Behavioral Aspects Definition of Behavior: Behavior is the action and reaction of an individual in a given situation. In other words, Behavior is the way an individual perform in a given situation which can be observed by other individuals. Behavior is always the product of two things, the nature of the individual that behaviors and the nature of the situation in which the individual finds himself. The situation is a source of stimulation and behavior is always the individuals’ response to stimulation from the environment. Factors Influencing Behavior: Nature of behavior of individual depends on so many factors- To name some of them: 1. Heredity 2. Education 3. Training 4. Experience 5. Religion 6. Knowledge 7. Culture 8. Environment 9. Society 10. Belief. Common Behavioral Aspects of Bangladeshi People:

Some Common behavioral aspects of Bangladeshi people..Edited

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Page 1: Some Common behavioral aspects of Bangladeshi people..Edited

Behavioral Aspects

Definition of Behavior:

Behavior is the action and reaction of an individual in a given situation. In other words,

Behavior is the way an individual perform in a given situation which can be observed by

other individuals.

Behavior is always the product of two things, the nature of the individual that behaviors and

the nature of the situation in which the individual finds himself. The situation is a source of

stimulation and behavior is always the individuals’ response to stimulation from the


Factors Influencing Behavior:

Nature of behavior of individual depends on so many factors- To name some of them:

1. Heredity

2. Education

3. Training

4. Experience

5. Religion

6. Knowledge

7. Culture

8. Environment

9. Society

10. Belief.

Common Behavioral Aspects of Bangladeshi People:

Social Aspect:

Social Conditions of a country affect a lot in shaping behavioral pattern of people that

country. Similar in the case of Bangladeshi people, Social conditions includes culture family

Background peer groups etc. Culture means the customers, habits, tradition that characterizes

a people on a social group. Bangladeshi people love celebrating festivals through out the year

become it is a part of their culture. Bangladeshi people carry a great respect for their older.

This behavior is shopped by their family. Family is called the primary of behavioral

promotion. We often see that the off spring belong to the same political belief as their

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parents. It shows that Bangladeshi people of others conditions behavior are influenced by

their culture and family in forming without their notice/ awareness.

Organizational Behavior:


Generally the organization behavior means the behavior of human within the organization.

The authorized definitions are given in the following:

“Organizational behavior is the systematic study and careful application of knowledge

about how people as individual and as groups act within the organization. It is also called the

scientific discipline in which large numbers of research studies and conceptual developments

are constantly adding to its knowledge here”

Davis & Newstrom

“A field of study that investigates the impact that individual groups and structure has

behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving

organizations effectiveness.


1. If provides the useful self of fools.

2. If is an applied science.

3. If is useful for examining the dynamics relationship with thereby.

Legal and Ethical Aspect:

Countries around world vary substantially in their legal system. In the judicial systems of

Bangladesh, cases may drag on for years unlike other countries where rapid disposition of

cases practiced. Beside ethic is how a person should act. Though day by day many

Bangladeshi people are practicing poor ethics. But not all are same poor ethics leads to poor

moral. As a result, some of them are being corrupted.

Political Aspects:

Political Conditions here a significant effect on behavior include instability of the

government national drives etc. In recent times people of Bangladesh are mainly divided into

two groups on the basis of their political belief. Most of the people sometime support their

political party students of our country practices politics very seriously. Infect student

politics played a vital role in our Liberation.

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Economic Conditions Aspect:

Economic status of a country effects on the behavior of its people Bangladesh is a developing

country still most of the people are bellow the poverty line. Though there are people living at

lower class and at middle class of we analyze behavioral pattern of these there classes we will

see that lower class people shows mostly aggressive behavior. A Study are illiterate and

lining a measurable life. has less manner they may gone down to the lever of physical attack

in case of presentation, Besides, a middle class and literate man will maximum attack

adversely that means abuse with words. At last an upper class and defiantly literate man will

not at all go for any physical attack and most probably any verbal attack. In spite of poor

economic conditions Bangladeshi people are hospitable.

Individual Differences:

Resident of each country has their performance for cloths, foods recreation and housing.

These individual difference factors include individualism/ collectivities, power/distance,

uncertainty/ avoidance, masculinity/ feminity and time orientation.

Individualism/ Collectivism:

Now a days in our country cultures emphasize individualism tend to accent individual rights

and freedoms. It results in very loosely knit social networks and place considerable attention

on self respect. Young people place strong emphasize on own career and personal rewards on

the others hand collectivism is practiced on different org. Group and parties here face saving

is highly important in characteristics culture. Beside all these the Bangladeshi People give

importance on relationship.

Powers Distance:

Powers distance referee to the belief that strong and legitimate decision makers separate the

rich from the poor. This is frequently observed in our country. It is because most of the

people in our country are uneducated and they don’t have the ability to do it otherwise and

hence when they are apprised they show rebels behavior.

Uncertainty Avoidance:

Most of the people in our country are like to follow and less rather than to make a decision. It

is because in our country a high level pf uncertainty avoidance behavior is watched. People in

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our country hare lowers need for stability and serenity. So, in Bangladeshi People hare high

uncertainty avoidance characteristic and often prefers structure, Stability rules and clarity.

Masculinity/ Femininity:

In Bangladeshi Society gender roles in more traditional and psychological ways, that is why

we don’t have broadest reappoints that both male and female can pay equal role in the

workplace and at home. In additions we have value assistive behavior and the acquisition of


Bangladeshi Culture and society


Culture is set of assumption belief values and norms that are shared by the people of

Bangladesh. It is also the complex social system of laws values and customs in which the

people of Bangladesh behaves themselves

Here serves as a sense- making and control mechanism that guides and shapes the attitudes

and behavior of the people of Bangladesh.

Social System:

A social system is very complex relationship interacting in many ways for the establishment

and maintenances of a social system three components must be considered.

Physical and Economic contracts:

Peoples make physical contract consciously or unconsciously. Economic contract includes

times, talent and every which may be exchanged with ways.

1. Cultural diversity:

Peoples are sub divided into many group on the basis of

(i) Job related differences

(ii) Non-Job related differences

2. Social culture values:

If includes the work ethics and social responsibility. The work ethics are related to

maintaining relationship.


A role is the pattern of actions expected of a person in activities involving others. Role reflect

a previous position expected role

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Role Perceptions

Role conflict


It is the social rank of person and on the basis it people behaviors in the society.


An attitude is a from of reference that determines favorableness or unfavorable ness

of an individual towers an object event or a person It is a manful set mostly guides opinion

and behavior


Suppose a Bangladeshi people attitude forward his job relief’s pleasant and unpleasant

experiences in the job his future expectation about future experience.


Conflict is the most common symbol of Bangladeshi people. They are always in the conflict.

It is the part of the life of Bangladeshi People.

conflict is any situation in which two or more parties fell themselves in opposition conflict is

interpersonal process that from disagreement over the goal to affair or the methods to be used

to accomplished those goals and this my occur-

(i) Interpersonal conflict:

Interpersonal conflict means conflict between two persons

(ii) Interpersonal conflict:

Interpersonal conflict means within an individual.

(iii) Inter group conflict:

Inter group conflict means conflict between two or more groups.

(iv) Intra-group conflict:

Inter group conflict means conflict within a groups.

Behavior pattern of Executive (Private)

Manager need to develop their interpersonal or people skills of then are going to be effective

in their jobs. Organization behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that

individual groups and. structure have on behavior within an organization and it applies that

knowledge to make organization work more effectively. The behavior pattern of executive of

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private organization is not the same to the behavior pattern of public organization. This is

because private organization is run by a private entrepreneur. But he has to maintain the rules

and regulation of the organization behavior.

The manager or the leaders of the private organization are generally auto erotic in nature

because he has to maintain the minimum production level. In order to maintain such level of

production, he becomes autocratic in nature. He generally maintains task centered leadership.

In other words, he becomes more dynamic.

In private limited organization the executive has the innovative mentality so the behavior of

the people of the organization is very much formal. They become very strict not maintain

very close relationship with their employee as they think that it make their prestige on image

reduce to the fellow worker. But they maintain very much good relationship with the high

officials’ elite people.

The disciplinary action must be maintained in private organization. They also maintain

corporate social responsibility as their behavior pattern is something like of corporate level.

The executives of the private organization want to earn high profit in a limited period of time.

As a result they want more and more production of goods. As a result at the same time, they

emphasis more in production as well as quality of goals. So the executive of private

organization. Is very much street. He does not think without production.

Behavioral pattern of Executive (Public)

The behavior pattern of executive of public organization is not the same to the behavior

pattern of private organization. The managers on the leader of the public organization are

democratic in nature. The leader does not allow his subordinate to participate in decision

making process. He considered the subordinate do not have any potential idea, Creativity. He

considered them as well as final. It is the job of the subordinate to follower his instruction.

The leader on manager of evens organization through have innovative mentality, the

executive of the public organization do not sue properly of them. There also exists the

absence of dynamism. The govt. control the organization strictly, various rules and regulation

have to be maintain in the private organization. Though much of them do not maintain

properly in the organization.

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Moreover the trade union activities in the public organization are so much that the employee

feels so much disturbed. As a result they do not fell like working. The attitude of the

executive so much narrow that the worker to not follow his direction.

Political involvement in the public organization. Has increased in the recent years that are

why corruption on every step in the public organization has raised in Bangladesh. In care of

employment payment of ways, discharge, dismissed retrenchment corruption has been raised

in recent years.

The Behavior of the leader employee and others parts not so much restricted rather it is tree

and independent. Absenteeism, Laguna turnover low production neglect of work are

increased in the private organization in Bangladesh become of the lack of balance between

and responsibility.

Cases of Bad behavior in Organization:

1. Lack of bright heritage regarding behavior.

2. Lack of training on behavior.

3. No Accountability.

4. Carelessness of general employees

5. Carelessness to regulation I law.

6. Absence of award for good behavior.

7. Problems at top level

8. Class difference

9. Personnel difference

10. Political involvement

11. Discrimination of gender

12. Lack of job security

13. Anomalies in wage policy

14. Lack of Uniform outlook

15. Loopholes in disciplinary action

16. Flowed supervision

17. Corruption

18. Absence of political belief

19. Geographical Discrimination

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20. Religious Discrimination

What would be the Fair organization behavior in Bangladesh?

Every organization must achieve the goal. In order to reach or achieve the goal, fair

organization behavior must be practiced in both public and private sector. So we should to

know what is the fair organization behavior for that an executive should not follow a

particular pattern of leadership, rather he should follows various type of leadership in the

organization as required in that time or situation . Every leader should be action oriented

while choosing a particular style; a leader should consider the importance of the issue to the


A manager may be kind on some issue as well as he may be cruel on

Some other issue. A manager sometime may be autocratic, as well as democratic on the basis

of the situation sometimes he may be action oriented and sometime he may be leas action

oriented sometimes he gives more emphasis on production an well as gives more emphasis on

workers recreation at the same time he can rearrangement of a worker as well as employment.

A combination of these two opposite aspect of behavior of a leader or manager or executive

would be the fair organizational behavior in Bangladesh.