inner in uencing ULTIMATE SELF-EMPOWERMENT Foundation Course Module Four The Problem Resolution Sequence

ULTIMATE SELF-EMPOWERMENT...experimentation and development, I thought that single ”Purple Cow” statements on eliminating the topic or issue were going to go all the way – to

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Page 1: ULTIMATE SELF-EMPOWERMENT...experimentation and development, I thought that single ”Purple Cow” statements on eliminating the topic or issue were going to go all the way – to

inner influencingU LT I M A T E S E L F - E M P O W E R M E N T

Foundation Course

Module FourThe Problem Resolution Sequence

Page 2: ULTIMATE SELF-EMPOWERMENT...experimentation and development, I thought that single ”Purple Cow” statements on eliminating the topic or issue were going to go all the way – to

All content copyright © 2011-2012 by Paul Greblick

“Inner Influencing™” and the “Subconscious Helper Agent™” are trademarks of Paul Greblick and Heart of Angels.

No part of this publication may be sold, copied, distributed, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or digital, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

Disclaimer -

The author is a researcher, developer, publisher of information related to helping you gain a greater understanding of how your subconscious processes work, and is not a licensed physician or mental health counselor nor represents himself as one. Thus, the material herein is offered for informational and educational purposed only. It is not to be considered as constituting any sort of legal, professional, or certified advice.

The ideas, procedures and suggestions on this site are not intended as a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. This material should be considered, at best, a supplement to your certified professional's advice and you should share this and any and all information with them regarding the desire to change or modify any sort of treatment plan. By using the material herein, you agree to take full responsibility for your own well-being and seek appropriate professional help whenever necessary. If you have any questions about whether or not to use Inner Influencing in context of your own unique needs or situation, please consult your physician or licensed mental health practitioner.

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Inner Influencing™ Foundation Course

1 Module # 4


Module 4 is where the speed and scope of the results starts to dramatically increase. Only half of the Inner Influencing is based upon the techniques themselves. The second half of this program is all about the application, or “what to target,” and this is where the results come from.

This module covers one of several “crown jewels” of the entire Inner Influencing program. It will teach you a very unique and specific way to help undo the subconscious factors that are causing emotional discord and distress, remove yourself from long-term stuckness, and make yourself more emotionally and inwardly “immune” to events, people, and circumstances that may have previously robbed you of your inner peace. Or that might do so again if you encountered those same situations.

This process is important to help you regain your freedom from those things, because whatever those seemingly “past” circumstances or events have been, they may still be playing out in your psyche, and thus disempowering you to some extent.

If you need to re-download the material from the first three modules, you can do so here:

http://www.innerinfluencing.com/ecourse-start-here.php http://www.innerinfluencing.com/ecourse-lesson-two.php http://www.innerinfluencing.com/ecourse-third-lesson.php

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Inner Influencing™ Foundation Course

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My overall goal for Inner Influencing was to find the closest thing to a “one button push” to get rid of any emotionally-based problem, including stuckness in life, or the ability to have, be, or do everything that is in line with someone's well-being.

At first, this was mainly for me, because I was trying to heal from a horrific, seven year-long breakdown. Most of the other modalities weren’t getting the results that I needed, in a way that was fast enough or comprehensive enough.

During the first months of what ended up being 18 months of intense experimentation and development, I thought that single ”Purple Cow” statements on eliminating the topic or issue were going to go all the way – to “turn it down” to zero, so to speak, and keep it that way.

But it didn't always happen that way.

Sometimes things would turn down greatly if I hit on a good wording or description, but not all the way. And for some things, the results were only temporary.

This was very frustrating.

I knew this technique could unlock so much potential if the right wording was found. So I experimented over and over and over with various wordings on many different subjects and issues, until I noticed something that would change the course of my work with this system forever.

It was something that could be summed up in this six word phrase:

The Problem Is Never the Problem

Once I started to notice in myself and others that the single statements were not completely getting rid of the problem, I assumed like anyone else would, that “there must be something else, then, causing or keeping this problem here”.

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One of the things that your subconscious is designed to do is keep you healthy. This is so you don't have to consciously focus on things like your heart beating, digestion, or even breathing, and end up dying if you somehow lose your focus on these things.

An additional thing your subconscious does, is try to keep your whole system - and this includes your emotional system - in a state of balance or equilibrium.

Remember, feelings are both an electrical charge, and energetic pressure. This electrical charge and pressure causes your system to be imbalanced - so your subconscious works to remove them just like it works to remove physical waste from your body while urinating or otherwise.

In fact, you may have 100 or more negative feelings as you go through your day, but since your subconscious discharges the energy so fast, you often forget you even had those feelings once the energy is discharged. And remember, the subconscious does this “discharging” process on its own without you having to do anything consciously.

The emotional difficulties that you feel as “difficulties” are ones that the subconscious is having problems eliminating on its own.

After much experimentation and development, the factors were finally uncovered behind why the subconscious is unable to rid itself - and thus you - of certain emotional difficulties.

It deals with what I call hidden “contributors” that could be present that are holding or keeping the problem in place. And interestingly, they may have nothing to do with the problem or subject matter itself.

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The Major “Contributors” that Cause a Problem to BE a Problem

There are three separate techniques that are a part of Inner Influencing. All of them are powerful in their own right, and can be used individually or in combination depending upon the situation or need.

When you have been unable to rid yourself of a problem or difficulty that has emotional aspects to it, there are very likely other invisible “energies” present in your system that aren’t part of the problem directly and seem to be unrelated to it. But they prevent your subconscious from being able to actively eliminate the problem on its own.

Consider a hunter that is looking for a grizzly bear. Maybe this grizzly bear is terrorizing the townspeople nearby. No matter how good the hunter is, if the grizzly bear were invisible to the naked eye, the hunter obviously wouldn’t stand a chance in ridding the town of the problem, no matter how good a shot he was.

You may have tried other techniques or modalities that are mighty in their own right, and some may have shown great promise. But if you haven’t gotten the results you were looking for, or only got results sometimes – or on some topics and not others - then I’d like to go out on a limb. It was neither the fault of the technique, nor of you.

It was that you weren’t completely aware of “what to target”.

The Hidden “Contributors” to Making a Problem BE a Problem

One of the goals of Inner Influencing was to be able to get rid of any problem or difficulty as fast, easy, and gently as possible. And as I mentioned before, single “Purple Cow” statements didn’t go all the away, especially with difficult or long-term issues.

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One of the reasons is because of the “concoction” idea. This is where a difficult or distressful experience is made up of separate other experiences, with the whole thing is felt as one pain or distress.

One other major reason is because of what I call the major hidden “contributors” to what’s keeping the problem in your system. Any one of the following listed below could keep the problem in your system. In one sense, they act like energetic “glue” preventing the problem from leaving your experience on its own.

• Meaning

• Feelings about

• Want or need

• Investment in anything else causing the current problem as a “side effect”

• Feelings about others

• Feelings about yourself

• Decisions and conclusions

• Identification with

• Deservingness or Undeservingness

During the development and testing of Inner Influencing, many problems were shown to have more than one of these contributors present. Therefore, in the Problem Resolution Sequence that is coming up, each one is dealt with and eliminated, to ensure as much scope and depth of thoroughness as possible.

However, these contributors aren’t the only thing that proved to be present. Some other factors needed to be eliminated in order to be completely free of the problem returning.

These other factors included everything that happened because of the original problem (negative experiences stemming from it), any sort of “permission” for the problem to exist in the first place, anything keeping the person from moving on from it, and anything hindering the statements from working in the first place.

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Once these other factors were discovered, and eliminated along with the original hidden contributors, problems of a distressful or emotional nature, which caused a lot of your stuckness in life – as long as they were targeted with the right description - just simply disappeared.

The Emotional Straitjacket

If you've ever seen someone in a straitjacket, in real-life or on TV, you’ll recall how it binds their arms close to their body with several straps that keep the person unable to move their arms to remove it.

Each strap of the straitjacket could be considered one of the hidden contributors holding the problem in place in your experience. So theoretically, removing each emotional “strap” or contributor should allow the problem to fall right off, so to speak.

And that's exactly what started to happen once the entire scope of hidden contributors were found.

The most interesting part of the development of this process was how eliminating all of the contributors to a problem or issue caused enough of the energetic hold to “let go,” with the subconscious taking care of the rest, without ever having to do a statement to remove the problem itself.

The net effect of getting rid of all the contributors was that the emotional energy then turned into a regular, fleeting, momentary feeling that the subconscious then discharged on its own.

So how do you get rid of these “contributors”?

These contributors can be eliminated by standard “Purple Cow”-type statements that you can have your Subconscious Helper Agent look for and eliminate, one by one, in the same way that you would have it eliminate an emotion such as fear. (As directed in Module 1.)

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Once the contributors themselves were discovered, countless experiments were done to eliminate each one from whatever topic or issue was at hand. And there were STILL times when the problem couldn’t be completely eliminated by getting rid of the hidden contributors and those additional factors by doing it on the topic itself.

One of the discoveries that came out of the intensive development and experimentation period was that the “presence” of the problem and the “absence” of the problem had their own stored emotional charge.

It was almost as if each polarity – the presence and the absence - has its own emotional space. It turned out that each of them has its own hidden contributors that have to be eliminated due to the way that they both contribute to the person's experience of a problem.

Once each of those were worked on separately, meaning that each contributor was eliminated for both the presence of the problem and the absence of the problem, consistent results started to happen almost immediately.

The code was finally broken.

The hoped-for results that took 18 months of dedicated experimentation were finally starting to happen. And they were happening consistently.

There were still more things to come to understand and how to target the various parts of the “concoction,” as I described in previous modules.

But this was the key breakthrough that was starting to help whoever wanted, to eliminate any sort of past, present, or potential future emotional distress or discord, and do it in a way that was fast, easy, and gentle.

I would therefore like to introduce you one of the crown jewels of Inner Influencing:

The Problem Resolution Sequence.

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The Problem Resolution Sequence

The Problem Resolution Sequence is a series of subconscious directives (or “Purple Cow” statements) that are designed to eliminate each of the hidden contributors for both the presence and the absence of the problem, as well as those other factors, covering the entirety of what’s “making the problem a problem.”

This is an important and comprehensive part of the Inner Influencing system, so many different things will be presented to help you learn, know, and apply the material. Please go through these various pieces several times until you fully understand WHAT to do.

As you work the process more and more, you will see and get an experiential understanding of what your Subconscious Helper is doing. But for now, it’s only necessary to learn what to do to start getting the results from freeing yourself of distressful emotions and experiences.

The material is presented as follows:

• A link to audios where I demonstrate the Problem Resolution Sequence on two live BlogTalRadio shows. (And for you to experience the process by just saying “Purple Cow” and having me run through the various statements.)

• A table showing the various statements in a list that you could also print out for a shortened or “quick reference” version, as you become more familiar with the series of statements themselves.

• A list of the wordings to use for eliminating the various hidden contributors.. • A sample “template” with fill-in-the blank wording hat you could print out for

your reference. • Two sample Problem Resolution Sequences to try on your own, allowing you

to follow my exact wording listed.

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Listen to Me Demonstrate the Sequence

At this point, to get the most out of making sense of how this works, please listen to me doing the Problem Resolution Sequence live on replays of my interview on BlogTalkRadio.

You will actually be able to follow along and say “Purple Cow’ to yourself and get the results from me doing the statements live on the air.


Quick Reference Table of the Various Steps

The quick reference table is on the next page, for you to print out from one sheet to help you have handy for your own sequences.

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The “absence” side- NOT having the topic

The “presence” side - HAVNG the topic

…meaning about NOT… …meaning about…

…feelings about NOT… …feelings about…

…want and need regarding NOT … …want and need regarding…

…investment that any part of me has in anything else in regard to NOT …

…investment that any part of me has in anything else in regard to…

…feelings about others in regard to NOT …feelings about others in regard to…

…feelings about yourself in regard to NOT...

…feelings about yourself in regard to…

…decisions and conclusions regarding NOT …

…decisions and conclusions regarding…

…identification with NOT… …identification with…

…deservingness or undeservingness with regard to NOT…

…deservingness or undeservingness with regard to…

…whatever’s left with regard to NOT… …whatever’s left with regard to…

(Skip to last item) …everything that’s ever happened

because of…

…everything that would hinder the complete and perfect working of all

these statements…and everything that would hinder the complete resolution of

this problem from now on…

…make it okay to be without the

problem of…

…make it okay to be without this being a problem…

…make it okay for all past instances of it being less than perfect….

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Description of the Wordings to Use for Eliminating the Hidden Contributors

You're going to notice that the first nine statements are the same for both sides – the presence and the absence. As mentioned before, both the presence of the issue and the absence of the issue have their own emotional “filing place” in the subconscious. Both need to be dealt with and eliminated for you to be completely free of the problem or issue.

Both are felt together as one experience, but they are actually two separate “containers” themselves where the energy has to be eliminated.

Here is a description of the statements to be used, followed by a sequence “template” that you can use to just fill in the blank. Then there are two sample sequences.

The problem resolution sequence can be summed up as follows, with the specific wordings for the “directives” for your subconscious helper under each one:

1) A series of “negative elimination” purple cow-type statements – one for each of the contributors for the absence of the problem (as in “NOT having self-worth”). “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will get rid of (specific contributor) about NOT (topic) or not being able to (topic), and keep me free of that from now on, with ease.”

2) A single statement at the end of the “absence” (or “NOT”) side of the problem “making it okay to never have this be a problem again” “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will make it completely okay that I am without the problem of NOT (topic) and keep it that way from now on with ease, and without that ever being a problem for me again.”

3) A series of “negative elimination” purple cow-type statements for the presence of the problem (as in “NOT having self-worth”). “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will get rid of (specific

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contributor) about (topic) or having to have (topic)…or else, and keep me free from now on, with ease.”

4) One statement to eliminate everything that happened because of the topic being a problem or issue. “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will get rid of EVERYTHING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED BECAUSE OF problems with (topic) or having to have (topic)…or else, and keep me free from now on, with ease.”

5) One statement to ensure that nothing hinders the complete working of the previous statements or hinders the complete resolution of the problem. “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will get rid of everything that would hinder the complete and perfect working of all these statements, and everything that would hinder the complete resolution of this as a problem in my life forever.”

6) One statement to “make it okay to have the positive presence of the topic” permanently from now on. “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will make it completely okay that I have the (positive presence of topic) from now on, without that being a problem for me ever again.”

7) One statement to “make it okay that all previous instances of the problem existed” without those being a problem anymore. “Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple Cow’, you will make it completely okay that I had all previous instances of problems with (topic) from now on, without any of that being a problem for me ever again.”

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In Practice

Sample Sequences

Here are two sample Problem Resolutions sequences, followed by a sample fill-in-the-blank template that you can use for whatever problem or issue you’d like to work this process on.

The first example is something that is considered a negative type experience – self-doubt - and will show how the wording of the topic or subject can fit in that context.

The second example will be something that is often considered a positive – self-love – and will show how the wording of positives fits in the sequence very similarly.

You’ll notice that the first 10 or so statements are very similar on each “side” – the absence of it, and the presence of it. And remember, both of those can have disempowering energy in it causing the problem to actually BE a problem for you.

As mentioned in a previous module on “Concept vs Wording”, you might find specific words that are doing more than the ones I use. For instance “get rid of” might not seem to do as much as “eliminate”, so I am specifically going to vary the wording in certain places to show you that the concept is the most important thing, not the specific word I am using.

Likewise, in the topic wording of “self-doubt”, if it seems to flow better using the words “doubting myself”, then go ahead and try those, too. You’re going to want to practice experimenting with various ways to describe the experience that you’re wanting to eliminate from being a problem. In experimenting with both finding the best terms that do the most for you, and trying it on various topics, you’re going to get the best results for each future time you then use this Problem Resolution Sequence again.

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First side – the “absence” of the topic


“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all meaning in any part of me about NOT having self-doubt…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings About

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of all of my feelings about NOT doubting myself…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Want and Need

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of all want and need in me regarding NOT having self-doubt…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Investment that Any Part of Me has in Anything Else

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of any investment that any part of me has in anything else regarding NOT having self-doubt…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Feelings about Others

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about others in regard to NOT doubting myself and not be ABLE to…and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings about Myself

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about myself regarding NOT doubting myself…and not being ABLE to… and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Decisions and Conclusions

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all decisions and conclusions in regard to NOT doubting myself…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Identification with

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all identification with NOT doubting myself…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Deservingness and Undeservingness

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all deservingness or undeservingness with regard to NOT doubting myself…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Whatever’s Left (on the “Absence” Side)

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of whatever’s left about NOT doubting myself…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Make it Okay to NOT Have the Problem

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will make it completely okay to NOT have self-doubt, without THAT being a problem for me ever again…and keep it that way from now on…with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Second side – the “presence” of the topic


“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all meaning in me about having self-doubt…or having to have that, or else…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings About

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of all feelings about having self-doubt…or having to have that, or else……and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

Want and Need

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all want and need in me with regard to doubting myself … or having to do that, or else……and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Investment that Any Part of Me has in Anything Else

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of any investment that any part of me has in anything else regarding having self-doubt…or having to have that or else…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings about Others

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about others in regard to doubting myself…or have to do that, or else…and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings about Myself

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about myself in regard to having self-doubt…or having to have that, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Decisions and Conclusions

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all decisions and conclusions regarding doubting myself…or having to do that, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Identification with

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all identification with doubting myself…or having to do that, or else…and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

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Deservingness and Undeservingness

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all deservingness or undeservingness with regard to doubting myself…or having to do that, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Whatever’s Left

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of whatever’s left with regard to doubting myself…or having to do that, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Ending Statement 1 – “Because of” Past Instances

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of anything that ever happened because of having a problem with self-doubt…and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Ending addition 2 – Hindrances to Statements Perfectly Working

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate anything that would hinder the complete and perfect working of all these statements, and anything that would hinder the complete and perfect resolution of this being a problem in my life forever…and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Making it Okay to Have/Not Have (depending upon context)

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will make it okay to be without the problem of self-doubt …without THAT being a problem for me anymore whatsoever… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Okay for Previous Instances of it Being a Problem

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will make it okay that I had all previous instances of doubting myself …without that being a problem for me whatsoever…and keep it that way from now on…with ease.

“Purple Cow”

Two Very Important Notes

There may be other topics that are uncovered hen doing any of the statements in the sequence that have more emotional charge than the topic or subject you are working on.

If that’s the case, stop the one you are doing and make note of the specific statement you are on.

Then start a new sequence on the newly discovered topic, and do the whole sequence on that.

Once you are finished, go back to the first one where you left off and continue with the remaining statements.

Also, if there is any sense of discomfort once the sequence is done, there could have been some emotional energy released on a topic that wasn’t covered by the statements themselves.

Do a “General Well-Being pair” after each sequence if there is ANY remaining discomfort after the last statement, as indicated by the following two statements:

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of whatever is in the way of me being completely whole, healthy, and perfect in any way …and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.” (“Purple Cow”)

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will MAKE ME completely whole, healthy, and perfect in any way …and keep me that way from now on, with ease.” (“Purple Cow”)

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First side – the “absence” of the topic


“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all meaning in any part of me about NOT having self-worth…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings About

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of all of my feelings about NOT having self-worth …and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Want and Need

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of all want and need in me regarding NOT having self-worth …and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Investment that Any Part of Me Has in Anything Else

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of any investment that any part of me in anything else regarding NOT having self-worth …and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Feelings about Others

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about others in regard to NOT having self-worth…and not being ABLE to…and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings about Myself

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about myself regarding NOT having self-worth …and not being ABLE to… and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Decisions and Conclusions

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all decisions and conclusions in regard to NOT having self-worth…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Identification with

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all identification with NOT having self-worth…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Deservingness and Undeservingness

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all deservingness or undeservingness with regard to NOT having self-worth…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Whatever’s Left (on the “Absence” Side)

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of whatever’s left about NOT having self-worth…and not being ABLE to…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Make it Okay to NOT Have the Problem

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will make it completely okay to be without the problem of NOT having self-worth, without THAT being a problem for me ever again…and keep it that way from now on…with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Second side – the “presence” of the topic


“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all meaning in me about having self-worth …or having to have it, or else…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings About

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of all feelings about having self-worth …or having to have it, or else……and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

Want and Need

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all want and need in me with regard to having self-worth … or having to have it, or else……and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

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“Purple Cow”

Investment that Any Part of Me Has in Anything Else

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of any investment that any part of me in anything else regarding having self-worth …or having to have it, or else…and keep me free from it from now on with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings about Others

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about others in regard to having self-worth …or having to have it, or else…and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

Feelings about Myself

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all feelings about myself in regard to having self-worth … or having to have it, or else…and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Decisions and Conclusions

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all decisions and conclusions regarding having self-worth … or having to have it, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Identification with

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all identification with having self-worth … or having to have it, or else…and easily keep me free from it from now on.”

“Purple Cow”

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Deservingness and Undeservingness

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate all deservingness or undeservingness with regard to having self-worth …or having to have that, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Whatever’s Left

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of whatever’s left with regard to having self-worth…or having to have that, or else… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Ending Statement 1 – “Because of” Past Instances

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of anything that ever happened because of having a problem with self-worth…and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Ending addition 2 – Hindrances to Statements Perfectly Working

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will eliminate anything that would hinder the complete and perfect working of all these statements, and anything that would hinder the complete and perfect resolution of this being a problem in my life forever…and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

Making it Okay to Have/Not Have (depending upon context)

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will make it okay to have self-worth…without THAT being a problem for me anymore whatsoever… and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.”

“Purple Cow”

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Okay for Previous Instances of it Being a Problem

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will make it okay that I had all previous instances of problems with self-worth …without that being a problem for me anymore whatsoever…and keep it that way from now on…with ease.

“Purple Cow”

That’s the last statement for “Self-Worth”.

Remember to do two “General Well-Being” Statements if you’re not completely balanced after the last statement above, or any last statement in any topic.

Try them anyway right now just to see what the positive effect can be on your system:

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will get rid of whatever is in the way of me being completely whole, healthy, and perfect in any way …and keep me free from it from now on, with ease.” (“Purple Cow”)

“Subconscious, when I say ‘Purple cow’, you will MAKE ME completely whole, healthy, and perfect in any way …and keep me that way from now on, with ease.” (“Purple Cow”)

General notes

Remember the “concoction” principle, where every difficult experience could possibly have lots of smaller individual experiences contributing to it.

Some negative experience could have negative emotional energy around self-worth, self-hate, not being able to love yourself, self-betrayal, etc.

All of these need their own separate sequence.

Look for whatever is left after doing one application of the whole sequence.

Remember to do a “general well-being” pair of “purple cow” statements if there is anything in your system that is uncomfortable from doing the sequence. As you first start to do sequences on things to get rid of, you might be releasing some energy

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overlapping from another topic that the statements that you’re working on with the original topic aren’t getting rid of.

So do a pair of general well-being statements after each sequences so that you could tell the difference and see what the effect is when with ridding a small or subtle amount of “free floating” emotional discord.

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Application Exercises

Have fun and get more results at the same time by awarding yourself one of the following after doing those things mentioned under each one:

Bronze Star:

Do the “Problem Resolution Sequence” on “self-hate”. (The “presence” side would be on “self-hate” or “hating myself” and the “absence” side would be on “not hating myself” or “not having self-hate”.)

Do another one on “not being perfect”. (The presence side would be on “being perfect” and the absence side would be on “not being perfect”.)

Silver Star:

Do both of the above plus a sequence on “being strong.”

Do another on “being weak.”

Do one on any topic, event or experience that has been difficult for you.

Gold Star:

Do all of the above plus one on “being sick.”

Do one on “being healthy.”

Do one on any three topics, events or experiences that has been difficult for you.

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Super Star:

Do 2 sequences every day for a week – one in the morning, and one at night.

Self-Empowerment Star:

Be a “Super Star” each week for life.

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Because the Problem Resolution Sequence so powerful in helping you rid the subconscious factors causing emotional difficulty, stuckness, and self -DISempowement, please use the following for extra ideas on what you could eliminate from affecting your life any further.

1. Losing someone important (due to a death or a break-up of a romantic relationship). The topic would be “losing (name the person)” and “not losing (name the person)”

2. Losing some sort of status (be specific) – financial, social, etc. 3. Losing some sort of opportunity. This could have been for winning the big

game, losing the opportunity for a relationship with someone, or even to go to higher education. It could also be to pursue a creative endeavor from the past. Be specific and you can do it on more than one for however many come up. Do one entire sequence per topic.

4. Any difficult past experience. (Be specific.) 5. Another difficult past experience. 6. Five more difficult past experiences, using one whole sequence for each of the

five. 7. Do it on this exact topic – “having negative experiences with my father.” 8. Then do it on “having negative experiences with my mother.” 9. Then do it on “having positive experiences with my father.” 10. Then “having positive experiences with my mother.”

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You’ve made it to the end of the “Problem Resolution Sequence”, where you are now ready to arm yourself with what you need to eliminate every topic you can find that has an emotional charge, and more permanently so.

You thought this was good?

In the next module you will learn how to condense the Problem Resolution Sequence into ONE ten

second statement…

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