NZC- Making it Ours Wesley Primary Curriculum

NZC- Making it Ours

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NZC- Making it Ours. Wesley Primary Curriculum. National Vision. School Vision Pupil Needs Current/Future. National School. Principles. Principles. curriculum. curriculum. Values. Values. Key competencies. Key Competencies. Learning Areas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NZC- Making it Ours

Wesley Primary Curriculum

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National VisionSchool Vision

Pupil Needs Current/Future



Key Competencies

National School

Key competencies

Learning Areas



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Through their learning experiences, students will learn about:

their own values and those of others different kinds of values, such as moral,

social, cultural, aesthetic, and economic values

the values on which New Zealand’s cultural and institutional traditions are based

the values of other groups and cultures. NZC: P 10

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Through their learning experiences, students will develop their ability to:

express their own values explore, with empathy, the values of others critically analyse values and actions based on

them discuss disagreements that arise from

differences in values and negotiate solutions make ethical decisions and act on them

ensuring their own behaviours and actions have integrity in terms of what they value.

NZC: P10

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We need to have a clear picture of what ‘values’ are.

Value (noun)- how useful or important something is.

Value- (verb)-Think that something is valuable

We need to know how values fit into the bigger picture.

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What is a value?

What we value is derived from our beliefs and opinions. The best indicator of what we value is how we act and interact in different circumstances.

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World View

Each of us has our own individual world view. It is how we see ourselves and the world around us. Our world view is shaped by our experiences, culture, knowledge and understanding.

World View

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From our World View we form our Beliefs and Opinions

Belief: A strongly held conviction based on experience, knowledge, understanding and perhaps including an element of faith.

Opinion : a lightly held belief.

Beliefs and Opinions

World View

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Our beliefs will lead us to value a range of concepts, attitudes, behaviours and skills.

Value: a measure of importance given to concepts, attitudes,behaviours,skills, people, relationships or objects.

World View



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Our values drive our attitudes. What we value allows us to define and choose our attitudes


World View




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Attitude: A choosable state of mind which governs how

we react and behave in any given situation.

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Behaviours and Skills


Behaviours and skills



Beliefs and Opinions

World View

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Our attitudes drive our behaviour


An action or lack of action.


An action, or set of actions, deliberately improved over time through applied knowledge, understanding and practice.

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Our Wesley Values at Present

Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Speak politely to others Respect other people’s property. Walk quietly inside buildings Encourage and support others We listen to each other.

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Wesley Values/Rules at present. Keep your hands and feet to

yourself. Speak politely to others Respect other people’s

property. Walk quietly inside buildings Encourage and support

others We listen to each other

NZC Values Excellence- Innovation Inquiry Curiosity Diversity Equity Community and Participation. Ecological Sustainability Integrity Respect

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Value Clusters

Value / Value Cluster

Some associated values notions, concepts and ideas


For example: Respect for others and their views, beliefs and cultures, dialogue, tolerance, inclusion, cultural safety, wairua, spirituality.


For example: Community, belonging, civic mindedness, connectedness, participation, family, whanau, peace, rangimarie, justice, negotiation, reconciliation, unity, solidarity, common good, kotahitanga, citizenship, cooperation, hospitality.

Respect and CaringManaaki / Awhi

For example: Human dignity, personhood, individual rights, freedom, personal autonomy, human rights, compassion, aroha, consideration, concern, empathy, respect for self and others, self-esteem, self respect, self belief/self discipline, respect for property, mana, safety, physical, spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing, hauora.

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Equity/FairnessTika / Pono

For example: Social Justice, fairness, equity (race, gender, age); equal opportunity.

IntegrityNgakau tapatahi

For example: Responsibility, accountability, reliability, commitment, honesty, truthfulness, trustworthy, ethical, doing right, moral courage.

Environmental sustainability

For example: Environment, harmony with nature/sustainability, kaitiakitanga.


For example: Inquiry, curiosity, truth, wisdom, rangatiratanga, openmindedness, criticalmindedness flexible, adaptable, innovation, entrepreneurship, beauty, aesthetics, creativity.


For example: Achievement, excellence, doing your best, persevere, resilient, strive, competition.