Superstitions - Sample first 50 pages

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  • 8/8/2019 Superstitions - Sample first 50 pages




    David Sumner

  • 8/8/2019 Superstitions - Sample first 50 pages




    We see flashes of various occult symbols. Burning candles,and a weird symbol chalked out on a hardwood floor. There isa flash of light.

    CUT TO:


    A young girl, CINDERBLOCK, yes its a strange name for ayoung girl, wakes up. We realize it was her dream. She looksaround at the students giggling and smirking at her while theteacher, MRS MASTERSON, looks offended. Also in the class areOHRI NOCO, CINDERs best friend, who sits next to her and

    RENNY PROST, CINDERs boy best friend, who sits behind her.OHRI looks at Cinder sympathetically.

    MRS. MASTERSONI dont much appreciate having oneof my students disrespect me andthe rest of the class like youredoing.

    CINDERIm sorry I didnt get very muchsleep last night.

    MRS. MASTERSONHey, we all have things in ourlives but that doesnt make itokay to disrupt the rest class.Does it?

    CINDERNo, I guess not.


    You guess not or you know not?

    Renny grimaces in response to this bullshit.

    CINDERNo, Im sorry.

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    RENNYWell, actually her sleeping wasntreally disrupting the class; itwas you telling her how badsleeping was that disrupted theclass. Now maybe if she had beensnoring-

    MRS. MASTERSONMr. Prost.

    Parts of the class giggle. Cinder looks back at him nervousas to how this will play out.

    RENNYYes, sir.

    MRS. MASTERSONWith how bad your test scores havebeen lately I hardly think youshould be worrying about anyoneother than yourself.

    RENNYIts just that its notCinderblocks fault, I mean yourlecture is so boring.

    At this point several students laugh. Cinders looks amazed ina good way.

    MRS. MASTERSONGet out! Go to the principalsoffice right now.

    The class goes quiet now. Renny gets up and starts walkingtowards the door. As he passes Cinder he winks at her. She isvery pleased that he stood up for her. He goes out the door.We hear the sound of an end of class bell ringing.

    CUT TO:


    Ohri and Cinder are walking down the hall among many otherstudents now that class has ended. They are walking towardsthe cafeteria and talking.

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    OHRIWasnt that just the sweetestthing ever? The way he wassticking up for you.

    CINDERYeah, I feel kind of guilty thathe got sent to the office.

    OHRIIt was like a sacrifice that hemade for you. His cross to bear,its sweet.

    CINDERHe is extremely cool.

    OHRIYou guys would be so right foreach other.

    CINDERI think so, but he just wants tobe friends. Thats really horriblewhen a guy says that.

    OHRIHave you ever asked him, if hewanted to maybe take thingsfurther?

    CINDERNo, but Ive certainly left plentyof hints.

    OHRIGuys are fucking clueless. Youregoing to have to hold up a big asssign that says, Renny, I want tojump your bones.

    Cinder laughs out loud. Just then, Cinder collides withDELILAH. DELILAH is also a senior in high school who has alot of fun picking on Cinder and her friends. Delilah getsangry at Cinder.

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    DELILAHWatch where youre going,Pavement!


    OHRIYou dont have to apologize toher.

    DELILAHShe ran into me, its her fault.

    OHRIYou dont have to act like such abitch about it.

    DELILAHFirst off, dont use that word.Second, you guys are shy, whiny,losers, Im one of the cool peopleergo if we have a collision itsyour fault.

    Delilah walks away. Cinder breathes a sigh of relief whileOhri shakes her head. They start walking again.

    CINDERWow, I totally showed her. Shellthink twice before messing with meagain.

    OHRIJust forget her. It sucks thatshes working on that scienceproject with Renny. I feel sosorry for him.


    Shes probably spending more timewith him than I am.

    OHRIHe doesnt even like her.

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    CINDERNobody likes her, shes toopopular.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder is standing in line with her food tray. Anotherstudent, BILLY LAMOTE, sees her and excitedly gets in linenext to her. They walk along, with their trays sliding on thelunch counter and talking.

    BILLYHey, Cindy.


    Oh, hi, um.


    CINDERRight, Im sorry, Im so bad withnames.

    BILLYThats okay; Billy isnt quite soeasy to remember as Cinderblock.How come your parents named youthat?

    It is obvious that he is attracted to Cinder although he isnot very smooth.

    CINDERMy parents thought it would befunny to name their kids afterinanimate objects. My brother isnamed Sledgehammer and if I had a

    sister she would be namedWristwatch.


    Thats funny. You know, over inFrance, they have this agency that


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    BILLY (CONT'D)checks out birth certificates fornames and if they dont approve ofthe name a child is given they canreject it and force the parents tocome up with a conventional name.

    CINDERSeriously? Thats wild.

    At this point they have now reached the end of the lunchcounter. They start going separate ways.

    CINDERSee you later.



    Cinder and Billy walk in opposite directions. Cinder walksthrough the cafeteria to the table that Renny and Ohri aresitting at. Cinder sits down at the table and they welcomeher.

    CINDERHey, did you get into much troublewith the principal?

    RENNYNot really, I just had to make alame apology. Mrs. Masterson is afucking psycho.

    CINDERMaybe, but I dont want yougetting into trouble over me.

    RENNYCome on, youd do the same for me.

    CINDERNo I wouldnt.

    RENNYWell... you should. (He looks offto the side of Cinder) Ally andMatt are coming over.

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    Cinder looks over her shoulder and sees ALLY and MATT, twooverweight Goths, walking towards them. She turns backtowards Renny with a grimace on her face.

    CINDERNot them.

    Ally and Matt are now up to the table.

    MATT(In a dull monotone)

    Will you guys sign our petition?

    ALLYWere tired of the same old menuso were holding a petition to getraw pigs blood put on the drinks.

    Renny, Ohri, and Cinder all look dumbfounded. Ohri slides hertray away in an apparent loss of appetite.

    RENNYYou want pigs blood as analternative?



    ALLYWe thought it would be reallyfunny if we gave this petition tothe school board. They are goingto totally freak when they see howmany signatures we got. All theirprecious little honor studentswant to drink pigs blood.

    CINDERI think theyll just assume thatits a prank. I dont thinktheyll think you were serious.

    ALLYYou dont get to say anything; you


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    ALLY (CONT'D)didnt even know what the RockyHorror Picture Show was.


    Well, uh, no, I guess not.

    RENNYDont be such a conformist, noteveryone has to like the samestuff you do.

    Delilah walks up towards the table. She is standing next toRenny, looking at him and ignoring everybody else.

    DELILAHSo, Renny were going to gettogether tomorrow night and workon our science project.

    RENNYOkay, whose house are we

    DELILAHWell, my house would probably be abetter environment, seeing as howneither of my parents arealcoholics.


    Good thinking.

    DELILAHWhen is a good time for you?

    RENNYIt doesnt matter.

    DELILAHOkay, be there at 6.

    Delilah turns towards Matt.

    DELILAHHave you been drinking?

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    DELILAHOh, well you kind of smell likeRennys father.

    Everybody suddenly looks uncomfortable. Renny lets out aheavy sigh.

    RENNYHey, would you like me to bringover some peanut butter and jellysandwiches.

    DELILAHIm allergic to peanut butter.

    RENNYI know.

    Cinder and Ohri giggle. Ally and Matt are just observing.Delilah lets out a sigh.

    DELILAHIll see you tomorrow.

    RENNYCant wait.

    Delilah walks away from the table.


    That was harsh.

    RENNYYes, thats what I love about her,shes a people person.

    ALLYShes such an overachieving bitch.

    MATTYeah, she probably has to got homeand listen to her Britney SpearsCDs.

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    RENNYWhat have you got against BritneySpears?

    ALLYYouve got to be kidding.

    RENNYReally like that, hit me baby onemore time song.


    You guys are such total losers.

    CINDERComing from you that really hurts

    my feelings.

    Renny smiles and looks impressed with her. Ally looks at herwith contempt.

    ALLYYou better watch yourself, preppiebitch.

    CINDEROr youll what, curse me with aspell you picked out of an AnneRice novel or something.

    ALLYYou keep talking about shit youdont understand and youll goingto be really sorry.

    CINDERAre we done?


    (To Matt)Lets go.

    Ally gives Cinder a nasty look as she and Matt walk away. Assoon as they leave Cinder turns to Renny and lets out a deepsigh of relief.

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    RENNYI was actually going to sign theirpetition.

    OHRIHey girl, I am so proud of you.

    CINDERI must be crazy.

    OHRIIm proud of you for standing upfor yourself.

    CINDERIm going to die. Theyre going tofind my body in a ditch.

    RENNYDont worry; Ill be with youtonight. Im sure I can protectyou from Ally, unless she shows upwith her gang.

    CINDERShe has a gang?!

    RENNYYou didnt know?



    Well, theyre a bunch of psychos.You better be careful.

    CINDEROh god, what am I going to

    She stops when she sees the smirk on Rennys face.

    CINDERYou jerk!

    OHRIThats mean.

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    RENNYRelax; youre going to be fine.Ally was just blowing smoke.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder walks up the driveway to her front door. She opens thedoor and goes in.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder walks in through the front door carrying a heavybackpack and looking tired. Her father, Tim, and her mother,

    Victoria, are there in the main room. Victoria is lying on acouch watching the TV and Tim is sitting next to her. Cinderwalks through the main room on her way to her room.

    TIMHow was school?

    CINDERLong. Im going to take a nap now.Would you please wake me up whenRenny gets here?

    TIMOf course.

    CINDERThank you.

    She walks out of the main room and towards hers.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder kicks off her shoes, drops her backup on the ground,walks over to her bed, and lies down.

    CUT TO:


    We see flashes of the same symbol as in the previous dream.

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    CUT TO:


    Cinder wakes up in the dark room to the startling sound ofsomeone knocking on her door. She just lies there for amoment staring and spooked out. The knocking continues andshe snaps out of her quick trance.



    Honey, Rennys here.


    Ill be down in a minute.



    We hear his footsteps walking away as Cinder lets out a heavysigh.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder walks to the edge of the kitchen and sees Rennyplaying with her brother, SLEDGEHAMMER. Cinder smiles andjust looks at them. Renny doesnt notice her at first.

    SLEDGEHAMMERMy schools having a dance andtheres this girl I want to ask togo with, you got any advice.

    RENNYWell, the important thing is towork the casual angle. Ask her as


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    RENNY (CONT'D)if you dont care what she says.Girls really like a guy withconfidence. The more you seem likeyou dont care if you get rejectedthe less likely you are to getrejected.

    SLEDGEHAMMERThat doesnt make any sense.

    RENNYI know, but trust me. I know whatIm talking about.


    RENNYYou know, sledgehammer-

    SLEDGEHAMMERI prefer to be called Sledge.

    RENNYYes, and Cinderblock prefers to becalled Cindy. Now, Sledgehammer,Im amazed at how quickly youvegrown up. I remember the firsttime I saw you when your motherbrought you home from thehospital. You were so tiny and nowlook at you, getting ready foryour first school dance. Makes meso proud.

    CINDERYoure embarrassing him. Thats myjob.

    RENNYYou ready to go?


    CUT TO:

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    Renny and Cinder are at the front door. Cinder calls to herparents who are both sitting on the couch.

    CINDERRenny and I are going out; wellbe back in a little while.

    Cinder opens the front door and walks out of it.

    VICTORIAYou just make sure to bring herback safe.

    RENNYDont worry, shes in good hands.

    TIMWhats that supposed to mean.


    Well, uh, I didnt mean-

    Cinder reaches in, grabs Renny, and pulls him outside. Thedoor closes behind


    (O.S.)Bye dad!

    CUT TO:


    Renny is driving and Cinder is sitting in the passenger seat.Theyre not saying anything.

    CINDERI feel like I should saysomething.


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    CINDERDont know, just something tobreak up this uncomfortablesilence.

    RENNYIm not uncomfortable, are you?

    CINDERI just feel like we should betalking.

    RENNYI cant think of anything.

    CINDERYou know whos really good at

    talking? That kid, Billy, fromhistory class.


    CINDER(Trying to make Renny

    jealous)Yeah, him and I get along great.Hes really interesting. We have agreat rapport.

    RENNYI love that about you, the way youuse those big grown up words likerapport.

    CINDER(Ignoring him)

    I think Billy likes me. Maybehell ask me out on a date.

    RENNYIf he did, would you say yes?


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    RENNYHe seems kind of like a mamas boyto me.

    Cinder smiles to herself.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder and Renny are walking together in the mall. There arevery few people as it is almost closing time.

    CINDERI guess we have to hurry seeing ashow the mall closes in 10 minutes.

    RENNYI didnt know it closed at 9:00, Ithought it closed at 10:00.

    CINDERDo you know what you want?

    RENNYI was hoping to browse a littlebit. But I guess I dont have muchtime before the security men inflak jackets come to escort us outwith cattle prods.

    CINDERWell, you need to get a gift foryour dad; do you know what hewants?

    RENNYNo idea, what do you get for afifty year old alcoholic with nojob who spends all day sitting on

    his ass watching TV.

    CINDERTheres a Sharper Image rightthere.


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    Renny takes off in one direction. Cinder gestures in theopposite way.

    CINDERIm going to be in this store.

    Cinder starts walking in the direction she gestured in.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder is checking out the various shirts hanging. The placeis deserted.


    The mall is closing now. Would allshoppers please proceed to thecheckout lines.

    Cinder stops looking at the shirts and starts heading towardsthe exit. She walks out of the store and into the main mall.She looks at the Sharper Image and sees that its closed. Shelooks around for Renny but cant see him. Several storelights go out and the mall gets noticeably darker. She stilllooks around.


    There is no answer. We hear footsteps coming from behind her.She turns around and sees Renny walking up to her. Renny iswalking differently than before.

    CINDERHey, there you are. Did you find agift for your dad?

    Renny stops a few feet from her and doesnt say anything. Hejust smiles a very creepy smile at her. Cinder is looks athim oddly.

    CINDERThe malls pretty much closing,wed better go.


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    CINDERYes, the mall is closing. Weshould leave.

    RENNYIts you.


    RENNYIts really you.

    CINDERRenny, youre acting really weird.


    I really didnt think it wouldwork this smashingly well. But itdid, here I am and here you are.

    CINDEROkay, you are seriously freakingme out, whatever youre doing itsnot funny. Can we please justleave before security guards throwus out?

    RENNYI dont think the old man with theflashlight is going to be muchtrouble.

    CINDER(Trying to be funny)

    Well, you know he has a whistletoo.

    RENNYYoure a very pretty girl.

    CINDERUh, thanks.

    RENNYIll bet you have to beat the boysoff with a bat.

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    CINDERNot really.

    RENNYOh so you just spread em foranybody?


    RENNYDont think I dont know aboutyou. Eagerly inviting boys betweenyour pretty legs.

    As he says this he raises his hand to stroke her face. Sheslaps him hard in the face.

    CINDER(Teary eyed)

    Go to hell, you bastard.

    RENNYOne of us is going to hell, butits not me.

    Renny punches her in the face and she falls to the ground.Shes laying on the ground crying and trying to get a handleon what has just happened. Renny circles her and then kicksher in the stomach, hard. She gasps hard and looks as if sheis going to throw up.

    RENNYYou disgusting slut. Time to putyou down like the bitch you are.

    Renny quickly kneels down next to her and tries to wrap hishands around her throat. She scratches and fights but he getshis hands around her throat and starts choking her. Shesclawing and fighting but cant loosen his grip. Finally, she

    goes for his eyes and hes forced to let go to protecthimself. She uses the opportunity to run into the clothingstore and away from him. By this time he has recovered andhas run in after her. He chases her between the aisles. Looseclothing hits both of them. He has her in his sights, he isthe faster runner. He loses sight of her when she ducksbehind some piles of clothing. By the time he gets there sheis gone, hiding somewhere amongst the piles of clothing.

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    The metal security gate over the entrance starts coming downand the lights go out. Renny smiles. The gate is now downseparating the store from the rest of the mall. Cinder andRenny are now alone in the dark.

    RENNYIts just you and me little girl.

    Cinder is hiding in one of those circular clothing holders,like a small child. She hears the sound of clothing hangersbeing knocked down. She peers through two pairs of pants andsees Renny ripping hangers off the racks. He is headingtowards her direction. She hurries out the opposite sideright before Renny gets to hers and knocks it down. She hidesbehind other pieces of clothing. Renny continues ripping downhangers. Cinder grabs a couple of wire hangers and beginsuntwisting them.

    Renny is randomly ripping down hangers. He is becomingincreasingly frustrated.

    RENNYYou cant hide forever, you littleslut!

    Cinder sticks her head up from the middle of an aisle. Rennysees her and heads towards her.

    CINDERRenny! Please, I just want to talkto you. Why are you doing this?

    Renny doesnt answer or even break stride as he runs towardsher. He goes into the aisle and she backs away to the otherend. As he runs towards her he doesnt notice that she hasuntwisted two hangers tied them between two aisle posts likea trip wire. He does indeed trip on it and falls face firstto the ground. He gets up and is a little bit disoriented.Cinder grabs a smaller stand and smacks Renny on the side ofthe head with it. He falls on top of one of the racks that

    hold up the clothes and throes it down on the ground with hisweight. He just lies there, barely moving while Cinder isstanding over him, holding the rack and hyperventilating.Renny looks at her with a wide-eyed look of confusion.

    RENNYCinder? What the hell is going on?Where am I?

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    Cinder is in shock. She is confused, angry, and heartbroken.Finally the lights come on and a couple of security guardscome in through the back door.

    SECURITY GUARD #1Whats going on? Whos in here?

    The guards run up to Cinder.

    SECURITY GUARD #2Are you okay?

    Renny looks scared and confused. Cinder looks bruised, teary-eyed and is still holding the rack as a defensive weapon.

    CUT TO:

    INT OF MALL- LATERCinder is sitting on a couch while an E.M.T. looks at her.She is holding an ice pack to her face. Renny is handcuffedand being questioned by a cop. There are a few cops andsecurity guards scattered around. Cinder looks at Renny as helooks at her. Their eyes meet and he looks conflicted andconfused. Cinders parents walk into the area and see her.They run to Cinder and Victoria puts her hand on Cindersshoulder.

    VICTORIAAre you okay?


    VICTORIAWhat happened?

    CINDERRenny and I had come here and itwas almost closing time. And hecame at me and he said reallynasty things and he tried to killme.


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    CINDERYeah, he punched me right in theface and tried to strangle me.


    CINDERI dont know. He was completelydifferent. After I hit him on thehead with this metal pole thingyhe looked at me like he couldntremember what happened.

    Timothy lets out a deep sigh and walks over to where Rennyis. The cops notice him and move so that they could get inhis way if they needed to.

    TIMOTHYWhat the hell did you do, Renny?!We invited you into our home, Ilet you baby-sit Sledge.

    RENNYMr. Watson, I swear to god, I haveno idea what happened, one minuteIm looking at crappy gadgets toget my dad and the next Im lyingon the floor with your daughterstanding over me. I would neverlet anything happen to her muchless hurt her myself, I swear.

    TIMOTHYWell, youre not coming anywherenear my daughter again. You comenear my family and Ill kill you.

    POLICE OFFICERPlease step aside sir.

    Renny looks like hes about to cry. The officers startleading him away. Timothy does not interfere. Cinder seesRenny being walked out of the mall. Their eyes meet briefly.

    CUT TO:

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    Cinder is lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. There is aknock at the door.

    CINDERWho is it?


    Its me.

    CINDERCome in.

    The door opens and Ohri steps in.



    OHRIHow are you doing?

    CINDERWell, lets see, my best friend inthe whole world, weve been

    friends since kindergarten, and hecalled me a slut and tried to killme.


    CINDERI have no idea. He just changedand he wasnt the same guy.

    OHRIMaybe hes crazy, you knowschizophrenic or something.

    CINDERWell, afterwards he did say thathe blacked out, but he has neverdone this before. Hes never had

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    blackouts before. This doesntmake any sense.

    OHRIAre you coming to school tomorrow?

    CINDERYeah, what else am I going to do?

    OHRIThats great; Billy and I coulduse your help on that projectafter school.

    CINDERRight, I remember saying I wasgoing to do that. That seems like

    a long time ago.

    OHRIYou want me to sleep over?

    CINDER(She breaks down)

    Well, seeing as how youre theonly friend I have left

    Ohri swoops in and hugs her. Cinder is crying.

    CINDERI just dont get why thishappened. I loved him.

    CUT TO:


    The hallway is full of students going to their classes.Cinder walks up to one of the lockers, and starts working thecombination on the lock. Ally and Matt walk up to her.

    ALLYHey, nice shiner you got there. Ihear your boyfriends in jail forit.

    CINDERHes not my boyfriend.

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    ALLYSee, thats great that you get outof an abusive relationship.Remember, you can do better.

    CINDERGo to hell.

    ALLYSomebodys upset. Did you mouthoff to him like that?

    Cinder has opened her locker and pulled out a book. She slamsthe locker shut and walks away from Ally.

    ALLYMaybe you just bring out the crazy

    in people.

    Cinder keeps walking and doesnt look back.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder, Ohri, and Billy are working on some artwork for theirhistory project. The project involves making a diagram of thebattle of Yorktown. The land portion of the battle has littletoy soldiers representing the French and American forces onone side and the British troops fighting with their backs tothe sea on the other side. Cinder places the last artillerycannon on the field.

    CINDERWhat else do we need?

    OHRII think thats it. Were done.

    BILLYWith this part, we still need toshow the French ships blockingCornwallis escape.

    OHRILater, Im tired, I want to gohome.

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    CINDERMe too.

    BILLYOkay, lets put this away. Mymoms coming to pick me up soon.

    OHRIMy moms coming soon, too. Ohwait, no shes not, I drive.

    Cinder laughs and Billy shakes his head.

    BILLYYou calling me a mamas boy?

    OHRIHey, lots of kids still need ridesto school, theres no shame in it.

    She chokes back laughter as she says this last bit. Billythrows his backpack on.


    CINDERIm leaving now. Whos closing upthe room?

    BILLYIll walk out with you, Ohrillclose up.

    CINDERIs that okay?


    Thats fine; you two enjoy yourwalk.

    Cinder rolls her eyes.

    CUT TO:

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    Cinder and Billy are walking down a hallway together.

    BILLYIm sorry about what happened withyou and your friend.


    BILLYJust out of all curiositywhat didhappen?

    CINDERI dont know.

    BILLYHow can you not know?


    I just dont know. Look, I reallydont want to talk about this, ok?



    Billy and Cinder continue walking. They are now bothuncomfortable and dont know how to continue.

    CINDERIm sorry; I didnt mean to snapat you.

    BILLYThats ok. If you ever do needsomeone to talk to

    CINDERThank you.

    Billy nods his head and Cinder looks down and away.

    CUT TO:

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    Billys mother, Melinda, is at the entrance. She greetsBilly and Cinder. Her car is parked several feet away at thecurb of the student pick up area.

    MELINDAHey honey.

    Melinda brushes a stray lock of hair off of Billys foreheadthen turns to Cinder.

    MELINDAOh, whos this lovely young woman?

    Billy turns to Cinder to introduce her to his mother.

    BILLYMom, this is a friend of mine,Cinder. Cinder, this is mymother.

    CINDERNice to meet you.

    Cinder shakes Melindas hand. Melinda holds onto Cindershand and smiles.


    So, this is the Cinder. Billystold me so much about you.


    I deny everything.

    Melinda keeps smiling, doesnt let go of Cinders hand, anddoesnt laugh.

    MELINDAYes, Billy showed me a picture ofyou, but I must say, you are muchprettier in person.


    Cinder pulls her hand away.

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    MEDLINDAOh, dont be embarrassed Billy.Shes probably used to it by now.Im sure you have broken quite afew hearts, havent you? Notplanning to break my Billys, areyou?

    Cinder shakes her head.

    CINDERNot really.

    Cinder starts to turn away.

    BILLYHey mom, Im going to walk Cindy

    to her car. Ill be right back.

    MELINDAOh, didnt I raise such a perfectyoung gentleman?

    Melinda pats Billys head.



    MELINDAOkayIll wait in the car. Goodto know you, Cindy.

    Billy walks Cinder to her car as Melinda gets into her own.

    CINDERYou showed her my picture?

    BILLYI was looking through last yearsyearbook, thats all. Im sorryabout my mother.

    CINDERShe seems a little


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    CINDERWell, it seemed kind of rude tosay it.

    BILLYOnce you get to know her, shesalright. When my dad died acouple of years ago, she took itkind of hard. Shes like superprotective of me now.

    CINDERIm sorryabout your dad.

    They arrive at Cinders car.


    See you later.


    Billy walks away. Cinder gets in her car.

    CUT TO:


    Cinders car pulls up next to one of the pumps.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder walks in and goes towards the back area. She grabs aGatorade out of a refrigerator.



    Cinder turns around and sees Delilah, standing with a jumbosized bag of Doritos. Cinder is surprised to see her.


    DELILAHHave you talked to Renny, yet?

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    DELILAHI talked to him, in jail, lastnight. He feels bad about whathappened the other night eventhough he has no idea whathappened. What did happen?

    CINDERHow is that any business of yours?

    DELILAHWell, um, he is my partner. Thatscience project isnt done yet.Seeing as how youre the one who

    put him in jail, I figure youcould tell me what happened.

    CINDEREven if I wanted to talk about it,which I dont, I wouldnt talk toyou.

    DELILAHWhy not, Im a pretty goodlistener. And come on, its notlike you have that many people totalk to.

    CINDERDo you ever think anything youdont say?

    DELILAHActually, youd be surprised athow many people find my bluntnessappealing.

    CINDERIm not one of them. So the nexttime youre thinking of offeringyour opinion, why dont you justassume that I dont care.

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    DELILAHGod, just cause you have onedoesnt mean you have to be one.

    CINDERIm leaving now.

    Delilah closes her eyes and when she opens them she lookslike a different person. She has just been possessed bywhoever possessed Renny. Cinder walks away, oblivious to whathas happened. Possessed Delilah eyes her with malice.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder is standing next to her car holding the gas pump.

    Possessed Delilah walks up to the pump on opposite side ofCinder. Shes whistling Time is on my side as she slides upnext to Cinder and kicks her in the stomach. She fallsbackward.

    CINDERWhat the hell?!

    POSSESSED DELILAHDont make this difficult. Get itthrough your thick head!

    Possessed Delilah walks up to Cinder and starts kicking herin the stomach as she lies on the.

    POSSESSED DELILAHThis world(kick) is better off(kick) without you in it! (kick)

    Cinder is reeling on the ground gasping for air. PossessedDelilah takes off her belt makes it into a loop and throws itaround Cinders neck choking her. Cinder grabs the belt,turns, and kicks Possessed Delilah. Possessed Delilah goes

    down. Cinder takes off towards an alley way, and while shesrunning she removes the belt from around her neck. PossessedDelilah runs into her car and turns the ignition.

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    Cinder is running down the alley as the car being driven byPossessed Delilah starts barreling in after her. There is atrash can in front of a yellow concrete post about forty feetin front of Cinder. Above this is a retracted fire escapeladder attached to the side of the building. Cinder isrunning towards the garbage can as the car gains on her.Possessed Delilah is grinning maniacally as she floors thegas.

    DELILAHTime to die, you little whore!

    Cinder reaches the garbage can and using it to give herheight jumps up and grabs the bottom rung of the fire escapeladder and pulls her legs up above the car right as the carcrashes into the yellow post. The car comes to a full stopunderneath Cinder. Cinder loses her grip on the ladder and

    falls on top of the car. She is lying on the hood of the car,bruised and exhausted. She looks through the window and seesthat Delilah is unconscious. Cinder breathes a sigh of reliefand rests her head on the windshield.

    Suddenly, the retractable ladder falls down. Cinder screamsas the ladder comes down towards her. Cinders head isbetween the ladders two prongs as the ladder impacts thewindshield. The windshield cracked but held together. Theladders bottom rung is less than an inch away from Cinderseyes. She is physically uninjured by the falling ladder but

    scared shitless.

    The car door opens Delilah, not possessed anymore, stumblesout. She looks at Cinder with utter confusion. Cinder slidesout from under the ladder and gets into a defensive positionbehind her car.

    DELILAHWhat the hell is going on?

    CINDERYou tried to crush me, with the

    fucking car!

    DELILAHI did not.

    CINDERDid too!

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    BRYAN SARNIERIm detective Sarnier. I wanted toask you some questions.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder is sitting on a couch with Tim, her father, sittingnext to her. They are in the living room. Detective Sarnieris sitting in a chair across from them. Victoria is sittingin another chair off to the side. Cinder looks more bruisedand has a circular bruise around her neck.

    DETECTIVE SARNIERSo I talked to Ms. Malder and shedenies everything, she says that

    she saw you in the gas station,that you and she talked, that shethen left and that was it.

    Cinder and her parents let out a heavy sigh of angst.

    TIMOTHYWell, youre still going to chargeher, right?

    DETECTIVE SARNIERWe have no evidence thatcorroborates your story.

    CINDERWhat?! She tried to kill me! Shefucking chocked me! She tried tocrush me with my car!

    DETECTIVE SARNIERIm afraid its just your wordagainst hers. Theres nosurveillance footage of that area

    of the gas station and no physicalevidence that you didnt crash thecar yourself.

    CINDER (ON THE VERGE OF TEARS)What about my neck, what aboutfingerprints, or forensic evidence

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    like on that Goddamn CSI show!?Why would I make this up?

    Cinders parents are angry and Detective Sarnier looks likehe would rather be anywhere else.

    DETECTIVE SARNIERIm just trying to explain whytheres not enough for the DA toprosecute.

    TIMOTHYThis is bullshit!

    DETECTIVE SARNIERI talked to Delilah and she reallyseemed to be telling the truth and

    we also looked at your medicalrecords and that you have a familyhistory of mental illness.

    TIMOTHYAre you talking about my UncleEsther? Its not his fault theyconsidered gender confusion amental disease back in the 60s.

    Cinder storms off in a huff. Timothy and Victoria look at heras she leaves then Victoria refocuses on the Detective.

    VICTORIAThis is insane. My daughter is notcrazy!

    DETECTIVE SARNIERLook, were still investigating,and you can easily get arestraining order.


    Oh we will, and were going to getan attorney and were gonna sueyour ass!

    She storms of to go after Cinder. Timothy stays behind withDetective Sarnier.

    CUT TO:

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    Cinder is standing over the counter and hyperventilating. Hermother comes into the kitchen and starts to put her armaround Cinder. Cinder motions that she doesnt want to betouched, so Victoria backs off.

    CINDERI just cant understand why thisis happening. Renny was my friendand now Delilah; it just doesntmake any sense.

    She kicks the cabinet.

    VICTORIAI dont understand it either.

    Sometimes the people we think weknow just arent who we thoughtthey were.

    CINDERIts the strangest thing though.It didnt seem like Renny or evenDelilah when they attacked me.They seemed like somebody else,both of them seemed like they were


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    CINDER (CONT'D)the same person, like they werepossessed or something.

    Victoria doesnt know how to respond. They hear the frontdoor close and look towards the living room where Timothy iscoming from. Timothy walks into the kitchen.

    TIMOTHYHes gone


    TIMOTHYListen, the cop told me that Rennyposted bail yesterday, so hes

    back with his father now.

    Victoria lets out a deep sigh. Cinder walks out of thekitchen. Her parents watch her leave and then look at eachother.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder and Ohri are lying on Ohris bed watching TV. Ohrilooks at Cinder. She is nervous and curious.

    OHRISo, you feeling okay, really?

    CINDERIm fine. I just had two peopletry to kill me for no discernablereason other than that Im good.

    OHRIYeah, that does kinda suck.

    They both go quiet again and stare at the television. Thereis a knock on the door.

    OHRICome in.

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    The door opens. Mrs. Noco is there. She has a plateful ofrice krispie treats.

    MRS. NOCOI made rice krispie treats, do yougirls want some?

    Ohri takes one. Cinder passes.

    CINDERNo, thank you.

    MRS. NOCOI just want you to know that youare welcome here whenever.


    Thank you.

    MRS NOCOIf you need anything, tell me.

    CINDERThank you, I will.

    Mrs. Noco leaves the room and closes the door behind her.Ohri chomps into her square.


    Im not looking forward to school.Both Renny and Delilah are goingto be there. Plus all the otherkids are going to be weird aroundme. Everythings just so screwedup. I cant understand why Rennydid it.

    OHRIYou know, in Scream, NeveCampbells boyfriend turned out to

    be the killer, you know.

    CINDERAnd what? Him and Delilah are incahoots, or something. Renny cantstand Delilah.

    OHRIIt does seem kind of farfetched.

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    CINDERWell if you think thatsfarfetched.


    CINDERWell, it seemed like Renny andDelilah were the same person. Likethey were somebody else. Likesomebody was possessing them.

    OHRI (LAUGHS)Thats crazy.


    Are you saying Im crazy?

    OHRINo, Im saying the idea is crazy.Possession thats just in themovies. Its not real.

    The phone rings. Ohri leans over and picks it up off thenight stand and answers it.

    OHRIHello? Its for you.

    Cinder takes the phone. Ohri mentally kicks herself for notasking who it was.


    DELILAHI wanted to talk to you aboutyesterday.


    DELILAHI really dont remember whathappened after us talking in thestore.

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    CINDER(Interrupting her)

    Let me refresh your memory. Youtried to kill me.

    DELILAHI swear. All I remember is wakingup in the car.

    CINDERYou liar, you told the detectiveyou werent in my car at all.

    DELILAHWell, yeah. I dont really feellike going to jail for something Idont remember doing. Besides,

    what motive would I have?

    CINDERYouve always hated me, ever sincemiddle school.

    DELILAHI never hated you, I just didntlike you. Youre obnoxious, whiny,petulant, and pathetic, but if Iwas going to kill somebody justfor that, thered be a wholefuckin load of dead people at ourhigh school.

    CINDERGo to hell.

    Cinder shuts off the phone and clenches it tightly in anger.She then hands it to Ohri, who is looking sheepish.

    OHRII really shouldve asked who it

    was. What did she want?

    CINDERShe was trying to convince me thatshe was innocent.

    OHRIDid she?

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    Cinder just looks at her.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder walks into her room, sets her purse and tosses herkeychain onto her dresser. The keychain falls behind herdresser and Cinder lets out an annoyed sigh. Cinder walksout of her room and into the kitchen and there she sees herfather clutching his head. She sits down on a stool.

    CINDERWheres mom?


    She went out to the library.

    CINDERAre you all right?

    He is still holding his head.

    TIMOTHYJust feeling a little woozy.

    He sits down on a stool with his back facing her.

    CINDERAre you sure youre all right?

    Timothy slowly turns around and faces Cinder. On his face isan evil grin. The way hes looking at Cinder reminds her ofhow both Renny and Delilah looked when they attacked her.Cinder turns pale when she realizes that her father is nowpossessed.

    POSSESSED TIMOTHYOh, Im just fine, sweetheart. Whydont you just wait right here.Theres something daddy wants toshow you.

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    Possessed Timothy saunters out of the kitchen and into thebedroom. Cinder stands up and rushes towards her room. Sheenters her room and looks inside her purse. She doesnt findwhat shes looking for. Then she looks towards the dresser.She rushes to the dresser and tries to reach behind it forher keys. The space is to narrow. She exerts force on thedresser in an attempt to move it. It doesnt budge. She ispanicking as she tries again to move the dresser and thistime she exerts so much force that the dresser falls on herbed. Drawers fall out and clothes go on the floor. Shequickly grabs her keys and turns to leave but standing there,blocking her way is her possessed father.

    POSSESSED TIMOTHYWell, look at this mess.


    I was trying to get my keys frombehind the dresser and Iaccidentally tipped it over.

    POSSESSED TIMOTHYI guess you have to be punished.

    Possessed Timothy pulls out a handgun from behind his backand points it at Cinder. Cinder is, understandably, terrifiedby this.

    CINDERDad no!

    POSSESSED TIMOTHYSpare the rod, spoil the child.

    Possessed Timothy squeezes the trigger but the gun doesntfire. He pulls it back to check on it. The safety is on. Heflicks it off. Cinder quickly grabs a softball nearby andslams into Possessed Timothys face. He clutches his face andshe uses that to jump over the dresser and push him with allher force. He goes down in the doorway and she is carried by

    momentum into the kitchen. Cinder lands on her face butquickly gets up and runs towards the kitchen exit. PossessedTimothy is on his knees as he aims the gun at Cinder andfires. She barely gets around the kitchen doorway andnarrowly misses being hit. She runs to the front door andquickly unlocks it, opens it, and runs outside.

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    CUT TO:


    Cinder runs to her car and has to unlock the door. Sheunlocks the door with her keys, opens it, and gets into hercar.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder sticks her key into the ignition and starts theengine. She immediately puts the car into reverse and backsout of her driveway so fast she hits her neighbors mailbox.She then puts the car into drive right as she notices her

    possessed father at the front door with the gun in his hand.She immediately accelerates.

    Possessed Timothy shoots at Cinders car as she drives away.Her side window shatters. Her car turns the corner and speedsout of harms way.

    CUT TO:


    Cinder walks up to Rennys front door. There is a loud

    television going on inside. She hesitates before knocking onthe door. We hear the voice of JAMES PROST, Rennys father,from inside the house.

    JAMESI need you to answer the door!Renny! Theres somebody at thegoddamn door!

    RENNYWhy dont you talk louder I dontthink the whole neighborhood heardyou.

    The door opens and Renny stands there. He looks at Cinderwith surprise and is obviously nervous.


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    CINDERHow are you doing?

    RENNYFine, how are you?

    CINDEROh, um, my father just tried tokill me.

    RENNYOh, Im sorry. Do you know why?


    I think he was possessed by somekind of demon or poltergeist.

    RENNYThat sucks.

    CINDERCan I come in?


    He moves out of the way. Cinder inters the house.


    Rennys house is dark, illuminated mostly by the TV in themain room. Jim Prost, Rennys father, is an overweight, olderman lying on the couch watching the TV. The channel is Foxnews. The house is messy with magazines and clothes strewneverywhere. Jim turns around to look at Cinder.

    CINDERHello, Mr. Prost.

    JIMHey, Cindy right?


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    CINDER (CONT'D)just totally different. I knewthat wasnt my father just by theway he looked at me.

    RENNYYou know whats really crazy? Ibelieve you.


    RENNYBack in the mall, it felt like Iwas going somewhere, I dont knowhow to describe it.

    Cinder starts crying. Renny holds out his arms for her andshe leans in and he holds her.

    CINDERI cant understand why the hellthis is happening to me. Why thehell do I have to get caught up ina goddamn episode of the X-Files?Im going to die.


    CINDERYes I am. How the hell do I stopwhatever the hell this is?

    RENNYI dont know but were going tofigure it out together. Tomorrowwell go to your house and searchthe internet until we figure outwhat this is.

    CINDERNo, I cant go back to my house. Idont know if my dads stilltrying to kill me.

    RENNYOkay then well go to the library.

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    CINDERWhy dont you have internet? Itsthe 21st century you know.

    RENNYYou can blame my dad. Hes gettingthe social security checks and itwas either internet or cable TV,and God forbid he not be able towatch the Oreilly Factoreveryday.

    CINDERYou cant come with me, I dontknow if youre going to getpossessed again.

    RENNYYou cant go alone, what if youbump into somebody else who ispossessed. You need someone tocover your back.

    CINDERWhat if both you and Ohri come?Then if one of you goes evil Illstill have somebody to help me.

    RENNYThats a good idea. We shouldinvite Delilah too. Even thoughshe wasnt in control she stillkinda owes you.

    CINDERNo I hate her. She made fun of mesince 6th grade.

    RENNYShes got a black belt in karate

    so she could totally back you up.

    CINDERYeah, or join in with the persontrying to kill me. Besides, youdont even like her.

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    RENNYYeah, there is that.

    CINDERRenny, theres something I have totell you.


    CINDERI love you.

    RENNYI love you too.



    RENNYOf course, weve known each otherforever. In fact, there wassomething I wanted to ask you acouple of days ago, but then I gotpossessed, went evil, and thatkind of fucked up my plans. Iwanted to ask you, um, if youwanted to maybe take ourfriendship to the next level.Weve been friends forever, right?


    RENNYI think that seeing as how weveknown each other sincekindergarten and weve been soclose that were more thanfriends. When we interact with

    other people I dont want tointroduce you as my best friendbecause youre more than that tome.


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    RENNYI was hoping that I could refer toyou as my sister.


    RENNYBecause we really are just likesiblings and its too complicatedto say to people how long weveknown each other you know itsjust easy if were brother andsister. What do you think?

    CINDERUm, okay.

    RENNYGreat. Thats awesome. Im soglad, sis.

    Renny turns his head away from her and breathes a sigh ofrelief. She lets out a silent expression of extremefrustration. She stops before Renny turns to look at heragain.

    RENNYDo you want to spend the nighthere?

    CINDERNo, I cant run the risk of yougoing evil on me. Ill sleep alonein my car.

    RENNYOkay, so Ill meet you tomorrow inthe library around noon?

    CINDERSure, and Ill get Ohri to meet usthere.


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    Cinder starts to walk out.

    RENNYI promise you, were going to getyou through this. No matter what.


    Cinder leaves his room.

    CUT TO:


    Cinders car is parked. We see Cinder inside, reclining,trying to get to sleep.