The Liverpool Blue Coat School Summer Newsletter 2014

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For our sixth form students it is a time of anticipation as they await their exam results and look forward to the next great and exciting change in their lives. We also hope they look back, with pleasure, on their schooldays for the friends they have made and with gratitude for the constant guidance, encouragement and support their teachers have striven to provide - nurturing their talents so they can fulfil their ambitions. We wish them well. But the School never stands still. We look forward to 120 new arrivals in September, whose enthusiastic parents we recently met, preparing for their children’s next steps on their educational journey.

School governors always look back to the pioneering vision of the School’s founders to guide its own work maintaining the School’s enviable record of academic achievement and philanthropy. We know we have to continuously look forward to see what future challenges face us, particularly our financial well being, so we can continue to provide our premium education to those who seek it. But! Summer is here! And it is time for all our teaching and support staff to have a well earned rest… before we all start again in September!


A message from Julia Shaw, Chair of Governors

Firstly I would like to thank everyone in The Blue Coat School Community for your support throughout this academic year, it has certainly been a busy and productive

year for all. It is wonderful to see the progress of our Development Office which was established in September 2013. At a recent Grammar School Heads Association Conference I learned that only 10% of grammar schools have Development Offices - it is pleasing to

see our School community being so forward thinking and proactive. At the same conference Liberal Democrat Schools Minister David Laws referred to The Blue Coat School in his speech as a School with a rich heritage of philanthropy. Funding is a big issue for all schools at present, but we hope to build on our philanthropic past by working collaboratively to ensure the long-term sustainability of the School for our future students. I am looking forward to seeing all the successes we will undoubtedly have throughout The Blue Coat School community over the next academic year.

A welcome from Debbie Silcock, Headteacher

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The DofE has been a great success during its first year at the School, with 235 students having the opportunity to participate in the programme. 168 students took part in the Bronze expeditions in Chirk and Tawd Valewe and 50 students took part in the Silver expeditions further afield in Llangollen and Ruthin. The DofE programme has been a fantastic opportunity for both our students and staff to start a new adventure and make new friends. DofE helps to develop students’ skills and confidence, and research recently carried out by the United Learning Trust found that employers consider DofE to be the most important extra-curricular activity at School for increasing employability.

We have a celebration evening planned for September at Hope University which the School’s DofE ambassador James Sutton from Hollyoaks will be attending. This a new and innovative partnership for the DofE North West Regional Office and The Blue Coat School. We are always looking for volunteer support, whether that is a couple of hours admin every fortnight, supporting theory based classroom sessions or attending the very social DofE expeditions, any help is greatly appreciated. Free training is available to anyone interested in getting involved. If you or anyone you know would like to find out more, please contact The Blue Coat School’s DofE co-ordinator Jo Roberts at [email protected]

First year of Duke of Edinburgh is a great success


“My favourite part of DofE so far has to be arriving at the campsite after a full day of trekking, with the sun beginning to set behind us and cheers from

people who had already got there. It was a great feeling of achievement and made the day totally worth it." Sam, Year 12

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This year we have established a link with the Lycée Frédéric Bazille which is a school for 15 to 19 year olds specialising in Science and Engineering with close links with the University in Montpellier. At the end of March a delegation of 48 students from the international section of the school visited The Blue Coat School. As well as attending lessons with our Sixth Form students there was a reception lunch in the Boardroom and Mr Caulkin gave a short presentation about the history of our school. Next year we aim to develop this partnership through two cross curriculum projects and create the opportunity for a Sixth Form study visit to Montpellier next Spring.

Link established with School in Montpellier


“On the 13th of July, myself, several other Mandarin students and Mr Fee will begin an eighteen hour journey to China, whilst stopping off at Dubai on the way. Organised by the Chinese government, this trip is a summer camp where we will visit the sights in both the capital

Beijing and the coastal city Xiamen, whilst taking lessons in Mandarin and learning more about the diverse Chinese culture.

Despite the numerous warnings of the ridiculous heat and humidity, I am sure that this trip will provide countless, unforgettable memories as we explore the Far East. I’m especially looking forward to visiting the famous, historical sites of Beijing such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City and as an avid lover of Chinese food, I’m sure the cuisine won’t disappoint!” Joseph, Year 9

Some of our students that will be visiting China this Summer

Mandarin student Joseph looks forward to visiting China

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Our ‘Class of 2014′ enjoyed their Leavers’ Service in May before heading off for study leave for their A Level examinations. A service was held in the School’s Chapel, led by Ms Holland, to celebrate the successes and achievements of the students. Many members of Year 13 were happy to be involved in the Service, with prayers led by Colin and Laura, moving speeches made by Phoebe, Kaylyn and Jenny and fantastic music, chosen, arranged and performed by accomplished musicians.

After the Service the students enjoyed a buffet in the School’s Board Room provided by the Board of Governors and enjoyed listening to words of wisdom from Mrs Silcock, Mrs MacKenzie and Mr Smith. Head Boy Gavin and Head Girl Kaylyn spoke to everyone on behalf of the students, sharing their memories of their School days and giving a sincere vote of thanks to everyone who had supported them. They reminisced and laughed at photographs from Year 7 to today, collated by Aidan and David.


The ‘Class of 2014’ enjoy their Leavers’ Service before embarking on study leave

“It was a lovely event and a pleasure and privilege to be involved with such a talented and delightful group of young people. We wish them all the very best in their future.” Ms Holland


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“This time last year, following my AS exams, I began considering my future beyond The Blue Coat School. I decided that, alongside my UCAS application, I would apply to go to university (or college as they say it over there) in America. This was the start of a very lengthy application process, filled with SAT exams, essays to complete and interviews across the UK. But it was worth it! In March, I began receiving decisions from the universities I had applied to. Somehow, I was offered a place at The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), which I accepted and is where I will be studying from September this year. At UCLA I will be majoring in economics, alongside a variety of minors including a language. Living in California for the next four years is a dream come true for me and I am incredibly excited for what lies ahead. I would never have been in this position and had this opportunity without The Blue Coat School.

The support that I have been given by the School regarding my application has been tremendous. Having gone through the application process for studying in the US, I would now like to use my experience to assist other students in doing the same as me and therefore I have left my contact details with the School for anyone who needs further advice. I also hope to keep in touch with the School and keep them up to date with life in California.” The Blue Coat School wishes Luke all the best as begins his studies at UCLA and looks forward to hearing how he is getting on.

“Living in California for the next four years is a dream come true for me and I am incredibly excited for what lies ahead.”

Luke Findlay from the Class of 2014 reflects on his time at the School as he heads off to America to study at the University of California, Los Angeles.


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Classes of the 1980s enjoy returning to the School

On Saturday 7th June The Blue Coat School welcomed back our Old Blues who left the School during the 1980s. Headteacher Mrs Debbie Silcock welcomed guests and gave a fantastic overview of the School as it is today. Former Headteacher Mr Sandy Tittershill spoke about his memories of the School during the 1980s and Old Blue Carl Cross from the Class of 1989 encouraged the Old Blues to stay in touch with the School.

We were delighted that former teachers Mr Edmund Crighton, Mr John Rees (who still coaches basketball and cricket at the School) and Mr Harry Marsden were able to attend, as well as Mr Keith Caulkin who continues to teach at the School today. Guests enjoyed reminiscing over their time at the School, looking at old photos and Squirrel magazines and being shown round the School by Year 12 students.

"It was fantastic to see so many of our Old Blues return to the School and to hear what everyone has been up to since leaving - we hope that we will be able to keep in touch with everyone and we look forward to meeting many more of our Old Blues in the near future." Mrs Debbie Silcock, Headteacher


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How would you both describe your time at the Blue Coat School? Mark: I really enjoyed my time at the Blue Coat. I had lots of fun both in and out of lessons whilst, of course, getting an excellent education. Danielle: Coming from a community comprehensive school to the Blue Coat for Sixth Form was a bit of a culture shock - I came from a school where it was an achievement to get a couple of grade Cs at GCSE so was ecstatic to make it to the School. However, going from being the top student at my comprehensive, I was very much 'normal' at the Blue Coat which took some getting used to...as well as the

much more intelligent sense of humour of the Blue Coat boys! Being the only girl in my form class I had to get used to this sense of humour pretty fast! When did you first meet? Mark: We were placed into the same year 12 form group (Mr Carling's class) but our first proper meeting came on the landing of the 'W' corridor behind Shirley Hall as Danielle was lost and I, geographer that I am, helped her find her way to her next lesson! What career paths have you both taken since leaving the School? Mark: Inspired by some excellent teachers including Mr Lamb, Mr Frost and the wonderful Mr Schofield, I went on to study geography at the University of Liverpool. After graduating in 2006 I spent a couple of years working before earning my secondary geography PGCE at Edge Hill. I completed my NQT year at North Liverpool Academy and have been teaching geography at Calderstones ever since. Danielle: I've always loved science so naturally went in this direction at the University of Liverpool where I am proud to say I achieved a 1st class honours degree in biochemistry! From there I obtained a job in the department of clinical biochemistry and

Old Blues Danielle Jones and Mark Ellis from the Class of 2003 tied the knot in the Blue Coat Chapel in April 2014.


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metabolic medicine at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital where I am now a senior biomedical scientist and have just obtained my masters. What made you want to come back and get married at the School? Mark: We looked at a few places and nothing really jumped out, then when we found out we could have the ceremony in the chapel where we used to have assemblies it just felt fitting. Danielle: For me it was a romantic thing to do...even though I didn't have

a clue who Mark was at the time, it will have been the first place he saw me when we were assigned form classes. How was your Big Day? Mark: Superb. From the ceremony at School to the reception at the Maritime Museum, I absolutely loved it - couldn't stop smiling! Danielle: It was a beautiful day, even though it did go by in a bit of a blur! What advice would you give to Blue Coat School students today? Mark: Make the most out of your time there, the cliché about school being the best days of your life isn't far wrong! Danielle: I'm in full agreement with

Mark on this one! It’s not just about what you learn academically

but about the friends you make

and the experiences you have.

To find out more about weddings at the School please visit www.bluecoat occasions.co.uk



Are you an Old Blue and interested in sharing your story? If so, please contact Cat Kirkcaldy at [email protected]

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“I was at the School between 1980 -1987 so most of my memories of that decade of wonderful music and weird hairstyles are school related. I still remember being interviewed by Mr Holt and Mr Ling, and managing to convince them somehow that I was Blue Coat material. What followed thereafter were seven enjoyable years with some of the funniest guys I’ve ever met (no girls in those days, sadly). Yet the bizarre thing was that despite having such a good time, I emerged with enough qualifications to pursue my chosen career in law. Aside from the qualifications which were clearly necessary, one of the less obvious features of Blue Coat life which undoubtedly assisted me was the impact of being surrounded by such witty people. From teachers to pupils there was a pervading sense of humour which I believe sharpened my mind and helped in my later role as an advocate. Following on from school I spent three years at Manchester University and then a year on the Bar Vocational Course in London. Called to the Bar in 1991, I’ve been practising as a criminal barrister in Liverpool ever since. I have also been involved in inter-faith dialogue for well over a decade now. The advocacy skills and ability to persuade that I had honed in my career seemed to come in very useful when I

was called upon to speak on issues relating to Islam and Muslims and it became apparent to me that this was much needed work. The opportunities to speak blossomed and the natural culmination of my limited efforts seemed to be to write a book.

So now I am the author of ‘Just Your Average Muslim’ which I’m proud to note features in the School library. Addressed to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, it hopes to dispel myths and misunderstandings and play its part in making the world a better place. Trite though that may sound I believe that that is what we’re all here for and the Blue Coat is perfect preparation for young people to go on and have a positive impact on a much larger stage. I’ve been invited to participate in the Dubai Festival of Literature in March 2015, which just goes to show that those seeds sown in the Blue Coat many years ago, are now flourishing

internationally. And if I can do it…”

The School enjoys catching up with Old Blue Zia Chaudhry

“There was a pervading sense of humour which I believe sharpened my mind and helped in my later role as an advocate”

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At the Brotherly Society’s Annual General Meeting in March 2014, Richard Morris retired as President and was succeeded by Keith Caulkin.

Keith was a student at The Blue Coat School in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He returned in the mid-1970s as a teacher, and is now the longest-serving member of staff.

The Liverpool Blue Coat Brotherly Society is a Registered Charity, Number 1072458.


“I am privileged to be elected to President of the Brotherly Society since I am currently teaching at The Blue Coat School and have been over many years. I had a gap of a number of years after being at Manchester University, where I read Physics, before studying for a PGCE at Liverpool University, after which I commenced my teaching career at The Blue Coat School. I have experienced numerous major changes over the years both as a pupil and as a member of the teaching staff. We are presently involved in a new creative enterprise of establishing a Development Office, with director, to hopefully secure the financial stability of the School in years to come. Having taught an abundance of Old Blues over the years I want to help make contact with many of them and add their details to our new database. In this way contact will be maintained, so that they can all participate in our new Blue Coat development and be members of a thriving and growing alumni.”


The Brotherly Society welcomes Keith Caulkin as President


If you are an Old Blue and would like to be added to our database so that we can keep in touch with you, please

contact Cat Kirkcaldy on 0151 733 2424 or at [email protected]

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Old Blue Keith Miller from the Class of 1973 returned to the School in March to speak to students and parents about his book – ‘Steven Gerrard, Michael Owen and… Me’ Born and bred in Liverpool, Keith has been a permanent resident of Barbados since 1978. Keith and his wife Sally are the owners of Miller Publishing Company, and have received numerous awards over the years in recognition of their contribution to Barbados. Keith spoke to students and parents about his new book, giving a fascinating insight into the football Academy system.

We were also pleased that fellow Old Blue Dave McDonough joined Keith in answering questions from the audience – Dave is a football analyst, having

worked alongside Rafa Benitez at both Liverpool Football Club and Inter Milan.

Old Blue Professor Tom Greggs from the Class of 1999 returned to the School in April as guest speaker at Founders Day On Thursday 3rd April the School celebrated Founders Day, remembering Bryan Blundell and Reverend Robert Stythe, who through their philanthropic generosity of time, expertise and money founded the School back in 1708. We were delighted to have Tom as our keynote speaker. Tom was a student at the School from 1992 to 1999 and was Head of School in his final year. At the age of 28 Tom was the youngest person in the country to hold a professorship, having been appointed Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Chester. Tom delivered a fantastic address to the School, celebrating our heritage, but also inspiring our students today to give their time and efforts just as our founders did in 1708.


“The Blue Coat is a school that shaped me, and a community in one sense that I will always belong to; it is an honour to have the chance to speak to the

current students about what it means to be part of a great tradition and past, and to ask them to think about what it means to take that tradition into an

even greater future.” Professor Tom Greggs

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The Blue Coat Parents’ Association has again enjoyed a busy and productive year as an integral part of The Blue Coat School Community. Over the year approximately £10,000 has been raised with fundraising events ranging from the Year 7 ‘Welcome Social’, the extremely popular Christmas Raffle, a Wine Tasting evening and the superb Blue Coat Quiz Night. The Parents' Association also secured a substantial grant which went towards the build and launch of the new School website. The Parents’ Association has again supported the School with the provision of funds toward musical instruments and our latest project, together with The Blue Coat School Development Fund, is to help fund the purchase of 45 laptop computers for use by students in the new school year in September. As ever, the Parents’ Association held a Barbecue to say ‘thank you’ to the School staff for their sterling efforts in educating our children to the very highest standard. Next year we will remember to arrange it on a day that doesn’t coincide with Glastonbury & Wimbledon, in the hope the sun shines!

Looking forward to the next academic year, we will again be welcoming the new Year 7 students and parents, helping invigilate the school entrance examination for the increased intake in 2015, helping support a school Cabaret Night, another Wine Tasting evening and on toward the Grand Raffle, Carol Concert and a host of other events in support of our students throughout 2015. We would very much welcome an increase of parents continuing to join us in a variety of innovative ways to help support The Blue Coat School. I would heartily encourage many more of our parents to get involved and help us markedly enhance the outstanding Blue Coat School experience for our students. We very much look forward to hearing from you.



Rob Lockyer, Chair of the PA reflects on the PA’s successes in 2013/14 and looks forward to the next academic year

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The School would like to say a big thank you to all those who have donated to The Blue Coat School Development Fund in 2013/14. Our Development Fund was established to fund the ‘extras’ to ensure that we are able to provide the very best opportunities for our students: the opportunity to excel academically, the opportunity to pursue extra-curricular interests and activities; and the opportunity to exceed their potential. With such generous support from many of our parents and friends of the School, we have been able to contribute to a number of projects in 2013/14 including the purchase of

new musical instruments for our Year 7 beginners programme, laptops for our Music and Science departments and a significant contribution towards our Duke of Edinburgh programme.


A big THANK YOU to all of our Development Fund supporters

“I personally derive great enjoyment from supporting the Development Fund to help fund the ‘extras' to

ensure that all of the School’s students can build upon the excellent

education they receive. Helping to build for our child’s education

tomorrow, by making a commitment today, can only help to give our children the best start in life.”

Robert, Parent of Laura in Year 7

Our priorities for funding for 2014/15 are: Expanding our Year 7 Music beginners programme to enable more students

to benefit from free beginners music tuition Refurbishing our fitness room to encourage more female participation Funding vital kit and equipment for the Duke of Edinburgh programme Enhancing international learning

opportunities Expanding our community

languages programme.

If you are interested in supporting these projects by joining our community of supporters please contact Cat Kirkcaldy on 0151 733 2424.


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Blue Coat Occasions continues to go from strength to strength. There is a high demand for our conference and training rooms and this year we will see a record number of weddings held at our beautiful venue. Earlier this year we re-launched our brand and now we have a new, modern website together with contemporary marketing literature in order for us to respond to the ever increasing number of enquiries. Occasions is situated in the original Grade II* Listed frontage of the school with the recognisable Clock Tower framing the iconic entrance and providing our delegates and guests with a unique welcome.

For further information about our facilities to hire or to arrange a visit, please contact our Events Team on 0151 734 4930 or email [email protected]



Blue Coat Occasions goes from strength to strength

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‘not for oneself but for all’

The Blue Coat School Development Office

a: Church Road | Wavertree | Liverpool | L15 9EE

t: 0151 733 2424

e: [email protected]
