March 2019 Mottram Parish Magazine We aim to be ~ a growing fellowship of believers ~ warm in welcome ~ reverent in worship ~ gracious in witness ~ and joyfully serving God and our community ~ Printed: 55p monthly or download from the website Please support our advertisers Parish Hall... Worship and Concert Space... School Room... Function Room... Meeting Place... Community Resource… ...all rolled into one! Hire Prices: Hall and Chancel - £12 per hour Chapman Room - £9 per hour The Whole Centre - £20 per hour Discounts available for community organisations, charity fundraisers and regular bookings Printed by LEE PRINT Oldham Street, Hyde, SK14 1LJ www.lee-print.co.uk For all your printing needs and office supplies, 0161 368 9678, [email protected] Sponsored in memory of our friend Bill Radford

Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer

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Page 1: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer

March 2019

Mottram Parish Magazine

We aim to be

~ a growing fellowship of believers ~ warm in welcome ~ reverent in worship ~ gracious in witness ~

and joyfully serving God and our community ~

Printed: 55p monthly or download from the website

Please support our advertisers

Parish Hall... Worship and Concert Space... School Room... Function Room... Meeting Place... Community Resource…

...all rolled into one!

Hire Prices: Hall and Chancel - £12 per hour Chapman Room - £9 per hour The Whole Centre - £20 per hour

Discounts available for community organisations, charity fundraisers and regular bookings

Printed by

LEE PRINT Oldham Street, Hyde, SK14 1LJ www.lee-print.co.uk

For all your printing needs and office supplies, 0161 368 9678, [email protected]

Sponsored in memory of our friend Bill Radford

Page 2: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer


Providing sport and leisure activities for people with disabilities.

Hire our large indoor arena.

Contact Claire Bibby 01457 763758

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

Lymefield Outdoor Learning Centre Workshops • Parties • Meetings

Contact Jane Redshaw on 07470 001261 or info@ lymefieldcentre.org.uk

Run for the community by the community


• Two large halls and stage • kitchen • soft outdoor play area children’s parties, meetings, etc. Contact Janis Bond on 01457 763504

BROADBOTTOM COMMUNITY CENTRE Need to find a venue for an event, a party or a regular group activity? Contact Mike Abrams on 01457 763048 email [email protected] Website: www.broadbottomvillage.com

Mottram Primary School 01457 763368 [email protected] Broadbottom Primary School 01457 762382 [email protected] Arundale Primary School 01457 762328 [email protected]

Longdendale Pre-school in Mottram 07594 640487

Broadbottom Pre-school 01457 764423

Mottram Brownies 07928 575865 Mottram Guides & Rainbows 07884 183129, 07921266168 Broadbottom Brownies 07884 006484 Broadbottom & Mottram Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 07912 387358

Longdendale Womens Institute 01457 763319, 01457 766517

Longdendale Neighbourhood Police Team 0161 856 9484 Tameside Police (non emergency) 0161 872 5050 Tameside Council www.tameside.gov.uk Councillor Janet Cooper 01457 763319 Councillor Gillian Peet 07801 327894 Councillor Chris Buglass 0161 342 3021 Longdendale Town Council 0161 342 2346

Member of Parliament Jonathan Reynolds MP, 0161 367 8077 [email protected]

Tameside Local Studies and Archives Unit 0161 342 4242 Hattersley Library, in the Hub 0161 342 2552


March 2019 Sponsored by Jean & Maurice Hughes

Vicar: James Halstead The Vicarage, 30a Broadbottom Road,

Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 6JB 01457 762268

[email protected]

MMottram Parish

USEFUL CHURCH CONTACTS IN MOTTRAM PARISH Churchwardens Alice Litaba 07790 765985 David Russell 01457 765165

Readers John Walker (Emeritus) 01457 763292 Allen Standeven 01457 857331 Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269

PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248

PCC Treasurer Brian Seaborn 0161 336 8089

Parish Administrator Juliet Edwards 07935 498208

Honorary Curate Richard Hills 01457 763104

Prayer Contact Allen Standeven 01457 857331 email [email protected]

Children’s Work Coordinator Pat Hall 01457 861827

Verger June Molyneaux 0161 312 3863

Pastoral Visiting Coordinators Christine Brandreth 01457 238268 Kath Higgins 01457 765690 Christine Kershaw 01457 765350 email [email protected]

Parish Development Worker Ruth Montgomery 01457 766173

Safeguarding Coordinator Claire Bibby 01457 763758 (secure email: [email protected])

Weddings Margaret Taylor 0161 494 8071

Baptism Coordinator

Cathy Laycock 0797 147 9903

Organists John Brandreth 01457 238268 Nigel Crookall 0161 338 6790

Friends of Mottram Parish Church Ian Roebuck 01457 763179

Bellringers Captain Christine Broadley 07810 560796

email: use the person’s name - eg: [email protected]

www.mottramparish.org.uk the Church of England in Mottram Parish, serving the communities of

Mottram, Broadbottom and Hattersley East together “seeking to know Christ and to make Christ known”

OUR MAIN SUNDAY WORSHIP IS AT 10.30am St. Michael & All Angels, Warhill, via Church Brow, Mottram, SK14 6JL

For full details of all our services, please see page 11


Editors: Polly Brown 01457 865278 and Gwen Cousins 0161 368 3896 [email protected] Distribution: Adrian Davis 01457 764727 Advertising: Chris Poyser 0161 3660931 [email protected]

Subscriptions [email protected]

Page 3: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer

March 2019 page 1 sponsored by Kate Best

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

I wanted to write this month with a big THANKYOU!

We have had a busy start to the year with our ‘Giving Appeal’ - about which you will have received a letter if you’re on our Electoral Roll. It has been a challenge for us to face up to the reality that, without significant action, we looked set to spend £18,000 more in 2019 than we receive in income. It’s a common (but false) belief about the Church that we receive money from the national Church - in fact it works the other way

around: our only income is that which we generate ourselves and from that we contribute both to central diocesan costs and to mission and ministry at home and abroad. So, with such a large financial difficulty, the PCC asked us all to prayerfully and carefully consider the way in which we give money to invest in the growth of the Kingdom of God. On Sunday 10th February we had a ‘pledge Sunday’ and I’m thrilled to be able to share with you that (if everybody is able to deliver on the pledges they have now made) it looks like the campaign has raised an additional £12,000 for this year. Some of that has already come in the form of one-off donations, but the rest has been a commitment from people to make an increased regular, monthly gift. If I’m honest, that’s more than I had anticipated - so I want to express my profound gratitude both to the individuals who have given or pledged so generously, but also to the God who gives us all we have in the first place. There is obviously still a ‘gap’ (about £6,000), and PCC will continue to work on reducing expenditure to try and close it. But might I urge you: if you’ve made a pledge, we really are depending on you - and if you’ve not yet had the opportunity to respond, of course we would still be grateful for anything you can offer. The Church is not - and never has been - about the money! It’s about the love of a God who created us, rescues us, loves us and welcomes us into his family. Every family, though, has to steward its finances well, so I’m praying that each one of us - myself included - will continue to be abundantly generous in response to all God has done. First and foremost, this is not about sustaining the institution of the Church, it is all about investing in the Kingdom of God. So to those who have responded so freely: thank you; and to all of us who care about the cause of God in this place: please keep praying for God’s enabling as we continue to try and defeat this financial deficit.

Registers & Records


Would you like to pay for the altar

flowers for a special occasion or


If so, please contact

Kath (01457 765690), Judith (01457 762362)

or Sue (0161 368 2706) or

[email protected]

FLAG FLYING Sunday 27 January 2019 Celebrating Ian Roebuck’s 75 years in the choir

Wednesday 30 January 2019 In loving memory of Bill Radford Thursday 7 February 2019 In memory of Joan Robinson, passing to a better world on this day in 2015 Monday 11 February 2019 In loving memory of Hilda Joy Friday 1 March 2019 Y Ddraig Goch Flying on St David’s day Monday 4 March 2019 In loving memory of Brenda Joyce Derbyshire Saturday 16 March 2019 Phew, Annice Ingham made it to 80! Thursday 28 March 2019 In loving memory of my Peter(Redfern)

See also mottramparish.org.uk/flag

Would you like the flag flying for a special occasion or anniversary?

Contact Tony Kershaw on 01457 765350 or [email protected]

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 14 sponsored by June Lamb

Mothering Sunday The 4th Sunday in Lent Centuries ago it was considered important for people to return to their 'mother' church once a year. Each year in the middle of Lent, everyone would visit their 'mother' church, that is, the main church or cathedral of the area.

Inevitably the return to the 'mother' church became an occasion for family reunions when children who were working away returned home. (It was common in those days for children to leave home for work at ten years old.) ‘Mothering Sunday’ - as the fourth Sunday in Lent is affectionately known, has been celebrated in the UK since at least the 16th century. So Mothering Sunday became a day of general family rejoicing, It was traditional for country children to pick bunches of sweet violets for their mothers on this day.


Wednesday 30 January 2019 Bill Radford

Page 4: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer


Sunday 3 Sunday before Lent 8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Open the Book with Baptism

4.00 -5.00pm Choral Evensong

Ash Wed. 6 Holy Communion - venue to be announced

Sunday 10 1st Sunday in Lent 8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Holy Communion with Prayer Ministry

Sunday 17 2nd Sunday in Lent 8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Morning Praise with Baptism

Sunday 24 3rd Sunday in Lent 8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 31 4th Sunday in Lent - Mothering Sunday

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Morning Praise with Baptism

Every week in Mottram Church: Most Fridays 10.30–11.30am Church open

(Chapel available for private prayer.)

Sundays 8.30am Holy Communion

10am Join us for a short time of prayer before the service.

10.30am Sunday Service (crèche in church).

Every week at St. Barnabas, Hattersley: Wed 10.30am shared Mid-week Communion Joining together with Mottram Evangelical Church, once a

month on a Sunday afternoon, at Balmoral Nursing Home,

a short, informal service followed by a cup of tea and a natter.


March 3 Psalm 99. Luke 9: 28 -36

10 Psalm 25: 1 - 10. Mark 1: 9-15

17 Psalm 22: 1 - 10 Mark 8: 31 - 38

24 Psalm 19. John 2: 13 - 22

31 Psalm 107: 1-3, 17 - 22. John 3: 14 -21

March 2019 page 13 sponsored by Tony & Chris Kershaw

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

NOTICE BOARD Please support our advertisers

Tell them you saw them in the Mottram Parish Magazine!

March 2019 page 2 sponsored by The Friends

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

The Trefoil Guild 3rd Thursday of every month

7.30pm at Mottram Community Centre

Open to anyone over 18 years who is sympathetic to the aims of Guiding.

Thursday 21 March Craft Night with Sandra

WANTED ‘Holy Dusters’

to join the team

Please contact Jacky or Adele Thank you to our generous page sponsors

Community Groups & Charities Advertise here. It’s FREE!

Baby & Toddler group

Mondays 1.30 – 3pm Mottram Community Centre For more information contact: Ruth Montgomery, Tel: 01457 766173,

email development@ (all our email addresses* end

with mottramparish.org.uk)

Page 5: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer


Your contributions welcome - the deadline for the April issue is teatime Wednesday 20th March

Walking With The Walkers

March Walks

Saturday 9th 10.30am Pot Shrigley and Lyme Park

Saturday 23rd 10am Alport Castles

These walks should finish at about 4pm.

Meet at the church gates. Car share if needed. New walkers always welcome!

For more information contact Tony or Chris Kershaw - contact details inside front cover

March 2019 page 3 sponsored in memory of Ernest Nash

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

Community Groups & Charities Advertise here. It’s FREE!


Terry Robinson has taken over as coordinator for our team of volunteer drivers.

If you require transport to church or for doctor’s/hospital appointment etc. please contact Terry direct on 01457 765511

Under Construction is our church Youth

Group for school years

6 - 8 which meets at the Magdalene

Centre, Broadbottom on Sunday

evenings from 6.30 - 7.45 pm during

term time. We want to build each other

up as Christians and ensure we have a

firm foundation to our faith - hence the

name of our group.

Friends of Mottram Parish Church

AGM with Potato Pie Supper Thursday 7th March, 7.30pm

Mottram Cricket Club All Welcome

If possible, please let Chris Kershaw know you're coming




8 - 12 APRIL 9.30 - 11.30am

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Second Monday of every month

7.45pm at Mottram Cricket Club 11 March

'The History of Hairdressing' with Ian Black

Cartoon Corner

March 2019 page 12 sponsored by Norma Dowd

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

Page 6: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 11 Sponsored by Jack & Sandra Kenworthy

6 March - ASH WEDNESDAY - mourning our sins. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. But why 'Ash' Wednesday? The reason has to do with getting things right between you and God, and the tradition goes right back to the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, the Israelites often sinned. When they finally came to their senses, and saw their evil ways as God saw them, they could do nothing but repent in sorrow. They mourned for the damage and evil they had done. As part of this repentance, they covered their heads with ashes. For the Israelites, putting ashes on your head, and even rending your clothes, was an outward sign of their heart-felt repentance and acknowledgement of sin. (Genesis 18:27; 2 Samuel 13:19; Job 2:8, 30:19; Isaiah 58:5; Jeremiah 6:26; Jonah 3:6) In the very early Christian Church, the yearly 'class' of penitents had ashes sprinkled over them at the beginning of Lent. They were turning to God for the first time, and mourning their sins. But soon many other Christians wanted to take part in the custom, and to do so at the very start of Lent. They heeded Joel's call to 'rend your hearts and not your garments' (Joel 2:12-19). Ash Wednesday became known as ‘the beginning of the fast' or ‘the day of the ashes’. The collect for today goes back to the Prayer Book, and stresses the penitential character of the day. It encourages us with the reminder of the readiness of God to forgive us and to renew us. The Bible readings for today are often Joel 2:1-2, 12 – 18, Matthew 6: 1-6,16 – 21 and Paul’s moving catalogue of suffering, "as having nothing and yet possessing everything." (2 Corinthians 5:20b - 6:10) The custom of 'ashing' was abolished at the Reformation, though the old name for the day remained. Today, throughout the Church of England, receiving the mark of ashes on one’s forehead is optional. Certainly the mark of ashes on the forehead reminds people of their mortality: "Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return..." (Genesis 3:19) The late medieval custom was to burn the branches used on Palm Sunday in the previous year in order to create the ashes for today. The Collect for Ash Wednesday is: Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Holy Days

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Page 7: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer


ASPINALL WRIGHT Solicitors and Notary 65 High Street West, Glossop

Tel: 01457 854645 Fax: 01457 854640

Web: www.awandco.co.uk Email: [email protected] Offer general legal services to the Glossop and Longdendale community

Mottram Cricket Club Join us on match days during the season Facilities available for Birthday Parties (21st etc) Christenings, Wedding Receptions & Funerals.

Room Hire also available Please contact Social Secretary Tracy Woolley Tel: 0161 406 9205 or mobile: 07962 070013

Web:www.mottramcricketclub.co.uk Email: [email protected]

Your business here! 10 issues per year

Very reasonable rates Please contact Chris Poyser

0161 366 0931 Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 10 sponsored by Jeanette Baxter

Compassion UK is a charity which addresses child poverty in Central and South America, Central and South East Asia and Africa. St Michael's

has given support as a church and some individuals in the congregation have taken on sponsorship of a child. Paul and Esther came to thank us for our involvement to date, to explain how the organisation works and to challenge more people to become involved. Local churches in various countries identify children in need and Compassion links each child with a sponsor who contributes £25 per month for the child's support and who is encouraged to write to the child and to remember their birthdays and Christmas. Compassion acts as go-between and translator of the letters. Children are included in the local church fellowship, who teach them about God and Jesus, feed, clothe and educate them. Some children are supported through university and typically they graduate as teachers, medical staff or IT specialists. Many return home to support their own families and to fund younger siblings through university whilst working for the benefit of their community. Often they become active members of local church congregations and sometimes take on leadership roles. The ripple effect has huge benefits on local communities and beyond. As a result of the morning, several more families signed up as sponsors. If this is something you might consider becoming involved in, please contact Allen Standeven (details inside front cover). Compassion UK’s website is at www.compassionuk.org

Christ centred

Whilst Christ’s love motivates us, we help children and families from all backgrounds, regardless of belief.

Child focused

We make sure children in poverty are known, loved and protected.

Church based We run our sponsorship programme in partnership with local churches because they understand their communities best.

Page 8: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 9 Sponsored in memory of Bernice Pickford Hills

Bible Book Club What is it all about? It is a meeting of like-minded people gathering together in friendship to read and discuss vaious books of the bible in order to understand more clearly the meaning of the ‘Word’. We meet on Monday afternoons, 2 - 3.30pm with refreshments. Each member can contribute as much or as little as they wish. There is no pressure, just pleasant discussion on on points in an attempt to better understand the meaning of the ‘Word’. Each meeting starts and ends with prayer, thanking God that we are able to meet in safety and friendship, unlike many areas of the world. At the moment we are reading chapters from Acts and trying to discover how and where we can journey with Christ each day. The text is chosen by James and the Group is led by Allen. All are welcome.

Peter & Jean Hey For more information please contact Allen Standeven 01457 857331 email [email protected]

Church News

Church and children

We love having children of all ages with us at church. They are not just the church members of the future, they are very much part of the church NOW! Generally children stay for the whole of our All Together Worship service on the first Sunday of the month. or are catered for with engaging and fun activities at ‘Sunday School’ during part of the service. However children can

stay with their family in church throughout any of our services. On Sunday mornings during the main 10.30am worship service, we have a crèche for very young children in the Choir Vestry. Parents can be with their children as they play, while listening to the service on loudspeaker.

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 6 Sponsored by Alf & Sue Wilkinson

Page 9: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer


Family Funeral Directors 49 Mottram Road, Hyde, SK14 2NN

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Parish Prayer Rota

Month by month, we invite you to pray with us for all the residents of the parish, asking for God’s blessing or healing touch wherever it is needed.

March 2019

Lower Market Street Etherow Brow Bostock Road Lymefield Terrace Temperance Street Old Street Olive Terrace St Ann's Street Well Row Mill Brow

Regular prayers Every Wednesday At the vicarage, 7 – 7.45 pm Focusing on Church and Ministry 1st Tuesday of the month At the home of Betty Gadd, 8 – 9pm Quiet, informal prayers for the church, ourselves, friends, neighbours and the world.

Please let Betty know you are coming.

March 2019

Let’s Pray

Prayer for wisdom and light

Father of all, You gave Jesus to be the light of the whole world. Help us to receive His light and to reflect it. Help us not to limit the extent of your love by the restrictions of our own understanding. Give us wisdom to look upwards and outwards and to allow your Holy Spirit to transform us day by day as we serve you. Thank you for the gift of wisdom and for those who respond to your prompting to find Jesus. In His name, Amen.

by Daphne Kitching

Jeremiah Chapter 6, verse 16

This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.'“

Mottram Parish Magazine page 8 www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 4 Sponsored by Alf & Sue Wilkinson

Page 10: Mottram Parish Magazine - Parish of Mottram in Longdendale · 2020. 8. 21. · Magazine We aim to be ... Callum Boothroyd 07970 564269 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 PCC Treasurer

Mottram Parish Magazine www.mottramparish.org.uk

March 2019 page 7 sponsored by Sheila Crossley

Church of England invests £35 million in new Christian communities

The Church of England is to fund a bold series of projects to spread the Christian faith – from a new congregation in a nightclub area to a weekday church - as part of a £35 million investment in mission. The biggest investment so far by the Church of England’s Renewal and Reform programme is intended to help it reach tens of thousands of people including in city centres, outer estates and rural areas. The grants will pioneer new types of churches - which may be far from the traditional image - along with outreach by the Church of England, from a social media pastor to work with school and community choirs. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said: "Hearing and responding to the good news of Jesus Christ unlocks new joy, new belonging, new purpose and new life. "These projects show the dynamism and drive of the Church of England’s mission to share this good news with people throughout our dioceses and parishes. We are committed to this work because we want everyone to know how much they are loved by God through Jesus Christ, and how they can find that love for themselves.” The areas which will receive the funding boost include Birmingham, Bradford, Gateshead, Ipswich, Leeds, Portsmouth, Preston, Rotherham, Southend and Stockton-on-Tees. Several of the grants will boost the Church of England’s presence in areas with high student populations. In Durham, St Nic’s Church, in the centre of the city, will seek to engage with the further education sector, building on existing work amongst university students. Debbie Clinton, Director of the Church of England’s Renewal and Reform programme, said: “From a church in a nightclub area to weekday congregations and a social media pastor, the Church of England is not afraid to try something new to ensure it continues to serve every community in the country. "We believe that everyone should have a chance to experience the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of belonging to a Christian community wherever they live, whether in an urban city centre, an outer housing estate or in remote rural areas.”

from ‘Parish Pump’ - The C of E website resource - used by permission

Overheard at the Parish Pump


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