RUNews_Towers Planned in 1976-Luis Colon Interviews Tim McNiven

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  • 7/28/2019 RUNews_Towers Planned in 1976-Luis Colon Interviews Tim McNiven


    I have found that most of the 9-11-01 Truth websites are Democrat Owned and only want Republican condemminginformation on them.

    United States Defense Department Intelligence Operative "Grillfire" aka US Government Federal Agent TimothyS. McNiven

    RUNews_Towers planned in 1976-Luis Colon interviews Tim McNiven

    In 1976 Congress commissioned a plan to determine how terrorists could attack the WTC, the

    plan included hijacked planes and box cutters. The exercise was run by the Pentagon and the Central

    Intelligence Agency, it used C-Baterry 2/81st Field Artillery, U.S. Army stationed in Strassburg, Germany.

    One soldier who participated in these events was Tim McNiven who then went on to work Army Intelligence

    for the DoD. Mr.McNiven was named in the Ellen Mariani RICO suit brought against George Bush, key

    members of his administration, the CFR and Bush Sr., The RICO suit states "Defendants have engaged in

    a long "pattern of criminal activity" and on-going pattern of "criminal obstruction of justice" constituting

    continual, long-term criminal modus operandi. The RICO suit also states that the Defendants were "aidersand abettors and conspirators" "who intentionally and deliberately failed to act and prevent the 911

    attacks". Tim McNiven has solid eyewitness testimony of such evidence. S6K's Luis Colon interviews Tim

    McNiven in this S6K exclusive. Tim Mcniven's website, his Black Op radio interview, American Free Press

    article on Mr. McNiven and The Mariani RICO suit will all be linked to at the end of the interview.S6K-On the morning of September 11th 2001, as you were viewing the images on TV, what did you feel,

    did you recognize right away that this was the scenario of the exercise you participated in, in 1976?McNiven-The morning of 9-11-01 started as any other with my getting up

    and starting to make morning coffee; I noticed on TV a building that had

    smoke comming out of it and thought that some building was on fire andcontinued to get up and going for the morning. Then I sat down to have a

    cup of coffee and watch the TV; a short time later the second plane hit

    the other Tower and the announcer said that it was New York City.

    About 30 minutes later it dawned on me that I had just watchjed what

    we had discussed in the Study in 1976; I went hysterical cussing and

    swearing. I went into about a two week period of shock not being able to

    do anything but walk around in disbelief; then I contacted the FBI and

    got back their reply (Polygraph listing on website the last page, my

    webmaster put it here but didnot lable it). Then I began my Mission of

    getting this information to the American People by writing letters and

    emails to media outlets.S6K- How did you become involved in the Ellen Mariani RICO suit? What is the status of this suit?McNiven-I became involved in the Ellen Mariani RICO suit after seeing it

    in the media and finding Mr.Berg on the internet. Currently the Lawsuit

    was discontiued over some reason that I was never told completely, it

    was something about Mr.Berg not filing some paperwork on time or

    something like that.

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    S6K-Have you had any contact with any of the people involved in the Exercise since your move to go


    Has there been any contact with you by any Government or intelligence agency officially or un-officially?

    McNiven- I have looked for people on the web but have not turned up

    anyone; I contacted the Ranger's Association which Lt.Michael Teague wasbut didnot get a reply form them. A Private Detective who I contacted

    after seeing info about them said that if they ever got any free time

    that they would check to see if they could find the other guys but that

    I couldnot afford to hire them or any other PI do to the cost.

    I have contacted various Government Departments and Agencies and have

    had one go to my website and then left a firewall that my webmaster

    could not get around in tracing them to find out who it was; but it was

    a US Government Computer that had been there.

    Most if not all of Harrassment Attacks that I have been subjected to

    have been by Democrats, one was by a Howard Dean supporter who tried to

    Physically Intimidate me with his size in a threating manner and when Ididnot budge from my position or leave the street corner where I was

    handing out flyers he went and started to tell derogitory statements to

    other people that were passing by and one woman came and complained to

    me about the language he was using but I told her well, there was

    nothing I could do about it myself but ignor it.

    S6K-In your Notarized statement (date Nov. 10 2003), you state that you are an active operative in

    accordance with the contract the U.S. government has with you, is this still the case are you active? if so

    for who? Also why would you need a code name hence "Grillfire" what type of work did you do for the


    McNiven-Lt.Teague my Training Officer told me of the contractthat the US Government gave me (notice I said; gave me, I wasnot allowed

    to refuse) that I would provide Military Intelligence Services to the US

    Government until the day I died or the US Government didnot exist any

    more and that I would be assigned to the DoD. This contract began when I

    was still under my US Army contract and began the day I left Active US

    Army Service in September 1976 and when my US Army Enlistment was up I

    just rolled over into the DoD exclusively.

    My main objectives were to find information about Nuclear, Biological

    and Chemical Weapons or Components being brought into the US, locating

    and retreiving US Prisoners of War or MIA's from the Korean and Viet Nam

    Wars and locating any downed US Aircraft that went down in the CascadeMountains in Washington state durring WWII and any other information of


    I got this assignment from working with the CIA-DIA in Germany, they

    would put me out in public and watched me for contact by East Germans

    who were actively recruiting American Soldiers for Espionage since I

    have Blond Hair and Blue Eyes because I am part German.

    S6K-The U.S. government has used Covert Operations for years abroad and at home to achieve policies

    and agendas, Terrorism has been used abroad directly and encouraged to be done by Intelligence assets.

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    In your opinion the attacks of Sept. 11, the total failure of the Air Defense system, the subsequent cover up

    of vital evidence by our own Government, what does this indicate about our current administration and our

    political system as a whole?

    McNiven- One day Lt.Teague gave me my Lesson in the US Government's Policy on

    Torture of Prisoners: he told me that all Prisoners were to be Tortured,

    the Enlistedmen with one kind of Torture and the Sargents and Officers

    who had the Information with another kind of Torture. The Torture thatEnlistedmen would be subjected to was Physical Torture who's intent was

    to Physically Disable the Prisoner so that he couldnot pick up arms

    against the US again if he was ever released. This type of Torture is

    used on Enlistedmen since they donot have any useful information because

    they are the lowest level of Military Personnel. This is the tactic that

    is being used in Afghanistan and Iraq and everywhere else the US

    Military is.

    A type of Torture that is used on Sargents and Officers who have

    useful information is Drug Induced Hypnosis Interogation since it leaves

    no Physical Scars or Bruising and you can order the subject to not

    remember that they were interogated. The US Government has been usingthis technique for Decades and is one of the things that the US

    Government Developed under the Feres Doctrine which you can get info on

    from Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy, Inc at:

    and from Mr.Jeff Trueman ([email protected]) and who is going to

    submit information about the Feres Doctrine to the Organization of

    American States this spring for International Investigation and who

    filed a Lawsuit to have the Feres Doctrine Repealed.

    Lt.Teague also explained that the US Government was going to Control

    as much of Earth's Human Population through Torture and Murder as It can

    because that is the way that Life is. Meaning that what they tell the

    American People is all Lies and they have no intention of ever having a

    Friendly or Neighborly Relationship with any Country, they are all to be

    used for the purpose of establishing the US as the World's dominate


    S6K-You stated in your Notarized statement, that the CIA was present at the exercise what gave you that


    McNiven-The CIA had an Office on our post, Strassberg Kasern and they were

    involved in everything on post, they even conducted their LSD

    Medical/Torture Experiments on members of 2/81st FA, US Army while I was

    stationed there.

    S6K-You state that the American people are being deceived, and that the U.S. is intent on establishingitself as the World's dominant government, would this include operations against the United States

    population itself, propaganda, psy-ops , and/or covert ops aimed at deceiving the population for this

    agenda of world dominance?

    McNiven-After I got out of the Army (active duty) and started a

    Business Degree at Everett Community College in 1977 the Business

    Professor explained what was taking place through the Business Sector.

    He stated that following WWII US Leaders at the time decided that if

    there had to be a Dominate Country in the World it was going to be the

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    US Government; and went on to explain over the rest of the Quarter

    things that are part of this Program of Dominance.

    He explained that the US Leaders decided that it was best to return

    to a Slave - Slave Owner Society and began tactics to carry this out.

    One of which has been documented in the Press over the Decades: "Union

    Busting" It was decided that Unions have to go because they promote

    "Equality between People" that is not only do Unions want to get fortheir members the best wages and benefits possible but the Freedoms and

    Rights of the Constitution and the International Human Rights that are

    recognized by International Law. The reason for getting rid of the

    Unions is that they provide Legal Representation to those the US Leaders

    want to Enslave and encourage the opressed to struggle for Legal

    Representation for themselves.

    Health Maintainence Organizations: HMO's were developed as a means of

    thinning out the Middle Class Population* of America; He described HMO's

    as being Legislated Genocide in which the Americans who are made to have

    these Medical Coverage Policies would pay for their Medical Treatment in

    advance under the belief that they would receive it when they needed it,but when they did they would be denied the Medical Treatment that would

    save their Lives and just be left to Die.

    Middle Class Population* - These are the People who did the work that

    built America and have a Vested Interst in America, It's Government,

    It's Laws, It's Enviornment and It's Future. These are the People who

    are the biggest Enemy of the New World Order (the People* who stood up

    to Hitler and the Nazis and then Stalin and the Communists) and this is

    why they have to be taken out of Life Itself by the US Government and

    It's Corporation Owners.

    Illegal Workers: They decided that to under cut the ability of

    Americans to do for themseves that they would give away the means for

    them to do that; Their Jobs. And they would do this in a number of ways;

    bringing in to the Country Illegal Workers who would work for less than

    Minimum Wage without Benefits and Knew nothing about Chemical Pollution

    and It's adverse Health Effects and sending them over seas.

    When I was in New Mexico I met a couple of Hispanic Americans who

    were upset at what was being done to Hispanic Americans in New Mexico.

    They were being denied work by Business' and sometimes being offerred

    work at the same rate of pay and working conditions as Illegals and told

    "If your Cousins can work for this; Why cann't you"? These guys had a

    relative who was a New Mexico State Representative and knew that NewMexico State Business' were activly recruiting Illegals like the one

    that got Busted by Immigration and found to have 100 Illegals working

    there; the only people who were not Illegals were the management


    Denial of Education: Harry Trueman and the US Leaders decided that to

    establish this US Government Empire that they would have to destroy the

    Education of Middle Class America and came up with the Five Year Post

    WWII Generation World Leader Group that was explained to me by my

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    Primary School teachers. What was decided was that the Children who were

    born in the first five years following WWII would receive the best

    education possible and then the Children from the following years would

    get less Education thus creating a Ruling Class who would always be able

    to say to those who they knew didnot get any Education that they were

    Ordained to be the Leaders because they have the Education; (not the

    Intelligence or Moral Fortitude to be a Leader).These are a few of the things we were taught that we would have to do

    to be part of American Business Management and It's New World Order.

    The Feres Doctrine: The Feres Doctrine is a concocted Court Decision

    that Exempts the US Government and It's Agents from Criminal or Civil

    Legal Responcibility for any Injuries, Damages or Death that are caused

    by the US Government and It's Agent's Acts or Actions against US

    Military Personnel; this is the Legal Means that the CIA used to

    conducte It's LSD Medcial/Torture Experiments on US Military Personnel

    that they admitted to in the 1990's. The Feres Doctrine was used by the

    US Congress to develope the Torture Techniques and Tactics that are

    being used on the People of Afghanistan, Iraq and any other Countrywhere the US Government is.

    You can contact Mr.Jeff Trueman from VERPA - Veterans Equal Rights

    Protection Advocacy, Inc at his email: [email protected] He filed a

    Lawsuit against the US Government on the behalf of the US Military

    Personnel who have sufferred Injuries and Death under the Feres Doctrine

    and you can get other information from their website (I

    still need to get my Affidavit to him about the Torture I Know about).

    Luis, can you think of a reason that the US Congress needs to have a

    Legal Decision Exempting Them and Their Agents from Criminal Prosecution

    for the Crimes that They have Committed against American Citizens in the

    US Military when they are the same Crimes that the US Congress helped

    Prosecute Nazis for following WWII?

    So, I guess my answer to this question is: Yes; the US Government for

    over 50 Years have been subjecting US Military Personnel to Acts that

    constitute Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes.

    Another example of the US Congress' attitude towards the American

    People is the day Sgt.Riggs came to me and told me about the class that

    I would be taking part in. He said that he would be teaching us Combat

    Techniques to be used on People from other Countries and the American

    People. This shocked me at first but he reitterated that he had been

    orderred to tell the Enlistedmen that the techniques were to be used onthe American People also. I didnot get to take the class, I got called

    back to the Motor Pool Supply Office for some emergency paper work but

    was told later that the responce from the Order to tell the Enlistedmen

    (this took place at other Units also) that the Combat Techniques were to

    be also used on American Citizens was so adverse that they dropped it.

    But the US Congress was Training US Military Personnel that the American

    People were the Enemy of the US Government and that we needed to be

    controlled and Killed if nesecccary. Do you remember any American

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    Citizen Uprising in the mid 1970's that needed to be controlled by the

    US Military(?) I don't.

    S6K-Do you find relevance to the fact that the Secretary of Defense in 1976 was Donald Rumsfeld, and

    that the CIA director in 1976 was George H.W. Bush, the year your study was sponsored by the Pentagon

    and the CIA, and the Fact that a Bush is in the White House and the same Donald Rumsfeld is Secretary of

    Defense, in the year when the scenario proposed became a reality (Sept. 11th)?

    McNiven-Following my Black Op Radio interview in which I told of thereaccurance of Rumsfeld and Bush Sr. in Governmental Influence Positions

    25 Years later after the Study took place; someone told me in an email

    that Channey was involved in the Nixon/Ford Administration too. When I

    went to look this up I came across an article that also stated that

    Guliani was involved with the Administartion also. Which then means that

    there were more people who were involved in creating and conducting the

    Study then Rumsfeld and Bush Sr. who I knew just becaiuse they were

    people who were part of our Chain of Command that we were suppose to

    know, to enclude Dick Channey and Rudi Guliani. Can you think of a time

    in American History when a Presidential Administration reassembles 25

    Years later after conducting a Study to create Counter Measures to anAttack on America and have that Attack happen the way the Study was

    set-up by the People from that Presidential Administration? I cann't

    remember any other Time; can you?

    S6K-In your opinion could the Sept. 11th attacks have been carried out, assisted, or allowed to happen by

    the United States Government or elements of the U.S. government as a pretext for this agenda of world


    McNiven-Yes; Lt.Teague told us durring the Study when we were discussing the

    possiblity of our US Air Defense allowing any Aircraft to fly off

    course; that even though there were standing Orders to Intercept any

    suspect Aircraft without any Orders from the White House or the Pentagon

    that this could be over come by staging a Training Mission for that day;

    just like what happened.

    S6K-You stated that Lt. Teague mentioned that the standard operating procedure for intercepting aircrafts

    could be overcome by staging a training mission for that day; then you state just like what happened are

    you referring to the war games of Sept. 11th; Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Northern Vigilance, and so

    forth? I find it amazing that for the official story to be true the hijackers would have had to have picked the

    perfect day, the day of the War games, what do you think?

    McNiven- Yes; the Training Missions that have been said were to take place

    that day.

    I think that the US Government Knew the date of the Attack ahead of

    time, just like at Pearl Harbor.One day durring my Intelligence Training Lt.Teague and I were stood

    next to one another and told the reason that the Russians would be

    comming after us with such verousity was; because they knew that North

    Viet Nam didnot attack the US Naval Ship that the Kennedy/Johnson

    Administration said they did and that Kennedy had started the Viet Nam

    War just for Money (as an Economic Stimulous for Re-Election). Lt.Teague

    had a trauma over this since he is a East Coast Democrat that grew-up

    with Kennedy being his Hero. Then they explained how Franklin Roosevelt

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    not only knew about Pearl Harbor but had intaganized the Japanese to

    Attack the US. Lt.Teague really became upset with this information and

    began thrashing around in disbelief.

    But they told us this information for our own protection; i.e. we

    needed to know that the Russians saw the US as the New Nazi Government

    setting up and starting Wars for Money instead of what the US Government

    was telling the American People; that we had an economic clash betweenCapitolism and Communisim.

    Growing-up in the 1950's I never met any Adult who didnot think that

    Roosevelt Knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and to date have stillnot

    met anyone who doesnot think that Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor in


    S6K-You mention the term "New World Order", what do you mean by that?

    McNiven-New World Order is a common term that is used to

    describe the relationship between Corporations and Governments that are

    establishing a World Government that will superceded the current

    Governments of Countries. This is what my Business Professor described

    in Class as how the Corporations were going to establish Their OwnGovernment and one of the methods of achieving this is to sell off

    Public Utilities to Corporations and all of the other Public Services,

    to in effect take away from the People any control of their Countries

    Assets or Government Services creating a Puppet Corporation Government

    similar to what we have now.

    Durring my Army time in Germany we discussed how the Government had

    plans to implant US Citizens with the ID Chips that had been developed

    for Animal Identification at that time.

    S6K- What were your feelings hearing things such as "the people are the enemy of the government", what

    are the common enlisted men's feelings towards such rhetoric?

    McNiven-Myself; I have always thought the US Government was the Enemy of the

    American People just by the way They treat the American People; so it

    came as no surprize to me when They expressed it openly.

    The reaction amongst the Soldiers who had been in Viet Nam was the

    same as when the Kent State University Shooting took place: that "the

    American People arenot the Enemy" and it pissed them off.

    Sgt.Riggs was really upset being a Native American and being told

    that he had to train People to Kill his Relatives again for the US


    S6K-In your notarized statement you mentioned the military remote viewing projects "Stargate" and

    "Grillflame" played a part in the study in 1976, explain a little about these projects and the part they playedin the study.

    McNiven-The info about these programs that I have are the

    articles that were released in 1996 after the Government ackowledged

    that they existed and I rememberred what was said in the Study:

    Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996; Evaluation of the Military's

    Twenty-Year Program on Psychic Spying by Ray Hyman and Discover, April

    1996; Light Elements CIA ESP by Jeffery Kluger. But neither one of these

    specificly states any involvement in the Study.

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    I was never told specificly what this person did; I was only allowed

    to hear what Lt.Teague and Sgt.Arroyo said about him which I put into

    the Affidavit; about his information (premonition?) about the Fall of

    the Berlin Wall.

    Like alot of information I have about this Study it is only that of

    the Level of Enlistedman not the Higher Ranks of Sargent and Officer who

    have the more detailed information because of their position in theChain of Command who are the ones that need to come forward reguardless

    of the Threats that were made against their Families by the certain

    Polictical Party Members inside the DoD.

    S6K-What would you say to the skeptics who question your identity and deny that such exercise ever took


    McNiven-I point out to People that in the first paragraph of my Affidavit

    that I submitted in US Federal Court in a Legal Action against John

    Ashcroft the US Attorney General that neither the Federal Judge, John

    Ashcroft or the Office of US Attorney General had me Arrested or even

    questioned about Committing the Federal Felony of Impersonating a US

    Federal Agent for making that statement, having it Notarized andsubmitted in a US Federal Court.

    What better evidence would a Prosecutor need than a "Signed and

    Notarized Affidavit submitted in a US Federal Court" for the Federal

    Charges of Impersonating a US Federal Agent; that was a Federal Felony

    even before the 9-11-01 Attacks took place and the Implementation of the

    Patriot Act. So; if you are of a Higher US Legal Authority than the US

    Attorney General and the Office of the US Attorney General; then Please

    state what Position you have in the US Government that is of a Higher

    Legal Authority that allows you to make statements about the

    Truthfulness of my information and where is the evidence of your

    statements credibility?: Mine is in the fact that I "wasnot" Arrested

    for stating I am a US DoD Agent (Federal Agent) in a US Federal Court.

    I guess some people donot give the US Federal Court System any Credit

    for knowing what constitutes the Federal Felony of Impersonating a

    Federal Agent, even though they are responcible for Arresting and

    Prosecuting those who do, Impersonate a US Federal Agent.

    S6K-How did you get involve with the PAX TV show "Lie Detector", do you know when your particular

    segment will air?

    McNiven-I saw it on TV; they have not notified me yet about when it will be


    S6K-Have you seen the sites and books concerning the Sept. 11th attacks, what do you think of them?McNiven-I have seen some of the 9-11-01 sites and contacted some

    of them with my information; like Michael Moore who I contacted 4 or 5

    times over the 2 year period prior to his making his 9-11 Movie but he

    refuses to have any personal contact with me, I suspect because he knows

    that he cannot disprove my information, which is the contary to the

    Political Position that he has; that it was Bush and the Republicans who

    were completely responcible for the 9-11-01 Attacks taking place when it

    was Both the Republicans and Democrats that did nothing to Improve US

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    Air Travel Security durring those 25 Years from 1976 to 2001.

    (He supported the Mariani RICO Lawsuit but not the Information It

    contained; How did he do that without being a Political Party


    Others contacted me and said they would review my material but choose

    not to post it on their site, I guess for the same reason. I have found

    that most of the 9-11-01 Truth websites are Democrat Owned and only wantRepublican condemming information on them, there are a few that are open

    to all information but not many and the encouragement that they gave me

    to go on in the possibility that one day it would break into the media,

    was helpful. One person I have had contact with told me that he thought

    that it would take 5 years to get into the media and he was just about


    I used some information from the websites to contact other people, so

    some of the information was good and not Political motivated.

    S6K-Cynthia Mckinney was recently questioning Rumsfeld on the Wargames, I know you tried contacting

    her office, what would you want to get across to her?

    McNiven-My Military Mission is to get the Study information to the AmericanPeople and following McKinney's appeal for US Government Prior Knowledge

    on National TV in the Spring of 2002 I thought she was interested in

    doing that; but I was wrong. There is nothing more I have for McKinney;

    she was contacted with the information per my Orders and thats all there

    is to that.

    S6K-Tim, what message would you want to get across to the American people concerning Sept. 11th and

    the current war in Iraq/War on Terrorism?

    McNiven-I would like the American People to use my information to help

    locate the other participants of C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army 1975-76 so

    that they can tell the American People their information which is the

    Bulk of the information about the Study. I can only introduce them to

    the Studies information as an Enlistedman participant, but the more

    detailed information is with the Sargents and Officers (Sgt.Riggs,

    Lt.Teague; Especially Lt.Teague {being from Long Island,NY} since he was

    one of the main Training Officers who conducted the Study) and that

    perhaps if they come forward then others who took part in the Study from

    the other Services will also come forward.

    This isnot a Corporation Media all inclusive Political Package

    Message; it is a story that the American People have to participate in

    to find all of the information which means locating the other Members of

    C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army 1975-76. I have done what I can with therestrictions of my Heart Disease (which I now take 1 or 2 naps a day

    from) and my financial situation. I have been operating on $100 a month

    out of my Disabled Veterans Pension in accordance to my Non-Resindable

    Orders specifications as told to me by Lt.Teague: "that it didnot make

    any difference what Condition (Medical) I was in or what Situation

    (Financial) I was in I was to do everything I possibly could to get this

    Information to the American People and this is what I have been doing

    for the past three and a half years.

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    I also want the American People to know that the information that the

    other people have will shed new light on what they have been told by

    their Elected Officials and more.

    The way that the American People can do this is to start telling the

    Elected Officials Publicly that they willnot tolerate any more

    Totalitarian Threats or Attacks on American Citizens for telling the

    Truth about the US Government, what it Really is, what It is doing andwhat It Plans on doing to the American People in the Future.

    I believe that the American People would have never given the US

    Congress any support for the Program of Genocide that it is carrying out

    upon the People of the Middle East if they knew that the US Congress had

    "25 Years" to do something to Improve US Air Travel Security and didnot

    do it.

    TimMcNiven website

    BlackOp radio interview

    Ellen Mariani RICO suit

    American free Press report

    See also:



    Have you seen the sites and books concerning the Sept. 11th attacks, what do you think of them?


    I have seen some of the 9-11-01 sites and contacted some of them with my information; like Michael Moore who Icontacted 4 or 5 times over the 2 year period prior to his making his 9-11 Movie but he refuses to have anypersonal contact with me, I suspect because he knows that he cannot disprove my information, which is the contaryto the Political Position that he has; that it was Bush and the Republicans who were completely responcible for the9-11-01 Attacks taking place when it was Both the Republicans and Democrats that did nothing to Improve USAir Travel Security durring those 25 Years from 1976 to 2001.

    (He supported the Mariani RICO Lawsuit but not the Information It contained; How did he do that without being aPolitical Party Propagandist?)

    Others contacted me and said they would review my material but choose not to post it on their site, I guess for thesame reason. I have found that most of the 9-11-01 Truth websites are Democrat Owned and only wantRepublican condemming information on them, there are a few that are open to all information but not many and theencouragement that they gave me to go on in the possibility that one day it would break into the media, was helpful.

    One person I have had contact with told me that he thought that it would take 5 years to get into the media and hewas just about right.I used some information from the websites to contact other people, so some of the information was good and notPolitical motivated.

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