Recabo SCL

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  • 8/18/2019 Recabo SCL


    Peter Paul L. Recabo SCL


    Poverty is a state of being poor, indigence, lack of aterial t!ings and finances.

    Poverty puts people into t!e lo"est level in a society. Poor people, ost of t!e

    tie, are neglected by t!e governent, s!unned by t!e society and not given

    enoug! opportunities to prosper. #!ey live in a filt!y environent, living aong a

    counity of criinals. $e can enuerate countless of unpleasant "ords to

    define t!e effect of poverty, and t!ere are countless of reasons and causes for t!ese.

    Poverty reains t!e central developent issue in t!e P!ilippines and, despite t!e

    abitious developent goals laid out by t!e governent, t!e country !as not been

    able to sustain t!e econoic gro"t! re%uired to reduce poverty to acceptable

    levels. & "ill not say t!at t!e counity & live in is dro"ning in poverty, everyone

    "orks !ere in t!eir o"n "ays, "!ile soe !ave unstable 'obs t!ey are "orking

    !ard so t!at t!ey can put food on t!e table. #!ey ig!t be poor on foreign

    standards !o"ever, t!ey are not poor in y o"n perspective. #!e people in y

    counity are generally !appy and satisfied "it! t!eir lives. (irst, t!ere is a

    fundaental disconnect bet"een (ilipino )lites and t!e poor. #!e political

    leaders!ip in t!e P!ilippines !as al"ays been dra"n fro t!ose )lites, and t!ose

     politicians !ave traditionally played t!e role of patrons and benefactors, relying on

    t!e pork barrel and personal*faily funds often ac%uired t!roug! corruption toessentially buy votes. #!e core principle of deocracy - t!at representatives s!ould

     be dra"n fro t!ose t!ey represent and advocate for t!e true interests of t!eir 

    constituents !as not been operative. & "ill not say t!at t!e counity & live in is

    dro"ning in poverty, everyone "orks !ere in t!eir o"n "ays, "!ile soe !ave

    unstable 'obs t!ey are "orking !ard so t!at t!ey can put food on t!e table. #!ey

    ig!t be poor on foreign standards !o"ever, t!ey are not poor in y o"n

     perspective. #!e people in y counity are generally !appy and satisfied "it!

    t!eir lives. & really love t!e to"n & live on and t!e counity it !ouses. +veryone

    kno"s eac! ot!er and everyone appreciates eac! persons eistence. usli or C!ristian, black or "!ite, foreign or 'ust pinoy, everyone is "elcoe !ere in t!e

    to"n of ainit. /s of no", & can alost say t!at y counity is nearly

     becoing a counity of fait!, everyone is encouraging eac! one to be positive in

    life, be respectful and be !appy. #!e P!ilipppines "ill becoe a !appy !oe for us

    (ilipinos if "e set aside all t!e !ate and discriination bet"een ourselves and

    yearn for a !opeful future.

  • 8/18/2019 Recabo SCL
