RIDE Educator Evaluation System Design ACEES Meeting August 16, 2010

RIDE Educator Evaluation System Design

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RIDE Educator Evaluation System Design. ACEES Meeting August 16, 2010. Meeting Agenda. RI Model Development Update Process update Overall design structure Working group progress updates (General) Teacher Evaluation Process New content for discussion and feedback - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RIDE Educator Evaluation System Design

ACEES Meeting August 16, 2010

Meeting Agenda


RI Model Development Update• Process update• Overall design structure

Working group progress updates (General)

Teacher Evaluation Process • New content for discussion and feedback

Administrator Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Teacher Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Working Group Group Charge – to be delivered by October 2010Impact on Student Learning

Devise the process (methods, tools, and mix of assessments) used to evaluate individual teachers’ impact on student learning

Evaluation Process Devise the set of rules and procedures under which educators will be evaluated, including assessment methods; frequency and timeline for observation, feedback, and development; and evaluation tools

Professional Practice (Teachers and Administrators)

Define the competencies of professional practice and the indicators used to measure each competency, and establish a rubric that delineates performance standards at each level

Professional Responsibilities

Define the competencies of professional responsibility and the indicators used to measure each competency, and establish a rubric that delineates performance standards at each level

Professional Development and Support

Devise the process, mechanisms and content for providing development support at all performance levels

All aspects of the RI Model are currently in development and on track to meet the

October deadline

Primary components to assess teacher performance

Component Description

Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning will be measured in two ways:1. Student growth as indicated by a growth model, where

appropriate data is available; and2. Student mastery of rigorous academic goals and standards,

based upon a variety of summative assessments and measured through a goal attainment process.

Professional Practice

The extent to which a teacher executes a set of core competencies, through observations of teacher and student actions and document reviews. Professional practice competencies will be clearly mapped on a performance rubric by performance level.

Professional Responsibilities

The extent to which a teacher exhibits non-skill and knowledge based actions and attitudes that reflect a clearly defined set of professional responsibilities.

Evidence used to assess teachers

Teacher Group

Student Learning Outcomes Professional


ResponsibilitiesGrowth Model

Goal Attainment

Teachers who teach tested grades and subjects where the growth model can be applied (e.g., 5th grade general education)


Teachers who teach grades and subjects where the growth model cannot be applied (e.g., 11th grade English, middle school art, etc.)


Final rating scale

Individual ratings for each of the three components will be combined to produce a final rating based on the following 4-point scale:

Ineffective Minimally Effective Effective Highly


Student learning rating

Professional practice rating

Professional responsibilities




Final evaluation


Meeting Agenda


RI Model Development Update• Process update• Overall design structure

Working group progress updates (General)

Teacher Evaluation Process • New content for discussion and feedback

Administrator Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Teacher Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Process GroupSummary• Reviewed an initial sample draft of the evaluation process and

discussed the key elements to be included in the teacher evaluation process.

• Discussion centered around:• Use and frequency of evaluation conferences• How to ensure ongoing, meaningful feedback• Frequency and method of classroom observations• Individuals involved in the observation and evaluation


Next steps• Continued refinement of the evaluation process details based on

further iterations of the working document

Teacher Professional Practice Group

Summary• Continued discussion of specific competencies in the RI

Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS), INTASC Standards, and several other external rubrics (pre-examined and reviewed by the group)

• Drafted a set of key competencies and domains for inclusion in the RI Model’s framework for teacher professional practices

 Next steps• RIDE will turn around an organized draft of the teacher practice

framework based on the group’s work at the meeting for further refinement

Student Learning GroupSummary• Reviewed and discussed the initial draft of the goal attainment process

that will be used to measure student learning in all subjects and grade levels, providing feedback on various elements of the process and surfacing key implementation and capacity issues at the district level

• Provided specific feedback on ensuring a goal attainment process that measures both content knowledge and core academic skills and processes

• Created an inventory of current assessments used in Rhode Island, based on working group members’ knowledge of their (and other) districts

 Next steps• Continued refinement of the goal attainment process details based on

further iterations of the working document• RIDE will begin mapping out state vs. district responsibilities and share

with group for feedback

Administrator Professional Practice Group

Summary• Continued discussion of use of RIELS as the basis for the

Administrator Professional Practice rubric, reviewing and comparing other examples of leadership standards to make final determination

• Agreement that RIELS will provide the framework for the rubric so that group can build from a single, aligned set of leadership standards

• Agreement on general design principles for the rubric

Next steps• Group will begin to draft out the performance descriptors for the


Professional Responsibilities GroupSummary• Continued discussion of the elements that should be included in a

professional responsibility rubric for all educators, working off additional external examples

• Reacted to and discussed initial draft of the professional responsibilities framework, providing feedback on the categories of major responsibilities and specific competencies

• Reviewed and discussed different ways to structure the professional responsibilities rubric

 Next steps• Develop proposal for preferred scoring structure for the rubric• Discuss newest iteration of the professional responsibilities

framework and being drafting descriptors for performance levels within one domain

Support and Development GroupSummary• Examined and discussed strengths and limitations of various examples of

existing professional development programs in Broward County (FL), New Haven (CT), and TAP (nationwide)

• Discussed working group members’ districts’ professional development practices (Lincoln, Barrington, Woonsocket, Pawtucket, West Warwick)

• Agreement on focusing work on teachers first before moving on to administrator support and development. Additional working group members may need to be added to successfully build an administrator support and development system.

• Agreement on using the format of the New Haven support and development model to use as the basis for an initial draft.

 Next steps• RIDE will provide a first draft of a teacher support and development program

that focuses on teacher self-assessment and individualized development plans

• Group will react directly to this draft and provide feedback to kick start the iterative process

District Developed Group

Summary:• 4 districts submitted self audit materials for

review• Meeting Friday to provide feedback to the

4 districts based on the draft rubric


Meeting Agenda


RI Model Development Update• Process update• Overall design structure

Working group progress updates (General)

Teacher Evaluation Process • New content for discussion and feedback

Teacher Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Administrator Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Self-assessment and individual

development plan; Set goals based

on student diagnostics

Beginning of year goal-

setting conference

Targeted development activities (TBD by support and development group)

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Gathering of evidence: Announced and unannounced classroom observations, unit/lesson plan reviews, student work and data reviews, data team or other instructional team meetings

Ongoing situational feedback conversations and progress checks

Proposed RI Model Process – Key Elements and Timeline

Mid-year check-in


End of year summative evaluation conference

Self-assessment, review of all

gathered evidence to date, and revisit development plan

Self-assessment, including next

year’s development plan focus, and all gathered evidence

to date

Primary evaluator (must be in-school administrator)

Norming of administrator judgments and additional feedback: Classroom observations and pre-/post-conferences

Complementary evaluator*

*District or state-assigned administrator/teacher

Teacher leaders, mentors/coaches

Process Discussion Questions• What are the non-negotiable elements (i.e.,

which elements must be included)?• Think about your current districts. What are 2-3

key items that may cause challenges when implementing this process?– How would this look in your own district?– Where should RIDE focus its resources to

support the implementation of this process?


Meeting Agenda


RI Model Development Update• Process update• Overall design structure

Working group progress updates (General)

Teacher Evaluation Process • New content for discussion and feedback

Administrator Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Teacher Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Administrator Professional Practice Guiding Principles

• Builds upon the RIELS• Includes specific evidence of the quality of instructional

leadership and school management at various competency levels

• Is integrated with and supportive of districts’ initiatives and strategic plans

• Seeks information, where available, from staff, students, parents and guardians, colleagues, and supervisors

• Is based, wherever possible, on outcomes, evidence, and observable behaviors

• Provides an opportunity for administrators to provide evidence of their professional practice

• Incorporates different types of evidence and relies on multiple measures

• Is fair and consistent

Administrator Professional Practice Framework Design Approach

Within each domain, administrators will be rated on the competencies (e.g., 1A, 1B, 1C)

The indicators (e.g., 1Ai, 1Aii, etc.) will serve as examples, and will inform the performance

descriptors for each competency (they also provide concrete guidance for development). Performance

descriptors will describe what performance looks like at each of four levels.

For each competency and set of performance descriptors, we will provide specific, concrete sources of evidence to which districts can

turn in assessing performance.

Domain standards 1-4 of RIELS will provide the large evaluation areas

Meeting Agenda


RI Model Development Update• Process update• Overall design structure

Working group progress updates (General)

Teacher Evaluation Process • New content for discussion and feedback

Administrator Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback

Teacher Professional Practice • Draft framework for discussion and feedback


Teacher Professional Practice Framework Draft

• Current draft of the teacher professional practice framework includes a set of domains (e.g., Knowledge of Students & Classroom Culture, Planning & Preparation, Classroom Instruction, etc) and a set of teacher competencies under each domain

• The competencies measure teacher behaviors that can be assessed through observation or document/artifact review

• The competencies in this draft are based off of a detailed review and discussion of RI Professional Teaching Standards, INTASC Draft Standards, and a variety of external examples, including Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching and DC Public Schools’ Teaching and Learning Framework.

Teacher Professional Practice Draft Framework – Alignment to RIPTS

Domain 1: Content

Knowledge and Delivery

RIPTS 1: Teachers create

learning experiences

using a broad base of general


RIPTS 2: Teachers have deep content knowledge...

Domain 2: Knowledge of Students and

Classroom Culture

RIPTS 5: Teachers create

instructional opportunities to encourage all

students' development...

RIPTS 6: Teacher creates

a supportive learning


Domain 3: Planning and Preparation

RIPTS 3: Teachers create

instructional opportunities that reflect an understanding of how children

learn and develop

Domain 4: Classroom Instruction

RIPTS 3: Create instructional

opportunities that reflect an

understanding of how children learn

and develop

RIPTS 4: Create instructional

opportunities that reflect a respect for

the diversity of learners...

RIPTS 5: Create instructional

opportunities to encourage all

students' development of

critical thinking...

RIPTS 8: Use effective

communication as the vehicle through

which students explore…

Domain 5: Use of


RIPTS 9: Teachers use assessment strategies to determine impact of

instruction on learning

Domain 6: Reflective


RIPTS 7: Teachers work collaboratively with all school personnel...

RIPTS 9 (Teachers use assessment strategies to determine impact of

instruction on learning)

RIPTS 10 (Teachers

reflect on their practice and

assume responsibility for

their own development)

Next Steps• Meeting: September 13, 4-7pm• Location: TBD• Continued review of draft working group

products• Review of RI Model synthesis (to date)• Website-

www.ride.ri.gov/educatorquality/educatorevaluation• Public Forum- August 23rd and 25th