University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-28-1911 Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911." (1911). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/691

Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911

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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911New Mexican Printing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationNew Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/691

Page 2: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911


SAN A EE N W MEaJ:gaw --J



HELD NO ELECTION T WEST MGNAMARA TRIAL TBUJJM1IIENI JN BLOOD FAMILY A ii0F HIPearl, Eddy County, Newly Seven Governors to Visit Still More Sensational Devel-- - Asked for no Greater Joy Almost Four Thousand of Italian Store Keeper Slays Prosecutor Benson Quotes

Created, Did Not Re-ceiv- e Twenty-On- e of the '

opments Predicted by ; - Than to Turn Others Belligerents Have Been Five and Then Kills Kipling in PattersonSupplies Large Cities . Detective :

I t .; to God Killed Himself Murder Trial


Irregularities Apparent on Faceof Many of the

Returns- -

"God Vice and Dissipation Lead toThree Men Placed Under ArrestRepresent One Third of Area Murderer Used Revolver andEach Cartridge Counted

for One Life.

be With You Till WeMeet Again" He


Government Is Gradually Gain-

ing Upper Hand atOther Points.

Disgrace and RemorseInevitably

and One Tenth ofPopulation.

on a Most SeriousCharge.

By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican)(By Special Leased Wire to New MexIcarONew York, Nov. 28. Ignappia

(By Speclau Leased Wire to New Mexican)Chicago, 111., Nov. 28. On their

(By Special leased Wire to New Mexican)Richmond, Va., Nov. 28. W. H.

(By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican)Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 28. Detec Denver, Colo., Nov. 28. It is re(By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican)

San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 28 Ter-

rible slaugther has marked the fight-

ing at Nanking, according to a cable- -

tives of the state attorney's office. Plospia, an Italian storekeeper, killedhis wife, his mother, his sister and his

mission, "To make the people of theeast as well acquainted with the west headed by Samuel L. Browne chief of

garded as probable that the fate ofGertrude Gibson Patterson, chargedwith the murder of her husband,Charles A. Patterson, in this city, on

gram received today by the Chineseitwo children, then shot himself toinvestigation, arrested three men ona Los Angeles street corner today,

as they are with Europe," as GovernorJ. H. Hawley of Idaho put it, sevenwestern governors arrived here todayon the first lap of a four thousand

daily paper here. The report says'that 3,500 regular soldiers and 300 September 25, will be in the hands of

the jury tonight. icharging attempted bribery in the

murder trial. civilian volunteers have been killed.

Dispatches received by the Chinese The last witness was heard this .The men arrested are: Bert Frank

death in the rooms back of his storeat Lodi, N. X, today.

Had Quarreled.Plospia had quarreled with his fam-

ily and had been away for a week. Hereturned today and went to the Btore.A customer who entered soon after-wards found the six corpses.

mile trip which in three weeks in aspecial train is to carry them to twenty--

one eastern cities.

Gates of this city, who took a deep in-

terest in Henry Clay Beattie, Jr.,while in prison, today made public aletter from Beattie, the envelope ofwhich was postmarked 2 a. m., themorning of the electrocution of theyoung wife murderer. The letter fol-

lows:"Dear Mr. Gates:

I am unable to think of words thatwould fully express my appreciationof the interest which you seemed totake in trying me for thgreat beyond; though I can assureyou that your efforts were not all in

Free Press state that the imperialistsforenoon. Judge Allen instructed thejury and Special Prosecutor Horace '

lin, a former U. S. deputy marshal,now employed by the McXamara de

G. Benson began his closing argu-- -"It is a campaign of education," fense in looking up the antecedentssaid Governor Hawley. "We have of prospective Jurors. George N.

Lockwood, a venireman summonedwith us five carloads of the products The man used a revolver and eachcartridge counted for a life. Plospia'scorpse lay nearest the door. Between

ment for the state.Explicit Instructions.

In his instructions, Judge Allen, forthe benefit of twelve men who hadnever before sat as Jurors in a mur

of ten states with thirty-fiv- e instruc-tors and we are determined to take

to appear before Judge Walter Bord-wel- l

today for preliminary examina-tion. "Cap" White, a character ofwhom not much is known.

him and the living room at the backour university on wheels through thelay the body of his wife. In the next der case, was particularly explicit. Ineast in an effort to arouse among

the simplest language possible, be'room were the other two women andin the bedroom, the two children, aged

eastern people as much interest inthe west as they now have in Eur

4 and 6.ope", .

gave an exposition of the laws defin-

ing murder in the first and seconddegrees, and voluntary and involun-tary manslaughter.

Swinging in from St Paul and MinDYING POLICEMAN EXONERATES

One precinct,; the third discoveredthug far, held no election on Novem-

ber 7. It is the precinct of Pearl,Eddy county, which had been createdJust prior to the election. The pro-bate clerk of Eddy county certified tothe fact that no election supplies hadbeen ' sent the precinct, because sup-

plies sufficient were not on hand. Twoother precincts, both in Rooseveltcounty, held no election because ofsoutheastern New Mexico, where thegreatest irregularities seem to haveoccurred, irregularities, which emi-

nent counsel, have declared to the!New Mexican, invalidate perhaps, theentire election.

However, the canvassing board now.in session, will not pass on that prop-

osition, regarding its duties as mere-ly clerical to determine the numberof votes cast for each candidate at theelection on November 7. Even slowerprogress than had been anticipated isbeing made; for the greatest care isbeing exercised in sorting out the pre-cinct returns to determine what re--!

turns are missing'. Several of thosethought to have been missing yester-day, were found today among otherreturns. As some precincts are re-

turned by number and others, by nameand as some of them are made outIn very obscure manner, and otherseppear to be irregular on their, face,or without signatures, or are enclosedin ballot boxes, great care is beingexercised. Any returns that are miss-in-

will have to be sent for, or per-haps, the election officials summoned.The board begins its sessions at 10o'clock in the forenoon, adjourns at12 o'clock noon, resumes at two in the

neapolis on the tail end of a northDuring the reading of the instrucMAN WHO SHOT HIM.western : blizzard, the governors, in

and rebels are fighting today insideNanking. The revolutionary navy is

preparing to bombard the suburb ShiaKwan, occupied by the Manchus.

Republican Government Repudiated.The Chinese daily paper also has

word that the governors of Shan Tungand Honan provinces have wiredPrime Minister Yuan Shi Kai thatthey have repudiated the republicangovernment set up in these provinces.

It is stated that a revolutionaryforce of 4,000 has left Canton for Han-kow.

Imperialists Occupy Han Yang.Peking, Nov. 28. Lieutenant Gen-

eral Fong Kwo Chang, commanderof the imperial troops at Hankow,telegraphed today that he occupiedthe whole of the city of Han Yangyesterday afterncc?'.Wu Chang Capitulates to Government.

Wu Chang capitulated to the impe-rial troops today, the revolutionaryleaders expressing a desire to nefoti-at- e

for a compromise and suggesiingsome slight alterations in the govern

tions, Mrs. Patterson's face was wax-en in its pallor. This appearance

cluding Oswald West of Oregon;James H. Hawley of Idaho, R. S. Ves- -

vain. So many things in the Bibleyou explained to . me which I neverunderstood before. I only hope anapray that you will be able to enlightenothers, so that they may be prepared.If I were free I would ask for nogreater Joy than to bring others toGod, ,

"One night I will never forget andthat was the occasion when your wifeand dear little irln sang for me. Givemy love to them and remember thatI am praying for you all, that "God bewith you till we meet again." '

"Farewell,"HENRY BEATTIE. JR."

Saw Money Pass."I saw Franklin give Lockwood

$500, which was on his person whenhe was arrested," said Browne."White had $3,500 on his person. Isaw the money pass from Franklin toLockwood. I know that it was in con-nection with the McXamara case."

"I do not know anything about it,"said Attorney Clarense S. Darrow,chief counsel for the defense.

LeCompte Davis, of counsel for thedefense said that the marshal hadbeen working for his side looking upthe records of men summoned in vari

Herbert Baker Killed by C. E. Mortonsey of South Dakota, A. H. Eberhartof Minnesota, John Burke of North

in In Union Paci-fic Yards at Laramie.

deepened as Prosecutor Benson, lay-ing stress on every bit of testimonywhich he believed told against thedefendant, in measured tones address-ed the jury.

Dakota, E. L. Norris of Montana andJ. M. Carey of Wyoming, were housed ( By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican 1

under one roof, and were met by Laramie, Wyo., Nov. 28. HerbertBaker, who was shot late yesterdayGovernor Deneen of Illinois.

It was pointed out that the govern' afternoon by C. E. Horton, in theUnion Pacific Yards here, died atous venire lists. "I am absolutely cer12:15 this afternoon. Both men were

ors represented one-tent- of the popu-lation and almost one-thir- d of thearea of the country.

tain that there is nothing to the pres-ent charge," he said. GENERAL BEAR ATTACK

ON STOCK MARKET, special policemen in the employ ofI have known Franklin for years the Union Pacific and quarreled over

and he would not do a thing of a trivial matter. Horton is in jail aftPrices Were Depressed for a Time andthat kind."COURT OF APPEALSREFUSES TO er having been assaulted by BakerINTERFERE. Darrow Leaves Hastily. with a pistol. The shooting occurr

A Fool There Was."A fool there was, and he made his

prayer. (Even as you and I)."To a rag and a bone and a hank

of hair"We called her the woman who did

not care,"But the fool, he called her his

lady fairShot Him in the Back.

"And she shot him in the back."was the way Attorney Benson openedhis address.

The prosecutor then took up theearly, life of the defendant in an at-

tempt to convince the jury that it wasno unsophisticated 16 year old child,but an experienced woman who wonthe devotion of Emit W. Strouss in

The two attorneys were in court ed while Horton was lying on hislistening to preliminary examinations back, having been knockeu down by

ment program.Fall of Nanking Imminent.

The government is endeavoring tosecure an immediate cessation of hos-

tilities at Nanking, where the fall ofthe city is imminent.

Jubilation Over Imperial Victories.There is much jubilation in official

Divorce Action Instituted In IllinoisBy Grace B. Wahl, First Wife

of William Guggenheim.of veniremen when the arrests weremade. When told of the arrests, thej

Baker, with Baker on top of him. Ba-

ker made an ante-morte- statement

When They Rallied DemandDecreased.

(Bv Special tieased Wire to New Mexican)New York, Nov.; 28. Trading in

stocks was on a considerable smallerscale today and movements were ir-

regular. Professional traders weregenerally aligned on the bear side andsucceeded in depressing the marketfor a time after a fairly strong open

immediately left the court room.afternoon and adjourns at 4 or 5 declaring that he was at fault andWe're going to find out about this," that Horton was not to blame for deo'clock. It is hoped to TkegTn the said Darrow. circles over the sudden successes of

(By Special L.easedWire to NewTTJfexTcarn

Albany, N. Y., Nov. 28. The Courtof Appeals today refused to interferein the action , for divorce Instituted

fending himself.actual canvass of the first county, Another kink in the situation de Lieutenant General Fong Kwo Chang..that of Bernalillo, tomorrow, veloped when Clerk . George MunroeDENVER HOTEL CLERKing in response to the higher scale of

quotations in London.The merchants are overjoyed at theprospect of a resumption of business

in Illinois by Grace B. Wahl, the firstwife of William Guggenheim. The

of Judge Bordwell's court became au-

thority for the statement that George

In addition to counsel for the Dem-ocrats and Republicans the

Republicans have designated. SHOT BY RQBBER.

and the of order' United States' Steel was attackedpresent Mrs. Guggenheim asked the N. Lqckwood had not been reached with especial severity, on account of with the removal of the terrible menColonel George W. Pilchard, of Santa ! courts of this state- - to enjoin Miss with a" subpoena.' ' To this a deputy ace to the lives of foreigners in thewarn rrom prosecuting tnig suit,which she contended was "harrassing

sheriff said they had been advisedLockwood bad been out of the coun-try for a year and a half.

interior of the country.Pirates Infest West River.

Fe. The Democrats "

appointed John'B. McMamis of Albuquerque, watcher;

Harry P. Owen of Albuquerque,and Mrs. A. M. Leeson of Santa Fe,.stenographers. Albert Clancy of San- -

to her." .

reports from Washington that theStanley investigation was not to beabandoned on account of the dissolu-tion suit against the corporation.

Pressure against the market relax-ed after 11 o'clock but the list was

Assassin Declares 'He Was Prompted1to Deed Because He Could Get ,

No Employment.

(Br Special Leased Wire to New Mexican 1

Denver, Colo., Nov. 28. When C. S.

Yonley, night clerk of the Northern

Hong Kong, Nov. 28. The WestThis, the Court of Appeals holds, it Big Smash Predicted.Detective Browne indicated that henonnnt Ae Vn - Tn I iva vn tr In Antn.uwuuui, wj9 vial juu&7 ill 1 wuiuta Fe was selected by the board as its perh'pg,on po,nts m

Chicago. .

. Benson declared that the evidence,show's that Gertrude Gibson wastwenty-on- e or twenty-tw- o years ofage when she met the Chicago cloth-ing manufacturer, and five or sixyears older than Charles A. Patter-son, whom she shot three years later.

Saloonkeeper Her First Victim."Joe Briscoe, the saloonkeeper, was

Mrs. Patterson's first, and Mr. Stroussher 8econd, so far as I have been ableto discover," Attorney Benson ' wascontinuing when Attorney Hilton,jumping to his feet; objected and thecourt ordered the Jury to disregard

River is still regarded as unsafe formercantile and passenger traffic be-

cause of the continued presence ofexpected even more dramatic developofficial stenographer. sluggish and showed little interest in:

a sharp rally by Lehigh Valley which hotel, early today declined to thrownois courts will take cognizance of thepirates who frequently attack vesselscircumstances surrounding this act went up to 1781-4- ; most of the lead-- j fwon.

Chinese Government Bankrupt

ments."This is not the big smash," he said.

"That will come in court Just a littlelater."

Frankl n Admits It Looks Bad.Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 28. Afr

torney John D. Fredericks announcedthe theory of the state to be thatFranklin gave Lockwood $500, as ad


up his hands and turn the contentsof the safe over to George Yant, who

gives his home as Omaha, the lattershot the clerk through the lungs, in-

flicting a probably fatal wound. Yanttold the police that his act was in-

spired by lack of money and failure tosecure employment.

Bank Changes Name., The name of the Union Trust Com-

pany of Roswell, was today changedto "First State Bank of Roswell."

Notaries Appointed.The three following notaries public

were appointed by Governor Mills yes-

terday. Robert B. Peck, Mountain-air- ,

Torrance county; Siegfried Chav


Washington, D. C, Nov. 28. Ac-

cording to today's cable advices from

the early selling movement, whichgave rise to the suspicion that thefall In prices was due to an organizedbear attack. Gossip had it that aformer influential ally of the Gould

American Minister Calhoun at Peking,Ac- -Mrs. Francis O'Shaughnessy Is this portion of the prosecutor's arguChinese finances are in a deplorable

condition with but two million taelsin the treasury, no incoming revenue,

mentfaction was directing the bear cam-

paign against the general market.quitted by Jury After Two

Hours Deliberation..es, Roswell; Ferd A. - Berry, Dayton, Afraid of Being Hanged.My God, they are going to hang me.Bonds were irregular.

Higher prices prevailed after midand the government without credit

Missionaries and Children Slain.. Eddy county.

New Book Cases for Territorial Li

vance payment for hanging the Jury,and turned over to C. E. (Cap) White,who was with Franklin, $3,500 to bepaid at the end of the trial.

Soon after being taken to Jail,

(By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) Please help me."New York, N. Y., Nov. 28. Mrsbrary. day, but the inquiry was very 3mall

and the demand decreased as the mar With her arms around the matron'sCalhoun confirms the first stories of

the killing of missionaries at HslanThirty-tw- o new book cases are be- - Francis O'Shaughnessy, who shot her neck. Mrs. Gertrude Gibson Pattersoning put in place in the territorial 11- - husband "to save his soul", today was Franklin said: ,"1 admit this looks

somewhat bad, but a mistake has been


(By Special Tyeasea Wire to Wew Mexican)Madrid, Nov. 28. The students of

the colleges and higher schools inorder to express their disapproval ofthe government's repression of a pro-posed demonstration of medical stud-ents at Barcelona, have proclaimed a"general strike" throughout Spain.

Fu, the capital of Shensi. The minisket returned to near yesterday's clos-

ing figures. Federal sugar sold at64 2 compared with 40 its pre

clung to Mrs. Normile, matron at thecounty Jail, and sobbed for more thanbrary at the capltol. The new shelf acquitted on a charge of murder by the ter edds the name of Mr. Vatne to themade. I am not worrying. As soonspace will be used for new text books Jury after it had deliberated two

list of Americans killed. In additionas the district attorney makes his in an hour yesterday morning. Whenshe was led back into her cell by Mrs.recently purchased. hours. vious sale in July last. Third Avenue

new securities were freely bought at to Mrs.' Beekman, an American, andvestigation he .will see how littleTreasurer's Receipts. I The defense was a combination ofMr. Vatne, one British and one Gerthere is to this and I will be releasThe following sums of money were! insanity and the "unwritten law, advancing figures, the fives gaining

11-2- . man, and five European children wereed." Lockwood and White were not

Normtle she dropped to her kneesand clung to her skirts, crying , "Oh,please don't leave me; don't let themhang me." Mrs. Patterson Is a faded '

vecelved at the territorial treasurer'sThe market lost ground graduallyoffice at the capltol today: Cleofes Ro

slain.American Marines Sent to Peking.mero, superintendent of the territorial

penitentiary on account of convicts' COLDEST DAYin the afternoon, more from its ownweight than from any concerted pres-sure.' Later on when it became evi

Shanghai, Nov. 28. Rear Admiral

held by the police.Had Not Yet Received Subpoena.Lockwood had not yet received his

subpoena, but information that " hehad been drawn for Jury service is

THREE TOWNSflower. Her beauty Is withering andher spirit crushed until the name ofEmil Strouss is mentioned. Then herJos. B. Murdock, U. S. N., is sendingearnings, f4.50; John Joerns, territo

a company of marines from here to Irial bank examiner on account of bank dent that no general effort was beingmade to arrest the fall in values room

spirit is ,back. , With eyes flashinganger yesterday, she said:ROUEi examining fees, $25; game protection AT HE alleged to have been transmitted to ARtiiTOWEPThim by Franklin and White. "Strouss is a dirty cur and coward.fund, $99.75. .

Mining Claim Surveys Approved when the three men gathered, an just as he has always been. He shouldThe following mining claim surveys be here at the trial to help me, inThree Below Reported at Las Business Blocks in Kansaswere approved by the Surveyor gen- -

traders put out short lines more free-

ly. Reading went down to 150 8 ahalf under yesterday's closing, whileUnited States Steel, Union Pacific andother favorite stocks also touchedthe lowest figures. International Har-vester was down 1 2, and AtlanticCcast Line, Southern Railway pre

undersized individual who had theappearance of a street laborer, wasslouching against a nearby telegraphpole. He looked away from the group

stead of hiding like a dog and lettingme face all this ' trouble. He is theral yesterday: The General Shert ; Vegas and Big Drop

at RoswellMunicipalities

Destroyeddan lode mineral survey No. 1460, lo-

cated in the Black Range mining dis--one man that could help me, now thatI am in trouble. ; ,but listened intently. In a nearby store

front stood Samuel L. Browne, chiefof the state's department of investi

trlct, Sierra county, claimants Charles Strouss Could Clear Name.He could break down this testi

Settler and Rush Taggart; the Lena

Peking on board the United Statescruiser Saratoga.

Bombardment ImminentNanking. Nov. 28. Some fighting

has occurred to the northward of thecity. A bombardment is imminent.There is reason to believe that Lieut-

enant General Fong Kwo Chang, com-

mander of the Imperial troops, hasdiscovered a treacherous plot to openthe city gates. - Much shooting hasbeen heard inside the city. All for-

eigners except the Japanese consuland his guard have now left.

The viceroy of the province and theTartar general are reported to havereturned to their Yamens from theJapanese consulate where they hadtaken refuge. All the foreign warships have withdrawn out of range.

ferred, American Telephone and Amer-

ican Tobacco preferred one. Theclose was firm. v

KANSAS WAS BLIZZARD SWEPTGroup of seven lode claims; mineral TRAIN CREW SAVES ONE PLACEsurvey 1462, situated In the Virginiamining district, Grant county, claim

mony that I was the keeper of a St.Louis dive. He could prove an alibtfor me and clear my. name that theyare dragging down in the mud. ' Buiis he here?" No." she cried dramatic

Storm Is Moving Eastward After WANTED TO SHOOT More Than Half Million Dollarsant 3. Q. Berry hill."' 8upreme Court. PUBLISHER OF POST.

gation, his eyes fixed on the group ofmen at the street corner. ,

Had Already Bribed Two.The conversation among the three

men will be revealed In court, accord-ing to District Attorney Fredericks,but It was asserted that in attemptingto induce Lockwood to vote "Not guil-ty" against McNamara Franklin boast

Capping Hills With- Heavy Snow.The territorial supreme court met Damage Down in That

State Alone. ally, snapping her fingers and strikin adjourned session at 2 o'clock yes But Major General Loynas de Castilloing her hand with a newspaper.terday afternoon at the capltol build Mrs. Patterson's face was crimson

ing. 'Besides W. H. Pope, chief Jus-- I Las Vegas this morning reportedWas Not Qiuck Enough and

Is Arrested.

(Br Special Leued Wire to New Mexican!(By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) with anger when she referred to thetice who presided, the following were three below zero. Roswell reported man she blames for all her trouble.Gla'sgow, Kans., Nov. 28. Drivenbefore a high wind, fire of unknownpresent: John R. McFle, associate! weather that reminded the Inhabitants Havana, Nov. 28. Major General Wu Chang Surrender Conditional, "No." she repeated, "he is hiding

ed that he. already had bribed two ofthe permanently sworn Jurors. Thisalleged assertion, even the district at-

torney does not regard seriously, be-

lieving It to be merely an Instrument

Loynas de Castillo, of The surrender"otior,gln Bwetpt th,s aUSlngPeking, Nov. 28,Justice; Frank W. Parker, associate j of the two below sero weather on

Justice: Ira A. Abbott, associate Jus-- I November 16, five years ago. Santa Mexico, and former commander in Wu Chang by the rebels today waslike a dog, somewhere. I don't know .

where he Is, hut I do know that hisplace is here on the witness stand totice; Merritt C. Mechem, associate I Fe bad the coldest November morn

provisional and with a view to sav. Practically the entire business dis- -

Justice; Edward R. Wright, associate ing in twenty-on-e years. Says the Al--I ice the city from destruction. I tnct wa destroyed, lack oi water

the Insurgent army, made an attempttoday to kill George M. Bradt, anAmerican proprietor of the HavanaPost. The attempt was the outcome

protect me when I need him.of persuasion by which Franklin hop-ed to Indicate to Lockwood that hevould not be alone in his task of con

Justice; Clarence J. Roberts, associate I buquerque Morning Journal: The revolutionaries at Hankow lacimies ieit me townspeople pow- -"He always was a coward and thisJustice; David J. Leahy, United States "Yesterday was the coldest day of erless to fight the flames.have asked for a three days armistice

in which an attempt will be made toattorney; Frank W. Clancy, attorney the year in Albuquerque and strange verting the remaining jurymen to hisside. After a few minutes of conver Another Kansas Town Fire-Swe-

general; Creighton M. Foraker, Unit-- ! as it may seem the warmest part ofis what I should have expected fromhim. But when he took me to EuropeI was so young that I did not snder-stan- d

and did not know so much about -

secure the consent of the other proved States marshal, Jose D. Sena, clerk, the day came Just before sundown, sation at the street corner, Browneand a squad of detectives burst forth inces to the acceptance of the imperi

of strictures on the Veteran's Associa-

tion which appeared in the Spanishedition of the Post. The general wasdisarmed as he leveled his pistol andbefore he could Ore. Chief of Police

Aguierre ordered his arrest ; -

Jamestown, Kans., Nov., ?, 28. Fireearly today destroyed most of thebusiness section of this town, causing

Two cases were brought up in yes-- when the mercury crawled up to 25from their place of concealment al government's terms, including the

preserving of the Manchu dynasty.terday afternoon's session. The first degrees." v , . W men as I do now. If I bad t would

have never been in this trouble.a loss estimated at 300,000. , Forty i. .was case 1403, John IT. McKnight, ap--l This morning It was down to sero $3,500 for One Juror. The government Has received re of the 44 stores were burned. Thepellee, vs. El Paso Brick Company, ap-Io- n the streets and at the University. They timed their move to what they

Has Ruined Her Life."He has ruined my name, my life.ports announcing that the fighting pre blaze started in a pool hall and

pellant, Dona Ana county, and was a high wind and light snow prevail- - the arrests were made. ,lack of flreflghting facilities and thedeclare to have been the moment of

actual transfer of the money.set for argument December 1. The led throughout last night in Roswell x Browne clutched Franklin by . the and he has ruined my family, that iswhat he has done. Now that he isstormy weather handicapped thesecond case was 1433, Territory of land was followed today by snow flur-- shoulder and other detectives took his

According to Browne's story, when volunteer firemen.New Mexico,, appellee, vs. Richard dries. There wa a bir drop in the through with me and I am in troublehe is hiding like a cur."Franklin arrived at the place, he had two associates in tow.- -

Keep Hands In Pockets. Train Saves Towns From Destruction.Graves, appellant, from Chaves coun-- i temperature and the weather it unElging, Kans., Nov. 28. The Rid ofty. This case was oonnnuea. bx stipu-- usually windy. A '

"Keep your bands in your pockets,"the passengers and the crew oflation. Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas Have

S4 0D0 In currency. Five hundrei,Browne says, he saw him give toLockwood and the - other $3,500 hetransferred to "Cap" White.

Browne commanded all three prison

ceding the capture of the city of HanYang lasted seventy consecutive hours.

'The carnage was heavyHospitals improvised.

The government has asked theAmerican Presbyterian missionary Dr.Charles Lewis, at Pa Ling Fu to im-

provise hospitals- - tor the woundedwho are being brought in. The

Union Medical College at Pek-

ing is curtailing Its classes in orderto permit seve.rH British docoors and

Chicago, Rock Island k. Pacific train,The court tnen aajournea until 10 Blizzard. ers as lie hustled them to the topsaved this town from almost total defloor of the Hall of Records, whereo'clock today. ' - i Kansas City,, 'Nov.' 25.A severestruction by fire today. The trainThis morning's session opened slow storm, drive by a wind that at District Attorney Fredericks sat InBrowne says White was to be stake-

holder until after , the trial whenWhite was to give Lockwood the re

was held fifteen 'minutes while those

"Don't you think that if Stroussknew that you wanted him as a wit-ness he would come to Denver andhelp ;you?" she was asked.

"No, he would not; he is too muchof a coward," he replied. "Dent youruppose he is reading every word ofthis testimony? He knows Just whatkind of a position I am In, and If hewere a man he would com bare andhelp me." v

with all the Judges present. Ow I tines blew sixty miles an hour, raged the presence of the district attorney,aboard joined the local volunteer1354 in the matter of the last will and over Kansas. Oklahoma and a great all the three men were allowed to

tske their hands from their clothesmainder. -testament of Sarah Ellen Dye, deceas-- 1 pari of Missouri yesterday and last bucket brigade. The flames werestopped after they, had consumed sixbusiness buildings and the train went

their Chinese assistants to go South.and Immediately the March disclosed, ed, Isiaa Dye, executor, Appellee v. 1 night reports from the effected dis--r

As Lockwood and- - white, accordingto Browne's story were stufflnj . the ' The government treops demand the3,B0O on White's person and $509 Muictasnow, rapmiy tailing tempera- -

'.surrender of the Ehanat Rebels.nnntinned on Pace Eight. ) ' 'tares. on Its way.money Into their trousers' poefteta, Lockwoods. ,. . .

. j. i j; ft w u tt;s, - 1 '


Page 3: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911


schools in Colorado? That is theSTOMACH DISTRESSAND DYSPEPSIA GO. HEAD WAS SCALYThe Little Store

Always to the Front.

Cooking and Baking BagsHI AUJAHE OUT

Heartburn, Gas and Indigestion Go

Five Minutes After TakingPape's Diapepsin.

As there is often some one in yourfamily who suffers an attack of Indi-

gestion, why don't you keep someDiapepsin in the house handy?

This harmless blessing will digestanything you can eat without theslightest discomfort, and overcome a

question that will be decided tms weekat the thirty-sevent- h annual sessionof the Colorado Teachers' Association.

Taken III on Train.Mrs. D. Clark, who, in company

with her three children, was on herway from her home in Mogollon, amining camp near Silver City, toNew York, was taken seriously 111

yesterday on train No. 10 near lasVegas and was removed to the LasVegas hospital where she receivedtreatment. Las Vegas Optic.

Cultured and Refined Rascals.The chief defect in our schools is


And Baby's Face Broke Out in Red

Bumps. Spread on Hands andArms. Got Worse All the Time.

Mother Says, "I Don't Think Any-

thing Else Would Have CuredHim Except Cuticura."

sour, gassy Stomach five minutesafter.

Tell your pharmacist to let you read

We'll have THANKSGIVING TURKEYS for our Customers

Bananas, Oranges,Grape Fruits, Nuts,

Crnberries, Plum Pudding.And All Kinds of Vegetables.

the formula, plainly printed on thesecases of Pape's Diapepsin,

"When my first baby was six months oldhe broke out on bis head with little bumps.

then you will readily see why it makes ' their inadequate moral instruction.Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heart- - They educat the heas and neglectburn and other distress go in five the heart, and are turning out largeminutes, and relieves at once such numbers of cultured and refined ras 1 was i

They would dryup and leave ascale. Then itwould break outagain and Itspread all over hishead. All the haircame out and hishead was scaly allover. Then n 1 sface broke out allover in red bumpsand it kept spread-in- g

until it wason his hands and

cals. Such is tn substance of state-ments made by the Rev. R. B. Peeryat Denver.

Land Board Reverses' Itself.

EFi GROCERY GO.INmiseries as Belching of Gas, Eructa-tions of sour, undigested food, Nausea,Headaches, Dizziness, Constipation,and other Stomach disorders.

Some folks have tried so long to find

relief from Indigestion and Dyspepsia The state land board of ColoradoSouthern Corner Plaza. Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40.

WE GIVE REGISTER TICKETS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES.or an stomach with tha has reversed itself, and voted to

every-da- y cures advertised consider the segregation, under thethat they have about made up their Carey act( of 40 000 acrea of g.minds that they have something else ment land in MnntrnBe fln(1 San m..p1wrong, or believe theirs is a case of which(COunties, it granted to Burkeley MRS. GOOD COOK:



arms. I bought several boxes of ointment, gavehim blood medicine, and had two doctors totreat him, but he got worse all the time. Hehad it about six months when a friend toldme about Cuticura. I sent and got a bottleof Cuticura Resolvent, a cake of CuticuraSoap and a box of Cuticura Ointment. Inthree days after using them he began toimprove. He began to take long naps andto stop scratching his head. After takingtwo bottles of Resolvent, two boxes of Oint-ment and three cakes of Soap he was soundand well, and never had any breaking out ofany kind. His hair came out in little curlsall over his head. I don't think anythingelse would have cured him except Cuticura.

"I have bought Cuticura Ointment andSoap several times since to use for cuts andsores and have never known them to fail tocure what I put them on. Cuticura Soap isthe best that I have ever used for toiletpurposes." (Signed) Mrs. F. E. Harmon,ft. F. D. 2, Atoka, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1910.

Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold through-out the world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem.Corp., Dept. 16B, Boston, for a liberal sampleof each, post-fre- e, with 32-- p. book on the skin.


iNervousness, uasmus, warm oi ui Wells Duncan Chislioim and othersStomach or Cancer.

This, no doubt, is a serious mistake. .

Your real trouble Is, what you eat does Bys He'd er,ous Charae.Because they are alleged to naveandnot digest; instead, it ferments,

sours, turns to acid, Gas and Stomach' f"16 a bonded car somewhere in

poison, which putrefy in the digestive ' Albuquerque yards, Ruben and

tract and intestines, and besides, Solomon Lopez, lads of 13 and 11

poison the breath with nauseous odors. years respectively, were bound over

A hearty appetite, with thorough di-- j t0 grand Jury. Their bond was

gestion, and without the slightest dis- - set at $100 each. The lads wereor misery of the Stomach, ia; rested by Santa Fe Officer W. C.


The Delicatessen StoreWe carry the best of Imported Goods.Our Bakery is always going. FreshBread and Cakes every day : : : : :

Delicious Cream Puffs on Thursday and Saturday

Phone, 19 Black. LOUIS NAPOLEON

Wood-Davi- s Hardware Co.Phone 14. If Its Hardware We Have It Phone 14

waiting for you aa soon as you decide j oinun,to try Pape's Diapepsin.

Socialist Author Poisoned,GIVE THEM A PLACE TO PLAY.

(By Denis A. McCarthy.)whose bodies are supposed to bethose found in a remote corneT ofSwope park, disappeared from their

The matrimonial woes of H. KelloggDurland, Socialist author and poet,who escaped the ordeal of the divorcecourts through cyanide of potassium, Attention ! SpoS?Plenty of room for dives and dens

(glitter and glare and sin!) rooms here the morning of Saturday,September Z.Plenty of room for prison pens (gath-,ma- y yet be legally aired and the mys--

er the criminals in!), tery of his death on a Boston-Ne-

Plenty of room for jails and courts York train last Sunday morning clear-- She Did Not Like Pueblo.Owing to the fact that she would(willing enough to pay!) ed.

Eut never a place for the lads to rather live in Denver than in Pueblo,Mrs. Clara Heusel took French leaverace; no, never a place to play!


Flour Hay, Grain, Potatoes and 5alt.Sole Agents For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD.

ILFaLFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, garden & field seeds in bulk and package

The only exclusive grain house in Santa Fe

Tragic Death at Las Vegas.Mrs. Romula Garcia, the woman

who was stricken with paralysis inthe halls of the county court house

Plenty of room for shops and stores

Bring your raw furs and hidesto us to be tanned and made intothe latest style garments, rugs,robes, etc. Animals and birdsmounted at reasonable rates.

(Mammon must have the best!)

of her husband and children and be-

sides causing the family much worry,also caused the entire police depart-ment to spend several hours search-ing for her.

at Las Vegas, died some time after herPlenty of room for running soresillness began. The woman had beenthat rot in the city 'a breast!

Plenty of room for the lures that lead, before the grand jury to testifythe hearts of our youth astray, against her husband, who was charg-- Sheriff Did Quick Work.

IA neat little piece of work wasEut never a cent on a playground ed with t." She was ad- -

spent; no, never a place to play! vancea in years. pulled oTT by Sheriff Felipe Lucero ofLas Cruces when he got up at 3:30 a. F. F. GORMLEY

Phone 6619 Blk.Santa Fe, N. M.Bagged Four Geese. m., hiked over to the bosque acrossPlenty of room for schools and halls,

Jack Laubach, Roy Sundt, Arthurplenty of room for art;Phone Black45LEO HERSCHPhone Black

45the river from Mesilla, captured Man-uel Carrion, who on Sunday had stol-en a calf from Jesus Mendoza on the

Plenty of room for teas and balls, Langston and Peter Olsen returned toLas Vegas from a hunting trip to the

platform, stage, and mart.lakes on the ranch of J. D. Hand with-Proud is the city she finds a place

for many a fad today, game bags loaded to the limit of theircapacity. Pour big wild geese allBut she's more than blind if she failsweighing over 12 pounds and largerto find a place for the boys to

play!than good sized turkeys, with a number of ducks, were among the resultsof the hunt. The big geese were shot

west side of the river, which he droveto Mesilla on Monday and sold toManuel Chavez; and by ten thatmorning the man had been tried andconvicted. The hombre got $16.50 forthe calf, but didn't even have achance to spend it, and will undoubt-edly languish at the territorial peni-

tentiary for some months to come forhis little in discretion. Las CrucesCitizen. ,

Give them a chance for innocent on Lake Isabelle.

Controller Bay Charges Not True,

sport, give them a chance forfun


: CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES :Handkerchief Cases, Manicure Sets, Sewing Cases, Book Marks anda great many other novelties all beautifully hand decorated in

water colors. : .. : : . : : :

Thanksgiving Post Cards.

Santa Fe Trail Curio CompanySan Francisco Street.

Why Import Mineral Water ?: WHEN YOU CAN OET THE : :

Celebrated Maiden Buttee Mineral Water,All Kinds of Soda,

Special High Ball Ginger AleDelivered to your house. Patronize home industry. Leave orders at


Better a playground plot than a courtWashington, Nov. 28. It was saidand a jail when the harm is done! here that Louis B. Brandis, the Bos

Give them a chance-i- f you stintthem now, tomorrow you'll have (Continne4 on Page Seven.)

ton attorney era ployed by the Grahamhouse committee to investigate thecharges that the Taft adminTstrationhad handed the Morgan-Guggenhei-

to payA larger bill for a darker ill, so give

them a place to play!syndicate, through Richard F. Ryan, amonopoly of the frontage on Control

DlUlllUCeTITcTi ler bay, Alaska, has reviewed the evi-dence carefully, and reached the con.


Free booklet telle about 360,000protected positiona In U. S. Civil Ser-vice. More than 40,000 vacanciesevery year, lifetime employmentEaay to get. Just ask for examina

tHnBoruMntiMiuLj elusion that the charge is not true.

Kansas City Murder Mystery.It was learned at Kansas City that tion booklet. Now Mexico Civil SerMarriage License.

A marriage license was issued atClaire, brother of Mrs. Alt T. Ringling

vice School, Albuquerque, N. M, Box45&

Las Vegas to Pacifica B. Garcia, agedand his wife, Mrs. Mayme Wild An36, and Cleofes Gallegos, aged 24.


CAD CAIE Improved and aninproved City Property, Orchards

rUl JiiLL andRancles; Also a number of the finest Fruit andAlfalfa Ranches in theEspanola Valley with the Very Best of .water rightsand one of the finest orchards on the Tesuque at a Bargain. '

Modern Residences for Rent.(

drews, formerly of Baraboo, Wis.,Professor as Assistant Editor.

Professor Wm. H. Sloan of the Agri Imperial Laundry

You are requested to call and see andhear the beautiful tone

JESSE FRENCH PIANONow on the floor of the Sante Pe Trail & Curio Co.


LEARNARD-LINDEMAN- N COMPANYare ordering in car-lo- ad shipments for Holiday Trade. Place your

order now for your Christmas Piano. Our pianos, our prices andour terms have satisfied hundreds of New Mexico

and Arizona purchasers.SANTA FE TRAIL & CURIO CO., SANTA FE.

LEARN ARD & Established 1900

culture College, has accepted the position of assistant-edito- r of the LasCruces Citizen. For Best Laundry Work



Agency at O. K. Barber ShopMrs. P. O. Brown, Agent.

Corsets Make Cowards.Los Angeles, Nov. 28. Corsets

make cowards. That is what Mrs.Richard Hovey says, and she has beenmaking a study of the effects of cor-

sets for twenty-fiv- e years.

Conference of Priests.All the Catholic fathers of this di-

ocese, who live in Albuquerque or vi-

cinity, went down to Belen this morn

LINDEMANN CO. Albuqurque, New Mexico WHOLESALEAND RETAILPhone Red No. 23. Phone, Red No. 2

ConsnmptionOftenDevelopsFrom Pneumonia

Consumption readily attacks those whohave hud Pneumonia. Many sufferersfrom Tuberculosis give n history ot hav-

ing had Pneumonia. The lungs thus weak-ened are more easily attacked by thegerms that Consumption.

For all those with "weak lungs," espe-cially those who have had Pneumonia,Eckman's Alterative Is the appropriatereuiolv. Cures of Consumption are ac-

complished bv Eckman's- - Alterative. Buttake it :n time. There is no wisdom in

waiting until Tuberculosis is established.Health is never fully valued until sick-ness comes. A remurkable recovery fol-

lows: Sid N. 41st St., Philn., Pa."Gentlemen: I wish I had known of

Eckman's Alterative two years ago.Since taking it, following a bad attack ot

Pneumonia, I have gained twenty-eigh- t

pounds, and 1 cannot but be very thank-ful to you and the Almighty God for thegreat blessing and change of health It hasbrought me."

(Signed Affidavit) THOMAS KEIMA.Eckman's Alterative Is effective in Bron-

chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever: Throat andLung Troubles, anil in upbuilding thesystem. Does not contain poisons, opiatesor habit-formin- g drugs. Ask for bookletof cured cases and write to EckinanLaboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for more evi-

dence. Vnr snip bv nil leading s am'

E. M. Lehnor, Expert German Piano Tuner. WoodLumpScreened



HUBB'S LAUNDRY.ing for a conference. They will re-

turn tonight. Albuquerque Herald.

New Rabbi for Laa Vegas.Phone us, we will be glad to call forI R. J. BRIGHTON

i I s m r" r a ja a m m a e. your laundry on Monday and TuesAt a meeting of the members of days and deliver on Thursdays and

Anthracite Coal all Sizes, Smithing Coal. Steam CoalSaved Wood and Kindling,

BLOTftiVSK J CAPITAL COAL YARD.Telephone 86 Telephone 85

Congregation Montefiore at Las Ve- Fridays.gas, a unanimous call was issued to All work it guaranteed; your aocks

are mended and buttons aewed anyour shirts without extra charge.by Zook'a Pharmacy m Santa FaPHONE RED 122 PHONE RED 122

R. H. STOLLE, Agent.


" The Quality Coal."333 HICKOX STREET, Near Union Depot




La Salle RestaurantCHAS. QANN, Prop. S

Meets Both North South Fine Rigs, Reliable Horses Single)Baggies, Surries, Saddle Horses.

Rev. Dr. David Liknitz of Leaven-

worth, Kan., to succeed Dr. J. S. Rais-in, resigned.

Charles J. Atkin Dead.Charles J. Atkin of St. Louis, Mo

died at the Las Vegas hospital aftera long illness. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinand son, Charles, Jr., arrived in LasVegas from their home in Missourilast Tuesday.

Minister to Edit Democratic Paper.In last week's Tucumcari Sun

Messrs Stubbins and Hopkins an-

nounce the sale of the Sun to a com-

pany of Tucumcari business men whowill continue to publish it with Rev. J.W. Campbell as editor and manager".

High School Fraternities Tabooed.Shall the fraternities and sororities

be crushed out of all the public

Bounds Trains.Leaves Barranca on the arrival of

the north bouno. train and arrives atFIRST CLASS HACK SERVICE Taoa at 7 p. m.Ten mllea shorter than any other

Whei )i Heed of Anyttlnrin fte UVERY LINE.

Driiers Firiichel

Don Gasper Ave.

C$L 'Phone 9


Per hira at papular erleae "malaa and saddle hersa.

Telephone II.

Two Doors Below P. Andrews Store.Regular Meals 25 cents.

Rooms for Rent 25c and 50c.

Short Orders at All Honrs.


French Noodle Order 20c a disk,New York Chop Suey 50c.

CCttlCTS BACK mi THEODOtECOlIia. Prty.fway. Good cover hacks and goodteama. Fare $5.00 round trip. Teamafurnished commercial man to take Inthe surrounding towns, Wlra Embudo

FheiM Blaek 1tt8tation.

Page 4: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911



Listen to a Few of These SpecialsCut Glass Almond &4 ff 4. 1 E A

or Olive Dishes 4 I --Uv tU LuUInmense Asst. of Decorated China


Sterling Silver Deposit Glassware the very latest ofbeautiful ware Something that will please anywoman ;- -: i- -: :- -: ;: :: :- -:


Here You Can FindA Suitable (lift for every one FATHER, MOTHER, WIFE, orDAUGHTER, HUSBAND or SON and for BABY too in beautiful Fili-

gree work not excelled anywhere in beauty and design.Turquoise Matrix-Brili- ant Opals-- in Beautiful rinf Settings. Also Broochesand Pendants : :: :: :: :: :: : :: ::


Sterling Silver Tea '

'mSpoons per Set $3.75

You cannot equal these in Chicago or New YorkSEE THEM IN THE WINDOW

Our immense stock will be sold at reduced prices.NEW MEXICO WILL BE-


It Can Be Done, So Scores of SantaFe Citizens Say.


STATE LEGISLATUREDr. Theodore S. Palmer, Chief of Bio

logical Survey, Will Rtcommend Establishing Preserves.

One of the game conditions that

W. L. DeCLOW,America's Largest Horse and Jack Importer, Remov-

ing His Business to New Mexico.I am arranging to change my business location from Cedar

Rapids, la., to El Paso, Tex., or some desirable poirrtnear by. I amshipping 30 Imported Stallions and Mammoth Jacks on January 1,1912, being my first consignment. I would like to correspond withall stockmen who are in need of Stallions, Jacks or Full BloodMares. I can also furnish Registered Shorthorn and Hereford Bullsand Registered Shropshire Bucks at very reasonable prices. Pleasewrite me. If not in need yourself, please tell your neighbors.

W. DeCLOW,Cedar Rapids Jack and Stallion Importing Farm, Cedar Rapids, la

I have recently secured a special ra te by express by which I can shipJacks at lower rates than ever before. I can ship, jacks from Cedar Rap-

ids, la, to Albuquerque, N. M, for $55 each, to Phoenix, Ariz., for $104each, and can reach other points at corresponding rates.


Their Independence Is Often DirectReason for Their Not Getting

Married, Says Dr. Sprakue

' New York, Nov. 28. "Womenshould stay out of the professions. Themore they get into industrial and pro-fessional life, the further they gelfrom carrying out th ideals for whichthey were created. The independenceof women in professional life is oftenthe direct reason for their avoidanceof marriage. ,

"Business life wears away thet re-

straint between the sexes that causesinterest. Women become accustomedto the constant and daiTy society ofmen, with goodfellowship aud com-

radeship, and marriage is regardedas a bore.

"The professional woman has a

To cure an aenmg tack,The pains of rheumatism.The tired-ou- t feelings,You must reach the spot get at

the cause.In most cases 'tis the kidneys.Doan's Kidney Fills are for the

'kidneys.Mrs. Agrlplna de Gonzales. 102 Gar-

cia St., Santa Fe, N. Mex., says: "InSeptember, 1906, I used Doan's Kid-

ney Pills for backache which hadbeen a source of much annoyance. Inthe morning when I arose my backwas so lame and painful that I could

hardly stoop. I knew that my troublewas due to disordered kidneys and, Iwas finally led to try Doan's KidneyPills, by the good reports I heardabout them. The contents of one

box of this remedy drove away all my

pains and I am happy to state thatmy cure has been permanent."

For sale by all dealers. Price 50

cents. Fosteu-Milbur- Co., Buffalo,



surprised Dr. Theodore S. Palmer, thechief of the Biological Survey of theU. S. Department of Agriculture, whowas through this city on Sunday,is the number of the Canvas Backduck to be found out here. Ordinarilythis toothsome variety of wild fowlis thought to be totally extinct 'n theUnited States. In fact no less a per-son than Hornaday, chief of theBronx, N. Y., Zoological GaTdens, in abook upon the subject said: "Thecanvas back duck is a thing of thepast."

In canvassing the situation withDeputy Game Warden Stamm onSunday afternoon, Dr. Palmer foundthat scarcely a hunter had gotten abag of ducks this fall who had notalso one or two of this supposedlytxtlnct variety in the bag. This sur-

prised him greatly, and in view of thisit is quite likely that steps will be

home and good clothes and all theWells Fargo & Co. Express

General Express Forwardersmen friends she wishes. Therefore isit any wonder that she hesitates toexchange her independence for a hus

Ttaken to foster as much as possible All Parts of The World

United States.Remember the name Doan's and

take no other. . the canvas back In New Mexico.

S3T 1bA3V tmc'mlm 7 Purchastef WeflsIMVUVJ PWx Domestic Mooey Orders, Travelers'

The value of these birds, which donot at the most weigh more than twoand a half pounds, can be gatheredwhen it is known that the last quo

band with an incoi.13 iptihaps smallerthan her own, for the monotony of ahome and the care of babies 1"

Its Dr.. Robert J. Sprague of Am-

herst college who is speaking. Theidle rich woman is not responsiblefor race suicide, according to the pro-

fessor, but the college woman who"goes in for art, music, teaching, med-

icine, the law or business." In fact,Dr.tSpragje flings- - the epithet "oldmaid factory" at the woman's college.


(Publisher.).SQUIRE HARTT, JR,

State Senator From the County of Taos. ski Fsxwiffa Meskty Orders, T7. W tations on them In Kansas City three

TJ. S. Land or at oania rw, . j.November 15, 1911. years ago was $48 per dozen. Nyakleed in politics for over thirtjr years, Unmh(ni nf thpRA dnrkd wow found U. S., Canada, Mexico CeHtriethe has sought no office, until last year cn preserve of tne r1o GrandeNotice ia hereby given that Luciano

Ortega, of Lamy, N. M., who, on Octo-"be- r

18, 1911, made homestead 10134,ue was deuieu a ue6 " " Gun ciub below the city, and for the

3t Age 55 years.Born at Ranchos de Taos.

X Educated in private school.X Entered business for himself

stituuonai convention, nis serviuea Tagt three of four yearSi there navethere resulted in his nomination for teen numbers of them tnere witn theNo 07888, for Sfl 1-- section 35, town- - REMITTANCES SENT BY TELEORAPH


Doesn't Refuse If She Cares.When shown Dr. Sprague's remarks

Professor Mary Schenck Woolman ofthe Teacher's' college and director ofthe Manhattan Trade School, said:

ehip 14 N, range 11 E, N. M. meridian, Uj when 22 years old. tne btate senate. other varletiesMr. nam is wen Known as a. suu- -

Dr. Paimer made certain Inquirieshas filed notice of Intention to mane jjfinal five-ye- proof, to establish claim jgto the land above described, before $j

cessiui Dusinessman, wool grower of th(J number and classes of birda J.D. BARNES, Agent.ana orcnara owner, f rom smaii ue- -unii In hla fionHnn dnrinc the miera-

President of firm of SquireHartt & Son.

Sheep grower.Fruit raiser.Member of Constitutional

Convention. : '

i.ginnlngs at Ranchcos de Taos, he has perod m& yar and wa8 mucnbuilt up a large mercantile enter- - --,,.,., tn flnj tnat tna aemi.trnnir.

Register or Receiver TJ. S. Land or-- $

lice, at Santa Fe, N. M., on the 26th jjday of December, 1911. " ' v X

1 have never known, a professionalwoiman to refuse marriage if she caredfor the man. She may be devoted toher own work ond utterly ignorant ofthe duties which marriage entils. Shemay know nothing about child-rearin- g

prise at Taos under the name of a, algrets and Ibis, and blue heron. Claimant names as witness: squire iiaro & son, oi wmcu urui u ad been Been, The usual migrations

la th a nrAAinTir..Euloeio Sandoval, George Lathrop, of swans, sand hill crane, and seaMr. Hartt was born at Ranchos deAnother member of the constitutrciiwtn Martinez. Francisco Sando-- l gulls were also noticed. A number

yal, all of Lamy, N. M.MANUEL OTERO,


tional convention, whose experiencethere will come him in good stead asa legislator for the state of New Mex

Taos on May 2, 1856, and received his tWgof sea jj Bem t0 come wayschooling under private tuition at every year and lt is qulte a frequentTaos. When he was 22, he went into. the lakegg, ht to see them feeding onbusiness for himself te a small way. ne cjtyHe gradually branched out, acquired; the Dlall9 of th! Department of

or cooking, But if she is in love sheshuts her eyes and takea the plunge.

"Professional women are not averseto. marriage. Of wvrse they do notmarry for a meal, ticket or for any ex-

cept the best and highest reasons."The trouble in the past has been

not that the g woman re--

ico, is Squire Hartt, Jr., well knownin Santa Fe. He was elected to thefirst state Senate on the Republican

Notice for Publication.Demrtment of the Interior, considerable real estate, made a sue- -

S. carriedgriculture ot the U. arecess of sheep and wool growing and ont the proposd National Park willT.,i Da M TUT

iu. D.Mmi. - -- ". - --. tidet by a large maj0rity. yiameu- au urcuaru wmcu is ma aye-- i

While Mr. Hartt has been interest- - cial pride.not only be well stocked with game! fused to wed, but that she didn't knowbut will be a fisherman's paradise. her job as a wife. And that was hard-Thi- s

work, however, will have to he ly her fault, Bince neither in public.Notice is hereby given that Crea-xnci- o

Rolbal. of Pecos, N. M., who, on! done In conjunction with the Bureau j school, college nor technical schoollot Fisheries of the Department of j was there any provision for domesticWIFE HAD SIGNALS THEODORE AGAIN PUTSSept. 4.1906, made Homestead 9886.

21o. 07754. for flW 1-- 4 SW 1--4 Sec. 2


rjommerce and Labor. A great amount! courses.

Section 3, Township 16 N, Range 13But Her Husband Seems to Have

IE Meridian, has filed notice of lntenCaught On and Now There Is

a Suit for Divorce.Denver, Colo., Nov. 28. Bernard

tlon to make Final fire year Proof, toestablish claim to the land above des

of work has already been done by theRoosevelt Will Under No Clrcum- - Bureau of Fisheries In stocking the

stances Consent to Becoming a Utreams of New Mexico with fish, butCandidate. ,wltn tne establishment of the Nation--

New York, Nov. 28. With all entry al park lt lB unaerstood to be theAmerican today publishes what It mtention of the Agricultural Depart-term- s

an "authoritative . statement" ment tn aak for more flgn from its


Pamphlet of Much Interest by Histori.an B. M. Read to Be pub.

liahed Shortly.

cribed, before Register or Receiver TJ. Shorn a natlrnnn man hna hnH v&uma. ina umce, m mw r b, . o experience with automatic block



THE correctof the foot is

as nice an art as thegrooming of the body,and you know that no

signals, semaphores, signals for a side of Colonel Roosevelt's position with fpiiow denartmpnt. and' thus imnroveme bin aay oi uecemuer, 1911.Claimant names as witnesses - J t 1 B 1 i 1. t n Tan...fcn-n- T .....

iracK, nun signals iui a viear ickjiciiuc iu ivcyuum.au unuwui ne already excellent nsning opporPlutarco Armljo, Viriglnlo Qulntana, hllt h nW.t. to havlne guch sienals At the suggestion of ProfessorHadley, dean of New Mexico's ed--campaign in 1912.

jtunties of this section.Perfecto Armljo, all of Rowe, N. M., brougnt int0 hl8 domestiC Hfe and, The statement reiterates Mr. Roose- - Among the species of game that are ucatQrsand2otbers who heard the adiAnd Manuel Garcia, ot Fulton, N. M. consequently has filed suit for div velt's declaration that he will not be now nearly extinct in the United

a candidate in 1912 neither would he States is the mountain sheep. NewMANUEL R. OTERO, orce from Ethel Sharp, whom he ac-

cuses of infidelity.Register. lend his aid to any prospective can-- Mexico however, has a good supply, J ISharp alleges that his wife has an didate. swell protected by the law. The largThe North American says the est known flock of these hardy tittleTIMETABLE ALL admirer, who visits her while he ia

out of the city, and that his wife orig- -

dress on "Education and Its Relationsto the Discovery, Conquest, Christian-izatio- n

and Colon! ation of New Mex-

ico the Minister of God and theTeacher," delivered by Historian Ben-

jamin M. Read before the EducationalAssociation here in Santa Fe on theevening of November 15, arrange-ments have been made to have thataddress as well as the address of Mr.Read to the graduating class of Saint

statement was made no more than animals In the united states is knownthr dftv n en hv fTnlnnfil BnosovpH. to exist in southern New Mexico InLOCAL TRAINS inated a "clear track" and a "side

track" signal for the benefit of herThe following are tne time tables suitor. He says his wife placed a flow

er pot to the left of the window, andwhere It could be seen from thestreet. If the pot was at the right of

It says: the lower Guadalupe mountains. Here"Colonel Roosevelt will not support the country is exceedingly rough, and

any man for the nomination In 1912, well suited to them. Since theyneither Mr. Taft nor any one else. He have been afforded the protection ofnever gave Taft any pledge or of-- toe game laws, they have Increasedfer of support, nor did Mr. Taft ever in numbers somewhat, and ere longhave such an impression. j it Is hoped to be able to get hold of

"As to himself, Colonel Roosevelt a goodly number for the purposes of

f tie local railroads:"A. T. A . F. By."

Xeave8:10 a. m., to connect with No,

westbound and No. 10 eastbound.

Michael's College in June last, print-ed. To cover the expense of printing

3 the window it meant her .husband wasat home, and the admirer was side--

If it was placed at the leftReturning, arrive Santa Fe at 12.10 1 tracked.Is not a candidate nor has he been stocking tne proposea national rara,p.m. lot tne wmuow it meant snarp wasat any time. He has repeatedly disLeave Santa Fe at .3:30 p. m. to I out of town and the track clear,

and mailing the pamphlet, the smallprice of thirty-fiv- e cents will becharged. Orders should be sent toeither Mr. Read or to the New Mexi-

can Printing Company. A review ofboth of these addresses will shortlybe published in the New Mexican. Thebook will be copyrighted.

conect with No. 1 westbound and No. I Sharp says he came home unex- -

2 eastbound. I pectedly one day and moved the flowDEPUTY SHERIFF8 BRING


Deputy Sheriffs Dick Lewis andCarlos Armijo in charge of a hatch of

couraged suggestions of this charac-ter not only from sincere friends butfrom potential political leaders, whotor one reason or another desire touse his name, and he has emphatical

part of a man's or wo-

man's rig is more at-

tractive than a prettyfoot well shod.

When you want shoesto properly match thenew gown or suit youwill wear when goingout or receiving com-

pany, let us provide youwith strictly up-to-d- ate

footwear, and you mayrest assured you will

get the very latest style,the most perfect fit andthe best quality for theleast money.

Returning arrive al Santa Fe 6 p. m. I er pot to the left oi the window,; andLeave Santa Fe at 6:20 p. m. to con--1 that his wife's admirer walked, intr rimeet with No. 7 westbound and No. 4 1 the house while he was there.

ly refused pledges of active support, four convicts, the results of the lasteastbound. I William J. Ahern, who is .combLEGAL TANGLE MAYyen delivery of delegates."Returning arrive at Santa Fe at ling the separate maintenance suit of term of court in Bernalillo county,

arrived at the state penitentiary yesm w.

SAVE NEGRO FROM NOOSE.8:35 p.m. I Delia Ahern, now on trial in the dis- -

Leave Santa Fe at 8:50 P. m. to con--1 trict court, testified yesterday that terday afternoon. In the party wereThomas A. Insley, convicted of mur

aiect with No. 8 eastbound and No. 9 1 his wife was intimate with his broth-

Oklahoma City, Okla., Nov. 28.The criminal court of appeals whichconvened today for Its November termis expected to make some final dispo- -

For coughing, dryness and ticklingIn the throat, hoarseness and allcoughs and colds, take Foley's Honeyand Tar Compound. Contains no Jder In the second degree, and sen

"westbound. er and that the later wrecked histenced to serve a term of from twen

Returning, arrive at Santa Fe, 11:30 horn.opiates.'. : the pen. sition of the case ot "Kid" Kelley,

criminal which has bothered the Oklahoma au- -ty to twenty-fiv- e years inPaul Ross, convicted of aT, m. " ' ' Kaitn a. wins aiiowea ner nusDana For sale by all druggists.Passengers for the ' Belen cut-of-t I Robert B. Wills, to obtain a divorce

.and Pecos Valley points should now on the answer he filed to her suit for assault upon a little fifteen year old thorittes for several years. Kelley,girl, sentenced to a term of trom six a negro, was convicted of the murder1to eight years; Juan Muniz, convicted of another negro near Tishomingo'

AMATEUR BILLIARDleave at 3:30 p. m. Instead ot 7:201a divorce. In her complaint she said

TOURNAMENT TONIGHT,.as heretoiora. Connection leaves Al-h- husband Installed hisPhiladelphia, Nov. 28. The North ' of criminal assault upon Mrs. Socor- - eight years ago and ever since he has

buquerque t 7:66 p. m. instead ot daughter by a former marriage aslist which comprises a number of the ra Chavez at Padillas, sentenced to a been waiting to find out whether he

3:20 a. m. ; ; 4 , - head of the house end told her that Men's Fine Shoes, ... $3.50 to $6.00leading amateur billiard players of j term of from five to seven years, and should be hanged by the Unitedthe United States, the eleventh an-- James Mendez, who will serve six, States or the state. His case wasD. a t. q. ay. I she was only a washwoman when he

Leaves 10:05 a. m. or nortii. I married her and that he expected her nual tournament to decide the nation-- 1 months for larceny of a shop. Men--

Arrive 4:20 p. m. from north. - I to keep that position in his home.' dez stole some $75 worth o. goodsal amateur 18.2 balk line champion Men's Pumps &0rfords, . 2.50 to 5.00New exleo Central Kv. I Vincent Ladroot secured a divorce from the New Mexico Cigar store.ship opens tonight at Maurice Daly's

academy in this city, The tournaLeave 6:45 p. m Oontecta with Nalfrom Effie M. Ladroot, whom he ae--

pending in the Indian Territory courtswhen Oklahoma Was admitted tostatehood. An effort was made to getthe case into the United States cir-cuit court of appeals ot Oklahoma. Re-

cently the attorney general decidedthe state had no Jurisdiction and the

: east and 1 seuth and vest Icused of staying out late at nigntwitn ment Is the first of five big championArrive 3.18 p. m, with eeanectJontl other men, ship affairs which the National Asso

Women's Fine Shoes,. .. 2.00 to 5.00

Women's Pumps & Oxfords, 2.00 to 4.00trom No. 3 east


A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD.Seems heavier when he has a weakback and kidney trouble. Fred D un-re- n,

Mail Carrier, at Atchison, Kan,ays: "I have been bothered with

kidney and bladder trouble and hada severe pain across my back, When-ever I carried a heavy load of mallmy kidney trouble Increased. Sometime ago, I started taking FoleyKidney Pills and since taking them

negro was released from custody.But as the case Is still on the crim-inal court docket It Will be taken upand disposed ot at the present term.

; Have you Fumiehe Rooms te RentT

ciation of Amateur Billiard Playershas mapped out tor the present win.ter. The entry list is headed byCharles E. White, the present holderof the championship title. ; Other en-

trants who ell known becauseof their participation in former tournaments are George Clark, Mark Mul- -

BlmeroMsju wu nvuiu awwabout the wonderful

'Means lost of sleep, which Is bad foreveryone. .Foley's Honey and TarCompound stops the cough at once,,relieves the tickling and dryness In

II . AMARVEL WnMlngSnrayasm Pyri .aejBBfa WJ vyw vww. MM IIthe throat and heals the Inflamed

membranes. Prevents c cold develop. daur. Dr. Eric c. Beck, C. E. Conway,J. M. Millette and Claude Lewis. TwoIn tote bronchitis or pnevmehla, I have aotten entirely rid of all my

A little campaign Want advertisingIn the New Mexican will keep the In-

come from your famished rooms tromlapsing. ' The classified columns arealways looked p closely and it will

Wii&tvft taIWkeit


, Veep it always In the house,sjnbsatntes.

ror sale by all druggists.

newcomers this year are Charles Hed--i kidney trouble and am as sound howdoa of Dowaglac, Mich, and Walter as mi,"Leonard of Scran ton, Pa. ,

I For sale by U druggists. ' pay yon wea te use


Page 5: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911


tals more than $568,000,000. The cost I Mexican dollars, 46 copper 12.25A GLIMPSE OF HELL. VSANTA IE NEW MEXICAN If I could really get a glimpse ofhell, I would do differently," was therather startling reply a man gavewhen threatened with punishment Inthe hereafter. Yet, would he?

The newspapers are seeing to it that


Editor and President Vice President.JOHN K. STAUFFERt CHAS. M. STAUFFER,

Secretary-Treasure- r. General Manager.

at the Santa Fe Postoffice.every man and woman gets a glimpse manufacture of men's , clothes andof hell as they read accounts of the shirts, not including the one-ma- n

the Beattie and other court cern and tailorshops to be found intrials which bare the inmost secrets every town and village,cf misspent lives. Is it not true, thatamong those readers, there are some It is always gratifying to most peo-wh- o

gasp involuntarily when they pie to see a muckraker muckrakedrealize how near the brink they have or to witness the exposure of the real)oen or are at this very moment, to character of a man who is constantlythe same kind of hell that came to pointing out others as grafters. ButBoELtie and the miserable woman on it is more than gratifying, it is hum-tri-

in Penver? ' orous, to hear of impeachment proce-1- s

dure against Milwaukee's model ' So--there a sinele instance on rec




Loansmoney on the most favorable terms on all kinds ofpersonal and collateral security. Buys and sells bonds andstocks in all markets for its customers. : Buys and sells

- ttomestic foreign - exchange and- - makes telegraphictransfers of money to all parts of the civilized world 'onaslibetar "terms as are given by any money-transmitti- ng'

agency, public ,or private. Liberal advances made on con-

signments of livestock and products. The bank executesall orders of its patrons in the banking line, and will extendto them as liberal treatment in all directions as is consist- -

' 'ent with sound banking.:'V ; - '

OFFICERS.R. J. PALEN, President i':r;i-- ,i. B. READ, Cashier.

LA. HUGHES, F. McKANE, Assistant Cashier.

Entered as Second Class Matt er


telly, per week, by carrier..... .25

Dally, per month, by carrier...: .75

Daily. P month, by mail 66

Dally, per year, by mail 7.00


f The New Mexican Is the oldeet new

every postoffice in the Territory, andkmon tte intelligent and progressiT e


Althnneh a TTnited States Senator- -

ship is at stake. Delegate W H. An--

drows leaves N'ew Mexico tomorrowifor the National Capital to be at his

;post of duty when Congress opens. He Kept ot tnir movements, xsot oniybelieves that the people will take will there be several federal secretcare of a man who is faithful in look-- service agents, but also a number of

ing after their interests. It will be private detectives, in the pay of y

a few weeks, until Congress ad- - terested parties, guarding Solons

iourns for the Christmas holidays, against the temptation of accepting4 ; PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 45?

but there Is no one at Washington onas. anil

ord. where dissipation, vice, wrong--

dcing brought lasting joy, happiness,satisfaction or peace to any one?. Yet,'are there not young men and youngwomen, and mature, men and maturewomen, even right here in Santa Fe,who are smilingly walking the sameprimrose path that leads to the kindof liell that is being bared In thesesnrflid trials whn Italia a, hntnirma( e pubilc?

Dees this elimDse of hell deter anvone from making straight for thesame kind of hell as fast as

and" dissipation can carry them?Truly, human nature is 'a world-ol- d

riddle, a puzzle, is perverse beyondreas,,n and explanation


The Roswell Morning News Is advo-

cating a proper reform when it insistson a new registration law. The NewMexico registration law is not enly afarce but it opens wide the door tofraud. There is not a registrationlist that vdoes." not ,; have uponIt the names of ;, people who aredead or who have moved out otthe precinct or have forfeited their


.men, appear on the registration listof several wards. True, this is notthrough any fault of the registered.a i a i ivoier uui uecause nis name was Kepion the registration list when he moved j

Fire Insurance?

guard lor uns tuiuiuuuwTOiiu cwuauji&uipt ui ui4f.t vijuauj' a uts- -

like a good soldier, he goes to the sirable commodities. This may seem

.front, to his place of duty, while his a reflection on New Mexico statesman-rival- s

at home are fixing their ?ena- -Bnjp( DUt uncie Sam es well as those

torial fences. interested in good citizenship are ex- -

i During his seven years of service ceedingly anxious that there be no re-a- s

New Mexico's delegate in Congress petition of Lorimer scandals in thisSenator Andrews has always been on part of the West,

iduty for the people. He made nohis remarks dobrilliant speeches; A BARBAR0US PRACT,CE. ..

not cover whole issues, of the Con- - .

he The New Mex1Can has . repeatedlygressional Record, but he worked,accomplished things. At times it called attention to the iniquity of

HowAbout That


Think About It. . j,THE MOULTON- -


jhay have been so little a thing as

going to the Pension Bureau to expe- -

Ilte some widow's pension, at othertimes it may have been so great anachievement as securing statehood,

w io h aiwpvs where to

find him, right at the post of duty.i It is characteristic of Delegate W.H. Andrews that he had no selfishschemes of his own, during his seven

years of service in Congress. ThereWere no thoughts of legislation tofurther his own financial ends. Thishas not always been the case with hisnredecessors. or even with New Mexi

Santa Fe Planing Mill; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.

Mouldings,Sash, Doors,

Casings, Base,

out of one ward and was placed upon ; that would give any immediate reliefthe list of his new ward. There is except the finding of temporary quar-muc- h

complaint in almost every ccm- - ters in the First Ward, where a greatmunity of the difficulty of collecting number of the Fourth grade pu-th- e

poll tax. In Santa Fe, for in-- pils live. . In carrying out the plan,stance, only one-thir- d of the citizens Miss Maud Hancock and about fortypay this tax and it might be well to of her best pupils were moved topass a law providing that any person rooms that are as good as any thatdesiring to vote at any election that could be found in the city; being wellyear must appear in person before the heated end lighted,registration board to make the proper i Miss Ada Harvey had been engagedstatement as to his residence, age and some weeks ago to assist Miss Marie1right to vote and pay his poll tax Green in the first primary room diir-the.- n

and there. This may seem dras- - ing the forenoon of each day so thattic Dut it is not unjust. Miss Jean McGibbon was transferred

to the room made vacant by the re- -

Wyoming was a territory that did moval of Fourth grade pupils undernot rapidly gain in population after it J Miss Hancock to the First Ward. Misswas admitted to statehood. Even to-- j Harvey was then engaged to teach allday, its population is less than one-- j day and given the room vacated byhalf that of New Mexico. Thirty per j Miss McGibbon.' Under this arrange-cen- t

of its people live In cities and ment, each teacher has approximate-town- s

pf 2,500 or more inhabitants, i ly forty pupils, whom they aTe ablefifteen per cent in smaller places, and;' to grade well and both teacher andthe remainder live in the rural dis-- 1 pupil can do more effective work un.

Office, Bar, Bank and Church Fixtures ; also General CabinetWork, Turning, Odd Jobs and Custom Work. All work


guaranteed satisfactory and prices reasonable. .

Ws solicit a liberal share of your patronage. Estimates cheerfully furnished

co legislators at home, who often him a trial as to his guilt or y

feathered their own nests, cence. Under the state regime therehad their own little schemes of legis- - should be more frequent terms of

lation, out of which they sought to court, and greater effort on part of

gain individual profit and reward, district attorneys to bring accusedNot so with Andrews. No wonder, persons to speedy trial. Two flagrantfriend and foe alike, testify: "An-- oases are mentioned this week by thedrews has made a good delegate. He Aztec Index, which says:has done and accomplished more for "There are two prisoners In ' theNew Mexico than the best of his pre-- gan juan. C0Unty jail who are depriveddecessors.' 0f their liberty and denied a speedy

It is true, there are some who trial. If these two American citi-wou-

deprive him of the credit of zens were confined thus In a foreignsecuring statehood. Perhaps, some land. Uncle Sam would be forced byday, the real inside story of the state-- public sentiment to dispatch one orhood battle will be published and it two battleships to demand justice orwill not dim the luster of the achieve-- blow a hole through somebody. Thement of Delegate Andrews. He was jaw provides that accused citizensNew Mexico's irepresentative when gnalI D gjven a speedy trial. One ofthe enabling act was passed and wil. these men has already lain in jailbe on the spot when President Taft aDout seven months. There will be nosigns the final statehood proclama- -

8eSsi0n of district-cour- t until nexttion. As with beforeevery delegate Mflv .wMih ,a si mntha ftwflV Tt

Specifications, Etc. P. M.' HESCH, Jr. & SON

Phone Black 33166.

12.37 tin, 452045.35; read,1.404.50; amalgamated, 61: sugar,118 Atchison, '106 7-- Great

Northern, 127 New York Central107 Noi-tlier- Pac'fia, US 7 8:

Rtading, 151 VI; SouilDn Pacific.11' Xjj-.- Paiific, 177 13: steelC4 7-- steel, pfd., 109' GRAIN. PORK, LARD AND RIBS.

Chicago, $11., Nov. 28. Wheat-Decem- ber,

93 3-- May, 98 1--2

Corn e(.mber, 62 May, 63

64.Oats December, 46 12&5-S- ; May

49l-8- .

Pork Janj-iy- , 9.17 12..0.. Ribs Jaa-ary- , 8.35.

.ii .: Wool.'


St. Louis, Nov. 28. Wool steady;territory and western mediums 17

20; fine mediums 1618; fine iligil5.Livestock

; ChWgo, Nov. 28. Cattle Receipts0'66'. 'Market slow to steady. Beeves

$4.409; Texas steers $45.70; west- -

em steers $4.407.30; stackers andfeeders- $2.90 5.60; cows and heifers$1.80 5.80; calves $5.!

Hogs Rececipts 27,000. Marketquiet 5c lower. Light $5.406.15;mixed $5.806.35; heavy $5.856.40;rough $5.856.05; good to choiceheavy $6.056.4O; pigs $45.40; bulkof sales $5.956.20. t

Sheep Receipts 20,000. Marketsteady. Native $2.253.75; western$2.403.85; yearlings $3.654.65;lambs, native $3.505.65; western

,$3.50 5.60.Kansas City, Nov. 28. Cattle Re-

ceipts 7,000, including 600 southerns.Market steady. Native steers"" $5

8.75; southern steers $4 6; southerncows and heifers $34.25; f

--nativecows and heifers $2.756.50; st'ock--;

ers and feeders $3.75 5.75; bullsj?3.404.75; calves $3.757; westernsteers $46.65 ; western cows $34.75. ',v

' ;.'


Hogs Receipts 20,000. Market5 to lpc lower. Bulk of sales $5.756.35; heavy $6.306.40; packers andbutchers $6.156.35; lights . $5.606 20; pigs $45.

Sheep Receipts 50,000. Marketsteady. Muttons $2.703.50; lambs

ranee wethers and vearHmrsr$34.25; range ewes $23.75.


COLUMN DO IT.A good live advertisement In the

Want column of the New Mexican willtent any property that Is rentable.

hat you have got, but you must letIhpre is always some one that wantsthem know it

If you want anything on earth' Tn. New Mexican want a.


Nov. 30th and Dec 1st.

A Palm Beach

PartyThe latest and greatest idea in





B. P. O. E.




Prices ...Advance Sale at Fischer's Drug Store



Dec. 4th 191 1

If You want to Laugh'

Follow the Crows to







A Play With 1,000 laughsCompany of Clever Coaediaos

including ,



! Pi ices $1.50 - $1.00 - 75c'Seat Sale at FISCO tiia

of material used in this industry isalmost $300,000,000 and more man a

quarter million people are employeddrawing wages of $133,000,000 eachyear. There are 6,354 establishmentsin the United States engaged in the

c'alist mayor and official for alleged"malfeasance and in of--

nce; ' ' ."' T "


Main Structure in Precinct SeventeenIs Overcrowded and Youngsters i

Must Walk Long Distance.In explaining why the fourth grade

at the High School building was mov- -

d t0 its present quarters into themodern brick building in the FirstWard, Professor 3. A. Wood explainedthat. It was 'for the greatest' good for j

the greatest number, and that theSchool board had done all possible toequalize the seenr'ng hardship tothose parents who must send theirchildren across the river.

The direct cause of the removalwas the intolerably crowded conditionof the first three primary rooms in theHigh School building. The enrollmenthad already reached 160 for thethree rooms and the children contin-ued to come,

"Thirty-five- , tp forty pupils to oneteacher is enough," said. Professorwooa. 'More than this . means un- -

healthful sanitary conditions, poorgrading and generally decreased effi-

ciency of system and; discipline.",,When the question came up before

the Board of Education a number oflilnnj Tinvf fnpnr.,11 tn allaiHUTA ,

e condition, but none were found

der better physical conditions.The Board of Education found that

the only two other plans that seemfeasible involved too much time andexpense at this season. One of theplans suggested was to place radia-tors in the assembly room and removethe high school to the third floor. Theothef plan was to build an addition tothe Second Ward school. Both planswere abandoned for like reasons giv- -

The hope was expressed by thoseresponsible for the matter that thosewho have been inconvenienced maytake the matter philosophically andare promised that a change will bemade just as soon es it is possible todo so.


X. w York. Nov. 28. Cajl money, 3;prime paper, 4 1-- silver, 55


As Dangerous as the Tobacco or Whis-

key Heart.

"Coffee heart" is common to manycoffee users and is liable to send theowner to his or her 16ng home If thedrug is persisted in. You can run 30

or 40 yards and find out if your heartis troubled. A lady who was once' avictim of the "coffee heart" writesfrom Oregon:

' 'K

"I have been a habitual user ofcoffee all my life and have sufferedvery much in recent years from ail-

ments which I became satisfied were

directly due to the poison in the beverage, such as torpid liver and indi-

gestion, which in turn made my cocm- -

plexion blotchy and muddy."Then my heart became effected.

it would beat most rapidly just aftert drank mv coffee, and ko below nor--

mal as the coffee effect wore off.

Sometimes my pulse would go as higha? 137 beats to the minute. My famii ,,,oti 01.2.4 at mv onniii.

tion and at last mother- -

persuaded metc begin the use of Postum.

x gave up coffee entirely andabsolutely, and made Postum my soletable beverage. This "was 6 monthsago, and all my ills the indigestion,inacyVe liver and ricTtety heart ac- -

7 ne improvement set in rery soon atter I made the change, just as soonas the coffee poison had' time to workout of my system.

--My husband has also been greatly

1 i.:. il. -- . 1

wtha't r.S'WEl wEPostum, is as satisfying ana more

strengthening than the old heaviermeal we used to have with, coffee."

Name given by Postum Co., BattleCreek, Mich. . v

; "There's a reason" and it is ex-

plained in the little took, ''The Roadto Wellvllle," in pkga,; .Ever read the above: letter? A newone appears from time to time. Theyare gtnulne, true, and full ef humanInterest

Daily, tlx months, by mall $3.60'Weekly, six month! 1.00

Weekly, per year 2.00

Weekly, per quarter .60


epaper in New Mexico. It Is sent tehas a large and growing clrcolattrapeople of the Southwest. , :

needed the money.It may be of interest to know that

even now several members of the firststate legislature are being watchedrather closely, and that tab is being

money or favors in return for votes for' 11 J

Keping men in jail for many monthsmay

as witnesses or are accused ot somemisdoing and do not have the moneyor the credit to furnish bond. Againand again, it is stated in one of the

Mexican's exchanges, that this orthat man. who has been in jail formonths- - s finally acquitted, or lfiuuuu guuiy, mai uis seuwjuctj wasmade mild because he had alreadybeen in jail a long time waiting fortrial. It smacks of barbarism to keepa man in jail for weeks, before giving

does not appear to meet the ends ofeither law or justice to keep these;men in jail, and they should be re- -'

leased on some kind of bond or condition. It is inhuman to confine themin a shack like our jail under any cir-

cumstances but to make them staythere many months in inhuman. Theheavy expense to the county, is an-

other consideration." '.



The completion of the asphalting of

part of upper Palace Avenue shouldconvince taxpayers that it is muchbetter to spend the funds available forthe streets on permanent improve-ments than in temporary repairs. Itis true, there has been growling be-

cause this or Miat street was not"fixed up," in the sense that streetsand roads have been "fixed up" here,tofore, but as block after block of ma-

cadamized or asphalted street is beingadded to Santa Fe's street system,even the chronic kickers begin to re-alize that the Seligman administrationis doing great "work for Santa Fe andthere is now little opposition to ma-

cadamizing Don Gaspar avenue fromBuena Vista to Water streets on whichwork was to have begun this week.The paving with brick of San Fran-cisco street from the Cathedral to theDenver & Rio Grande railroad, themacadamizing of Montezuma avenuefrom the deDOts t0 the capital ; the as.PhaltinS of Palace avenue from thefine nW bridSe ovr th Arroyo Saisdown to St. Vincent's hospital, are allachievements worth while and ac- -

complished without the issuing ' ofbonds. In other towns, permanentimprovements ol mat Kino are gener--

lly pald ror Dy Bona tesu8. tn sel''mau au"imuBuuu .uropimj ure uum--

Paratively small income Of the city," "e luiprovcuicuia uuv01 current iuuus. 11 mereiy uemuu- -

etrates what business sense and sya- -

tem accomplish with smallmeans. Isn't there perhaps a lesson

this, even for the territory, that it

Plete what has. been begun, ratherthan to construct a score of discon- -

nected country roade in order to maksa showing in many counties?


I!industry was reached Inthe annual product amounted to $31000,000. Last year, according id thecensus bulletin issued today, the product was only $10,000,000, demonstrat- -


: ' AND ''mm

THE MONTEZUMASanta Fe, New Mexico.' Now

The only GOOD HOTELS in the Capital City of New Mexico. Room

en suit with private hatha. Cuisine and table service Unexcelled.

Large Sample Rooms. THOS. DORAN, Proprietor



i .X. eTlien Act!



Window Frames, Wainscotting,Door Frames, . Ceiling,

Qry.Run Flooring Custom Work,


Under the Same Management.


Night. Regular Meals 25c.Hot & Cold Baths. Electric Lights

:: G. LU?E HERRERA, Prop

X X X XX X X X X X st



NEW and UP-TO-DA- TE r tt





Dally. 4 Loaves Floe Bread, 25c

Coflfectioneryr- - Fruiti and Groceries

Fresh Cream Puffs Erery Day

Phone. Clack 158.AMAD0 GUTIERREZ, PROP.



sign painti; D;' Satisfaction Guaranteed.

PAUL. P LACASSAQNE385 Sal Fftadsco Street.

It yon waat aarii!! - trjltms-asV-nf"C- i' ''l.'.tt.i,:'

Short Orders run Day &

f Finished rooms in connection.

222 San Francisco Street ::

OH! YOUTake a look at our Ilneof



him, the chief fight was always forstatehood. Others may have helped,others may have pushed themselvesto the front, but to Andrews, as incommand, belongs the credit and thehonor. There were other generalsbesides V. S. Grant who won victoriesIn the Civil War, Meade turned backthe tide at Gettysburg, but after all,Jt is Grant who is given credit forwinning the war. More and greaterbattles were won by other fighters, inthe Revolution than" by George Wash-

ington, but history gives Washingtonthe credit of gaining Independence forthis nation.' It is no wonder therefore, that thepeople have a liking for this silent,this abstemious, temperate, forcefulman, William H. Andrews, and thateven though he is going to his postol duty at Washington, the legisla-tors true to their constituents andtheir duty, will elect him to the Unit-ed States Senate on the first ballot.

EDUCATION AND MORALS.An ingenious writer in the World's

"Work, who undertakes to prove thateducation makes for morality, offersa series of interesting figures relativeto the election of Senator Lorimerto his distinguished post in Washing-ton. .

Of the state senators who votedagainst Lorimer, thirty-fiv- e were col-

lege men', while eighteen were on theside of Lorimer. The "blond boss"Won out because nf the men with aeo.

ondary and common school educationsof whom twenty-si- x voted for him,while only four cast their votesagainst him.

: Tf We mnv necuma tTiaf tlla ant nfvntinp t- - .m,, . )m.moral man, as is held by the writerto whom we have referred-a- nd thiscertainly Is assuming a eood dealthere are still som interestinp nnintain the figures which have beenDrougnt together.

If education means morality andto this we may readily agree, to a verylarge extent then it must be con--

ceded that the' colleges have yet agreat deal to achieve, if only two- -




tt- -

tncts. Wyoming has five cities, ofwhich the largest, Cheyenne, has 11,- -

320 inhabitants or a few more thanAlbuquerque, while the smallest, Rawlins, has a population of 4,256. Wy-oming's density of population is oneand and a half to the square mile. Thelargest county is Fremont with 12,659square miles', somewhat larger thanSocorro county, the largest in NewMexico. The smallest county Ts Doug-lass with 2,575 square miles, some-

what larger than Santa Fe coufity,which is the second smallest countyin New Mexico. Laramie county has26,127 inhabitants,, the most of anyWyoming county, and Johnson countyhas 3,452, the least of any Wyomingcounty. These facts are gatheredfrom a census bulletin issued today.

As the New Mexican had predicted,When it urged the Board of Educationto build the promised modern schoolhouse in Ward Four which is withoutany school building, the High Schoolstructure is overcrowded before it wasanticipated. A year ago, a suitable t

lot could have been bought for one-hal- f

the sum that it will take next year.There are sufficient funds availablewithout issuing bonds, and the FourthWard, which has been without aschool building all aV?g, is entitledto a school house for its smaller chil-dren. Some of these must walk amile to school, and on a day like this,with the thermometer at three belowzero and heavy snow on the ground,this is a hardship. Modern school I

buildings are a good investment andthere can be no valia excuse for WardNumber Four being without anyschool building at all. Santa Fe mustkeep up to date with its school fa-

cilities the same as along other linesof civic endeavor.

- - I

It is significant that Thomas W.-Wl- l-

by, special agent of the office ofGood Roads of the federal govern--

ment, after an automobile trip overthe Santa Fe Trail and thence west--

wara to tne coast, select the roadvja Cheyenne and Reno for the trans- -

continental route ne will recommendto automoDiie parties. That sort of aleft-hand- compliment should stirNew Mexico and Arizona to goodroads work that will include the com- -

pletion of such great thoroughfares as.

and the Pecos forest. Nowhere elsein H the world, is there found somlicn of real luterest, beauty and vari- -

ty as aiong me iau mues 01 tnatportion of tne proposed continentalhi eh WAV aa lies hpiwAn thnso turn

-n-ttaned, andwnicu is nu-imru- s comnieteo wnuethe other tnird could be completednext year if a real effort were made.

Men are Supposed to spend notnearly as much on their clothes as dowomen, and yet, a census bulletin is-

sued today shows that the manufac-ture of men's clothing and shirts inthe UnJted States has tied up capitalto the amount of 1275,000,000 andmore, and that the annual product tOf



You cannot afford to be without one




tniras 01 tneir product constitutes might De Detter to Duiia several mues me scenic mgnway oetween aidu- -tion, have passed away, and my corn-mora- l

citizens; and this is what is of really good road each year, to com-- querque and Las Vegas via Santa Fe nlexion has become clear and natural,




AH Work Guaranteed. Phone, led IIS


Shampooing ManicuringHair Dressing Massaging

Chiropody.Fron to m Over F. Andrews'' Store

- Are You a Sellerf ai earercutment in ,th cliuwifled eolomna ot theNeir Mexlcsn will put your real estateob tt market atectltely. It U1 ntthe nvets ot your property betor weyetf ot all possible lray '

shown by the . figures, thirty-fiv- e

against and eighteen for.It may he of some comfort to re- -

fleet, however, toat education is avery elusive and indefinite word.Some of those 'college men who votedfor Lorimer may have been absent-minde- d

louls who had their heads inthe clouds, and who had little knowl-

edge of the very unacademic thingsWhich were transpiring about them.

Moreover, the matter of temntationmust always be borne in mind in fix-- ,n th inroads the automobile hasIng the degree of a man's Iniquity; mde on Bicycles and motorcycles asand it is a well known fact that the a msan8 of locomotion. .Still, almostcollege man has a fearful time, in $10,000,000 is invested in the Industrymany cases, Jn solving the task of and lv thousand people are givenmaking a living Sow itf those rah- - employment drawing annually $S,500,-1f-t

men over fc fyr may ve W, , , , . ,


Page 6: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911


25 DiscountSTATES BANK S TRUST CO. PERSONAL MENTIONrv. J THOSE ,The Joy of GivingLeopoldo Contreras of La Joya,CI t- - . I mi&NoveltyFancyFeathers

CAPITAL 850,000 00

Does a General Banking Businessoucui ru iuuuij', ib iu luwn.

Mrs. Palen will not be "at home" on'Wednesdays during December.

Manuel Garcia of Ranchos de Taosis registered at the Coronado. i mm

and Dress Shapes.




1911Your Patronage Solicited

Sheriff Jesus Romero of Albuquer-que, is a visitor in the capital.

W. H. Land, the prominent bankerof Clayton, is at the Montezuma.

Attorney Modesto C. Ortiz of OldAlbuquerque, is a visitor in the. B. LAUGHLIN, President H. F. STEPHENS, Cashier,

W. E. GRIFFIN Asst. Cishier

Charles C. Catron, member of thelegislative house, has been at WagonMound and Mor.i.

H, B. Henlng, of Albuquerque, secreColonel E. IV. Dnhsnn tho iHnnu,v

3 111 mmof Albuquerque,' iB registered at theMontezuma. , ...

Mieuel A. .", ntom ro.turned yesterdar from

tary of the Territorial Bureau of Im-

migration,: is In the city. He Is stop-

ping at the Palace.Dr. T. C. Rivera of Chamita, Social-

ist candidate for governor, arrived in1; EslabHsbed 185e- ,-;- . ' Incorporated visit in the east. .

'I iCaptain Fred Fornoff of th tnrri. itorial Mounted Police, has rptnrnpd Santa Fe last evening and' from here

from Albuquerque.Clark M. Carr. an attorney of Albn-- ,

querq-je-, is In Santa Fe on business. ;

He is stopping at the Palace. i

George E. Cole of tho MidlandBridge Company of Kansas City, Mo.,;is (registered at tlte Montezuma. I

J. M. Hartley, the well known lnm.'berman from Buckman, is spending afew days in Santa Fe on business.

Jack Murtha of the Albuanernue

Ladies CoatsStyle and patterns that havenever been shown before.


Ladies WaistsNew assortment in silk andwool - - - -

Girls and MissesAviation caps in endless colors

Journal, i8 at the Palace. He is hereon business connected with his paper.

with all its traditions, means above everything else theCHRISTMAS, of Good Cheer." Our stock has never contained so

" as it does this year. Personally selected fromthe world's best markets, we can show an assortment that cannot

be outdone west of Chicago. Nothing will produce a genuine spirit of Holi-

day Season so much as a token of your regards. It w ill serve as a "penance"in a sense, and make you feel that you are still akin to man. We earnestlyurge yau to buy early, as you will find it much more satisfactory. Manyof our choicest novelties are already sold and cannot be duplicated thisseason.

OUR CHRISTMAS TOYS BRING CHRISTMAS JOYS ! Not only forthe young, but the old folks feel just as young if they are kindly remem-bered by their friends. Below we mention a few of the many hundreds ofselected presents that will be appropriate :

Miss Madeline Mills is eivlne a dinner party tonight at which her Sonho- -

Dmore classmates will be the guests ofhonor.


went. to Albuquerque.Professor J. E. Clark territorial su-

perintendent of public Instruction,n.ctored down from Santa Fe yester-- c

ay. Albuquerque Journal.J. A. Pace, W. H. Land and Paz

Valverde, the latter Democratic can-

didate for Congress, are arrivals fromClayton, Union county.

Eno Broecklain, druggist at Moriar-ty- ,

Torrance county, was among lastevening's arrivals. He was at onetime a resident of Santa Fe.

C. M. Foraker, United States mar-

shal, came down from Albuquerqueyesterday to be present at the sessionof the territorial supreme court.- -

District Attorney Alexander Readcame In from Tierra Amarilla lastnight and registered at the Montezu-

ma. He will make Santa Fe his head-

quarters. " " ' '

John E. Wharton will leave tonightfor Santa Fe, it. '"M., where he hasbusiness before the supreme court.El Paso Herald. ' -

J. H. Smith of Albuquerque, depu-

ty United States marshal, is stoppingat the Montezuma; He is here to at-

tend the session of the territorial su-

preme court.R. H. Simms, receiver of the United

States land office at Las Cruces, wasin the. city yesterday on business and'will remain over today AlbuquerqueJournal.

W. O. Norman and family of Lin;eclu, Lincoln county, arrived today tovisit their daughter, Mrs. Acasio Gal-leg-

of east Palace Avenue who is

seriously 111.

Brian Boru Dunne has returnedfiom a business trip to Rio Arribacounty, during which he visited Tier-

ra Amarilla, Parkview, Chama andother points.

A. C. Campbell, an officer of the

FOR GENTLEMEN Neckties, Mufflers, Sweaters, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,Toilet Sets, Traveling Sets, Military Brush Sets, Gloves, Etc.

' Pure Food or Poor Food?When so eminent a food expert as Dr.

Wiley not only approves, but actuallyadvocates the use of a product, you maybe absolutely assured of its purity andhealthfulness. In a recent speech Dr.Wiley commended in strongest termsthe use of Cotton Oil as one of our mostvaluable food constituents, stating thatundoubtedly better health would follow

X 1v Knit silk ties in a variety ofup-to-dat-

e colors and patternsits general use. Cottolene the perfect



FOR THP 1 AHIF Fancy Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hosiery, Table Linen, Napkin Sets,I UL LiilCJ Fancy Towels, Center Pieces, Handbags, Music Rolls, Fine Kid

Gloves, Fancy Combs, Toilet Articles, Embroidery Sets, Shirst Waist Patterns, Fine China, Beau-

tiful Pictures, Mexican Drawn Work Patterns, Fancy Box Paper, Useful Hand made Articles.

FOR THF IITTIF ONF 0urLineof Suitable and Useful Presents for the Little

lib 11X Folks is too varied and numerous to even mention

some of them. You will find here practically anything for your little folks thai is to be foundin any Xmas store in the large city. ;

snortemng has been the leading productin Cotton Oil cooking fats for over aquarter of a century. You will find thedoctors all with vou when vou use Cottolene in place of hog fat,.s

en ipmaii DDflC run iJLLIU limn unuu. uuu ii i in iH. S. KAUNE 8 CO. REAL BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE We have on hand several pieces of

Rogers 1847 Goods, and some piecesPhone 36 .P. O. Box, 219.

in sterling Spoons and Knives and Forks that we propose to close out, as we do not intend to

carry this line any more. If you are looking for bargains in this particular line of suitable

presents for the wife, do not overlook this special sale.

JHANKSGIVINfiDenver and Rio Grande railroad is atSPECIALS the Palace. He came from Denveryesterday on matters connected with

We take the liberty here to thank our many friends and customers for themost liberal patronage they have given us during the year drawing to

a close. We shall continue to try and merit your confidence andpatronage by honest dealing and fair prices.

W. N. TOWNSEND & CO.,the railroad.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Nordhaus andTurkeys, Geese

and Ducks,baby returned this afternoon from ashort trip to Albuquerque and Santa

Let us tell you about a six-roo- m'; t-v. "Spathouse; good location, fruit trees,

shade trees, lawn, good out buildingsFe. They were accompanied by


ImportedForget Politics and Think of Your Home


Phone, Red 189. ,119 San Francisco St."California Red Emperor

Charles Ilfeld. Las Vegas Optic.Mrs. Charles. jW.d. Ward and Uttle

daughter, Harry Louise, returned thisafternoon from Albuquerque wherethey have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.Don W. Lusk for a week. Las VegasOptic.

Mrs. W. C. McDonald and daughterMiss Frances, wife and daughter ofthe governor-elec- t of New Mexico,are visiting the former's son and hiswife, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCourt. ElPaso Times.

W. L. Hopewell, vice president ofthe New Mexico Central railroad andsuccessful stock grower of Sierracounty, came In late last night fromAlbuquerque.' He is registered at theMontezuma.

E. W. Deuel of Alamosa, Colorado,assistant superintendent of the FourthDivision of the Denver and Rio Grande

railroad, is In the city on business per-

taining to his railroad. He is regis-tered at the Palace.

Miss Henrietta Montgomery, sisterof Mrs. Thomas Branigan of Las Cru

and Tokay Grapes

A. A. Rivera and wife of Taos ar-

rived in Santa Fe yesterday afternoonand left today for Albuquerque to vis-

it friends and relatives. Mr. Riverawho was a census enumerator lastyear and deputy probate clerk, hasjust been elected probate and dis-

trict clerk of Taos county by thelargest majority given any countyar,didate.

Colonel V. C. Collier of San Diego,California, president of the Panama-America- n

Exposition,, passed throughLamy last night en route to Washing-ton to be present at the next sessionof the national congress to do what hecan toward getting a large appropri-ation for the big 1915 exposition thatwill be held in the Southern Califor-nia city to celebrate the opening of

WE HAVE some fine Sets of China for the table,as many pieces as you wish. Also KitchenCabinets that make cooking a delight. Wil-

ton Rugs, Fibre Rugs, and many varieties of carpetsto embellish your room and hush the noise of foot-

steps. Also exquisite screen Lace Curtains to shadeyour eyes and "dress up" the parlor. A completeline of Brass Bedsteads and Furniture of all kinds.



IDEALThat is the wordwith us. Theing apparel we sell

Naval Oranges,

FloridaGrape Fruit,

ces, is with the Presbyterian' missions

is as near the ideal as the best artists andmost expert workmen can make them, formen and women.









Head Lettuce,Native Celery,

And Other Vegetables



We are offering Six 25 foot LotsEast of South Galisteo Street atSNAP PRICES. :- -: :- -: :- -: :- -:

Santa Fe Abstract, Realty & Insurance Agency.Phone Black No. 52 Phone Black No. 229 Residence


in endless arrayQold and Silver Jewelry Boxes


. Neck Chains and Pendants

1he Panama canal. After he has suc-ceeded in his mission at Washington,Colonel Collier will visit Santa Fe, towork with the New Mexico legislaturetoward obtaining an appropriationfrom that body for a suitable NewMexico building, and from there hewill go to Phoenix, where he will ap-re-

before the Arizona legislature.' Congressman John E. Baker, of the

first Congressional district of Cali-

fornia, passed through Lamy lasteight en route to Washington to at-

tend the next session of Congress. Hearrived on the Chicago limited whichvas late, and immediately transferredto the southbound El Paso train, be-

ing desirous of taking the southernroute to Washington through New Or-

leans.James W. Chaves of Willard, member-

-elect of the House and former pri-vate secretary of Delegate to Con-

gress W. H. Andivws, is 'n he capi-tal on land office business.

Julian Chaves a member of the fastlegislative House, formerly of Hills-bor-

now of Albuquerque, called atthe New Mexican office this afternoonon his way home from a business triplb Trinidad, Colorado, and Raton.

in China. Miss Montgomery at pres-ent is located in the island of Hainan;which is under the French protector-ate.

Delegate to Congress W. H. An-

drews arrived last evening from Tier-ra Amarilla and left for Albuquerquefrom where he will go to Washing-ton- ,

D. C, tomorrow to be present atthe opening session of Congress , onnext Monday.

S, E. Leonard and E. E. McClTntoclc.

superintendents of the western divi-

sion of the Western Union TelegraphCompany, are registered at the Palvace. They are going over the com-

pany's lines and inspecting the vari-ous offices. .


H. M. Dougherty, of Socorro, mem-ber of the constitutional convention,and formerly chairman of the Demo-cratic central committee, is visitingin Santa Fe this week. He is regis-tered at the Palace. His daughter,Marjorle, is a pupil at Loretto acade-my.

a.a.u. i i--. 1--1 r xmTinrv Sa Fraiciso1 1 . t. f vix i street

Heinz Mince Meat,i Sweet Cider,

NewNutsofAll Kinds




for we nave a very pretty line of materials and a very thor-ough experience back of us. You positively cannot dup- -'licate our workmanship or prices elsewhere in Santa Fe.

I25 Palace IIDC W I INfiH A DIYT Santa Fe, -

MULLIGAN & RISING, FuP1E SiES1, 108 Palace Avenue

Day and Nifht Phone. , . Phone, IJO Red.

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY.Take LAXATIVE BROMO QainlneTablets. Druggists refund money if itfails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa-ture is on each box. 25c.

H. S. KAUNE ft CO; Avenoe. miw. tt. laniiittiUM , New MexicoTry a New Mexican Want Afl, Itbrings results.


Listen ! Why Not Get the Benefit of All the Light? oS


v ...j..

Page 7: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911


STATESMENt. Louis Rocky Mt. k Backache( 820

Pacific Railway Company.


ls only one of many symptoms which some women en-

dure through weakness or displacement of the womanlyorgans. Mrs. Lizzie White of Memphis, Tenn., wroteDr. R. V. Pierce, as follows :

" At times I was hardly able to be on my feet.I believe I had every pain and ache womancould have. Had very bad case. Internalorgans were Trery --ouch diseased and my backwo very weak. 1 suffered treat deal withnervous headaches, it fact, I suffered all over.This was my condition when I wrote to yon foradvice. After taking your 'Favorite Prescripttion' for about three months can aay that myhealth was never better."

ft(Read Down) In effect

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription

I 19 Miles STATIONS 2 12 20

p m amf 7 SO 0 Lv.-De- s Moines. N. M...Ar 4 00

7 40 4 Kumaldo 8 6006 11 1 ed man 3 30

g 20 16 Capulln 8 161 38 20 Vigil 8 05" 60 25 Thorn rr,n 2 459 10 81 Ounnli.gmim 2 259 86 42 ....Oilfton House N.M 156

10 00 9 Ar Raton. N. M T, 1 30

"TIT" .Lv Raton, N.M Ar 10 15'. 2 47 7 Oilfton House N' M.... 9 49.

- s 07 48 Preston 9 32

3 46 66 Koehler Junction 8 65

8 36 2 Koehler 9 05

4 16 68 Ildolfax 8 204 43 76 Cerrosoeo 8 025 00 82 Ar Cimarron Lv 7 46

v. 5 10 Lv CimaTron Ar am 6 856 18 H- Nash 6 276 2S .4 Harlan 6 176 45 94 Ar Ut9 Pari, N.M... Lv 6 00

. p m J .p m '

Is a positive oure for weakness and disease of the feminine organism. It allaysinflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain. Tones and builds up the nerves.Do not permit a dishonest dealer to substitute for this medicine which hasrecord of 40 years of cures. " No, thank you, I want what I ask for."

Dr. PienxM PlcMsmot Pellttt Induce mild natural bowel movement once a day.

In the New HomeYou want the best when starting in the new home. Above

all, you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable.

You are sure of warmth and comfort with a PerfectionSmokeless Oil Heater.

The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made.It is a sort of portable fireplace.It is ready night and day. Just strike a match and light

the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute.The Perfection 03 Heater does not smell nor smoke a patent

automatic device prevents that. It can be carried easily from room toroom and is equally suitable for any room in the house. Handsomelyfinished, with nickel uirornings; drums of either turquoise-blu- e enamelor plain steel.

iOonneots at Colfax with B. P. A S. W. Hy. train both North and South.XSStage for Van Houten , M. meetj trains at Preston N.IStage leaves rjte Park, N. M., for KUzabetatowu, N. M., at 9:00 a. m, dally excep

Badays, Fare fc uu one way 13.60 trip; fifty pound baggage carried fres.O. 4 S. train leaves Des Mclnes, N, M- -. for the south at 11:11 p. in. .'arrives from tb

""that 4:88 a. ra, Efi


Superintendent. V.

" Atlc your dealer to tttow yon a PerfectioaSmokele" Oil Heater, or write for descriptivtcircular direct to any agency of

Continental Oil Company(Incorporated)


From Santa Fe JFJfiSmtfi!too, Arizona, Mexico and te tb Pacific Coat, fe 3SWMEXICO CENTRAL to Torraaea, '

Sept, 1st 1910 (Read Up)




Ei Paw Texas.




m pSbv EAST

BEST ptjiiAj OR


Pr rata md full





SEimiCITYTreating Newspapers Right

Is Found to Be Keyto Success


Sulloway Pension Bill Is to BeHushed by Re-


Washington, D. C, Nov. 28.There Is a great advantage In get

ting early on the ground in Washing-ton as has been illustrated in thecase of Congressman Campbell ofKansas, who being a leader in theHouse of note, has afforded a conveni-ent subject for interviews by theWashington correspondents. Therehave been some really big things totalk about, and very few representa-tives at hand, therefore the membersof the press have gotten in the habitof looking up Campbell, who has beenindustriously at work here for sever-al weeks. The net lesult is that thegentleman from Pittsburg, Kansas,could fill several scrap books withclippings of his own views upon near-ly every subject from the beginningof the government down to the sixty--

second Congress. Earlier in the yeara Congressman from a neighboringstate to Kansas stayed over after near-l-y

everyone else had gone back to report to their constituents; somehowhe wasn't interviewed, or featured inan" way, until one day he walked intoa Washington store, cleaned out partof the establishment, became the defendant in a suit for assault, and incidentally got into print; after whichbeing apparently satisfied he wentdowmto Ardmore and enjoyed life un-

til Congress should again convene.Apropos, it may be remarked thatthere are many roads to feme throughthe medium of the press.

Fame in' an Hour,Senator Romerene of Ohio, has been

talking vociferously in favor of criminal prosecution o the officers of thegreat trusts ever since the supremecourt handed down its famous deci-sions in the Standard Oil and Ameri-can Tobacco Company cases. No onehas paid much attention to Mr. Pom-eren-e

notwithstanding he had madespeeches in the Senate, and shoutedhis demands from the housetops. Mr.Pomerene surely knew that he had apopular theme, but that he has nothandled it rightly to get the greatestglare of the limelight, such as ,issought by most new statesmen, isshown by the nation-wid- e prominenceof Congressman Henry of Texas, gained in a aay through the use .of a single dramatic pronunclamento declar-ing that "felon's stripes will prove apotential remedy for commercial out-laws." The words had hardly drop-ped from the Texan's lips before ev-

ery Washington correspondent wasyelling that "this Is hot copy," andthe following morning "Henry" and"felon's stripes" had traveled to theinner den of every daily newspapersanctum in America.

The Sulloway Pension Bill,It Is learned here that Senators Cur--

tis of Kansas; McCumber of N. Dakota, and Smoot of Utah, have agreedto press the pension measure commonly known as the Sulloway bill atthe approaching session of Congress,This legislation was barred from theconsideration of the House of Representatives at the special session byreason of the preponderance of powerof the "solid south." There is noquestion but what pension legislationis going to have tough sledding in theHouse, but the group of senatorsabove will see to It that the matter isnot neglected In the Senate, whilethere are plenty of friends of meri-torious pension legislation in the low-er House.

Smashing the Trusts.With William Jennings Bryan point-

ing out the supposed weak spots inthe Roosevelt editorial on the trusts,and Champ Clark taking a smash atthe Aldrlch currency plan, it is hardlyto be wondered at that there shouldhave appeared expressions of approv-al In the eastern press that the two il


EraThe most advanced physicians of

this country and Europe are now prescribing a wash of wlntergreen tnymoland other soothing and healing ingredients for the cure of Eczema, Psoriasis and all other forms of skintrouble. This compound is known asthe D. D. D. Prescription.

Dr. Holmes, the well known skinspecialist, writes: "I am convincedthat the D. D. D. Prescription is asmuch a specific for Eczema as is quinine for malaria. We have been prescribing the D. D. D. remedy foryears.", .

We ourselves vouch for the D. D. D.

Prescription for Eczema and absolute-ly guarantee that it will take awaythe Itch the instant you apply It

If you will call at our store we willbe glad to let you have a $1.00 bottleon the guarantee that it will cost younothing unless you find it does thework. - And you decide. For that mat.ter a trial bottle for 25 cents ought tobe enough absolutely to prove themerits of the remedy.

Drop into our store, anyway, and aswe have seen a great many cases ofskin trouble, we will give you free apamphlet giving directions for bath-ing, diet, etc., for all kinds of skintrouble. , , . ,

Ask for the D. D. D. pamphlet"Cause and Cure of Skin Disease. Getposted on this wonderful remedy to-

day. Capital Pharmacy.

President Taft. The second pointbeing made clear is that the Roose-- v

' talk is proving "more than inter-esting" and is in fact "disturbing" toadministration circles. The only realactivity, however, in the Republicancamp is that oi the La Follette sup-porters, who are industriously boom-

ing their candidate through the me-dium of a well organized bureau.

Investigators Will ReportWhen congress convenes on Decem-

ber 4th the country may expect tohear great noises resulting from an-

nouncements, pronouncements anddiscoveries of the several chair-men of special committees whowere delegated by the specialsession to investigate nearly everyphase of the nation's economic, indus-trial and political condition. Nearlyevery one of these chairmen startedout with the fond htpe of being ableto unearth either a sensation or atleast a few grafters, and the exploita-tion of their work is bound to makefine material for home consumptionin the different districts in the inter-val between December first andChristmas.

Cabinet Meeting at White House.For the first time in seven years a

meeting of the cabinet was held atthe White House this week, Instead ofat the executive offices.


Only Thrice Before Has 8anta FeRecorded Zero Weather

in November.

Three below zero was this morningreported at Las Vegas. The report al-so said that three inches of ice hadformed. At Santa Fe, too, the mini-mum temperature was three degreesbelow zero, the lowest November tem-

perature since November 18, 1880,when it was eighteen below, the cold-est on record. In forty years record,zero or below zero has been recordedin November only on tour days. OnNovember 17, 1880, it was six belowzero, and on November 17, 1886, zerowa,8 recorded. The record of threebelow zero this mornig is the thirdlowest November temperature on rec-cor- d.

The higaest temperature yes-te- rwas twenty-fou- r aegrees, the low-

est seven at midnight The lowestduring the night was zero, and at sev-en this morning it was three belowzero. The precipitation during thepast twenty-fou- r hours was one quar- -

ter of an inch. For tomorrow fairweather with rising temperature ispredicted.

A HOU8EHOLD MEDICINEThat stops coughs quickly and curescolds is Foley's Honey and Tar Com-pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jefferson St., So. Omaha, Neb., says: "Ican recommend Foley's Honey andTar Compound as a sure cure forcoughs and colds. It cured my daugh-ter of a bad Cold and my neighbor,Mrs. Benson, cured herself and herwhole family with Foley's Honey andTar Compound. Everyone in ourneighborhood speaks highly of it"

For sale by all druggists.

Young Woman Severely Burned.Miss Bessie Bennett, aged about

twenty years, was severely burnedwhen she upset' some turpentine onher clothes which immediately tookfire when passing a' red hot stove. Asister found her in her pitiable plightand rescued her. The family are dryclaimers and have been camping outat the Hagerman orchards near Ros-well. The flesh was burned to acrisp and the fright and burns mayprove fatal.

That Contain Mercury,as mercury will surely destroy thesense of smell and completely de-

range the whole system when enteringit through the mucous surfaces. Sucharticles should never be used excepton prescription from reputable physi-cians, as the damage they will do laten fold to the good you can possiblyderive from them. Hall's CatarrhCure, manufactured by F. J. Cheneyft Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mer-

cury, and is taken internally, acting'directly upon the blood and mucoussunacee oi me system, in cuyingHall's Catarrh Cure be sure you getthe genuine. It Is taken internallyand made In Toledo, Ohio by F. J.Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.

Sold by druggists. Price 75c perbottle.

Take Hall's Family Pills for eonstt- -


lustrous statesmen have turned theirattention away from free silver andthe annexation of Canada bug.

Good Roads In Oklahoma.

Secretary Wilson says that $1,505,-00-0

was spent in Oklahoma under thesupervision of the office on the publicroads of the Department of Agricul-ture, during the past year. Mr. Wil-son has been naving considerable tosay of late regarding the government'swork of sending Its experts to allparts of the country to stimulate themovement for good roads.

Farming With Dynamite.At the Agricultural Department the

experiments being conducted in vari-ous portions of the country under thedirection of the agricultural collegesof different states, in "farming withdynamite" are being watched withgreat interest. A preliminary reporthas just issued from the Census De-

partment showing that there are 550

great fertilizing producing concernsin the country, and that in 1909 thevalue of their products was $103,960,-000- .

If the theory attached to the useof dynamite in agricultural pursuitsis found to be correct, and the DuPont Company is evidently so sureof it that they are spending largesums to prove their claims, then allthis great outlay for fertilizers willbe unnecessary, ic is pointed out thatin ordinary plowing the same old soilis merely turned over only a few in-

ches from the surface year after year,and a decrease in crops is only pre-vented by rotation or expensive fer-

tilizing. The theory of farming withdynamite is that oy planting sticks ofdynamite at regular intervals ofspace, and exploding them, that theunderlying soil is disturbed to a depthof several feet, making it porous andcapable of absorbing plenty of waterin rainy weather, and this water,which is the principal plant food isdrawn to the top by roots of the plantas needed for its growth, carrying withit not only moisture but necessarysoluble fertilizing elements. In thecotton fields of the South, productionhas been multiplied several timesover from plowing with dynamite.while increases of thirty-thre- e pecent j

aire reported from corn fields. Melonpatches also show remarkably in-

creased yields. J. H. Hale, the i ieitorchardist from Connecticut, has be-

come a convert to the scheme and hasplanted thousands of trees with dyna-mite, with surprising results. Illus-

trations have been received here show-

ing how the use of dynamite permitsthe roots of fruit trees to take theirnatural downward course into the low-er stratas of soil in which plenty ofplant food elements are available, andtGe development of the trees plantedwith dynamite, and without, in thesame orchards demonstrates martthan anything else the success of theexperiment. Cornell University is au-

thority for the statement tint treesproperly planted can absorb s.xr.y percent of the moisture surroundingthem, and where the underlying soilis especially prepared for this purposeit is not strange that photographsprove that trees set out in land prepared by dynamite lock fully ltffl rercent more healthy, and are much moreproductive tn three or four years, thanthe trees set out in- plots where cramp-ed roots prevent healthy growth. Inthe wooded sections of the countrythe sett ers discovere d for themselvesmany years ago that a few sticks ofdynamite could beat all the patentstump pullers in the universe. TheAgricultural Department was the lastto be convinced, but Mr. Wilson's bu-

reau has finally acknowledged thatthere Is no question about this justas they are going to wake up to themore wonderful discovery of thepracticability of farming with dyna-mite when there is no longer anyquestion about it Now that Congressis. about to reassemble it has beensuggested that the passage of the Sim-mons agricultural experiment bill ofthe sixty-firs- t Congress would resultin the taking up of such matters asfarming with , dynamite in a practicalmanner that would advance the agri-cultural interests of the country to agreat-degree- .

Harmon the Wall Street Favorite. ',

Out of the entanglement of politicalconditions within both of the old po-litical parties a few things are begin-ning to show that look like real lndl-cato-

of what may, or may not hap-pen, and firstly to be noted is thedrift of Wall Street influence to theHarmon candidacy. The great moneypower of the country evidently be-lieves Gov. Harmon can win against



Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo



Hotel Arrivals.Palace.

H. M. Dougherty, Socorro.H. B. Hening, Albuquerque.Jack Murtha, Albuquerque.Dave Houston, St. Joseph.E. W. Deuel, Alamosa.F. T. Cheatham, Taos.M. C. Ortiz, Albuquerque.Jesus Romero, Albuquerque.E. Lucero, Bernalillo.Majorie Dougherty, Socorro.A. C. Campbell, Denver.Dr. and Mrs. Small, City.T. N. Espe, City.L. T. Hardy, Espanola.C. A. Padfield, Los Angeles.G. K. Patterson, Philadelphia.L. B. Woods, La Junta.J. F. Quinn, St. Joseph.Joseph W. Prives, Cleveland, 0--.

S. H. Merlweather, Denver.E. E. McClintock, Denver.H. W. Koenke, Wichita.William E. Turner, Kansas City.W. B. Roberts, Denver.Clark M. Carr, Albuquerque.

Montezuma.Col. E. W. Dobson, Albuquerque.J. H. Smith, Albuquerque.W. H. Land, Clayton.J. A. Pace, Clayton.Paz Valverde, Clayton.Leopoldo Contreras, La Joya.W. H. Pope, Roswell.C. M. Foraker, Albuquerque.W. S. Hopewell, Albuquerque'.George E. Cole, City.Alexander Read, Tierra Amarilla.Dave Houston, St. Joseph.B. P. Grieg, Winslow.

Coronado.J. H. Garlick, Esplnosa.Manuel Garcia, Taos.J. J. B. Esplnosa, Taos.Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Robertson,

Buckman.H. A. Guerin, Taos.J. M. Hartley, Buckman.Julian Chavez, Albuquerque.Eno Broecklein, Moriairty.

Blizzard Strikes Las Vegas.Las Vegas was sideswlped by one

of the worst blizzards in the historyof New Mexico, which came racingacross the state from the north leaving a coating of snow and ice behind.Late Sunday afternoon the sky in thewest became overcast With heavyclouds and a strong wind came fromthe north. The vanguard of the stormstruck Las Vegas shortly after 8

o'clock and the thermometer droppedto eighteen degrees, where it remained during the greater part of thenight. This drop in temperature andthe change in the wind saved Las Ve-

gas a full sweep of the storm, whichreached into the western part of thestate, and this morning the snow reg-istered only .75 inches. The ther-mometer did not go above twenty-tw- o

degrees up to noon Las VegasOptic.




Mr. Richard's Experience With Di-

fferent Diets. Peaches and

Buttermilk for Three Years.

Cecittoa. Md. Mr. Georee Richardsof this place, during the past 12 yearshas probably tried more different dietithan the average person would ever ustin a lifetime.- What he has to say about his experi-ments, must therefore be highly interest-ing to anyone suffering from indigestioror stomach troubles ofany kind.

He says: "For more than 12 yearsI suffered with stomach troubles, andpaid hundreds of dollars for doctor billsand medicines. I was also operated onfor piles.

I lived on dried peaches and buttermilkfor nearly three years. The only thingthat would not give me pain was raweggs.

I was a physical wreck. 1 could notsteep and was as near crazy as a man

I must say that after taking two 25-ce-nl

of Thedford's Black-Draug- ht

releases more good than ail 1 ever spentforother medicines. ---i have been working daily oa the farm

ever since, and I am as hard as iron."This purely vegetable remedy has beenn Kr "" se ior more man u years.Trjrfe fMbasunthatitJs"Tlwdfocd'a,'1


Two Companies Are Drilling for Oilin Sandias About Fifty Miles

South of Santa Fe.

Whether or not the SouthwesternOil and Development Company everstrikes oil In the prospects now be-

ing worked by them in the Algodonesfield, one thing is certain they havediscovered an almost inexhaustiblesupply of artesian water. This wasstruck at the 560 foot level on Saturday, and the flow was so great thatbefore the drillers could get the casing down to stop it, the water camebubbling up through the eight and ahalf inch, casing over the edge ofthe well and on down the side of thehill.

This flow from the appearance ofit is of sufficient size and volume tobe of great service. R. B. Balcomb,manager of the drilling for the com-

pany however, is firm in the beliefthat oil exists below in paying quantities and so has kept right on throughthe water strata to the rock formation below. The indications for oil atthe 600 foot level, which has just beenreached are better, than ever before,In speaking of the matter yesterdayMr. Balcomb said:

"We had already struck two otherstrata of water in our progress down-ward and scarcely expected to runinto so great a supply as we did. Thewater, however, contained traces ofoil, and I am strong in the belief thatif we continue down we will strikeoil in the course of a few weeks."

The Texas company which is atwork In that section after some con-

siderable trouble on account of Iofing their tools in the well, begandrilling again yesterday having succeeded in grappling for them andpulling them out. This organizationis located about 2 1-- miles from thescene of the Southwestern's opera-tions. According to last reports, however, they are perfectly well satis- -

fled with the progress they havemade, and expect to strike oil in thecourse of the next month.

Backache, Headache, Nervousnessand rheumatism, both in men and women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond the reachof medicine but stop it promptly withFoley Kidney Pills. They regulatethe action of the urinary organs. Tonic in action, quick in results.

For sale by all druggists.


Energetic Effort Made By Judge IraA. Abbott to Clear Dockets of

All Business.The record of the district court of

Bernalillo county for the term whichrecessed on Saturday afternoon toallow Judge Abbott to attend the ses-sions of the supreme court at SantaFe this week, shows a whole lot ofwork done.

convening on September 25, theletit jury, was in session 38 daysexclusive of recesses. During thistime they tried 8 criminal and civilcases, giving six verdicts in civilmatters, 19 convictions In criminalmatters, four acquittals by their ownaccord, and two by instruction of thecourt.

In addition, to this there were ninecases dismissed by order of court, andone man fined $10 for contempt. Fora term of court to dispose of as manycases as this in the time It was insession shows that every energy waspressed to clear the docket beforethe end of the territorial regime.

Clerk Maddison spent nearly theentire day yesterday in finishing hisrecords of the term of court. It islikely the last time he will have suchservice to perform as he goes out ofoffice with the statehood proclama-tion.

Private Poker Camas Stopped.Following orders to close up Pue-

blo's "red light" district, the lid onpublic gambling also will be clampeddown. Commissioner of Safety T. D.Donnelly Instructed Chief of PoliceMcDermott to put a. stop to privatepoker games which had been in pro-gress In the business section for morethan a .year, and as the result of tworaids last night thirteen men are inthe city Jail charged with ganibllnii

New Mexico MilitaryInstitute


Tbe Wert Point of the Southwest"Ranked by United States War De-

partment as "Distinguished Institu-tion." Army officers detailed by WarDepartment

Through Academic course, prepar-ing young men (or college or businesslife. Great amount of open air work.Healthiest location of any MilitarySchool in the Union. Located in thebeautiful Pecos Valley, the garden spotof the West at an elevation of 37u0feet above sea level, sunshine everyday, but little rain or snow during theseason.

Fourteen Officers and Instructors,all graduates from standard easterncolleges. Ten buildings, throughlyfurnished, heated, lighted and modernIn all respects.

REGENTS E. A. CAHOON, Pres.W. Q. HAMILTON, Vice Pres.J. P. WHITE, Treasurer.W .M. ATKINSON, Secretary,and W. A. PINLEY.

For particulars and Illustrated ca-

talogues address:COL. JAS. W. WILLSON,

. Superintendent


ltopaHc sl ad teC?

MORGAN LIVERY CO.Successor to B. P. Williams

I have purchased the entire stock of horses and equipment formerlyOwned by a P. Williams and will continue to operate It as a FIR8TCLASS LIVERY where we will be ready at all times of day or nightto furnish you with any kind o a rig you may want will endeavorto give prompt and efficient service and trust to merit your patronage.

AT 310 SAN FRANCISCO ST.Ffcone 13t Red Santa Fe, N. M

luring caca ax x x x

Page 8: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911


GOLDEN SILENCE.AROUND THE 8TATE. CHURCH MUST BEhumor. The part of the heroine, withwhom Bob Blake falls in love at first PROFESSIONAL CURDSTHE PARABLE OF THE

MAN WHO ADVERTISEDsight, is played by Dorothy Grey, anexceedingly pretty and talented act-'a- tress. There are numerous other coat, a nice bushy tall, and a nlce.gen-characte-

incidental to life in a tie manner. But she possessed onesmall village, where the scenes of the' Incurable drawback. She couldn't

WAN rsFOR SALE Cook stove, 128 Galls

teo Street.

FOR REXT Eight room house, 113

East De Vargas. Apply Geo. M. Kin-sel- l.

FOR SALE 1000 one andShropshire Rams, all A, No. 1

stock. C. E. Hartley.

Lost, Saturday evening, Nov. 18th,near the Plaza alligator skin bag. Reward for return with eontents to E.Almon Leonard, Catron Block.

POSITION" WANTED By man andwife on ranch. Wife to do house-work. Man will do anything requiredof him. Address O. W. A., Port Ar-

thur, Texas.

FOR SALE Text-boo- k on ParagonShorthand. Learned in one week.Writers in government employ. Canbe learned without a teacher. Pricereasonable. Address, H. M., P. O. Box313, City. (3t)

TYPEWRITERS.Cleaned, adjusted and repaired. Notplatens furnished. Ribbons and supplies. Typewriters sold, exchangee!aM rented. Standard makes handledAll repair work and typewritea guaranteed. Santa Fe Typewriter Ex

change. Phone 231.

Fraternal SocietiesMASON 10.

Montezuma LodgeA No. 1, A. F. ft A. M

Regular communi-cation first Mondajof each month atMasonic - Hall a'7.30.

H. H. DORMAN,Master

CHAS. B. LINNEY. Secretary.

Santa Fe Chapter No.L R. A. M. Regularconvocation secondMonday of each montbat Masonic Hall at7:30 p. m.JOHN H. WALKER,


Santa Fe Commander)No. L K. T. Regulaiconclave fourth Mon

day in each month atMasonic Hall at 7: SO

p. m.CHAS. A. WHEELON. E. C.

W. E. GRIFFIN, Recorder.

Santa Fe ixdge elPerfection No. 1, 14th

degree. Ancient and Aocepted Scottish Rite o!Free Masonry meets os

the third Monday of each monthat 7:30 o'clock in tbe evening laMasonic Hall, south side of Plata.Visiting Scotlsh Rite Masons are cor-

dially invited to attend.8. G. CARTWRIGHT, 32.

Venerable MasterHENRY 7. STEPHENS, 82


B. P. O. E.Banta Fe Lodge No

460, B. P. O. E. holdiits regular session onthe second and fourttWednesday of eackmonth. Visiting brothera are invited andwelcome.

CARL A. BISHOP.J. D. SENA, Exalted Ruler


F. W. FARMERHomestead No,

2879.Brotherhood of

American YeomenMeets Secon'

and Fourth Thursdays. Fireman's

Hall. H. VoremaDA. E. P. Robinson,Cor. Sec. Mrs. DaisyFanner.

Santa Fe Cams13614, M. W. A.dieets second Tuesday each month, soclal meeting tLirsTuesday at ElksHaU. Vlating neigh

bors welcome.A. G. WHITTISSL Consul


Santa Fe Camp No

6673, R. N. A. meet!fourth Tuesday oieach month; social meeting thircTuesday at ElksHaU. Vlsltlntneighbors welcome



Herewith are some bargains offeredby the New Mexican PrintingCom- -

pany: Code of Civil Procedure of theTerritory of New Mexiee, lgf7. sheepbound, $1; paper bound. 76c. MissouriPleading forms, $5; Missouri Cod

Readings, ft; tho two for 111

Adapted to New Mexico Code, Lawsof Now Mexico, 1882. 1191 sad lMt,English and Spanish pamphlets, SX.S6;

tan leather IS. SheriTs FleHhkCover Pock't Dockets, single, ILK;two or mere books, II each. HewM'Xice Supreme Court Reports, Ilea

and It iacluslrs, 11.20 each. Coattdlftttea Corpora tion Laws, 76 ft. Com

pilatios Mining Lnwm, 0 e hfeaey'ijMgftftt of Now Mde V worts, tat)

hoe, tut; full Hot Mheol hlaaka.

Piebald waa not a bad horse to lookShe had a nice n

see. This her new owner discoveredday too late. He visited the borse

dealer from whom be had bought tbesteed and demanded an explanation."She's stone blind!" he exclaimed.

"I know she is," replied the dealer."But look here, man you never

told me anything about it!" splutteredthe irate purchaser.

'"' uu w l"rmatter, answerea tne aeaier.

coughing slightly. "The man from awhom I bought her didn't tell me him-self, so I thought," be added, lower-

ing his voice, "he didn't want itmentioned."

An Accomplishment.Three or four of the clerks in a city

office were recently amusing them-selves of course, in their employer'stime. They were deeply Intent ontrying to halance cards, instead ofaccounts, on their fingers, cornerwise.when, just as one of them had a largecard nicely balanced, the door openedand in walked the head of the firm.

"Why, Hogan, I am surprised!" hesternly observed. "However, can youdo itT"

Practice, sir I" Hogan replied, carried away. "Practice!" Tit-Bit-




He Let's be engaged.She All right, Jimmy, but It's

only fair that I tell you that I've spentthe dime you seen me have yesterday.

Modest Fame.He opens the directory

With something of an air;His bosom swells with modest pride,

Because his name Is there.

Futilities.Once an old lady strung a clothes-

line across a railroad track to wrecka train which made too much noise.

Once King Canute gave some in-

structions to the tides.Once France tried to make "flat"

money as good as gold.And now a court has forbidden Nat

Goodwin to marry, again.

Still Looking."Decided where you are going on

your vacation yet?""No; can t seem to find the right

spot?"What sort of a place are you look

ing for?""A place where my pocketbook can

enjoy a vacation as well as itsowner."

His View.Willis Do you think a man should

be allowed to hold the highest honorin the United States more than fouryears T

Gillls Sure thing! I say, if a mancan top the league in batting for tenor even fifteen years, let him stay inthe game for the good of the sportPuck.


Jigson Fortune knocks at ever;man's door.

Jagson Yes, but its knock soundsso much like the installment man'sand the gas collector's knocks that I'mafraid to take a chance and open thedoor.

Deceptive.He has a little bald spot.

But combs his hair so wen,Exactly where bis hair Is not.

Forsooth, you couldn't tsU.

The Drawback."There are lota of beautiful things

about a summer vacation." ,

Yes, tnere are, out ineir appetite,for ice cream is something fierce."

The Drawback,four cook is rare, I see.""Yes, more's the pity. Bo's the


Mors Territory .

I amw you." says the very tMamas. "I wish I had your wela-hi-.

Here I am, a skinny, dyspeptic crea--tore, suffering half the time withstomach ache!" .

"Envy me!" chuckles the Tory flatvan. "Why, what if you do hare thestomach ache half the timer Thinkwhat ft little hit of a stomach ache'you cap have. Now, when I haver thostomach acho it amounts to

(Axmdnued From Page 2.)

Killed Accidentally.While Macedonio de la O, eighteen

years old, was having his hair cut bya member of the family, his lister,Gregoria, sixteen years old, picked upa 22 rifle, pointing at her brotherthrough a window saying "Let me seewhat kind of a marksman I am," notknowing the rifle was loaded, dis-

charged the same. The ball enteredthe left temple and lodging just un-

der the scalp over the right side, kill-

ing him instantly. The accident oc-

curred and the family live near Gar-

field, Dona Ana county.

Four New Wives for Deposed Sultan.Ever since the war in Tripoli began

Abdul Hamid, the deposed sultan ofTurkey, has been so closely guardedby the Young Turks that it is believedhe has no idea of what is happeningoutside the little world about him.All his communications pass throughcensorship of a specially chosen emis-

sary of the Young Turks. But thereare diversions in plenty for the oldman. Four new Circassian slaveshave been aded to his harem withinthe last few days. Twenty of thesebeautiful women now surround him,all presented to him by the YoungTurks since the war began.

Sun Spots Did Not Cause Blizzard.Those spots on the sun have noth-

ing to do with storms on the earth.That was the statement yesterday ofDean Howe of Denver Uuniversity ob-

servatory. It contradicts statementsmade by some astronomers that thespots that have been recently observ-

ed on the sun foretold tremendousstorms and blizzards on the earth.The prophecy was made last weekthat on Sunday there would be a bliz-

zard, and sure enough, it came alongyesterday afternoon, with snow, a rap-

idly falling mercury and a high wind.However, Dean Howe probably hadnothing to do with the storm.

Former Santa Feans in Trouble.Walter M. Danburg, town clerk at

Farmington, has become tangled upwith the minions of the law the re-

sult of having "mixed it" with M.

Swayze on the street last Saturday,following a dispute over the water-works'. The former was immediatelyplaced under arrest by Marshal

and taken before JusticeBowne as police magistrate, wherea charge of assault was made againsthim. Mr. McJunkin also arrestedSwayze a little later on the charge inthis case being assault with a deadlyweapon. The cases were both set forhearing Tuesday morning at 10o'clock. When the cases were calledthe complainant moved to dismissboth of them and they were accordingly thrown out- of court byJudge Bowne. Now, however, comesthe sequel of the story, Mr. McJunkin preferred new charges againstDanburg before Judge Bowne asjustice of the peace, one complaintcharging him with assault and battery upon the person of M. Swayzeand the other with resisting an off-icer. Farmington Enterprise.


"The Traveling Salesman.''Theatergoers of this city will be af

forded a real treat when "The Travel-ing Salesman," James Forbes' latestcomedy, plays at the Elks' theater onMonday evening, December 4.

The story of this laugh producingplay revolves around the life of atypical American "drummer" on theroad. The character, which is followed through four acts of humorous adventures, is Bob Blake, interpretedby Dan MacMillan, a most capableactor with a well developed sense of


Facta About Indigestion and Its ReliefThat Should Interest You.

Although Indigestion and Dyspepsiaare so prevalent, most people do nottnorougniy understand; their causeand cure. There is no reason whymost people should not eat anythingthey desire if they will only chew Itcarefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves Into sickness

, through fear of eating every ,

and good-tas- t

ing food, because it does not agreewitn tnem.

The best thing to do la to fit yourself to digest any good food.

We believe we can relieve Dyspepsia. We are so confident of this factthat we guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost toevery one who will use it, who is notperfectly satisfied with the resultswhich it produces. We exact no promise, and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely, nothingcould be fairer. We are located right

' here and our reputation should besufficient assurance of the genuineness of our offer.

We want very one troubled withIndigestion or Dyspepsia in any formto come to our store and buy a boxof Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Takethem home and give them a reason-able trial,, according to directions.Then, if not satisfied, come to us andget your money back. They are verypleasant to take; they aid to soothethe Irritable stomach, to strengthenana invigorate tne digestive orcans.

. and to promote a healthy and naturalbowel action, thus leading to perfectana neaitny digestion and asslmila- -

tion.' A 25c package of Rexall Dyspepsia

- Tablets lurnisnes id cayr treatmentIn ordinary cases, this is sufficient to

- produce a core. In mare , chronlocases, a longer treatment, of course.is necessary, and depends upon the

, severity of the trouble. . For nch cas-es, we have two larger sises which

- sell for 60c, and $1.00. Remember,rTn".Mri Rexall Remedies laEf!ii "powmiiujty only at our store1 Kerttf Vm ' The Ftacher On,

Mew Yerk Reverend Gives San andSensible Arguments Why Church

Should Advertise.

Church advertising has been asubject of considerable discussion, andconcerning it opinions are likely todiffer widely. Some pastors declare itproper and a sane proposition, whileothers see in it the making commonof sacred things.

In a recent Interview, Rev. Chris-tian F. Reisner, pastor of Gracs.Methodist Episcopal church of New7ork, discussed church advertising ascoilows:

ttecent changes in theology andBible interpretation have laid thebasis for a new enthusiasm which fitsand Interprets religion to hearers,until they are stirred and developed.But people have fallen out of thehabit of church attendance. They arsbusy and unacquainted with the foresof this new life. They must then,now, as never, be turned toward thechurch and aroused to the import-ance, helpfulness and easy possibilityof religious development.

The word "advertise" occurs twiceIn the Bible and "publish" one hun-

dred times. Preach the gospel meanspublish the good tidings. There wereno presses and so Paul wrote letterseverywhere, to be read and passedon. Wesley wrote dozens of bootsand peddled them persistently. Hissuccessors, the Methodists, own thelargest publishing house in the world,and their papers furnish no meanmediums for advertising.

Advertising is calling attention tofacts. It Is the most vital assistantIn the business world today. Truthis back of it all. Tbe church can nolonger exist by mere authority, or getk hearing by antiquated methods. Itmust be in presentation offacts. It must get a bearing in thedin caused by the rush of the ma-terial world.

Why object to church advertising!"Look at a few critiicsms:

"A sacred subject is made com-

mon." We have passed the day whena man has a different code for thechurch and business house. Therecan be no divorce between religionand business. The latter Is, after all,only pure morals. Sacred things arenot stored up in churches. No build-

ing is "sacred" unless it is made soby the lndiivduai; When religion be-

comes more "common" among menthe world will be better.

"It lessens religious appeal bycheapening it." The fact remainsthat they Beldom give personal reli-

gion any notice. If brought withintheir attention, old memories stirredwill lead to action. The word"church" facing them in prominentplaces constantly will arouse oldhome and boyhood scenes, and youth'scustoms and promises. Publicitycheapens nothing. It raises thestandard of goods. The most widelyadvertised articles bring the biggestprices. An empty, dilapidated, ruttychurch cheapens religion more thanony other thing.

"It Bpoils the preacher's dignity."Ministerial dignity ossifies same asdo the bandages of the mummy.They never bend, they never touchpresent-da- y life; they deal in deadtheological platitudes, as powerlessIn giving torch-leadin- g light as a tallow dip is compared with an arc lightBetter be a man with no externalprerogatives. Character is the bestbadge to wear. God will honor goodseed if sown without artificial dig- -

u'ty."It tends to materialize the spirit-

ual." All internal impressions areeither caused by external things orexpress themselves In a materialway. The most sacred religion known,that of husband and wife, comesfrom love aroused by sight of facesr picture. That Is poor religiousreeling that does not lead to honestSealing and visits to the poor andlick. When mysticism is banishedand the naturalism of religion is em-

phasized the spirituality will be more

general.But why advertise? First, it shows

fife and enthusiasm born of a confl-ften- t

belief. Methodism won its waybecause its zeal knew no doubt

The successful salesman believes inhis goods, and then is all alive to pushthem. Consistent advertising mayshow backing which will convince the

sleepy or doubting. Ability alone pro-duces advertising that tells, and thisby means of arousing thought Ifbacked by truth, the advertiser andthe article gain influence, respect and

reputation.A capable church advertiser may

thus stir good thoughts and insure re-

spect for a cause which commandstb: time and enthuses the spirit of

so capable a man. Second, theCharch has a message for today. The-

ology has changed its forms. It fits

present problems. Men do not know

it Many have only the memory oftwenty-fiv- e years ago, when a futureheaven was the chief topic. Themasses must be forced to recognizethat tbe church has a solution andpanacea tor this world's problemsand 111b.

Advertising compels attention tothis fact Third, it will reach menwhere they live. What good does itdo to cry out at them from the pul-

pit of an empty church? Newspa-

pers, billboards, signs, street car

cards, magazine pages, face themdaily. Words of meaning, force and

pertinency will nail their attentionand prod the ethical nature. It Is to-

day's method of "compelling them tocome in." Fourth, other things, andby memory, stimulation and sugges-tion help to keep men straight andclean. A word or sentence may be alinger pointing to light, or to spirit

Kan. '

They Had Clocks.Salesman You'll find these good

wearing socks, sir.Customer Rather loud, aint they?Salesman Yes, sir; but that keeps

the feet from going to sleep.

Position."Do you frrnt- .that picture of the

pugilistic i if.cvtc to go at ths topof the paf? i

' - '"Certain'?; U u? ttott Iant it an up


PAUL A. r. WALTERAttorney-et-La-

S&nta Fe, .... New Mexico

HOLT & SUTHERLANDAttorneys-.it-La- w

Practice in tie Dlstrl t Court fttwell as before the Supreme Court otthe territory.Las Cruces, New Mexico.

C. W. Q. WARDTerritorial District Attorn y

For San Miguel and Mora CountiesLas Vegas, New Mexico.

E. C. ABBOTTAitorney-at-Lav- ?

Practice in the District and Supreme Courts. Prompt and carefulattention given to all business.Banta Fe. New Mexico


Attorney and Counsellor at LawPractice In all the District Court

and gives special uieiinn to casesbefore the Territorial Supreme CourtOffice: LaugbUn Blk, Santa Fa. N. M.



Santa Fe, N. M.

Formerly Special Agent, G. L. O.Land Claims and Contests a Specialty

Chae. F. Easley. Chat. R. EasleyEASLEY & EASLEY.

Attorneys at Law.x Practice in tbe courts and beforeLand Department

Land grants and titles examined.Banta Fe, N. M., branch Office Estaa

da, N. M.

McKEAN & CHEETHAM,Attorneys-at-Law- .

Practice in all the Courts and Before the Interior Department

Taos, New Mexico.

H. L. ORTIZ.Attorney and counietlor-at-La-

Practicing before all the courts isthe Territory.Santa Fe ,-

- New Mexico


Lstrls, Mines, Bonds' A Stocks.Money Loaned for Investors

We have for sale general stocks ofMerchandise, Retail Lumber Yardand other Business Opportunitiesthroughout Taos county.

Bank References Furnished.Taos, i - . Now Mexico.


AVEPhone, 220' Red


Phone, 237' BlckOFFICE HOURS. 1 to 3 P. M.

W. M. SHERIDAN, M. B.Genito-Urinar- y Diseases.



Chemical and Microscooical Kx.aminations of blood, sputum, urineand gastric contents. Directionfor collecting specimens riven oapplication.State Nat. Bank Bid, Albuquerque N M


Over Splti'a Jewelry Store.Rooms 1. 2 and 3.

Phone Red 6.Office Hours 8a. m. to 5 p.And by Appointment

STANDLEY G. SMALL, M. D.Physician and Surgeon.

Office and Residence WashingtonAve. next door to Public Library.Office Hours 11 a. m. to 12:30 n. m.2 to 4 p. m. Evenings.

Phone Black 47.

New Mexican Printing com-pany has prepared civil and criminaldockets especially for tho one of Justices oi aw peace, xney are especial-ly ruled, with Dilated headlnn laeither Spanish or English, made ofgood record paper, strongly and dur-ably bound. With leather back encovers and canvas sides, hall fa!index In front and the fees of (Jamof the peace and constables printedIn full on the first page. The pagesCombined Civil and CrUrin.-s- l .. 4.Mare 10 inches. These books aremade np in clvU and criminal dockets,separate of S3 pages each, or withoo th civil and criminal bound in onebook. SO pazee civil and sso bumcriminal. To introduce them they areoKorec at the following srlcesmm or criminal $j.7

For S cent eJj&onal for ft slsglslOCket or BS eanta sririlttnna.1 for acombination docket, they will he sentby mail or prepaid express. Cash lafun must aeoomnanr order. Stateftlfttftiy whether Encllah or Snanlshmated heading Is wanted.

Let Him Know It rr Tan are ant ofa position, you must let the employerknow It A want advertisement ta theNew Mexican will reach every boaneaa and nrofeaalonal man in tko dtvand county and a great many in thoterritory, it you nave any special tal-ent de not hide it under a baaheL -

Are You a Sellerf An ' airrertMmeat in the classified columns of theNew Mexican will put your ml estateon the market effectively. It wm putthe fact! ot your property betsee theeyes ef all possible buyeiav

Once upon a time there was a busi-ness man who resolved to advertise.He saw what others were accomplish-ing with direct mall matter, "spreads"in the magazines, an J oth-er means of publicity, and be warmedto the thought of emulating theirsuccess.

So it came to pass that he hiedhimself to an advertising man andlaid his proposition before bim. Andthe a. m., finding it good and exceed-ingly fertile, recommended therefore

suitable campaign.The product and its appeal to the

public were carefully studied, andletters, magazine ads. and other ad-

vertising prepared which would getthe right point of contact.

But the business. man was not satis-tie-

"This letter doesn't strike myfancy" and "that ad. wouldn't sellgoods to me in a thousand years" an J"I don't like the picture that goes"with this folder" were some of thecriticisms he made whefl the vailouscopy and layouts came before him

Oh, he was the wise little gazaboo.He was right there with a whallopwhen it came to advertising knnwl-elg- e,

and when he got through revis- -

thir 7w t .wi

deed orphans.Protests were of no avail. It was

his money he was spending and he"guessed" he knew good advertisingwhen he saw it. You couldn't fool him.People would buy what appealed tohim, and when his final O. K. went onany advertising, it was right.

But, sad to relate, likewise quiteobvious, the dear public did not seemto have the same taste as he. Theyfound his advertising distinctly

and passed it by, also up.So the campaign turned out a fail-

ure and the business man becomesreally quite peeved now when thesubject of "advertising" 1b men-tioned.

All of which brings home this moralyou can't advertise to yourself and

expect to have more than one possi-ble buyer. The Layman Printer.

The uppermost idea in adver-tising is getting closer to thingsas they actually are, not as theyare assumed to bePrinter'sInk.


Results Obtained by Sacramento De-

velopment Association Have BeenVery Satisfactory.

Although less than half of the $50,-00- 0

advertising fund of the Sacramen-to Valley Development association hasbeen available during the past threemonths, tangible results have been ob-

tained, according to the report of Sec-retary O. H. Miller.

The report showed that big resultsare commencing' to accrue from theeastern advertising, which the association recently placed in about seventylarge publications. From July 15 toAugust 15 a total of 1,020 inquirieswere received from this advertising.Of the inquiries received, as stated inthe report, farm journals lead with651, daily newspapers with 197, andmagazines, 140; those received frommiscellaneous sources were 82, andfrom the Sunset Magazine, 60. Thisis an average cost of 80 cents per in-

quiry, and which is regarded as ex-

ceptionally good for the poorest monthof the year, and is considerably belowthe average usually established as thecost for each inquiry.

The members of the committee de-

clared themselves pleased with the re-

sults of eastern advertising and votedto appropriate $7,500 to be used inadditional advertising during the win-ter months.

Advertising for Direct Returns.Our neighbor killed his Thomas Cat,

For reasons all his own.Then he was sorry for the deed,

He felt so sad and lone.Next week he advertised for one.

And e'er he got replies.The old cat turned up home again.

It pays to advertise.T. E. M., In New York Telegram.

A Quick Recovery."Mamma," said Johnny, "if you will

let me go Just this one time I won'task for anything to eat"

"All right," said his mother. "Getyour hat"

Johnny, perched on the edge of abig chair, became restless as savoryodors came from the region of thekitchen. At last he blurted out:

"There's lots of pie and cake in thishouse."

The admonishing face of his motherrecalled his promise and he added:

"But what's that to me?" FromSuccess Magazine

Real Advertising Is News.The succesful merchants of today

place their faith in honest, common-sens- e,

persistent publicity. They knowthat advertising is simply news newsof merchandise, and prices, and storeservice, and so on. And the advertiserwho gives the people the news theywant to read has the only sort of powerover pocketbooks that is fundamental,ly sound. Baltimore Sun.

His Success."I wonder if anybody will ever at--

tempt to fix weather lgns on ajighty

"why?""Because it is more or less s ran

attempt''Sad Fsot

' "Two are company.""Yes until they an mad one."

Poor Father."Yes, we are going to the seaside

again. All but father. Father says hont have a rest1

Going eh?""No. He's going to stay at homo."

Extremely So.Mrs. ' Hlx Are they hygenicattr

careful about their now baby?Mrs. Dlx Yes, indeed. When it was

christened they even boiled the ator that the preacher useC

play are laid, which are so true tonature, that they will be recognized ainstantly by anyone who has everspent a day in a small town The sec-ond act discloses a poker game inprogress in a room of the small townhotel, and this is one of the funniestof the play.

In the District Court of the First!Judicial District for the County otSanta Fe.Pilar P. de Maestas, Plaintiff, vs.

Augustin Maestas, Defendant. No.6830


To the Above Named Defendant:You are hereby notified that there

has been filed in the office of tbeClerk of the First Judicial Districtfor the County of Santa Fe, in theaoove entitled cause, No. 6830, wherein Pilar B. de Maestas is plaintiff, andvcu. the said Aueustln Maestas aredefendant, the complaint of plaintiff,the general objects of said actionbeing for the obtaining of a decree ofabsolute divorce by said plaintiffagainst you, the said defendant, andfor the obtaining of the care, custodyand control of the minor child, RamonMaestas, and praying that you, thesaid defendant be required to makereasonable provision for the supportof said minor child, Ramon Maestas,and for the costs of this action.

You are hereby further notified thatunless you enter your appearance insaid cause on or before the 20th day

f January, 1912, year, judgment willbe rendered in said cause against you

y default.The name and address of plaintiff's

attorneys are as follows: Messrs.Renehan & Davies, Capital City BankBuilding, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

In witness whereof I have hereuntoset my hand and the seal of said courtthis 20th day of November, A. D.1911.

EDW. L. SAFFORD,Clerk of the First Judicial Court of

the Territory of New Mexico.(SEAL)



Unconventlonalltles.'If I were you, Mrs. Jellicks, I

wouldn't smile so often. You show toomuch of your gums."

'Mrs. Gunderby, you ought to washyour children's faces occasionally;Billy's nose needs attention rightnow."

"I'm asking you for your daughter.Mr. Singletree, because that's the cus-

tomary thing to do; we're going tomarry anyway."

'Your talking doesnt disturb me abit, Mr. Feathertop; I'm paying no at-

tention to it."'Yes, George, I admire your new au

tomobile very much. I wish some oth-er man was taking me out in it"

Taking No More Chances."I don't like to boast," boasted

George Gardner, "but we hadonly one really rotten show atthe opera house this season. Andto show you that I hate to talk aboutsuccesses, I'll tell about the failure."

"It was certainly awful I neverknew, though, how bad it was till oneof our chronic deadheads sat out oneact of it and then came out and demanded that his name be scratchedoff the free list." .

Most of Them Do.'Talk about consistency! There's

Jorklns who maintains a man shoulduse the same principles of conduct inpublic and private life. I asked himIf he approved of the 'rule of reason'principle, and be said yes."

"Welir"Then I asked him if he lived un

der the rule of reason in his home,and he had to say no under bossrule."

A Brute.She Dearie, isn't your little wills

the dearest thing in life to you?He I can answer truly, darling, yes,

you are the most expensive of my fewluxuries,

Per Program.- -

A man having falkm into the wateiwas suddenly given considerable con-cern by his past life flashing upon himin a series of pictures.

"Bless me, I must have sunk for thsthird time!" he exclaimed. The giftof ready conjecture is often of greatservice in an emergency. Puck.

A Mean Disposition."Do you enjoy a cross-count- trol

ley ride?"--Oh, yea."

"And what is the most enjoyablefeaturer

"The number of automobllists oneMsti all along Iho route, fuming oveiUbeir disabled machines."

Long and Dreary.Think well before yon marry him.Remember that marriage Is a thingwhich cannot be set aside in a day.'

"Oh, I know, I have thought of if"I speak from experience. I thought

mon iTtTTi- -ttUg." Life.

r r3

1 ',1? , V f ' 1 - i IS ,

Page 9: Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-28-1911



sale. See advertisement of Haywardthe real estate- - man.tuc niuv onniin iid

of s, "real" sled was the envy of. hiscompanions.

The Best Yet, at 7:45 at the Elks'.Thanksgiving Day Dance PostponedOwing to the performance of the

Elks' minstrels on Thursday eveningof this week, the Woman's Board ofTrade has postponed the dance plan-ned for Thanksgiving day, to Thurs-

day, December 7.

One Marriage License CristovalApodaca, 30 years old, and VlcentitaBlea, 21 years old, both of Santa Fe.

New England Thanksgiving Dinnerat the New State . Restaurant and

Cafe, under Capital City Bank.


Flood of Offerings in Grain Pit at Chi-

cago Corn Was Firm ButOats Declined.

(By Special tasea Wire to New Mexican)Chicago, Nov. 28. Forced under by

a flood of offerings, wheat today sankbelow the dollar mark for May, thedelivery in which most of the businesswas transacted.


X Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 28. XX For New Mexico Fair tonight XX and continued cold. Wednes- - XX day fair with slowly rising XX temperature. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

ants, Appellants, vs. Candido G. Gon-

zales, et al., Appellee, motion for re-

hearing on the constitutionality of theact granted and set for argument De-

cember 1. "'

Case 1425, George A. Davison-- , Plain-tiff, and Etta Owens, Defendant, Ap-

pellees vs. Citizens National Bank ofRoswell, Defendant; Appellant fromChaves county, hearing set for Decem-ber 5.

Case 1437, the Community ditchesor Acequias of Tularosa Townsite, a

Mr. Swell Dresser, you are referred

. Tonight at 7:45 at the Elks thosegood pictures again.


Oysters, Turkey, Cranberries, Sweet Spuds,Spinach, Rutabegas, Celery, Lettuce and To-

matoes with Salad Dressing, Nuts, Fruits,Plum Pudding, Mince Pie, Fruit Cake,

Vacuum Sealed Coffee, Importedand Domestic Cheese.

We Have It All and Then Some.

Phone No. 4. F. Andrews Phone No. 4.

There is a City Like Hustle aroundthe tailoring establishment of theCapital Tailors on San Francisco corporation; Appelant vs. The Tula

You Will Also Find Carving Setsfcr Thanksgiving at GOEBELS.

Don't Fail to see those good pic-tures again at the Elks'.

Some Bargains in lots for immediate

to the advertisement of The BigStore, Nathan Salmon, in today's is-

sue. It tells you where to get theright kind of clothes.

School Closed Owing to the burst-ing of a pipe in the heating system ofthe high school building, the schoolhad to close, to. the delight of the fourhundred or more pupils.

The Two Officers tonight at theElks'.

Our Ladies' Corsets and children'swaist, are absolutely the BEST MADEHas our representative called on you.if not drop us a postal. W. H. GoebelCo.

The Thrill of the Holiday Season is

92.. ..Phone.. ..92

street. The opening day was a greatsuccess. Another arrival of swell

; suitings has arrived and your orderwill be taken, the garment cut, flt andmade right in their shops, ladies fromJ25.00 up and gents from $20.00 up.Here is an opportunity that you can-not pass by.

Again Tonight at the Elks' the.Thumb Print.I Petition in Bankruptcy A petition

Opening figures here were unchang-ed to 8 c lower at 100 8 to1001-- 4 but then the market declinedto 99 3-- The close was weak withMay 11-- 2 cent net lower at 981--2

c lower.Late conditioning of corn tended to

make that cereal firm. May openedunchanged to c higher at 64c arid641-8- c and rose to 641-8l-4- Theclose was steady at 63 8 64c forMay at net loss of a shade.

Oats received good support fromcommission houses. May started ashade lower to a like amount up at49 4 to 49 8 and seemed inclined tohold within that range.,

YI 'S 1

rosa' Community ditch, W. D. Tipton,et al.. Appellees, Otero, set for hear-

ing, December.

After the completion of this busi-

ness the court adjourned until 10

o'clock tomorrow.

Las Vegas Is Rather Slow.Washington, D. C, Nov. 28. Las

Vegas, N. M., will be established as apostal savings depository December18.

The Scenic Highway.Territorial Engineer Charles D. Mil-

ler has returned from ' Las Vegaswhere he inspected the work that isbeing done on the Scenic Highway In

Gallinas Canon, which will eventuallyconnect with that portion of the SenlcHighway up Santa Fe Canon over theDalton Divide and which has beenconstructed within a few miles of thePecos. Mr. Miner reports the LasVegas end of the Highway in superbcondition.



HAYWARD'SDont (Jet Stung

upon us. The advertisements of themerchants are taking on the Christ-mas spirit. Just read the advertise

in bankruptcy has been filed in thedistrict court for McKinley county onbehalf of R. E. Yountz.'a Jeweler ofGallup, who prays to be adjudged a


Gill )

ment of W. N. Townsend and Com-

pany and you will sure take the fever.

Sleighs and Sleds Out The unus-ual sight for Santa Fe of a sleigh inthe streets as well as boys coastingon sleds, was witnessed this fore-noon. The boy who is the possessor

bankrupt. He gives his liabilities as$1,605.63 and assets $750.60. The pe-

tition will be referred to John W. Wil-

son, referee. Ae meeting of the cred-itors will be called in a few days.

i Albuquerque Journal.

Provisions eased off on account ofdepression at the yards. Initial saleswere the same as last night to 21-- 2

5c down with May delivery 16.5016.521-- 2 for pork; 9.45 to 9.471-- 2 forlard, and 8.65 for ribs.

5 MARKETmm92.. .Phone ..92 There is Only One Ready Made Suit

of clothes that a. critic will buy.There are a number of reasons why

The kind of a watch that will give you, your son, your grandson, accurate time under all conditions, because it is


We have them the regular sizes and the NEW PRECISIONVERITHIN MODELS FOR MEN AND WOMEN cased in an, end-

less variety of distinctive, original 14 and 18kt gold cases. We askthe favor and privilege of showing you our assortment.


(By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican!Rome, Nov. 28. The newly created

American Cardinals, Falconio, Farleyand O'Connell, continued to hold a re-

ception in state at the American col-

lege today. '


this is conceded by all clothing peo-- 'pie: See advertisement of NathanSalmon.

i The Show tonight at the Elks' willstart at 7:45 instead of 8 because of

(the rehearsal of the Elks';5minstrels.Fifth Victim of Belen Cut-O- ff WreckThe disastrous wreck of .November

j 20 on the Belen cut-of- f at Sciolle con- -

tinues to reap fts harvest of death,Engineer Virgil Patrick suo-


Hardy Plants and Flowers in their Season.It's the Watch for You."Phone. Black 204. 415 Palace Avenue.

SPITZ, THE JEWELERNOTE Perfect srvice in our watch repair-departme- nt

Is our hobby. Try It.0AMBASSADOR TO BRAZIL


(By Special Leased Wife to New Mexican!Baltimore, Md., Nov. 28. Irving Be--.

dell Dudley, United States ambassa-dor to Brazil, died at the Johns Hop-kins hospital here yesterday fromheart failure; while convalescing fromanother complaint.


New Time Card goes into effectNovv 29th, on New Mexico Central,leaving Santa Fe 12:45 p. m. ArrivingTorrance 7 p. m. connecting withGolden State Limited for the east.Leaves Torrance on arrival of GoldenState Limited west, arriving Santa Fe4:15 p. m.

"Thanksgiving day will be fair andwarm if present indications holdgood," said C. E. Linney of the Weath-er Bureau at the Federal building to-

day. ,

He added that the rest of today and

tonight would be cold, but that a risein temperature could be expected to.morrow.. The recent snow fallamounted to slightly over five incheswhich is the heaviest that has visitedthis section tor some time. In factthe weather conditions of last monthand of this, have teen abnormal. Thetemperature has been on an averageof three degrees below normal' for ev-

ery day of both months and the pres-ent cold snap will further lower theaverage. , e ..;

Since the snow" a number of 'Sleigh-

ing parties have been organizedamong the younger set who find goodsport on the white slopes of Ramonahill, south of the city.

Better Plumbing

cumbing to his injuries at 5:50 lastevening at St. Joseph's hospital, Albu-

querque.- The death of Engineer Ma-lo-

is the fifth to occur as a resultof the accident in which twj were in-

stantly killed and seven Injured.Water Main Repaired The break

in the water main which has beenflooding lower Palace Avenue hasbeen repaired. The pipe was a pri-vate service main supplying St. Vin-cent's Hospital, and the Santa Fe Wa-ter and ijight Company were not 're-

sponsible for it. The. ice, which hasaccumulated should be removed with-out delay as it makes the street prac-ticably impassable for horses and

TVTANY homes should have better bath roomsthan they now have. We have alwaysDAVID LOWITZKI, 1IO

Read the New Mexican Want Col-

umn if you want results.

tried not only to do betterplumbing than we ever didbefore, but better than any-body else can do. The vol-

ume of work we are nowdoing shows how we are suc-

ceeding. ,

We use only genuine 'tStottdMrfV

plumbing fixtures and employ onlyexperienced workmen. Our repair-ing service is prompt and reliable.


Hand Painted Pictures in fine framesReady made Frames all Sizes


Large stock, come and get a price onFURNITURE AND QUEENSWARE

New and Second-Han- d Goods Sold on Easy Payments.




Continued from Page One.

Ora Butler Meece, Appellant, a motionfor a was denied;'

Case 1327, United States of Ameri-

ca, Appellee, vs. George Snell, appel-lant;- appeal dismissed,. Appellee topay cost. J .JJfCase 1325, Vincente Montoya, Plain



tiff, vs. Unknown heirs of Francisco Phone Black 12. R. V. BOYLE, ManagerMontes Vigil, deceased, et al., Defend

li InllQOU like to see nice clothes we're stife; most men are

enough interested in their looks to take some painsYI


with the things they wear. Being well dressed is ais a sort of duty that a man owes to himself, his family, his business; it

pays all 'round. Especially when it is so easy to get the right things towear; easy in price, easy in convenience. You can step in here anyday, and in thirty miuutes we'll put you into a suit of

HMT, SCHAFNER & MARXClothes that Will Put You in a Class by Yourself as far as

Clothes are Concerned..i - ' - 'i git

You'll get fabrics that are all wool, and as fine as are made; rich import-ed weaves from England, Scotland, Ireland, or the fine Americanproducts. You'll get Styles and Fashions that are approved in all the greatfashion centers of the world.

You'll have no "local" mark in dress; you'll be clothed as well-dress-ed

men all over the world are clothed. ' That's what it means to buy clothesCopyright HmsehatraerAMM here economy, style and quality.

Suits, $15.00 and up. Overcoats, $ 1 7.50 and up.it.i'lv

'1 1

1 5

J.'-- This Store is, the Upme of Hart, Schaffaer & Marx Clothes. r IMTriHLJM.

t ,(,', tc - .r'T" ik't'i

' " ' -I
