University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-29-1900 Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-29-1900 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-29-1900." (1900). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/7715

Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-29-1900

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-29-1900New Mexican Printing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationNew Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-29-1900." (1900). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/7715




Murders and Criminal Cases That Interest-ed Santa Fe People.

(From the New Mexican, Nov. 28, 1849.)MURDERS AND CRIMINAL CASES.

By the United StatesrParis. March S9.-- The foreigu offlce Senator Beveridge Addresses theSen- - An Important Industry That Should

expressed himself as enraptured with theclimate and scenery of Santa Fo andregretted that ho could not remain long-er. He Is at once an accomplished,genial and unassuming gentleman. Besaid he was not out on a political errandand hence he was not talking politics,but more than hinted the convictionthat President McKlnley would be over-whelmingly In the nationalelection next November.

The British Met No Opposition In A Forty-Stam- p Mill, a Custom

Mill and a Large Power

Plant.The oaDtion of this article shows theate In Favor of Free Trade

With Porto Eico.

Be Encouraged In Every CountyIn New Mexico,

Occupying That ImportantStraHio Point. unpleasant and melancholy feelings

which falls to our lot to record. Duringthe latter part of last month an affraytook place In this city between a Mr.Wheeler, latterly of St. Louis, and Cap-tain Alexander Papln, formerly of the


autuuiiuca mane nut tuiiuniugmeut regarding France's attitude to-

wards the American acquisition of theDanish West Indies. "Franco will placeno obstacle whatever in the way of suc-cess of the Daulsh-Auierlca- n negotia-tions. On the contrary, in view of hercordial relations with both the UnitedStates and Denmark, she is willing towaive her rights over Santa Cruz asFrance values her friendship with thesetwo countries far more highly than anyclaims' she may have on the DanishAntilles."

"If You're a Stranger" stop at theBon-To- They feed you well.

TERRITORIAL TOPICS!A Concurrent Resolution Adopted Direct A Very Fine Quality of Wheat Is RaisedThe English Got the Worst of It In Several above place. The particulars of this af

fair run thus: A few days after the ar Items of News From VariouB Southernrival of Captain Papin, Mr. Wheelering the Secretary of War to Keep theFamilies of Wounded Soldiers Ad-

vised of Their Condition.

In Dona Ana County One Large

Flouring Mill Is Bun Dayand Night,

Skirmishes Two Engagements North

of the Modeler River and At"


wrote several notices and posted themup around town, which bore upon their


SOCORRO COUNTY.Immense deposits of eood bulldinerface the representation of false stateGREAT REPUBLIC MINING COMPANY.

stone Ho adjacent to the Rosedale minments as emanating from Papin. One ofS SENATE.London, March 29. The war oflice re Active Mining Operations Will Be Prose ing camp.The New Mexican y has the sat-

isfaction of exclusively printing dethose documents were shown to PapinWashington, March 29. The confer Merchant Maurice Spellman. of Kollv.ceived the following from Lord Roberts,dated Bloemfontein, March 28: "Gener tailed Information touching the number,

which he tore down, and entered thestore of Messrs. Austin & Daulton for mourns the death of his promising ten- -

Dr. Srandretb, of New Tork, la In NewMexico to Make Arrangements for Im-

provements On Taos County Min-

ing Properties.

Dr. William Brandreth, of Brandrethpill fame, a New York capitalist, or

and resident of the town of SJing-Sin- g,

on the beai.t.'.ul Hudson, whoseoffice la at 71 Broadway, New YorkCity, arrived in the capital last nl-h-

He Is Interested In mining properties InTaos county, and left this forenoon forAmlzett to select a site for a forty-stam- p

mill, which Is to be erected In theArroyo Hondo district this spring bythe capitalists with whom he la inter

cuted In Santa Fe Oanon.The Great Republic Mining Company,

recently incorporated by Frank A. Man- -

ence report on the diplomatic consularappropriation bill was agreed to. A year-ol-d son.al Clements occupied Fauresralth toconcurrent resolution, offered by Mr. the purpose of reading it, when Wheel

er followed bun In. Captain Papln reday without opposition. One Conductor Fred Flint has purchasedzanares, Thomas Rose and Robert L. M,

extent and output of the flouring millsof the prosperous county of Dona Ana,New Mexico. The facts were carefullygathered from original sources, and canbe relied upon as being accurate in all

and one Martlnl-Maxl- m were discov Ross, of Las Vegas, and O. B. Steen, of Culberson, directing the secretary ofwar and secretary of the navy to keep

of Attorney J. G. Fitch, of Socorro, afine residence in San Marcial.marked that any person using his name

ered in a prospecting shaft of a mine, Santa Fe, has bonded the patented Mon in that style was a damned rascal, and It Is reported that the force of menwhere large quantities of ammunition cezuma mine at Monument Rock, up "seasonably advised families of wound-ed soldiers and sailors of the condition turned around and asked Wheeler if

employed In the round house at Hanrespects.Santa Fe canon about nine miles, of Marcial will soon be Increased.of the men," waa agreed to. The con There are at present six flouringwere burled.

SEVERAL SKIRMISHES."Arms are being .surrendered grad

that was his signature. Wheeler re-

marked that it was, at which time Cap-

tain Papin raised a yard stick, and hadMatt Breden and others, and Mr. Steenthis morning sent a force of men up t6

The prospect of a large fruit croo Insideration of the Porto Rlcan tariff andthe county Is excellent. Tho recentgovernment bill was then resumed. Mr.

mills in Dona Ana county, with a totalcapacity of about 290 barrels of flourper day. The first is situated at Lama

ually, and the Inhabitants are settling storm did no preceptlble damage.the property to begin active development work. Edward Farlane, who op

scarcely made the blow, when Wheelerdrew a pistol and shot him Just above About four inches of very damp snow

Beverldge of Indiana addressed thesenate in support of the proposition forfree trade between the United States

Parde; is owned by Hopkins & Morerates an assay offlce in this city, anddown. Pllcher visited Ladybrand onMarch 26. On leaving the town he wasattacked by a party of the enemy. Oneof his force was wounded, and, five are

recently fell at Magdalena, which causedrejoicing among the cattle and sheep

gan; Is a burr mill, operated by waterpower; and has a capacity of about

enjoys the distinction of having openedup the famous Tom Boy mine, near Tel- - and Porto Rico.

the right temple. Captain Papln ex-

pired two days afterward, and wasburled with military honors.

Wheeler is now in our prison walls,men.

missing. During a skirmish north of the lurlde, Colo., accompanied the party to The Graphic smelter people have beenMr. Pettus of Alabama moved to

strike out the provision for a 16 per centtariff. The motion was defeated 16 to

Modder river on March 25 five men were the mine to take personal charge of the forbidden to cut any more timber fromenfettered with chains.the public domain and It is expectedthat this will result In the haulln? of

work. R. J. Smith will officiate as fore-man. Ample supplies, including tools,powder, steel and provisions, were ta

At the last term of our court A. J.Sims was convicted of the murder ofJohnson Jackson. He is to be executed Carthage coal to Kelly for the use of the

ested in the Fraser and five othergroups of mining property in the Ar-

royo Hondo district. The Fraser groupof eleven claims last fall passed into thehands of these capitalists, Mr. WilliamFraser retaining an interest In themand the New Yorkers furnishing thecapital which is developing the mines,which promise to become big producers.

Dr. Brandreth said during the wintera fine body of gold ore, 12 feet thick, wasopened on the Cyclone. It averages $10In gold to the ton, and carries some sil-ver. On the Empire a large body ofcopper ore was developed. It carries 8

per cent copper, $4 gold and 5 ounces ofsilver to the ton. Five excellent leadgroups, four miles south of Amlzett,

wounded. Three are reported missing.Capt. Sloane Stanley, of the 16th Lan-cers, and five men were taken prison-ers."

A WINTER CAMPAIGN.London, March 29. April 2 Is set by

smeiter.ken along. on the 20th of the present month.In addition to the Montezuma the


HOUSE.Washington, March 29. The house

discussed the army appropriation bill.TO BE REAR ADMIRAL.

Washington, March 29. The presidentnominated Capt. Charles S. Cotton,United States navy, to be rear admiral.

CHAVES COUNTY.W. P. Gascon Is the new master me

Wo regret to state that Mr. John Ad-

ams was murdered at Pena Blanca ocompany has secured control of thechanic of the Pecos Valley railroad.various critics as the probable date of Royal and Granite Chief claims on the few days since by a party of Mexicans, R. F. Barnett recently paid 81.500 forsame ledge. John L. Zimmerman, with The principal murderer has not as yet

been arrested. forty acres of land lying one mile east ofthree assistants, went up this morningto survey these claims. The annual as JSOSWCII.

Charles Wagner, the murderer of Eb- -JOSEPH F. 10WLE,

forty barrels per day. The second Is atHatch; owner, L. Clapp; part roller andpart burr; steam power; daily capacity,fifty barrels. There are two modern rol-

ler mills at Las Cruces. One is ownedby B. Lucero, Is operated by steam andwater power, and has a capacity of six-

ty barrels of flour per day; and the oth-

er Is owned by Martin Lohman, Is oper-ated by steam power, and has a capac-ity of forty barrels per day. A fifth millIs located at Chamberino, and is ownedby F. L. Oliver. It Is a burr plant, op-

erated by both water and steam, andhas a capacity of forty barrels. Thesixth in the list is located at Anthony.It is owned by Miller & Schumacher, isa modern roller mill, with steam power,and has a capacity of sixty barrels offlour per day.

The wheat raised in Dona Ana coun-

ty is of superior grade, and the flourproduced from it by the roller millsthere Is equal to the best on earth. In

Sam Oldham, an employe of the Blocksessment work thereon will be done at steln, whose case was to be tried at ranch near Roswell, died verv suddenlyA Prominent Socorro Citizen Answers the Taos last week, was postponed until the a few days ago.once. All the properties are on the Pe-

cos forest reserve. containing twenty-eig- ht claims, werenext term of court on account of a very The report that a case of smallpoxThe Montezuma has been quite exten

Summons of Death.

Joseph F. Towle, a well-know- n

of Socorro, died yesterday at thatimportant witness. had appeared in Roswell proved to be

also developed extensively, and machin-ery will be put up this summer to treatthe ore.unfounded.DE YARGAS GRANT SALE.

The yards of the Pecos Valley rail Dr. Brandreth has plans

sively developed by means of tunnels,shafts and crosscuts, Mr. Breeden hav-

ing worked on the claim at Intervalsfor ten or twelve years, but most of theore he found was too low grade to yield

for the future of the district. This sumAn Opportunity to Buy Choice Tracts of road at Roswell are being much en-

larged and improved. mer yet he and his associates Intend toerect a large power plant at Amlzett to

Land In Tbis County.The sale of 8,000 acres of the De Var

city of consumption. He came to Socor-ro about eighteen years ago from Mas-

sachusetts for his health, and has serv-ed in a number of public positions, in-

cluding chief clerk of the house of theNew Mexico legislature, deputy asses-

sor, deputy collector and deputy sheriffunder several administrations. He was

The Presbyterian church society ofprofits after paying costly transporta-tion and smelting charges. Mr. Steen Roswell has purchased 125 feet of landgas grant, south of Santa Fe, affords

the finest opportunity for purchasing n tno west side addition for the locationfurnish electric power to other miningproperties at that place and near-b- y

camps. They will also erect a large cusof a new church edifice.President Hagerman, president of the

in the insurance business at Socorro.

land with an absolute title that has ev-

er been presented here. It will be sold

in parcels to suit purchasers, never

larger than 640 acres; but, of course, the

Pecos Valley railroad, is still in New

addition to the wheat consumed by thelocal or county mills, considerable ship-ments of wheat are each year made toSan Marcial, Socorro, Albuquerque andBelen.

tom mill in addition to the forty-stam- p

mill to be built at once. Dr. Brandrethspeaks well of the mineral resources ofTaos county, and believes that the Cop

reports that the ledge Is well defined be-

tween good walls at a depth of about200 feet, measures from 10 to 15 feetacross, and carries gold values averag-ing $10 per ton. Some very high-grad- e

ore has been found, and many old tim-ers recall having picked up chunks ofquartz showing free gold In the canon

York on business concerning the exten-sion of the road to El Paso.

Mr. Towle was a loyal Republican, andmade a host of friends through his up-

rightness and strength of character.He leaves a wife to mourn his demise.

same purchaser can buy as many parper Hill properties, In which he has nocolfax county:

The sowing of wheat and oats around interest, are a magnificent proposition,Martin Lohman's fine roller mill at

Las Cruces has been In operation forfive years, and during the last three that will be a big producer.Maxwell City has been about completed.

cels as he chooses. It is an absolutesale, without any reserve, by "order of

the district court. There are some fine

springs and splendid grazing land on

the grant; on the south it adjoins the

below the present workings. The ore Is SANTA FE COUNTY LEADS.J. K. Turner, manager of the CopperLindsey Thompson and Hannah Mayyears has been run day and night, nevfree from copper, and yields readily to

cyanide treatment. County Commissioners Beoeive Beport of er stopping except Sundays to clean Young were recently united in marriageat Raton.

Hill Mining Company, arrived fromRinconada last evening to meet Dr.Brandreth, and accompanied him to

celebrated Onderdonk goat ranch, andThe ledge has been crosscut in two boilers. It will thus be perceived thatthe twin Industries of wheat raising and

Standing of County Cadets,The county commissioners of the dif The Raton Woman's Club celebratedon the north extends to this side of theplaces, and the ore runs about the same

at each place. Mr. McFarlane, who has Amlzett this forenoon. Mr. Turner is aArroyo Hondo. An accurate map can beferent counties of the territory have re the sixth anniversary of its organiza-tion last Thursday.

flour making have grown to Importantproportions in Dona Ana county. Thepersonally made the teats, is very much ceived the following report of th,8land- - seen at the pfflce.. thfVveferee. Hon.

Amado Chaves. The sale will be on William Degner, of Raton, has let thehng 6f tne cadets sent from each coun

mining engineer, and is being consultedby Dr. Brandreth In regard to the ex-

tensive Improvements contemplated forthis summer at Amlzett. Mr. Fraser al

contract for the construction of a modApril 7 at 10 o'clock. This gives an oppleased with the proposition, and pre-lic- ts

that it will become a great pro-ducer as soon as it is properly opened

example of the six enterprising and suc-

cessful flour manufacturers mentionedmight well be emulated In nearly all the ern two-stor- y stone and brick residence.portunity to obtain a tract of land of

ty to the New Mexico Military Instituteat Roswell:

The following Is the standing of thiso came down from Taos county to meet

the departure of Roberts' main armyfrom Bloemfontein. There will be overa week's hard marching before Kron-sta-

Is reached, though there seems tobe no certainty that Kronstadt will en-

tirely occupy Roberts' attention. Theadvance will probably be made by par-allel columns along a broad front.Movements of a cavalry force and a

part of the infantry toward Glen havealready begun, but can scarcely be con-

strued as an actual advance, althoughthey undoubtedly point to the immi-nence of such a step. But only a smallpart of General Gatacre's force has yetarrived at Bloemfontein, and until thatmovement Is completed It Is not likelythat Roberts will start for Pretoria. TheTimes correspondent, who, on severaloccasions, seemed to be the chosenmouthpiece pf Lord Roberts, cables: "Itshould be clearly understood that thepresent halt in the vicinity of Bloemfon-tein is absolutely necessary as a mili-

tary precaution. It would be suicidal to

push troops forward until they areequipped to meet the exposure of

clothing and food we musthave." The ' correspondent adds thatthe Boer forces have beenand says that he is fully convinced that150,000 foreign troops have been landedto aid the republics.

DR. LETDS PROTESTS.Brussels, March 29. Dr. Leyds, dip-

lomatic agent of the Transvaal, hasdrawn the attention of the Egyptianand Turkish governments to the factthat the British government, In thehouse of commons, admitted that sixMaxims 'were borrowed from the Egyp-tian army for use in the Transvaal war,and demanded explanations for thisbreach of neutrality, declaring that un-

less the guns were immediately re-

turned the Transvaal will consider thatthe Egyptian government has aban-doned Its neutrality and is lending open-ly Its assistance to Great Britain. Noreply has been vouchsafed to this pro-test, which was dispatched March 13.

. BOUND FOR ST. HELENA.London, March 29. A deputation of

Dutch ministers had an audience withPremier Schrelner at Cape Town to-

day, who asked that sick prisoners benot sent to St. Helena. Schrelner repliedthat he had no power, but would usehis friendly offices. He added that hemade strong representations to the Im-

perial government against sending anyprisoners to St. Helena, but withoutsuccess. It Is reported that the prisontransports will sail for St. Helena atthe end of this week.

The Colfax County Pioneer Associaany size desired at a very low price, and sections of the territory that are nowDr. Brandreth, and accompanied himtion has effected a permanent organiwith perfect title, free of all incum shipping in most of the flour theycadets holding county appointments at

zation by the election of F. M. Darlingbrances.

up and a cyanide plant Is placed on theground. The tunnel will be driven andshafts will be sunk In several places. A

cyanide mill will be erected as soon asneeded. The success of this enterprise

north this forenoon. Mr. Fraser locatedthe Fraser group, and has successfullyas president and C. M. Bayne secretary.

I SIX PRISONERS ESCAPE. poperated the same.

the New Mexico Military Institute forthe second term of session 1899-190- 0,

with their relative rank, conduct, etc.Sixty Is the mark required to 'pass.

DISTRICT COORT NOTES. From Amlzett Dr. Brandreth will goSeventy names were placed on the rollsof pioneers. An elegant banquet wasserved at the Palace hotel In Raton.Chief Justice Mills and Attorney O. A.

will prove of great immediate value toSanta Fe, and will undoubtedly lead to

Silver City the Scene of Another Large to Denver to purchase the machineryFrom September to June a cadet Is al Violators of Sunday Closing Law Indicted' Jail Delivery,Six prisoners broke Jail at Silver City

for the forty-stam- p mill, and from therewill return to his home at Sing Sing.

the discovery. of other mines near bythat will pay under modern treatment

Mining Suits Continued,In the territorial district court this Larazola, of Las Vegas, made brief ad-- 1

on Tuesday night. It is only a Bhort dresses.processes.

lowed to receive 100 demerits; whenthat number Is reached he must be Im-

mediately withdrawn.Av. for

Name and County term Rank Dcm

Elks Elect Officers.Santa Fe lodge of the Elks, No. 460,The directors of the Great Republic

time ago that a number of prisonersmade a successful dash for liberty. GRANT COUNTY.

Grant county cattlemen are sufferingelected the following officers at the reg

morning the grand Jury reported 137 in-

dictments for violations of the liquorand Sunday closing laws of the terri-

tory, but the names are withheld untilthe persons accused are placed under

Mining Company will meet In Las Ve-

gas on Saturday for the purpose of Sheriff J. K. Blair and three of his dep ular meeting 'ast night: James Massle,from the depredations of wolves.uties were at Santa Fe on Tuesday deL. Buell, Santa Fo 96..A. Romero, Mora 80. .sleeting permanent officers. Hon. Frank exalted ruler; W. H. Pope, esteemed

leading knight; G. L. Sollgnac, loyalA. W. Tennant, the well-know- n prolivering seven prisoners to the penitenG. W. Reed, Jr., Chaves. . . .80. arrest. Contrary to expectation, the moter of mining deals, has returned toSilver City from Chicago.

A. Manzanares, who recently made apersonal inspection of the Montezumaand Its extensions, will doubtless beelected president of the company. He

knight; A. B. Reneban, lecturingknight; T. J. Helm, secretary; CharlesHaspelmath, treasurer. A banquet washeld after tho meeting.George Stevenson was convicted of

grand Jury was not discharged thisforenoon, and five or six more indict-ments will probably be returned in themorning.

murder in the third degree In the dishas much confidence in the value of the French Tansy Wafers, the world's fatrict court at Silver City.

A. Ririe, Lincoln 84. .

M. L. Kelly, Sierra 83.L. Wattelet, Socorro. .... 83. ,

L. Delgado, San Mlgnel. . . .80.J. H. Hedges, Otoro 78..T. Crumpacker, Bernalillo. .78.,S. W. Simpson, Taos 77..E. Lujan, Union .75.F. Laverty, Eddy 74.,P. D. Headrick, Grant 73.,J.W.Chaves, Valencia. .. .73. .

In the cases of the New Mexico Mincompany's acquirements at MonumentRock.

. 0

. 0. 4

. 0. 0. 0. 4

. 4


. 0. 8

. 0

. 0

. 0. 0. 0.21.46

mous remedy for Irregular and painfuling Company vs. James M. Lucas et al. The ancient adobe buildings In the

Chinatown" annex to Silver City will

. 6.

. 8.,10..11..12..13..13.,

and Oeorge S. Morrison, actions broughtperiods of ladles; are never falling andsafe. Married ladles' friend. FrenchTansy Wafers are the only reliable fe

be torn down and replaced with a handResigned for a New Position.Washington, March 29. Prof. Henry

to eject the defendants from certainsome new building. male remedy In the world; ImportedS. Prltchett, superintendent of the coast

and geodetic survey, resigned to acceptThe people of Sliver City want the or

mining claims on the Ortiz mine grantand to recover damages, the plaintiffcompany was granted leave to file an dinance prohibiting cattle from running

T. Rouault, Jr., Dona Ana. 72... 15.H. Otero, San Juan 69. ..15.C. Clancy, Guadalupe 06. ..17.R. C. Shrooder Colfax.... 57. . .18.

from Paris; take nothing else, but Insiston genuine; In red wrappers with crowntrade-mar- k. La France Drug Company,importers, 108 Turk St., San Francisco.

the presidency of the Massachusetts In-

stitute of Technology af Boston. amended complaint, and the defendants at large within the corporate limits rig-idly enforced.

In the first game of the season thewere granted leave to file an amendedanswer. This action will probably car-

ry the cases over until the next term,

No Outside Interference.London, March 29. The Evening

For sale by Fischer & Co., sole agentsfor Santa Fe.

News publishes a dispatch from Kobe,Deming base-ba- ll team defeated the Sil-

ver City team by a Bcore of 16 to 3 onthe grounds of the latter club.

The Gallsteo Gold Mining CompanyJapan, announcing that Russia de

Many new and elegant designs for inDr. J. M. Johnson will institute suitthis afternoon filed suits for ejectmentand damages against Oeorge S. Morri-son and James M. Lucas. These actions

manded leave to land troops near o,

Corea. The dispatch says that vitations to commencement exercises atthe New Mexican office. Ask to see

Japan wants no outside interference.against J. W. Bible, of Hanover, for$10,000 for alleged aspersion of charac-ter in a newspaper publication. samples.

Death of C. X. Holltday.Topeka, March 29. C." K. Holllday,

one of the directors and founders of theSanta Fe railway died today, aged 76.

are similar in their nature to those ofthe New Mexico Mining Company

The first regular quarterly meeting ofagainst the same defendants.Steamer Goes Sown.

Santo Domingo, March 29. The the recently organized Southwest NewNotice of Bids for Bonds,

The commissioners of Sierra county.New Mexico, will receive bids up to and"

including the id day of April, 1900, at 10

Mexico Cattle Protective Association

tiary to serve sentences. The prisonerswho scaped are named Brooks, Stevens,O'Neill, Bisbee and two men with Span-ish names. O'Neill was a United Statesprisoner, held for smuggling cattle fromMexico; Stevens was under sentence toserve five years in the penitentiary formurder; Brooks was under indictmentfor horse stealing, and was also held asa witness In the Bowman & Son bank

robbery at Las Cruces. Bisbee and theother two prisoners were In Jail for mi-

nor offenses. It is not known how the

prisoners effected their escape.

APRirraml.Data Compiled From the Becordsof the

Weather Bureau,The following data for April covorlng

a period of twenty-seve- years have been

compiled from the weather bureau rec-

ords at Santa Fe:Mean or normal temperature 47 de-

grees; the warmest April was that of1881 with an average of 42 degrees: thecoldest month was that of 1874 with anaverage of 42 degrees; the highest tem-

perature was 84 degrees on April 28 andalso on April 29. 1879; the lowest tem-

perature was 11 degrees, on April 8,

1875; average date on which the lastkilling frost occurred In spring is April21. The average precipitation for Aprilis .75 Inches; average number of dayswith .01 Inch or more Is 6; the greatestmonthly precipitation was 2.08 Inches1890; the least monthly precipitation was.01 Inch in 1893 and also In 1895; thegreatest amount of precipitation record-ed in any 24 consecutive hours was 1.27Inches on April 24, 1890. The greatestamount of snowfall recorded In any 24

consecutive hours was 3 Inches on April12, 1887, and on April 25, 1890. Averagenumber of clear days 12; partly cloudydavs 14; cloudy days 4. The prevailingwinds have been from the southwestand the highest velocity of the windwas 44 miles per hour from the south-west on April 25, 1893.

' Temporarily Insane.Daniel Smith, of Cambridge, Mo.,

will be held at Silver City on April 10.

J. E. Salazer, Rio Arriba, withdrawnOctober, 1899. .

A similar list will be furnished youat end of each term, and It Is hoped thatyou will note the progress and conductof your appointee. By order of

COL. J. G. MEADORS,Superintendent.

From the foregoing It is apparent thatneither parents nor commissioners canfall to be accurately informed of theprogress and conduct of their sons atthe New Mexico Military Institute.Each parent is sent three reports an-

nually which show the standing of thecadet In each study for each term, aswell as his general average, rank andconduct.

The term Just ended has proved themost thorough, both as to work and dis-

cipline, since the foundation of the In-

stitute. There Is reason to hope that thework for the ensuing term will be equal-ly strong.

The administrator's publtc sale of the

French steamer Georges Croise, boundto Cuba with cattle and eighty passen-gers, Is sunk outside of thiB port. TheSteamer New Tork, Just arrived here,rendered her assistance. It is notknown how many lives were saved.

o'clock a. m., for the sum of sixty thou-sand dollars ((60,000) of refunding bondsof said county of Sierra, which saidbonds will be issued by the commission-ers of said Sierra county for tho pur-pose of refunding $10,000 current ex-

pense bonds of said county, issued in

The case of the Territory vs. TomasDomlnguez, Indicted for murder, wascontinued until next term on motion ofthe district attorney on account of theabsence of an Important witness.

The jury lists from San Juan countyhave been received by the clerk of thedistrict court, and he has already Issuedthe usual venires. The term of the dis-

trict court for San Juan county willopen on April 16.

The case of Oscar Folts vs. George W.

Hlckox, wherein damages are claimed,is on trial before a jury this afternoon.

The Dels goa Bay Award.Berne, Switzerland, March 29. Ac-

cording to the Delagoa Bay railwayaward, Portugal la condemned to pay111,314,000 francs.

Sawyer Dead.Oshkosh, Wis., March 28.

'Sawyer .Is dead. .

He had long been In 111 health. Hisillness became serious Tuesday after-noon. His attack first affected thestomach, extending to other organs. Hewas 84 years old.


office furniture, law library, householdfurniture, stocks and bonds of the lateT. F. Conway realized the sum oftl.S54.35.

Walter Roberts, alias Jim Walton, analleged Texas fugitive from Justice, wasarrested In Silver City the other day,but pending the Issuance of a warrantwhereby he could be held the accusedmade good his escape.

The action of Deputy Sheriff Abel Du- -

1889; $50,000 funding bonds Issued in' MONEY AND METAL.New York, March 29. Money on call 1889; the bonds to be Issued will bear

Interest at the rate of 4 per cent persteady at 4 per cent. Prime mer-cantile paper, 4 SH- - Silver, 59ft. annum, and be redeemable after twenLead, 94.45.

UK A1IS.Chicago. Wheat, March, 66; May, DISTINGUISHED VISITORS.

;ran, of Grant county, In becoming oneof the bondsmen of T. W. Gibson, underarrest for drawing and cashing a worth

Bio Grande Presbytery.The annual meeting of the presbytery

of the Rio Grande was held at Las Cru- -

66. Corn, March, 37 May, 3838K- - Oats, March, 23; May, 24. Judge Jenkins and Hon. Henry 0. Payne

less check, is adversely criticised.STOCK.Kansas City. Cattls, receipts, 7,000: ces on Tuesday. Dr. E. C. Lukens, of

Laguna, was elected commissioner to

Taylor is Firm.Louisville, Ky., March 29 Governor

Taylor 'passed through here today on

his way to Butler couoty to attend thefuneral of his sister. He said he would

.not give up any of his rights under. agreement of the attorneys until the

easels finally settled by the supremecourt of the United Stages: '"

strong tn 10c higher; natlvesteers,J3.75(3

Visited Santa Fe Today.

Judge James G. Jenkins, of Milwau-kee, Wis., one of the United States cir-

cuit judges for the seventh judicial disthe general assembly, which meets inSt. Louis on May 18. The reports show-ed that two flourishing churches havebeen organized and three church build

The recent conference at Silver Citybetween Division Superintendent J. E.

Hurley and Aldace F. Walker, chair-man of the advisory committee of theSanta Fe Railroad Company,,, relativeto the construction of a new uptown de-

pot at the city named, resulted In noth

85.25; Texas steers, 93.50 (4.80; Texascows, (2.90 93.65; native cows andheifers, 82.95 84.50; stockers and feed-

ers, 83. 50 $5.50; bulls, 83.25 94.30.Sheep, 3,000; steady; lambs, 84.6586.90; muttons, 83.00 $5.60. ings erected during the past year. It

ty years form date of issue, and abso-

lutely due and payable thirty yearsthereafter.

The right to reject any and all bidsIs hereby reserved, and bidders will berequired to deposit with the treasurerof Sierra county a certified check forthe sum of five hundred dollars as aguarantee that the bondr'wlll be takenand the money paid if their bid is ac-

cepted, and to be forfeited to said coun-

ty In case they fall to carry out theiragreement i

JAMES DALGLISH,Chairman Board of County Commis-


Death at 81 Vincent Hospital -

William McCaltster, who was broughtto St. Vincent hospital from Albuquer- -

que In the last stages of consumptionon January IS, died at that institutionthis morning, and will be buried In Ce-

dar Hill cemetery

trict, accompanied by his wife anddaughter and a party of friends, ar-

rived in Santa Fe last evening from theeast In the special car Minnesota, andleft for California this afternoon. Themembers of the party were very muchInterested In the scenes and incidents

Chicago. Cattle, receipts, 8,500; genMachinists Strike.

Dallas, Tex., March 29. All the ma-chinists and mungers of the cotton ma erally stronger; good to prime steers. ing definite.

EDDY COUNTY.Jumped from train No. 1 on the Santa85.00 85.90; poor to medium, 84.00chinery: manufacturing works,' thelc railroad at El Rito, six mlleB84.85; stockers and feeders, 83.40largest In the. world, struck y. Social life in Carlsbad Is rendered

charming by many delightful private84.hu; cows, va.uo a 84.35; heifers, east of Laguna. Although the train was

they witnessed in this unique old cap!83.20 84.75; canners, 88.10 82.70; running forty-fiv- e miles an hour, Smith tal. Judge Jenkins Is a Jurist of disThey refused to do double workquired by the company. Thetloriat Association of Machinists au

and public entertainments.bulls, 82.50 84.20; calves, $4.50

waa decided to hold the next annualmeeting at Deming.

Albuquerque Notes.Desiderlo Garcia, aged 49 years, a sin-

gle man, died at Albuquerque.The' residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Martin was entered by thieves who ecured about 1100 in cash and linens.

The Democrats have nominated O. N.Marron for mayor. Louis McRae wasnominated for city treasurer and GeorgeW. Stnbbs for city clerk. The follow-ing were nominated for alderman; A. B.

tinguished ability and learning. The85.75; Texas fed steers, $3.90 85.0C; A large shipment of mohair was re-

cently made from Carlsbad to NewYork City by the Matheson Commission

political phrase, "government by In

Junction," grew out of one of his dec!Texas bulls, 83.30 93.60. Sheep, 13,000;actlue; good to choice wethers, 85.85

thorised the strike.

" Coeur d'Alene Investigation. 86.10; fair to choice mixed, 94.75 85.70; sions in a case against railroad strikers. Company.western sheep, 95 60 96.10; yearlings, It is thought that the bright promisesHon. Henry C. Payne, of Milwaukee,member of the Republican national com'

86.00 0 80.50; native lambs, 86.6087.30; western lambs, 86.00 87.30. of a large fruit crop In Eddy county are

no longer tn danger of being nipped byfrosts. Recent warm rains have done

McMlllen, J. 8. Beaven, Samuel Neus- -

was not hurt He roamed over the hillsand mountains the whole night, andwas found by section men the nextnoon, who took him to Laguna. Smith,with his two small children, was boundfor Fresno, Cal. The altitude had af-

fected his mind, and this caused hisstrange action.

MrsT. X. ShisldsBaad.Mrs. J. M. Shields, wife of Dr. J. M.

Shields, died at the Jemes Hot Springson Monday of typhoid-pneumoni- a. Shewas aged 48 years, and besides her hus-

band, leaves five children. "N

'Washington, March 29. In the Couer

d'Alene Investigation y, GovernorSteunenberg was questioned a to therecent petition from the Couer d'Alenedistrict, asking the secretary of war toretain the federal troops there, . Thecommittee went into executive session

mlttee from Wisconsin, member of theexecutive committee of that body, andone of the ablest political managers In

Invttatlona and programs for com tadt and Summers Burkhart. For schooltrustees were nominated: A. J. Lamb,Thomas Isherwood and F. Klrster.

much good.

Many new and elegant designs for In-

vitations to commencement exercises atthe New Mexican office. Ask to seesamples.

Miss Nannie Rascoe, daughter of J. I.mencement exercises at the New Mex-

ican Printing Company' offtoe. Sara-pi- es

upon application. Rascoe, residing" near Francis, waa reinvitation ana programs for commencement exercise at the New Masto determine what to do with the pett

the country, visited Santa Fe today asone of Judge Jenkins party. Mr. PayneIs at the head of the street car system ofMilwaukee and ranks very high In thebusiness circles of that wealthy city. He

cently wedded to "Mack" Fletcher Inthe Florence school house. The happyttpn, and deolded to file It with the sec "Always" remember that the Bon-To- n Open day and"We Never Sleep."

night at the Bon-To- n.

loan Printing Company's office, lampit upon application.retary of war, v is a nm-cias- s piace. couple will reside at Malaga,


Santa Fe New MexicanCoL tT. J. Bryan ii already toaldae

provisions for himself after his Inevita-

ble defeat tn November. He has decid n o FORERUNNER OF SOCIETIES.

ed to move to Texas, where Democratic

PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIESDepartment of the Interior, Office of

Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March20. 1900. Sealed proposals, indorsed"Proposals for beef, flour, etc.," as thecase may be, and directed to the Com-

missioner of Iudian Affairs, 235 Johnsoustreet, Chicago, 111., will be received un


o CONSUMPTION. IwCAJSOITIC.majorities are still so large that If heshould be nominated for some state orlocal office he would be reasonably sureof belr? olected. Few realize what a deep-aeate- obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it as a simple inflammation of

nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. But, however insignificant it may seem at Jirst, ittil l o clock, p. m., of lucsday, April 17,1900, for furnishing for the Indian Ser

Moutesuma Lodge No. 1, A.F, A A. M. Regular com-munication first Monday.

thevice, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee,is serious and in its results. .

The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. The stomach, kidneys infact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs are reached its progressis min!1 atA Aatcimri tTA orA Anallw Atidl itl rnf.Sliflir.tinT..

eaon montn at Masonic tat 7 :30 p. m.

W. 8. Habbopn,W. M. "

F. P. Obiohton,Secretary.

t r, w mm

arBntercxl at Sooond-Clas- s matter at thet anta Be Postutfioe.


Dally, per week, by narrler I .25

Daily, per month, by carrier 1.00

Dally, per mouth, by mall 1.00Dally, three mouths, by mail 2 00

Dally, six mouths, by mall 4.00

Dally, one year, by mall 7.60Weekly, per mouth 2

Weekly, per quarter.,., "Weekly, six mouth) l.JJ)Weekly, per year 2.00

$&The Nsw Mexican it the oldest newuuuer in New Mexico. It ia sent to every

It frequently happens that the senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely lost, the soft bones of

r . the nose eaten into anS destroyed, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays,

MJJJMn washes and salves may Pw tePor1? re,ief - n0 permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment.

Industrial Enterprise.

The foundations for the greatness ofthe Colorado Fuel and Iron Companywere laid when Colorado had no morepopulation or wealth than New Mexiconow has. But the concern grew fastereven than Colorado, and its profits arenow $240,000 a month. There is room In


Santa Fe Chapter No. 1, R. A.M. Regular convocation secondMonday in each month at

Hall at 7 30 p. m.Mabcus ELDOm',


Secretary.New Mexico for an establishment of IllPostofiioe in the Territory and hat a large

snd growing oiroulatlon among the intelll-te-

and progressive people of the southwest.

sugar, rice, tea, and other articles ofsubsistence; also for boots and shoes,groceries, soap, baking powder, crockeryagricultural implements, paints, oils,glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather,shoe findings, saddlery, etc., hardware,school and medical supplies, and a longlist of miscellaneous articles. Sealedproposals, indorsed "Proposal for blank-ets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing,etc.," as the case maybe, and directedto the Commissioner of Indian Af-

fairs, Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street,New York City, will be received until 1

o'clock, p. m., of Tuesday, May 15, 1900,for furnishing for the Indian Service,blankets, woolen and cotton goods, cloth-ing, notions, hats and caps. Bids mustbe made out on government blanks.Schedules giving all necessary informa-tion for bidders will be furnished on ap-plication to the Indian Office, Washing-ton, D. C; Nos. 77 and 79 -- Wooster

and far beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time meet with disap-

pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease

S S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it nch and healthy, stimulates andthat kind which could manufacture Ironand steel for the southwest. Iron ore,coal, and all other raw materials existADVERTISING BATES.

Wanted One cent a word each insertion,f .ruwtl Tn AAnta ner line each iusertlou.

puts new life into the sluggish worn-o- organs, and thus relieves tne system oi an puwououaSanta Fe Commander? No.l,

K. T. Regular oonolave fourthMonday Tn each month at Maonio Hall at 7:30 p.m.

S. G. Cabtwbioht, B. C,

In bountiful quantities, and the demandfor steel rails In the southwest aloneHeading Local Preferred position Twen- -

will be enormous if the 25,000 milts ofF. S. Davis,

Recorder.railroad projected to be built this year mmMrs. Josephine Polhill, of Due West, 8. C, writes : ' I had Catarrh, which became so deep-Mate-d

that I was entirely deaf in one ear, and all inside of my nose, including part of the bone,

sloughed off. When the disease had gone this far the physician gave me up as incurable. 1

determined to try S. S. S. as a last resort, and began to improve at once. It seemed to get at theseat of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more thansevenyearshavehadnosignofthedisea.se."

S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical and purifyingproperties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe.,- for ail blnod trnuhlea Send for our bonk on Blood and Skiu Diseases, and at

e oenteper line eaoa iuseruu.Displayed-T- wo dollars an Inch, single col-

umn, per month in Daily. One dollar ansuch, single column, In either English orSpanish Weekly.

Additional prices and particulars given onreceipt of a copy of matter to be inserted.

will be constructed In the next five

years. Manufacturing enterprises start I. O. O. If.ed now in New Mexico, if judiciouslymanaged, will in years to come expand

THURSDAY, MARCH 29. PAEADISB LODGHInto large and prosperous establish the same time write our physicians Bbout your case. They will cheerfully give you .. AUT4any information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. SWIFT SPECIFIC bU., WILHWIH, w. No.t, I.O.O. meetsments. every Tnunoay even- -

hall. Visiting brothers afwayi weloomj.ceived for the hardy catalpa in otherlocalities when planted and grown unPLANTING OF TREESA Plea lor Statehood. F . C. Wislb Y, Raoordlnf Seoretary .der favorable conditions.

street, New York City,; or 235 Johnsonstreet, Chicago, 111.; the Commissaries ofSubsistence, TJ. 8. A. at Cheyenne,Leavenworth, Omaha, St. Louis, St.Paul, and San Francisco; the postmas-ters at Sioux City, Yankton, ArkansasCity, Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita, andTucson. Bids will be opened at thehour and days aboved stated, and bid-ders are Invited to be present at theopening. The Department reserves theright to determine the point of deliveryand to reject any and all bids, or anypart of any bid. W. A. JONES,

Hon. Sidney Clarke, of Oklahoma 'Tree growing is one of your many CENTENNIAL ENCAMPMENT No. 8, 1. 0. O.n - n i ..lutu-- IV. UMnJ AnilCity, is in Washington, working for

The United States marine hospitalservice has'ssued a warning to stateauthorities to take measures to checkthe spread of smallpox. In Illinois 1,000

cases were reported last month, andKansas reported 437 cases in February.New Mexico has been spared an Inva-

sion of the epidemic thus far, but thatshould not cause the authorities to re

statehood for Oklahoma. What he says fourth Tuesday of each month at Odd Fel-lows' htUl; rlsitlni patriarchs welcome.

undeveloped industries In the Pecos val-

ley. No country that I know of Is morerichly endowed by nature than yours,about the right of Oklahoma to state-

hood applies to New Mexico, only that J. E. Hums, Soribsi. 'An Expert From Washington Gives

Some Pointers On Tree PlantingIn the Pecos Valley.


this territory has waited much longer,and when you have brought the re-

sources of this valley to their perfectdevelopment you will have a countryand had been promised statehood in the

MYRTLE RBBEEAH LODGE, No. 9, 1. 0.O.P.l Rerular meeting; first and th rd Tuesdayof eeh month at Odd Fellows' hall. Vlsltlufbrothers and listers weloome.

Mas. Allib Bbowh, Noble Grand.Miss Sallib TakAbsdkll, Seoretary.

lax their vigilance; smallpox can veryeasily be imported from Colorado and treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. He says that you may be proud of when men-

tioned with any other country in the"Our population, our wealth and ourOklahoma and become epidemic next

industries entitle us to statehood. None world."winter.of the present states had these advantages when admitted into the Union.

Democratic papers are calling attenAZTLAN LODGE No. 8, I. O. O, V., meatevery Friday evening-

- In Odd Fellows ballSan Franolseo street,TTUltlna-brother- s waleomo. L. M, BBOWH, N. G.

John C. Ssabs, Secretary.Our population is about 400,000. Out

New Mexico People Should Pay Mora At-

tention to Tree Planting OatalpasAre Well Adapted to New

Mexico Soil,

tlon to the fact that Eugene V. Debswill poll many votes which four years wealth is unlimited, and our industries

are the best In that section. We havethe best kind of a school system. Wewant Government at

ago went to Bryan. Debs stands formany of the socialistic ideas embodied K. OTP IP--

in the Democratic platforms of fourlong range Is by no means satisfactory.

years ago, and since he poses as champion of union labor he will probably poll

Our general officers are appointed bythe president. We want our system of

government changed so that it will

SANTA FE LODGE No. t, K. of P. Re ularmeeting: every Tuesday evening- - atitSO o olookat Castle hall. Visiting knight given a cor-dial weloome. David M. White.

Chancellor CommandWlMDKLL V. HaLIm


anywhere from 300,000 to 1,000,000 votes,practically all taken from the Demo-

cratic strength. Four years ago the so meet the wants of our people. We deserve this consideration and I think we

Tha Two 'Floenoes."It's influence that counts la poli-

tics," said the voter."Yes," answered the practical poli-

tician; "but not so much as affluence."

Washington Star.

Cold aad Cruel.Giles Don't you think she i rather

statuesque?DeGarry Decidedly. When. I pro-

posed to her last night she gave methe marble heart. Town Topics.

An Idea to Revolve."Pauline, what made you cut young

Noodleton just now?""Oh, his face looked so vacuous; I

thought I'd give him something tothink about." Detroit Free Press.

cial Democrats polled only 36,000 voteswill get it."

in the United States, but with Debs asa leader they will this year poll ten to JL. O. TJ. W.thirty times as many ballots. The Cause Of It.


(Central Time)Train No. S leaves Pecos daily at 8:30

p. m. Arrives at Carlsbad at 7:45 p. m.Train No. 1 leaves Carlsbad at 6:20

a. m. Arrives at Roswell at 9:60 a. m.;Amarlllo 9 p. m., connecting with theA., T. & S. P. and the Colorado andSouthern.

Train No. 2 leaves Amarlllo dally at5:25 p. m. Arrives at Roswell at 3:41 p.m.; Carlsbad at 7:30 p. m.

Train No. 6 leaves Carlsbad at 7 a. m.Arrives at Pecos at 11:05 a. m.

Train No. 3 (mixed), daily exceptSunday, leaves Portales at 7 a. m. Ar-

rives at Amarlllo at 4:10 p. m.Train No. 4 (mixed), dally except

Sunday, leaves Amarlllo at 9 a. m. Ar-

rives at Portales at 5:40 p. m.Stages for Lincoln,' White Oak and

Nogal, N. M., leave Roswell, N.M.,dally except Sunday at 7 a. m.

For low rates, for Information regardIng the resources of this valley, pricesof lands, etc., address

D. H. NICHOLSGeneral Manager,

Koswell, N. V.E. W. MARTINDELL,

Gen. Frfc. and Pass Agent,Amarlllo, Tex., and Boswell, B. M.

GOLDEN LODGE No. 8, A. O. O. W.. uieetaevery seoond and fourth Wednesdays, 8 p. to.

W. 8. Habrooh, Master Workman.Jobs C. Siabs, Keoorder

The territorial press calls attention to

the fact that large sums of money areDenver has refused a franchise to adally sent out of the territory whichrailroad which Intended to build a line

to Boulder to bring the coal fields inthat section nearer to the metropolis of

"The planting here recommended In-

cludes the planting of trees along al-

most the entire extension of the Irriga-tion canals and ditches, and I would In-

clude the shores of the lakes which sup-

ply the irrigation water. Very impor-tant advantages would be derived fromsuch planting, as follows:

1. It would lessen to a large degreethe evaporation from the surface of thewater In lakes and canals.

2. It would keep the water cooler,which would Improve its condition for

irrigation.3. By decreasing the evaporation it

would decrease the saltiness of the wa-

ter that is used in irrigating.4. It would help to hold the banks

of the canals and ditches.0. The leaves gathered by the ditches

would be useful when applied on theland as fertilizers.

6. It would beautify the country andprovide much needed windbreaks.

7. It would provide a quantity of fueland posts when It is desired to thin outthe trees.

"For such planting, honey locust,hackberry, Russian mulberry, whiteelm, cottonwood and soapberry are tobe recommended. Wherever possible,trees should be planted on both sides ofthe ditches.

"Street planting should be continueduntil all the streets of Carlsbad arebordered with trees. Longer lived andmore handsome trees should now be

substituted for the cottonwood. I rec-

ommend the white elm, the thornlesshoney locust and the hackberry as be-

ing well adapted to conditions here, andthe black walnut, soft maple and pecanas being worthy of careful trial.

"The growing of timber suitable foruse as posts will return a profit oftenexceeding the profits from agriculturalcrops, but such a venture should not betried unless the soil and moisture condi-

tions are favorable. For this purpose a

deep, porous loam soil should always bechosen. The following estimate is pre-

sented to show' the probable cost of es-

tablishing a plantation of hardy catal-p- a

on one acre of ground, and the prob-able returns In twelve years from thisacre planted with" trees 4x4 feet apart:Cost of land, per acre $20.00

Clearing of mesqulte . 5.00

Fencing, at $35 per mile.'. 7.00

Breaking and pulverizing land 3.00

Trees, .3,000 at $5 per thousand 15.00

Planting 5.00

Cultivation, four years at $2 a year 8.00

Cutting back and sprouting 2.50

Water rlght,12 years at $1.10 a year 13.20

Irrigating, 12 years at $1 per year. 12.00

Taxes on land 12.00

ought to be spent with home merchantsThis buying of goods in Chicago, St B. IF-- O. ELKS.

Colorado. Denver has arrived at that Louis, Kansas City and Denver, whichstage of size and when can and ought to be bought in the ter.It thinks it can afford to stifle enter

Santa Fe Lodge No. 480, B. P. O. B., holds Itregular sessions on the second and fourthWednesdays of each month. Visiting brothen are invited and welcome.

Chas. F. Easlbt, Exalted Ruler.E. S. Amdbbws Seoretary.

ritory, is all wrong, but New Mexicomerchants themselves are to blame forprise in Its behalf by all sorts of de

mands and restrictions. New Mexico this. They do not advertise as they

HI Ovrn Fault.Houlihan Clancy is forever tackling

a bigger mo a than himself and get-ting licked!

Cahill Yis! Clancy is his own worstinimy! Puck.

Hard to Kill.some consolation to know,"

gasped the dying man with his lastbreath, "that it took three doctors tokill me." N. Y. Journal.

hasn't advanced that far, and any rail-

road builders headed this way are certain to receive the glad hand and fraa

should. One Chicago firm spends $500,

000 a year In advertising. John Wanamaker spends 5 per cert of his gross in PBOFESSIONaIL cakds. .

ehlses cheaper and more liberal than come for advertising. There are very

W. L. Hall, the forestry expert sentfrom Washington by the department of

agriculture to examine the Pecos valleyin relation to tree culture, addressed anaudience at Carlsbad as follows:

"It is the purpose of the United Statesdepartment of agriculture, through itsdivision of forestry, to encourage such asystem of forestry and tree growingthroughout the country as will b ofmaximum benefit to the people. On c,n

hand It attempts to induce such a sys-tem of management of our wooded ari'isof land as will provide the lumber prod-

uct required and yet maintain the for-

ests for future crops. It attempts to dothis by introducing proper lumberingmethods, by preventing forest fires andby regulating the grazing indn'-tr-

where it tfcomes detrimental to (he f i

("st. On 1he other hand, it att-nvt- to

stimu'ato the planting of trs inwhere they are nee-Jbd-

, andwhere they will succeed. This work cen-

ters in the treeless regions of the west.It requires on the part of the govern-ment careful study of the climatic,moisture and soil conditions, as theyaffect the growth of trees, in order todetermine the reliable trees for any par-ticular region. It requires also study ofthe methods of handling trees and man-

aging plantations."In making such a study of this por-

tion of the Pecos valley I have foundthe climate suited to the growing ofsuch trees as will endure a dry, warmatmosphere, but all efforts at tree grow-ing must be based on irrigation. In gen-

eral, three classes of soils are found inthis locality: First, stony or gravellysoils, with subsoil of gravel or conglom-erate; second, heavy, marl soils, with?ravel or gypsum subsoil; third, sandytoils with porous, loamy subsoil. Thegravelly soils are not In cultivation, andare not adapted to tree growth, being

they can be secured anywhere else In few merchants In New Mexico whospend one-ten- th of 1 per cent of their ATrOBHBKB ATthe United States.Income for advertising. Let New Mex

Oklahoma Is advertising itself as the MAX. FROST,Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, New Hexioo,

lco merchants advertise liberally andjudiciously, and money that now goeshealthiest commonwealth In the Unitedto the good advertisers In the largecities from this territory will stay at


Attorney at law, Will prewtloe lpiall terri;torlal oourt. East La Vegas, N, M.

States. The percentage of deaths InOklahoma Is 7.47 per 1,000, while that ofthe District of Columbia Is 28.50 per1.000. The Oklahoma people class thestates according to their healthfulness


home, and additional money will come

flowing in to advertising merchantsfrom surrounding districts. Judiciousadvertising is one of the requisites for

GBO.W. KNABBEL,Offioe In Griffin Block. Colleotloni aidsearching tttlae a ipeeialty.as follows: Oklahoma, Kansas, Nevada,

success In business life in New Mexico,as well as it is in New York or Chicago.

Washington and Wyoming. New Mex-

ico Is omitted evidently because Itcomes ahead of Oklahoma as far as


Lawyer Santa Fe, New kfeslso. OSesCatron Block.FOR THAT HUNGRY FEELING!

Try one of our 25c dinners, It willhealthfulness and small death rate areVMcKlnley County. satisfy it. Hot and cold lunches at all

CHAS. F. EASLBT,(Late Surveyor General.)

Attorney at Lew, Santa Fe, N. M. Land andmining basin a specialty.


concerned. The New England states,New Tork and the District of Columbiaare classed as the unhealthlest sections

IT'S NOT THE COATThat makes the man, it's the whole

suit, It's material, style, cut and generalworkmanship. We will insure you allthese essentials. Now goods arrivingdaily. Tailor made garments, justbought, $11.25.

SALMON & ABOUSLEMAN,The Gents' Furnishers.

According to the Gleaner, Gallup isnot at all pleased with the prospect of

of the United States. becoming a county seat this year. IiR. 0. GORTNER,does not deem McKlnley county sum

clently wealthy, not large enough, to be Attorney as usw, "r 6aZ1st judiolal district, oountle of SantaMany and many Republican conven-tions are being held all over the United a separate county. This is extreme

modesty that probably could not be duStates at this time, and at not a single4nan, Kio Avrrwa ana ,"ZC'iToourt of the territory. Offioe In

Building end Court House, Santa FeNewMexioo.

KEEP AN EYEtoo dry and too poor, The marlB areone thus far was the national admin

istratlon censured, or was any dlssatisOn this space.faction expressed with the record and

policy of President McKlnley. The ReB. A FISKB,

Attorney and Counselor at Law, P. O. Bom

"F," Santa Fe, Mew Mexlso. iTaotloos InSupreme end all Distriot . Court of newMexloo, "

plicated Rnywhere else In the UnitedStates. There isn't any other town or

village In New Mexico that wouldn'tlike to become a county town, or r

district the size and with thewealth of McKlnley county that wouldrefuse to become a county, As a mat-ter of fact, Gallup Is richer and largerthan the county seats of San Juan, Sier


Total $112.70

At end of eight years, remove 680

trees, giving one post each at12c per post $85.00

At end of ten years, remove 680

trees, giving two posts each at12c per post. 170.00

At end of twelve years, remove 680

trees, giving two posts each at12c per post 170.00

publican party never before In Its his-

tory was as united and as loyal to Itsleaders as It la y. It Is not theblind following of hero worship or one- -

hours. Short orders our specialty andat honest prices Open day and night.

Satisfaction wedo guarantee.THE BON-TO- HOTEL,

J. V. Conway, Mgr.

A DAMP PROPOSITIONFor family and medicinal purposes use

tho celebrated LEMP'S keg and bottledbeer, sold by all saloons on drought orbottle. The doctors recommend It.

Phone any saloon for small orders andPhone No. 38. HENRY. KRICK,

Wholesale Dealer,Prompt free delivery.

LOOKING FOR FILIGREE?We extend a cordial and welcome In-

vitation to all to visit and examine thisbeautiful and popular stylo of jewelrymanufactured by the Santa Fe Ey""& Jewelry Manufacturing Co. Pu.tlesanticipating buying filigree jewolryshould call at our store and inspect be-

fore purchasing.N. MONDRAGON, Manager.

K-- O-D A-- K-S.

We liavo some Special Bargains inKODAKS. We want to close out ourpresent stock to make room for a newassortment. One-thir- d off list price.

We also have all kinds of Kodak sup-plies. FISCHER & CO.

A. B.RBNKBAN,Attorney at Law. Praotioo In ell TerritorialCourt. Commissioner Court of Claim..Collections and title werohlng. Rooms 8 and9 Splegelberg Blook.

man power, but the Intelligent recognira, Rio Arriba, Mora, Taos, Uniontion that President McKlnley Is a good


At Deliver prices.Crescent, $25, 935, 850 and 960.

Columbia, 935, 950, $00 and 975.

Routing.E. S. ANDREWS.

president, that the Republican party In

power has governed the country well,and has achieved magnificent results INHtJBAfCCe.

Guadalupe, Valencia, Lincoln or Eddycounties. McKlnley county Is larger thanmost counties In the east, its populationand wealth are as great as were thepopulation and wealth of counties like

Total .$425.00112.70the past four yearB. B.B.LANKARD,

among your most fertile agriculturalbut are not well adapted to trees

on account of their compactness, Thesandy soils will produce better treesthan any other class of soils in this lo-

cality because their porous characteroermits an easy distribution of water,and does not retard the growth of theroots. Even at present the best planta-tion of forest trees, as well as the bestorchards, are found upon the sandytoils. But little planting should be doneupon the gravelly soils. That which islone should be confined to the irrigatingiitches and canals-wher- e the supply ofwater is constant. Upon the marl soilsconsiderable planting should be done.This should tnclude the planting of treesalong canals and Irrigating ditches, theplanting of windbreaks for orchardsand buildings, and planting for orna-mental purposes. On such soils the wa-

ter supply should be abundant. Uponthe sandy soils I recommended all theplanting mentioned for the marl soils,and In addition the planting of trees Inblocks for the production of timbersuitable for posts, poles and fuel.

insuranoa Agra, uuiw wnw w.uvn,Side of Place. Represent the largest oom--

i , I I nffDID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOUSan Juan, Chaves, Otero, Eddy and S-

ierra when they were made countiesThere are at present 200,000 Idle me

chanics In the United States, not be Sew Mexloo, In both life, Are and aooldenlInsurance. -These less populous counties are really

freer of debt, have lower tax levies, areThat Small stores often have large

bargains. We have just opened one ofthese small stores with a complete lineof Clean Fresh Groceries. The price as

cause they are compelled to be, but be-

cause they choose to be Idle. Outside ofthese 200,000 strikers, there are no Idle more prosperous than the more popu VKNTMTB.mechanics or laboring men In the coun wen as quality win please you.

Shady Grove Creamery Butter, 30c.


lous counties, such as Santa Fe, SanMiguel, Mora and others burdened withan enormous Indebtedness. McKlnleycounty starts In nearly debt free, with

Net profit $312.30

Average annual return on investment,$26.35.

"This investment does not Include thevalue of the firewood produced. It al-

lows for the failure of one-four- th of thetrees, and It reckons a value of only12 cents each on the posts produced,whereas, red cedar posts sell at Carls-bad for 20 and 25 cents each. Those whohave tried both recommend catalpa asbeing fully equal to the cedar as a du-

rable timber. This annual return of$26.35 Is about equal to the returns re- -

D. W. UANLBT,Dentist. Offioe. Southwwt Corner of Placeover Fiieher'i Drug Store.

try unless they are ill or lazy. Neverbefore in the history of the nation hasthere been such a demand for skilled

ample resources and an enterprisingmechanics and laboring men as at pres ENGAGED IN A GOOD CAUSEent, and never before were they offered population, and has within Its limits the

making of a prosperous and populousOf putting down drink of standard

brands. Come in and help us along.wages so high as prevail to-d-

With these conditions existing through county. Fancy mixtures a specialty. Try the

FREE SILVERHas no novelties, but I have noveltiesin all kinds of Sterling Silver. SterlingSilver tableware; Sterling Silver toiletsets; Sterling Sliver manicure sets; RogerBros, spoons for souvenir gifts. Every-thing in Silver. Pop her the questionand buy her the ring at

S. SPITZ, The Jeweler.

New Orleans D lz. it will appeal to yourout the United States, would It not befolly to change the policy of the gov A Seniible.Railroad President.eminent by putting a Democratic pres

better taste.Green River whisky.

THE OXFORD CLUB,. J, E. Lacome, Prop.ident In power? President Ripley, of the Santa Pe rail-

road. Is a man who holds sensible viewsabout the relation that employers andemployes bear to each other. He saidDona Ana county has six flouring THE CLAIRE HOTEL, .

In the heart of the city; elegantlyIt Is very unusual for a regular physician of good reputation to publiclyendorse a proprietary remedy. We have often heard of cases where doctorshave secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most gratifying to

mills, which are kept busy turning theexcellent wheat raised in the RioGrande valley into a superior grade of

furnished; brick building; nice large FI PASO Sr NORTHEASTERNrecently: "Whether or not there Is fl

world beyond the one we live In Is a

disputed matter; but we mayv.be per-

fectly sure that the man who walkswith truthfulness, sobriety and morali

office; electric lights; the only hotelheated by steam; first-cla- In everyflour. The largest of the mills has been

ARE YOUR FEET MATES?If they are I can fit them. I am mak-

ing special prices . my entire winterstock of Men's, Boys', Ladles' and Misses'shoes and there are many interestingbargains. Men's and boys' SeamlessCamp Shoes.

A foot of style at bargain price.Repairing. CHAS. HASPELMATH.

running day and night for three years,stopping only on Sundays. This Is an

respect.FRED. D.MICHAEL,

Proprietor.ty; who Is what the world calls straight,and who can look everybody In the eye,example of "what can be done, and will

be done before long, In every county ofthe territory. The business is a paying

will command the respect of his neighbors, and of himself, and will be in-

finitely happier In this world than theone, involves no risks and no great outlay of capital, such as is often demand'ed In mining or manufacturing enter

BARGAINS TO YOU",man who does not; and If there be another world he need not fear It, whatever may be his religions beliefs or nonprises. There Is a constant demand for

Means Cape Nome to me, thirty days,we make the turns. A house fall of

beliefs. The officers of the Santa Feflour In the territory Itself that it willtake ten times as many flouring mills



TIME TABLE NO. 2Mountain Time

Train No. 1 leaves El Paso. . .10:30 a. m. ,

Train No. S arrives KIPaso. . 7:18 p. m. ,

(Daily Except Sunday.)Train No. 1 ar Alamogordo.. 8:45 p. m.Train No. 3 lv. Alamogordo. . . 3:20 p. ra.

,Dally Except Sunday,)Connects at Alamogordo with stage line

js Nogals, Mescalero, Ft. Stanton; And White Oaks.

No one should leave Alamogordowithout making trip on the. .




And Cool Off AtLL 'm ae

receive tne iouowing voluntary tetterfrom C. P. Smith, At. D., the mostsuccessful physician of Olean, N. Y.:

"Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co..New York City: I wish to add myprofessional testimony to the valueof your English preparation knownas Acker's English Remedy for Asth-ma, etc. In several instances, after Ihave tried my utmost to give evenrelief, I have prescribed your remedy,and it has acted almoit like amiracle,not only relieving, but permanentlycuring every one of the patients. I en-dorse the preparation as one of themost valuable additions to the prac-tice of medicine."

Such a frank endorsement as theabove is phenomenal. Coming fromso distinguished a member of themedical profession, it carries with itan assurance which the public will besure to avail themselves of. It is rec-ommendations like this which makeit possible to give the broad guaran.tee that is a part of every sale of Ack-er's English Remedv for Coualis

goods. Cost no object. You know the


Dealer tn Fine Wines, Liquors ;and Cigars.

Imported and Native Wines for family.. use. Oui Specialties: Old Crow,

Guckenhelmer Rye. and Tay-lor and Paxton Whiskies. P. O. 75

Santa Fe, N. M.

as exist to-d- in New Mexico to supply.

railroad company expect, and propose,to deal Justly and fairly with their em-

ployes,, and they believe the latter wantalso to bo Just and fair. We want them

place.J. H. BLAIN,


San Francisco St,General Wheeler believes in the fu to see what Is right as between themture of the Philippines. He knows that selves and the company, to the end that

we may all pull together, and the morethe rebellion of Agulnaldo is crushed,and thinks that now the Filipinos are they read and they study, the better Itentitled to a territorial form of govern' will be for us and for them. We make

no pretense to unselfishness; we aimonly to practice enlightened selfishness;

ment. He deems them capable ofunder the protection of the

United States, but not otherwise. Gen-

eral Wheeler undoubtedly understandsthe situation, and his words of advice


we want better men, and we are willing "ftAsrlAArt"V1VUUVAVAVto spend money to make them better,because they will do their work more The Brecthlna; pot of the outhwert

i On tne European pian, or noara ana noon fi.oo to pershould be given due consideration. Itwill not be flattering to New Mexico to

Intelligently, and more conscientiously,besides being much happier themselves.

be In the same class with the Philip We concern ourselves with no man's re

corns, Astnma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that isclaimed for it, or your money will- - be refunded. Do you know of any othermedicine sold on those terms ? Do you know of any other medicines whichprominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better thanprescriptions they write themselves ? These facts are well worth considering.They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs.

Sold at sjc, jac. and $i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada i and in Bag-lan- d,

st it, id., ss. 3d., 4i. 6d, If you are not satisfied attar bur lag, return tha bottle to yourdruggist, and get your mousy back,

Wtauthorlt the above guaronttt. W. S. EOOKSB st CO., AvprMm, Mti York. -

Fischer's Drug Store.

, dajr. Special rat by the week.TAOXOU UIDU AOOMfl TO OOKMXBOZAL TKAVWLEBMligion or politics; we only ask in him

ror InfofAetiorTof '' Mm fgrinVSJrt rellroadt or iw" country adjacent thsttajlj .

'MN.lWSMffJk,ise e e.jjp' . , .


pines, but then justice must finally bedone the territory, and New Mexico as the qualities that make him valuable to

the company, which are also the quali FRANK B. MILSTED Prop.Whan In gtlvarOUjr

Stop at tha Best Hotel.a state will have a little to say, too,when It comes to governing the Islandsof the Pacific,

ties that will make him a good husband, good father and good citizen."


Now and afain you see two womenpassing down the street who look likesisters. You are astonished to learn that

NOTICE OF SALE.District Court, Santa Fe County Ma

tlas Dominguez and others, vs. Albino Ortega and others. The Maxwell1 UMW Jv)UNotice is hereby given that pursuant

to a decree of this court made on the

Land 'Grant6th day of March, 1900, I, the under-

signed referee, will sell at public auc-

tion at the front door of the countycourt house In the City of Santa Fe, on

Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 10 o'clock a.m., the premises described in the com-

plaint in this action, with the exceptionof the land decreed to the Atchison, To- -

000Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat.Itartlilcially digests the food and aids

Nature in strengthening and reconslructin(? tlie exhausted digestive or-

gans. It in the latestdiscovered digest-au- tand tonic. No other preparation

can approach It In efficiency. It instantly relieves and permanently curesDyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,Sick Headache Gastralgla, Cramps andallothenesultsof lmperfectdlgestlon.Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains Si timeswiuU size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed freePrepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO. Chicago-Ireland'- s


peka & Santa Fe Railway Company, of Situated in New Meiioo and Colorado, onthe Atchison, Topeka tie Santa Fe, andUnion Paciao, Denver 3c G-td-i Roads.


FOR SALE.1,500,000

the patented land within the boundariesof said premises, and of the tract of 160

acres claimed by Jose Maria Samoza.Said land will be sold as far as practic-able In legal subdivisions, in tracts notexceeding 640 acres in area, to suit theconvenience of purchasers. The prem-ises to be sold constitute a portion ofthe Sebastian de Vargas grant. Termscash. The land will be sold free of in-

cumbrances, as the decree provides forthe payment of the lien of the UnitedStates for survey, and of accrued taxes,out of the proceeds of sale.

AM ADO CHAVES, Referee.Santa Fe, N. M., March 7, 1900.

A Unique Calender.New Edition ot the Aztec Calendar,

Farming Lands Under Irrigation System.

la tract ao acre and upward, with parjwtual water rightcheap aad ea easy term etf m aaauai payments with 7

per cent Interact Alfalfa, Oraia anJ Prult of all kind growto pertecttoa.

they are mother and daughter, and yourealize that a woman at forty or forty-fiv- e

ought to be at her finest and fairest.Why isn't it so?

The general health of woman is so in-

timately associated with the local healthof the essentially feminine organs thatthere can be no rich cheek and roundform where there are debilitating drains,and female weakness. Women who havesuffered from these troubles have found

relief and cure in the use of Dr.?rompt Favorite Prescription. It givesvigor and vitality to the organs of wom-anhood. It clears the complexion, bright-ens the eyes and reddens the cheeks.

No alcohol, opium or other narcotic iscontained in " Favorite Prescription."

Any sick woman may consult DoctorPierce by letter, free. Every letter isheld as sacredly confidential, and an-swered in a plain envelope. Address Dr.R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

" I commenced to take Dr. Pierce's FavoritePrescription," writes Mrs. Martha 8. Barham,of NewvUle, Prince Oeorpe Co.. Va.. "Iu June,1897, also his ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and Icannot express the benefit I have received fromthese medicines. I was suffering with what thedoctors called chronic indigestion, torpid liverand vertigo. I also suffered with female weak-ness. The doctor did not do me any good, so Iwrote to you for advice. When I commenced touse the medicines I weighed only 11a pounds,now I weigh 140 pounds."

Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the liver.

January to June, 1900, now on sale atA. T. & S. F. Ry. Ticket Office. Con-tains six separate reproductions In color(8x11 inches) 01 uurDank's Pueblo in

Wireless Telegraphy.The recent wonderful accomplish-

ments in wireless telegraphy bring, tomind forcibly the value of electricity.H ts probable that much work will besaved by means of this subtle fluid.There is no limit to its possibilities. Ap-

plied to material objects, it causes themto move as with life, while without Ittho human body cannot be strong andhealthy. The best means of filling thebody with vitality, Is by the use of Hos-tctter- 's

Stomaeh'Bitters. Lack of lifoin tho stomach causes indigestion, dys-

pepsia, constipation, biliousness andmalaria. Any of these .symptoms meanstho Bitters are needed at once. Justnow, when the seasons are 90 variable,it Is particularly valuable, and a regulardose will keep 'the bowels active andhealthy.

Indiana Philosophy.If there were more tact in the world

there would be much less humor.- When you are worried divert yourself

by wondering what other worry youwould have had If you had had thatkind.'Mo man has sounded life's deeps until

he has had the incubator fever and haslost money at It.

Enthusiasm is human electricity; in-

tense and terrible when misapplied.An artistic temperament Is one that

draws a line on crochetted white andyellow Easter lilies.

The woman who thinks she wouldtreasure her husband's last words some-times doesn't half listen to what he sayswhen he is alive.

- It is a wise man that knows his ownfireside when It Is fixed up for an after-noon tea.

All the pangs we suffer are brought onby talking too much and too little.Indianapolis Journal.

J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa., writes, "Iam willing to take my oath that I wascured of pneumonia entirely by the useof One Minute Cough Cure after doctorsfailed. It also cured my children of

whooping cough." Quickly relieves andcures coughs, c Ids, croup, grippe andthroat and lung troubles. Children alllike It. Mothers endorse It. Ireland'sPharmacy.

Stirring Up The Animal.First Pup Say, Tlge you haven't a

flea about yoU, have you?Second Pup Why, yes.First Pup Let's put him on that

stuckup cur of Madam Millionaire.

, "I am Indebted to One Minute CoughCure for my health and life. It curedrae of lung trouble following grippe."Thousands owe their lives to tho promptaction of this never falling remedy. , Itcures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,pneumon'i, grippe and throat and lungtroublos. Its early use prevents con-

sumption. It is the only harmless rem-d- y

that gives immediate results. Ire-land's Pharmacy.

Optimism.Dr. Gayfoe Well how are you today?Byler My rheumatism has gone to

the other arm, doctor.Splendid! I told you I'd soon rout it

out. Lifo.

dian portraits the season's art sensa-tion. Also engraved cover represantlng

The Sweets uf Abase.Ho seized ahe paper eagerly, and with

trembling fingers unfolded It.Then his eyes sparkled, his breast

heaved, his nostrils dilated.Splendid! Splendid! he cried. Isn't it

beautiful? No one could mistake me!He was looking at a wretched carton

of himself, in which he was crudelydepicted as the infernal one, with hornsand cloven hoofs a bag labeled "Swag"In one baud, and a burglar's jimmy inthe other. "At last," he almost sobbed,at last I know that I am really andtrully famous. Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Railroad Rules.Miss White blister Johnsing. git off

my train. Ain't you got no sense?Mr. Johnson (who was once a brake-man- )

I'se got too much sense to jumpoff er train in motion. Kinder slow upand I'll light.

A Great Boxer."That British commander in South

Africa would make a great boxor.""How's that?""Why, the paper says that he swung

his left forward about two miles andstruck a savage blow." Harvard

ancient Aztec calendar stone. A hand-some and unique souvenir; edition limit-ed; order early. Price 25 cents.

The linotype inachineot theNew Mex-

ican office is capable of handling any

Choice Prairie or Mountain Grazing Lands.

Well watered and with good abetter, Interspersed with finranches suitable for raising grata aad fruits la six of tractto suit purchaser.

LAROER PASTURES FOR LBASB, tor leas term of yean,fenced or unfenced shipping faciltties ever twe railroad.

quantity of composition for legal briefsin a short space of time. Printing uponlines from this machine is like that ofnew type, for every line is specially castwhen used. No blurred or indistinctprinting comes from linotype work.

An Ancient Joke."But why," asked one of Hercules'

neighbors, "are you In such a hurry toTHE PECOS SYSTEM.clean these 01a staoies 01 Augea s on

this particular day?'"Because," moodily answered Her Pecos Valley Northeastern Ry.

Pecos & Northern Texas Ry.Feoos River Railroad.

cules, "Megara has one of her house-cleanin- g

spells on, and I've got to do

something or go crazy." PhiladelphiaPress.

Stowed His Trousers.The quick route to market.

Simeon Easygo, after living sixty

GOLD MINESOn this Orant near Its western boundary are situated the

Oold Mining Districts of Elizabethtown and Baldy, wheremines have been successfully operated for as years, and newrich discoveries were made in 1895 In the vicinity of the new

camps of Hematite and Harry Bluff as rich as any camp laColorado, but with lots of as yet unlocated ground open toprospectors on terms similar to, and as favorable a, thUnited States Government Laws and Regulations,

Stage leaves every morning, except Sundays, from Spring-er for these camps.

TITLE perfect, founded on United States Patent and con-

firmed by decision of the U. S. Supreme Court.

For further particulars and pamphlets apply to

The Maxwell Land Grant Co,

This line offers exceptional facilitiesto stock shippers, in the way of rates,time and shipping conveniences. Oood

years in the wide ireeaom or a larm,"finds his quarters on shipboard some-what cramped, says the Now York Tel-

egraph. He obviates the lack of space, water and shipping pens at all principalpoints,however, by stowing his trousers and

shoes in a cupboard In the side of tho Excellent pasturage at reasonable



WABASHTHEsaving- - of $2.00 on eacb tloket

WAY up service.

TO New York and Boston.

GO ask your Ticket Agont.

EAST meant where the Wabash run

IS there free Chair Cars 7 Tea, sir !

VIA Niagara Falls at tame prloe.

THE shortest and best to St. Louis.

WABASH.P. P. HITCHCOCK,Ocneral Agt., Pass. Dept.,

lcnrcr, Colo.

rates can be obtained at several pointsvessel on going to bed.Seven a. m. Startling disclosures."Mornin' cap'n; las' night I put my

clothes in that air cubby, an' they ain't

on this line.Full particulars psr.mptly furnished

upon application to

E. W. Martikdbll, D. H. Nichols,Actg. O. F. & P. A. General Mgr.Amarlllo, Texas. Carlsbad, N. M.


Rules Adopted By the Board of Public Landsof the Territory.

- The following rules have been adopt-ed by the board of public lands of theterritory of New Mexico to govern ap-

plications to lease lands under the actof congress of June 21, 189S, and chap-ter 74, Session Laws of 1899:

APPLICATION BLANKS.School sections 16 and 36, al

in character and not included withinlnnd grants or reservations, In everysurveyed township, are subject to lease,but not for sale. The rents therefromare to be kept, and used solely for thebenefit of the common schools of theterritory. In case these sections orfractional parts of the same have beenpatented previous to June 21, 189S, oth-er al sections will be selectedIn their stead as soon as the locatingagent of the United States commissionIs able to make these selections.

If a section has been patented asabove stated, the applicant will so indi-cate by crossing out with ink thesquares on the Inclosed diagram, corre-sponding to such section, and returnthe same with his application.

Applications to lease must be madeout on the regular blank forms furnish-ed free by the commissioner of publiclands at Santa Fe. Applications madesimply by letter will not be consideredunless accompanied by the regularform with full, correct and complete an-swers to all questions therein contained.

No one person will be allowed to leasemore than one section. In case of morethan one applicant for the same sectionthe award will be made to the highestand best bidder. The one actually occu-

pying and having improvements there-on will have the preference.

PREFERENCE RIGHTS."A preference right" under section St,

chapter 74, laws of 1899, Is as follows:That when application Is made to leaseIn the first Instance, and more than oneperson bids for the same section; If theperson occupying and having Improve-ments on the section shall bid an equalamount for the lease he shall be award-ed the same; but If another bids morethan the said occupant the lease shallgo to the latter. That Is to say, thatbids being equal In amount, the occu-

pant with Improvements shall have thepreference, but not otherwise. Where"a preference right" is claimed the landcommissioner shall' at once notify theoccupant claiming Improvements of theamount bid by the other applicants, andif within twenty days of the mailing ofsuch notice the occupant claiming Buch

improvements shall bid an equalamount he shall be awarded the lease.Otherwise, the lease shall be awardedto the highest bidder.

Applications will not be consideredunless accompanied by cash payment ofthe first year's rental. (PostofBce mon-

ey order preferred to personal check, aslatter will be collected before credit isgiven.)

RATES.The following are the lowest per an-

num rates established by the board:For grazing lands without water, 2

cents per acre.For grazing lands with water of any

description, 6 cents per acre. .

For agricultural lands, 10 cents peracre.

.The lowest annual rental for a sec-

tion or any fraction thereof Is $12.80.

LEASES.Leases are issued to successful appli-

cants at the regular meeting of theboard, which occurs on the first Mondayof each month. The blank leases arethen sent to the applicant (original andduplicate attached) for the signature ofthe lessee, who will sign on the line atthe bottom of both leases and over theword "witnesses." The applicant willthen return both leases to the commis-sioner of public lands at Santa Fe byreturn mail, In an addressed envelopewhich accompanied the leases.

All leases must be forwarded by thecommissioner of public lands to the sec-

retary of the Interior for his approval,and on their return approved by himthe original lease is filed In his officeand the duplicate Is at once mailed tothe lessee.

NOTES.The four notes must be signed on the

line at the right of the word "lessee."The two additional lines are for the twosureties, who must be freeholders, ormen of known responsibility, as It Is

imperative that approved personal se-

curity be given on all notes, Arevenue stamp must be placed on eachnote by the applicant in the upperright-han- d corner In the space reservedfor that purpose and canceled. If theapplicant so desires he can pay the en-

tire amount of the five years' annualrental in cash In advance and avoidsigning the four notes. The date of theexpiration of all leases Is the first dayof October In the year In which saidlease ts to expire. All deferred paymentnotes for rental of any one year shallbecome due and payable on the firstday of October of that year.

It ts of great Importance that all pa-

pers sent to the applicant should besigned and returned promptly to thecommissioner of public lands at SantaFe, that no delay may result in thefinal approval of the same by the properauthorities at Washington.


EDWARD L. BARTLETT.Solicitor General.

ALPHEUS A. KEEN,Commission of Public Lands,

Board of Public Lands of the Territoryof New Mexico.Santa Fe, February 5, 1900.



PLACED OUT.Duil Headache, Pains In various parts

of the body, Sinking at the pit of thestomach, Loss of appetite, Feverlsh-nes- s,

Pimples or Sores are all positiveevidences of impure blood. No matterhow It became so, It must be purifiedin order to obtain good health. Acker'sBlood Elixir has never failed to cureScrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or anyother blood diseases. It Is oertalnly awonderful remedy, and we sell everybottle on a positive guarantee.

For sale at Fischer's drug store.

thar now.""That ain't no clothespress; that's a

port-hol- e you lunatic.""Oh, it Is, eh?" (After a pause): "Say

cap'n, how soon do we git to the torridzone?"

A NIGHT OF TERROR."Awful anxiety was felt for the widow

of the brave General Burnham, of Ma-chla- s,

Me., when the doctors said shecould not live till morning," writes Mrs.S. H. Lincoln, who attended her thatfearful ntght. "All thought she mustsoon die from Pneumonia, but she beg-

ged for Dr. King's New Discovery, say-

ing It had more than once saved herlife, and had cured her of Consumption.After three small doses she slept easilyall night, and its further use completelycured her." This marvelous medicine Is

guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chestand Lung Diseases. Only 60c and $1.00.

Trial bottles free at Fischer ft Co.'sdrug store.



you can reach thevery heart of Mexico.The Mexican CentralRailway Is standarcgange throughout andoffers all conven-ence- s

c! modern rail-

way travel. For ratesand further Informstlon address

B. J. KUHVCom'l Agt. El Prso.Tci.

Daily throughservice hasCochiti Mining(Effective, Nov. S, 1899.)

been established via the SantaFe Route to Bland, N. M., theDistrictGoineKast

Read Down.Both In It.Visitor Who is that fellow In forty- -

Coming WestRead Up.

No. 17. No.l.Ar. 7:20 p 7:20 pLv. 3:30 p 1:45 pLv. 12:15 D 9:00 a

principal town In the Cochiti Mining District, throughtickets are on sale, and the rates from principal pointsIn Colorado and New Mexico are as follows:

no. 2. no. a.11:50 p 8:00 a Lv.

J.IK , .OA n 1 .

A Good Guess.Teacher And who was Cain?Small Boy I guess he must have

been the first Englishman. Life.

F. B. Thirkiold, Health Inspector of

Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Curecan not be recommended too highly. Itcured me of severe dyspepsia." It di-

gests what you eat and cures I ndigestion ,

heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia.Ireland's Pharmacy.

A Wise Precaution.We keep three servant girls, said Mr.

Newly wed; one coming, one going, andone here. Life,

..Santa Fe.

.Las VegasRaton .

seven?7:35 a 6:00 pAr,9:15 a 7:55 pAr .Lv. 10: SO a 7:10 aKeeper Forty-seven- ? Oh, forty-sovo- n

loved a girl and she wouldn't have him.Visitor How ad! And who Is the

Denver $20 35Colorado Springs 18 10

v:o.i a o:uo p Ar12:10 p 6:40 a Ar.Jiifclp 7:05 a Ar.


...El Moro .

..Pueblo...Colo.Spr'KS. . Denver ....La Junta.

,Lv,10:05a 6:53 aLv. 7:10all:55pLv. 6:00 a 10:40 pLv. 3:20 a 8:00dpoor fellow In forty-eight- ?

Raton, N.M $11 IfLas Vegas, N. M 6 80Santa Fe, N. M 4 95

Albuquerque, N. M 4 60Demlng, N. M 18 25El Paso, Tex 14 45

rueuio 16 60Canon City 16 60La Junta 15 45Trinidad ... 18 20

11:50 a 10:40 p ArA.W n A.iR al. .Lv. 7:25 a 4:25 a

.Lv. 12:55 a 9:40 pDodge Cityvan a o:4upar.9:00 p 9:30 a Ar.

.Kan. uity. .Chloag-0-

. lv, z:3u p luisu aLv. 2:43 a 10:00 pEmms

To tie lastGoing- West Coming East

Bead Down Read UpNo. 17 No.l No. 2 No. 22

The Cochiti district embraces a mineral region about six miles from east towest and eighteen miles from north to south and lies directly In line of the richgold belt that stretches through the famous Red River and White Oaks districts.For further particulars with reference to this great mining camp, call on or ad-dress any agent of the Santa Fs Route.

W. i. Black, O. P. A., H. S. Lvtz, Agent,Topeka, Kas. Santa Fe, N. M.


nently cured by using Mokl Tea. Apleasant herb drink. Cures constipation

'and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,

4:10 p 4:10pLv..Santa Fe..Ar 2:10am:55aSKMpArLosCerrlllosLv 9:14 a

8:26 p 7:55p ArAlbuquerq'eLvll:05p 7:30 a6:45 a Ar....Rlnoon....Lv 11:20 p9:45 a ...... Ar.. .Demlnar. ..Lv 8 45 D

11:30a Ar. Silver Clty.Lv 6:30 p

Keeper un, torty-eig- marnea inegirl who wouldn't have forty-seve-


The modern and most effective curefor constipation and all liver troublesthe famous little pills known as DeWItt'sLittle Early Risers, Ireland's Pharmacy

All Inolnded.Mother Was your aunt glad to see

you and Tommy and Frankle and. Fred?Johnny Yes, ma'am.Mother Did she Invite you to call

again?Johnny Yes; and she told us to bring

you and papa and Susie and tbedog nexttime. Indlamapolls Journal.


Acker's English Remedy In any case ofcoughs, colds or croup. Should it failto give Immediate relief, money refund-ed. 26 cts. and 60 cts.

For sale at Fischer's drug store.

Via the Santa Fe Route.Three times a week from Santa FeIn ImprovedPullman tourist sleeping cars.Better than ever before, at lowestpossible rates.Experienced excursion conductors,Also dally service between Santa Feand Kansas City and Chicago.Correspondence solicited.


- SASTA F, N. sf.

v:sua Ar...ui raso...Lv i:wp9 :05 pLvAlbuquerq'e Ar 10 :30 p12:10pAr.. Ash Fork.. Lv 8:00a8:10 p Ar.. Presoott ,.Lv 4:06 a9:40 p Ar.. Phoenix ..Lv 9:00p8:25 a Ar Los Angeles Lv 10 1 1 a

12:56 pAr. San Diego .Lv 8:10 a6 :15 p ArSan Franc'ooLv 6:30p


work and happy. Satisfaction guaran-teed or money back. 26 cts. and 60 ets.

For sale at Fischer's drug store.

Strange Indeed.

McJtgger That's a fnnny thing.Thingumbob What is?McJlgger Miss Passey was an old

maid before she married, and now thather husband Is dead she has become a

young widow. Philadelphia Press.

h. T. Travis, Agent Southern R. R.,Selina, Ga., writes, "I can not say toomuch In praise of One Minute CoughCure. In ray case it worked like a

'charm." The only harmless remedythat gives Immediate results. Curescoughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and allthroat and lung troubles. Ireland'sPharmacy.


Through Fast FreightLvChioago Tue. Wed. Thu. Sat. 8:00 pLv Hat. City. . Wed. Thu. Frl. Sun. 9:00aLv Denver ' l:00pLvCol. Sprlngi.. 6:00pLv Pueblo " "

, " " 7:l6pLv La Junta lo:40pLv Trinidad Thu. Frl. Sat. Mon. 1:20 a

Texas-Pacifi-c R. R.RIO GRANDE & SANTA FE- -


Lv Raton " " " " 2:40 aLv Las Vegas.... " " " " 8:04pAr Santa Ke " " " " 10:55 aLv Santa Fe ' " 80 aAr Albuquerque " " " " 110 aAr Barttow Frl. Sat. Sun. Tue. 9:30 aAr Lot Angeles... " " " " 1:50 pAr San Diego " " " " 8:00p

THE CALIFORNIA LIMITED,No. 4 Bastbound.TheSesnle Keate er the World.

. Time Table Ho, 40

(Sffeotrre November it, 1899.)

"Hitl"Sister May Ah! back from Ella's?

Did you find courage to ask her to marryyou?

Brother Jack Yes, and she gave herword.

Sister May Oh, then you're to be con-

gratulated.Brother Jack Perhaps I am, and per-

haps I'm not. The word was "Nit!"Baltimore American.



Dyspepsia Tablets. On little Tabletwill give immediate relief or money re-

funded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at: cts.

For sale at Fischer's drug store.

AUDPASSaNQ-B- a SHRVIOEThe direct through line from Arizona and New Mexico to all pointsIn the north, east and southeast. Low altitude. Perfect passengerservice. Through cart. No Latest patern Pullman Buffetsleepers. Handsome new chair cars, seats free.. Speed, safety, com-

fort combined. For particulars address

Darbysnfre, S. W. F. V P. A., R. W. Curtis, T. F. P. A.,El Paso, Texas. El Paso, Texas


: Tommy What's a prophet, uncle Jim 7

Uncle Jim A prophet, Tommy, Is aman who can tell positively what Is go-

ing to happen; and when it doesn't hap-pen he can tell why It didn't Indiana-pol- l

Journal. .,'--.'.

A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDERWill often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,the best In the world, will kill the pain

Lv San Diego Sun. Tue. Thu. Bat. 1:40 pLv Lot Angeles... " " " " 6:00pLv Barttow " " " " 10:10 pAr Albuquerque. Mon. Wed. Frl. Snu. 10:60 pAr Santa Fe Tue. Thu. Sat. Mon. 2 10aLv Santa Fe Mon. Wed. Frl. Bun. 11:50 pAr Las Vegas. ...Tue. Thu. Sat, Mon. 3:46 aAr Raton " 7:20 a

" " " "Ar Trinidad 8:45 aAr La Junta 11:30 aAr Pueblo , " " " ' 12:10 pAr Col. Springs., ' 2:30p' " " "Ar Denver 6:00 pAr Kansas 'Cltv.. Wed. Frl. un. Tue


UKMam..Lv....SantaFe..Ar,. 5:05pmlwop m..IiV....Bspanola..Lv., Si.. 8:40 pmt:90pm..Lv....Bmbudo...Lv.. 53... 1:15 pm8:15 p m..Lv....Barranoa..Lv.. 60...12 :3 p mJ:10pm..IiT.Tres Piedras.Lv., 90.. .10:50 m7:05 p m..Lv..,. Antonito..Lv..l25. ., 8:15 a mSK)0p m..Lr.... Alamosa.. .Lt 158... 7:15amlillp m..Lv....Le Veta...Lv..88... 4:05 am8:Mam..LT Pueblo. ..Lv.. 807... 1:88am5KWam..LvColo Sprlnn.Lv.. 839...11 :53 pm7s a m..Ar.. ..Denver.. ..Lv.. 888... 9:15 p m

ArT. S, F. Jun. " " " " 2 :45 aArFt. Madison.. " " " " 8:18 aAr Chicago " " " " 2:15 p

' and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,Fever Bores, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons,Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pilecure on earth. Only 26 cts. a box. Cureguaranteed. Sold by Fischer ft Co.,

druggists. :'"''''' The California Limited which runs iiilipn(finite

four times a week has Pullmans, diningcar, Bnffet smoking car (with BarberShop), Observation car (with ladles'

Kia Observation.Mrs. Hornbeak I have just been

reading that the Christian Scientistsdon't believe a person Is dead when heIs dead. They say he has just "passedon."

Farmer Hornbeak Wa-a- -t I sh'u'dthink they'd wonder what made 'emkeep goln I notice that none of 'mever come back. Judge.

parlor), vestibuied and electric lightedthroughout. A solid train between Cb

eago and Los Angeles. Same service

A MONSTER DEVIL FISHDestroying Its victim, is a type of Con-

stipation. The power of this murderousmalady is felt on organs and nerves andmuscles and brain. There's no healthtill it's overcome. But Dr. King's NewLife Pills are a safe and certain cure,Best in the world for Stomach, Liver,Kidneys and Bowels. Only 26 cents atFischer A Co.'s drug store.



Nos. 1 and IT carry through Pullmanand tourist sleepers between Chicago,

Connections with the main line anbranches as follows:

At Antonlto for Durango, Stlvertonand all points In the San Juan country.

At Alamosa (with standard gauge) forLa Veta, Pueblo, Colorado Springs andDenver, also with narrow gauge forMonte Vltta, Del Norte and DenverCreeds and all points In the San Luisvalley.

At Saltda with main line (standardgauge) for all points east and west In-

cluding Leadvllfe.At Florence with F. A 0. 0. B. R. for

the gold camps of Cripple Creek andVictor.

At Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Den-ver v ith all Missouri river lines for allpoints east.

Through passengers from Santa Fewill have reserved berths In standardgauge sleepers from Alamosa If desired.

For further information address theundersigned.

T. S. Haul, General Agent.Butt Fe, If. If

S K, Hoora,0.P A.,Denver Coin.

Lot Angeles ana san Francisco.No. 2, eastbonnd, carries same equip-

ment, and makes close connection atTrinidad with train for Pueblo, Colorado

A necessity."What made Langdon so short? Did

he stunt his growth by smoking cigar-ettes when he was a boy?"

"No; he was brought up on condensedmilk by his parents In order to fit theflat In which they lived." Life.

G. H, Appleton, Justice of Peace,Clarksburg, N. J., says, "De Witt's LittleEarly Risers are the best pills made for

. constipation. We use no others." Quick-ly cure all liver and . bowel troubles.Ireland'! Pharmacy.

Het? Season.Are your sympathies with the Boers

or the Engllshb. Oh, the English! Those Boers wear

such horrid bears. Brooklyn Life.

Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Ko-dol Dyspepsia Cure did me more goodthan anything I aver took." It digestswhat too eat and ean not help bat eardyspepsia, and stomach troubles. Ire-land's Pharmacy.


ALL THE WAY.Not good "In spots," or here and there, or for stretches ot flttv

or a hundred miles, but good all the way right straight throughfrom Denver to Chicago and St. Louts.

Heavy steel rails 2,400 ties to the mile plenty of ballast.Over a track like the Burlington's, a speed of eighty miles tnhour Is perfectly safe.

Two trains a day from Denver to the East the Chicago Specialat 9:00 a.m.; the Vestibuied Flyer at 10:00 p. m. Omaha, Chi-

cago, Kansas City, St. Louis. t .

Tickets t 0sss of CeasteMBg Uaes.Denver Offlee - lot teveateenUi ttreet.

0. W. VALLB&Y, msbx Aaar.

Springs and Denver.No. ti Is a local train between El Paso

and Kansas Cltv, carries free chair carand Pullman Palace sleeper through

COLD STEEL OR DEATH."There ! but one small chance to save

your life, and that to through an opera-tion," was the awful prospect set beforeMrs. I. B. Hunt, ot Lime Ridge, Wis.,by her doctor after vainly trying to cureher of a frightful oase of stomach trou-

ble and yellow Jaundice. He didn'tcount on the marvelous power of Elec-tric Bitters to cure Stomach and Livertroubles, but ah heard ot it, took sevenbottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur-

geon's knife, now weighs more and feelsbetter than ever. It's positively guaran-teed to our Stomach, Liver and Kldneftroubles and never disappoints. Prloe50c at Fischer Co.'s drug store.

XUaa's Prise Poem.I saw Cyrano a near view,

Close to the stage, where I could seeHe has a face that grows on you

... I'am glad It does not grow on me.Judge.

Site doesn't indicate quality. Bewareof counterfeit and worthless salve of-

fered for DeWItt's Witch Ratal Salve.DeWttt's is the 00)7 original. An In-

fallible con for piles and alt skin dis-eases Ireland's Pharmacy.

witnout cnange.For time tables, Information and lit

erature pertaining to the Santa Feroute, call on or address,

H. S. Lutz, Agent,Santa fe, N. M.

W. J. Black, Q. P. A.,Topeka, Kas.

CITY POLITICS.CITIZENS SPEAK.OFFICIAL MATTERS, THEH. B. CARTWRIGHT & BRO.They Advise the Republicans to Nominate Considerable Interest Being Taken By Citi-

zens In the Municipal Election,J. W. Akers will very probably be

nominated for member of the city coun


Governor Otero today appointed Pla- -To Santa Fe Citizens: First NationalBan'cido Baca y Baca of Puerto de Luna,

Guadalupe county, a notary public.The question of race or reward for po

litical services should not enter the mu-

nicipal campaign this spring. Santa Fehas had too much of that kind of a sui

DELEGATES TO PARIS.Charles 11 feld of Las Vegas, and C.

No. 4

BAKERY. W. Ward of Albuquerque, were todayappointed as additional delegates fromNew Mexico to tho Paris exposition.

cidal policy, and it is about time thatbusiness men, taxpayers and men whohave the Interests of the city, rather

Groceries,Feed and



Adjutant General V. H. Whitutnan than their own prestige and pocket-boo- k

at heart, are elected. I never votyesterday cowulotelv equipped Troop L

ed the Republican ticket before, but ifof the First Regiment ol Cavalry, of the

the Republicans nominate a ticket suchSOUTH SIDE

OF PLAZA.National Guard of Kew aiexico, withuniform and arms. The troup is sta as I indicated, I and many more Demo

cil in the third ward primaries thisevening.

It is understood that the use of thename of Mr. Jose Valdez for a nomina-

tion on the cat's-pa- citizens'ticket was wholly unauthorized.

Jose Dolores Garcia is being soughtby the movement asa candidate for the nomination for thecouncil from the first ward.

Mr. Charles Wagner called at theNew Mexican this forenoon and statedthat he was not a candidate for any of-

fice, that he was out of politics, andwould not run if nominated.

It is reported this afternoon that theDemocratic convention, which will beheld Saturday evening, will nominateMr. Marcelllno Garcia for the office of

mayor, and that the citizens'ticket will find no favor in that conven-

tion. The future will tell.

crats will vote for it. The majority ofthe candidates on the proposed citizens' UNITED STATES DESIGNATED DEPOSITARYticket belong to that class which have

tioned in this city.LAND COURT DOCKET.

The following is the docket of thecourt of private land claims, which willconvene in this city on Tuesday, April24;

made the city government a disgrace inthe past, and I cannot vote for it unless

PATENT IMPERIAL FLOUR makes the most bread and the best

bread. Give it a trial.the Republicans nominate a worse ticket, which is not well possible. ft. J, PALEN President.

J. H. VAUGHN Cashier.Tuesday, April 24114, San Jose del

Encinal grant; San Miguel delBado grant; 137, 138, 150, 193, Colony

15c 12 bars Water White Soap 25c15c 6 bars Silk Soap 25c15c 6 bars Diamond "C" Soap 25c15c 7 bars Miller's Borax Soap 25c

a lb can California Jelly2 lb can California Jam3 lb can Baked Beans3 lb can Lye Hominy

DEMOCRAT.-- A BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION.To the New Mexican.cases (settling form of decree); 112,

Santa Fe needs a business adminisCuyamungue grant (settling form ofdecree) ; 149, Fernando (settling tration. A year of Democratic city gov Table Wines!ernment must have convinced citizens

CHASE & SANBORN'S teas are packed in tin-fo- il packages, thus pre-

serving the original strength and aroma. The most popular varie-


ENGLISH BREAKFAST. The Oolong is a delicately flavored 4

tea very popular among Americans. English Breakfast tea has afull herby flavor for which a liking must be acquired.

form of decree); 194, Santa Cruz (settling form of decree). that such is a delusion and a snare, and

was not fit to be intrusted with the gov It is said that some of the allegedWednesday, April Abe

mine, motion for rehearing; 116, Talaya ernment of the city. The Republicansshould see to it that business men andHill grant, survey.

Democratic leaders and some of the as-

sistant Democrats from Republicanranks are contemplating changes in the

citizens' ticket for the coming

Thursday, April 26270, Sitlo de Nav25c Cheese straws and cheese Sand-25- c

wiches are new. Investigatethem. Sold in packages at 25c

Chopped Celery for salads, or

Celery salad in bottles 40c

ajo grant; 70, Antonio Baca, survey,

3 pkgs Cleopatre Macaronia pkgs Cleopatre VermicelliWe can recommend these pastes as

being equal to any you have everused. We have good pastes, suchas are usually sold at 12 for

taxpayers are placed upon the ticketthey will put in the field. Personal con-

siderations should be laid aside andmen nominated who command respect,not only in Santa Fe, but beyond.

Friday, April 27277, Jose de Leyba OUR PLACEcity election, that were agreed uponnight before last. Politics makes

strange bedfellows, to be sure.grant.

Monday, April 308, Town of Albuuueraue grant; 107, .Canon de Chama A JACKSONIAN DEMOCRAT.

MUST INSPIRE CONFIDENCE.We are large handlers of Hay, Alfalfa, Grain, Feed, Flour and Potatoes.

Write for prices, or wire for quotations in car lots. Fill be found a full line ofJose D. Sena, clerk of the supremegrant.

To the Republicans of Santa Fe:Tuesday, May 1211, Santo Domingo imported wines for family trade.Orders by telephone will be promptly filled.

Santa Fe will not attract outside cap court, is a candidate for mayor on theRepublican ticket. Solicitor General

ital, it will not grow, it cannot prosper,de Cundiyo grant; 212, Pueblo de Quemado grant; 262, Francisco Xavier Romero grant.CHAS. WAGNER unless the city government is in the Bartlett, upon being asked by a New

Mexican representative this forenoon,hands of men who inspire the confidence W. H. Price, Propstated that he was not a candidate forWednesday, May 2227, Jose IgnacioAlart grant; 228, Roque Jacinto Jara- - of Santa Fe people as well as of people

who come to Santa Fe with the inten-tion of making it their future home andFURNITURE CO. millo grant.

the nomination, but would loyally support the Republican nominee.

Thursday, May 3257-263- , San Jose deTHE 0I.Y EXCLUSIVE

Republican city primariesQood men and such as have the best in

investing their capital here. There arescores of men in the Republican partyranks in Santa Fe who would make up- -(Incorporated Feb. , 1890.)

Garcia grant.Friday, May 4260, Juun Joseph Mo

reno grant.Monday, May 7109, Conejos grant; te city officials, who would be eco

nomlcal and at the same time progres

terests of the city at heart should benominated. If this proves to be the casethe Republicans will carry the day nextTuesday, as a great majority of thevoters want a clean and honest city ad


Practical Einbalmer and TELEPHONE SS.Funeral Director. (Residence Over Store.)

The only home In the city that carries everything In thehonsehold line. Sold on eay payments.

CARPETS A. 1ST ID RUGS.sive. Why not put such men upon the

The volume of business at the UnitedStates land office in this city continues


Editor of the New Mexican.IN THE CITY.

to be uncommonly large. The followingministration, and one that will be ofbenefit to the taxpayers and not for thebenefit of a few hangers-o- n and office- -The character of the slate fixed by theis a summary of the transactions of the

Democrats and to be run under the misarei iiiihsu office for the week ended March 28: seekers only.Homestead Entries March 22, Ernest leading name of a citizens' ticket must

convince every one that no reform in

municipal affairs can be expected byW. Qarnett, 160 acres, Rio Arriba coun Bland Business For Sale.

Corner 'Frisco and Sandoval Streets

LEO HERSCH.ty, postofflce Bland; Crescendo Fernan1 Tl the election of a Democratic city govdez, 160 acres, Wagon Mound, Moraernment. It now remains for the Recounty; Emlllo Mares, 160.48 acres,s

Best location in best mining camp inthe territory. Now is the time to get inbefore the big rush which is sure tocome very soon; if sold at once will takeactual cost and rent or sell building, butyou cannot do this in two weeks. Ad

IS. publicans to nominate a ticket which

Large stock of Tinware,

Woodenware, Hard-

ware, Lamps, etc.

Lower Frisco St.

Wagon Mound, Mora county; SeverinoLedome, 160 acres, Springer. Colfax has upon it candidates whose very

names will be a guarantee to the pro

Santa Fe, N. M county; Jose Ignacio Varela, 160 acres,Ocate, Mora county; Pedro A. Romero,160 acres, Wagon Mound, Mora county,

dress Box 59, Bland, N. Mex.gressive people of the city that the citygovernment, In case of their election,

MEN wanted to learn barber trade.March 23 Francisco Silva, 160 acres, will be carried on ably and honestly.TAXPAYER Only eight weeks required; special in TheWagon Mound, Mora county; Ouillermo

Lopez, 160 acres, Wagon Mound, Mor: "As It Was of Old." Everything first- - ducements this season; Illustrated cat-

alogue, map of city and souvenir mailedclass at the Bon-To- n.county; Aaron Eichwald, 157.80 acres,Rio Arriba county, postofflce Cuba,

PERSONAL MENTION,free. Mpler's Barber College, San Francisco, California.


Bernalillo county. March 24 Anastacl


Military InstitutedRoswell, New Mexico.

Chavez, 160 acres, Rio Arriba county,postofflce Cuba; Keyes Ledesma, 160 Hon. H. O. Burs urn went to

yesterday afternoon on a businessacres, Rio Arriba county, postofflce CuJust received at Charles Wagner's

furniture emporium on lower SanFrancisco street a large and completetrip.ba; Ursulo Segura, 160.56 acres, Rio Ar-

riba county, postofflce Culfti; Jack Mar assortment:of misfit baby buggies andJ. V. Pellmore, who conducts a neatmeat market in Bland, is in Santa Fe"tin, 160 acres, Rio Arriba county, post which took the premium at

the World's Fair in Chicago. Wagnercarries a complete line of everything to


y, buying supplies.M, P. Doyle, Mrs. Schlicht and Mrs,

J. M. Smith, of Minocqua, Wis., are en160 acres, Rio Arriba county, postofflce match, including all kinds of furnitureCuba. March 26 Adolfo Trujillo, 160

joying the day riding and walking about and household goods, which he is sell'intr at bottom prices and on easy payacres, Ocate, Mora county; Nicolas

the capital city.

New Mexican


Anaya, 160 acres. Colfax county, post ments. o24office Taos; Sinecio Sisneros, 160 acres,

Governess Desires Situation.Colfax county, postofflce Taos; AlfredoSituation as governess or the care ofCardenas, 160.20 acres, Colfax county,

young children. Terms reasonable. Address St. Vincent's Sanitarium.

Session Begins September, 9, Ends June, 1900.Five Teachers (Men), and Matron. Accommodations for 300 Students.New Buildings, all furnishings and equipments modern and complete;steam-heate- baths, water-work- s, all conveniences.

Tuition, board, and laundry, $200 per session.Session is three terms, thirteen weeks each. Roswell la a noted healtLresort, 3,700 feet above sea level; excellent people.

Vallmn Jaffa, Roswell, R. S. Hamilton, RoswellCharles Wilson, Roswell, J. C. Lea, Roswell,

M. O. Cameron, Eddy,particulars address:

JAS. 3. MBADORS,Superintendent

postofflce Taos; Manuel M. Salazar, 160

acres, Springer, Colfax county; GeorgeWarder, 160 acres, Springer, Colfaxcounty; Juan de Jesus Cordova, 160

Lowitzki's te Hack Line

acres, Colfax county, postofflce RanchSol. Lowitzkl, the lower San Francisco

street livery stable proprietor, has re-

cently added to his first-clas- s equipmentos de Taos; Juan Abran Trujillo, 160

acres, Colfax county, postofflce Ranch a handsome rubbor-tire- d hack for services about town. It Is a beautyos de Taos; Hipoilto Martinez, 160 acres,Leave orders with Lowitzki's drivers onColfax county, postofflce Hall's Peak, the street or at the stables. TelephoneMora county. March 27 Margarita 9,


FORIN os. 47 and 59.

Salazar, 160 acres, Springer, Colfaxcounty; Manuel A. Salazar, 160 acres,Ojo caliente. Hall's Peak, Mora county; CarnelioChavez, 160 acres, Mora county; Faustlno Ortiz, 160 acres, Pecos, San Miguelcounty. March 28 Elisio Barela, Ber

(HOT SPEIUGS.) nalillo county, postofflce San Rafael,




Valencia county; Sofia Chavez, 160.09

acres, Gallinas Springs, San Miguelcounty; Cesarla Barcelona Blea, 160

acres, Wagon Mound, Mora countyJuan B. F. Blea, 160 acres. Wagon

Orders taken at Slaughter's barberMound, Mora county.--MANUFACTURER OF--Final Certificate March 22, John H shop, south side of plaza.

Basket leaves at 7 a. ra. on Wednes


R, S. Allen, a well-know- n and re-

spected mining man of Silver City, ar-

rived In the capital from Denver lastevening, en route to his home in Grantcounty.

Mrs. M. W. Taylor and Miss Taylor,of Trenton, N. J., will spend a few daysin the superb climate and amid thecharming environments of the historiccapital.

W. H. Person, of Denver, represent-ing a typewriter company, left for hishome this morning, having taken or-

ders for several more of his machinesIn Santa Fe.

Miss Dlsette, of Santa Fe, supervisingteacher of United States Indian dayschools In New Mexico, and Miss Miner,of Kansas, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.Dwyer at the Pueblo de Taos.

B. Townsend, who Is engaged in min-

ing over in the Cochiti, and N. J. Bow-de-

representing the San FranciscoExaminer, arrived In the capital on thestage from Bland last evening.

John Hanna, an experienced miner ofTaos county, recently left Santa Fe totake charge of the development of anewly discovered lead mine near Cer-rill-

for A. A. Newberry, of this city.Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Morrissey, of

Bloomtngton, 111., who have been at thesanitarium for a week or so for the ben-

efit of MrAMorrlssey's health, left forhome this morning in response to an ur-

gent telegram. They hope to return.The many friends of Sister Victoria,

who ,had charge of the sanitarium inthis city for many years, will be gladto know that she is now at the head ofSt. Joseph's orphanage for boys andgirls in Cincinnati, about 800 orphansbeing cared for there, and Is enjoyingexcellent health. She writes that thecopies of the New Mexican sent her arelike letters from home, and that, whileher present surroundings and occupa-tions are pleasant, her heart is still inSanta Fe.

"There 1b no little-enem-y?'

Little Im-

purities in the blood are sources ofgreat danger and should be expelledby Hood's Sarsaparilla.

V. 8. Weather Bureau Notes.Forecast for New Mexico: Fair to-

night and Friday.Yesterday the thermometer registered

Thlehoff, Largo, San Juan county.

MINOR CITY TOPICS. lank Hooks anddays and return's on Friday night; laun-dry ready for delivery Saturday morning.So extra freight or delivery charges.

The Las Vegas Steam laundry makesa specialty of line laundry work,and Its work Is first class In all particu-lars. PHONE 107

The present management of the San

Ledgersta Fe postofflce iB almost universallypraised by visitors as well as residentsof the city.

Palace HotelCelebrated Hot Spring are looated In th midst of tho Anelent

THHSKDwellers, twenty-fiv- e mllea west of Taos, and fifty miles north ofFe. and about twelve miles from Barranca Station on the Denver

A Rio Grande Railway, from which point a daily line of stages run to the

Many of the sidewalks about town arein a most disreputable condition. They

--aoMADDEN KRAUS MBS. B. GREEN, Proprietress.should be thoroughly overhauled and

--FOE-Spring!. The temperature of these waters la from 800 to 122 0 . The easesare carbonio. Altitude 6,000 feet. Climate very dry and delightful the yearround. There is now a commodious hotel for the convenience of invalids


Merchant Tailor.generally repaired this spring.

Sister Eulalla, in charge of the sani "CORRECT MILLINERY."and tourists. These waters eoutain 1888.24 grains of alkaline salts to thegallon; being the richest alkaline Hot Springs in the world. The erlleaoyof these waters hat been thoroughly tested by the miraculous eures at-tested to In the following diseases : Paralysis, Rheumatism. Neuralgia,

tarium, has granted the young people of

First Class Accommodations.Transient Trade Bolicited.Boarding by Week, Day or Meal.Livery in Connection."'.Cerrlllos . . . New Mexico

the city the use of the sanitariumConsumption, Malaria, Bright'a Disease of the Kidneys, Syphilitic and Gems of the Milliners' Art Advanced

Creations HASPELMATH BUILDgrounds for a lawn tennis court. 8PRING & SUMMER PATTERN8 FOR 1900The new Santa Fe time card has been

Mercurial Affections, aeroruia, vaiarrn, i unppe, an remain com-plaints, etc., etc. Board, Lodging and Bathing, $2.50 per day. Redueedrates riven bv the month. This resort is attractive at all seasona and It ING Lower 'Frisco Street.open all winter. Passengers for Ojo Caiiente oan leave Santa Fe at 10:03 received at the office iri this city. It

makes no changes in the running timea, m. and reaon ujo uailente at a p. m. tne same day. r are Tor me round'rip from Santa Pe to Ojo Caliente, $7. For further particulars address of passenger trains, but changes Borne


Cleaning and Repairing.East Side of Plaza.

Low Price. Elegant Work.


you do,what the freight train time schedule onSterling Silver Souvenir Spoons.


the main line.ANTONIO JOSEPH, Prop.,Ojo Caliente, Taos County, New Mexico.

Skies of velvety blue have broodedlovingly over Santa Fe all day, and theentire valley has been continuouslyflooded with the most genial quality of

XrED IIUUIIIMUI and wantit done by the best laundry in the terri-tory, and that is the

Albuquerque ffteam Laundry.All work guaranteed to give satisfac-tion. Leave orders at KERB'S BAR-BER SHOP, Claire Hotel. Basket leavesTuesday at 3 p. ra., and returns Friday.We pay express charges.

GEO. P. allllOIB, Agt.

sunshine ever since the god of day liftMexicanFiligreeJewelry.

FIT ROPE AN PLAN. HENRY KEICK,ed his face above the eastern hills.The city council will hold a special BOLE A6BNT FOB

meeting ht for the purpose ofAll kinds of jewelry made to order andhearing the report of the special com as follows: Maximum temperature, 55

degrees, at 4:05 p. m.; minimum, 35 demittee appointed to confer with theelectric light company respecting the

Special Sates by Week orMonth.

Lemp'sSt. LouisBeer.

grees, at 4:25 a. m. The mean temperarepaireo. rine stone setting a spec-ialty. Singer sewing machines andsupplies.

FRISCO ST. - SANTA FE, N. Mtare for the 24 hours was 45 degrees; JACOB WELTMER,pending street lighting proposition.

Much quiet prospecting is already be mean aav r.amiauv, 14 per cent, remperatnre at 8:00 a. m. today, 34.

Ing done this spring In the hills a fewmiles north and east of Santa Fe, and

The trade suppliedfrom one bottle to Books a StainAt the Hotels.THEplotel. . onrload. Mail ordersAt the Claire: M. H. Canon, Madison,several fine looking ledges of highly


Guadalupe St.Wis.; M. P. Doyle, Mrs. Schlicht, Mrs. promptly tilled.Santa Femineralized quartz have been recently

PERIODICALS,discovered. Something of great value J. M. Smith, Monocqua, Wis.; W, H,Person, Denver. EXCilWIGEwill ultimately be found in these hill. SCHOOL BOOKS,At the Palace: William Fraser, ArThe committee appointed by Carleton

$1.50Per Day$2.00

royo Seco; J. K. Turner, Rinconado; J.post, Q. A. R., to make all the necessaryH. McKaln, Pueblo; Mrs. M. W. Taylor,arrangements for the entertainment of nom . . .Miss Taylor, Trenton, N. J.; Williamvisiting guests who are expected to be


Books not In stock ordered at easternprices, and subscriptions received (or.all perlodloals.



Brandreth, J. Burnham Gregg, Newpresent at the seventeenth annual enYork City.campment of the order, to be held In

this city April 11 and 12, will meet at BEST LOCATED HOTEL IK CITY.At the Exchange: R. S. Allen, Silver

Charles W. Dudrow,


All kinds of rough and finished lumber; Texas floor-

ing at lowest market price; windows and doors.

City; J. V. Pellmore, B. Townsend,7:30 at the office of DepartmentCommander George W. Knaebel. The J.T. FORSH A, Proprietor.Bland; N. J. Bowden, San Francisco. PHOTOSAt the Bon-To- n: 3. F. Clark, J. M.

SPECIAL RATES by the Week orO'Brien, Denver; S. W, Twltchell, BufSECOND HANDMonth for Table Board, with or without

Buggies, '

wagons, 1

Harness, etosfalo; Mark Burks, Alfred Patts, Albu

committee consists of Commander JohnP. Victory, George W. Knaebel, John R.

McFle, W. M. Berger, W. B. Fletcher,William Bolander-an- Valentine Herbert.

Room. '. , West Bids of Ptass.querque; Antonio Ortii, Juan Atenclo,SOUTHEAST COR. PLAZA. For Salt, at Lowltiki'i Livery Stable, Ntins vegas; ueorge Murray, uurango. 1