t \11.1 a110", the er ..Cllon Of

dn orphanage 1I1 Ine \ 111a>:c \\ hlC1IP untll no" had heen l>anned Ken-

(Continued on Page 2)



\\ '


.", 1

T\I ent) -thre, ho\' \\ ~re ,chMuledo rrport tor mdt'rtl()n Into the>rmcd lorce, I"t \Ionoa\ \Iarch1~ at i J() a m at thc II1d~cllOn <ta-t I)n on J eft.'r,l)n ,nn \1, DOllgal'

Thc ma'M'!\ "f llc dr-aftfr, ",errlC IS-\ear-old \01111,< IIho ha\C be'Ol1'e ellg,h,e lor Ihe d-a1l In rce ..n'

"10nl",T11(' 1 l H t bcd \n ')(:t\" \(' 'en.eo Rc.a"d :;; 1" 1...lnl'o\\

Rober \ I ,- rl ~11l \1 ,nn rcl,<ila,]., II )' I " ~'I hmhrr "11 I <e

( I ~ml't ~J] Rt "hon ...t1r1d i).a\ldI, II I 1< I ~l'l)h ,1' I ,~, 111 Rour 11 (;l1e,-

~ IH'[r 1'1; I:; ! a....t\\ c-.()O Dc-tro1t"

>,0 'f'e-na d \ hi"" 1 hIl1R<,,1 e(, r,,, 1. r ( I Petr0 \r' rl I Par,on 26H

I ~ d;:cm -n \\ 'lirl P r,err ,- 10J-'1e lI_r IT "Ot, Ir .",\11)

, ... P r ,i'" ( ... n '.1r1C " 11,," R \\" " \ R, r\ Jr ,)11' "l\ard

\\ .m H Ii," \- lr 19'>i\ "or-: " .....,rl 1 -, '1 , \\ ..... I ~,\ \ .. '

'e< C' n". rl \\ '''In 11'0r Forn ...... ,. 1,('()l".Rr f{ H.lt"1r"'to..ornI ,."" l,r-' <", Ro'vrt \\ £)0n,I ")\::If , .. (' \nlrn' "-

1 \' I 1 "'11

\\ ") ...

I pr '\l'l

" .


Il ..-l'1 u\;

1 ;1 ,n ... () 1



\ \

III l ....

f'~~ c•• •THE WOAKIY A Camp Fire CUbpreparln~ • dInner, one of the r •ba",k row are Carol HirKino, MMillicent Vinital<y, Marilyu B"'er,

Jn~lIlt t. "fll r lnC'"n".;J[ ~('I,.,.tlon ('or the

hrtlrh \\ JIll I, \\'l' t:rad""d la"''' ta'l ha ......an llc1 t P \\ .. , n,,'llral \\.(1\(' a,....ron(\\Cf "1(' \ 1 rr 'lffH"lrnl:h , .....\,,;1. .. -

r I 1 ~ ..... I n~ ').1 a ')(';\ h (~n hen t \ 11 1 a; '1 .... ]c',{"a.!OTl \I'".... 1 a d

wtHch time residenAls anaVOiced thear opinions ej~heragamst se\Crnl amendments

An Important step 1Il connectlonII IIh the del elopment of the ne\lIyacqu Ired Hock propcrtv adjacent tothe Gro,se POll1le rarms mUl11elpa!plcr "a, takcn ~Ionda\ 111ght II henthe \ ,lIa>;c counCIl appro\ ed tne ex-penditure ot appro",maleh Ii\ e thou-sand doTI"r, lor a bathll1g bcach

I n a detalicd rcport to the councd,VIII aRe Engll1eer \1 urray SmIthrl'cOTn'Ilendcd 'hat tt a natural beac~IS deSired, \\ ood 'heetmg \Iould beu 'ed to 'eparate the present rubbIshhll from the proposed 'and beachand a CO'lcrete \\ all \\ould be poured,epardtll1g the ,and beach from tncgra,' area

Hc -ald 'nat lO addnlOn to the\\ all therc II ould hale to be a dragllnc and truc!,. II or!,. c"Ca\ atll1~ andhaJ m" dlc rubb ,~ Iwm m Iront 01thc \\all and thc plae,nR of tne ,andbe;;e 1 \\ 1l,11 \\ ()J 'd be 200 f ect lont-b\ 50 ICC' II ,dc and appro'\lmatcl,t\\O ICCI th'lk

Ot)";:nnln~ ( ..t mate ... 01 the co:)t I"

lid' lea-ncd tna' the propo,ed 1I0,>d,heel'~ "oJld hL ,pproflflate 1,'rt"" lIor]., 'l1rl 1I0Jld co'! <I.h'hie" Ihan halt .he rnee ('\t ',eei <hee"

Appropriate Moneyfor Bathing Beachat Farms' Pier

Library Wanb Quonaet,,, I Hut Erected In Farms

(I I

(.11j\-ii\ ~'I;" '" (1 ....~ .. ,l on1 ......

I , \\" " 1 I

,. 11"'10"'1~:AI:\~H I~;I'1 '1'" 1.1 .... \\..... '1") "'I ...

-1 1 rl \\ t ..1 .. ,.. \\ 1 1 1 f .,.<",\ ~

r'l ~.:tr (' I'

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\ '

It \\1 l"~11 d (\. to\. \ '..1 ... (

\[.,{ ~....( ... f_ R l.llC H It \I-iJ,j


t.C 1 I

Athletic Equipment TakenFrom Park School Yard

" h 11 01 ,,122 \'cllrort eel,lod,.nat "1< CIl' 't,;;n Rnormcn ,~h()()\ at\Ian Idl10 all'; Goetnl reroped toPar]., rl' ,e la" rr:<1;n "HcrnoonIha' '110 ha,keto_1I rack< "ere tal-c~from Ihe <,hool \ .. rd

City to Pay TownahipHealth Service Bill

The 1n1l \I Inch the board 01 health01 Gros<c POll1tc tOil ",hiI' sent tothc ('l\ 01 (,ro.,e Pomte reecntlllOr <cn lCC, rc ldered the Clt\ for thepa,t three \ ear, h to be pa d

fhe den'lon came ahou t \londavnll:lht at a Clt\ LOunul mectmi: \\henthe b Ii camc up lor dhcu',lon It ISm fnt" ...um ot S10~22

..25, served two years in the CoastGuard, and was a membel' of theAlger Post, VFW

L,eutenant Lou'l ers is al.o seekingany companions \Iho mIght halebeen With thiS \ eteran bel ore he dIedlor endence. reI eal that he lOa)'ha\ e attcnded a dance at the AlgerPost earher that e\Cl1lng "h'ch \lasg1\ en 1I1 honor of \\'orld \Var II\ ets.

The ocLupant> of a second car\\ ere qucsllOned m relation to thISaccldcnt \\ hen thc'r auto \\ as nouceddr1\ IIlg on \\ hHtler short I) allerthe aCCIdent In\C~tlgat\On re\Caledthat thcl' had nothms to do \1 nhthc ea,c


prqlanl1;: -.'I11L LOUhh medlLlnL forthl''' d.iJg.l,;er nl thelf l,,"'mC' at 1254\\ 11Ittler, "hen \h,y nO!1ced a man"al!"lI1g do" n the ,Ircct

\\ hen he approdc'led their !>omehL II alhd 10 thL ,enter of \\ hitherbcnt dOli n felt thc pdHment andthen ,tral"h t cn cd lIP He repeatedtIll' pro,edurc ,e\ eral tImes, andthen \If> "magd ,a) s that he laIddOli n on thc street, tuc!"cd hIs legsundtr 111m and apl'arentll fcll a,leepHc laid Ilngth\1 hC 111 the street

~l r. Smaga Immedlatcll' called forthe pohLe, but Ju,t seconds beforethe\ arfll ed a car, tra\ elmg fromJ cff Lfson, approached the pro,tratebod\, hlt It, SII cn cd and then dro\ eon

In thclr report to Chief Hcnr)Plcl, Officers G Boonc ,and D Del-Place saId that they rccCllcd the callthat' a drunk \\as on \'y hltller be-t\\een Charlclo,," and Yernor," \IhllecrU1>1I1g on Jefferson As thev ap-proached Ken'lngton, they deCIded I

to rcach their destll1auon by turmng Woods Perdo" n thiS street

They saId that \\ 111le dri\mg on

Kensington to\\ard< ~lack, they not- T SIced a car on \\hLtlJer, one bloc!" wo torya" a), tra\ chng parallel \\Ith themThcy saId hc \\ as not spcedll1g andstoppcd for all stop streets and 1t ISbehel ed that thIS lS the car \I hlch Grosse Pomle \\ ood. \\ III Itmit Itsstruck Stanko\\ Itl \Iack a\ cnue bus1I1css bUlldmgs to

Inlc,tlgatin~ the actl\l\le<, of t\IO stOrlC' \Ilth the second floorStankol\ ltz \\ hlle near the Smaga u,ed {or buslnes, or profe$SIOllalbome, 1.Iel1lea.ant Louwer. belleO'a rpaso.ns only.

~ ,r;~~:.u'


two-hourslide rul~

, ,"m

11 I~

, ,.

, l

() l t I moil1 \\.-If P ~n\\ 1111 N)" {d n (,r0 l P0l!1 ('

1',1 t.. rl. ., ~ ,11 r- \\ ~ r •\\ l 11~ \ t "11 i 1t.

VIlIa~e attornc\ \Iawer 01 Gro"cPomte rarm, told dlC Form' counc 1~Ionda~ that he c'\pceted to ha\C,ome \I ord trom tne ,tate 0n th ematter 01 tne conunuerl po1l1t,on 01InL lal,c 1" the _outhern \Ia~ombC()llnt \ mUTlILIr-ail; ,e.:;

II, ,a,d l! It ~a 'fCp, II ne nCrC'-...an tne\ "puld he ttik('n tfl hap tnc:ri ...('har~(' nf ...('\'a~c \\ ,lch h prCll\-

tl1 h fI()\,m~ mt) lhe lahC

Seeks Answer onLake Pollution

A short course of £1\ c$CSSdOnS 10 the use M tbe....~~

Two War PlantsIgnore Stop Order

c.:.oHeIn the use l)' me fundamental scalesto del'~Iop proficiency 111 multipkca-uon and dl\'1SI0n, use of mverted andfolded scalcs, square and squareroob, the relation of logarithms tothe ,hde rule and a genl'ral study ofthe \arIOUS tlpes of shde rules, \11-

cludll1g a dlScusS1Qn 01 the \\Ide va-nety of spebal purpose sltde rulesused m the busIness" arid

The in.tructor \1 III bc BennettBurgoon, graduate electncal engi.neer trom the Cn1\ erSltl' of Illlno\),",ho has taught mathematiCs and me-ohanlc, at the L nl\ C1"'1l) of Ii1111ol>al,o extenslOn courscs for Penn" I-\ anla ~tale college 111 add,tlon tospeCIal mdustrlal c1asscs m engll1cer-II1g all 01 \Ihlch lI1cluded s1:de ruleinstructIon

Call the Gros'c Pomte board ofeducation, C\ I 2Q)(), ex.t 23 for cia'sresenatlOnc;;

Instructions forUse of Slide RuleOffered Pointers

que~tlonmgThe pobce oft,ce- bases h" rca,on.

mil' on the fact that the ra'n and thepOSItIOn of the bod) \\ hlch \1 as 1) l1llo:In the street belore It \\ a, Illt, didnot rc\ eal that It II as a mdn fallenIn the street

-\n) one \\ ho II a, m thlS n".ghbor-hood at thlS tlme IS urgcd to cooper-ate \\lth the pohee 111 soh mg thl>aCCidentNoti"'e Pec:uliar Adiont-

It ",as at approxlmateh 4 13 \\ hen~fr and ~rrs VIctor Smaga \\ere

\ 1...ldl 11It iIld Iun "udent oc-Lr: ,d 111(;r,,, L 1'0 "e Pa'k eael)Id,\ ::'ul1dd\ IllUflllI1,., II hen COler)~tdnko\\ It/ 01 ~IJ55 Bdl!our roaddIed 111 Bon "cumr, ho,ptdl tllOhour, altcr hL nad [,,-en h,t b\ a car

The <iLLIdcnt LOok rldCc at 4 20a m on \\ haucr bctl\Cen \ ernorH I";11\\ a) dnd Ch.ull \ 0,,"

lleut \rthur LoU\\ er, ot the P.rkpoilLe dLpdrtmcnl h .. , a,ked 1 heRc\ le\1 to a""t 111m 111 Jocat1l1g thedn\er 01 tbe car \llllch h,t ~'anko-\1 III He beilel es th<it thc dm erdid not rCJ.hlL he hn a human bodyand IS an "IOU. to contact him for


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The first In,h (and \Ie mcan all-In,h) h", '0 be born on St Pat-flek, Da\ l' thc nc\\ ,on of \\ alhand \1'lf1cl Conlan of Il3i Xot!1I1\(-ham, Gro',c pOlntc Park

"'alter Patnek Conlan Jr madch" appearan,e at , 1:' am Sunda\'0 J01l1 hh ,,,tcr k.uen ThcI aret'le ~ran~rhllrlrrn 01 not onh thefn'h C('\nl,n, hut al<o Ine In<h r...11-hrl.;e, 01 112S "~tn~h_m

\\ 0noer 11 ,1" la\ ctte "a< pre-<1 .... rn na'en III h Rrern r,lhcr '''an: 1t' .r~c1,t "'\n,i! p nl-... or h tiC

Au Reloir, Albert, and good luckin yoor bUSII1e5S ven(ure,

• • •Spcal-lllg of poheemen, eHr~ one

was" ondenng If the Farms counCIl\\ a~ gomg to appomt their new po-hce chief ..• but the matter wasnot brought up ~fonday I1lght.

• • •Here's a releasc <ent by the U S

Armv recrmt\l1g statlOn 111 DetrOIt.The\ want dlscharged sen Icewomento \olunteer for re-entry mto thesen Ice and must stay m for the du-ration or the II ar plus we months,or untll sooner reheved for the con-venIence of the gOI ernment

~eed more be said}

•••\\'e re \\ondermg if the fact that

James \lcLeod, dmer for the LakeShore Coach Line., was marned thenight betore had an~1hlllll: to do \11ththe mlllor acadent III \\hlCh he andJo'eph Collc\ of IOAA \Ieldrum \I ere111\01\ ed at r...erb\ and Grosse Pomteboulel ard la<t Saturday afternoon?

Could be I I I• • •

• • •E\ en hOle the City fathers at-

tempted 10 d,scu<s some major prob-lem last :-.rondal' night they \~ereinterrupt~d hy dCP<lrtll1S or return-ing fire trucks. \\'llllln an hour,there were three fal<e fire alarmsturned 111 , and one 111 the Farms

• • •

• • •Buse' tra \ d,n" ca,tll ard on Char-

le\ 0"", \\11l nOI ,tor at r"her roada 11\- more ~Ign, ba\C becn postedlor thcm to ,lop onh at LlI1colnand Charlc\ 0,," \ httle bl! 01 CAer-ClSe for somc'

• • •Prc"dent James K \\ alkms of

the l- arm, askcd that a study bemade of the appllcatlol1> for the erec-tion (>f quon,et hut;, III thclr \ IllageHe <aid he 'dldn t \\ allt to see the\ Illage clultered up WIth too manyof them

Spnll ..... I,.{'.. drrl\ ui' \Llordlllg In

Allan D \I."" 11 ., l1n~ Lhall mdn iH.tof thL L nl\ cr'l!\ 01 \llLh,::.n, a'-I IIrcm ~111 d, p.,iftllH nl th{ arrn dol tunc\\d-"J 12 " (111 10dd\

In let l \(~u d dll t kno\\ Prolc ...-sor \1 d'\\\ t"ll ....0... "'prmg- blglnsII hen the pldlH n[ thc Ldrtn , equdtorpa"c, through th, ,ul1 1 he equUlo","hen dd)' dud \llghb are equal ,nlength d.1...o OLcur;:, at the ~amc 11m,.

1, htlp qrdl,h~cn \OU out hesa" ~pnl1;'< drrl\ C' on \Iarch 2() ona leap \ edr and the \ car folloll 1I1g'\\ hlle 111 othcr \ lar, tne date IS

~raflh 21

POI NT E P k P I- S kPARAGRAPHS ar 0 Ice eeDriver Of Fatal

and Run Auto

([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe }RtuitUl.. .. J-. --..:..-=- -:::':":-=-;-::-:~:::_;::::__;_;~:_=::_------_;:;_;;;:;:;:;;;_;_;;_;_;;.;_

'~ VOL 22-~() J3 CIRCULATIO_ ()"e,:""f:~ TTHLY GRO~SE POl~l[' PARK 30, ~flCHll.1\:-J, 1HLl{~U\Y, .\l.\RCH 21,1946 BY CARRIER We A MONTH PHONE LE 1162f ----------------- -- .4, C' J- (.,-1-; ----------------...-:-- ...... ----------:..------..:.---------~--------- ------------------" 0,;...... -'y

~ 4"..,,, ~"'J' !Ill~4'''. """01..~ <it.:-

;only The REVIEW Givel You'I , Coverage of ALL Homel in

t; Gra.s.e Pointe &: Gratiot Twp ••

Page 2: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief


-----Victory GardenProgam Continued

Sixth Church of Clui.t.Scientist, Detroit

14730 Kerchnal AnllueSunday Serviee.

10.30 A.M. and 5:00 P.w:.Sunday School

Fiut Semon 10:3()l A.M.Second Seuioll 11:50 A.M.

Wednesday EYeni~ Te.stimonla1}deetini 8.00 P. M.

Readmg Room opell week da,.11.00 A. }d. to 9 00 P. }d. - s...da, a.3O P. }d. to S:OO P. M.

[ht Grn"e pOlnle V,c(orv Gardenlounul I 'plLl> to h., e a lImlledllI.ml,rr of gdrtlt tl, oilailable III com.rn Illlt \ plo" ,n the Par!., Clly, andj dmb th" lOlnlng season The con.twued ,cr,ou>n", of the food Sltua.tlon dhroad and the In terest in VIe.ton ~"rdenlng sho" n by GronePOlllIC Tl'"dent>, IIho already haveuee" calling the municipal offlcel,mdke It Imperatll t to conllnue theprogran, through the coming !Um-mer.

Due to the ddtlculty of obtalnln.,ufflClent land, on account of thtpre,ent market ltl real eSlate all reg-l,tr.'lOIl' m',st be ltl hy ~lay first.0,,1\ ,,,ough space lor gardens" III[)~ ploll ,d to take lare ot those y,hoh., e applied for them by then Thefll II ill be $3 the ,ame as last) cor pa) able when gardens are as-,Iglled

If )OU are IIlterested, plea-Ie donot \I alt 'tli the deadltne Let )'ourmunIcIpal clerk ltl the Farms, CAty.or PMk knol\ Imme<ilately to re-,ene a garden for you


The CountJ')".Lusell


NalJ"nan. KnoW1l Conewt V•• hllilt

for Your

28 Year.

of Proven Service



ell' 01 Gro,-t POinte pu1ltc II ereIJ1tormed bv ~lr, \ L L,an of S6ColonIal rOild that $.l II orth of meathad bCe!l taken trom her car wh"epar!.ed III thc ShOPPJJlg center

FAULTLESSCurtain Laundry and Cleaners, Inc.

4737 Elmhur.t Near Broadstreet

J hl \1t n .... dub ol Illt C.r -......(POlllte \It Ibodht I hur,h 1\111holdl1', monthh fHtLtlllg In thl rtLrldtlOn

rc)(nn pI tlll hOtllL ot Lrl1l3t Brutp

'lh, ljil O'iord rlMd on I nddlnl!:ht \1 ,rt h 22 at 7 J()

OtllLlr, lor the l<)I1I1I1~ It ,r 11111b( dllled dnd lhl prr>"ldlll 1\111beundtr II" d,reltlon 01 lJdn \! Guy,4Z0 RII drd houle\ ..rd d[HI 1\111It Hurelet Illllolol moving pltllrt' r 0fo,dd!l,277 \foro" ro,,,l 1\111 lI\tro-dULL \ld) .\rthur Blr,tI Df Delon-,rllrl alenue IIho 11111,holl hh mov.IIlg p'llun, ta!'en 1Il lechnlLolor of d'r.p ,n ~I r Jordan', plane from theCUI airport In Detroit to Ihe \lunl-L1pd1aIrport In ChltdgO In addltlon\[dJor Blr"., \1111,holl plllllrc, of dtnp Ihroug'l Ihe II l,t \ cordldl II d-Lome IS eXIelldl d 10 all men In thePOinte 10 altend thh lnl etlll~

Shopper'. Plight

Whet> ,.ou .,.;.it ,.our doctor, don't eompel him to Eerret OYt..c1e....... to ,.our iIIne ... He' .... t • detecti ••. He' •• ph,..idanand he "a .. h. oE the rreate.t help to ,. .... iE "0.. help hi•• Talkto ,.our doctor freel,.. Toll him .. a""uratel,. •• y ..... ClIft about)'our .,mptom •. Don't hold back Dr 1I11oimi ..... ,.tbi"r ill "n.nechon .....th them. Let him d.cad. of the,. are tri9ial ... ""_ ..S--u.u.a that -- ........porla ..t te ,._ ... ,. to hi. be tJo...,. ... tJo. - .... 1iI tie> will ~ -.w- 1MW ••I,.-"ttho tndt TOOl piau Do JP-. '.;:


Methodi.t Men Gatherfor Monthly Meeting

get them In operation IS to dole outsome mnre of the 'a ,<payers' moneyThey say. 'To heck \I Ith tomorrow'staxes, let's !.eell the ceilings'"

Tony doesn I say anythtng He fin-IShes me up m a hurry But all of asudden, \I hlle he's brushtng off myCOolt,he bu,ts out laughll1g

"He), ~fr Senator, eleotlon s com-mg up thiS fall, rtgh1;"

"Right,' I tell 111m"Ho' HOI I bet ;ou I knol\ what

tho>e I eter'ans do Ha I I bet theyeleot people to the gm ernment "hoknOll ) ou got to hal e more to ahou-l than a leiling "

The First Event of the New

GROSSE POINTE ARTIST SERIESSoon.o,ed by Thr Gro ••~ POInt" School of Mu .. c

THE FIRST BIG MUSICAL EVENT IN THE POINTETwo of Detro,!'. o..tuand,na Artl.l. FUI .. reel on " Jo,nt P'''~&JII


"'~ ... e•• Hf're ..ntl A~r".tI



J S4JO Kercheval at Balfour

Admission S2.40, SI.80 and 51.20 - including 20('~ taxTickets Avalu.ble at

Grlnnell'a or mall checks to Groue POinte Arhst Concert Sene,

15219 E. Jeffenon. lit Rellcon~fteld, Grone POInte Park 38, MlchOr ull LEnox 2895

All 1 h ..1f to tlo I> 10 I llit lor ~ub-Sidle. 10 e~d I eteran, hOU'lllg \I or-ne., 'lony tell> me d, he "dl l> the$C1:):>or"

"Old l ou el cr see an 'Indian kitch-en"" 1 a>k him lie ,a), no"

"-\n 'Ind,,,n kltlhln' I' !lotlllllg buta pile 01 Li ..m ,lId], dnt! h.h hOlll>,I tell him . Sea-golll' Ind,.n, latcl"m> and fi,1t .nd to,> Ihl Iedllng>over lhelr >houlder, PrLlt I soon,there, .. ,mc!1I pJle

'That, the II ill' II I' IIIth <ub-Sid,es ~ub'ldlLs ~eep ta!.lIlg mO!lelfrom the pu blic tredsun and debtpile. up You Ie got to clean up thatdebt ,ometlme Somebodl has to Pol)back the monc) "

Tony stops SnlPPlllg "\\ ho has topay?" he asks

"You - me - the leteran - allus taxpa) ers," I reply. "_\nd the tax-es we pa v tomorrO\1 "Ill co,t morethan any .uu>ldy II e get today"

Tony straIghtens out a hank ofhaIr IIlth hIS comb. \\ h) do we needsub>ldleS, an) lIa), he IIonders.

"\\ ell, the lolks \Iho hal e becnrunmng our gOI ernment for all hllefigure Subsldle, \\ OJld bust produc-tion loose," I sa} "The) \ e got ceil-Ing pnce. so lOll that bnck makersand lumber manula<..turers can't op-erate Tltel figure the ea-v \1ay to



I~THESE CHALLL~G-lng II ord~, the Discoverer

and Founder of Chn"tlanSClnce, ~Iar)" Baker Eddy.pOints to a central truth Inthe teachIng of thIS Sctence.namelv that e\ erv indiVidualhas c'apabllttle,,' surpa'''lngtho"e 01 whIch he has beenall are.

Further elllpha ,iZlll~ thisfact, ann mdlcatml'; aha thepractical results of its SClen-tili.o:: recognipon, Mrs. Eddyweltes. "BIMznNS lJJen~~ndcultured scholars have foundthat Chnstian SCience en-hance" their endurance andmental PO\\ er" enlargestheir perceptIOn a f charac-ter, iiI' es them acutenessand comprehen'lvenes, andan ahllth to e ....ceed theIr or-dinary c~paClt\ ."*

Countle"s tnstance, of thi~ktnd are on record Thro\1g'hthe understandtng- of Chns-han SCience, \\ nters havefound theIr sh1l1 and u,eful-ne55 Increased hu 'In 's exec-utI' e5 have \Iorhed \\ Ithgreater assurance and ~uc-ces,. men In the armed forc-es have hetn more re'ionrce-ful effectl\ e. and free tramI\earme,., an ....let\. and oth-er d"trc"c, lha~ the\ hadthought they could be' •\ndso on IJ1 oth([ occupations.

The l 0 III pie tel ....plana-tlOn 01 Chn'lIan ~Cllnce andIt, methorl ol rclea'\l1g tlwlatent capahthl1e., ot menand \IOmen, a" \\ ell a, ofhea ling d"ea 'c .., gll en 111

thl' ChrI'lian :'C1ence te,t-hoo)."

SCIEXCE AXD HEALTH\\uh Ke) to the Scnptlores

by \Iary Baker Edrl)Th", great hooh can he readhorrO\\ cd or purcha,ed (mthe \ arIon' eOlll01" at prIcesheg\nnl11g' at S2 (0) at


14730 Kerche\al A\enueDl"tullt

• ...,("Jl"I1\t' anri Health 1'1' ~Qanri 12~


_\ccordmg to the prOVl>lons setforth In their retirement syatem,~Iayor Ralph Xetllng made the foI-lay, tng appoltltments to adminIsterthe penSIon plan in the Cltv ofGrosse~oltlte -

Andrew Teetaert ",ll serve as rep-resentatll e from the police and fire-departments, Adelbert GJeghe \\ IIIrepresent the city employees other Ithan the pOlice and firemen' Sidnev~Iorgan and Hal :,mllh are the coun'-cllmen on the commIttee \Ihlle HughI erry has been asked to serve, rep-resenting the clt}-at.large.

Ferry II III sen e a term of three) ear', and the counCIlmen \\ III be ap-pOInted each I ear L'nder the !I,tem Ithe reprcsentatlH of the police andfiremen II III sen e 1\\0 'ears and tftesecond employee 11111 hold office forone I ear

The laller tll 0 offIces are decllveby theIr respectlle groups. Elecllonfot these \1111take place .. ,thll1 9Udays of the enactment of the retire-ment svstem \I hlch IS scheduled forApnI I, 19016.

IAppoint Temporary,~ IPermanent Members

to Pension Board

, " n"t"f n~

Receives Award


Optimists OrganizeNext Tuesday

City 10 Cloae PropertyDeal With Educaton

Pre~\dent ]ame~ K \\ atkIns ofGrMse POinte Farms, made the 101-lOll In~ apPointments 10 the 11\lagearlmln1<lrallng commlltees la~t ~lon-dal nIght

1111anre-\\ IlhamGer\ClS Grll),

Pohee and Flre-George Schlaep-tcr. Connolh and RlLhard ~Iaxo"

I l~ill-t'r\ Ib ..nd Connall)Ptlbltc \\ or\"'-\la'on, Xe'l \le.

I >chill a"d Scltl"t pierRecreallon- \f c F...acntn, Gr) 11, and

\\ Ih"m G K,rtHBlllldmg and ZOntng-h..,rb} and

Gr\ II-~I r Gr) II> II a, apPOinted pre,ldent

pro tern of lhe counc" anrl P.11Fran,eth and T Ral"trlond Jeff, l\ererr.~ppo,nted 10 Ihe board 01 te'le"

~el\ commIttees \lere arraniled forthe pensIon >; stem. and the InIIOIl-Inll "'ll .ene as meml>er~ FlTemrnand pohlemen penSion tund boardRal Jacohl trom the llilage a'-large, and ~{r C.onnolh and \1 r~laxon Irom the IIllagr counCIl ~orthe rt't,r~m~nt ~\~Iem j .,.-"m''-\IonL.\\ It ("rrer! IU' namerl Irrom the\1 lalle-al-l ..r~t and \lr \lcE.achl~anrl \1 r (,r\ lis \\ III ta~etlp their rl~-I c' JI( rc

Begllll1lng on Tue,day evening~farch 26, and contlnumg for fiveTuesda\ nights from 7 30 to !l 30, acourse In nature lore dealing espe-

F P.d Iclally 1\IIh bIrds Will be gIven at thearms resl ent Richard ~chool.

M k A . tm ts The course \\111cOler such phasesa es ppoln en Ias IdentificatIOn. bird song, bird

for Committees house bUlldll1g, \I Inter teedll1g, ml-iratlot and d,stnbullon The maten-als \1,\1 be presented In the form of Ilectures, I \ctrola records, colored Islides and field tnps

The course ,hould be of mterest Iand \altl e to the Citizen y,antll1g 10 I

F Connolly, know 1\lld bIrds and lh elr mU>lL,teacher>, :,cout leaders and to Scouts Ithcmsehes I

The m,tructlOn 1\111be g"en blClarente J ~[c"ner, IIho l> the pres-IIdent of the ~I IChlgan State \uduuon,OCIC!\

Call Ih<.. Gro>,c Pomte board ofcducalJo!l, ~ I .WOO, ext 25 for class Ire5tnatlOn ...

----------Joan Wylie BecomesWinner in NationalWriting Contest

Joan \\ I lie I.!R ,tudent at Gros,ePOinte h gh "hool "a nit ,onal y,In-ner In a Ieatllre IHtl,ng conte~t_pon'orerl in QIl.II and ~crflll, lOler.natlflnal l1nnor ,0, ,ery lor r Ighs,he>nl Journalr,t, jr>an recelled •.mall • her pm 'gll1l1tn~ hrr at-',mment ..nri ,hl hreome. ehglblelor 1 Ie Q II I and ~uoll pres dent $

'l holdr, 'III' 01 $"~) Ij.'an ""' " m, m"er 01 la't ,(mc,- I

ter Ii\. JOllr l.th"m rI l a ...... \\ ho ..(" tlnal<,,'am "1'10 (' Ilrr 'Ill, \..ontclo.t 1 hpe"'",onal \ ~ila 111l.,h ,\..110\)1 ¥old 'leul)n\ '\;h11lj~t(P )'dnllll)"r-11hl'lI \Inrt - 1'll' H \\11\> \la< ~ I

10ltih II" • ..,..ill ~tpnAr 11( '''11 \;"' ... 1(''''~ lill PII PflllH

nt" ('1 .... l 1\'lln'''' C~plm" I hlclndh, 1 Id 11If'"d.n 1 l, 1. I

, l.-l 1': I ~ 10.. 111 I r I 111..4 t ~ I h "'" t \ II<", J) ('l I" 1r )~ t

I T I -r .....'t'1\ ~I"... r ., llji;: r ""'m "'r!"\" I J0 Ull.:l 1 on m".rUl''''r 101 'lrm n~ hti",.. t, ,.......,~ Pi" ...tr n~" '(h~ll\"I~l 1(~4"1' "~(l""lo. L"".t ...rt ~el ('\~.

I ',,'r _ arl rill 11 e -e, re'~f\ r>1QJ II al,d ;:,rr" I

\" h 'In.tf,"" .. ,." rleont () Grnt, ...t \\"At"'" l!"ln "" tf'~tur", ('\on Pn ~.rrAn,. ,,"I .... " _if!'-eo",.!i n hllr,.....",. E ("I" \''''r'''" " "~,, 0''' .......ft'rl ~n t':>.

'" I' m«"'m~tr 1-- 1" lt~rt (("1 ~n. r ~("~ (")1 '-'f n~ h, t~t' I Jrla""~, 1 ( \\ A ("Xft"!1. ('on", v rnlnrt\ll In

I hf" rl r') .,,, arl"i "10\\(ri ~ H'.ll

l..tl"n lpl h I In n).': r,,'nl,(' II -..11 ( 1 1)11 .. nl,Jr1 .... 11",'

I ~,I. rr rl

BETTY JO FAULK\1 IS, Betty J 0 Faulk, daughter of

~l r and 'fr~ \\' E Faulk, of Bed-ford Road, II as chosen bv her Dean01 \\ omen anrI oflller, 01 the GrouePOlllte high <chool ai the good Cll-Izen,h,p pIlgrim 10 represent theschool 111a conte~1 <ponsored by tbeGeneral )o<lah Harmar Chaptet oftlhe Daughters of the .-\mertcan Rev-.-. &oda hi8h ~ ................ ,..,J..,r -. •e LOre Course

II COl»test and lf1e cf1apter 'wardl apilgtlm's pm 10 the II-Inneri. Begins Tuesday at

Bett)' Jo was awarded her pm at R" h d Sch Jthe meelln~ of lhe chapltr on :,at- Ie ar 00urdav :>larch 16th and 1\1111:0 toGrand RapIds 1<:>Ihe ::>tate Con ler-ence on ?Iarch 29th \\here the StateP,lgnm II III be chosen.

ed 1 " T n r \ ~'I .li1 ( "" ,,' r <I \1

111 llo.. \I

11 r n 111 Ir ( I' f' ..1\(' f',o


I --r' , a i 'I

t" , :., " I~ ~2" " I ,.'..

.11 \\ .. ('" III

1.... . ~t t-.. t "'"

,I (

111 \1 .....1.'1

,'-.,."Ill'rdl' ,

I'II \ d

, \

~!l 1 .111 (dI (


- Remember?(Continued from Paae Oat.)

n~th \l,>ore tru"ll 1M I H DUSan I Ihe Coulltn Dav <lhe>ol, >dld ththOdrrl O. tr "Ill' "dd !l0 ob;eltllJllto ,ulh an 1ll~llIutltln I he l1e\\ homelor Ihe I'r,"e,tanl Chllrlren, HomeIt" !Jeell I'ro,,,,,ed lor 111Lproperll"dJ" ent t , OL:, Oil Cook road

1 h~ other anlendm:~t regardedp ... klll& reguldll(>lI> It gal e tlaI tllllml>>I0tl the pe1\1er to grant ad.dill ,nil p"r!.lI1g dfea III a res\nen-t.1 selllon II thl petitioner Ollnlthe proper'1 fh, 's lor the ~lack.n enue bU'lne-, lronlolge

~ funher Ihan .. e 111 ,I,e busllle-s'bUlldll1~ 'lllion lIa, tabled for fur-th<r 'llId, I. har\ to d, I\lth the'Id'"l )1l10U, construltlon' "hlch the

ell 1 e"&ue \I a> a~kll1g for a1\bUlldlllg,.

- Woods' Zoning-\lAllIIIlU,d HI'll1 Pagt O"e)

mone).20 YHZ. AID

At a mcetlng between Park offi-Cials and state and county offlcer-, 1\

\\a' deuded 10 cJose the Black:>1ar-h ditch It II as ,a,d to haHbeen a detrtment to the commun,t"anrl an C\ c,ore te>a propo'ed churchII nlch \\ a_ scheduled lor construc\Ion at the edge e>t It

In Ihe election 'n th~ I Jilage (C,';)r>t (Jr,'--c Pnmte, R,chard lonnorON"me tne p"'lrlenl. D :>f Fern

\\ 1 ,am tl>hrr and Lou.s Ra-h.. I '\Cre elec' e<l trmtee~. ..nd"rhc"t P ,.ff Edmlln<l \\." arlI "I' r\.. II erc reo J.ncd t" the r

lpn ...t ... d" l t r"-. •• fC';i:'" lff'"" ,;,nri .::l~"r"'''()''r 1)( • l.. \

HOUSIII' In ..l,=C~I.





Wooda Bruch 21718 Mack A.-a.

CorMr ADita - ro 1.0780





Franci. Skiff,nrton


WH'ITEeua.I ••h410 ... e-,...... 1.1811

P .... __ t 11•• Wh.te Houl. C1.... er ...... 11..a,. Inlotat.t. er-.. Poi.1o at hllm. alter "lIl1or.bl .c....... from th rc1 I c IIICll to from tla_ ..-..ice roe ..wiI1 _.tihat. th. articlee.

Fo,,,,., F'rll r ;..ul F,.nd,,,. '11"I(,n,lon, ,on of Mr and Mr.Fro"ClO J SI"ff,n!,'"n 1317 BUlon,f".ld wa. aw.rd~d 'he [HeIn fnC'Janclln 194-4 .Iff'?'" compl,..lOn of 32 (omh.t Alrht ...... Inll ",-n",

m" opP""loon SI"IJ,nron .1'0 w .. "w.rd.-.l .h.. A" MPlbl w"hTh". 0.1. lA.f Clu.',,,

0Iiee at 15121 Kerche"al between Manland and Lalrepointe

-z1l, Only Weekly ~ew5paper COl'fr1n~ All the Homes InGroue POinte and Gratiot Townshif--

t. 8. OlDHAM hhl ~PAUL J 8LACJCBURN U,/or, AJ ..t'/lnll, /fI"'::'gtr

I!Iab.enpaOll Rata: B,. Mu). '2.00 pet' yell, 'c per mop,B, Camet. 10 CatU • Month

hbli.he4 Enry Thunda.,. b.,. The Graue Pointe Prinhn~ CoLENOlE 1162.116J


Pare Two


A series of accidents broke OIIt In

GrOite Poll1'te tlus put week, \\ lthleveral ~un.en m ;l.u1omobllestalc~ft II) tne nOltlital (or treatmentfor brulltl.

ThiS IS the heart of the people the emlolern of humanlt\••. the hand 'tretched out In comfort to the hOIll( Ir" .!tH! Ih~hungr), the lonel) and the troubled all 01 er the \\ arid today

Here come the children, WIthout ~hoe, II \io are hun~r\'Here come the destitute. the people \1 nhout ,helter Herl'lUll;ethe lonely and the cold \\ uhout com Lort Here come the menand \1 omen who are troubled

If you \\ auld ~eek them, look about \ ou Hear them 'pedh, It's lonely here In German) It s ver;' cold \V e \Iorr" hereIn Germany about how it IS at home. • the \1 Ive" \Vh~ maybe 111, the child we haven't seen, the Sll eetheart II ho could b~remembenng - maybe not But there', a man herf' \1 lth us \1 hocan ret in touch, straighten out the worry. a kmd of trouble-~hootlng guy who Wears a small red cross In hiS cap That manl'you.

In the hospital the days take a very long time to go Thehours are all the same But there's a gIrl \\ ho comes throughthe \'vards ....Ith magazines and books and cIgarettes and stopsto talk. She'll write a letter for you \I'hen \ our hand" are hurtShe'll read a bool.. or playa game There's ; ;,mall red eros, pm-ned on her collar, That gtrl is you

I came home from Tara\\a, Salpall. the Islands \Ihere \\efought. I was. discharged And 1 \\a~ lonely and di,couraged,beWildered, WIthout funds. But there \\ as somenne here to tall..to, who loaned me money, told me \\ here to go for help On hiSdesk a small red cross stood. That man was )'ou.

\Ve are the lonely, and the anxIOus. ami the l05t \\ earl'the cold and hungry people, the children \1 ho have no shoes,the people without shelter.

But everywhere among us is the sign of hope " stampeden a sack of Aour, a crate of medicine or milk, \Iorn on a Uni-

form, paint~d on a bUIlding fresh and red. It IS the emblem ofcomfort. It is the sign of hope. It is you.

Accidents Mount in Pointe During Week


F,n. d ... n,nr .nd ~1"c1"nr 01 tn'n. ".to 10.., h...." • pnpul"r... w .dd,,,,,,, III tho li... cl.. n ,n, ,..,1'''e "fI' .... ee1 a, Wh,t. H"u ••

F,•• Y...... Ar.Pre'ldent -\ A Ghesqulere of

Gro», POInte \\ OOll" pubhshed a,t"temenl In Tht ReI Ie", telhn. ofthe problem \lhlch the 1,lIage facedIn regard, to ~chool bUlldll1is HeI"ted ,e\Cral step. open to the board01 edJcatlon and protested the frameddd,tlon "hlch .. as m"de to Ma.on"ltool

The \I ale of needles> trafhc accI-dent> that had Ilslted Grosse POinte::,hores penodlcally bro!'e out agaInII hen seflOU, aCCIdents \\ ere report-ed on tour consecutll e days In that,"Iage

fhe Fox Creek post office movedmto lIS ne~ headquarters at Ker-chel al and :>Iarlborough ... Cityot Gro»e POinte loter. \lere to castb..lIa!> on the proposal that theterm, of three counCIlmen be stag-gered rather than hal'mg all SIXelected at the same time.

1. YHZ. AID\lerchan!> m the Cltl of Gros~e

Pomte were complaining about thepractIce of se\ era! of theIr patron~who allo" ed dogs to enter ItoresThe pohce requested re51dents tocomply IIIIh a clly ordmance pro-hlblllng the animals from entenngthe establishments.

.\, large number of fire cluefs ofthe Southeastern ~!Ichlgan ".ssocla-liOn of F,re Chleh attended the spe-

!IOn was the Interseetlon where clal entertalllment and dinner spon.Xathanlel S,mpson, of 5J(J Kenll •• ored by WIlham P Shoema!.er,worth was slruck by Paul L Harns Park comnuSSloner of public safetyof 117 Manistique Saturday after- and Edll ard L Rector.noon. The Repubhtan \Vomen's rail)

LaWTeIKe S. WJUtDson of 3J4 t:nJ- drew a large crov.d " ~lrs RobertF~ Hellnm, had parrow eMlape. fr~

< ... ..-t. 4t J:!O ..... &ic.oeu... .... t .. He.dne Laae .nd ~: tJI !IfIritte 01 e',- oi Mil. St. Qair u' . . Ptlill'te boulevard lut SiIOturday a{. Roy;IJ Oak W~ destroyed by fire...., - • WIJIfI' Jeep, 15 Y A__ Ml'1Ickby Donald A. Koble of 61 ternoon. ..... ••LochmOllr boulevard travehn be- Robert McDonalrl of lZ90 H,lIger, The Gro.se POinte board of edu.

, g D d b cattOn reafflnned Its stand In nam-hInd the Jeep Oearnley and a com- etrOlt, pas,enger In a car nven ) hnlOll Fra~15 GrineU of 5977 Au. Clarence Robbln~ of "an D)!.e Ing a site Iledr Deler school as t e

Pi t 'f h k future Junior high school loutlondubon were treated for arm sl¥luld- ., IC Igan, was ta en to the ho,pltal d' - 'I d .L R b 'and tried to halt rumors an reportser and I~g Iueratlons' ~oble was or ,"jUnC5 sustalne Wnen ob m~ th

ticketed for redden dr;, ,~g car struck ;l.n unoccupIed parked car \\ ~uC'h were paned around that eat Lakepomte and Jefferson last board \Ias msmcere In Its action In

At 2 20 am. "-nel J Suth~rland Sunday morn mg. The latter car IS \\'lthholdmg the -\udubon-St Paulof 81 Oak _s mt by Russell Nutter ov.ned by Francel \\' Seyler of 171 properll as a deSIgnated JunIOr hIghof 118 ~loran road 1ft the S;l.mt type ?'-.ewport ~chool spotof acc,dent as preceeded It However In February, 1931, there were 344110 one was mJured' more pupils In the Gfoue POinteMiuing Lieen ..

A c.olllilon ouurred Frldav afttr- pJbhc scnooh than a year preVIOUS,1100II at O1arlevOlx and ~ottlnaham Dr E- A Sharp of 027 ~ eff road, accordll1g to statlstlcs released blbetween John aalfleor of 19984 Ke- told (\I" pollce last Fnrlal lhat IllS the boudlIesha and Chfford Edelmann of 4708 automobJie Ilcen~e plate had been The hoard 01 educatIOn recell erl aCcun'dle. Beaconsfield and Jeffer- lost or ,to!en check 1M W>,%9 Irom the \Va;ne

lOlllll\ hoard 01 auchtors Thl~ checkrcprl,cntcd delltl1luent ,chool laxes\\h.ch had been l\lIhhe\d by thel>0arrl ot audItors bel ause of a dlS-putt !>'t\\LLn the hoard and theGrl",e P0ll11e tall ",h1p S\lperl ISM1he lalter relu<erlto IllY a tdX forthe IlldrnlnR 01 }",gllt \llle roa[l andthe hoard ot auditor, II llhheld the

Page 3: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief


Pa~~ Three

Dog Bite


T 11 () n

"I ., 1 ~

f { ~


$29.75 up

For \ our spt tng brideHand \\ rought

flora I motif enhances

The Brilliont -_Diamond Solitaire

I.•.., ,"

0' a anurarv_


14319 MACK AVENUE,Iletwten lakewood r..Chalmel'$ '"

RUltltfd Ildnd'Omr mOO-tl_ for men _ •• Tlnv.

J:raftful de<;ljtn for theladle- Reno\\ nl'd Rul-

r 1


F- ((


Discharge ButtonOPENS AN A££OUNT

AT WILLENSIf you are wearing that tiny emblem of service

in our nation's fight ... your creditis 9.ood at WiHens,




\1,,, \\'''t''''1 I' trUe IIMtt,'II \11),(>11 LOll' t It I('Ill

\ll.." \lln I ~i ...011, d.-ll~'lt(r I" \lr i "I \[r- J (,,,rd,n \\ ai-on

I 1 JI ; \t '-h.lul\ \ rl)d(~ tl u..,...( Pdlll (. II'arm" ,\III pi .IV 'he trumpel III I'le ItorthLOmlt1!( eo,",rl tour o. Illl \1-Hull lulll;!C:: 1.) liid rtno or ...'lc ......a"!llil. b<t\\\1 n \I ..ren 31 al1d -\pn!::; tl1('\ hlll8 (n~d.!ZLmLnh, alln1tlllll'be ,tatl 01 \llL11'l'(an \11"" ahonb a ,ellior it \Iblon college \\here,he b majOring III ped.gog)

IJIl(IIOr /)«01.11""1 IIi" II "I'I( "i \\ 0111('11' \I( I till": " I d !' !IIII ,r ~I~I i ork-

III j ...,.1 .::>tdt (,.ru 1 J ul ',It 1)<. • ., l .... d 1J1 "'\t d II I HlnCl pOllleIro IJr ill( 11 01 tlll \UH rl In \ ~O.. III t' l \\ i'> 11 lIt II ( I 'he kit arm

(! Lt In III Lll \l r 1\ \\ om! n \\ I 1)\{ do do .... 1i \1 nd ....... ill!t rnoon'llt,tt Ii 2p [Jl t Il Jill dl\ \1,.rl h1---------------Jtl .t1111( lImh.,1 \1r Hl\m,)[ld J\\ i1l)'( 2k4J h.( rlJ\ r Id Cr,., l

1'(11111c I LllJI \\ Ill! Ull II 1)( rlll r( rt", ..t lJ(JlIIIl lllllr'wr rluord'of, \\1 I

ld~OII \(\\ j"t.lld .. lllllLttrr ...

I)t. \ if It ll..' j ( I \ J III ..(fH d

I 111t"n,11l Chlldl eU to(/ollh, r "t (u,tuIIH' l'olr! \


\ ...pr rl~ Ilhtll1lLl ]J lr'\ I..., arr lll~ ~

~d lor '-,..tturrl<..l.\ \1 lr~II 23, to hI.. I

-,,\(n..t' th ... (,r .. l PI,lll't Ln'ifld.nt. \1 ITl} Iv'" h lllt mIll. r.., ()1 he

lurl.. 1 ",t llH,1 Ita. l ltJrl \ 1 11

1(.lld.r,h<.. ill ,lit fl,,11 P) ld Cd.lIll tur II tlH~ \ OUll ....t t l. I lei Ie q \ iiI lJ( rllri. d I,d In \1Id", "'I h ,y "'Id \lr')"l1n [I ..TH'1" \l1I1 d '" t th d<ll\ 1

tit., 0'1 III tJlJtr gruup




All Size Film in Stock

I ,


Developing and Printing \ \3 DAY SERVICE

No. 1!7 ., .. $U5

Projeetor $%'7.&58 and 16 mm reels add cans• • . Funoe~ . • • Graduates, • . Chemicals • . • Contactand EnlarglDg Paper •.• PanHeads, etc.


(HRO'IF FERRO'll PE n'\s


Bet La\"e"ood and ChatmersOpen Fn and Sat EHS TIn 9 P'I


HENRY WHITINGdnd I.t," "lth t" <!u\lnIO\\ll Ilff.er ..url or dllll] \\ III t.H... .. tle~ tlld..ld. ....cr1 h<. ...('f\ It e dl~pdrtnli. Ilt 1"1 110\\ Opt "1,

dlld tht :-dlt:'''J dlpdr1ltllllt \\ II 0PUl

-\pnl !-\ H"'It1BlOllldl ltl[1,,-ht i1l1 'IOIl0flll';

\\ lilting, \..d,. 11\Id 1)\ rlt"dlc r" rcpre.,Ullltl~ all make, at HO'el ....dller\lo'lu,,\

the IJt'trUl' \\ltuIlit.>l. l( ') It II,. \\ 111 ..

111..,..,dold 0 (J Hlllll III \\ll (I I H.

do") tl\It.C mdlltl .....tr it P 1"l1'l"'l(..11 , .. { I' I lIt (I r 11 I }a Cl" Ul J (d \ 1 1 \ \ II I I 11...

*() -"'1 \ \

and Dyen



.. (,"(' .. "r ( ..,


AR 7080 - AR 7081 - Ping,.ee 0072

All of the Above P,.ices a,.e on Your Rollers


A Guaranteed Washable Shade

Window ShadesCleaned each

Annoullcinll ...A NE\V BRANCH

Mondry Cleaners19031 'lack nrar i.'Iilr ~19300

-WINDOW SHADESWater Color . , 59c Machine Oil .. SSe

Hand Made. , $1.20Pyroxylin Cloth .,. $1.65


Dr. Crane to Speakon Lenttul Program

coun'r\\ n 11!1~ J0UH ..d t11(.. 'd.(. tor) orgetn

lIatl , In'' :; 1'122 He sen cd "sInalld.,...t r nl PJ.lh..ud .. dU""11+0\\ n 1.t1dUplol 11 reldll outlet- ht wrt h" ..p-pomtl1l'lll 111 1'1.2 .I, ,.:enual lTI.nag<r ul th, P"(\.. ..ru-Delroll branch111chJr~" ot all "hole,ale and rlld 1llale.., dlld "lc. T\ let. OPl ratlolh In t 11..

brandl' \l1c!ugall ternlon III I')~;under P..,l..aru's ne\\ dhtnbu'L01plan, I1c became 70ne mdn_!icr. \\1111,upen "101l plan, he be ldme lonemanager, \\ ,(h supen !Slon 0\ er deal-crs 111 mo,t of \I,dugan, a, \\ell asnorthll. ,tern 01110 and northea,lern[ndldtld

A IOrmcr preSluellt 01 the Detroit\utol1tohlle Dealus' -\"oelatiOn and

ll'lJf\ 1\ 10111",( prom'I< III I" De-troit 111101ll"hllc ,.li" lIn Ie, lOrnearl ~ t \\ llit \ -11\ C \ l.:tr .... a 1nounLedrec< 11 Iv II' hdd rc".,!H U d' Detrollzone "'J1Ilger for thc I'd,\...11 cl \10-tor (,r 'JlI1pdny '0 take OIU P..ck-ard-Cro, • Po,nt(, fuc • du'erslllpat 1'1115 1 JdTcI'OIl

H. did th, lauor;. hau OpLI .. I.u.. br ,n, h dl the Gru>'e Pomt, ad-dre" Ill" 11)2'), alld tilat h" ..pPOlllt Ilt.llt d"l dtdlt.f tlltrL \\.s.'" thelate'l el, \ e IOl'm, lit III the I.cton sprOI-'.'ll to "nIHir .." ,ompiLtd{from Illa,l Il11'"}(" thr01l.;hout the

Whiting Resigns as Packard Zone ManagerTakes Over Dealership in Grosse Pointe

, ,!~

375 FI~hf''' ROIld -- .. - NI ~OO,1:..- ,

,...., t _

r ..... ,.

1 1"1


lil1(' l"l LCli 1

, \\nlllln itl1i(l"t d l::t~l

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• It q l.11 • or ... ('It

., I 1 err''' 1"l

1(, '"'1 \ ....... 1

t r A 1

n j 1... 11


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, 1/


ILC"ld 'In " It !) I 0

....("1, 11'" ") 11 d It .....

G.le.burrr. III - \I '\\ ...... if I ~~I 1 1 Ir I .. 1lll

h. I n, l) I\ ....l \ I I \\ I I

\\( 1'1, ,'\ , I "\1

RCCCI\ c'" 1'o ....t nilFI (' ...lill1.l11 C1I1l11111 ......iollat I'no\. College

Headquarter. EiBhth Army. Yo-kohama, Jap.n. - "'er"t \nlhOll}[) ,nn., Ir 411 Cd" 111 road. "to__ePOllltl 1 dn'h, h t~ktlu:! 3. It''.cHlm,,pin III lilt I), Lup,t',on 01 J"pan 111}11.... pIl ...ell~ J{)h 3 ....OptrdtlUn .... \lrge-

J.11 'Il he \111nl.n Ppllchat1allOnin Yokohama

\11 ...t rt ..t ~ ol ll" ,,\..r'k ".i'" the,.,1 l 11ll H... pi tie Plt).!("\ttlIl ot 1'1("

...nlllonr nl )lpan 111 1"...tt'tn 10 \ ...) ..

'kOhtJll1 l'll 111\111\'l.d tlH '-tdtlonmg(It lon rlcldlt ('111<11 me 1 pIll .... t'w a ..-...l .....ll Ht ll~ n1 I~ r-ui ~ Jtllh Ddllna

~1(itlll II tt ....\\t1') TI1.Hllld the em-pu t I ... pr t.lll)T1 \\ \ t (\)mmr )dl~dh\ lh) I) J lpAnt"l i Hi \ 11\ onlLla1 ...

lllr II t"1t ""'\ 1(' \\0 l... \\tf, .. I1dnd ..k<l

~.H..r~l,{'1 DaT lla 1'" ::I l(lad 4d~ ot

Grl...... ( r0 n r ~n ...t 1('1() (J,d hbI'dfl ,1' "14- i~rl \lr. \ 1'h00\ Dan-n .. .., Il'C a "Llh 11 rwd ad.dr<,

Sergeant Danna Takes Partin Emperor's Protection

GOHrnOr h.elll III hb me,.Jge tothe u3nl \llclllgJII 1l!;p.lJ.ture In ex-trd.On.lllldf,j ::lo"-,, ... !Oll III r..brU,H}, a"h,-

'u ,ll .. t d bIll ue lItdctcd ,ett ng"Ide .I' .I trtbl $5(j ()(J() (jO() no" In, lL VLlCrdll, Po,lllar Rc,UIC fund,,lIla tlidt till mcome [rom (he Iruslh. u'lld \0 d,.:!l")bt \ l.h:ran.., 10 dbtrc~'i

Il, »01l1l<d out that (he Vellrans'\a, hOr} lOIllnlttl,c and the ,t..telU!O!Odndcr, of the '\m~n,an Leg-",n Dhablltl '\IlI,ncan Vcleran, .ndIb, \ ,I,r It!> of I'orelgn \\ ars,.p, oll..mg lor Ihllr Icgl-latn l com-!\lilt"" hold un ..nlln"",h endor'ed'"tl .I hili

1 hL hili pro' ,de, a ,e(erdn, pro-).,r.m dumull,lercd h) I cltran" Gov.,rnor Kdll ,.I,d Conlmumg, he ,a,d.fled .. , II10Ugh 1 ,hould call thh 10

}l\H allclltlOn d. }ou cOlblder th,shlil You II III note (hat It cali> lorthe U'dtlOn of a ho.crd of :rustees,the mcmber,h,p to conslst of t\\OnO!\lln..ted b' the "-nit rtcan LegIOnand Jppomted bv the govcrnor, tllOto bl 'elected and dppolltted fromthe ran\.., 0' thc \'1 \\. and one fromthe D'\V

"To tho,e "ho mIght no( undlr-,(and anu a,k ~he que,(lon. 'To '" halextent doe' thh repre-enl the \Vorld\\ ar II \ctuan, mal 1 anm er by.avlng that nol onh \\1'1 all Ii.. ofthe,e \\ orld \\ ar II \eteralh but Dr lIenr) Hitt Crane, 1lllerna\lon-that. Illth 1e" than half ot \liclll- ally f.mous ph,losopher and IHltcr,gan, \ eteran, home tooa\. 3~ pcr. rated among Amenca's top preach-Clnt of the total member-Illp of Ihe ers. and now pa,tor of DetrOlt Cen--\mencan LegIon are \\ orld \\ ar tral \I, IlOd"t church. II III be Ihe m-11 ,eterd'b 60 per c,nt of the Vet- sIHra\lonal .peal-er Tuesdav nIght.eran, ot lorugn \\ ar- hale sen ed ~larch 2f) at i 30 0 c1ocl- tor them thh "df allil 57 per cent of the tourth ,11 the senc, of Lenten Fel-Dbabl,d '\!ll'rtcall \ eterdn, \\ere lowshlp ,er\lce, at Jefferson -\Icnuedisabled 111\\ arid \\'.If [I ~Ietho(]"t cburch, Jefferson at Marl-

.. \gam I Lall to \ our attentIOn that boroughIhe'e Hleran, Organl7atlOns are not Dr Crane" theme \\111 be Theonh r<ad\ to accept thh all-trnport- ClI01C{ (11 Chn't 1 ho;e \\ bo ha\ <ant tru,t, but agr<e \\Ith me Illal if, heard ilr Crane 111tbe past kno\l1TI \ our rcgular se,'lOn ne ....t J anu- Iha.t tb. themc 01 hb tall.. \\111 hean there are allv other orgalllza' turn,d 11\10 an encouragmg. ,plnl«1ltons 01 \ cterans thai ha\ e gro\l n to mes.a!!l that 1\ ,II help 10 \\ork O'l!a SI'C Ju,tl1\mg reprl,entatlon on el'er)da\' problem- at l,\IIt!!thIS Importdllt board 01 tru,(ees, you Th,s \\ III be the ,e, onu appearane ethen ma\..e appropna(e change. 1TI of Dr (rane 011 the Jdlersoll <\\e-Ihe 13\\ nue chnrrh Lenten r ello" ,\llp ,er-

• The pl ..n \\e 'Ud,,(e,t \\11l prm e les. no" \11'1> filth llar\\ OTkable It \\ ,II meet a need for Folio" mil: (hc pollcv eSlabh,lledmany year. to com, I a,1.. }OU 10 ill pre\10U, )ear, ol ,ccurlltg out.cnact Lt, and ('lereh, to cree( an en- &tanchng 1TI,plutlOllal ,pe ..l.crs. thedunng monument o[ gratitude to eD l.I.ethodl5t churchlU06e who cave iO much for J'0I1 aDCI. Jelleraov. A.~ u; RIaImlv nne.. \," ":_.l.H-" L~ -

"Asol Jan 10.1- the ~ )JI- lkogram of speakers to beyou set aside III the Veterans Post- heard after Dr Crane foil"" s:war Resene Fund, had earned $1,-201,286 III mterest I ask that )011 April 2-Dr Fredenck H ?Iertmal..e $1.000,000 ol lilat cum aVaJlable 'The Human Drama Fulfilled.Immedlalely for ~he purpo,e. 01 tlte A.pnl ~Dr "\orman \ Incentact to \\hlch I hale lu,t reterred III Pealeorder that there mav he no delay in \pnl 16-Dr \\ Illard Brey,\lIg-e'<ltendmg the benefit- of thIS fund 'J, ,us, the Supreme P,\ChoJogl,tto the \ clera'!> of \[ ,cltl~an. once "I[ ember, ot the cOlTlmUltlty Illtcr-the tr I't ha. becn created and ,ts eSled III lbtemng to top-RIght,..dmmblratlOn Implemented llt'lu.;ht .tartm£" .peakers are cordl-

alh 1TI\ Ited (0 attend these Tlle,da\n,~ltt .peaker pro~ram,. beglllnlTlllat 7 30 0 clock ITIthe J effer,on -\\ e-nile ~IethodH dlltrch ,anC'Jar<

rich stuffing



doz. 49c

.Slb.box 48c.Slbs. 49c

20 Paunch or Over

Grade AA

Monday , to 6 Tuesday 9 to 6Wed'day 9 to 6 Thur'day 9 10 6Friday 8 to 6 Satu,.dav 8 10 6


Successors to


(.ROSSE POINTE PHONF NIACAR,&, lZlMl~FIRE.'~ B,n,"nl!h.", Sl"r~ -Ph"n. 1~111

Large Box

OXlDOL 23c

IVORYSOAPWhile Supply Lasts

Armstrong'sDog FoodTangerines

SunshineKrispy Crackers .Ib. 19c

Texas Pink SeedlessGrapefruit ' .Imported

Pitted Dates .. , .. , lb. 39cSwipes. , .lg. size, 2 for 29c

Sunshine-Hi Ho Crackers ... Ib. Zic


Your Lenten Meals


RIB ROASTLb. 32c 10C~~

* Roast* Steaks * ChopsPRIME GRADE AA STANDING

LargeVariety of




113%.2 KERCHFVAL AVFNUF.. W.. t M,Nl<h"I.-Ph"n. UN I 17..

New Store HoursSFIRE BROS.

* Round * Sirloin* TMBone and* PorterhouseTHE KIND WE'RE GLAD TO RECOMMEND


MichiganCorn Fed

Unlimited QuantityWhile Supply Lasts

Sugar Ration Stamp No, 39 and No.9 Spare Now Good,


Camay Soap .... 3 bars 20cSunbrite Cleanser 6 cans 2ScSpit & Span ' . . . 21cHills Bros. Coffee lb. 33cVenice MaidSpaghetti ' 2 for 29cPaper Towels. .2 for 29cLibby's--No. 21 z Size canKadota Figs .. , .. can 33cDonald DrakeGrapefruit Juice .46 oz. 29cStar CrossTomato Juice ... 46 oz. 2Sc

RouDd Boae Arm. Cut

Choice Grade AA



Order Early · Phone NI. 3200


Page 4: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief


Thur~dav, March 21, 1946

Low Coat! Error Proof!BOOKKEEPING SERVICEBy Mechanical Punch Card


Daily, \Yeekly, or Monthly

Pickup and Delivery Servtce


652 Book Bldg. RA 4548

Cleaners& Dyers

FItzroy 4100

Get Acquainted With

Queen's Grosse Pointe Branch

'7140 Kercheval TU. 2.7010 \It'.Next to the A I&: P



Balmter weather is just aheadand you'll want to look yourloveliest in crisp, freshly clean-ed and pressed garments. Sendslip covers and drapes, too!

Queen bkes to take pains "ithevery "operation" and asks for"time to do an even better job."

Spring and Easter will catchyou if you don't hustle ... soget out those prettll~s now I

Send Spring and EasterCleaning Now

Good w.gea, of eoune.

But more than that ••• a ehanee toget ahead. _• a feeling that you're3ccure ••• a clean, plea!lant place towork in ••• ni~ people to workl\ith, the kind you'd he proud tohave ae friends.


· a Job 7'What 40 \ want most 10 •

These are some of the advant.geaof telephone work. 1£ you are look.ing for a good job that can be funand be intercstmg work. too,Michi.gan Bell may hale just IUch a Jobfor you-an important job as a btlsi.DeN offire representative or teller.a llwltchboartl operator, a clerk ora typist.

YOtl n(,l'tI no exprricnc('"" and youl1he patd l\hile yon learn.

Telephone j0l18 for ,nrh ray higherl\ag(" than ever before. If vouOremtf're~ted in a good job with reg.ular ray increase •• drop by our mJ'

ployment office, 1365 CaN AveDne,and get full det.i111.

G L d. T h T K '~[ason Parents toray aleS eac 0 eep Hear Address onHospitalized Men Happy Child's Food, Growtn

Blind vetlr .. n, are htlmg--t-h-em-. -,-c-ho-I-a.-tlcd"s,e, are ldught at many The rcgular meeting 01 the ~lason.elves for (areer, II ah the help of federal hOSPktah Pdrcnt- Teacher Assonatlon \\ III be\mcrIC dn Red Cro» Hospital and 1 he corp, comprISes 49,882 \ olun- held on Tue.day, March 26, at 8 15R C ' R d leer> sen Ino pallents In 1,202 hos. pm, 10 the audLtoTlum of the schooleercallOn orps ~ojunteers. ea -.. Teachus and room mothers WIll109 tl "tbook, and other books to pIta!>, both federal and ~Ivlhanhelp IIHm these volunteers help \Iolth 1 hey shop for pallents, wheel book be 10 the c1as,r()()lns from 7 45 toIndllidual ,tud,es of ,ublects rang- carb through "ard" dIstribute com- 8 15 to \lSlt \\Ith parents.109 from Insurance to poultrv rals- fort arllcl", take a hand In games, There \\ III be an electIOn of off Ie.Ing A woman \olunteer "ho IS a e>cort v!>ltors, and assIst With hos- ers, and ~!Is> Marian Breckenridgel('radudte lall} er conducted a course pltal enteltalnment They greet new of the M emU-Palmer school "IllIn ld" pallents, ascertain their personal speak on "Food and Its Relation to

EducatIOnal a»lstance IS one of need" and acquamt them WIth the Your ChIld's Growth H Posters, ex-i manv ,er\lce, gIven to ho,pltahzed ho:.pllal h,bltS, and pamphlets on f<>ods \\ III

men of the armed forces by Gray ~hopplnll: errand, iO\ 01\ e anythmg be on display.1-----------Ladles, mcmbers of the Ho,pltal and from ,electlO8 a sachet cd satlO birth-Hecre.tlon Corps A, hngu!>t ha, day c"rd for a veteran's best girlt"ught french, -"pam.h, Germdn, and to tn mg out a motorcycle that aItah ..n to scores of convale.cents p~tlent ,aw on dISplay 10 a storeHo>plahzed soldIer. haH relewed Gray Lad,e, decorate wards Withuni, er>1tv credit for courses take~ Aol'>ers They have even made upat a .lhool operated by the corps bndl" bouquets for \\eddlngs In

49,882 M.m~n- ho,pltal chapelsA group of women worked In the A mUSICUOlt from the Xew York

greenhc>use and gardens WIth patl. chapter gIves concerts 10 severalents at one e.tablJ,hment, teaching ho.plta], Corps often orgaOlLe gleethem horllculture SkIIng and tenms L1ubs among patients A Gray LadyJessons are g'l'en at a veterans' hos. plays a \\ eekly program of aU-re-p!tal for mental pallents Ballroom quest plano numbers over one hos-dancmg, mUSIC, handicrafts, and Pit aI's radiO station

I I II, [

VisitorsHonoredAt Party

Congregational Ladiesto Present AmateurTalent at ~Ieeting

The \Vorncn's \"OClatlOn of theGros,c POInte CongregatIonal church\\1]] meet at the homc 01 ~lrs. \'Vll.ham \1 Adams, 305 universIty place,Tuesday, ~Iarch 2/)

Co-hostesses \\ III be MesdamesJames C Bolles, Paul L Kohoordand Ernest L Ray Dessert luncheonWlll be served at 12 30.

The program commlllee is pre.sentmg an on!(lOal horne talent pre>-ductlOn, ' \ \fexlcan Bus RIde," un.der lhe d,recllon of ~rrs Glenn E\Vllker,cm Th e ca<;t "a' selectedIrom memhers of the a,soclatlon

hIrs AleXia"der Steele Charle!tonentertained on Saturday OIght at acocktaIl party and buffet supper ather home on Hawthorne road In hon-or of 11aJ. and ~!rs Clarence S.Le\\ls, of Cedar RaPIds, Iowa, whoare \ lSIlIng her.

The guests for the evening werethe John KIllISe}'" the Russell Stan-~ the WUliam Re>da. the WI1.

....... t 6e ~ Hfte...<J- Coc:ld>lwn, and Mill

!e8lIellt" Kaye and Betty Wolfe. allof DetrOIt.

hIaJor Lewis has jUM recently reoturned to the UOlted States aftersen Ing 24 months 10 the transpor-tation corp, of the army In the CBrtheatre" lib 1r rs. Charleston's hus-band, ~(aJ Alexander S. Charleston,who IS s-hll statIOned there.

~Ir. Helm,tadt and ~rr. Cockburnhave also Jus-t returned recently fromover~eas. ~rr Cockburn \\as an of-ficer lO both the CanadIan and Amer-Ican armIes In the I:.TO, and MrHelm.tadt sen ed 10 the Afncan,Slc,han, Italian and German offen.Sl~es


, '.@:

\--K FOR


I (

1 r l i I ......


Alex Location Cleaners



AT A TEA in their homo on Lakepointel'oad, Mr. and Mrl. Collonl'B. Sar.1I announced the enr .. em"nt of their daurhter Ruth. to P'ft.H"nry C. Hu.paeheJ' •• on of Mr. and Mr •• Hu,o C. H... puh .... ofBarlowa."nu ••



AnnouncementNOW 2 NOW


Y01J \\.\ \"T THE ilLST

H:\\T. \Ol R C\RI'Ll,.;, ReGS X\D pt-RXTTPRE


RI(,lI f 1'\ YOCR EmIL



Operator. at the Mar-Mac• Marge Jacque., Manager

Machine or Machin.le •• WaT'"• Mary Van De W,el"

SpeclaliZln, iftR.y"Ue Cold Wa.e.

Plea.e Phon. Earl,. forAPPOINTMENT


18554 Mack TU 1.4318Clol.... Monday.

Japane'e \\omen \\111 vote for thefirs.t tune thiS) ear.

Bridge Proceeds toPurchase Children'sToys at :Mason School

The room mothers of ~ruonschool's Parent-Teacher Associationare ha\mg a bridge party on March28 at 1 30 pm. In the audLtorlum 01

the Detroit EdIson company, 2000ThIrd avenue.

There \1III be table pnzes and doorprIZes, and refreshments will beserved.

Th e procceds WIll be used to buyeducational games and toys for rain}day actlVltles for the boys and girlsat Mason school.

A benefit dessert card party is be.JOg sponsored by the Grosse Pointe!\avy Mo~hers' club next \Vednes-day. ~Iarch 27 at J 30 p.m. In the Al-ger c1ubroorns, 17145 St. Paul ave-nue,

Proceed, w1I1 be used to increasethe hospItal fund of the !\a,]' },!oth.ers. There WIll be table and doorprizes •

The next regular meeting of theclub WIll be held Thursday nIght,~larch 28, at eIght o'clock In the AI.ger club.

To DiscussModernCooking

The :\farch meet 109 of the ~fOlh-ers' Health EducatIon Counol ofGrosse POInte \11,1 be held next\\ ednesda}, ~farch 27 at I 30 pm,at the off.ces of Ihe M,chigan Con->ohdated Gas company.

~llss Arlene SIJleld, \\ 111j(l\ e ademonstrallon on . Cooking the~l odern \\'ay to Pre>en e V,tamlnsand ~flOeraI." The counCIl ha. ask.ed ~11" ShIelds to gl\ e ,peclal em-phasl' to the preparallon and ,ele~-tlOn of foods for the chIld', I~nch

All Grosse POlOte mother. are lO.\lIed to attend "hat prom»e. to bea most IOterest1Og and IOformatlvemeeting.

Resen'allons are asked to be madewltb the counCil representatl~es ofthe fol!owlOg school> Pierce, 11rsFred Pessl; Defer, Mrs WallaceLamb, Trc>mb1). \Ir. Ed"lO J Holi-han; Richard M r, .l.nhur Koelbel,Kerbv, ~lr. K<nneth ~IIChd, Vern-Ier, Mrs Clark Bas,ett ~la\re, MrsLerov Allen; Mason, ~Irs Q1arlesE \Vade; and Grosse POinte blghschool Mothers' dub, 1lrs DonaldHolhster.

Family To.Hear Recital

Crownless hats \1\'111be smart thisspring and summer, says Lilly Dache

The Detroit foundation school ofmusIc announcc, a plano reCital gl\-en by Helen LoUIse Reed of 720Pembel"lon road, Grosse POIOte Parkfor Saturday OIght, March 23 at 8 15lo Assembly hall, 913 Jefferson aYe'nue

},!iss Reed is the pupil of 011\ eMay ~!ert, ~las. :Mus; she ,,~IIbeasshted by Joyce Pro\encher, pupilof ~larcus Kelleman.

The Reed famIly is looking for-ward wth pleasure to thiS week-endwhen all members of the famdy \\]11be horne

Ada Reed wl1l amve from theClc\fland School of Art \\ here she'sa student, while son Fred will spendthe few da~ between semesters wllhthe famIly. He attends Houghton Tickets may be obtained from a~liOlng and Engmeerlng oollege, room mother or from a teacher.Houghton, l.hch. ---------

Tbq wii~ att~",pMo feo' Navy-M~dayn~ .-,- ..... Card Party March-27

9 X 10.6 $114.00,

9 X 12 $122.009 X 13.6 $146.50

!:lrl, fulfill tl,e obl>gatlons of respon-'Ibl~ c\llzensillp. and enlarge and'Iren!(lhen theIr under,tandIOg of\\orld culture., b\ emph~slzlOg theImparlance of total famIly parttClpa-twn 10 the actl\lue, bUilt around thetheme -\t Home 10 the World"

lamp I- tre GIrl>, Inc, offers mem-her,llIl\ to .11 gIrls sel en years of ageIhro\l>:'1 JUOlor college The three~r{)lI:h are RIlle Birds, or Juniors I

Cam[l F,re Glrl< the IOtermedlates,and Honzon Clubhers, the seOlorgroup

Camp Flr~ GirlS ana Fllu~ BIrdsare mec'lIl>: at Ihe \'elghborhoooc'lh e\en Frlda\ al 4 pmTrombly School-Blu" Bird.-

\!ItZI "pllr, -\n'l \lane HIllstromIrene Sternpt1e, A,nn El>zabeth Ba-con, fr "nLl' Butterfield, CaroleStolle).. ng \I"e J aile \f OOTe Con-.lance PaIn, and BeHrlv John,tonh.ne [,,,n adl\e 10 reclnt \\cek.\\llh tnps to a gIOger ale plant, acreamen and the PrOlestant Chll'dren. Home •

The\ have also had a splash party,attended a Camp FIre ceremoOlaland are now nuslly makmg bibs forpoor bable.

A handcraft display is bemg heldm the school; It meludes many giftsuggestIons.

Tell of Eng-agementof Jeanne Cowanto Xavy Lieutenant

~rr and ~rrs Jack Co"an, of 260\!c~Illlan road, Gro,se PomteFarms, announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Yeoman 2/c JeanneCowan to LIeut. (Ji) Victor A. Fer-ran, ]r, son of Mr. and ~Irs. VIC-tor "\. Ferrari of San FranCISco,Cah!.

Yeoman Cowan is stationed in SanFrancisco and IS a graduate ofSouthern Semmary 10 Buena VISta,Va. She expe<:ts to arrl\'e home In

~Iay. •ueutenant Ferrari was graduated

from Leland Stanford uniyerslty_


8.3 X 10.6 $104.508.3 X 12 $119.258.3 X 13.6 $132.25



Store H-.n • to •••• Tharaclay ..... Friday, • to •

Available NOW In SIX sizes

'A brilliant and utterly dIfferent floor covering-a long pile texture rug wtth apure wool face. A decorative fabric which is as practIcal as it is st) lish.


Col()rs include such ~mart shades as' Wedgewood Blue, Frappe Beige, Gains-borough Rose, String Blond, Oyster White, Ice Green and S\\ eetheart Rose.

The lut word in 1mart 18th C"ntury .tylinr '0 much in ~."d todQ for trad,tIonal room••Colora .nclude rrren, W1nebeia. and rOle backrroand.-

Styled to the Minute

Par Expert Home Servce at 1\0Extra Cast-ClII

It'. NEW.It'. De6aitely DIFFERENT


Mra. E. Howarth


JOIN THE HOURLY AIDE CLUBTo relax by enjoyiq the aervieu of trained children'.DlD'Me, bou .... id., eooka, 1aundrM.ea, deaninlf women,-ueue.. 001IIp.DiGas and Dana for elderly people....... [lied ...... witIa pa. ..,..,... of calture ...

-- .....I.<..-4~: - .

Page Four

Charis CorsetsAvailable Again

Camp Fire Girls OfferMembership To All Ages

1400 Vernier RoadTeI~hone 1\i 0359

Camp F"c G r, In, (llde't na-Ilonal or!:dl' I" .' I In -\merlca for\ounll: l:lr, marked II' ,»'h annl-Hr,an (In \I a"d, Ii the hr" da\of Camp F re \\ te).. \\ II', • -\1 HomeIn the \\ (lrld ' a, toelr toeme, BlueBirds Camp Fire GIrls and HO"lzonClubbers loe three age classlhca-Ilon< serl ed h\ Ire orj(,<!llZatlOn \\ IIIfeature a program dramatlun,ll; themtrrnallOnal a,peCl< 01 famlhInend,o p and under-tandlllg

SpecIal ceremomals get-togeth-~r!." and fa.mlh partIe.pallon meet-mgs \10 1'1 hlg-hllgh' the romance andcolor 01 home ("aft- \10 Ith e,entsplanned 10 create an understandingof the cultures and "a\ s of !lfe In

other land, The culmallon offriendshIp \Io,tl, toe }outh of othernallons \\ ,II be stressed through per.sonal and gro:!p corre,pondence oftlJe nallon-I'> Ide memhershlp ShopsIn Clt'~ and to\\ns are cooperatmgby makIng aUIlable "lOdow spaceto dspla\ material, m.de by theg rls In tl,elr hand and home craftclasses.

In a large number of communillesthe girls Mil entertain theIr famlhes.relatives and friend:. at parent meet.lOgs, at "hlch tIme the 8 rls Willh~H an opporlUtlltv to demonstratethe skIlls they ha \ e learned 10 theCamp F,re program .• Smce 1912, the date of its incor.

porauon, Camp Fire has sened mll-hons of American gIrlS, as well asthose c>fother lands. Geanng Itselfncmr to the act1\ ItlCS of a peacetimeworld, It " puttmg into practlce aprogram des,gned to help )oung

(. J?

Page 5: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief


Page Pi••


CO~GRAT{;LA TIO~SDr and :-Irs Harold E. Cross of

131I Hollywood, Gros,e POInte".ood" announce the birth of adaughter, Kathleen ~Iane on ~!arch6 Mrs Cross IS the former Loretta:-Iuhlhlli.

,n pink and blue taffeta gowns wwthsweetheart neckhnes and tiered.klf!> TheJr bouquets were ahogJadlol1l

M elvm Elliott served hiS brothera, nest man and ushers were Bill'mltn Wilham Baker, Albert Stf"OOP,Dan L,ppS, Claude LeWK and EvallUlry

I ollawmg the ceremony, a re<:ep-lion was held In Godden Hall.

\If> Gregory, mother of the bnde,\I ore a gown of pale green crepe\I lth a ,houlder bouquet of redro,c" the groom'~ mother wore navyblue With a SImIlar corsage.

The new ~lr, Elhott graduatedIrom Grosse POinte hIgh scoool andattended Hardmg college prevIousto he' marriage She IS a member ofthe Gata SOCIal club Her husbandgraduated from Hardmg last year AI

a mmhtenal student and IS a mem-ber of the Lambda SOCial club,

Alter a ~hort \\Cddtng' tnp, thecouple arrn ed at their home III Fort\V.ilne, lnd, \lhere :--Ir. Elhott is aminister for the Church of Quist.


ENROLL NOWIt'. FUll to B. Popular and Euy T_


Leana. to danc-':o letUI or follow. Y....'11ell-joy yo...... 1f more if yoa bow what to .. ,.and what to do. Oar .1...... iaelade m.trac-tiOIl ill loci.. etiqaette.

Meet y...... frienoU Uld mue .._ hi_ellwhile learni .... the Fox-Trot, Rhumb .. Delfoi,Sam" .. Lindy _.1 Waltz.

l_tracUoll ill All Typel of DaACII f....Childre1l Uld Adalb

750 Alter Road LEnos 3837



TV 2-3000


\Ir Elhott b the ,on of :--Ir and\lr, \\ T E:..!ho!t nl Ch,ckasau,Okl.

\1", :-anc\l (,r(60rj, \lho \lasher 'bter's maId 01 honor. Y.ore agO\l n 01 } ellow net 0\ er taffeta Herbou'!u et II a, made of pmk gladlOln\11th ,plfea, accented WIth orchidsnap dragons

The bnde,mald, \I ue Betty Vlry,Gualdme Young, \\ ray Bulhngton,LaHra !'lonk, ~Iarguente O'Ban-non, Bettv Rhode" LUCIlle Hancockand Ida Hazlett They were attlred

Nine Attendants AssistWoods Bride At Ceremony

Dr (J(.or~t ~ B('n,,jn OffJUdtcd attill douh[t flll~ ceremony \....hlCh ""'aspCrlurm,d ",:aln-! • f;ackground ofCd ,,<ll. !,r d gladl ,II .,ld fern

1 he hrld" dau,:hltr of :-Ir and\I r, D II (,r< KIJ" nf Gro"e Pomte\\'ood" Ultu,ri the (napel on thearm If hlr leitht r wno ~a\t... her Innletrrld.gl 1 J (.'" ~()\" n ,\0 a.~ of wll1te,lip!,. r ,a\ln "'Ih hnui hodlce "h'chbutt()!I(n 10 tlte \la"t In Ihe backand ,nd, dill" :on[o(traIn Her Roarlcll~lh I ul tell trom a ,atm braidedh.lllr! ,he carflcd a bnde s bouquetof \dllte rO'll"

JIi, marndgc 01 \1", \ladelynGfl~ lrv ..nn CI nton LlllOlt \la, ,01-lmnlLld In "n ImpreSSive candleltghtCcrCIIIOI1} III thc ,hapd of Harrilngcolieg( ,n "" ar(} Ark, fnda} n,ght,\I." Ii il at" 30

", ,n nR \ T' I R,I" \ ,n q n'rr)\"T Rl.., Ton


LE 7055



Alger PO'it AU>.,.lltarvSchedule Card Part)'

The mcmber, of the VF\\' -\lgerAuxlliary 995 of Grosse Pom'c, \I illsponsor an e\ enm!( card pa,ly In theclubroom, at 17145 ~t. Paul a, enue,Saturda}, 11arch 23 at 8 pm

The party IS under the walrman-ship of 11ary Powers \

The pubhc is cordIally innted toabtend, there "111 be table prizes,door prizes and -e rc,llmClltS

\Vomen's K ew,;casterto Address 1\ewEngland Society

Betty Roberts women", new,cast-er o\'er station ".J8K, 1'.111be theguest speaker at the mee"lIng of De-troit Colony, XatlOnal SocIety of:-Ie\\ England "'omen, \Vcdne>day,:--farch 27, at N e\l ben") House, onEa,t Jefferson Her ,ubJect, "Gard"en GlOries," \I III be Illustrated by col-ored shdc>, and garden \ erse

),Irs joseph L}nn Carhle, ColonyregtStrar, and :--Irs George C Cooneswlll be co-hostc,ses at the 12 .30 pmluncheon precedmg the mectmg

~Ir, Henry D ~lacKave, presi-dent, \1111conduct a board meetlllg at11.30 am, and WIll convene thebuslncss "sSlon at 1 .30 pm

Wood., who married Chnton Elliott

. \(', 1",\1' 'I ,,' ~., 111 ithe c{)cnrr <ill I \ "'Ill \ 111' '01

10m th(' pH FI(' 111 1"1"11 (rl'p

c10th(', th(' r.l:lr!,. of :::), dt:'roonllllg' '" '1'11rl thrl1i 1101\\ ._


Get out <lITof, our 11g-ht 'prill\:;

clothe, and '('I,d tht'll1 11'\\ t{)rBLTTLR Ql \LIT\ CLL\X-IXG

on Mdllllan road last \\Cek, I'.herea Fly.Lp cecemony was held forSandra DJckely and Mary Da.hlen.Scout pms were al\3rded to J ull~\Vatson, Marlon Khngensmlth, and~farie Jacobsfl The gJrLs pracllsedtheir songs and dance for the rally,and en)o} ell the refreshments of Icecream and bIrthday cake.

The,c clever gIrls, With the helpof the troop committee mothers,made their own aprons for the SWISSco9tUrnes whIch they ,,"ore for theirput 1n ~he luhette Low programAnn Mellmk was ohosen to presenther troop', contribution to the Juh.ette Lo\, lund

A nell membeor Just \\ elcomed mtoTroop 539 IS ~ancy ~aragon fromYoung.town, O. And Xancy's moth-er has Jomed our ranks too, havlllgagreed to ~rve on the troop com-mIttee.

A nel' trammg course for leadcrstuted on Wednesday, March 20, at10 LID, at Defer school. FO!" furthet"informatIOn rega:rdmg the course,anyone 10terested may call MrsHoward Parfitt, :\1 3698

, ,e

1 ,


~IIr~'fllr"~I'" :, 1 '. Ii ~ f

~ "!l ~/ l'f ~.'

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1 ~....d ~ ...-i • t'... A r (l \ ..r i ',,,1 r


" \1( \

THE BRIDAL party of Miu M.......y" Cre,ory of Croll. Point.iA Searcy, Ark., FrIday, March 8.

Capacity Crowd AttendsGirl Scout Birthday Rally

r I ,

r I 1.4 l"\1,- \

(1 I, ..

1 \



~ 11 "- I

fA" "1'1 t.\

Arts and SciencesAre Preference ofEx -Ser\'icewom en

T l -l \.... ~ ('... \\ )f" ... 1 \\ n, ,n \f"" ~"lr!'"1 ,,' 4 .Jl;>"11 \\ j'

KIDS DON'T FORGET ABOUTthe blg "Quad Hop" COlnlll' up tillSFriday nIght at the Book CadIllac 10the grand ballroom starting at 9 30DLS and Country Day sorontlesand fratermtles are the hosts andhostes,es The dance planning com-mIttee consISts of two representa-tIves frOill each soronty and fra-termty John Pemberthy and Leigh~fJddledltch are representlllg Gam-4tIa Delta, "nme \Vedthoff and Nan-cy are gab frC"'" 'TOll Beta, DaveDave Robb and Bob SmIth sho\\lIlgup tor :\fegate, Gertrude Ford and"nnlc Stringer are the Stgma Gam-ma dance planners

Everyone agrees that our bIrthdayrally" as a big succc.ss_s eVIdence,we gl\e )OU a few fac!>. Four hun-drc dpeople aJttended the celebration,and m RIchard gymna"um that IS acapacIty ero .....d, $6925 was presentedby the various troops to the JulietteLow Fund, and 445 cans of food"ere contributed by the glfls for the

PETER PRINCE, HO:--IE FOR Good \\'111 food drIVe The speCIalspnng vacatIOn, played host last FrI- guests of !II rs. Moreland's troop,day at a lundteon at the DAC, Pe- four Girl Guides and thelf captalnter's date was Fay Howard and oth- from \Vmdsor, presented a verven there I'.ere loame Gehlert 'n Bob clever skit as their oontrlbullon t~Cudlip, BIll Cole 'n Janie Gehlert, the program. They also gave MrsLibby Powell 'n Larry HIgbie, Moreland a Fnendshlp Pm AndCharles Thomas, and Ed Baker. now It s all over, and \\C, a whole

After lunch the p,arly moved to year older, can settle down to ourBob Fisher's house wd1ere "take routJlle workyour pIck" was the moMo between Ou.t St Paul way, Troop 579 hasbridge, danCIng and eatmg. had a busy VI'Inter. The )UIllOr mem-

• • '. bers spent COllSldernble tune prepar-WHAT, ANOTHER CABIN mg for thClf first pU1>Pet show They

party I Yep, thaCs what it was at started from scrQltch, too. FIrst aBob Cudhp's la,t Friday mght demonstration was gIven by theIr as-There were Just hundreds of kids but slslant leader; rthen the girls wereto menlnon just 1l few there were given some ma.terlal and liOlIle extraDawn OsiUlS 'n Charles Thomas, tune to ex.perunent, after whIch theyPete Pnnce 'n 1..oIs McXlerney, Bob set to "ork \D earnest, transformmgFiMlu 'n JaDle Gehlert, Joan Coc:h- the lowly potato inoto all IOI"tls ofrane 'n )im Kretlller and Joanie Mother Goa6e eGulllCl:el' .. F~GoIifewt _ Bob' • .ie. .. - .. r.:Ii .......

• • • • • • Ana Read "fI"rites, '"'!be M1q'e __

LAST MONnAY MORNING set, the curtain drawn, and ODe byGrosse Pomt bad farewell to another one the various characters appearedgroup of boys who were leaving for to idC1ltdy them.selvC5 with stonesthe anned forces. A few of those who or poems tha.t ha\e made themleft (after the dozens of gomg away known and loved by e\ er.l'one, M1SSparties given for them) were JIII1 ~Iuffet told her story of the "Cu ..dsBatley, Bill Kerr, Bob Donovan, and Whey", \Vee \-Vlllle \VmlaeJack Buck, and Dave Robb. warned the children of hiS evemng

wandermgs; Little Lulu made herappearance straIght from Holly-"ood, and Chlllky- Ghlll<unan toldhow to make a quarter out of 15cents Others from story-book landI\efe there, too, and \lhcn the cur.tam was finally drawn, all agreedthat the puppet show \I as a greatSU"~S as \-ell .l, a lot of un"

All the girls of 579 made Fnend- IShlP Bag,. 20 III all, and filled 12 Formany o11he garb, thJS was theIr fir,tstruggle '\1to a sew1ng machllle, butthe completed bags ga\ e no e\,dence01 tillS fact They were \Cry profes-SIOnal Ioohlll& and most attractl_e,W11h red slltchlllg on the off.willtematenal, fnngcd SIdes, and red cord"Ornamental. as "ell as useiul" couldea'lly be a Girl Scout slogan I

In spile ot lhlS hea\ y \\ filter pro-!tram, thc gJrls had fun, too The\e\en hra-ed near-zero \\ealher -remember \\ hen" - and had a shat-

What does the ex-"-ac, Wa\e or IIlg party on the lakc, pla\fIlg tag~urse want {o s4.udy once she doffs Ice hockey, and tOflpmg off WIth aher un,torm and retllrns to the col- huge tire, Vlhlch naturallv mean,lege c-ampus under the G I BIll of hot dl'>g<,toa,tcd mar,hmallo\\,. andRIght, - hot chocolalc

"ccord ng to figurcs releascd bv From Rl,'lard ,choal \\e hcar that:-11" Helen E. Kean. dean 01 "omc~ \fT' T C \\ hltc and her scetlon ofat tlle 'CmHrs,t> of DetrOIt, 64 pcr T-00[> 519 alon~ \\l'h the a,,,,t,,,ntcent of the e'-,er\ leellomen carr) - Ieadcr \lr, jo,cph H endcr<"l1 hlk-1Ill( tnll-(Ime cia" 'ched'tlc, on the ed'o the home rot \!r, T G Dahlen I"''\Irllohroad,am[>l' 'holl .prd !--------------,rence for ar', and '<1cnec ,tlld c, I Florcnlc CUI11111ino.. I\;" dhcharl(ed \\oman \C1eran ha' \ t t I" l' . 1 ....... Iapphed lor arlm'",on 10 thc h',:h'\ I' Ctl( C<tl leI"'cchmcal CORllle."n" COJr,e, a, Ht Con\'cntiotl in Lan ...inn-and <>nh. (')oc I- I,,:cd ('In thc Ia-\: -- :-. I'choe>! r('ll ' I \\ lCn rich r.:".' , rcorc,cn(lIl~

T t n 1( ,. (ti.,r ('\ '('T\dCC'\\0mCn It I,i.......r(\<"'ll t( ....( 1(';... t!HO J~h('ltlt 1h ("

ama-'cd mOfC Ihan I\\cnh \car, ,.a', 01 \1 dll~a, ~a'hered III L.. n,cr\1" l.mc to the r cI'llectl\c cred 'n:: Sat Irna\ \larch lfi for I,el-'It, ,h()'\\ that the I\P caT cooed \cter-ll,r" pO'o1\lar ~',cm"'h ! lC pre"d I'an at l" ,f D ,,24 \Car, (\l~ spent n\: offt<:cr \\a, a <;az nal' 1. nder.apr>-o"maTcl" t\\(\ H;U-' and t\\O ",,-'cn ICAcoer, t ,hel 11",' \II"

mO,'"- ,0 'Cf\ICC ~nd h~-i ud 'f'll1C 1->1" " pre' -it" r>, I'" Drrar'mrn'(0 t"'tr ";,,111 n~ pr (1" "0 ('n"<"'mr,t ....t l ~ -~.........." TC'tlf ltr ... (), 'I f' \hc-h' I~('\tn' \. pt"f ern" "f'1"'\ rd n th ...C1"nn~ ~ ...n d I("~ ()'1 \ ...O\;=. ~;:t\ ..,;:

tn lor! 1r lull llmr I"tt, electrd a ~r t me • 1r or;::~n

It..>.' on ,,~- t 'fmrn III \1 Hch \'l.I4

"'::lr~f'rl H('::lrl C0n\f'f't Rco 1 eo! 11e \\~c h'''1 on c""~\r~- I

PI:ln, f\l' ot Rc,,,l1r,tIOln I ,on, 11rcr ~" hrcn ", IT'cc'.~ ,.." I..h r r1 c (';;""~ .... I)

1 "(


i~mrn ' 'd'l_\2

IRISH EYES WERE S:--lILIXGlast Saturday mght when all the ladsbrought theJr colleens to the galaSt PatrICk', Day dance at the G PhIgh ,chool Seen danclllg to thelatest hIts Y.ere Barb Stoerkle 'nPhIl Skillman, MarIlyn KaIser 'nJoe HIckey, Adele GIllette 'n DonFloer, ),Ianlyn Buck 'n Jim Camer-on, Elbe He\l Itt 'n Earl Lapp,Elame Bueher 'n Marly Beer, JoeyJohnstone 'n Dave Kaiser, AdelaIdeKhngbell 'n Graham :--Ielkle, Mari-lyn SmIth 'n Andy Creamer, ThelmaFife 'n Bob WlIlnlng At the re-freshment stand I ,aw SkIppy Cook'n Nancy Brill, John Rummel, BobOlson and Bay Grubbs

jL~'1 PILc::, A.:-D PILc::, OFkId, climbed mlO e"rs and buse, lastfriday IlIght .md made thelf \layoutto p, rndale to ;oee Gros,e PomtepIa v DCoirborn \\ e may ha-e lo,tthe gdme but Ihe 'plflt \loi, ,urether< r ,aw \I artha Arm,lrong,Barb \Jolyneaux the Kretchmart "'In, IJ 1Il Beck, Dleh SeymourDale Bugl, \larv 1 horn, DennyThorn", Don Boirrelt, Cow C"meron,Joan SlI\~on, abo ,a\\ ]oann Rus.,el and Janet Reid "ttlllg on theed6~ of the balcony cheenng for ourteam


ru 2-1781


Dries In 20 Minutes

-Vernier ChildrenPrepare Red ero",,,Boxe", for O\'cr"'cas

Vernier c}llldrcn feel very proud-There arc only 106 PU[)'!> In theschool and filS 30 \I ", contnbuted tothe JunIOr Red Cro» fund XO'I thechildren arc hnngng ,malt artIclesfor junlOr Red Cro" glft boxesEach hox \I 'II cOIHam 'mall arllcles'ullable lor ,hlidren IIlllCh Illll be,ent to v,rop ..

1 he thIrd grade \ I>,ted the Won-der Brc"d hakery 1a,t r nday after-noon They ""lched the process ofbread mah.Ulg from the mlxmg ofthe !lr'l ,ngrcdlulh to the packingthc hnal product for dchvery to the,lorc, Th" ,ar,1pled ,II eet rolls 1m-muhately after the> came from theOlln and the chIldren and the SIXmother, II ho drOll II ere un"n,mous111 dLcI"nng It \\ ..I, a \I onder£ul tnp


P.o. Bo~:ZUSt. Clair ShO're.


Free Advice and Estimates• Tree Pre.enallon • Lawn. and Sod

• Sprayin.. • Top Sod • Fruit and Shade Treea• Peat MOil • Enrgreena • PIOWlD"

• Shrub. • GradIng

Dip in Waterand HUI

• No pute, Il" tool.• 3 rod. will do an a"erqe room• Patterlll are wuhable, fadeproof

24 SIDEWALL PATT_E_R_N_S . $2~9pComplete With Bordero

TWO CEILING PATTERNS $159MocIens, Beautiful Roll

"A refreshing bath is so nice to comehome to after a busy clav! BeStdesrelaxing tired mu~c1e~, hot \\ ater alld

aoap kill bacteria and help me \\ ardoff cold ....

UN plenty of hot water. An auto-matic gal hot \\ater heater suppltesIn the hot water you \\-ant, all thl."time. And now that ga~ rate~ arelower, lutomatic hot\\ater IS supphl."ncheaper than c\'cr!

ThIrtY-SIx army tramed pIgeonsearned me"agc, \dlllc o-ersea, dur-IIlg the liar


Two BIocb wl of Cadieus: Road

Hale Knlght, ,ecrc>tM)' of the Re-pubhcan GI!lzen, commlltee, \I III ad-dress the March meetmg of the \\'0.men', Republican club of GrossePOinte Tbe meetmg II III be held atthe home of :--1r, George ParlerMcMahon, 1007 BIshop road, GrussePOinte Park, on ~Iondav, \I arch 25,..t 2 pm

All Repubh(an womcn are mlltedto ~u.end

Thursda), March 21, 1946


Page 6: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief

Zone _

CAdillac 4416

Plus Tn UldPostage


The form .nd contellt of a ,airs,hp "'" Ulll't''';dt,d "lid dCl1l!ldupon \11 PUPI). a,,"kd In prLp ..r.,ng 'hc ,,\cral hundrtd "Ie, ,hplIll,dld Ptl,~ l1g, lItre mad, .lIdmcrthdlH!>se propLrl} t"ggld Pus~lr, for the hall, arid tile: stor: _ ..mad, 1)\ ,.th,r, C ..shlers and tlleud.~~l ~tdllt.., prlJ)J.rl d md.~tcr l!l( U(

,hLeb tu rc,urd all ,,,lcs Pnur tothe ~r ...nd op"nlllg on \\ edlll.d ...y.),[arch 13, lIlltLh,wdl>llIg delllo,l.tra.tlOll> "ere 'OlldULled to gl\( II,e.tor~ per,onllel praCllLc III Ill( ~lIng,,,Ie, problem,

,\Itogclher 141 >.Ie> tr~II ....ct'onswere madc n~tllllg $3':1 26 I he olf,c,cr, of the 5 \-1 cld,s orl bel,,,1f vfthl puplls III ",r ...dc, fi, e .nd 51~,

pH>lllted lhb mOll" 10 the '111001

,haJrllldn. \1rs ~f I uller

Frank Stei,er Help.Clean Seas of Mines

Frdll" R StLl~,r 11 b".I."a n',matl, 'lLond Lia", l):,\ll, IilJ4wkepollltc Gro>,e POlIlll P.r\.. h ..sh<.. en ..,\O\(.lplng mille.., otf ~h tile-lid.!and Han\..ow, UlIlla ...boud theY~fS 66 ,1llLe la,l ~cptell1h,r

1 he 66 mo' ed 11110 thl !,,, II'L InJ aUU:H\ lq44 (ll t rr ...\\ C't pl11g rill "yIII the \tlantlc


SCOOTER ON DISPLAYat PI.... nt Company OfFice13032 East Jefferson al Lenox




I ....~"lI--- fo\l

~IIJ, gll()1f flJle


( ) COD

( ) Ch...,lc or M 0 E"c 57.2$ Ind"c1,nl Ta", POllal~


Addre ..City _





Give Sale Returns to Junior Red Cross

E •• nill" _d 5••••. TOwn.end .. ~

MILTON SPlUNKLER SY~TEMS,Ine..2111 Pebablcot Balkfia.t







, what Cab Companies, Police CarDrivers and Truckers Say AMU.


"Let vour contnbution to the Jun-Ior Rld Cro>5 represent an earned,onlrlhutlon ' Thr- " .., the thcme ofthe j ulllor Hed (.ross dfll e at Ihe[rombh 'll1ool as It was presentedto the pupll~ m an opcnmg assemblyprORram and as It was earned out In

,plr1l and aCtIon bv all pupils durmgJUnIor Red Cro,s Week

A, a part of tillS 'pmt ...lId aellon,the 5 '\-1 clas> ,ponsored a \VhlleElephant <ale for the fifth and weth"rddL' a, an opportUnity for pupilsIn thhe ",radc, to earn money forthe JUnIor Red (ro,s

Pupils were llIvlted to brtng ar.Ucle, to ,chool that were no longerliked or wanted, but IIhlch WQuldhal e value to olher~

In pldnnlllg- and preparing for the'ale, problem, related to pubhcl!>,pnLmg, lablhll", merchand"lI1g.,ale, force, store managLment, andaecountmg nad to be conSidered dndresohed h~ the cla<s Tne \\rlllllgof pubhLlt\ ...nd PrlLll1g of artIclesIIere handled by the class as a com-mlll,' of the wholl A sub-pubhclt>cOmm'lll.e sell! ,peakers to the' an-ou, das>l' to ,umulate mtere,\t andrespon,e Ql1,,1I011> of mherenl val-ue and orlgmal lO,1 \lNe \\ e,ghedIn pncmg l ach drtlcles.

KerchvaJ and St. Jean MU 9318fI\~:"1I 1.1'>Il~ ~II" ~l' ""JI •• IdIl.JR ....'I 11"'~ "f I ~~ IT', Iftjl~I l~~':nT/T1I rMI"I~IIM '111""1~1!loil" .:if



For OtildrellFour Years to 10 Ye&rI







Grosse Pointe MethodistOturch

MetllinW in Kerb, School

Re., HUGH C. WHITE, MlaioteJ'242 Oak Street at McMillan



1.,45 a.m. Morninw wonbip.10,45.12,31 Leuon and pia,. peri-

od for pre •• cboolchilolren.

U,M.12:31 Sunday lehoa' foradllite aad all ath ..department •.

Builclin. Site. Moro .. R..... be.tween Kerchnal and RId,.

Thank Sutton for12 Years Service

-\ rl,o]u!lon \la, pre'tllted to theFarms LO'llILlI la,t Mond.> nlght foradoptIon by the board It re"d

, Hl>olved, That Ih, President andBoard of T.Il,tees of tlte V,lIage ofGros,e POlntl F .rm, on behaH ofall 01 tit, Lltlterl, of the VIIIaile,her<hv ''l.pr<>, to ),Ir ~UttOl. '111-llre "pprclIal,orl for tile lo}al andulb<lfi,h sen ILl' rendered b) hUlldunn).: tlte pa't t" eh e llar> a> amember of the Board of 'j rnstee,.and e,plClalil lor Itl> actll e mtcreslas chaIrman of the Poitee and FireCommlttle for th e past dLLade '

"Re>oh cd That the Pres,dent andBoard of Tru>tccs of the V,lIage ofGros,e Pomte Farm< hereb,' e'l.tenda vote of j Itan\..s on behall of thecitizens of the \ ,llage to B DaveBushaw, a retlnng member of thcBoard of Tru.tee, alter t\lO yearsof fa'thful sen ICl ..

IUI. E. WarnaltNZ 1C.1l•• nI



TV 1-0120



With Non-Skid Durable Rubber

Fool Pad and Rubber Handle Grips




All MetalThis Scooter Will CarryA 185-Pound Man Safely-Don't Have the "Big Boy" in Your

•Neighborhood Break Your Child's Toys

RUSSELL'SCurtain Laundry

and Cleaners

Specialists in Launderin,Fine Curtains

14641 Mack Ave.

, Xow maybe mv ex-g'd fnend Willbe ,orry I" £".GI Jack LO\ e, SouthBend. Ind, 111mher<tlng one milltoodollars

I\ I














FT211" \2 ..o ..2 l'io 2







11 d




, . \

\ .


, - I ,


Tor \LS

TOT.\LS 32


Club TournamentBegins Tomorrowfor Basketball

'the Xeigitbo~ club mep',bas],.cto.aiJ team dl\ Ided honors "'110PPoslI1g tearns last \Lcek The teamlcd b)' "Jeep" Delbarba dcfeated Sar-ah Grinley 72 to 63; and ",as beatenby the St ClaIr Shores leam led bvBert :<ralson. S4 to 44 ' .

Eo .... scoreNei.ltboa-hood Club FGDrlbarha 7~{umer 8Lock 7

lkrd<Dnqu'"'--- __ 5Ghesqulere 2Bra" n 2~racDonald 1

Sarah Grinle, FGC Varga _ _ 7J Varga 4Trel1ay 8'\Mleth 6L Xagy 3Ca'la _ _ IF Xagy 0

51. Clair Shorea FGKa\llman 12L. LlIlRernann 5I e Pn,to 0B \f dhon II" I ",,,emann 0I \f \fa"on 2I) \l ..~'K>n IllaJtteman 2



I ,iII


" a" Ik


I NeIghborhood Ch.b FGD, In I'd _ 4

I \tt mtr --- - 5IL"h 5

____ I\'"d>l~le ~p ~ 1l 2

I.. j l l (

" ,

" I

Legal Notices

Mr. and Mrs. SlrobleTU 1-0093

RUTH :WINKLER of Wi.con.lll ~d friend of M....,. Franc" Curto of .12 RI.... rd .ioiled. Ihe Gralle Poinlepo.1 oRI... hranch [a.1 week to mall a pa.ka.e to 'rle-ndo .Iationed in Hawaii where hoth had .ened pre.i.au. to their annal bo~e and 'lIb.~quent di.. hu •• f'olft tbe Wan •. In tbe .. ar are Neil DocIean, po. talclerk and Leland F, L",dow, ouper.ntendent. The hr.nch I... complete pootal raciliti .. and ol'ficial "'Iui •ment and ... ~eo. p

'nIt .....rd.rt'CI, ThaI lh.

5pecializioW in carpet

o:Ie..... n. b, • ..ew

Method - Chemical.

I, Cleaned.

------- --


Band Qualifies forEntry Into StateFestival April 13

Thl Grosse POlllle h,gh schoolband won a filet dl<,slon ratlllg atthe Southra,tern :<ftdugan BandFe~ll\al held at yp"l ...nti last Sat-urda} The ratlllll entities the bandto go to the state festl\al to be heldIt LansllIg on -\pnl 13

-\ first d,vlslon ratmg wa.s alsorecel\ ed by the band on SIght read-1Jl¥

Only three other first dlv~ionlwere a~; twent1 bt.nda panici •

~ in the fe5tMi.I. C'lJi'er top'wilY-

ners were the \Vashmgton JUlllCYrhigh school of Pontiac, the O'l.tordsemor hlRh school and Pontiac hlRhschool The}, too reCl" cd fir,t dl-YI~lon ratmgs m Sight r<adln"

Of the othl'!' clas, A hand, HI"il-land Parl. and lilt QcmLns reCCIl edhIgh hO'1or<, bemg gl<en a secondand third dlVlSlon, re'peelll elv Roy-al Oa],. and Pbmouth \Hre a\urdeda fourth dlIlS\On rating

The balld al'O made an appearanceon the Greenhght program last ,,\C,







Electric20817 Mack Ave.





111d aga,n IS In



8037 Harper Avenue


LEnox 5777

15800 Kerdle .... 1 Avenue


,r nU" Sl.'f\ ice Dcpar' n (' .

We \re Plea~ed to Announcr




Repair Seniee on All Home Appl.ancel


Hd~ Rell.1 cd From the Armed f"rl.{s

L~hrysLer.:.Pi r'll out ItMOTOR SALES


H. RIEMER COMP ANY150%3Warren between W.ybum and Maryland


6, It 12 Feet Wide

69c sq. yd.AllOt All Wool Carpetiq

y~ Friendly Nei.bborhoo4 51_

"The Best of Everything Electric"


DIRECT* Mirneo,raphin, * Multi,raphin,* Addreaain, * Typing* Secretarial Service



Stair Tread. wtiil Metal No.inw IlS.inch _ 3te.ft. Z4.incb _ 4Ic ea.


NI 5151

PL 7885

CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH OWNERSllll 'oTl.-tnrn \\hr1l 1'- -. lC'd ..

I Allorney, Wallace A Temple, 1749 ,.l,d ,,,r ,fW ,\, I: ,', 'h",,<!, 1 \\111, Pf"nobacot Bulldlnr i ,,' 10"' 't.nH r \).\\ n _1, } r d1 \\"h

Mr. Harold Beardslee (~:~~~>~~t;::~~TCO~~I:Il~fll:~":'~:~;1:i::~;":',! ~~:::~::'~:~~~~ I' (.1 h I ( ..." \n' 't.. (\(} (i111 ..... {!.;tlr

~ ( J' 1 d \ \ '"' \1 ..-\ 1 1 n. { ,~I


I l) h l Illl ( ..

~r~.e~t ~At~lck H \ "x C '(I r~:t I It lo"-l ..... 1 Ii irtof Prob"le 0 Br,en. Judie ('larl,. \\ r '11 a' ", I \ I J'/~I

In tl.'t' MAtI ....r of th,. E.lAI(" of I '"l... il' nM",r~.,.rf"t Hutchtnlon, D("c~='IIk'd

I ':'. ,.' 1 I~ ,,: Vacuum Cleaner•\ I Y1 ( ~>~ Contest to End

" Saturday. ~larch 23

For Kitchen and Bathroom WallsSteel Tile 42 c aq. ft.Congo Tile 131jllc sq, ft.




~ --- .,.... - AI..... - ~ s-n.. - w... r....- .......•• , ., ....,. PMt. Dr,-. .... EIeetric ~t

Page Six

Calvary Lutheran Adopts Gothic Lines.\fter "H],.' of dehheutlon andjerelll<'ln of ,ueh a plant enlarging it

, ..rCIU] .tu,l\. lill !,rm 01 Maul ,\ 1" .,ne thl ,plntua! need, of theLentz has beln lOmm\»IOntd In the III re COITI1TI1ll1 I~ 01 Gro:,sc POinte,,,>nj/.re~atlOl1 01 (al'arv Lut'Hral1 \\ ,1 "I-

cllur,h, Gr''''L POUltL \\ oods to fill ,n,'.llr'\ \. hxalLd on thedraft plans tor the nell chureh, p"r ','uth. d, ,>t \ ern,er road bet"eenIsh hou,e ..l1d parsona!.l 1(\ h, bu:t Jltiln and \I ..d. BUlldll1g 1\111 beginon \'ernler road ., ,,"'n ", '~Itable m..lerrals are

~[aul So LLntz. "r, hILL!, '0r £p,- a\ allahl<pha",. Z,on Tnn\l\ "nd 1'", Il Luth- \'<.111_ I,IL,.rd [ Groth, Ho".eran churd1c> ..nd the lJca ,',f,,] ard ]) ! ",Ii I,> ,11 \\' Rleh! and\[al'1h .. 1:.hz&1>cth....nud,'n :<ILlIIon.' f rile'! I \I,,,nu 01 'he bUlldmgLhapel, hale prolld thull.el'e, par- ,,'mill lice lIere r;lMj,le \V Sehaen.trlLularl< ad,pt In d,'I ...n ng along 11'-;: Fd,,,n '\ (,au" BenJamlnelrt:lthlL ] nt> Tn>- J> tl\' authentlL \!""I,r<><',> I con"rd \\'llzhe, Chnt.archll«turc uf thL LJdllr.n l.hurch lord jord.HI I d"ard C Senneda.. m~ had., .e, er,,: ,CI\'urrc, lI..rr< :>aln.!.ur< Herman Lahr,

C.1hu\ Olln, 495 Icet of clf-trail> f...nllert \\ Llcgllr and the Rev \V!vL"ted frvnlage kl1dlllg lhell to the J Geffert


Page 7: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief

Page Seven



........ .. <1t'1'IliII"", FIMI:r, ~..,.SPECIAL

Grade A A AA Pot Rout

BEEF .. . lb. 29c

Between Lakpointe aad BMClOa.field


LE. 7786


15215 Kercheval

Tuesday. Thursday • Friday. SaturdayPHONE



90 Kerby Road

Notice To ResidentsApplication for


Application. can only be made at the Village Clerk', Office,90 Kerby Road, any week day from 8:30 Lm. to 4:38 p.m.,Saturday untillZ:00 Doon.

Renewal applicatiorw mUlt be filed by April tat, 1946, tomaintain lpace priority allowed under reaulationll.

You MUlt Preaaat YOW' Certificate of Re,iltration.Crui .. Space Not Available.

THEODORE BEAUPRE HARRY A. FURTONSuperintendent of Pier Vi1lqe Oerk

Published by Go P. Review March 111 1946.


Public Invited to Attend Family Crusade LectureThe pubhc IS JDVltcd to attend a can save American home life. KnOWD

lecture on the Famlly Rosary Clu- as "Our Lady'. KDlgltt," Father~ade by Father Pa.tnck Pey'lon, Peyton conunuously travels through.C S C, at Mdrygrove college on Sun- out thn couniry. promotini theday afternoon, ~rarch 24, at threeo'clock He Will tell how the Rosary, cau .. There is no cnarge lor admll-

as reCIted dally by Cathollc hml!les, sIan to h1!1 lecture.

ME 0500




Flr"t Lleut. Otarles Parcells, Jr.,4JO R1vard boulevard, GrQl;se Pomtereturns to Clv,lIan hfe after haVingcompleted over four years armyserVIce, It was announced today byCol. QUlllton Adams, chief 01 theDetroit Ordnance Dlstnct.

1\01'> on termmal leave from FortShendan, lU., Separe.Non Center thelieutenant entered the army III 1941as a second !leuten.nt and was as.signed to the Detr01t Ordnance D,s-tnct \Ihere he sened as chief of thepurchase seCl'lOll for all small arms,Later he was &SSlgned to tile t1.nkbranoh as a price analyst

Before hIS entry in the serviceL,eatenant Parcells attended lawschool at Yale un1verslty and afterhIS dIscharge he Wlll return to buSI-ness adrnimstratlon school to nudyinvestment bankmg

He IS entltled to wear the Amen-can l1heater RIbbon and the VictoryMedal

Ordnance OfficerEnds Army Service

dom enLountered e"cept III the play-mg of the great virtuosos of todayAs her outstandmg number of theeveOlng, she WIll present the vigor-ous and Iyr"al Brahms Sonata 1Il

F MlIlor ::>he WIll .Iso play severalOtopm Eitudes and Ravel's fantas-tic Une Barque Sur L'Ocean



LinCOln-MercuryANOCiatecJ With The

It i~ mdlcat1\e of ~me of the thinjl;s that thl~ com pan", as a cili:en, can be expected tocontnhute to the cOmmunll\ that i~ ro be.

It is but little more dependable than Detroit

Edison .ervice.

Thlt miraculous continuitY of service, hereand elsewhere, is due to endlest research

lnd experiment bv engineer.; and e"ecuti\'e5

of the electric: indultrv. In that program otprogress, which hu continued through the

"earl, and will continue through the yearsto come, The Detroit Edison Company haa

been l pioneer.

Once a single transformer served ~our home.That transformer \1\ as tile transfer ('Oint, the

vital connecunjl: link, between the miles

u{'On mtles of power hnes and the line that

served you. When it failed the power was


EngineeN of The Detroit Edison Companvc:onceived and developed the idea of connectin~ many of these transforme" together in

"hanl..s." and now ~e' eral of them mu~t fail at the .. me time before ,"-oU and yourneiahbors are deprh ed of J'O'.er. Th~t seld<lm happens.

That l~ onh one of many thinII:' that ha\t been done to imure the householder, 'the

merchant and the manufaclurer an uninterrupted supply of po\\er adequate for all needl

-those of the present and those of the future.

That wu a Detroit Edi~n ldea-a DetrOIt Edison FIRST.

That wal an incident In the ~tOr) of tht~ company's contnbution to the community

of todav.





To ."ill Friends and Former Customers:

I WIll appreciate: the opportunity to be of sen;ce to you at mynew headquarters.


3700 E. Jefferaon Avenue


1hl lIlauguratlon of the newGro..,se POlllte Artist Concert Serieson AprIl wIII be an event tholt musIclove', of rhls area should look for-ward to It IS tile firM lime th.t.erlOU' mu 'K III the form of ,ub.>CrlpllOn concerts have ever beenoffered III thl;s )ocahty

At the first event of the senes,Josef Gmgold, vlollmst, and LeonaHahn~e, plamM, Will be presented III

a Joint concert in the Pu:rce JUniorhigh ,choo] aud,tOrium at 8 .30

Mr Gmgold, who I. the concert.master of the DetrOit Symphony Or-chestra, I'> as formerly w>th Toscamn'and the NBC Symphony, rile Prun-rOlie and NeB String quarteU, andwfio l> a hll[hly acd,umed concertviolIn!>t, ,,111 perform as h1s mal orwork of the evenmg, the lYrical, ma-1C'SI1Cand techmca.lly difficult Con-certo 1Il D lIhJor by Pagmlnl Hewill play se\eral other delightfulnumbers by Glazounoff, Davorak.Kf'~,kr, Bach and Wlelllawsk!. Hewill be accompamed by Henry Kol.be, a noted Detroit planl,t ~[r. Gm-gokl made a 5uccesslul debut at theage of 16 m New York's Town Hall,irtudled m BelgIum under the greatEuaene Ysaye, and made an acclaim-ed concert tour of Europe

Leona Hahnke, who made her de-but m Marmour Palace 1Il Potsdam.Germam. was a student 01 ArturSchnabel and Jose Itutbi, and IS anmilt "hose control of the \llano.forte I- of a strength and irtyle .el.

8li7 Unl\ er'lt v Plac~Gro»e Pomte 30. M'ch

March 15, 1946


The 25th anmversary meehng o!the 'CllIversrty of W1sconsill Wom.ell's club will be h~ tomorrow nitlhtMail. a prebm!aKy limo. at ~bary H__ 6:4$ .... ~

A IOClalmeetiq wQl foMow lit ...home of M~. Donald SdIrVIl, 154J6Cberryl .... n. Co-h<leteM~ 'Mil beMA. R. Holmes and Mrs. Roy Haus-ler.

Wisconsin U. Women )'leetfor Dmner, Soctal Hour

LEITERS IPointe Concert Series ArtistsTO THE EDITOR I ; -

~[r L OldhamEditor Gro»e POInte Re"e"15121 Kercheval A\ enue,GrOS" POlllt. Park .30MichiganDe,tr ~Ir OldhamI write 10 you both a, an mdl\ld-

Llal and a. a repre,entatlve of theGro,,, Pomte VanIty club memoher, \1 \ purl'O" In wrltlng IS tololII } (JUr aU, nllon 10 the rar"dlv,,,poIu(!lng ,port. entbusloIsm, notonly bl ollr ,chool, hut b) o~r en.lire ~ommulllt}

\\ Ith the war s end, new Ide .. s have,prung up. a field 11OOS~J.S a veter-ans' nwmoflal present> Itself as oneof the more serious conslderallonsII hlch I'.ould sen e oIS a splendid op-portulllty 10 help repay our returned,en Ic(men Of (our,e thiS I; but oneexample. a tenniS club; baseballclubs, etc. are vet to folIow

ConSIdering the fact that GrossePomte IS represented by so mf.nypronunent orgamzatlons, prlva.te andother" "e, "hlch have gaIned local,,ta.te and natlol1a1 recognitiOn, we,lIlcerely feel that \\ e deserve the1\ holehearted support of every m-lere~ted sport enthllsla~t 1Il our eom.rnllnLty However, It IS qUIte ImpI>S-SIble for us to unite" Ithout the ac.tlve parllclpallon of the Press

We would be ,'ery happy to have arepresentQtl\'e prOVide yOll WIth anypartlclllars and keep you poued onoIn) slhedules vou mIght be mterest-ed m, for we feel tha1 a sporta CI>V-crage by The ReVIew ....ould benelltborh oor Interest In a more adequate,ports program and your readmgpublle of several thousand peopleGrosse Pomte high school has 2,000students, who, \\1th thelf parentsalone, would lI\Qke 6,000 readers St.Ambrose, 5t Paul, and the otherhigh schools wlNlln yoor Circulationwould add several thousand more

'We earnestly hope that you Willgive our suggestions your earefulconsideration and favor u. With areply at an early date

Yours \ery truly,DEJ\NIS THO~[AS

VarsIty Qub Pre6ldent,Grosse pomte HIgh School

F1.ot AN: A cnsh on the h,~bwa1", •slashed wrISt, seyere shock ,""ubOQIproper attention, all can produceserious re.uhl. Our ch ..pter In co-oper ..t1olll ... lIh Ind'Y1dul1s ..ndorganIZations ml,ntlllnS mobile firstaId unlta ..nd h1llhw ..y first ..,d na-tions m"Dned by traIned first ..,den.First lid. water sarety, ..nd ..CCldenlprtTenllOn dasael are colldllCt'ldlh rou«hout the COUIlUJ'.

No",. , •• "Ic •• '11M! Home Sel"'Ic.'eworker IS a home to ....a uouble-sboowr for the se",lceman and blsfamily. Our cbapler hu HomeSerOlCt! workers ..... 'I.ble (or :Z4-hour dUly .•. traIned people.eqUll'ped to aC't,n emergeoCles TheRed Cross two- ....a'commUnIC1ltlOD.system reacbes around the .. arid, SOth ..t In .. sense the 5t",eeman is nofurtber from blS famJlr th ..n ourchaP*'.

01__ •• IIof, III thil country taftyt!..r, tbe Red Cross sue rehtf III:Z60 dlsaswrs O ..r eb ..pter bas adISaster committee lIet up and readyto ..ct at the IDma! wr.rmDll ofcatutropbe •• , to proOlde emer.geacy sbelter, (ood, clothing, ..ndmedical cue (or the "Ictlms. Andaft~r the fint sbock bu ....orD lIWIlycomel the lollll JObof rehabllu ..non.

* Lawn Cuttingby the SeaIOD

* Spring CleanupLawns Raked, Etc.


THT!'. K of lhe thou~ands .. ho look to nur Red CroSI (or aid ..nd comfon,n loneh hours or dC"f'cratc need ThInk .....hal lIS man,. un1ces and

safe~utrds can me.n to our rown . to "ou. and ~OUr )o"td ont' Thenrememhcr thar ,our 'oluntar' K'r\ICC., bacl..ed 1>, y011t contnbul1ons,make '1 po<"l>le for Red (ro" to carrv on ,n our communn •. Your,ndl\1dull ~lf,s arc rl~ onlv source of Income. Without you and \ollrnc,~hhor., thcre .. ould he no Rcd Cross. Give 10 the Red Cross today.


Hobbies Featured at Dorcas Hobby Show




............ Cr .... &y. In dIIlrll I... n Ii'" .,d.lCcld,nlpnvltfttlon '" ate-r ufttT.nutnuon. and home- nllr~InI2:zn ord("r to hecomt cnllC'n~or fOllIOrt'OW.




Formerly 1068 Wayburn

Pointe Landscape Co.

Vol" .. , ••• SIMel.1 1... lc... Your nell!h\w)rnext dc>or IS proN!>I, a member of one of themany Red ("~ Volunteer Corps. Sb~ ma,'"" mr oor ho~r'tlhled m~n, .he ma, drl"efor the Motor Corp ••• he m., he .. Nur<~'sA,ck or a (, •• , Lad} p~, hal" .h~ s • ",.KA<SlSlanl, or. Home "el"'lce .. o.ker ""t.. hatner .he doc. her lime and elron h~lpstretch tll« Red uou dollar


YOUR Red Cross MUST CARRY ON • • •

What your RED CROSSChapter does;--~

~,1'" '

to come.

written.Each oftbe 3,154 chapters in the nation-

wide Red Cross network •.• just as ourlocal chapter ••• did its full share to make

possible all the help lnd comfort gi"enour fighting men. Bat that i.only half thestory. Here is what your Red Cross chapter

is doing now and will be doing for years

YOU KNOW what the Red Cross hasdone OTUseu in World War II. The

World knows it. Another glorious pagein the history of you.r Red Cross is being

Thi. Patriotic Appeal Sponsored by

m.TEST SEEDSpread, 100 Ibs. $8.50

* *POWERMachine Rolling

* *LOTS PLOWED ,for Victory Gardens ,~

* * ~\ ..Phone For FREE Estimates~ed and Operated by Wm. N. Fritz, Veten.n World War II

100 Lb•• Milorganite-Spread

100 Lbs. Vigoro-Spread

100 Lb•• Agrico-Spread

Complete Landscape ServiceFERTILIZERS


,~1 "......-~..... ~ ,Ko",. N"nl.... Th~ Rt<!Red ,mu I~.ch .. Ihe r.....da.mtntal'\ of home nur'\ln.RMman, C1UZcn,\ Tht'YlcarnIaow 10 care for Jllf'le'(~e~ecH"M doaM',d,rectlOft.

Grinnell Machine and Manufacturing COa15135 Charlevoix

thursday, March 21,1946

Unique Exhibits andAn (XItJiHt of kod" 1m me ~hde, tl D .Ie orcas ~ocletl, I'.omen ~ group I years will be present to d~moostrate

bv I<rank Bhllll Jr 1053 LoIkcwood of thL (,r.lld 1{I\U ~,\(nlh Da) thl' unusual pa,tt1me He has become"ho hols al'llllrul JIl Ul\ll,UoIl collee. "'dHlltht ,hurlh III HI dTml to unu,uolily pWiJLllllt 1Il the rare arttlon of Lalor plltur" l.kLIl b} hUll rahe IUlld, tor a $'XIlK)(J ,bun h ann lxhlhltld I'.lth the folmed Bo-scH dunng thl p.,t f,,, Hoirs \\\11 "hool to hL ,rll 1«1 "JIll heman gla" hlo"lr Dick Manly atbe one of the l"oI\ure, of a hobby In addltloll to IlII1I\ 1\01,1" e". the \ll W York \Vorld\ Fair \\'oodshow at Central YWCA MontLalm hllJH~ bv both oIdul" rind ~OUnR\ttr, carVlug and pl.,lll modehng alsoand \\ Itherall. Sl{urdav evelllllil. there ",,1\ be ,cvlroll ., tual ,1'1I\01l \1111 be ,kmoll,traled Ira\Cl movies~hrch 23 ,trUlm" of 1I\1l4Ul h"I,I"e, I I Il I 1\\11 be ,hown ,evual talented art.

The entIre ,e\tlltli floor of the Y IPoIr,iL) lhlllll,.1 <I,",,,,,r 1\\ \ U\ "I> w111,hsplav 011 painting, and anbUlldll16 WIll be Ihl 'tilIng for III dotte I'.ho h., fa', II\Jt«l h" "" Ill], mleresllng exlllba nf chma 1S plan.elent ",hlch I> bellll( ,polI'orcd hI I"t'l "I." hlO\\ltlll "If the p.-l lillie lied

* l'"p-ntd h} 'he Adt n/lJmg ((JunCll '" (f)f) !'eT/1/1"" U Ilh 'he A ",erlc/", Red C'OII

Page 8: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief



MUrray t2It

Open from 9 a.m. NI 9148


17441 Mack at Neff Road

121Z1 EAST JEFFERSONAar... ..... ~ M_ .w..


Foot of St. Clair Avenue at the River


(Except Mondays)

of Bra .. Rail and Stage Door Fameat the Console of the Hammond Or,an

Playing Your Favorite Tune, ••. Old or Newl

John Kern's Bar

Thur,d<ty, l\Jdrch 21, 1946-

MU.9325Every Da, Except Monday-ll A.M. Until 11 P.M.

* * *




You Can Ride at the

STAR CORRALfor $1.00 Per Hour

Operated by veterana. Engliah and Weltem Saddlea.Hayridea with Refreahments Inc:luded-$15.003925 Stephens Drive (Near M.97) £a,t Detroit

Phone Roaeville Z626.R

OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAYTin ':)1 P.M. uuI Aftar n P.M. eM

AD Da,. SahlrdaJ" _eI S.... ,.

Monday Through Saturday


Under Complete New Manqement and o.n..hIp

East Warren Recreation17225 E. WARREN at Cadieux Road


Beautiful Cocktail LoungeElltertaiIuD_t E1'I11'7 Nile Eltcapt Sauday

Ha.... Opeailli. fOl' na:r Leaaua. Now Fonum. LacIia.' L.a-Thor.da,. at J:)I p.III.

Full Course Dinners and BusinessLuncheons

Entertainment Six Nights A Week* FEATURING *

Boogie-Woogie Piano and Voice Sensation Direct from the



* Choice Steaks * Chopa * And Sea food







Offering Complete Dinner Service 5 p.m. to 11 p.rn. DAILY!:.xceot Sundays

14948 £aat Jeffenoa at Barrincton

*'The Man of A Thousand Songs" Playing Your Fnorite Request Seleetioes

Marcia zz, Z3Roy Roger,


PlusEd"'ard Arnold. Frances Raffert).



Fri., Sat,

Thu .. day, March ZI.-Laat TimesTonilrht: Pre.ton Fo.ter in "Ge-ronimo" plu. "Shady Lad,.."

Sunday, Monday, TlI".dayMarch 24, 25, and Z6

Jame. Cagne\ S\ h,a S,dneym


Ro'al1nd Rus,ell Lee BowmanIII


TIIO e'er Ilent film, II iT Ich runfrom .1I\e l xtreme to the other havebeen billed b) the managlment ofthe ~hore, the .. tf<' They are 'Bloodon the ::'Ull,' and ::'he \\'ouldn'tS,w \ e,', 'hey 11111 be ,ho\\n S\ln-d 1\, \1 onda \' .lId Tl\t>d,,'

Blood on the Sl\n' IS a pIcture\1 nlch co. ,lar, 1110 popl\lar dramallc,tar" J ame. Cagne) and S) ilIa SId.Illy Thl> ,lory I> packed 1\ ah 10-

ten.e dr "ma "nd thnlls and IIIII lap-lure the lmagmat>on of all \I ho .eeIt The fine scenery and costumesadd to the film to make It >\-1 forentertalllment

Ro.ahnd Ru,sell mamtams herreputatIOn a, one of the leadmgcomedienne. of the >creen \\ hen sheappears In • She \Vouldn't Say Yes." ILee Bo\\man IS cast as her leadmgman and the scraps and eplsode. 10

whIch these t\\ 0 mvol .. themseh e~\I III keep e' ery mo\ Ie fan m a hllafl-ous mood for hours to come.

Three Act Comedy in NextLittle Theatre Production


Mack Ave. at Nine Mile Rd.

Wed, Thur. March 27, Z8Wedne.day Barr.,n Matinee at 3

Beltv Grahlc Robert \ oungm


PI"\\ m Gall;:an Xancv Kelly


'FOLLOW THAT WOMAN".\1-0 "'",.n :-llhJeetI. \1~ 'H1.-t'ra m

"The Hou.e I L...e In":\C\\ 'ft, - ("r'o",n

The LIttle Theatre, lnc, afflhated\Ilth the InternatJOnal Institute, \\111pre,ent 'Three Ln e Ghost;," at theIntern"tlonal InstItute, 2431 EastGrand Boul .. ard, Thursda)', Sautr-day and Sunday mghts, Ma1"ch 28,30 and 31. ThIS Will be the thIrd Lit-tle Theatre production ~hls season.

"Three LI\ e Ghosts" IS a three actcomedy dcallng WIth the compllea-!lons which anse on the return toEngland of three soldIers - twoBritIsh and one o\mencan - who arerecoooed as legally dead

The folIo\\ ing LIttle Theatre play.ers '" III partiCIpate III the play:Luella \Vertz, Frane DaVIS, LillianJaslll, Eileen Sabec, RIchard Pearl,Robert Gulledge, Harold V. DIed-noh, Don \Vadley, WaLter Htnlzenand Arthur Sohs

AsslStlng bac!c9t.age are, OiesterWauk, Cecilia Giza, JWle Carter IUlClRuth Ruhland Noyes. ]oon F. Cu.rico, lounder of The Little Theatre,is dlreoting. Willard C. Eiden is tech-neal d~rect«.



and SPARESfhey ....ere ,p'dl-mg of h Il'I \\ood

dunng Ih ..t matlh belli cell E It BBrel\ery and Edge\\ood Inn at CastWarren Thur,dav nIgh- . \\lehad a mental pIcture ot ,ome realtall tree,-bl\t come 10 find out theyII ere referrlOg to score, , • , andthey \\ere hIgh \\Ith Edgel\ ood tak-109 the three ga.me ,eriC'S In a closely\\on contest That smile Vmce KellyI;:; 1l ,par'''g a"C'lJr-d IS. due to somefancy scormg on hIS 0\1 n part these1a.t t'IO \\ eeks

Don't be dt>turbe-<! by the reportone of the Otaplow Lumber te~sare trading the undertaker .. , Ithappens the team of the Vande\lCg-he funeral chapel on \\'arren lS outIII front ....Ith Chaplow nght behmdIn another hotly conteste<l match forfirst place

Ea.t \\'arren IS contemplatJ'lg atournament made up of veterans ofWorld \Var II exc]uslveh •. , 00\\1at any llme It 1S convement {or thelets entnes are now bemg tal-en

Jock Spence, at the \\'arren plano,'S a "cteran of five years "Ith theRAF .• , had as hIS guest Lla Rol-anti, the blonde Bnl1,h \\ ar bride ofa. CanadIan soldIer. LIla IS reportedto have done a fine Job of entertam-109 at the Penob,cot club recently, , \\hleh remmds us of another \ et,

Johnny GIll, "ho enterta.ms 10 thelounge at Denby Johnny was for-merly one of the Fn e Dukes, a star-flng combmation "hlch was brokenup durmg the "at. Johnny spent 18months W1th usa units In Italy and....fnca

Catholic TheatreResumes Productionof Passion Play

STROH'SBohemian Rrt"f

tMI ST.OK '.EWfIY co. onIon 26, M~ l

Xonh'l e,t \ -lme< 5l~neo a con-tract lO\ol\lntr fi.'een m 11Ion d0liars

I for the pur, 'l1'e ot a fleet 01 is toI05-pa"en<:er, oO\lhlr-,ir,l- Borm\:S'ra'O~rtlh,'r,. de< rl()pd l' ,m 11C Itamous R('ICJn~ g 29 ""I IfH" ~.rt ......


Stratocruiaera Ordered, by Northwest Airlines


Appointed Chairman

Park firemen declared that a ,honm the '" Inng Yo as the cause ot thefire whIch started In a car 01\ nedby C, E. Cook of jjj8 Devon,h-eroad, parked at Ballour and "-'on-dale, last Saturday afternoon

Short in Wiring CaUlesAuto to Blaze

Finest American and Italian Cuisineby "CIUSEPPE"

Phone "~ne" for Reservation.

NI 9693

*----- THE -----.*

Distinctive Dance Music NightlyFeaturing THE VOCAL-AIRS

rnlHIDd~ Spedaltles byHARRY FRESCH. . Novachord StarJANICE WATERS Queen of the IvonesCatering to Weddmg, Banquets It PartIes


STEAK, CHICKEN & SEAFOODat Moderate Prices


16352 E. \\'arrenHear BILL Y FARRELL. Organist

F.yonlf' With duh, radu) And '''''''1rfl P"tTOl"H~ Brolldell.1I N'l/hll,. III II 311

Tueaday. Weclne.day, ThurodayMarch 26, Z7, and Z8


\\'llhLynne Roberh V,rgmia Bruce


\\ lthrrank ~lberbon,Robert \rmstron~Tlme-Chapter 2

Sua. MOD March 204, :ts"FIRST LADYINTQ- TOKYO"'W_ .. 0

Tom Neat, Bar!>a.no.HalePlus


Penn\' Smgleton, "-rthur LakeColor Cartoon - !\e\\ S

Continuou. Sunday from lZ: 45

Fr .. Diola.. to tIl. Ladle. _

W.. uda, _d Tlaanda, Ni..hu

Fri .. Sat, Mucll %2, Z3"STORY OF G.I. JOE"

\'vLthBurgess MeredIth. R. MItchum


WIthBelle DaVIS, Jon Dall

Pope~ e CartoonContinuou. Saturday From 1: U

Detroit Civic Playersto Preaent Premiereof Wayne ProfealOr'a Play

A comedy 01 manners, 'Fool'sH Ill," three-act play \HIllen by Dr\ mcent \\'a 11, ass"tant professor ofEnglIsh at \Va) ne unll ei'Slty, IS tobe pre>emed III \pnl b). the DetrOitell IC Pia \ er,

\nnounced a, the fir,t tIme thata play \\ 111' a Dctrolt selllllg, Detrollcast. and authored by a Delrotterha. been premllred here, It I' ex.peded to aUract con,lderab\e Inter-est, and attempt> are bemg made to,ecure one of the larger do\\ntowntheatre, for a week" sho\\,ng ac-cording to Dr Wall

The main lead. III the ea,t arepia) ed by Q1arlene Harmer, l-nO\\ nfor hee CIVIC Pia) er role of Sadie PRENTISS M, BROWNThompson m • Rain" and for her The 39,000 Cubs Scouts and lead-work WIth IIle Catholtc Theatre, ers of the D tro te I area were \ eryJUnlor Pla) ers of Detro't, and Ihe proud to learn that theIr counCIlClVIC DetrOIt Children's Theatre; preSIdent Prenllss ~[ Bro\\l\and Ken Manuel, W\Vl ne",scaster, appomted the general cha.Jrmal\~:1\ ho has appeared m sel eral amateur the Golden lubtlee comtmtlee _ todramatlc and smgmg roles "Plan for the Celebra.tlon of SO

The 0\ IC Pia) ers are a non-profit_! Years of Progress 10 the Automollvem~kmg group and, through a cooper- Industry" ~[r. Bro\\n was electedallve ~rrangement wlth the ~[acken- as the 1946 counCIl presIdent .. rlyZle (Jnlon of \\ ayne ulllverslt}, a this year _ replacmg Fnnk Cody,percentage of the proceed. \\ III be former superintendent of the DetrOitdonated towards the univerSity's \\ar pubhc sohools, who served as councilmemOrial fund preSIdent durmg 19044and 1945,

In Wacld War I, ralroads IOS1$1,500,000 under govemment opera- S TAR STUDDEDt_lon TWIN BILL ON

~ C~~?~~G~~~~~15635 MACK AVENUE feature which II schedule-<! for the

TUxedo 2-2324 Colony thea1re tomorrow andSaturday. ThIS is the famous storywhich was complied and ...mten bythe well-known ErnIe Pyle who gaveup h15 life at the battle of Iwo JIIDaJust so that he OOIlld stay WIth hismen and write up their feats, hu-man Interest stCC'les and daTIng ad.vell'tures. This movie is the truestOl'y of hundreds of our Americanboys' lIves and showl the ordealswhich they WIthstood whIle taki.llgthat lIny but all Important Island inthe Pacllic. It is a stoQ' which willt'hri11 evetY movie faD, mother, .....cr, ~ atICI 'Mer of - fiPtiDB' 1IJe C'Adloac: Theatl'e of Detroit.sokl1ers. . • llMouoced tit1s week the beginning

The aceompanylOg feature will of work on The PUSllOft Play whIchpresent Betty Davis m "The Corn Is "",11 be glYen seven perfor:nancesGreen," WIth John Dall and Joon startmg on Apnl 13 and contmumgLonng plus an excellent supporting through Apnl 17 as the group's an-cast. ThiS IS another excellent story nual Lenten drama1D which ~hss DaVIS gIves a fine ThIS is The PassIon Play \\rittenperformance and stays as one of the by the Rev Emmet Hanmck that Ifirst ladles of the screen. prevIous to the \1 ar, had recea ed

over one hundred pre,entatlons andhad dral\ n aud'ences In e'\cess ofone hundred thousand people Durmgthe \\ ar }'ears manpower shortagenecessitated \\ Ithdrawal of The Pas-SlOn PIa), \\ hlch demands a cast 01

12j, as a Catholic Theatre presenta-tion "'ah the return of CathollcTheatre veterans In large numbersthe group IS resummg lIS ambl1tous

U S manufacturers mamtam 2 (JOO proJect,nurse, lor beneht of emplo) eel F or the first tIme '1nce I' was

ongmallv presented The P,b.,onPlay Will be sho\\ n out'Hle lhe cllyof Detroa \\ hen The Cath()h~ The-alre takes the productIon \\ Ith ItSregl\lar C3.5t to Fhnt \\ here It \\ ,IIbe gi\en t\\O per:ormanees In thehuge I ~[ A audItOrium on April 7

NI 9745







20935 Harper at HamptonTIJxedo 1.9820

Chiver's Drive-In

Steala and ChopsHamburgers and Hot Doga

Sundaes and SodasHot Beef Sandwiches

Open From 11 A.M. to 3 A.M,

Iadom SponlOrs Dinnerfor Reel Croaa Benefit

Georg, ~eller" preSident of theIadom club of Gr(»<e POInte an.nounCl, Iha.t a fish and dllp dmner\\1\1 be gll en bv the organl~atlonr nda\ night, \larch 29 at eIghto dOl \, In Om,t church par",h hall

Tl,e proceed, 01 the aff all \\ III goto the Red CIO,' a. Its annual proJ-ed for the mternat onal organl~a-l10n

I:.nler'a.lllment, arra.,ged b) \IrsI G\\ m'len" wllI mclude tne rocd nov-I cltv ba,\d

Famous for



F~ Le., Dinner.

And for Your Entertainment* ARNOLD and LEE *'F...,.. SabmIay, SaDday NiPtJOE KOPITZKI'S

1SZt3 WARREN at Lakepointe

Gold Cup Room

Pompeian Room

The. Whittier



Stop In for Lunch, Dmner or A Snack After the Show

\Vine In the


Lar ... SelectoDn of

• Li..ht aacI Dark Fuel.. • Car",eu • Sea F_ It Filbert

• Pe&Ilut ... d Rai.iu Patti ••


Dine in the

* Toaated Sandwiches

And dance . to the smoothrhythms . of gUitaristCHARLES COSTELLO andhiS orchestra , • ,

Burns at RIver

Stamp Collectora to Meetat Alkema Home Mllrch 29

Tne ne't meetmg 01 l1e G-ossePomte Collrotor, club \\ II be held atthe home of \\ ard ~ 'l-ema, 1410Lal-epomte on Fr'da, n ~llt, ~Iarch?'I, at e gh t 0 c'ocl- .. I membersplea"e 'lotr the ('~an~e 0r d.ate ofmeetln~

Page 9: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief



Page ~ine


COOUI Co.~.......

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E"ery Buraer 11 CUltom Built forY01lIr FuniC&.

Open Eve., TIll 7.00


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CALL LE 5640

13940 Kercheval Avenue

Old Blind. Reconditioned


Metal - Wood and

Aluminum Slats

Custom. Made

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Review Want-Ads Get RESULTS!


(WINDMILL POINTE)Melli' d Ladll~.' Suilo T .. I..... d to Orelai'

AIl tlon., R.hn.nl'. Cleaniol' and Pre •• iII.

14931 E. JEFFERSON, at City LimitsLE 3Cl4O




Avalon Venetian BlindCoe

Fred M. Schuman

r ,.

Venetian ~.Blinds '

Our radio tecbnlc:lana with year. of experienee behind thea, areequipped ""th the finelt laboratory equipment made - 7OlII' unr.

.Inct of eOlllpetent, effic:ient .ervic:e. Bring yOIU' lets here. NOW I

Faith Evangehcal Lutheran Grosse PointeChurch Congregational Church

East !(ff,r'OIl dnt! P'n'r \\Cnues \fNI ng 11\ Rlcharrl SchoolRcv C " L1nge I'a>lor Chari" \\ "'che,t! Pastor

10 am Sentor high department of9 111 am ..,,,nrl.\ ,<)m,,1 ,11"e, for the churcl-t school

VO""~ ,nd rid f'.rlllh don t "n I II am \Vorshlp service) 011 r I I, Id" II brmg them I

11 ()(I ,rn "efllL< ,t dlllnp ....or II a m Church schoo,1,,1' .., rmon I H m( '111m" TII l DC, II II tn" t 'illndav eve.1hr"ugh the \\ lIltrn, " '111<:., t',c horn' of PIli II" Hannah,

(, 111 pm -\duh '" . r Il' ,n Lla" 127') \f, I" nle, r he Tlr0Kram II ill he\\, orrldlll HlIltr Inll to at'lnd t ,tud,,,' « "I"r P'H1Cl to dl,rll<sth(" 1< l t Irl> nn till 1M'" r!flt nne I '" t j' TTlI' \\ Ita' tn Do I\hout Ouror (hnq,"nlt, I,., 11 r, .nd '\\'hat Teacherl

\\ edlle,dal "(feh 27 R pm I ~T1t f tn~ 01 1 hur Students ' ~lemhers,n "rI.Cl, ;,umnn 'PJla. e, th, "1(' (," 'II r,' !Mlld mclude tne ~COLI",I P, Inr I .n,,( \1 " J hU"lIUP Dunn Hdrlette

III the I tilt II ,el ,n Itl u' a«alll (, II rl \lr II.rnld llt"I,and Theflnrl """~th lor Hlr (lm,l,an III'n" tud nt [Jltlll nclud(, ~Iartlyn ~lat..' \\ L re\"" th, un,!".\, ibl\ 10111\1; h, \\ ,011 I dlth \\ .Idboll and Rlch-~acflh ...t. or Cltn ....t our 'Sd\.I(Jr d.ro \'kn


Grosse Pointe Motors, Ince

In t1l11I' ,Ill \

t rt \ 1 111r(" d' l",n"crllll'C ~11('nll'n

14801 E. Jeffenon Avenue

G I (" 1\ .,t( \lOinr, 1 II(' 1 t t • \ \\ (' \ ,. t 1- 1'1-

'1" 'r,] PCf! 1 1" ;ll:~ a. rl nr( C • \ ~ t1 ,n r '1'1 j "r q -~

.11rl/1C 10 Il"'llie \nllf ("'.n['('.(" " ..' ...II 1;"1 0\'" .... ,if' ot


Service Comes First

Announcing A New



We Specialize In

Cleaning CarpetsOn Your FloorWork GuaranteedProlDpt Service

For Free E.olDat ..


TUxedo 2.9126 PRo.peet 66M

10981 GRATIOTNear Outer On".

Phone Tuxedo 1.1260


C&SLandscape Co.

1198 Manistique LE 1490



Worl",ng Model on Dupla:r



• Place ,.Ollr ord.r now f ....Spring cleanllp, .eediol. topdtell,nl. lawn rollin&, _dpruninl.

• Lawn cllltiolE and .ardenia&,a Ipe<,a1ty.PROMPT. EFFICIENT


for Free E.tho.te

Grosse Pointe MemorialChurch

16 , ake,llOre Roar!Re\ Frank Fit! \!ll\\\ter


Sunday, March 24. 19469 45 a m Church school m all de-

partments9 45 a m Communicants' class, a~-

sembII' room9 45 a m Sunday mornmR forum

'ipeakcr, Dr (,corge \\ Chr>lIan.>tn

11 00 a m Church school cont.nu-ed '\ ur.er) kmdergarten primary

11 a.r '.for" 'lg' \- 1'\" }]1p Spl'fJ10nh\ Dr I Itt-' The Pharisee and thePuh"" Ill' 1 uke 18 9-14

7 10 pm Tuxls club for Voun!!P lOp Ie , men's lounge Speaker Chet~amp,o'1

I hl :"acrament oi BaIllbm \\ III beadmlllbtcrecl dllrtnf/: the morulngsen lLe on !:lundal \larch JI at IIa clock Parents haling chIldren tohe bdptlled are requested to bringthlfI' to the llllll!>ter's ,tudy at 10 40a In for regb1ratlOn

C.dlllac: went to Fr.nc:e tndasked for troops •• Detro.t.despIte rec:en. dec:ree


17..:.40 r r,... r" "'..., \\ ('-11"

ReI \1 l' p,tr \1., 'r'

Grosse Pointe WoodsPresbyterian Church

Rev Andre\\ F Rauth \Ilnlsler



10 10 am (1ll1r(h .chool11 " •"\ Ull 1 \ - (r

I, \, ,~

Fe~r1n9 C.dlll"c: .t DetrOItwould speed rndldn rUin,Jesuits opposed him

"The Prohlem of SIIffering 11\ theLight of the Cro<," \\111 he the <er-mon ~uhJect 01 the paqor next 'lun-da,. March 24, at St Iomes Luther-an church of Gro,se POlI\te

The sen 1L e ,tarh at 11 a m inthe Punch and Jll,II theatre

Th' I' Ihe tlmd 11\ a sene' ofI enten "rmoll' on the c:elleraltheme "Tbe Proukm, of Toda' In

I'le L.ght 01 tlte Cro .. ' Tlte S,m-dd\ ><:11001 meet> at 9 ~5 a m Anadult BIble cia" I' colluuLted In thepastor each ~uuda\ at lO am.

"1',al I mal' be HIS 0\\ n" Theseword, expres.mg the purpose of theredlmptlon throu"h Chr,,\ Jesus"Ill' e the theme 01 the 'ermon ne'-tSund.I, )'larch 24, both m the earlyset"\ _e at 8 a m and 11\ the late sen-ice It 10 J() a m The se,>lon of theSunda, school II 11\bc[!,m at 9 15

On Wednesday, March Zl, at 7 45o'$ock iI!I the evUlUl8, the iaurth of.~ Lutetl Rf'ricu"beld. The sermon WlJl treat the com-mand of the Redeemer: "Let thesego their wa, I"

Holy Communion \,,11 be celebrat-ed at 10 J(J a m on Sunday, ~1archJbt,

Messiah Lutheran ChurchSout',east Corner of Kerche-al Ave-

nue and Lake\lood AHA.Loeber, pa~tor, 1434 Lake-

wood. LEno" 2121.

St. James Lutheran Churchof Grosse Pointe

Rev George E Kurz, Pastor

St. Paul EvangelicalLutheran Church

1ackson Scho(\1 >\UdltOflumMa'iboruogh at \Va\ene\' AltnuesGeorge J Greweno\\, B D, Pastor

Sunday Seni<eI11 00 am Enghsh serl Ice Pastor

Gre\\ eno\\ 's <ermon tOpIC bemg"1he Church's Pastor"

IU a m Sunday school c:lasses forall age group s

10 a m Adult Bible class8 I, a m German sen .ce, the Rev

Ph,lhpr> Schm.dt preachmgSt P dul, cOl1~regatlOn conducts

Llntll1 \ l",per ser\lU ...C\lry Thurs-d.\ l I I nlng at ~lartm LUlherchurch \Iack a \Cmle at Pcnn<\'I-vanl. The Re\ erend Grell enowpreachll\~ on the theme The Chnst 'at Ihe Englt,h 'en ICe at 8 pm amIthe Rl \ erend Schm.dt preachmg atthe German sen Ice at Ii 45 pm.

IllUt Cmdr Bernard D.\\.el, of1410 L.kcpOll1tC ha, completed 41m< Ith, actll e duty '''lh the nal ~and II III l "r,pl 'e n,; 'ummal led\ e11\ \ld) dClordll\g to "n announce-mo t 01 the Udl v ,eparallon centLr

~,.,endll\g 14 month. 11\ the Pacific,LIeutenant Commander Da\\ sey tookpart III Ihe ),1ananas operallon andthe 11\1 as,on of the T.man Island;,he "ears the .'\ "atlc-PaCific area nb-bon \I IIh one b.llie star, the "'-men-call thldtre nbbon ,wd the \\ arid\\ aT II nbbon

Bernard Dawsey BecomesCivilian After Navy Duty

• r

QUEBEC .......1'1 urly 18th Ce,,~ury

In 1696 Upper L.kel poshwere ev.c:uated; C.d,II.c:went to Quebec:.



Grace Evangehcal andReformed Church

Lakepolnte at Kerehe\ al A \ enueWalter S Press, ~llI\bter

"'1 t. • 1 It

First Christian ReformedChurch

1444 \Iaryland at GoetheRe\ ~l Ouwmga, PastOf'

Christian Science Churches").ratter" \1111 be the ,,,hjeet o( tlte

lesgon-sermon In all Chnq Ian SCI-ence churche< throughout the \loddon Sunda' ~larch 24

The G<llden Text (I Connt!lIan'10 14) I. ")'ly dead)' belm ed, AClfrom Idolatr~ "

Among the Bible ('itatlOns 15 tl'" :pa,sage (P<alm, 10'] 15, 20\ 'Oh Ithat men \\ auld pral>e the Lord for I 10 30 am Morning \\ or,hlp, ser.hIS goodne", and for hiS '\ondertul i mon theme 'KlIlgdom," (~t Luke"arks to the chIldren of men '" He I 11 14-Z1\) The bc"nner and pnman Isent hiS ....ord, and healed them and, deparlment. ot our cllurch scl'ooldelt' ertd them trom their destruc-I 1\111 jOln the con;:reg.'lon fcor thelion < '1r.t part ot 'he "or'"11' ,enlle

--------- 10 30 a m Church school meetlllgJefferson Avenue Methodist HI department,

Ch h II 40 am ).{Illister s commumc-urc ants cia's

East Jefferson at \l:arlborou~h 11'40 am J JIlIN chOir rehearsal.Regmald R Feuel1, MlIll<ter Kennet, \\ Smith d,reclor

Ii 00 I'm Lndc- I,e lelldrh'l p andSunday, March 24, 1946 pon,or,'lIp ot 'he Ph, I p.,'on (.,lIld

10 00 a m ~l o'n 1101 II )r,11 I' \\ I'h " olln~ ad,," gro,1' \\ ,.I he lo-mer!c;,rrmon 11\ the P;1....I~)l'" 1 t.l1'l..n ....c-rmon I r 1e ~ 11<1 \\ 1 ('1111l~(, I'" name ::Inrithcmr 'J e"" \I,o:ht II", e B,., ero'TIe 1 m ,rn "ro Ip l'1e mec' .,,,Popular" 'I he hrld 1t tl, ""me (\1 \1 "

10-11 55 am O1urch 5chool for I '1,ldrrd TrN' (r 171 \ \ T1 'll a' en •ebeginner, primary and JunIOr depart- 'I- llnd \lr' \1<" '" n'1"h "" I bemenu A well eqUl\)ptd nursery uno: '"c.ent '" " I l I, ,HIr"h r n tllr 10--der competent leader-h.\) 15 also I ""tlon (.t '" "r(\ IP \ I, ... ,t ,up,'"available dUring thu tIme I 1,11 he 'l n j

11 15-11 55 am Gurch 5Chooll 7 J() pm Tlte T"",' ch" \\1\\ meetclasses for Intermediates, youni peo- ':l\e II l' l" ,_ h'" 'I' ,.cpie and adults

7 ()() pm \ HI" 01 \Irl(a ~mO-1 Grosse POintellOI1 pV'Jrc \\ I hc ,i"",n at ',e Methodist Church\n,''l'rllo\\,'ll'mce1ll;;>: I

Tue'da' 6 30 pm Lcntcn fe'l0\\'1 R(\ H.;;>:1C \\ h 'C r~'IMshll' -upper \I" t,n~ , !'>e'l" "c 1nol

i 30 I'll n- H, '-I 11 "1 r !'>'r.hl '\CH !'>erchela!p..l )~~l ll...T rl \1 1) 11~

\\"1 ....pl i~ ., It ...~n{ ~.. ~r 11) \ 11 I() 4;: a." \f()"n j~ \\~(~fC;" fl,',emc T,c I >'rwr " ( ,., \ to 4- 12 'I) I "<c,., "'nd p,a, prrt~1(, .-l (' H~'" \ l~ Hrh(\ -i (" !0f f')rcoe.('1(V')' rti'rlr!"..,\h,tcr 1'"" 1 HI 'n '0"'0"1. I 12-12,('" "1,, <chl'1(>'for ad ,I',

---- -- ---- !~nd \Ol1.~ r"("\ ....('Calvary Lutheran Church I "~).,.,, " .,,, 1, y) ,'" Fe'

\l~cl.. and Lan,.,'e- 1 "",..,,, 1,,1 Ie "~ •W Iter ! Geff rt r~,tM _ 7 pm r ",' <; ,.,1" of m"l1 h

a ,r l::>en,o.Y,,",tlFrlO\\,'Po '0(1 ;t m " nri'l.\ ~ ",(11

11 00 .. m \1 N 1111111: "or hIp Grosse POInte Unitanan'F"., \\ ol"r \1 .... 1 Church2~-' l 1(1("~ ::.('1

y...... 1,\ .,-rp.;: I

()11 II -<1 " ; I 'I ,

Lutheran,Church ofthe RefOl'lDAati08 _

Vernor Highway E. at Lateevi'ewCalvin F, Stickles, D.D., Pastor

9 30 am CJhurch sc:hool with class-es for all ages

II 00 a m. "Come and Overcome"WIll be the subject of the thIrd ser-mon m the senes. "Come Unlo ~le "Come and worship \\ Ito us each Sun-day.

6 00 pm Luther League.Lenten sen Ice, '].45 pm \\ ednes-

d~~', March 27, the pastor \\lll preachon Christ's Fourth \Yord tram theCross The bantone solo God ~hFather" from DubOIS' ~L\ en I..a,t\Vords" WIll be sung at Inl> ,er\lee

An adult cia's lor Iho,e l1111tll\j;(With the church on P11m SlIl1da,meets each Sunday al four o'clock

"\\'orslllp E.,plalned" \\111 be thetheme of the sermon at Peacechurch The pastor II III speak a\both the 8 and 10 45 am sen IcesParents may lea\e thelr !tttle onesIn thc nur,crY In tbe 'chool bull(\-mg \\ hlle attendIng the later ser\lce

Sundav school opens at 9 30 amat \, hlCh time also the three Blbleclasses assemble ThIS Sunday's les-son 15 "J esus m Gethsemane"

The mId .....eek Lenten sen Ice on\\'ednesday Olght at eight o'clockWill be centered about "Tile Wordsof P.late That Cut Jesus to theQUIck 'Thine O\\n People Ha\C De-hvet"ed Thee Cnto Me'"

Peace Evangelical LutheranChurch

East Warren and BallourEnno G C!dU' PastorRobert Brege, Vicar

9 30 a m Church school11 00 a m. Morning worship ser.

man 'J e,"" the 'ion of Goa"Wednesday, 8 pm ).[Id-week lent.

cn sen Ice ,ermon "Pra) er and Our\'ar~lng ).1000."

The E\ angelical and Rclormedchurches of the DetH)lt area \\Inulllte In a Lenten .en Ice to be heldat Trinity church Charleston ave.nue at \\' Se\Cn ~111eroad on Sun-day, ~Iarch 24, at 4 pm Dr ).e\mC Harner, presldent 01 Heidelbergcollege, TIffin, 0, \I III preach thesennon

10 (j() d.m CommunIon >ervlceII ,.,(J am 'iuudal scltool'] 00 pm It], I mbned "The pa,lor \\111fontmue hI> Lent-

erl seno preacillng on the ,xth\\ord !rom the Cro», III Ihe evemngscn Ll(

TOOlght Ille 0111 In collt"e chOIrYdll gl\e a program 01 sacred musIc

p5clatp aM o.u-,.Tu- D&J'5ervice

ARlinl10n 8U.

In h" pl.n for. eolony Inthe west. C.dlll.e's Vilionfollowed L. S.lte's.


10808 Haye.

Adult EducationCalendar

WINDOW SHADE CLEANiNGCALL MUMFORD'S-ArIiaI1_7081 for wUIlI... .Iuode duala.,aew .kadN aad abade repairsWe reat paiat .prayialr equip-meat. MUMFORD'S. 15111Harper.



M.VIAENELandscaping Service

DR 0723 TV 2-8979

Baseball Gloves StolenFarm, pol.ce \I ere told last Sunday

mght that t\l 0 ba,eball glo\'e ..... erestolen from a car parked on Kerche-'al near ~[c \lllIan They \I ere ownedby R Croa,dale of 257).1t Vernon.

The Chmtlan Reformed church,1444 ~Iaryland, \I III be the first stopof the Call 111 college A CappellaChOIr of Grand Rapid., ~11Ch, on It,eastern I\merar), \\ hen It makes anappearance \onlght, March 21, ateIght 0 clock

Thl> chOIr, under the d.rection ofDr. Henry Brumsma, IS resumingIt> tours made annually during thespnng vacatIOn pnor to the warThe group consIsts of \\ell selectedalld carefully tramed singers and hasah~a) s mented a splend.d recep1.1on

Christian Reformed ChurchHost to A Cappella Choir

),1nndd~ \I arch ::5~.hl pamtmg,)'ladehne ~{eler, \\ ater color, elea-nor Her mansader

Tue,da} ~Iarch 26-S1,de rule,Bennett Burgoon, Fly castIng,Charles WIlcox, B.rd stud~, Clar-ence \I("ner.

I:.nrollments may ..1.111be made mt~ pIng, bookkeepmg and machmeshop

Call thc Gro,se Pomte board ofeducaHon, '\[ 2000, e"t 25


A Series byJohn M. CarlisleRoving Reporter

LE 4225


Lamp ShadesBeautifully

Cleaned and Restored

,lIlglllg the ).[d,on 'chool song atthe dose of the program

.\ 'd,luoat raLe IS no\\ Itl progrc,s£.il h group hd.' a .aliboat Oll theOll an In I ill dOI\lbtalr. hall E..chgroup I> tr) lllg to II III the race Inorder for d boat to mOl c forwardthe grolll) mu,t be aule to report~ood bd,dvlor 1!I thc hal]', lava tor'Ie., the da"roolll, .n,1 on the pldy'ground A II of the L Illidrell are an x-10u.l) \\ dllmg to \Lew the oul(A)lneof the race

in Mason Contest

ONE-DAY RADIO SERVICEworll: moderat.ly priced and qu,aJity IlIaranU.d

'tl SEND CLOTHES EARLY'<~n~Personal attention to every gar.. ment is your assurance of satis.

faction at Square Deal.

We are specialists at repairing Washen,Radios, Combinations, RefrJ.reralon, Electric


~ lIeI"n.U" 1ITU 1hltUd. DeUeil U. 1Iidal.... It -_ -. , ~ _.luA Mad a Pcm&1 Or letter to LoIIco'. AppUaJu:eand tile paper III whleb you I&W thJs ad. or. tf 7011prefer. telephone .1m1J&r infomu.t111n to JUt. %711.

Simple. !m't It? And teU all your friends allout It.

i'h1s Iatormatlon wU1 lie placed III a 1Io:s: and on)lIon day, March 25. 4 30 p.m., representative. or tIl.East Side Sbopper, the CommDD1ty Ne..... and tileGrosse Pointe R.vl ......... 01 dra .... a name Itom the boxat 15013 E Warren. If yours is the lucky nam., TheFUUr Queen on display III our window wlll be de-livered to you Immediately, Cootest clOses Saturday,'larch 23, 1 p.m.


The Veteran's AdministTatton had long been a pollttcal foot ball before itwas taken over by Bradley. With the close of World War II, and theaddttlon of mIllions of veterans with theIr attendant problems. the oldsystem was found to be utterly inadequate.

A revIew of the old and new systl'm~. together WIth a keen anal~is of howthe present Veteran's AdmInistratIon IS functionIng under its new headare offer&d in a timely serIes by The News' rOV1ng reporter. John M. Carhsle

( \\

'\I r I I jCl - l'

f \..,, { ,

"1~' 1, \\ Ic-

Get Ready forSpring and

GUTIERS andDOWN SPOUTSRepaired, Replaced and

CNDed-Metal Deeka-Porchee-Flat


Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4708 EASTLAWN LEDoa 8548


"E"er,.thin&, That the N&me Impliea"

15226 Charlevoix

• _lifically _nd",-..lied< & 00<1.. _'" for Unonnc.ment 01 the ....inD.r will lie announced in.... , """""Vo Issue. of th. 0.110\8 nam.d pap en follo ....l.n' MarCh 25,

Pick-up and Delivery in Detroit and Surbllrbs


10711 WHInIER at ROXBURYAR. 0810 or AR, 2710-

Thur~da), ~rarch 21, 1946

Competition KeenThe ).Ia,o\l 'dlOOI coul\ul b COI\.

tmulllg to prOlll')(c ,1<1 d\\dP ne" ofheller .chool CIlI~u,,\up I..,t I hurs-ddy all of the duldrell a"emulu! 111

the Sl mua,H.m fur furtJ"r c ,pen-ence 111 fo,tulllg good bd.d\ lOr II'l3<\-48 g'OUP gd\e a progr.m IIludlcon'l.>ted of ,I"b t1lu,tr dtmg II aysof kelplIlg the .chool cledn andqUIt'! 1 he (,olden I{ule counc,y,and coopcratlOn II Lre .0mL of the.dea, pre-lilted 11\ur.e by membersof tilt bfOlll' Ihe clllidren elljO) Ld

Page 10: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief


TUx~do 2-3737



Ex-Plane WorkersThllr,dav, March 21,11)46

Uln.olldJled Vultee acqulrl.d amolor. 'OlllpJI1Y llldkmg engmcs [ortrul!..', bu><, oilltl ,lllp, and, III ~d-dIllon, tulend mlu a cOlltract toproduce ,uLh durable consumergood. a' farm Hl1pilmcl1ts, kllchen,tOle, anu othlr h..rdware

nu, h \lrcrdlt Curp. has Liken aconlrdll to blilld a new Iype of plds-ilL oillcl nH.tal huu" Glum L ~Ioir-1m Lompany ha, f<llll\ed a pl,hlllSdIld lllll11lLd.1 UI\ hwn, tu ll1tt ..f thenOIl-,,,, cralt m.l' 1..1 I

1 uekhtld 11111manufdllLlre groundIloindllng equIpment a, a sldl1lllCCurt,,>- \Vnght has al.(jlllred a ,prlngdutch Lompdny anu a 1I111.ilprodu~ls,cOlllpoiny

Belle IsleAWNINC co.

7601 E. Jefferson~~~~:'~~O~ Fl. 2293

Cement Contractors17110 Bradford, Zone 5

Corner E. M.Ni.bolaGua.e Build .....

Phone Pingree 5017

Order Your AwningsE:::---- NOW

Back to Pre-WarMaterials

Treated for Rot and MildewNow Available

For Nnt Spring Delivery


G C · Ias onverslon I


Now AvailableFHA TERMS




WE HAVE THEM!!!* Reynolds Pen. * Electric Fan.The peD of the future no • .ell- Eirrht-iDcb B"a"t.if;,1 F .... at len-

ina: at Nutto'. for aatiollat price ofOnly $lz.so Only $2.90


LADIES ! f !! \Have you tried our new MAYTAG WATER SOFTENER thatSAVES One-Thlrd to One-Half of your ~oap; Full 2 pound boltOnly-2Sc:.


NI 687% Ask for Mr. Webb

Nutto Electrical Appliance Co.14934 Mac:k Annue

20752 Mack • Gro~~e Pomte


15001 Hou.ton JCorner Haye •

Let U. Remodel YOW'

Gara.e With ~ New Door





'Sidelines' Employ

Complete Gunsmithing ServiceRESTOCKING AND REBLUING



Quality Work & MaterialAluminum and Steel

Overhead Type DooraNo MoneJ' Down

F H.A. T ..rma-$ Y..u. to Pay

\\ hoi'" \I l!h lh, glJ.lll airplanecllmlJ.inll, 1\IIILh, III" llmc la'l year,hJd MI1lI" 01 \lork, r, Illrl1lug oulth~ bOlllhlr, Jud tlghlLr> \llllchbroll!,l\! I lel0r) ,

'1he mJ.llul ,Llur" '. larne,lly Iry-Ill/; III !"UJl Ihur III\I'!O;". on pav-roll, ,lllLr ploi" ,hot 'hur o«!lr,vut Irom lluder Ihull. hJIl lurned10 <Ill dOpIIIg '1,1<hne> for :.urplu,Ld.liJllt\

And the', ,ldduIl> eOI er a r.lnge,.f prudllel> from LJnOI, .'lId pla,tlChUll'" to kllehtll ,tOil, t

SUI Alr ..ady -::'1'- hl'; Lompame, dlreJdy have

tJkll1 ,Itp, to llll' r dll ""tied pro-duellOn and olhlr:. mav follo\\

r )\ l (,

Phone BillsBring Study

BO.lon. - Itulllled lelephone bill>\\er~ a ,onlro\crslal .ubj~cI 1lI the~fa,'ad\u,ells leg"lalure recenllya, Il,e house 'Iudled a measure de-,lgned to requ,re the tekpholle com-panv to adopt thiS melhod of eollect-lllg aCCOUll1>The company held thatthe requirements \\ould force scrap-pmg ot II' dial system

j "'\~ p~.r ......r .1 'l"" ;' \ ( I \

'1 ..t,.l. r)f ..., ...\.:~:I.,Il ",ore.\..l"llnt J.ud ......arh. t rt,'\-

Dr Da\ I,,, ,aId."

QuaranlIne rq.~ul'1110Ih IHre re-mOl cd from tile 10mmuJl\cal.>le dl •.ea ...c~ 1)\ unanllUOlh ,ott of th"~llll\ll;an Stale Coul\<l1 01 ll<allh on.\Iareh 13

-"'C' ( ...."-lOC 1 de""111e-3 I"'L~at'on a~-..::~ "C'Nf"a.,,-'1 ........t a P'l r ...on ...uller-

:. :"\."l!11 J. ~",'\:!tl."lL..flk.~a~l('d~..ca~~

..'C ,-"•.:l~r p~=- .. ,)n:.. a'unlals or thUlgs~"'1S C'f" lea\ mg Ihe prem"e.:. or

: .. e '.L-ne precriu:",'!> \\I!I ,Illl be~"...,red for 1'0' at,"'g rhe patient

1 .. ~\"Xllh. 1 , ......" ltllllHic' ...trc.ptcx.\\,.,,,,1 (,\"~ ...'''' l~t tIll I\l...ht. and

",. ll'l\l. ...." I II rlloo.l~ Ith..l!b gL)\lrn-

........ ~1....... ~l,(,r lilt... llItc..c..t10n

State Revises Quarantine Regulations;Isolate Two Communicable Diseases

I.GH UP on the crowded deck of ahospital ship, a h01l1L .1. Yanl.. SlralnS hIS e) es for a ~Ignof home. On the dock below he see~ a Red Cross ~lolOrCorps dn\'er. At the SIgh! of her hean-warmlng smIle hek"ows she's 5a)tng: '

"You'll be okay, Soldier!"He J"no~s. because he's heard oth~r Red Cross girls saythosc samc sJlnple words of cheer. On Luzon In lhc hos-pital. On the docJ" where hc wok ship for home Aho<lrdthe hospual sh,p.

IIc J..no"s Ihdl th<.) .tre not mtr, \\ords, for h<. h,l' ,(<.nthe helpful sU\lce th.1! msp,rc, rh,m lIc hll()\\' wo. thathe can find the ~amc ffl,ndh. under"andmg helpfUlnessIn hIS home hm n Red Crms <.h"pler

And \l\h,[e th,s gIrl and hcr comr.ld,s throut:houl Ihe"arId nprcsent rhe Red Cro~" In n,ll1t\ \OU an Ihc Red(ro~, She, the Red Crm~ l\orkcr. I~ sldl' ,nceded. You "ho make Ihc Red (rm,po~\rhlc aho are ~1111nceded \\ llhout)OU there l\ould he 00 Red ( ro"

~o let )our dollars folio" HllIr h, IT!

(,I\C to the Red Cross. ~l\e all )OU pm.s.bly can,

"You'll be okay,Soldier I"

h,n ng ,,1\) "I Ihl '0 dl>~..,e> I.>\lte),-1'0.<11 pcr,ons \\ III not be '1\laran-tmcd

The 'Otntnb'\Oller ,(,I,d Ihat theCOllllc,l. dUblOl1 Cvlllornh 111111rec,

lf Ihe p.Hlel1l l' \>,,1.11,,11\0 '1U.lr. "llllUtnd.tI,olb from th, \men~.illal111llc 1\111h~ l!\I0rLed nil 1II,mh,r' PI!lllll I!'dlth \,.OllJtWl1, Lom-\>1 Illl !l,'U" !ll>:d l<,lr >lJII'1 I,,, r. null '" ,'1\ CDlIIllHllucoible DI>"d>lnll'UI\I.,'''''><I' m<mtlb,ll" JlOllO Coutrol Iud brlli/;, \I,dllg.iU luloU"J,ft, J.lJ eh" J,. <I' p,,, Thb d'J.I\~' hlle \\llh morl th.m 21J 011" r ,IJle.111 \11l"III~Ul ~ r"L..t11Jt!l,,)lh tor the and 'l. ...lr.il lUfc.lgn lOUlItlll' rhc~cIn' rl..\.1 ~)t '"\.\Hlll1ll!lll.Jhh. dbt. d.~l" t u.~Vllllllll1(lJtlotb arc tlll r\. ~ult oi~"" lfl',> tlllrll"illie ,th, t .t ~r< J.I d, 11,II .tud) b) llIJ.II) ut Ihl>

QlIarJUlltll' \I III h< r"I'llTed oull '<'lIl1lr) • .iuthontll. Oil U)!llmUUI-' ...'f ,rl1 'll~) ...l\. 1'11..1 dltl1tt II ria al1~ l ibI ... dhl"~l ~

'Il' I, < I Dr 1 "'Illl' ~ DJI l'. hlJllh ' I'I'Opl, hJ\' bC'I'Ill' \l>cd 10 'Il\Jr-"~" II ",'I1,r ,>1(,rl~"1 1">1Il1, ','lIn- <alll\t,' Dr DJI1LS 'J,d It I> h!..e

J. habit ~llllil II III tal..e tlIlle lor thcmIII ch ..n/;e Ihelr oitlliude 101\ard ,t\t hr'l \\ Illu olle duld III a lJ.ullllh.i, ,cJ.rlct fl \ lr aud a I.>rother or.. I ...tt.r ~OlltltlUl':.'lo gOlll~ to :.'lol-boolthere II III hL 'Ollll cOmplJIIII'

"I CJuuol ,mpl""ll to.., ,Irougl)IIIJt the eomrol vi IlIe,e COlllIIlUllJ-",ble d"c:>.>e, " Ul uo Ilal \\eaken-

....' ' .. ' I PUle' dl..')t ... lll..).' Il".d b) (lm!ttlH~ ql1U~Ul111H

: ~ "\'l.,.H \\(' l.\'\ i'hhr thl.,e h\t=~ e ... .,ift\ lv," '<." ..:.....1 ... 'han tn the~,' - "e 1',>.l"lUt'l! I' I. onlv thaI

....~ :'~"t "..r Ofr't"''lt {\J,Y "'llc:nt't!c" ,\.\ N..~(' \\ Il" ,(t" n ...."""1.l'ug ~amed by

1• ..1 • '1 lS 1,,,-'U.. t."c1I,..'ki ... tor the"'f_ ...: J. ....t""-

, ,.\\' 1

1 "

c, ".~,\ h \ ,c f..,

( ,.

, •" If• f) \ \ \ I,

\ 11... II

1 H 11\'

1( 1 \\. 'l 11;1 ,

I prt "'c d -. I 'kt~ ....k udd 11

lor 1 I r, \~i Cl 1..1' I~

I fC .... lIlt I {}..l

J J _"J 1,..... 1 l ~ l

. ~(



, ,

New Administratorto Handle Veterans

I') \ \1)

.....11 ... 11


II , I, 1,) , ..i ~I""

l, • \ P ~ 1 t( .....

\11\ f,. (, 1 11T

~ \~ ~ \ 1.. l I

11 I'

\., 1 .? i I ~

( "' (I


- - I,m '\" I'()l TH-\: 1, n\-(j" I~ '" l"'1,(1...,r i r "

2:' ~ " ,...,""~

BO\: - "prin~ complete, hke new,$25 lad\, 'pflng coal, Il!"e ne\\.

$25 4326 Havrrhill TV 2-8659

HI" fFE.D-Tron fireman 'tol...rappro"maleh' thrre , ears old. new

motor, $125 TV 2-5511

SOT In - \fahogany dminl( room'Ulle, 0\ al table PI 4J03 Call e\C-

nin~ ...

The United States uses per capitaJO times more petroleum than therest of the \\orId


,\dditional "'ant-,\dson Page II I

FOR SALE-Miac:el1aneoua

TOP SOlT -1 III d,rt I,,' the yar,1 I

L, 0 Lannoo T\\' 2--1631

BE. \ CTlJol I~Pedll'(reed ,,'- monthold nnle brolln tabbl' k,llen PL

7240 Rea,anahl,

I I \LI -\"\ - ~[arble hn~t. hW'l7ealhlll'C staluette' Plllt ,terllll\( ,,1-

\ er fta,k: commer< al e1eclrlc T de-,hron clock \\ orld \\ ar I Gcrm ,nand frrl1ch ,"ord, make offcr lIbl~ ht Gnl1d Bouk\ard PL 1<)42

<;FYER.>,.l-Spnnl'( coat,. 'Ult< e\c-nlllt:: dre"c' IHap dmller dr.""

matern.:y dre'i~C"'I;;t ~port ('("at c;la....k\I'lt" "17(' 16 to ~O t:'lrr" Cfltt0'l

I dl"('"....(".. c:Lrt, s\\ caters blou ...e-~ C:l"e

6 to 12 ho\" '<\\ t atrr.. "'p0rt ....11 ...1'\\Hn [nl1l' t\\o Be'l &. (0 Pa'.,.,11:'111, ,m', "e 12 to 11\ ", I

ranln m" 11 "Ihr. HI,dc, Rca- Il'h1r prll r' TV 2-1i;~ 1

I ~()l 1[)- \\ 1111 11 '" rl ,'rr, or 1r~ 1.. no: I ,-tlP ~ 1\1'\ rl .. 1'1

""rI 1";: m I "rt " ... l",,.1 tl1.1.h'l 11"" I~, \ I ''').I

'-I \ I I, \ 1 \ " ", , 1\ 1r \- ( "'.. l t '( 1;'l \ 1, 1 t .....

, ~ r-~ .. ~... r ('~'I"" .

I ~ 1 ,. ...... 1 ...."' \ 1r (\ 'I' ,

Penonalized Coiffure.



3561 Guilford, Detroit 24

Veler ..... of World Wu II

J .... Mllelr:A_.t W.,......Member of tile NHCA

Home Applianc:es383 Kercheval Avenue

TUxedo 1-2313

Jdl'rr,on ~I 'bn I1nr!, t nn" 41111.

All Makes Repaired

Light Moving andParc:el Delivery

Complete Lrn .. of Marm .. PaInt.and Boat Supph ••e..v T ~p CIU'T oro

G"u0"\1'I"If" ( .... tal [,,,

Own 0 MER CUllY MatchlenIn Ollfboard EllCltllence



Veteran Servic:e ManagerChange. POllition.

Oar ezptII1 hair .tylilt will creat.a Dew o:oilhr. for J'IN.

Cold w... ea, .. "hiM ...d _hUte-Ieaa pena&neata. For a Ian ailiuate.... in-.-t, ,......_. TU 1.1771.

\tlllOUllH 1I111l\" lIlaue Ihl> \Hckthat ChIT Lnl", pI'pular auto sen-li. e In1.tlaC:l r at T ..lHl BI...H (,1'), 15 now

J»ouJled \\l!h I'lt' ]dI,r,,'n Lm-lo!n-\Incurl ,,> lI[>all\ at 3iO() EastJ t. if l r ..on

Ll\\l' I) ~\ll hlh)\\tl' ..) Ea ...t ~Idtr~

'1., ,,\g bUll kXJtlJ at 1'\, \,hhlld-I", T! .........)0 .......'rI.t. r t ... _,) ) t"J.r:- dJt ngIr ...\ n tile." 1'::' t' 'h. \ l,)t PC'tlr J Pla'tedl'l\\ Ill ..) thl pre"t'l" t 111\." Lt'\\~~ h;l:>

n\ ,-J 'rHo.HJ.. 3'lJ t ..,)"n'(.. "'~"'.,,'mt'r ..' ... "1 ' ...."1" ... "'- \} 11 1p.Jt \ ... 11t'\\ 't'h..V

Ree.lty Association Take.in Several New Member.

Complete Radio andAppliance Repair


:\fake bo'-e' 00\\ Is, tra\,. pla"e-

Imold •. jCI\elr\' as an lD'rod~C'lIOnto Ihl> la~cmatlng cralt.

Call TCxedo 1-1683~roROSS RO\D XEAR ~1.\CK


~Ianle) C Ha) 1.">, former n;l\'Y ad.mll1l>lrall'e offIcer ha. b~en added10 the louIl>clmg staff of the Cni-\ er.ll} 1'[ DelrOIt V<'Ierans' Bureau.to handle Ihe lI1cr~a,ed enrollment01 e"." r\ Icem~n \' Cleran enroll.Illt'nl ro,o lr"<l! M last ,emester toIN>" no\\ 'Iud"ni: on Ih. t\lO ,amp-n...l.......It l ~1ILl

!in e, \\bL' ,pInt 42 1!\1>1ll'l,In thenal \ lfI'J' rt,<:ellt'l dl'l IMgtd IllthrIll ranh. \."\t 11l.oJ1"l.uant \"~nunJ,ndC'rHe" "'I.nt"\i .I.;) .:1J.!U .1btrJ"1\ C' ..... ::lIt,:,!ant

r'd .s. ..de" h....tllf ".....lotununu ng fo.")ifl .... erJ." .11\.. \. ..1\ ....l \ r ~.~ h.'1n Grl...\~~e

D." ~. ~ \, " e, ,je~t ,'I rl,c II e J'lJ hV 21 m,>'l'!l, \tl the s..'I.1thLJ. c .. \ L';;:" .....\..~ ReJ..' \ \." 3.~h.."" P"J... "'I ...

:ill \J J. \t .....~""~t"' ~ ..'lot "'t P....,-..: ' 'l ~Pll.':: ..II ~h(," :'\1')"

b ..."J"J I..'" 11 "l ...... ,..... ...'. ..t, ~ Ea. .....~'"":11 F J.\ "... \\ .Jo"" t" 3 <. ... (''1'' ~1 ...C'\:t,," atD,,",.\.'1 ~ Rl..l.\ \ ..a~ ......"1'1 L.1J.•• 1:., e l ...'" D

II..., \,.,\,........\\...~e 3. 1."""' c:.J J ... :t'e~~'"" .. 1

<.'! 1, .. ",'r. ". ,'11 Running' 0\ er l.."lt Pie

I\\ 'eo' C ~'''-'1. J,'>C'{'"1 \\ "-)- Can Be .\ \ l..'idl'd

doXl E<l'u r_~;;..; .'~-~,h. lf~>I ~!:;.r' ~ l -\J... J 1-" ~t T"'":.:.t. .....:.l.L. -\ ..,-~n ..._~",r ~ .........: ...~ ....nJr ....'1o\d -\ Blk" ~L.I."""\ G T""'\.'"~...I" 'C • .: \.-<-r ' ............C\~ ~.:~\,.v-~ j

D R ::::-"("\\3.r'. c~.......c \ c:\ ....., P':~ j \ '\J ,0-_ =.. ,:. ~ '-a" ..~ .. "c.\ ?:-$ I

ben \,cr~ Ma:/'lr:'" B_'"";'c :1~"': \\ _.. It ~'\ ',-'..1 .........\ ~ ':.""\,,,_~~ 'I\---:::t

jl'J-'llT U\.'\\d.. ....,tp""'\.~~ l...: _ ... ~ .......:~~-s.\""'U='~~~

--------- ..... -:= ........., t'C.. 1 -_~ ~, ......."'(..~('.ueBusiness Lot Owners 1M .,-c."Pay for New Sewers I "- ~~-::'e' ,-'- 1\." ',~ ",,~

..(.~ ...'.~c. ........~~~ .. 06-~ ,-~: ...~e-.:. '='r~l p""'Oper") 0\\ :l~~ (e..'( ...e'v ....' ...: I )J:-~ \ \ :: ~ ..\,."-...~ (',-~-:~" ...~ :.:~

depo.., "ed t~lt p.0r ......"':1 0''' t_-::. ...... "-r",-~ ~~t: ~ l:...'1.-....~..= 5"'1:-:De~ded tor ~ te'f" l~""L..i.~ ...'10" "'t-I

IC\.'\. ~e.'\een Ke-b\ a:ld Ca \.:1 .:1 G",'"e I F,y .'=C' -:.: ''-''- , _ ._ ,>.~ =POlnte Farm .. al"cQ..l..1 ....~ .. ~ :i r~\'-:j ....,~ ~_,_ .. ,,~ .....~;:: ~ ""111~ ~",,-'t'-

made by CJUih. T'"Da.:l Ru"'3."d. L I ..."' .......*\C. .. -\,'V ~ u.~~..&:"":~ =: _::..:. ~~~(3-'Wn ~£o""d:i\ n go: ~.."\X-..o.>ta:":~ \\"L.:! .. _:!..I..C .:.:....~ "~a1

He -....ald a mee"',:;: "<.:0 l-.~ :i V.~"::'II .'."'C ~e b~:..=..g ':..:.~ :--:1: .....:-~. :.xthe :\fad., A\ Cllue b_, lle-, l-o.::'l6~ ~c :' ~ O::~!l = \\"":!l ':::'~ --::.1: =J iproper"y O\\"'T1t:r::.,~ 10 .agreed to ~- e I ":"'i:"'~ Or' ....,,~~:t ....z e :..x~,-"Cl C!""".:$:'

\ lIage:!' pLa, t~i:lt ~'.e u(V'k Je C0"le ~i ~'....~.::'-'.:.:1 :3oc: :--(''''\''"''IC~ ad<:...~under the Cl.>'ltrac- a\\";;,de<i 1:;.,: '"C -00 c;'-t.mom" lor 'C\\ ers be:\\ cell Kc-~y I' Be ,-:re !DOlt t:'ere ar~ e:ll.~gh $<ltSand :lfonlL>S .:l t.1e tOO ,rust 01 :he ? e to let tb~

I '"at:! e -"eTh '.5 d 0;:1 r>'- I -.. .... ......e v ~ per C~Pl:.a t~. b .....,..,yJ~ I \.!h.~-~r ~~n.-aI.!:"''O.a ._,a.t of,:en

the al erage dell: per fam.. I l.> $81.1. .:I "e bu,. ....-~--------------I ..a\ e~ r".nc:r 0\ e"'u~ 1$.. _~r-------------., uO a'ld reinforc,ng 01 L,e outer edge"POTTERY CL\SSES- 01 the p,e crust Do this by trim.

m.ng the p~tr)' about an lllch WIder I

t"an the edge oi the pan, Then fold Ithe 0\ erlap under the mOIstenededge of the lo\\er cru,t and press thethree layers together.

Our grandmothers used to use II.

stnp of cotton cloth moistened incold ;"<ller and fastened ugM around IIhe plate. This keeps the edge of thep,e III place during ballllg,

Some cooks UlSert a stIff paperfunnel in the center of the top crustso tha.t JUICe may nse In It withoutoverl1o\l\ing •

Juicy fqu; p* a6tar. nm _ be-F~e R-4.. Salon CIIllUSe 111>0: pie maJr. me. 40 put tooRUlli ~U".1 much filling im.o the pie.

r I


NJ 4420

I (




LawnmowerSharpened andReconditioned

. ,~. I


SCOTTS LAWN SEED .", "I I ~ ,-" ",cl- 1 Ib $ .35,

SIb. $4.25. III lb. ~ 2$: 2S Ib, $198SSeoUl fOf' O.n.e Sh~d .. 1 ,rrSCOTTS TURF BUILDFR Ifl "t- .. ""';"... """'l ')"1. -... ("'" .. -. III ~

ZS I\>. V 2~ 'lIJ ,I-. '-' 7~ 100 I\>. $~ SIl



IT'S TIMETo Do Your Spring

PLuming and

Hou.e Cleaning


Call Moruiq. or E.....FIowL.ape..... ~.......



,All Work Done by E"peri-

enced Mechanics


All AvailableGnume Hudson Parts

In Stock

Watch Our Ad for New Merchandise- RAY - 20947 Mac:k AvenueKRAUSE CrOIle Point. Wood.




Electric Heaters RadiosGas and Eiectric Ranges


• • · Is Just Around the Corner!!,

Grosse PointeHARDWARE


Broo Dll.l Pan. • Spona:e •• ehamoll • O... l Mop. _ ScrubBra.lI Murph~ Oil Soap. Ambeat - Solnntol - SOlIn. AmazoUpbol.t.....,.. and Ru. Cleaner. Bruce Floor C1....ner and W~ • Glo-C .... t • T .. te ...... - R ... nuZJt • Naphth ... Airwick • Ladd ...... Stool.Clotbes Dryer •• W .. t.b .. k .... - Underrround Guba ... Can. _ Pap,er B1ITII ......

MICHEL Sales & Service14939 E. Jefferson Wa~~ .. rn LE 3077

Bring Your Hudson CarTo Us for Expert cService ...

AN IDEAL GIFT\ 1.uJ'e S.lec:doll of F...-.I ....

Ullinmed Mi..........ALSO

MirToh Made to ON.L.cIed CIua Repain - Ho_ Senic:e


CITY GLASS COMPA NY11_ Kercbenl AVeD1lle LEacm 4Mt

16915 E. Jefferson

F ..rry SHd' for Better Guden •• Garden Tool •• Hoe. _ Spade.Sbo't"el •• Rake •• Trowel. - H...:I.e Shearo - Gra .. Shean _ Weed

• Killer. rn.ec:hc,de K,II ..r • Scalec:ide - Blackleaf ~o • DX SprayTn.Tox-Clde. Rotofnm ... Gard ..n Lab ..11 - Stake •• Cane •• R ..ff,.Garden Ho.e - SOil Soaker - Spt'lnklero.

Page T~n

Page 11: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief




T\\ 1-15ill


SqUAre Foot


Only 9cWan Board

Work Bench

B,rch Gum or Cedar

")IU". -t .qu ...rf" up to, 8I(')n~ Thu ,t"'m II ),art'In k_p .n .toclo Ordervnu". nl")W

It ... wond ..rful productHAl many USf"1 b~cllu,"

"'I hr ..proof 3 16 thickand ... 8 ..... Can ~ult'd for pArtitions lid.Ing on ~a"'Allf"S or farm

Ibu,ld.nl1': ----- -


W ANTED-Used Cars


f\st ...-\TfO~

Pa~e FTeven

FOR SALE-Miaeel1an~

I (), I - Jld'n 1'011 "rh' \Iatch In(.Jr'"o.,.,t, POInte ~h()Pr>m~ dlst""ct

.... <i lr(ld,.\ Rt\\ arc! r L .!.-7?2fl

Cars WantedLate Models

Highest Prices Paid

HANSONChevrolet Co,

14259 MACKLE.98oo


r:O\ " 2', - Ill' h ,>chwJlln hIke ~5'~-I. 1Il I Ro'l t ,t"t hn) ~ hlk(,. "'$23:

i!.!. !)<U L J\l ;,1(k door

BJ '> 1-1 l"'''I>un I"dv\ COdt blJe.,'I, It, p(rlLlA eon,!luon '\1 (,"Z

,,1\ (,1 1 - "'III\< r lOX fur, $1~ fOllr1.,\" "ood l(oll Cillh' [",\lIS\t Ie

rO\"l rhl't $2; practlLdlh ncV\l. a.l~Q""rdroll,,, ,11~ Ie 1.17117


• ••

In JIIIIr n.lllIIIlI,,,II,, ~dv,,"rl ~.,.d hr.lllnd •

"1\0\ A". ( Hr".d In .....'()\.k

'\1 I n"I-Irhh ,e'tlr, 10 mon'h, ol~\ ..i~..tr..t 919~



New Imported EnglishTwo-Wheel Junior


We Pay More - Ca.h Waitiq-



1111\ Ir, d pI T ernt PI \ YEf{ - P,ano hen' h . and 1201 f'\lf nlri\(fdl r' ... lfl l()j !1.1(1l r~r-;l ...()na:hle.

\I~ \l'J~ I~,~II I" ,,,r'


VISIt Our Yard lor Your BuddmR 1\1alertalReqlllrl'mf'nt~-You ~amf' It-Wt> Ha,f' II'


r )~

" ,


8. A. CH.-\PLO\,"Lt"BER CO.

w .. HaT" ,h. On ... Slnp Lumh ..r Shnp for All Budd'n, MatlOru,l.

Anylh,nl! You huv Frnm LJ. Con B.. P~,d for nn \-fnnlhly B ....

Y_ do not care to MU, let .. ....,.ir ~ caP

Try 0- £.Z TilDe PaJDI_t PLu.



AI's Bike Shop

Op,,-n D .. dv Frorl"'~ A \1 ,.. h PM.....l'Il!lIrd"v to 'l po "

<..Iou.d ~lInd"".


:'I.~I or Alumlnum- S'OT ok. 'lour ChOice oJR""r1 ....c. .. thou. ",nrn ()u' ,"w,nli!:'"C dnnr,.. ,Ih ."m"lhln~ up tn dOle 1,.. 1.11 th ..mynun ..1f (')r Wf' do II fnr y~u Ilt A "mAil rxtr. tharr,p


WANTED-Used Car.

Kercheval at Chalmers


11'1 here ag"m for a Ihort time Don't pulthl. off. Buy thl' non-prlorlly lumber Whll<j Only.S9.71II lasto 11'1 beaUtiful-In random w,dth.and random lenl!'th. Apply.t younelf W<.how ,"OU how Convert your dark aUI" o. You've been 1001."'11 forb•• ement Into a plea.lng room Clye u.. lhf thiS • loftl tJme~ If.II.e of It We Will quote you over tho t d It' t Ih Ilury .. praClcap one Fib nl<ely .nto your

b.uemen t or .uqe AII look WlII <on TIne. )'ouWith one drawer.

I• I_Ifi!i3~.1 In rel!ular ••• eo Aloo for

: ~ '-~ ~:::;~~:lud:h;I: .. w;:;_ - winter and tcreen. for- ~.1Ir summer We lu ....e.t- ~~ you buy them now At:. ~~.1r>T('WAr prIC:r.l We WIlt

___ ,nl',,11 them .f you wllh



FOR SALE-Mi.cellaneou.

Ford. Mercury. Lincoln.Zephyr Salea &: Senice• 16909 Mack Avenue at Grayton NI ....

Wanted-Used Cars

1938 • 1939 • 1940Models



LENOX ....

II TrJ -\I ',r '~I rm1 \[ "I!>or-Ol~ p,~ri';)",lldlt,e~ ~/pm

[1\ I !'[LU.I-liA

I, I \ \ I H Ii 'l


11\1\1, IJl)O\I-!llrntl-o loun .. e1d" Ill ... ( I<iP(1 l .. url<1 .. Rt i..,(n.

...11 I L .! f.)1

BI \l l II U - (,ar \\'ood utllt1(()\()\II~ _ r,'ol po'n CO,I brH' '\lLllrlllcondltlon Rea,on.

$2 4r~1 1'1 ,<II I',r 51 I~I1 ,r~1 B"r' "Ii:, \1 L l,lIA11..... tl Ho.td

L\D\ "\\ )f! ..{\

, Ie Ii, I ~I


(Jllil l/fl\ \ r, ,,,(\ tel "ml .n-

IIlq It 'IrtPIJ. L l,xt It... ... lJ,jIJ r 1r-

l r<. 1Ill.1 ... 111 11 h jJ(T"".in,,,I, oul , " < ,I \ I J'>I17

I I (ll Ii , I~J,)I)- \ \ (. I "I It"(.Iu.d\llr hld tJ."lTl,..," ,2:; 92~

Lt.rrlll ...lll!l

", I

I 1 \ h



WANTED-Real Estate

F or Gardens and Lawns

Also Peat Moss and Manure IDELIVERED

WM ALLEMON17727 MlIck Avenue

Tlxedo 2.9085


Top Soil-

SPE\CE~ CORSETS-Ind\lldual1ydeSIgned dr~,s and ,uri( c,,1 lO:ar-I

ments 0\ er 15 ~~ars expCTlcncc I\Ia,. \~ Pann.r' "1 4i127 or TOj.41\2 J<,g \[ck ~~~ I

fOR SALE-Miscellaneous I

\\ \'\I-Tn" \1. m<ta' ';l\I~ hn' Ime ~I I ln~1 ....\ n. l- 1,[ Cd"

flr(,l('r~h' \\ 1 nH .... i \ I(t 1 '1r;:::::("1 (' \\ 1.. In )"('lfr ha 1 h('ar'nq"hr~1 \ [ \ ••,

OLD CLOTHINGWANTED-H"cbat prtCeI ptld for men'. .aIbu4 JAou. Telepboae can wlJJ brin,:• to 7'Oa immeclilately Te1ephoft eTyl .. 4-36Z5rVR~ITl.RE-\\.anled If \"0\1 ha\'e

am thing In the hne of hOll'ehold[',rntttlre and n",., nll "\"eat\\ a\'furnllure 139>0 KerL he\ al Lena'2115

\'E II R \ \-([ \Lutenant command.erl dc-,n, to reltt hOlI,e or apdr!-

mcnt 111 Gro ......c Pomtc ~C'l.. tlOIl Prl1.crabh !l.. ur IH droom.:; Be,t rCIcr-1ener, 1 R I- \444

W ANTED TO SHARE IC!lRbll\\-\ltddle agLd \\omenl

\\ ant... cot'I1pamonable \\ oman to.harl homL "ura, tile term, for Ir1~ht part' \ I 04-(,

1,":::,1 \'1 \ - I

I - - I

I1-=_ ANNOUNCEMENTS -= I:Cooking--

I" CO \1 I -FI~ I or apartment Tu'e-do 1-0759 •

COL PI I -Both slead,l\ emp'O\ cdnalll e DetrOllrr, de'lrL tllree or

lotlr room "pannlu,! or lnrome Ex.nllult relerenco' Call Llo. 9146 orU: i,,62 e\ cumg,

FXFCl I [\'E-\\ auld h~e Ihrce-:.hedroom home. La,t Side \lClntty.!

),1 Y1IJ51

1 IlRfL OR-~our h<droom homcHI (,ro"c POlnt( famll\ \ulh t\\O

rdtlrTllug sen Icemcn 1J~ 6447 ,

HOl '>J -J lat or ,n(om up In "Mper nlOnt1l In i 0 lp1( \('1 ell Id'-C'n

\1 \I, ra\ ll~ 2

PRI\ \TF P \RT\ - \\ .II tradL Ie'ltlII\ In \\ell located bu',nc,,1

rropert\' (,lore" flat- aId ,,!llle,) I

lor thrLe or lour bedroom, '"o.hath I!IOnil 111 (,ro--e POl!l' ( ).! 2&-5.

FOR SALE-Real Eatate IR -\'\ UI - !lome 'lte, 70",,16, be-

t\\ cen Elel @n ~{.Ie and ~l artln, ~"",..Harper. Ga'iII, R_abIe Prm. te pam" LE: 0ll82.

C" DIlL X FRO:'> T o\GE - !.!ack-\\ arren sectIon ~I\tl -tllO ft cor-

ner, S900 (j() It. lIbldl, $800, tJO ItlJ<lrOlt ~treet near Cadl~ll', $1>20 I1-00It CI1lClnnatl near CadlclI' <l:h..'OWit. \\ ..., <Ill \ !leAf CadH'll" $lJ211 1Ca'h--'\el '-tella \1 Ladl"l ,OR'\otre Dame, ("ro,se POInte 30, ~IICIIXI li~1 .

I \ j

$100 IHe\\ -\HO - [or mtormallOnILadlng' 10 rental 01 untllrnhhed I

apartment thre' to Ii, e room, mod.i I <rn heated Palmer Park M (,ro"e'" I POltlll \ll410rl j or ;"1111 ur \!.l\ i

\1 analler lor national COlleern \0,1"lrir(ll or pt" \.j ro,rrllHr,\\ rltc H", R CoOGro"e POlnle Rc-"011 ); 121 Kerlhel "I \ \ e c'rnssePOlllIl Park 3(1 ~!Ilh


t t ._, , ,, -\ 0 H

Drexel 1007




, )





G & R McMILLAN CO.16822 Kercheval Avenue

f lot '-I



Ortroit Hurrau(;ovrrnmrntalRrsrarrh

Three Adu lts-

(" \I-R\l fLi CrRrC-l-_\~Cllll,"ea,d \I e .'anQue<<1 !rom Cleve

.J ld rC'fJ -c h ~e fO'lm h01c;e a,;u,rI-rn'" (I t,.. -f' t" \{ II

I "-<Ie'" Tq , ,. ~" 12

\\ \"111 R'--RollQht re,'onlh\lClnrrl• hI" '11 Tnni( Q laran(ce rl 'I'll>

[\JClll\l-hpe ,h" "11nII

('or m<tho .... ill\ I lM or l"'. 11H 1)(',,- "\ 1 \112 '

\\ \ \ 1 I- [) - I Irrlne ~nd tend!,Brick ad Cement Repain ,e\\ 11, III ( " 1'0 ",,,<I, '1\

fll{l('''' l 1 11 I 1'-\. ~ll1f 1111 I \1~11

hRJCh-(ld ......l)r~1-. "'h" ::l,'1t1 r("- tire 113"1(1rll(' I' \\ r~ "\t \\ I."'f r('p~lr \~t

[) r~on III ~~'II

Cea. R. A. &: Cot F. M.Alrer POlt "S V. F. W.

Meets Second and Fourth Monday.Each Month at 17145 51 Paul AH-n"e, Grosse POinte 30, MIchiganAll VFW and Potenllal Members


C\RPI \ I f R-ln'rrIor fll1l,h l"h0rda\ \\rf.. ..... I g;ubt" 20\')(1

\,,11 t' lIt to 2J \1 (h '\[ li8-1

LAM P SH o\DES-Recovered; cur-taIn' drapes and bedspreads beau-

tHull, made to order First l:1a.1IworkmanshIp UN 1-5727.

ALTER.o\TIOXS - AddItions, lcJt-chen. remodeled, attlC$ finished

Off,ces, cablnet!, screened porchesbJllt; good "ork; general contract.m: PI 8021

ACCORDIO~S-Furnlshed to be.gmners Le"ons by Joseph Mas-

Slmeno, 27 year, experience 7(}46Harper TW 1-5838 or IV 6335


PIAXO TUNING - E!ectne c1elU1'ing C. L. Edward., 6111 Unnetsity

Place TU 1-3173

C\RPb\ 1 f R-[ntennT fin"h Tnl>or cial \\,J'~ <; F R,rhre .?i1NI

'\LSbIlt fl, ro.! 24 \11<II '\1 tJiM

C>\RPE'\TLR-R~pairtng, maInte-nance Odd johs b} the hour Small

Jobs preferred George \. Steen, 1468~{an land, Grosse Pomte Park TU2-2853RECREA T10~ - Rooms, attlcs,

dens, offIce rooms, finIshed In ply-t! oDd panels; best "orkmanshlpfree estlmates Rose\ Ille 1102.J.


PRI:\TS - Photog-raphs, oilpatntm£,s, mirrors beautifully

framed to your IndiVidual taste.Prompt servtce The House ofFrames, 955 East IeffersonAvenue Randolph 8875.


IIORon\[-,- c~,I",12'r(h\,

Brick Porch Repairs ~. I' .",,1 ,nltd'i on \f 41~11I11'-TOI-D,,, ,-d r-

C .1.thf"(i P ~1 h-'),rn C:'('I'~ rtf.t ~ \ )n ~k ,.t ... t 1! ~ h,r l'.1. ... ~

\\ <1 1 ... \\ I ~ rrf \ l q ',\. ....1 I) 11 \ )11 .... \' "')')r1" .. ..( ('I,l .... -it...! 1 (cd ("0 ~ lof 111,(f'o P ( I ,1 .1,lf'l II

I J \ (' 1 (IC ( n ... c nn, Dl\. - --- -, ., CORSETIERE----


:\L 11 k \ [[0\ ::,-Lad L,' and chtl.drl n, Done 1Il my home Reason-

able \\ ork g'uaranl~erl 12239 \\ hit-hor I r,'alr, PR -098

DR! ::,;:,~I "KI~G--And alteratlons~I ma} 6126

DRFSSM ....KING - Alteratlonl aliI!m II nery Inez Slear 1140 ....nlta

Tuxedo 2-6851

\\ (J 1\\-1 vr ...\ lll..r<d nOJ~l\\orha I dLdn 1\,( \Il 3~J

c,J I I, \1 - Hou,,,,, rf. \\ 11 eI, "Ille lond 01 chudnn !J ...ys I-.X.\R\IY-OtlJelr alld IIlll hath

Rer., '''" II 2./,-27 emplol ed dr"rL apartm, n' Gord-Situation. Wanted-female ?~42iiIi-on 2/"1 La~rland lu",edo





~r -,.


:'I I 1 '\

- I'\

( ... t,, ,

John Lee



\ \

Honorably Di.charred



Painting and DecooratincWall Wa.hinr

Pat"h Pla.tennr

DRexel 8004


LEnox 6588

Nels Swanson

George S. Dally

For Any TypeSign or Sho-Card

Call TUxedo ).1354

Sisrncraft Si2ns

Reeves InsuranceAgency

NIagara 6613

CLEAN, nea't interior andexterior painting- anddecorattng. I:xpen \\ allwashing.

CALL \\'.\LT

LEnox 0981


A-I I~TERIOR-And exteriordecoratmg. Paper hang-In£" a

specIalty. Work g'uaranteed .

C. M. HawleyLenox 7446


Painting- and Decoratinlt1969 Fleetwood Dr NI. 2836

Gros,e POlllte \\ oods

P \l'\T1XG - Decoratmg and wall'" ashmg \Vorkmansll\p and ma.

tenal guaranleed Call \\ Ilham Elge.mann TU 2-9083

I Stores

PAl \ T I '\G--And decoratmg Guar.an, .. d \I orkmanshlp and matenal

(plus 0\ er th'rt\' ) ears experience)~en Ice after \larch I I Ilork on alljobs \\ m Loader, 1440 KenslOgton~l 4407 or DR 6317

A-I P -\1:'>TI,\G-PaperhanglOg. re-mO'tng, '" ashlng walls Work

guaranteed Mertens 9364 We} her.OL 0762


Wall paperin&" wall w... hinC, floor.landed and relini.hed Waxed floor.deaned and poll.hed. Prompl lerY-ice. Realon.ble rate •.

DON SHERMANRo.evtlle lI64.R Eaot DetroitOr Dial 211, A.k for Enterprue 6018

llOl 'I !lOI IJ - !lcllllr \loudal\\, II" ,,1"1, rmla\ morrllugs 9 to

12 \1 JI)36Pamtln£", Paper Han£,ing and

Decoratin£, \\ III J l -Clednln" "oman for5059 LEN'OX AVENUE a ,,<I of ea<il IIl(~ \) 24,2

P-\I'\ II\G - O\lt-Id, " 'I'Cll"ltyCtnllllt rlr~d.![lll .... J)l~ ,llJl


Pamtm~ and DecoratmR \YorkWalls Washed - Wallpaper Re-moved by S tea In • \Vmdow

CaulkingExpenenced - References

G. W. LombusTUxedo 1-0019


P \I'\TlXG o\nd decoraltnll' \Vall""'htng LOllS D Ph1lhpPI, 5767

'\eff fL 2.o07!!

GL:\LRAL - lIousecieanig,ba ,( mcnt to at tic flfteen

\ eal" c'pcncllcc Referenceso POUIMrt LL 4836


, \ ' ,


, NllIRllrll 4255

F. D. ReisenerPainting and Decoratin,

S260 CourviUeNIagara St44

If Not ..t Home Call TV 2 5257

Window ShadesCleaned


Do&n R. ORden. juot relu.edfrom the army. wdl draw profe ••.ional land."ape planl aad .peel.Ii"ahon •.

FREENO COST OR OBLIGATION15th Year W,th The Pontiac:

Nurlery Company .. Ch,ef Land.• eape Arehitect

Call Collect Romeo 350 or 3Z8


PAJ'I,TI"G-An'i <lecorat "!l ~ DRe .-n'r ~21{\ V,"fV". " I -'144 I

If -A' .: ,nm~ r> T H '" 2 '2;7 I

FlUJIT TREES-S-hru\u Pruning,lran.plant>ng. Garde. lIlallltenance. ,

Fred L Toerge ~ I 9340

PAI~ TI\~Ant1 decoratIng QUIck.er\lce a,d rea.onable rates

G\lua, •• ~d "'ork and matenals MU19(0'> \[ L 8345

Tree Removing* TRn1MI~G* GUYING* BRACIKG

General PruDin~ andThinning- of Shrubs

* * *Have Your SpringPruning Done Now!

* * *ImmedIate - DependableService by Experts

\.] T' \1\ TJ\t.-n(rn" .. '\:! ""I\\a .... l ....Rlltllllt "f;1\cdO.

,ell,"' r~ "l iHC 110\10 I;:; (' .ih C C('l 0~r~() t I r I 1": C',-rlf!C h.C ...;.....rlIle< d ", \11 IIl~2

\\ \"111 R::,-[)" l::ht recrm~,,)10 \\ t 1 T()n~ 'Z'laralltc(' PI

Guarantees Better HouseCleaning Prompt Service \ I (I \11 \ 1- \\ Nl.. t-;ae~j;:r" nl

\\ 11 ... <if \ ( '\\.(1 ks pori he" i1.nrt* General Housecleaning E I -A' h", mrn \ ,0 < ,mmen ~1 Rea.

* Wall d W' d W h' mp oyment genclell ,);,hlt I \ I ". ,\ ~ ~'",an In ow a. Ing _ __ _ _* Floor Maintenance I MIll ER-Emp'olmenl a,ltency FI

IV 3806 I2(,'6 Dome':lc help, wO"l'Ien for

lallndry and cleaning Part-tlme or--- weekly Goorl I.und-e"es and dean.


Greater DetroitLandscape Company


TUxedo 2-2275



C\RPr:T CLL \:\IXG In lourhome and rllJd.lrtng-. .

(;r::XI!~\I ("\I{I'LI~LR\ lCL

LI:lJo, 3127

PIckup and dell\ e r) on fll'eshades or more All \\ ark nea t-iy done

24.48 Hour ServiceWALLS WASHED

ARlington 7123

STOVrS-Al1 m"ke~ repaIredand mst.d\ed

r erry's Household Sen Ice

TL".lI.edo 2-1350

JUKE BOX For rent Ideal forpartIes and ....eddmgs PR 318J

I ,>1'1 CI \1 III III r(1l1l1'~ r Lit'cdcurt 11Th Dl' \( I III; 1

1( II' ,

Review Want Ad~SERVICES

-::prl1i: I

LEnox 5462

BUlld1l1g'Butld1l1g' ~famtenancePa1l1tln~ &. Decoratmg




.'.'• I,

TUxedo 2-0554


Beach & Burman

16901 E. Jefferson

GIRARD PAVESharpening Service


hII: MIll ttepon ..... 1..."'eral, 'tale &ad ClUUldl.UL

Notaty Pllblle WItIl Ile ..l

8anT DIU. 'la'll: CoanIUDtllMl J(EBCKBVAL AVLc_ AItet aOOItI La.. flU



Carpet andLinoleum Laid andRepaired. Stair Car-'let Shifted.

ARling-ton 0642

Representing John L Thomp.son Roo6n, & Siding Co.

forRoofing, Siding and

Home RepairsNo Down PaymentThree Year. to Pay

72Z Notre Dame



DAY - NI 0703 - EVE..."il'INGA-I PLASTER - Work done. Old

aad new work. Also repair work.TU 2-5863.

REFRIGER-\TIO~ - Smlce Allmakes EJectnc motors repaired

-\11 Ilork guaranteed 441 ~!orossRoad ~I 7Z28

REFRIGERATOR-And motor ser.VIce LIcensed and bonded Kelvl-

nator, Frigidaire, Leonard, Cold~llot,Universal and others WJlhams LE

BUILDJ~G-Plans and spectfica- 6763 1f no ansller TR 1-4600tlOns prepared 'I Dudler PR. \\ 1'\ DO\\' CLL\ \ I:'>G - Sen ,ee

3011 Storm '''ndo\\' and ,crern, DR80JJ

>\LL ~!-\KES-\\'ashlng maChlne$and refrl~erators sen Iced prompt-

1) LIcensed Bonded \\ rlt'Cn ~uar.an I~c Bonded Sen Ice 13130 HarperPI 4120


F R U 1 T T R C L S A!'\D,SHR eRe; C\~ BC TRI~I.;-'11:.D :\O\\' CO:\SULT



GEX ER -\L-Carpet sen Ice. Laymg,cleaning and repalrlng LE 3127. DLLL"Xr:. C \RPLT

ELECTRICAL-Contractor L,ght- CLLAXIXG CO~1 P.\XYpall eT meter separall n~ base Carpet. rugs and upholster\' ell.pert.

" _, 0 , Iy cleaned 111 'OJr homl 0 IT nellplugs EstImates DR 9J_6 tlec'Tlc eqJlpment cleans and fre,h.CARPET d I 1 I d d I ens" 1th amalln~ rC'lllts Call toran 100 eurn al an re. estImates '\ 0 oblt~a IonoJt"red Stair carpet shifted. AR :-'1L"RR '\ Y 1967

" I

1 I

(' (',.<i 11I l:- ~ p-

I"cuum I

1\ asher, I\I (l5~51


\ d ,I { " ...t


II '" I II

•1 11 \ HI (


Rr- 11111rnr1rl"f ",(,111 1 ~

r (' ~ c r I


Estimate Now

\ ,

Work Guaranteed


N~ ConatructionCGaImerdal aDd Shop


TV z.seoz• Z.57Z7



Grosse PointeWindow Cleaning

CompanyNIagara 7777




WALL WASHINGHigh Quality Service

Clean White Workers IFree Estimates

PR 2644 AR 7185 I

E & E ElectricalApplianceRefrigerator.

Wallher. - Ironers andVacuum Cleaner.


AU fJectnca1

WASHERService and \RepairW .... en, lroalln, 'ewiall Ma.elaine., Mixero, Motoro, Cell ...'.mp.. Lamp. repaired and re-wired, Refrilerator., Touter.,Door Lo"k., Et".

Wrlnller. RebUIlt

24.Hour Service

Cecil Ayling NI, 6248


~It, ......I (I \ ...."., \ \\\ ~ A ~... I """

~e-.l:" A f" l.... _ H

• G".niPral HOlll,.rlrllnlnlr • P,unltnlf IInd [),...('OTllhnc• Floor Mo,ntrnonc.. • W ~II ..nd ~ .ndo .. W •• h,nc

• EIt'dnclIIl ApphAnC't" RrpO'IT • <:;toTm. And "<"rrrn,

~lI.I'( \ f 1,1 I I' I,


IVanhoe 3806

\\ \11 \\ \,-1,1\'", ,

Hlr.ll1 \ -

"11 (' 1

1\ \11 \\ \-III\r -e1(,1 1 11 C' 1 ... 1'" '\ "1t

r ~ jt -, 1 (' 1 - i-

FI~E \\ -\LL - \ntl crIlm;: \\ ash-in" \[urra, 8-lo'l \\ -\t\\cll I


Ilei 'Ell I111l5E5ii5JIII[

TheGrosse Pomie School of Music

PIa no - \' olce - \ 101mChrtnct - Theory

15219 E'\ST rEFFERSO~L[nox 2895

Illi 101 IElt- 3D!

WALLS-And cClllngs washed andpaper cleaned. High quality work

done by expenenced men. DR. 1814

WASHI:\G ~I \CI-II:-':ES -An\ make .,en Iced ann reo

pairedJ err) '5 Hou ,eltold '-,el \ Ice

TL",edo 2-1350

Open 9 un. to 9 p.m.TUxedo 1.3280

17290 Mack AvenueGrollle Pointe

H ~RRY ~ 7 ~BLOCKIEleclnLal Contractor

ucensed\\ mng and Repamn!'

Ittep Sa, ers - ~tokers - Thermo.'(at- ",old alld In'lalled:'>0 lOB 100 "\[\IL

PIllgree 4Rt..l

ATTE'\TIO'\ - Ifcleaner or anI

trouble IOU call \I rfor effIcient serure

ELl-CI RIC\L-\\ 1111_ ,,,.I rLr""'1tng lJ<i'" ... tf(1 "'.1\ ~ I .. I l('i 111 II lIt

conlTol 1"'lllled \' In!> t, ) smallH lahl,,~, hccll"<! «("HrHln' PIW"H

Thur"dJI, ~1arch 21 If)j{)-ELECTRICAL REPAIRS

KELLY & SO~Electrllal Contractor

LIcensedCommerCIa) ReSIdential

Bue Plug, - fixtures . SlllIchesFluorescenl Fl'tures

! Eno'" \727309 o\shland


Page 12: M.O.R.E ([b~ ~,ro~~t }poinfe - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/46/1946-03-21.pdf · dcfimte" tillS "cek. ... as toe ne\\ poltce chief


Nla~ara 3665


* Cupboards

* Libraries

* Breakfast Nooks

Eveningl PRolpeel 2481



. _for Eave.troughl, Condue-tori, Metal Deckl, Ete.

PellaCasement WindowPorch Enclosures

• . A Lifetime Material . • •for Roofs - Deckl - Porche.

Gutterl - Conductorl, Etc •

TUxedo 1.2420

21034 Mack Avenue

Insulin Available in All Quantitiea

Bob's Drugs

We Deliver!11:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00


A_ <-.aft ....ns 1TOc:I<


MElrose 3455


Combination Windows-for All Types of \\' ood and Steel \Vindows


"Our complete service - RE.CAPPING, WHEEL.ALlGN.lNG, BRAKE SERVICE, willkeep you rolling until it'l timeto RE- TIRE WITH FISK."

Worlcl's Lar.e.t Drive.in SerVIce



Built to Your Specifications in Select Knotty Pine


* * *

Miller Screen & Sash Co.

* Basements

Porch RoofsCombination Enclosures

Screen Enclosures

* Bars

* Back Bars

Recreation Rooms - Dens • Attic Rooms


17801 'lark .\vrnur

Genuine Knotty Pine

Storm Sash

''Weltem" Venetian Blinds* AGAIN AVAILABLE *Made to Fit Your Window

Standard Window Shade Company15915 E. Warren at BuclDngu.m nJ Z.$440

3455 E. Jefferson Avenue

~ POfffi_Wind_OW_Shad_es


100lb. bag $2.50

TV 2-)781

TU. 2-5830


Service Coal Co .Inc.

\ '\TlQl r - \ .,c, table' m rrorell! ,<:Ia" In'b hnen hem,lItched

clothe, n"pkllh pIll Ire, lamp,m"l el'.ne(." lurn"hmg:, hrldalg'0" n lac( VI'. tJ.2926 15903 51:-Ian,CHILD S-SlIe 10 'pnnj:l coat, size

10 ,klrts ,lze 12 re\erslhle Xl311\8

TJ- '" PIFCE-\\ alnut dll1'ng roo'll,U1le J- 'cellen! condillon, pre\\ arn 6-107 after 7 pm

L PRIGHT -Plano Storey &. Clark,good cOndttlon $-10 5th er Buesch.er sa 'ophone $6:; period chtna

cah'net. $100 T L 2-0724

S~f \1 L-~t7e \\alnllt colomal hpedll1tng room set - GO\ ernor \\ tn.

thrap ,ecrelar\' TV 2.:;338 ----------------

31.1 B..n....... Ayenae Z_ 2IVanltoe ...

llNtl Lyndon Ayenue Zone 21HOran), 7771

Stoker. and Heat RegulatorlBeFore you in. tall Autolllatic Healsee u•• We can mue prompt i".tal.lation on M.. ter Conyer.ion GuBumeu, M .. ter Stoker., and Mm-neapoli••Honeywell h.at repl.torlOur burner i. ane of the maslecono ieaJ aDei .fficient burnerl 0"the ..marl.et. _C ..... pletely -i"stalledwitlt D..troit Lubrieator or Minne,apolis-Honeywell control. for $2t9include. sale. tu,



AerosolInlect.O.BlitzDOT BOMB


"0..," cl,.",r for ' •• ry job.S.... time, wotl: .nd ,"OII'y.

G<lll,... 2 G<lllo...65c $1.09 ~




Kill, Rles. mcs'1UJtoes, o:nats. ant'cocJ..roaches. berlt",~, moth,. spIder'etc TillS -\er0501 bomb holds enollgnD D T to spra\ If)(} 01\ erage-slZerooms and l! \\11\ spray a room Ins,x or ell,ht ,econds \ero,o! bombsLonlam the 1'0\\ efllll .nd lethal py.rethrllm as \\ ell ..s DDT,

100 lb. Ba~ 53.50

MILORGANITE25 Ibs. $1.10SO Ibs. $1.85

100 Ibs $3.00


A comb,nation of cow manure - P<l"ltr,manure and peat mOtl.

so lb. bag $1.65

[ I Nu-Fnam ..1[ J St....1Cnt.. En.mphI 1 Nylnn P.,nt Bru.h ••I 1 Llnnleum F,n"h ..


.LEnox JI85


95cPlumb for,ed .teelheael.


Many Beautihd Colors -::- Visit Our Office Disploy - ::- We Can Giye You Any Brand Shingle. Yow Want



so lb.. $2.SO100 lbs. $4.00

1 h. complete plAnl fnod. - ...quare m•• 1 for "U pl ..nt. 6.10.4tormul.




Ea., to U.e

Johnson's CamuAUTO POLISH


Torpedo Level $ .49Economy Keyhole Saw .35 'Automatic Drill Case 2.25All-Metal Drill Stand .39 I



[ J EXI~n'H)n L..ddpTIr I Cr .... S~~dI 1 CArd ..n TonI.I J DormAnl <;prAy'

Rf"('mnme-nd ..d for I.wn. t,.~~..hruh ... nd ..... "d~ dr ..... rnE

fnr luf)' .~I'e,"hl~.

* * *

15132 MACK


BROOMSpecial $1.19

* * *Guaranteed Workmanshlp--Low Prices



Lake Shore Motor Sales

Prompt Service - Expert MechanicsAvailable to Serve You NOW on All Chrysler Cars

8 inL"nl!:



F,nd. lTnuhl~ qUlckl, T~.t..ny (' ITeGrt' S.f,.' Shoclrpr()(')f'


Regular $1.49 Friday and Saturday Only


----- "WF ~FLL FOR LESS" -----


'~"!h~'~~m•,o~12 Inch •• , ".. ,.grlppl.. t,c hanelle.

Good Grade Scratch Awl $ .29Small Size Hand Drill 1,59Coping Saw, All Metal .15True Temper Hatchet 1.95

P,nt- ..... Keep. liqUId. hot for 24),ouro Cold up to 72 houro I Caple-rYea ••• cup

PIThermo.:- Vacuum

y ~- Bottle.. ...

.- $1.19

14615 E. JEFFERSONBe-en Philip ..... MaaWique

---- ---_. ----- ----FOR SALE-MilcelIaneoull FOR SALE-~isceUaneous I FOR SALE-Miscellaneous FOR SALE-MillcellaneoUlI I FOR SALE-Milceilaneoul I FOR SALE-Milcellaneous

BRIGllr - Gnen ~.h.rdl'l eire" Rl R<,l \rn- hl1, 1nd [1,,1 "II ~(JI \ \\Ilh ,1'[1 "", ""l' ra \\1111\1 \ J'dl" Cdrnd"l [n,It,1I G ....R \\'00D-011 furnaces, dellv. 19-1{j\lODEL G If I b Ii 1'C0il' $l~ red "1"1'1' I. "11,1 "](1 h'd" CII"'<,I"I<\ I.;.I~ rl' t1,',r n10r\,1 llllq\ 1\[1' $-III l'111d, ,nil mopl, fi.",11 ery no\< gas burner oil bu-ner. 1-0 c~, ne qua-

$10 1.1l.l.. r ...\on firt., .... 4,.l1t,on,]n t ..u-p,.r]ll1.11 dO' ~ hI --------S. ....llll\\HljhdctHfl'dl1\c1.1CXl5cdl_ k M ' 'Ily compete ...e-tso \\ood ... andlMou.I' [1'", ,I".", 'I( 121~ ~I" ,'I'Ill." ,,"l2;:" ,11 \1 \\\-JIJ"-\llrl IIl'PIl .\\«plr '10" 30\o1UlIH :::; \10<)(11 stoers. unson Tuxedo 2.9126 Iron, Lo\\e,tpnce C.II'\'IIi166SalUlnrl\' ~1~':1 I_~': \\Ii'"I'If"rrll'\ P14,(il --------_

I HRrI -Rete. '" tluur ruudd Pl1lJ-," $~I l.ble model \\Ilh pnltce

r~I" $1' \I,,(olola porta hie, $25J L 2 14'0