; T SA ND>VITH, D. y^S. C ',:;,NARY SURGEON %E2OO- FRIDAY HARBOR f*O**^L. -^^T^ainbridge will carry ;Tfreight shipments on her route" light l-1 ° lueasonnble^a^^ -^j^ndBARK for sale $4.50 PER LOAD HARPST& MENEFEE Abstracts of Title and I i; insurance j: '! nnlv Set of Abstract Books in San ', omy Juan Coui.\ \ GENE C. GOULD ; ; j| Notary Public .:; :| Friday Harbor, Washington : EJ-.HARPST Undertaker Licensed Embalmer FUNERAL DIRECTOR—CarefuI attenti"n giveu to all details. Phone 130— Line 13 Friday Harbor, Wash. J, S, GROLL Dealer in Huff and Dressed Lumber Building Material Cement Plaster and Brick Phone 36. Friday Harbor.Washington CITY MEAT MARKET Hastings & Keik, Props. Well Supplied with Beef, Pork and Mutton FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY The Wants of Large Consumers Attended to. PRICES REASONABLE And Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Dentists Who Have A REPUTATION We have been in Bellingham 13 Years, We give you an Ironclad Guarantee. We do your work painlessly, We save you money. New York Dentists, Inc. BELLINGHAM Sunset Bl'd Sunset Bl'd Steamer ROSALIE Carrying Passengers and Freight Leaves SEATTLE from COLMAN LX Sundays, Tuesdays t and jnwsaays at 11 p. m . for Port fownsend, Richardson, Argyle, «£*. FRIDAY HARBOR, Roche harbor Deer Harbor, West Sound, urfs. East Sound, Rosario^Olga? S^LLINGHAM. Leaves BELL^ at 8 p. m. Mondays, Wed- ,!JP; ys and Fridays for Anacortes fK%? L e direct - Passengers and and a for Seattle, Bellingham doL na? rtes» from any island C W!l! be picked UP faythe Seattl! oo ri the outgoing trip from onPn.l he most beautiful trip «non? 3; S? un( the ™ute winding r^g +he lovely islands of; the I San straitfc hlpelaso and crossing the Passenger Juan de Fuca^faffording \)l finest views of the THP t and Olym Pic mountains. I E INLAND NAVIGATION CO. battle, Washingtoi.piSKf Pay your subscription and ask ibout the premiums Shoes—You can do better at Murray & Son's The Str. Giat.t I of Victoria was in port Tuesday. All the news, all the time. Look for it in the Islander. C. E. Hacket 1 returned last Fri- day from a business trip to Seattle. For nicely furnished rooms go to the Maple House. Prices reasonable. Elbert Blancett spent a few days last week in Seattle seeing the "Potiach". The Rosa], Vanilia and Straw- berry Ice Cream at the Palace of Sweets. Mrs. Chas. McKay returned Thursday from a two weeks' visit in Victoria. All trimmed hats at one-half price. Come in and see me soon. Mrs. A. D. Conway. Mrs. Turner and son of the South End returned home after a week's stay in Seattle. LOST—Pastor's Pocket Record. Kindly return to 615 Snoqualmie St., Seattle. $1 reward. It is reported that Frank Wright's trap at Lummi island caught 75,000 fish Monday. Highest market price paid for chickens. Mrs. J. M. Bleming, Fri- day Harbor. Phone 175. There are said to be over 400 fishing vessels on the salmon banks between Mosquito pass and Iceberg point. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re- pairing neatly done at reasonable prices by Herman Fredell. Jeweler, Friday Harbor. Mrs. Otis Murray arrived Monday morning to visit Mr. Murray's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murray for a few weeks. Dr. S. J. Torney, Diseases of the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat. Glasses properly fitted.—Alaska Bldg., Bel- lingham, Wash. Geo. J. Galvin of the Marine Station V?ill lead the Epworth league next Sunday evening at the M. E. Church. Everyone come and help him. Fur everything in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, Diamonds. Silverware, Cut glass go to Herman Fredell, Jeweler, Friday Harbor. Prices the lowest. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Park gave a dinner at their camp Wednesday in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Walker, it being their fifteenth wedding anniversary. FOR SALE—Farm of 73 acres, about 5J miles from Bellingham on Kelly Road. 5 acres plowed. B- room house, nearly new. Other out-buildings. R. I. Morse, Bel- lingbam. Wm. McCurty of the Port lown- send Leader, and friends came in on his launch Saturday. Mr. McUurty made the Islander a visit. They are touring the islands, and from here will go to Victoria. Just arrived a large assortment of Sterling Silverware and Com- munity silver, the best silverware made; Spoons. Knives, Forks, et£ Herman Fredell, Jeweler, Friday Harbor, Wash. PUBLIC SALE— Saturday, July 26, 1913, at one o'clock at my resi- dence one-half mile south of dock, known as the Egge Homestead, I will sell to the highest bidder: 1 milch cow. 8 years old; Uersey heifer and 2 mixed Jersey heifers, all one year old; 1 heifer 4 months; some carpenter tools. 1 platform scales and household goods. Terms all sums of $5 and under, cash; all over $5, 6 months at 6 per cent, with approved security. No pro- perty to be removed until above terms are complied with. 3 . t Geo. C. Randies San 3uan S^tl Island Area 54 Sq. Miles ST^ ' Pop. 1.500 Automobile driving and repair- ing. Harold Heming. Miss Gwendolin Kelleet is the guest of Charlotte Busby. Mrs. S. D. Martin returned from Seattle the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs W. E. Lampard left last Wednesday lor Seattle. Phone in the local news, if it in- terests you it will interest others. The U. S. survey boat Orcas was in port Wednesday for gasoilne. C. E. Hackett is now a licensed operator of motor boats under 15 tons. Mr. and Mrs* Peter Oseng left Wednesday for their home in Ho- quiam. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Merritt of Roche Harbor, July 17, a girl. Mrs. Kasch and children left Wednesday fcr a few days vi?it in Anacortes and Beltingham. Miss Marguerite Driggs is as- sisting at the Post Office while Miss Ivy Larson is taking her vacation. Ed. Allen, of Sweeney & Allen, returned Monday, &fter spending a few days in Seattle at the Potlach. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grice. of Vic- toria, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Isa- ac Sandwith and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sandwith. Miss Charlotte McKay is camping with her sister at the new summer resort on the west coast of Vancou- ver island. There were about 2600 fish brought to the Friday Harbor Can- ning Co., and 1300 to the San Juan Canning Co. Monday. Miss Graham, who has been camping with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Park on the beach near Turn island, left for Seattle Monday morning. Mrs. John N. Dickie and mother returned on the Bainbridge Mon- day evening from Seattle, where they were visiting for a few days. Dr. Capron took Mrs. Capron, Miss Kelleet and Miss Busby in his atu > to Deer Lodge at Mitchell bay and was entertained at luncheon by Peter Kirk Monday. Manager F. J. Comeau. of the Hidden Inlet Canning Co., of Rich- ardson, went to Vancouver Tuesday evening on the Hidden Inlet, re- turning Wednesday night. WANTED—CoIt about two years old. Must be from the Belgian horse Fernandean and mare weigh- ing at least 1300 pounds. J. T. Whiteley, East Sound, Wash. Mrs. Blame has been having too much of the hot sun on her side of the street, hence an awning was put up Tuesday, much to the com- fort of both herself and patrons. Mrs. Capron most delightfully entertained a number of her young lady friends at her charming home Tuesday evening. Several of them were given an auto ride by the doc- tor early in the evening. Wm. H. F. Reed'a fine new seine boat, Freddie 11. which was meas- ured last week at Decatur by Dep- uty Collector Culver, went into commission this week, fishing foi -the Hodgson-Graham Co., of Rich- ardson. The following films will be shown at the Star Theatre Saturday even- ing: "A Soldier's Duty," drama; "An Elephant on their Hands," comedy, and "Red Saunder's Sacri- fice," drama. Miss Martha Fran- cis will also sing "The Golden Rule." There will be preaching services in theM. E. church next Sunday, both morning and evening at the usual hours, and an Epworth league service at 7 p. m. The morning subject will be "Jesus the Servant of Mankind." The evening sub- ject will be "Why Men Reject the Lordship of Jesus." All are cor- dially invited to attend. George W. Digbtman returned Tuesday evening from ar extended visit in Seattle and Tacoma. J W. Frits is taking the place of Raymond Madden, as county audi- tor, while Mr. Madden is away on his honeymoon. Mrs. A. D. Conway will close her millinery store all of next week, on account of going to Seattle to buy stock for the fall trade. W. E. Lamjard returned Wednes- day morning on the Utopia, bringing with him a colt, one year old, also a buggy which he bought while in Seattle. Mrs. N. E. Churchill and daugh- ter Josephine returned Tuesday frorv a week's visit with relatives and friends in Victoria. Mrs. An- na Wittie accompanied them home. C. L. Carter returned from a vis- it to the Potlach at Seattle the first of the week, bringing with him his son Howard, who has been under a physician's care in that city for the past two months. The instructors and students of the Puget Sound Marine station spent Tuesday night on Mt. Consti- tution ami were entertained 4Ved- nesday evening at the p&latial home of Kobert Moran at Rosario. The great increa&e in the Stand- ard Oil Company's business here has necessitated increasing the stor- age capacity which is to be done by erecting another distillate tank on the hillside, having a capacity of 10,000 gallons. Mrs. Driggo Entertains at Dinner Mrs. G. B. Diiggs gave a dinner last Monday evening in honor of her daughter, Miss iiarguerite's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oaeng and Homer Murray. County Auditor Madden Married Raymond Madden, county audit-, or, and Miss Gladys Guard were quietly married in Bellingham Tuesday. They will be at home in Friday Harbor some time next week. Mr. and Mr.?. Madden have the best wishes for a happy married life. Trial Trap Shoot Next Sunday Do-it forget the trial shoot of the San Juan County Rod and Gun club Sunday morning. A 5-bird event will be shot off. None but members who have paid their dues will be permitted to take part in this shoot. Meet at Ross Tulloch's Hardware at 9 o'clock. Beach Party for Mr. and Mrs. Oseng A beach party was given last Fri- day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oseng. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oseng.Mr. and Mrs. L. J' Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Leonard, P. A. Jensen and family, Mrs. Sandwith, Mrs. Fred Culver and children, Mrs. G. B. Driggs, Miss Marguerite Driggs, Miss Lewis, Martha Francis, Homer Murray and Roy Erb. Mrs. Rudow Gives Bridge Party Mrs. L. A. Rudow entertained Tuesday afternoon at a charming bridge whist party. Three tables were at play and the prize, a beau- tiful cut glass nappy, was won by Mrs. A. M. Culver.* Dainty ' re- fresh n. en ts were served at the con- clusion of the game. Those present were Mesdames McKenzie, Sargent, A. M. Culver, 0. H. Culver. Gould, Geoghegan, Blame, Irwin. Nash, Drijjgs, Misses Lewis, Severance and the hostess. Lacrosse Game Well Attended The Lacrosse game last Sunday between Sidney, B. C. and the L. I. U. of Victoria was largly attended, but did not prove to be a very in- teresting game, the afternoon be- ing so warm that 'the players did not put the usual amount of ginger into it. The boys were also "all in" from a hard game at Victoria the day before at which the Sid- neys won by a score of 4 to 1. Sunday's game resulted in a victory for the Victoria team by a score of 8 to 7. Miss Perry Attends Clerks' Convention Miss Ethel Peny and her moth- er, Mrs. P. A. Pe,rry, left Sunday July 13 for lacoma to attend the County Clerk's convention. One of the pleasant features of the pro- gram was an automobile ride of fif- ty-six miles in and around Tacoma, after which a diuner was given in their honor by the lacoma Printing and Binding Co. at Pt. Defiance park. Miss Perry and her mother left Tacoma last Tuesday night for Seattle, where they spent a few days to see the "Potlatch," and re- turned home on Monday morning. Miss Perry says she had a most en- joyable time. Who Can Beat This? There is a patch of potatoes in the city of Friday Harbor, the tops of which are four feet high, the stems measuring three inches in cir- cumference. They are planted alongside a rose bush and grew to- gether so it looks as though the large roses grew on the potato tops. The owner of this patch of pota- toes is a blacksmith, 83 years of age, who is shoeing horses up to 1800 pounds nearly every day and who says it is a pleasure for him to do so. He wants to demonstrate that there is no limit to Gods' power and we his children are heirs to this power provided we live accor- ding to his laws, which Rive us this power. Come and see Charles McKay Friday Harbor, July 21, 1913. BALD HILL (Friday Harbor) NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ben King .and fam- ily visited Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. W. H. Little, and sister, Mrs. John S. Little Sunday. Frank Wright is working for Capt. Newhall this week. Miss Louise Crosby of Friday Harbor is spend ng a few days with her family at the old Telegraphy home. THE WAY TO HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT IS TO START ONE •'.,,;. r- There mast be a beginning sometime /•:4^'-5^ <-«lJ?|i j vig' Delays are only a waste of time. One \u25a0 & Dollar will start. Every additional }' dollar will help. This Bank invites " f^f you. r In our Savings Department we pay 4 per cent, interest. » FIRST NATIONAL BANK |] 1 Bellingham, Washington. | |1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ;- : . . . . $300000.00 i] :H \u25a0 Fi?ixitiiig "PRINTING OF QUALITY" Wedding Announce me nts Programs Personal Stationery Commercial Printing San Juan Islander JOHN N. DICKIE & CO. PRINTERS For Sale or Trade 80 acres* Allunder cultivation With perfect water-right and SUFFICIENT water. Located near Dcschutes river, Ore. Complete details furnished by addressing owner. Herman S. Judd, 3716 N. 26th, Taooma, Wash. W. W. Crosby has his hay stack- ed away in his barn safely. Mrs. tV. W. Crosby and sons Al- bert and Walter, and daughter Louise spent Monday evening witfe. Frank Wright. Misses Helena and Martha Reth- lefsen and Mary and Estella McKay took dinner with Mrs. W. H. Little and Mrs. John Little Friday. Mrs. Blanche Libert and daugh- ters visited Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. John S. Little the first of the week Mies Estella Gerard visited at the old Telegraphy home Wednes- day. John S. Little spent Saturday with his mother, wife and family. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Park an* Mrs Conway visited Mrs. W. W~ Crosby and Mrs. W. H. Little Tues- day evening. OLD PAPERS Putting under Carpets. Putting on Shleves. for Wrapping Parcels. Kindhne Fires. Always Useful. 150 Hundred mi I9LAMDER OFFWt llliill i CO YEAR*? \u25a0^EXPERIENCE MfmmM BT T«AWt Marks *nM WF Dcston* - \u25a0^v^frPffff^Jfi* <sow«oht« Ac Anyone MBdfa« AMI »<»«••«£ £ftL?£?, mtSntiMtrUla onr opinion free wh«tli«r an* PatenW Uken tBroo«h Mann * VOW IMNfm Scientific HiimtCMi^ \u25a0*SS32ffiSSaiS|6 IIUNN 8 Co. 88181^*^'Hew Torß ®SanjaiiLod«eF.&M Meets on the first and third Wedn#«d» evSi«sof each month to Masonic halL Visiting brethren cordially iuvited. Gene G^Qovud, W. M. Albert Jjsnsex, Sec»y. . - - . v

The San Juan islander (Friday Harbor, Wash.) 1913-07-25 [p ] · 2017. 12. 20. · spent Tuesday night on Mt. Consti-tution ami were entertained 4Ved-nesday evening at the p&latialhome

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Page 1: The San Juan islander (Friday Harbor, Wash.) 1913-07-25 [p ] · 2017. 12. 20. · spent Tuesday night on Mt. Consti-tution ami were entertained 4Ved-nesday evening at the p&latialhome



f*O**^L.-^^T^ainbridge will carry

;Tfreight shipments on her route"light l» l-1°lueasonnble^a^^-^j^ndBARK for sale

$4.50 PER LOAD


Abstracts of Title and Ii; insurance j:'! nnlv Set ofAbstract Books in San',

omyJuan Coui.\

\ GENE C. GOULD ; ;j| Notary Public .:;

:| Friday Harbor, Washington :


UndertakerLicensed EmbalmerFUNERAL DIRECTOR—CarefuIattenti"n giveu to all details.

Phone 130—Line 13

Friday Harbor, • Wash.

J, S, GROLLDealer in

Huff and Dressed LumberBuilding Material

Cement Plaster and Brick

Phone 36.

Friday Harbor.Washington

CITY MEAT MARKETHastings & Keik, Props.

Well Supplied with Beef, Pork andMutton


The Wants of Large ConsumersAttended to.

PRICES REASONABLEAnd Satisfaction Guaranteed.

The Dentists Who Have


We have been in Bellingham13 Years,

We give you an IroncladGuarantee.

We do your workpainlessly,We save you money.

New York Dentists, Inc.BELLINGHAM

Sunset Bl'd Sunset Bl'd


Carrying Passengers and FreightLeaves SEATTLE from COLMAN

LX Sundays, Tuesdays t andjnwsaays at 11 p. m. for Port

fownsend, Richardson, Argyle,«£*. FRIDAY HARBOR, Rocheharbor Deer Harbor, West Sound,urfs. East Sound, Rosario^Olga?S^LLINGHAM. Leaves BELL^

at 8 p. m. Mondays, Wed-,!JP; ys and Fridays for AnacortesfK%? L e direct - Passengers andand a for Seattle, BellinghamdoL na? rtes» from any islandC •

W!l! be picked UP faytheSeattl! oo

rithe outgoing trip from

onPn.l he most beautiful trip

«non? 3; S?un( the ™ute windingr^g +he lovely islands of; the ISanstraitfc hlpelaso and crossing thePassenger Juan de Fuca^faffordingW£ \)l finest views of theTHP tand OlymPic mountains.I

E INLAND NAVIGATION CO.battle, Washingtoi.piSKf

Pay your subscription and askibout the premiums

Shoes—You can do better atMurray & Son's

The Str. Giat.t I of Victoria wasin port Tuesday.

All the news, all the time. Lookfor it in the Islander.

C. E. Hacket 1 returned last Fri-day from a business trip to Seattle.

For nicely furnished rooms go tothe Maple House. Prices reasonable.

Elbert Blancett spent a few dayslast week in Seattle seeing the"Potiach".

The Rosa], Vanilia and Straw-berry Ice Cream at the Palace ofSweets.

Mrs. Chas. McKay returnedThursday from a two weeks' visitin Victoria.

All trimmed hats at one-halfprice. Come in and see me soon.Mrs. A. D. Conway.

Mrs. Turner and son of theSouth End returned home after aweek's stay in Seattle.

LOST—Pastor's Pocket Record.Kindly return to 615 SnoqualmieSt., Seattle. $1 reward.

It is reported that FrankWright's trap at Lummi islandcaught 75,000 fish Monday.

Highest market price paid forchickens. Mrs. J. M. Bleming, Fri-day Harbor. Phone 175.

There are said to be over 400fishing vessels on the salmon banksbetween Mosquito pass and Icebergpoint.

Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re-pairing neatly done at reasonableprices by Herman Fredell. Jeweler,Friday Harbor.

Mrs. Otis Murray arrived Mondaymorning to visit Mr. Murray's par-

ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murray

for a few weeks.

Dr. S. J. Torney, Diseases of theEye, Ear.Nose and Throat. Glassesproperly fitted.—Alaska Bldg., Bel-lingham, Wash.

Geo. J. Galvin of the MarineStation V?ill lead the Epworth

league next Sunday evening at theM. E. Church. Everyone come andhelp him.

Fur everything in Watches,Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, Diamonds.Silverware, Cut glass go to HermanFredell, Jeweler, Friday Harbor.Prices the lowest.

Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Park gave a

dinner at their camp Wednesday

in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. F.H. Walker, it being their fifteenthwedding anniversary.

FOR SALE—Farm of 73 acres,

about 5J miles from Bellingham onKelly Road. 5 acres plowed. B-

room house, nearly new. Otherout-buildings. R. I. Morse, Bel-lingbam.

Wm. McCurty of the Port lown-send Leader, and friends came in on

his launch Saturday. Mr. McUurty

made the Islander a visit. They

are touring the islands, and from

here will go to Victoria.

Just arrived a large assortmentof Sterling Silverware and Com-munity silver, the best silverwaremade; Spoons. Knives, Forks, et£Herman Fredell, Jeweler, Friday

Harbor, Wash.

PUBLIC SALE—Saturday, July

26, 1913, at one o'clock at my resi-

dence one-half mile south of dock,

known as the Egge Homestead, I

will sell to the highest bidder: 1

milch cow. 8 years old; Uersey

heifer and 2 mixed Jersey heifers,

all one year old; 1 heifer 4 months;

some carpenter tools. 1 platform

scales and household goods. Terms

all sums of $5 and under, cash; all

over $5, 6 months at 6 per cent,

with approved security. No pro-

perty to be removed until above

terms are complied with.

3.t Geo. C. Randies

San 3uan S^tl IslandArea 54 Sq. Miles ST^ 'Pop. 1.500

Automobile driving and repair-ing. Harold Heming.

Miss Gwendolin Kelleet is theguest of Charlotte Busby.

Mrs. S. D. Martin returned fromSeattle the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs W. E. Lampard

left last Wednesday lor Seattle.

Phone in the local news, if it in-terests you it will interest others.

The U. S. survey boat Orcaswas in port Wednesday for gasoilne.

C. E. Hackett is now a licensedoperator of motor boats under 15tons.

Mr. and Mrs* Peter Oseng leftWednesday for their home in Ho-quiam.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.Merritt of Roche Harbor, July 17,

a girl.

Mrs. Kasch and children leftWednesday fcr a few days vi?it in

Anacortes and Beltingham.

Miss Marguerite Driggs is as-sisting at the Post Office while MissIvy Larson is taking her vacation.

Ed. Allen, of Sweeney & Allen,returned Monday, &fter spending afew days in Seattle at the Potlach.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grice. of Vic-toria, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Isa-ac Sandwith and Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Sandwith.

Miss Charlotte McKay is camping

with her sister at the new summerresort on the west coast of Vancou-ver island.

There were about 2600 fishbrought to the Friday Harbor Can-ning Co., and 1300 to the San JuanCanning Co. Monday.

Miss Graham, who has beencamping with Rev. and Mrs. Wm.Park on the beach near Turn island,

left for Seattle Monday morning.

Mrs. John N. Dickie and motherreturned on the Bainbridge Mon-day evening from Seattle, wherethey were visiting for a few days.

Dr. Capron took Mrs. Capron,

Miss Kelleet and Miss Busby in hisatu > to Deer Lodge at Mitchell bay

and was entertained at luncheon byPeter Kirk Monday.

Manager F. J. Comeau. of theHidden Inlet Canning Co., of Rich-ardson, went to Vancouver Tuesdayevening on the Hidden Inlet, re-turning Wednesday night.

WANTED—CoIt about two years

old. Must be from the Belgian

horse Fernandean and mare weigh-ing at least 1300 pounds. J. T.Whiteley, East Sound, Wash.

Mrs. Blame has been having too

much of the hot sun on her side ofthe street, hence an awning wasput up Tuesday, much to the com-fort of both herself and patrons.

Mrs. Capron most delightfullyentertained a number of her young

lady friends at her charming homeTuesday evening. Several of themwere given an auto ride by the doc-tor early in the evening.

Wm. H. F. Reed'a fine new seineboat, Freddie 11. which was meas-ured last week at Decatur by Dep-

uty Collector Culver, went intocommission this week, fishing foi

-the Hodgson-Graham Co., of Rich-ardson.

The followingfilms will be shownat the Star Theatre Saturday even-ing: "A Soldier's Duty," drama;

"An Elephant on their Hands,"

comedy, and "Red Saunder's Sacri-fice," drama. Miss Martha Fran-cis will also sing "The Golden Rule."

There will be preaching servicesin theM. E. church next Sunday,

both morning and evening at the

usual hours, and an Epworth league

service at 7 p. m. The morning

subject will be "Jesus the Servant

of Mankind." The evening sub-

ject will be "Why Men Reject the

Lordship of Jesus." All are cor-

dially invited to attend.

George W. Digbtman returnedTuesday evening from ar extendedvisit in Seattle and Tacoma.

J W. Frits is taking the place ofRaymond Madden, as county audi-tor, while Mr. Madden is away onhis honeymoon.

Mrs. A. D. Conway will close hermillinery store all of next week, onaccount of going to Seattle to buystock for the fall trade.

W. E. Lamjard returned Wednes-day morning on the Utopia, bringingwith him a colt, one year old, alsoa buggy which he bought while inSeattle.

Mrs. N. E. Churchill and daugh-ter Josephine returned Tuesdayfrorv a week's visit with relativesand friends in Victoria. Mrs. An-na Wittie accompanied them home.

C. L. Carter returned from a vis-it to the Potlach at Seattle the firstof the week, bringing with him hisson Howard, who has been under aphysician's care in that city for thepast two months.

The instructors and students ofthe Puget Sound Marine stationspent Tuesday night on Mt. Consti-tution ami were entertained 4Ved-nesday evening at the p&latial homeof Kobert Moran at Rosario.

The great increa&e in the Stand-ard Oil Company's business herehas necessitated increasing the stor-age capacity which is to be done by

erecting another distillate tank onthe hillside, having a capacity of10,000 gallons.

Mrs. Driggo Entertains at DinnerMrs. G. B. Diiggs gave a dinner

last Monday evening in honor ofher daughter, Miss iiarguerite's

birthday. Those present were Mr.and Mrs. Peter Oaeng and HomerMurray.

County Auditor Madden MarriedRaymond Madden, county audit-,

or, and Miss Gladys Guard werequietly married in BellinghamTuesday. They will be at home inFriday Harbor some time next

week. Mr. and Mr.?. Madden havethe best wishes for a happy marriedlife.

Trial Trap Shoot Next SundayDo-it forget the trial shoot of

the San Juan County Rod and Gunclub Sunday morning. A 5-birdevent will be shot off. None butmembers who have paid their dueswill be permitted to take part inthis shoot. Meet at Ross Tulloch'sHardware at 9 o'clock.

Beach Party for Mr. and Mrs. OsengA beach party was given last Fri-

day evening in honor of Mr. andMrs. Peter Oseng. Those presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oseng.Mr.and Mrs. L. J' Irwin, Mr. and Mrs.Harry W. Leonard, P. A. Jensenand family, Mrs. Sandwith, Mrs.Fred Culver and children, Mrs. G.B. Driggs, Miss Marguerite Driggs,

Miss Lewis, Martha Francis, HomerMurray and Roy Erb.

Mrs. Rudow Gives Bridge PartyMrs. L. A. Rudow entertained

Tuesday afternoon at a charmingbridge whist party. Three tableswere at play and the prize, a beau-tiful cut glass nappy, was won byMrs. A. M. Culver.* Dainty ' re-fresh n. en ts were served at the con-clusion of the game. Those present

were Mesdames McKenzie, Sargent,A. M. Culver, 0. H. Culver. Gould,Geoghegan, Blame, Irwin. Nash,Drijjgs, Misses Lewis, Severanceand the hostess.

Lacrosse Game Well AttendedThe Lacrosse game last Sunday

between Sidney, B. C. and the L. I.U. of Victoria was largly attended,but did not prove to be a very in-teresting game, the afternoon be-ing so warm that 'the players didnot put the usual amount of ginger

into it. The boys were also "allin" from a hard game at Victoriathe day before at which the Sid-neys won by a score of 4 to 1.Sunday's game resulted in a victoryfor the Victoria team by a score of8 to 7.

Miss Perry Attends Clerks' ConventionMiss Ethel Peny and her moth-

er, Mrs. P. A. Pe,rry, left Sunday

July 13 for lacoma to attend theCounty Clerk's convention. One ofthe pleasant features of the pro-

gram was an automobile ride of fif-ty-six miles in and around Tacoma,

after which a diuner was given intheir honor by the lacoma Printing

and Binding Co. at Pt. Defiancepark. Miss Perry and her motherleft Tacoma last Tuesday night forSeattle, where they spent a fewdays to see the "Potlatch," and re-

turned home on Monday morning.

Miss Perry says she had a most en-joyable time.

Who Can Beat This?There is a patch of potatoes in

the city of Friday Harbor, the tops

of which are four feet high, thestems measuring three inches in cir-cumference. They are plantedalongside a rose bush and grew to-

gether so it looks as though thelarge roses grew on the potato


The owner of this patch of pota-

toes is a blacksmith, 83 years of age,

who is shoeing horses up to 1800pounds nearly every day and whosays it is a pleasure for him to doso. He wants to demonstrate thatthere is no limit to Gods' power

and we his children are heirs to

this power provided we live accor-ding to his laws, which Rive us thispower.

Come and seeCharles McKay

Friday Harbor, July 21, 1913.

BALD HILL(Friday Harbor) NEWS

Mr. and Mrs. Ben King .and fam-ily visited Mrs. King's mother,

Mrs. W. H. Little, and sister, Mrs.John S. Little Sunday.

Frank Wright is working forCapt. Newhall this week.

Miss Louise Crosby of Friday

Harbor is spend ng a few days withher family at the old Telegraphy



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Herman S. Judd, 3716 N. 26th, Taooma, Wash.

W. W. Crosby has his hay stack-ed away in his barn safely.

Mrs. tV. W. Crosby and sons Al-bert and Walter, and daughterLouise spent Monday evening witfe.Frank Wright.

Misses Helena and Martha Reth-lefsen and Mary and Estella McKay

took dinner with Mrs. W. H. Littleand Mrs. John Little Friday.

Mrs. Blanche Libert and daugh-ters visited Mrs. Crosby and Mrs.John S. Little the first of the week

Mies Estella Gerard visited atthe old Telegraphy home Wednes-day.

John S. Little spent Saturdaywith his mother, wife and family.

Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Park an*Mrs Conway visited Mrs. W. W~Crosby and Mrs. W. H. Little Tues-day evening.

OLD PAPERSPutting under Carpets.Putting on Shleves.

for Wrapping Parcels.Kindhne Fires.Always Useful.



llliilli CO YEAR*?\u25a0^EXPERIENCE

MfmmM BT T«AWt Marks*nM WF Dcston* -\u25a0^v^frPffff^Jfi* <sow«oht« Ac

Anyone MBdfa« •AMI»<»«••«£ £ftL?£?,mtSntiMtrUla onr opinion free wh«tli«r an*

PatenW Uken tBroo«h Mann *VOW IMNfm

Scientific HiimtCMi^\u25a0*SS32ffiSSaiS|6IIUNN8 Co. 88181^*^'Hew Torß

®SanjaiiLod«eF.&MMeets on the first and third Wedn#«d»evSi«sof each month to Masonic halLVisiting brethren cordially iuvited.

Gene G^Qovud, W. M.

Albert Jjsnsex, Sec»y. . - • - . v