Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)

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  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)




    279 731 Advanced Nursing Practice in Selected Areas of Interest 1 (Adult 1)

    Presented to:

    Assoc Prof. Dr. ar!"orn #$ong%ra&ai

    'eida ael *a!dani +,+-,-1292


    Master of Nursin S!ien!e Prora"

    #a!u$t% of Nursin& K'on Kaen Uni(ersit%

    #irst Se"ester& A!a)e"i! Year *+,-


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)




    A. /A#/ /IS#0*

    Assess!ent at 2 August 2-11. 4lient Profile

    'rs. N. is a 27 ears old5 S$e lives 6it$ $er $usand and 2 doug$ters in Nong 8$ai. #$e

    first doug$ter is 2 ears old and t$e second doug$ter is !ont$. #$e 'a&or reason for 

    see%ing $ealt$ care in Srinagarind /os"ital is severe "ain in $er lo6 ac% (rig$t $i")

    es"eciall in t$e rig$t side. S$e arrived at Srinagarind /os"ital at 21 August 2-15 6it$

    t$e !a&or reason severe "ain in $er $i" and lo6 ac% one. S$e feel severe "ain at least +

    !ont$ ago. At "resent $er lood "ressure: 127735 Pulse rate 1-+ "er!inute5 res"irator

    rate: 2- "er!inute and te!"erature: 3.39 -4. aorator record: / : 7 5 /ae!atocrit:

    2. (nor!al: )5 *4: ,-5-- (Nor!al: )5 Platelet: ,,. --- (nor!al: )5 Neutrofil: 92

    (nor!al: )5 asofil 3 (Nor!al: )5 'onocte: 3 (nor!al: )5 ;4: 3 (nor!al: )

    2. #reat!ent'edication

    efore s$e 6ents to Srinagarind $os"ital5 s$e ca!es to t$e !an doctor 6$ic$ is closer 

    fro! $er $ouse. ut t$e result after t$e !edication 6as sa!e5 t$e "ain 6as not relieve et

    and still severe.

    3. Past illnesses/os"itali

  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    and t$e %ind of t$e disease. If s$e got sic% s$e 6ent to t$e doctor or $ealt$ care services.

    Pain is ver severe and s$e e"ect t$at s$e 6ill get sic% for a long ti!e after $os"italiI don=t $ave "role! 6it$ o6el "attern5 efore sic% and


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    /earing: s$e $as not "role! in $er ears. S$e does not 6ear an $earing aids. Does

    not as% for Cuestion to e re"eated at nor!al $ealing level. S!ell: states s$e $as no decrease in s!ell. No allergies5 noseleeds5 or disc$arge

    #ouc$: #$e "ain area feel co!fort and feel etter if so!e one touc$ and give t$e soft

    !assase in t$e ac% area and $er rig$t leg. Pain: ad!it "ain in $er lo6er $i" and lo6er etre!it5 and t$e rig$t side !ore severe

    t$an t$e left side. >I feel ver "ain if I !ove ! od. I can not 6al%5 I &ust le do6n

    in t$e ed. I need so!e one to $el" !e if I 6ant to sit5 I can not do it ! self?.

    13. 4ognitive Pattern S"eec$ clear 6it$out stutter. ;ord c$oice a""ro"riate to education and culture. S$e

    can s"ea%s nglis$ 6ell and fluentl. ollo6s veral cues a!ines ideas clearl and concisel. *ecalls "ast events 6it$out difficult5 oriented

    to ti!e5 "lace5 and "erson5 and co!!unicative.

    S$e don=t $ave a "role! in $er cognition.1. *olerelations$i" Pattern

    'arried for 3 ears. ives 6it$ $usand and $er 2 little doug$ters5 t$e first one 2 ears

    old5 and t$e second one is !ont$. /er $usand ver loves $er5 and ta%e care of $er and

    t$eir doug$ters. ;$en s$e is $os"italiI a! ver stress5 I do not %no6 6$at 6ill I do no6 and after t$is5 I 6ill

    get sic% and severe "ain for a long ti!e. I can not doing ant$ing. If I a! u" to 3+ ears

    old is o%a if I get sic% li%e t$is5 ut I a! 27 ears old5 I a! a ounger !ot$er5 I $ave t6o

     aies5 I $ave a $usand? and s$e cried 6$en s$e told to t$e nurse.

    . EN*A P/ISI4A ASSS'N#

    Eeneral "$sical surve


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    • /eig$t: 1+ c! 5 ;eig$t: +- %g Ideal od 6eig$t: 2- (nor!al)5 s$e loss $er 6eig$ ,

    %g !ont$s.

    • od #e!"erature: 3.39 -45 "ulse 1-+ "er!inute5 res"irator rate 2- !nt lood

     "ressure: 12773 !!/g5 client attentive and coo"erative. ing do6n5 on su"ine5

    so!eti!e se!i fo6ler if s$e got tired and t$e rig$t leg "ro" 6it$ "illo6. So!eti!e

    $er face s$o6n li%e $olding "ain5 gra!icing5 and $old t$e "ain area. eel severe "ain

    in $er rig$t $i" and lo6 ac% one5 scale of t$e "ain is 9.

    17. Asses!ent of S%in5 /air and Nails

    • S%in: dar% ro6n color5 consistent t$roug$out t$e od. #e!"erature 6ar! on $ands5

    ar!5 leg5 and t$e ac%. S%in s!oot$5 no de$dration sign5 so!eti!e itc$ing ecause

    s6eating5 and t$e s%in 6et. No ede!a

    • /air: S$e $as a long lac% $air5 and t$ic%. S$e used $air color5 and t$e color is reddis$.

     No recent $air loss or c$ange in teture.•  Nails: fingernails s$ort5 t$ic% and clear. No cluing or eaus lines. Nor!al 4a"illar

    refill (F3 second)

    1. Asses!ent of /ead and Nec%

    • /ead s!!etricall rounded5 nec% 6it$ full *0'5 and nontender. No scars5 !asses or 

     "ulsation. #rac$ea !idline. 4arotid "ulse 2 G ilaterall 6it$out ruits5 can rise

    eero65 and s!ile (4N BII intact)19. Asses!ent of e and ear

    •  Nor!al ee: eCual si

  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    •  No visile "ulsation5 $eaves5 lifts5 or virations.

    • S15 S2 sounds5 $eard no s"litting sounds5 !ur!urs5 gallo"s5 or rus.

    23. Asses!ent of P$ari"$eral Bascular sste!

    • Ar!s: eCual in si

  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    • 4aseas one at rig$t acetaular G "elvis

    •  No anor!al soft tissue lesion (after io"s)

    29. Neurologcal Asses!ent

    •  Neurological status: oriented to ti!e5 "lace5 "erson5 and events.

    • acial e"ression correlates 6it$ state of $ealt$ and to"ic eing discussed (a""ears

    so!e6$at sad5 $a""5 anious)

    • S"eec$ clear and co$erent

    • Huestions an6ered a""ro"riatel

    • ongter! and s$ortter! !e!or intact

    • 4oo"erative t$roug$out intervie65 vocaular correlates to educational level.

    • As%ed a""ro"riet Cuestion relevant to illness and ans6ered all Cuestion "osed.

    • 4N III intact and integrated

    4. S@PP0*#D ASSS'N#1. '*I of #$oracic S"ine5 at -9 June 2-1


    SP # la!inecto!#$e studt reveals nor!al t$oracolu!ar curve. Nor!al !arro6 signal intensit of 

    re!aining t$oracic verteral od is seen. #$e verteral dises5 verteral end"lates are

    6it$in nor!al li!its. No evidence of s"inal cord intensit c$ange5 s"inal cord

    co!"ression or verve root co!"ression is detected. No intradural collectionascess is

    noted.#$e re!aining verteral dises and verteral ed"late are unre!ar%ale.

    #$e conus !edullaris is at 1 level 6it$ nor!al a""erarance. A ., 1.1 c!

    ri!en$ancing lesion at surgical sucutaneous ac% tissue is noted.I!"ression: no evidence of intradural or e"idural ascesscollection.

     No evidence of s"inal cord intensit c$ange5 co!"ression or nerve root co!"ression.

    A ., 1.1 c! ri! en$ancing lesion at surgical su cutaneous ac% tissue5 "sor o"erative


    2. '*I of u!osacral S"ine5 at/istor: lo6 ac% "ain.


    #$e stud reveals decrease nor!al lu!ar lordotic curve. 'ini!al !arginal

    osteo"$tes at 13 are seen. No colla"se verteral od or on destruction is

    detected. #$ere is decrase nor!al $ig$ S1 on #2; of 12 discK so!e degree of 

    de$drating disc. 'ild narro6ing 12 interverteal disc s"ace is found. No verteral

    suluation is oserved.

    ulging 12 disc causes narro6ing s"inal canal 6it$out nerve root co!"ression.'ild ulging 23 disc causes !ild narro6ing s"inal canal 6it$out nerve root



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    S!all Sc$!orl=s nodes at u""er 25 3 verteral odies.

     No facet &oint or liga!entu! flavu! $"ertro"$.

    #o" of conus !edullaris ter!inates at 1 level.Bisile !ass at cervi (. .3 c!) 6it$ inter!ediate S1 on #1; and $ig$ S1 on #2;.


    •ulging 125 23 disc cause !ild lu!ar stenosis 6it$out nerve rootco!"ression.

    • Sc$!orl=s nodes at 25 3.

    • A ..3 c! !ass at cerviK 4a cervi cannot e eluded"lease correlated

    6it$tissue "at$olog.

    3. aorator su!!ar

    *outine /e!atolog



    #est 2--2-1 212-1 27-2-1 22-1 3--2-1

    1. / ,.+ .1 ., .9 .72. /ct 27.1 2+.2 27.1 2.2 2.

    3. ;c 2.92- +7.--- 72.9- ,.2-- ,-.--

    . Plt. ,9.--- ++7% ,73% ,22% ,,%  

    +. P'N 2. 91. , 9.2

    ,. !"$o +.+ ., 27 3

    7. 'ono 2.1 + 3.+ 11 2

    . os -.2 - -.1 , -

    9. aso -.1 - -.1 , -

    1-. Aniso 2G 1G 2G fe6

    11. Poi%ilo e6 e6

    12. Polc$ro e6 1G

    13. #arget e6 e6 fe6

    1. 'icrocte 2G 1G 2G

    1+. 'acrocte

    1,. /"oc$ro!ia 1G 2G fe6

    17. *etic count 2.

    1. P# 1.9

    19. P## 2,.

    2-. 0t$er (N*) 1.

     No. #est Nor!al 2--2-1

    1. @N +. L 19.1 !gd ,.9

    2. 4r -.+ 1.+ !gd -.7

    3. Na 13- 17 !C 13

    . 8 3. .7 !C 3.,

    +. /403 2-., 2.2 !C 22.+

    ,. 4l 9,1-7 !C 9

    7. 4a .1-.2 !gd .


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    . P0 2.+ L ., !gd 3.-

    9. 4$ol 127 L 2,2 !gd 172

    1-. #ot Prot ,.+ L . gd 7.1

    11. Al 3. L +. gd 3.

    12. Elo 2., L 3. gd .-

    13. D - L -.+ !gd -.1

    1. # -.2+ L 1.+ !gd -.31+. A# L 3, @ 7

    1,. AS# 12 L 32 @ 11

    17. Al% "$os 2 L 121 @ 123

    1. 48 2+ L 2-- @ 17

    19. 'g 1., L 2., !gd 1.9


    #S# 21 23 3- Nor!al

    S" gr 1.--7 1.--7 1.--9

    P/ ,.+ 7.- 7

    Alu!in Elucose


    lood 2G



    *4 +- L 1--

    ;4 + L 1- - 1

    "i.sC - 1

    . 4INI4A /S#0* (date of re"ort: 29 August 2-1):Patient "resent 6it$ anor!al uterine leeding.5 PB found eo"$tic !ass at 1 o=cloc% 

    6it$ contact leeding 6it$ $istor of c$ronic $i" "ain5 investigastion found osteoltic

    lesion at rig$t acetaulu!.

    4INI4A DIAEN0SIS: servical !ass 6it$ vaginal leeding and osteoltic lesion at

    rig$t acetaulu!

    PA#/00E DIAEN0SIS:

    4ervi5 io"s: SCua!ous cell carcino!a5 large cell5 non%eratini

  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    Section reveal s$eets of !alignanc cells s$o6ing !ar%ed "leo!or"$ic nuclei5 "ro!inent

    nucleoli5 scant to !oderate a!ount eosino"$ilic cto"las! 6it$ identifiale intercellular

     ridge5 nu!erous !itoses are noted

    4linical Su!!ar De"arte!en 0rt$o"aedi (Attend: + Se"t 2-1)4ase cancer servi 6it$ one !etastases $ave fever since ad!it 21 August 2-15 od

    te!"erature: 35 39 -4.

    D. 'DI4A#I0N



    #"e of Drugs Dose Note

    1st 6ee% 

    1.   'or"$in 2 !g

    2.   'or"$in 3 !g (v) ever $our  

    3. Pre o.eration for /io.s%0

     NP0 A'N +M DN2




    'or"$in 2 !g (v)"arenteral for #P

    1--- !l

    1 gr 


    . Nurontin 3-- !g

    +. Paraceta!ol


     No. 'edical *ecord:

    Age: 27 ears old



    0redered Selected data Prole! tiolog

    1. SD:

    client states >feel severe "ain in rig$t $i"

    and lo6er5 ac% one5 t$e scale of "ain 6as

    4$ronic "ain Disease "rocess: !ulti"le

     one !etastase


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    95 and Cuantit of "ain is ver often?



    • Pulse rate: 122!inute5 #e!"erature: 39-45 lood Pressure: 132- !!/g.

    • acial !as% of "ain

    • /eat in area of "ain• '*I of lu!osacral:

    Decrease nor!al lu!arlordotic cureve.

    'ini!al !arginal osteo"$tes at 12

    4o!""resiion: ulging 12 disc causes

    narro6ing s"inal canal 6it$out nerve root

    co!"ression5 'ild ulging 23 dis causes

    !ild narro6ing s"inal canal 6it$out nerve

    root co!"ression5 s!all sc$!orl=s nodes

    at 2 3

    A 553 c! !ass at cerviK 4a cervi

    cannot e eluded

    • Euarded "osition

    2. SD:

    4lient states >so!eti!e I una""etite if severe

     "ain arises?5 >loss od 6eig$t , %g


    • Alu!in : 3. gd (nor!al: 3. L +. gd)

    • Patient le do6n and loo% 6ea%

    • 'I: 2- (nor!al)

    *is% for InadeCuate

     Nutrition: less t$en

     od reCuire!ents

     Nausea and vo!iting5

    disease "rocess and


    3. SD: client states:

    >last nig$t I sle"t onl 2 $ours5 I tried to slee"again ut could not. If I feel "ain5 I could not


    • Dar% circle under ees and loo% concave in

    around ee

    • oo%ed "ale

    • Pulse rate: 122 "er!inute

    Slee" "attern5


    Severe Pain

    . S:

    4lient states >I can not 6al%5 I can not sit

    ! self5 ?


    Patient inailit to re"osition self in ed

    • Patient can not to !ove fro! su"ine

    to "rone

    • Patient can not to !ove fro! su"ine

    to sitting.

    ed 'oilit


    I!"aired "$sical !oilit

    +. S:

    4lient states >I can not !oving ! left leg5

    P$sical !oilit


    Severe "ain5 i!fla!antor

     &oin disease (one !etastase


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    and ! lo6er etre!it5 and ver "ain if I

    !oving ?


    • acial !as% of "ain

    • Data fro! gnecologi de"earte!ent:


    • *adiolog test:

    fro! cancer cervi)

    ,. S:4lient states: I got leeding after $aving se

    6it$ ! $usand


    • Post coital leeding

    • Baginal leeding

    • 4ancer servi

    Seual dsfunction Pain5 Baginal leeding5 "ost

    coital leeding5

    7. S:

    4ient states: I can not !ove t$e od !



    • #$e "atient lie do6n


    Activit Intolerance 4$ronic disease: !ulti"le

     one !etastases (rig$t

    acetaular5 *ig$t "roi!al

    fe!ur5 inferior "uicra!us)5 "ain

    . S:


    •  od #e!"eraure 35 -4

    • #ac$cardia: Pulse: 122 "er!inute

    • ;ar! to touc$

    • S"ecific ac$es and "ains

    /"ert$er!ia Infection Process

    9. S:

    4lients states >I don=t %no6 6$at 6ill I do

    after I get sic% li%e t$is?


    • 4lient ie in t$e ed

    • 4lient 4r 6$en s$e told to t$e nurse

    servical !ass 6it$ vaginal leeding

    and osteoltic lesion at rig$t


    /o"elesness Prolonged "ain5 disco!fort

    and 6ea%nessK i!"aired

    functional ailities

    (6al%ing)5 "rolonged


    1-. S: s$e states > I $ave 2 doug$ters5 t$e first one

    is 2 ears old and t$e secend one is !ont$5 I

    love t$e! ver !uc$5 I a! 6orr if I can not

    to e a good !ot$er5 and I can not ta%e care of 

    t$e! co!"letel?


    • S$e cr 6$en s$e told to t$e t$e nurse


    i!"aired ris%

    4$ronic illness5

    11. S:

    4lient states >I a! to oung to get disease li%e

    t$is5 I a! 27 ears old and I $ave a $usand

    and 2 little rot$er 5 I 6orr if I can not to e

    Self estee!


    oss of od unction5



  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    a good 6ife and good !ot$er ?


    • 4lient 4r

    • #$e face loo% sad

    • 4an not !ove $er rig$t leg ecause

    ver "ain

    12. S:

    4lient states >I can not 6al%5 I can not sit

    ! self5 I can not to 6earing ! c$lotes and

    ! older sister $el" !e to do evert$ing for


    • /er sister $el"s $er if s$e needs


    Self care deficit:

    at$ing5 Dressing5



    4$ronic "ain5 v$ronic

    illness (cancer servi 6it$

    !ulti"le one !etastases)

    13. S:

    4lient states >so!eti!e I feel itc$ing5 ecause

    I s6eating and feel to $ot?

    0:• #ouc$ 6ar!

    • od te!"erature 35 o4

    • #$e clot$es is 6et

    S%in Integrit5

    i!"aired (ris% for


    ong ed rest and


    Nursin Dianosis 2it' t'e .riorit%

    ,3 4$ronic "ain related to Disease "rocess: !ulti"le one !etastase2. /"ert$er!ia related to Infection Process and disease "rosess

    3. Slee" "attern distured related to Severe Pain

    -3 *is% for InadeCuate Nutrition: less t$en od reCuire!ents related to nausea and

    vo!iting5 disease "rocess and treat!ent

    43 P$sical !oilit I!"aired Severe "ain related to infla!antor &oin disease (one

    !etastases fro! cancer cervi)

    53 Activit Intolerance related to c$ronic disease: !ulti"le one !etastases (rig$t

    acetaular5 *ig$t "roi!al fe!ur5 inferior "uic ra!us)5 c$ronic "ain

    63 Self care deficit: at$ing5 Dressing5 instru!ental5 toileting related to c$ronic "ain5

    c$ronic illness (cancer servi 6it$ !ulti"le one !etastases)

    73 Seual dsfunction related to "ain5 vaginal leeding5 "ost coital leeding 5

    83 Parenting5 i!"aired related to c$ronic illness

    ,+3 /o"elesness related to "rolonged "ain5 disco!fort and 6ea%nessK i!"aired functional

    ailities (6al%ing)5 "rolonged treat!ents.

    ,,3 S%in Integrit5 i!"aired (ris% for i!"aired) related to long edrest and $"ert$er!ia

    12. Self estee! related to oss od unction disfigure!ent


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)



    No3 Nursin Dianosis NOC NIC

    1. Severe c$ronic "ain

    related to disease

     "rocess: !ulti"le

     one !etastases


    #$e "erson 6ill relate i!"rove!ent

    of "ain and increased dail activities

    as evidenced (s"ecif).


    o *elate t$at ot$ers validate t$at t$eir

     "ain eists.o Practice selected noninvasive "ain

    relief !easures.o 4o!!unicate i!"rove!ent in "ain

    verall5 "ain assess!ent scale5

    1. Assess for actors t$at Decrease Pain


    • Diselief fro! ot$ers @ncertaint of


    • ear (e.g.5 of addiction or loss of


    2. *educe or li!inate actors t$at

    Increase Pain.

    • stalis$ a su""ortive acce"ting

    relations$i": a) Ac%no6ledge t$e "ain.5

     ) isten attentivel to client=s


  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    or e$avior (s"ecif).

    o 'aintain usual fa!il role and

    relations$i"s t$roug$out "ain

    e"erience5 as evidenced


    discussion of "ain5 c) 4onve t$at ou

    are assessing "ain ecause ou 6ant to

    understand it etter (not deter!ine if it

    reall eists.

    • Assess t$e fa!il for an

    !isconce"tions aout "ain or its

    treat!ent: a) "lain t$e conce"t of 

     "ain as an individual e"erience. )

    Discuss factors related to increased "ain

    and o"tions to !anage. c) ncourage

    fa!il !e!ers to s$are t$eir concerns

     "rivatel (

    3. Deter!ine 6it$ 4lient and a!il t$e

    ffects of 4$ronic Pain on t$e Person=s


    • Discuss 6it$ client and fa!il t$e

    t$era"eutic uses of distraction5 along

    6it$ ot$er !et$ods of "ain relief.• !"$asi

  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)



    • @se oral route 6$en feasile5

    intravenous or rectal routes if needed

    6it$ "er!ission.

    • Avoid inter!uscular routes due to erratic

    asor"tion and unnecessar "ain.

    • Assess vital signs5 es"eciall res"irator

    rate5 efore ad!inistration.

    • 4onsult 6it$ "$ar!acist for "ossile

    adverse interactions 6it$ ot$er

    !edications (e.g.5 !uscle relaants5

    • tranCuili

  • 8/20/2019 Ncp of Client With Cancer Servix With Multiple Bone Metastasis (1)


    in$iit slee".

    o Identif tec$niCues to induce


    valuate if t$ere is a "$siologic

    condition or !edication t$at is

    interfering 6it$ slee". *efer to related

    factors under Pat$o"$siologic and

    #reat!ent*elated. *efer to t$e

     "ri!ar care "rovider for 


    valuate if a "sc$ological state is

    interfering 6it$ slee". *efer to

    Situation*elated actors. *efer to

    'ental /ealt$ Professions.

    Deter!ine if t$e lifestle or life events

    are interfering 6it$ slee". *efer to

    ot$er nursing diagnoses if 

    a""ro"riate: Grieving, Stress Overload,

     Ineffective Coping 5 or Risk-Prone

     Health Behavior .
