The Age of Jackson Rebirth of Jeffersonian Democracy

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The Age of Jackson Rebirth of Jeffersonian Democracy Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 The election of 1824 Until 2000the most compelling election in history? Players: Andrew Jackson John Quincy Adams Henry Clay William Crawford Slide 5 The results? Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Henry Clay: the key player in the election? 12 th Amendment? Clay as speaker of the households all the cards in the electionwhy? Slide 9 Clay on Jackson? A ringing endorsement? I cannot believe that killing 2500 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies him for the various difficult and complicated duties of the Presidency Slide 10 Slide 11 The final two in 24 Slide 12 Adamscharacteristics? Election results label him a minority presidentcorrelation to today? Lineage Attitude Political partiesdisdain. Aggressive Slide 13 John Quincy Adams as President Ranking sheet? Expand American System Sale of public land to improve nation Promote art and literature Est. a National University Finance Science Protect Indian rights and prevent the sale of their land Slide 14 The Birth of the Democratic Party: 1828 Done out of large part to spite John Adams, a movement spearheaded by Jackson in 1828. Slide 15 Slide 16 Jacksonian Democracy Like Jefferson, Jackson believed that every American, no matter if theyre poor or rich, educated or uneducated, had the right to run for office. Under the influence of Jefferson and Jackson, the Democratic Party grew. Democrats believed that: The people should govern themselves and not depend on a king to rule them. Government should serve the people; people are not servants to government. Slide 17 Jacksonian Campaigns? Campaignsforever changed! Parades, barbecues, tree plantings, buttons, posters, and clothes Songs, bands, propaganda Resembled a modern election with old fashioned means. Goal? Heighten interest and promote democracy, get people participating. Slide 18 Slide 19 Slide 20 The Age of Jackson Slide 21 Slide 22 Jackson as President Rankings? Our first sectional president Very popular Only president to kill a man in a duel Kitchen cabinet: symbolic of Jacksons informal style of governance Spoils System Slide 23 Slide 24 Jackson and the Veto? Used it as a legitimate political tactic to challenge the other branches of government Used it to get back at Henry Clay! Slide 25 Jackson and the Indians A major black eye for US History Assimilate versus Isolate? Problem here? Jackson and the Reservation philosophy Page 263comments Conflicts arise over the issue of Reservationism Slide 26 Black Hawk and Osceola Resist Epitomizing the problems evident in the situation. Black Hawk War led by the skilled Chief Osceola Slide 27 Slide 28 Chief Blackhawk and the story of the Black Hawk War Slide 29 Battle of Bad Axe Slide 30 Jackson and the Indians Court decisions support the IndiansJohn Marshall in the decision Worcester v. Georgia-1832 held that the Cherokees had autonomy in their lands. Jacksons stubborn response? Marshall has made his decisionnow let him enforce it! Slide 31 The Trail of Tears The defining moment in the issue of Indian RightsJacksons forced movement of the Cherokee out of their homeland in Georgia to the areas in and around Oklahoma. The 800 mile journey home as made partly by steamboat, partly by rail, and partly by foot They lost more than a of their people. Slide 32 Slide 33 Trail of Tears: Links A terrific site on the trail of tears and its impact: Slide 34 Jackson Divides The Nation While it seems that for months we have been pointing to the upcoming sectionalismthe best example of Presidential politics breeding this sectionalism comes during the age of Jackson. Jackson will serve to drive a stake through the nation with his policies and actions during his powerful presidency. Slide 35 Sectional Issues Tear Apart The Nation There were two main issues during the Jacksonian period that would nearly bring us to our own destruction internally between the sections of the nation. They are: Slide 36 Issue #1 Jackson and the Bank Why Jackson hated the Bank? Everything he stood against, privilege, aristocracy and concentrated wealth. Impact on Farmersdistrusted Paper money and the foreclosure of farms/homes. Hated its founder Nicholas Biddle. Slide 37 Slide 38 Slide 39 Slide 40 Slide 41 Slide 42 Slide 43 Slide 44 The divisive Andrew Jackson-a decapitated bust from the USS Constitution in 1834. Slide 45 Slide 46 Jackson, the Bank and the election of 1832 Clay and Webster (running against Jackson) assumed that the public liked the bank and wanted to take this opportunity to make the bank an issue. If Jackson vetoed the rechartering act in Congress he would be viewed as an enemy of the bank and as a result would lose the election. Slide 47 Slide 48 Clay/Websters problem The people hated the bank and Jackson won easily! Cartoons page 271 Jacksons popularity approaching King like levels. Jackson destroys the banks, and the economy in one clean sweep. The Pet Banks. Slide 49 Two impacts of Jacksons bank war: Wall street: Jacksons war simply replaced one privilged group with another and this one would last much much longer! Whig Party is formed Formed out of the bank dispute in 1833 it consisted of Northern Democrats and Republicans who disagreed with Jacksonian Economics Slide 50 Issue #2: The Tariff/States Rights Purpose of the Tariff: protect Northern industry from British goods. Impact on the South? How did the tariff impact the amount of Southern goods the British bought? Little doubt it favored the North Slide 51 Southern Response John C. Calhoun the leader of the Southern response movement to the Tariff of Abominations Previously a devout nationalist he had since developed some secessional points of view. Slide 52 Calhouns Nullification Calhouns argument (South Carolina Exposition and Protest) that the US Constitution was a contract between sovereign states and the states must be sovereign. In a nutshellevery state should have the right to veto, nullify unwanted inapplicable legislation. Nationalist no more! Slide 53 South Carolina Expositon Calhoun said: If the federal government refuses the right of a state to nullify a law, that state has the right to secede (or leave the union) Imagination exercise: what impact would this have had this idea been enacted? Slide 54 Webster/Hayne Debates Webster far and away Americas greatest orator. He and Robert Hayne, next page, will in 1830 for 1 week straight debate the issue of the tariff with each talking relentlessly on the matter! Slide 55 The Players Actually, that isnt really Robert Haynecouldnt find his picture Slide 56 The Debate The perspective of Robert Hayne? States are sovereign and have the right to nullify congressional acts otherwise secession is the solution. The Perspective of Daniel Webster? National Government is Supreme and any usurption of power by the states threatens the union. Slide 57 In brief It is 1830 and these are most certainly explosive times but Didnt we solve this in the federalist age when we synthesized our arguments for and against the constitution! Slide 58 The Split: Jackson and Calhoun their differences too great. Slide 59 Transformation of John Calhoun With his role in the events of the 1830s the image of John Calhoun is dramatically altered he goes from statesman, twice a vice president to rebellious irrational agitator! That is quite a quantum leap! Slide 60 1832: South Carolina Takes Action! A convention is called to delve into the issue of secession, should we secede from the union or use this bluff as a method to lower the tariff? Undoubtedly there will be ramifications either way. Jacksons recent re-election by a wide margin made any action by the south against him futile as his power was at a zenith.recent re-election Slide 61 Slide 62 The Force Bill of 1833 Formal declaration by Federal Government that the actions in South Carolina are unacceptable and they will be met with the full force of the US military if need be Clay saves day with compromise lowering tariff gradually over a 10 year period. Slide 63 Jacksonian Era Images Inauguration of 1832 Assassination attempt! 1835 Fourth of July event 1837: Van Buren follows Jacksons lead! Fourth of July event 1837: Van Buren follows Jacksons lead! Jacksonian Capital The Liberatorproblems begin! Perception of a banker! Slide 64 Slide 65 Slide 66 Slide 67 Slide 68 Slide 69 Slide 70 Post Jacksonian Leadership Martin Van Buren Harrison/Tyler Slide 71 Martin Van Buren Former NYC political machine boss. Jacksons lil man The Lil magician Ranking? Won the election of 1836 Won the election of 1836 Slide 72 Slide 73 Martins first years The impact of Jacksonian politics will be felt by his lil buddy who will immediately find himself knee deep in the nations worst economic crisis. Specie Circular, speculation and bank closing Problems of decentralizationwas the National bank that bad? Slide 74 Slide 75 Slide 76 Slide 77 The election of 1840 Van Buren never had a chance, perhaps our most snake bit president. Follows Jackson Depression Banking crisis Global drought Whigs nominate three in 18401840 Slide 78 Slide 79 William Henry Harrison A war hero, nominated for his likeness socially and historically to Andrew Jackson. Our nations first war president, our nations first copy cat president. We may have another very soon! By Saturday to be exact. Slide 80 Tragedy strikes Harrison 1 month in to his presidency the ailing Harrison dies of Pnuemonia and we see the nations first non elected president. Slide 81 The age of Tyler Amongst the nations worst leaders. The only one to be kicked out of his own party during the presidency. Angered, Whigs, Democrats and Republicans alike! Slide 82 Ahh, the Veto. He must have paid attention to Jackson because he vetoed everything that crossed his deskfrom all parties. The administration saw an amazingly little amount of anything accomplishedThe end of a great Whig opportunity. Even their extraditing him from their party wouldnt save them. Slide 83 The impact of Jackson Negative Indian treatment Spoils system Banking crisis Sectionalism Persona Positive Seems to outweigh negative because he re- established the people as the most important aspect of our democracy and brought government to them.