Environmental Monitoring Report August, 2013 Samoa: Power Sector Expansion Project Prepared by Electric Power Corporation for the Government of Samoa and the Asian Development Bank This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Samoa: Power Sector Expansion Project · The Samoa Power Sector Expansion Project (PSEP) ... A development impacts checklist is currently use by ESU from site to site for the monitoring

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Environmental Monitoring Report August, 2013

Samoa: Power Sector Expansion Project Prepared by Electric Power Corporation for the Government of Samoa and the Asian Development Bank This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.  

Electric Power Corporation – Samoa

Environmental Monitoring Report


The Samoa Power Sector Expansion Project (PSEP) executed by the Electric Power

Corporation is focused at providing sustainable and reliable electricity services to all electric

consumers at affordable prices. Improving the capacity of the power sector will: (a) meet

growing electricity demands, (b) improve the quality, reliability and cost effectiveness of

electricity supply, reduce line losses on transmission line and improve transmission voltages to

name a few.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), AustAID

and the Government of Samoa are the financial donors of the Projects. Below are Subprojects

under the Electric Power Corporation Power Sector Expansion Project.

1. Apart from improving the generation capacity of electricity to cater for the growing

demand, environmental and social issues such as noise, fumes and vibration confronted

at the power station at Tanugamanono were also contributing factor in the construction

of the Fiaga Diesel Power Station instead of upgrading Tanugamanono power


2. Fuluasou Substation contributes to the upgrading of the generation and transmission

systems as well as centrally housed National Control Center for entire system to

remotely monitor and control generators and other facilities.

3. Undergrounding of 33kv electric cables will avoid power outages during high winds

and cyclones and due to fallen trees and car accidents to name a few, as overhead

transmission lines were prone to such incidents in the past. An overhead 33kV circuit of

same transmission line provides system reliability against earthquakes

4. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) will assist EPC in improving its

operation efficiency, reduce prolonged unplanned outages, provide early detection of

such unplanned outages and provide early restoration responses. Such capability will

prevent overloading and unnecessary impacts which could result in equipment failure.

All in all this centralized database management will reduce system maintenance costs.

The Environment and Social Unit (ESU) monitored and continues to monitor these

developments to ensure Contractor comply with Conditions in the Development Consent, issued

by the Planning and Urban Management Agency (PUMA), of the Ministry of Natural Resources

and Environment (MNRE). Furthermore, contractors are to work according as well to

requirements set out in the Environmental Monitoring and Management Plans.


As mentioned earlier, the Environment and Social Unit within the Project Management Unit

(PMU) of the Electric Power Corporation carry out these monitoring tasks. The team consists of

Mr. Mathew Lemisio – Team Leader/Environment and Legal Advisor, Mr. Asi. Tuuau – Social

Resettlement Officer, Mrs. Moetuasivi Asiono – Public Relation Officer and Mr. Iosefa

Aiolupotea – Environmentalist.

The monitoring team takes photos of areas that require special attention in terms of extreme

environment, safety, and social effect. In such cases apart from minor issues; immediate

notification of the responsible contractor’s supervisor on site is taken, in order for the situation at

hand to be fixed as soon as possible. Continuous monitoring determines whether the contractor

has fully complied with requirements provided, otherwise non compliance would result in much

required extra works. A development impacts checklist is currently use by ESU from site to site

for the monitoring task. (Attached Checklist template – Annex 1).

When work resumed from the 7th of January 2013 to date (August 2013), ESU conducted

random weekly inspections on development and construction sites. Proper planning for when

and how monitoring is carried out is taken with precaution given vehicle fuel and especially the

similarity in sites from day to day has been noticed. However, sensible cases are strictly

monitored to ensure contractor’s compliance with EPC/ADB given requirements.

Works in Progress

Excavation of trench for SCADA fiber optic cable and construction of 33kv underground cables

from Fiaga to Fuluasou and to Tanugamanono and some parts of the town area (Apia).

Figure1: Footpath damaged by the excavation. Figure 2: Concrete footpath reinstated by Ah Liki Construction Co Ltd.

Before After

Before After

Figure 7: Mesh wire fence erected along the excavated area for safety reasons.

Figures 5 & 6: Excavation around the Aoa trees due to Development Consent requirements from office of PUMA and MNRE for the trees protection.

Figure 3: Dusty intersection next to the English

Cricket field (Siusega) during the diggings.

Figure 4: Intersection and the footpath

reinstated after lying of underground cables. Before After

Figure 8: Cones and safety fence installed beside the road during mounting of cables.

Completed Fuluasou Substation and Fiaga Station

Fiaga Fuluasou

Figure 11: Dusty access road to the substation. Figure 12: Sealed compacted road.

Before After

Photos from Fuluasou substation during construction

Figure 9: Commissioned December 2012. Figure 10: Commissioned April 2013.

Figure 14: Open hole properly sealed with

‘Danger’ sign located aside.

Photos from Fiaga station during construction

Figure 13: Silt fence erected to trap sediments

from reaching the river.

Before After

Monitoring Results

Construction of Fiaga Station and Fuluasou Substation:

a. No wastewater discharge on site and to nearby areas;

b. No inappropriate dumping of solid wastes on site neither disposed onto neighboring


c. No effect of the main road from trucks and vehicles entering and departing sites;

d. No sign of spills, oil leakage on site or onto neighboring properties;

e. Low level of noise from tractors filling trucks with unused soil removed from sites, all in

all, no excessive noise emitted from sites;

f. No soil eroded onto the Fuluasou river(near Fuluasou substation) and neighboring


g. Hazardous areas were properly indicated by warning signs;

h. Solid wastes such as timber, plastics, etc were properly contained on site;

Figure 15: Mixture of wastes mounting at the northern side of the property.

Figure 16: Wastes removed from the site.

Figures 17: Warning signs such as ‘Keep Out’, ‘Caution’, ‘No Smoking’ ‘No Entry’, ‘Site Safety’, etc. were installed on site by Contractor.

Figure 18: Open trench on site well sealed with caution tape and steel posts with caps.

Figure 19: Solid wastes - well contained on site.

i. Construction activities were in line with National standards and as approved by relevant

officials such as the Ministry of Works Transport and Infrastructure (MWTI) and Ministry

of Natural resources and Environment (MNRE).

33kv underground cables and SCADA:

a. Footpath besides the Faleata Cricket field was damaged but it was soon repaired after

laying of cables;

b. Some areas were significantly affected by dust due to excavation, however, it was

quickly reinstated by contractor;

c. Underground cables laid beside an Aoa tree along the Fiaga road as MNRE ordered

EPC not to cut down the tree;

d. Safety barriers were installed along trenches;

e. No complaints raised by affected land owners from the construction of underground and

overhead transmission lines from Fiaga to Fuluasou;

f. Safety of workers, pedestrians, road users and neighbouring properties were highly

prioritized by supervisors and engineers monitoring work sites;

g. No environmental, social, health and safety issues on neighboring properties and no

complaints submitted.


Contractors must ensure to:

a. Continue sealing of all open trenches because it poses high risks of injury to

Pedestrians and road users;

b. Protect workers, public, road users and nearby residents from health hazards such

as lungs, chest infections, nostril discomfort, flu, etc., from excessive dust emitted

from excavation site;

c. Disposed all wastes produce on site to relevant designated areas;

d. Uphold safety procedures every time, such as providing safety barriers for open

trenches and hazard areas, assure stabilization at all times and availability of safety

gears for workers and visitors.

ESU to:

a. Settle all land issues before PMU’s developments, to avoid disputes and delaying of


b. Ensure all paper works with affected families are transparent;

c. Consult and compensate families with trees near overhead transmission lines to

remove their belongings from affecting power lines in the future.

Summary and Conclusion

ESU concludes that after construction of the Fuluasou substation and Fiaga station, and the

ongoing excavation and placing of SCADA and underground cables, there were No health,

social, safety and environmental effects raised by neighbors and surrounding users. We also

confirm that neighboring properties were free of any disturbances, excessive traffic generation,

illegal disposal solid wastes, pollution, extreme noise, unnecessary odor, poor lighting,

excessive dust, wastewater discharges to name a few.

Conditions legalized by MNRE and National Laws were met by contractors and supervisory


Regardless of the aforementioned being achieved and maintained as of monitoring time, ESU

still concludes, that team work and continuation of recommended suggestion and propositions

raised and indicated, is a must to uphold for all Power Sector Expansion Projects.

The continuous overseeing of the carrying out of appropriate measures that are in accordance

with the Safety, Environmental, Social and Health procedures is of the utmost priority to the

Environment and Social Unit.