WEDNESDAY, JAN. L6. 1929 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. A. Robertson, of Lawson- ville, was among the visitors he,re Tuesday. Miss Mary Martin, who has been in a Richmond hospital for some time under the care of an eye specialist as a result of an automobile accident, has sutli eiently recovered to resume he. - duties as teacher in the Selmu school. Mrs. N. A. M.iriin spent th>* day Sunday in Madison with her daughter Mrs. Ralph Web- ster. Elmo Petree had a narrow es- cape from death or serious in jury Sunday afternoon when his car we;i: t ! 'Wn a high enibank- ment. turning over three times. He was only slightly bruised but the car was wrecked badly. The accident occurred on Dan- bury Route 1 and was caused by sand in the road. Mr Petree to lost control of the machine. Strawdy Martin, of the Wal- nut Cove community was among the visitors here 'today. Quite a number of Danbury people attended the opening of Winston-Salem's new million dollar theatre Monday night. Deputy Sheriff Hart- man was here Tuesday return- ing from a visit to Winston-Sa- lem. Attorney John Folger, of Mt. Airy, spent a short time here Tuesday on business. W. A. Smith and family, of King, have removed here and are occupying the residence re- cently vacated by Berkley Smith, who has taken charge of the jail. Will Mabe. of Danbury Route 1. who has been undergoing treatment in a Winston-Salem hospital, has returned to his home greatly improved. Misses Elizabeth Russ**ll, 0-Mattie Sue Taylor, Lucile Mar- tin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyce and Charlie Martin attended a party at the S. P. U. country club Greensboro Saturday eve- ning. Miss Edith Fagg, of Winston- Salem. spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fagg. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pepper and children, Josephine and Ed Jr., of Thomasville were visitors in Danbury Sunday. Mesdames J. 1). Humphrey and W. E. Joyce were shopping in Winston-Salem Monday. Mrs. J. S. Taylor and daugh- ter Miss Mattie Sue Taylor are spending the week in Winston Salem the guests of Mrs. IL B. Shelton. Frank Harris, who In.lds a position with the Pyrtle Motor Co. here, received a telephone message today stating that his brother was kilted near High Point yesterday when a tree fell on him. No other particul- ars of the accident were given. $ Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Morufield .Ipent Monday in Winston-Sa- lem. Attorney 0. E. Snow, of Pilot Mt., was a business visitor here today. Charlie Golden, colored, was fined and the cost by Justice N. A. Martin here today on a charge of being drunk. He was arrested by Sheriff John Tay- lor when found lying beside the road just south of Danbury yes- terday. Card of Thanks. To our many friends and neighbors we wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the kindness and help shown us during the sicklies and death of our loving wife and mother. J. E. and GEORGE, and ELIZABETH i'OOKUS. Agitation has been stared fo>* a submarine tunnel joining Britain and Frame. Recent Bride Is Honored Walnut Cove, Jan. 15.?The home of Mr. C. J. Helsabeck was tht' scene of a beautiful party Friday evening, January 11, when .Miss Nell Hutcherson and Mrs. Helsabeck entertained in honor <>i' Mrs. Joe Zimmer- man, a recent bride. One of the mo.<t tinjoyabL* features of the evening was a contest, "A Kitchen Romance." Mrs. R. W. Sands was the mosi successful in this contest, and Misses Dixie Reaves was tho winner of the booby prize. Ev- eryone present wrote Ivr fav- orite vjcipe. I in--» were bound in attracti\ e i<\ ?rs ; i.d pr< - selited to tbe honoree. Little Nancy Jane Helsabeck dr*w into the room a wagon, beauti- fully decorated in pink and whjte. It was loaded with many beautiful and useful gilts which she graciously presented to the honoree. This shower' of gifts was a complete surprise to the honor guest and her en-1 joyment of the surprise added to the pleasure of the occasion, j The hostess, assisted by Mist* Maigarut Hutcherson, served delicious refreshments,; consisting of frozen fruit salad, wafers, coffee, and mints, i i Those present were: Miss Alexandria' Mack, Miss I)i\ie! Reaves, Miss Mary Lane Brew-j er. Mrs. Paul Fulton. Mrs. Anne' Fulton Carter, Miss Jimmy ; Campbell. Mrs. Will Wheeler, j Mrs. R. W. Sands, Mrs. 1). W. IKaiiov, Mrs. H. K. Blackburn.! 'Mrs. I'. (J. Smith. Mrs. S. A. Neal. Mrs. Gilbert Hill. Mrs.' K. S. Zimmerman, . Irs. Louis i Moore, Mrs. Williar.. Marshall, Mrs. J. 1). Johnson, Misses Margaret and Kaihryn Hutch- erson. Held For Court On Serious Charge Dennis Mabe, of Danbury R.; 1, was held for Superior Court today by Justice N. A. Martin i on a charge of driving an auto- mobile while intoxicated, his bond being placed at The young man was arrested here yesterday by Sheriff John 'lay-t lor, who also arrested Reid Shel- i ton at the same time on ai charge of being drunk. Sholton was fined SB.OO and the cost. The young men had been over in the country to purchase a' dog and when they arrived here; ion the return trip were found t j be very much under the inHuen-, ce of whiskey. ???????????? ! NOTICE The Womanless Wedding planned at the Parent-Teacher, meeting to be given on Jan. 'J~> has been postponed until warm weather. Try a Want Ad in the Reporter j * I 1 >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO « HOUSE PAINT 2 ,0 X $1.98 Per Gallon $ $ Outside White & 0 Cream. $ ;o o This is a good qual- o o ty. Just a close out. % o .0 0 Now is the time to o 0 o $ paint your house. o [Shore! 1 s ! Mercantile Co. | I Paint Dept. 0 oF. E. SHORE, Mgr. S | King, N. C. l | \u25baOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE DANBURY REPORTER OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? I 0 9 0 o o We Are Again Headquarters For 0 ! Good Used Cars ! o y 0 £ 0 o 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SEE THESE % i Model A Ford Sport Coupe 0 i 0 1-192 s * Model A Ford Business Coupe 0 £ £ M-1927 Ford Runabouts o . o <> 1-192* Ford Touring" / t 5 0 1-1925 Ford louring y 0 1-1923 Ford Touring $ 1 f 2 1-1928 Chevrolet Coach J o y. o ; £ 1- 1928 Chevrolet Coupe £ 0 ] £ 1-1924 Overland Touring } 0 \ 0 < 0 <? o r rhese cars are priced right. Terms to J 0 C y responsible parties. £ o j 0 < 0 < 0 < ! WALNUT COVE MOTOR COMPANY. ! 0 < 0 < o Walnut Cove, N. C. £ o c $ o < OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'POOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; I I ! BEST I * I PLANT BED I " 1 1 Guano I 0 $ 0 $ 0 J 1 FOR SALE AS ! I USUAL. | 1 Low For the Cash j 0 $ $ i 0 c j PEPPER BROS., I 1 DANBURY, N. C. J 0 C 0 Y | \ c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC" o<XXX>oo<W><X>ooo<><><>ooo<>oooo<>oooo<> 000 < 0 0 SERVICE CO-OPERATION c » c 1 W. J. Byerly, President E. M. Linville. Vice-Pres. and < Trust Officer. C> < > F. P. Sparser. Vice-Pres. s o> W. W. Christian, Cashier o K > W. L. Dunman, Asst. Cashier <; Bank of Mt. Airy 5 MOUNT AIRY, N. C. j C \u2713 0 ?' Statement Close <»f business Dec. M Ist. 192 s . v ' V* 1 Resources v - % 1/tans and Discounts 51,728,508.# J ; 5 l*. S. Bonds. 10.04G.1." \ 6 \u25a0. ,-j North Carolina Bonds, 82,000."0 £ House, Furniture and Dlx V q tures, old and new buildinjr 180.991.32 <; $ Other real estate owned. 0 Cash on hand and due from banks. 4."'. 1. * 1 ' ? t 0 <5 o c 0 TotaJ $2,399,251.64 < 0 C o Liabilities C Capital Sjtock. $ 100.000.0*.' $ Surp]u sFund, 150,000.0(. £ 0 t'ndivided Prolits. 31,454.4-1 C q Reserved for interest. 15,313.5'.' 0 Reserved for depreciation. 17,161.4('t C 0 . I nearnt'd discount, 13,848.37 $ £ Deposits. 2.d7l fiT.k". > $ v 0 j| X Total *2. ;99.25La-i J 0 c 0 lank do solmnlv swear that the above statement i.- 0 0 ' 0 q true to the !»est of my knowledge and belief. £ \V. \V. CHKISTI AN. Ca-hiei 0 0 . 0 q Sworn to and >iu»>u lU-d l.etore me th'" Januar. & £ Hth. 1929. L. P. W'RKNN, £ 0 Notary Public. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sworn to by 0 0 I 0 \Y. W. CHRISTIAN, « ashier, 0 1 A. V. WEST. Director. A 0 , * F. M. MOORE, Director X 0 A. 0. BOWMAN. Director. <> 2 W. J. BYERLY, Director. $ | | £ Start The New Year Right $ a By Making- Your Will S 5 , . o o and Naming o 0 £ o This Bank \our Executor. £ o o g * X Directors C 0 c q A. (I. Bowman, T. J. Smsthwuk. \S. G. Sydnor, h. £ 0 M. Poo re, \V. J. Byerly, A. V. West. J. D. Sarjrent. H. 0 L. Stone. I. W. Barber, Dr. Moir S. M-»rtin. \Y, H. < $ Sides, 11. Haynes. F. P. Sparser. 0 < 0 < o COURTESY EFFICIENCY j TIE SOUTHERN PLANTER SEMI-MONTHLY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Oldest Agricultural Journal In America. 50 CENTS FOR ONE YfcAR J 1.00 FOR THREE YEARS $1.50 FOR FIVE YEARS Tw lce-A-M"iith 200 000 Twlce-A-Month PAGE FIVE

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LOCAL NEWS ITEMSJ. A. Robertson, of Lawson-

ville, was among the visitorshe,re Tuesday.

Miss Mary Martin, who hasbeen in a Richmond hospital forsome time under the care of aneye specialist as a result of an

automobile accident, has sutlieiently recovered to resume he. -duties as teacher in the Selmuschool.

Mrs. N. A. M.iriin spent th>*day Sunday in Madison withher daughter Mrs. Ralph Web-ster.

Elmo Petree had a narrow es-

cape from death or serious injury Sunday afternoon when hiscar we;i: t ! 'Wn a high enibank-ment. turning over three times.He was only slightly bruisedbut the car was wrecked badly.The accident occurred on Dan-

bury Route 1 and was caused by

sand in the road. Mr Petree to

lost control of the machine.Strawdy Martin, of the Wal-

nut Cove community was among

the visitors here 'today.

Quite a number of Danbury

people attended the opening of

Winston-Salem's new milliondollar theatre Monday night.

Deputy Sheriff Hart-man was here Tuesday return-ing from a visit to Winston-Sa-lem.

Attorney John Folger, of Mt.Airy, spent a short time hereTuesday on business.

W. A. Smith and family, ofKing, have removed here andare occupying the residence re-

cently vacated by BerkleySmith, who has taken charge of

the jail.Will Mabe. of Danbury Route

1. who has been undergoing

treatment in a Winston-Salemhospital, has returned to his

home greatly improved.Misses Elizabeth Russ**ll,

0-Mattie Sue Taylor, Lucile Mar-

tin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyce

and Charlie Martin attended a

party at the S. P. U. country

club Greensboro Saturday eve-ning.

Miss Edith Fagg, of Winston-Salem. spent the week-end here

with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Fagg.Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pepper

and children, Josephine and EdJr., of Thomasville were visitorsin Danbury Sunday.

Mesdames J. 1). Humphreyand W. E. Joyce were shoppingin Winston-Salem Monday.

Mrs. J. S. Taylor and daugh-

ter Miss Mattie Sue Taylor arespending the week in WinstonSalem the guests of Mrs. IL B.

Shelton.Frank Harris, who In.lds a

position with the Pyrtle MotorCo. here, received a telephonemessage today stating that his

brother was kilted near High

Point yesterday when a tree

fell on him. No other particul-

ars of the accident were given.$ Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Morufield

.Ipent Monday in Winston-Sa-lem.

Attorney 0. E. Snow, of Pilot

Mt., was a business visitor heretoday.

Charlie Golden, colored, wasfined and the cost by JusticeN. A. Martin here today on acharge of being drunk. He was

arrested by Sheriff John Tay-

lor when found lying beside the

road just south of Danbury yes-


Card of Thanks.To our many friends and

neighbors we wish to expressour thanks and appreciation forthe kindness and help shown us

during the sicklies and death ofour loving wife and mother.

J. E. and GEORGE,


Agitation has been stared fo>*a submarine tunnel joining

Britain and Frame.

Recent BrideIs Honored

Walnut Cove, Jan. 15.?Thehome of Mr. C. J. Helsabeckwas tht' scene of a beautifulparty Friday evening, January11, when .Miss Nell Hutchersonand Mrs. Helsabeck entertainedin honor <>i' Mrs. Joe Zimmer-man, a recent bride.

One of the mo.<t tinjoyabL*features of the evening was acontest, "A Kitchen Romance."Mrs. R. W. Sands was the mosi

successful in this contest, andMisses Dixie Reaves was tho

winner of the booby prize. Ev-eryone present wrote Ivr fav-orite vjcipe. I in--» were boundin attracti\ e i<\ ?rs ; i.d pr< -

selited to tbe honoree. LittleNancy Jane Helsabeck dr*winto the room a wagon, beauti-fully decorated in pink andwhjte. It was loaded withmany beautiful and useful gilts

which she graciously presentedto the honoree. This shower'of gifts was a complete surpriseto the honor guest and her en-1joyment of the surprise addedto the pleasure of the occasion, j

The hostess, assisted byMist* Maigarut Hutcherson,served delicious refreshments,;consisting of frozen fruitsalad, wafers, coffee, and mints, i

i Those present were: MissAlexandria' Mack, Miss I)i\ie!

Reaves, Miss Mary Lane Brew-jer. Mrs. Paul Fulton. Mrs. Anne'Fulton Carter, Miss Jimmy

; Campbell. Mrs. Will Wheeler, jMrs. R. W. Sands, Mrs. 1). W.

IKaiiov, Mrs. H. K. Blackburn.!'Mrs. I'. (J. Smith. Mrs. S. A.Neal. Mrs. Gilbert Hill. Mrs.'K. S. Zimmerman, . Irs. Louis iMoore, Mrs. Williar.. Marshall,

Mrs. J. 1). Johnson, MissesMargaret and Kaihryn Hutch-erson.

Held For CourtOn Serious Charge

Dennis Mabe, of Danbury R.;1, was held for Superior Courttoday by Justice N. A. Martin ion a charge of driving an auto-

mobile while intoxicated, hisbond being placed at Theyoung man was arrested hereyesterday by Sheriff John 'lay-tlor, who also arrested Reid Shel- iton at the same time on aicharge of being drunk. Sholtonwas fined SB.OO and the cost.The young men had been overin the country to purchase a'dog and when they arrived here;

ion the return trip were found t j

be very much under the inHuen-,ce of whiskey.???????????? !

NOTICEThe Womanless Wedding

planned at the Parent-Teacher,meeting to be given on Jan. 'J~>has been postponed until warmweather.

Try a Want Ad in the Reporterj * I1 >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


$1.98 Per Gallon $

$ Outside White &

0 Cream. $;o o

This is a good qual- o

o ty. Just a close out. %o .00 Now is the time to o0 o$ paint your house. o

[Shore!1 s! Mercantile Co. |I Paint Dept. 0

oF. E. SHORE, Mgr. S| King, N. C. l |\u25baOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



I0 90 oo We Are Again Headquarters For 0

! Good Used Cars !o y0 £0 o0 - 00 00 00 0


i Model A Ford Sport Coupe0 i0 1-192 s* Model A Ford Business Coupe0 ££ M-1927 Ford Runaboutso . o<> 1-192* Ford Touring" /

t 50 1-1925 Ford louring y

0 1-1923 Ford Touring $

1 f2 1-1928 Chevrolet Coach Jo y.o ;

£ 1- 1928 Chevrolet Coupe £0 ]£ 1-1924 Overland Touring }

0 \0 <

0 <?

o r

rhese cars are priced right. Terms to J0 Cy responsible parties. £o j0 <

0 <

0 <


0 <

o Walnut Cove, N. C. £o c$o <





1 Guano I0 $0 $0 J



1 Low For the Cash j0 $$ i0 c



o<XXX>oo<W><X>ooo<><><>ooo<>oooo<>oooo<> 000 <

0 0


1 W. J. Byerly, PresidentE. M. Linville. Vice-Pres. and

< Trust Officer.C> <> F. P. Sparser. Vice-Pres. so> W. W. Christian, Cashier oK> W. L. Dunman, Asst. Cashier <;

Bank of Mt. Airy 5MOUNT AIRY, N. C.

j C\u2713


?' StatementClose <»f business Dec. M Ist. 192 s


v '

V *

1 Resourcesv -

% 1/tans and Discounts 51,728,508.# J ;

5 l*. S. Bonds. 10.04G.1." \6 \u25a0.

,-j North Carolina Bonds, 82,000."0 £

House, Furniture and Dlx V

q tures, old and new buildinjr 180.991.32 <;

$ Other real estate owned.

0 Cash on hand and due from banks. 4."'. 1. * 1 ' ? t

0 <5o c0 TotaJ $2,399,251.64 <0 C

o Liabilities CCapital Sjtock. $ 100.000.0*.'

$ Surp]u sFund, 150,000.0(. £0 t'ndivided Prolits. 31,454.4-1 C

q Reserved for interest. 15,313.5'.'

0 Reserved for depreciation. 17,161.4('t C0 .

I nearnt'd discount, 13,848.37 $

£ Deposits. 2.d7l fiT.k".> $v0 j|X Total *2. ;99.25La-i J0 c

0 lank do solmnlv swear that the above statement i.- 00 ' 0q true to the !»est of my knowledge and belief.

£ \V. \V. CHKISTIAN. Ca-hiei 0

0 . 0q Sworn to and >iu»>u lU-d l.etore me th'" Januar. &

£ Hth. 1929. L. P. W'RKNN, £0 Notary Public. 00 00 00 Sworn to by 00 I0 \Y. W. CHRISTIAN, « ashier, 0

1 A. V. WEST. Director. A



F. M. MOORE, Director X

0 A. 0. BOWMAN. Director. <>

2 W. J. BYERLY, Director. $

| |£ Start The New Year Right $a By Making- Your Will S5 , .

oo and Naming o0 £o This Bank \our Executor. £o og *X Directors C0 cq A. (I. Bowman, T. J. Smsthwuk. \S. G. Sydnor, h. £

0 M. Poo re, \V. J. Byerly, A. V. West. J. D. Sarjrent. H.0 L. Stone. I. W. Barber, Dr. Moir S. M-»rtin. \Y, H. <

$ Sides, 11. Haynes. F. P. Sparser.

0 <

0 <




The Oldest Agricultural JournalIn America.




Tw lce-A-M"iith 200 000 Twlce-A-Month