3 VOCABULARY (a) 〜 (e) のなかから語義としてふさわしいものをそれぞれ選びなさい。 1) lead 2) gasoline 3) temperature 4) swallow 5) beverage ( a ) a measure of heat and cold ( b ) a drink ( c ) a heavy metal ( d ) a fuel used in cars ( e ) to cause food or drink to enter the stomach SUMMARY CHECK ニュースの概要として最もふさわしいものを下の 1) 〜 4) のなかから選びなさい。 1) Gasoline and exhaust fumes are nearly as carcinogenic as coffee. 2) Drinks should be drunk at temperatures between 65and 70. 3) The number of cases of esophageal cancer is increasing fast. 4) Drinking tea or coffee at very high temperatures may cause esophageal cancer. 1st Listening まず VOA ニュースを聴きましょう。 熱い飲み物はガンを引き起こす可 能性があるそうです。食道ガンの 原因は何でしょう。マテ茶やコー ヒーを飲む際に大事なこととは? Unit 1 Are Hot Drinks Dangerous?

Unit Are Hot Drinks Dangerous? 1 - Shohakushayerba mat é: イエルバ・マ テ The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, you might want to (1) it cool down a bit

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Page 1: Unit Are Hot Drinks Dangerous? 1 - Shohakushayerba mat é: イエルバ・マ テ The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, you might want to (1) it cool down a bit

★★ 3

Unit 1 Are Hot Drinks Dangerous?

VOCABULARY(a) 〜 (e) のなかから語義としてふさわしいものをそれぞれ選びなさい。 1)lead 2)gasoline 3)temperature 4)swallow 5)beverage

(a) a measure of heat and cold(b) a drink( c ) a heavy metal(d) a fuel used in cars(e ) to cause food or drink to enter the stomach

SUMMARY CHECKニュースの概要として最もふさわしいものを下の 1) 〜 4) のなかから選びなさい。

1) Gasoline and exhaust fumes are nearly as carcinogenic as coffee.2) Drinks should be drunk at temperatures between 65℃ and 70℃.3) The number of cases of esophageal cancer is increasing fast.4) Drinking tea or coffee at very high temperatures may cause

esophageal cancer.

1st Listening まずVOAニュースを聴きましょう。



1Are Hot Drinks Dangerous?

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Page 2: Unit Are Hot Drinks Dangerous? 1 - Shohakushayerba mat é: イエルバ・マ テ The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, you might want to (1) it cool down a bit

★★ 4

2nd Listening もう一回VOAニュースを聴き、(   )を埋めましょう。








United Nations: 国連research agency: 研究機関exhaust fume: 排ガスcarcinogenic: 発ガン性のある

International Agency for Research on Cancer: 国際ガン研究機関 (IARC)World Health Organiza-tion: 世界保健機関 (WHO)�nding: 研究成果journal: ( 学会などの ) 定期刊行物Lancet Oncology: 『ランセット腫瘍学』誌evidence: 証拠Celsius: 摂氏esophagus: 食道study: 研究

expert: 専門家

considerably: かなり、相当maté: マテ茶

brew: 飲み物steep: を浸すyerba maté: イエルバ・マテ

The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or

coffee, you might want to (1 ) it cool down a bit before drinking.

Researchers say letting your hot drinks cool off could

help you (2 ) some kinds of cancer. In fact, the United Nations’ cancer research agency decided to

(3 ) hot drinks with lead, gasoline and exhaust fumes as “possibly carcinogenic.” In other words, each one

could cause cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer

(IARC) is part of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The IARC (4 ) the findings in the medical journal Lancet Oncology. Researchers at IARC found evidence that

drinks at temperatures ( 5 ) 65 degrees Celsius, when swallowed, can cause cancer of the esophagus.

The researchers ( 6 ) findings from other studies

where tea and coffee were often (7 ) at 70 degrees

Celsius or above. Those studies were ( 8 ) in Iran, China and South America.

In developed countries, health experts have ( 9 ) esophageal cancer to smoking and alcoholic drinks.

However, this form of cancer is more (10 ) in areas where people drink beverages at very high temperatures.

In Europe and the United States, many people drink

coffee and tea at temperatures (11 ) 60 degrees Celsius. And they often add milk which lowers the

temperature considerably. However, tea-drinkers in Iran

and maté-drinkers in South America often enjoy their

beverages at (12 ) to 70 degrees Celsius. Maté is a tea-like brew made by steeping the leaves of the yerba

maté plant in near-boiling water.

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Page 3: Unit Are Hot Drinks Dangerous? 1 - Shohakushayerba mat é: イエルバ・マ テ The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, you might want to (1) it cool down a bit

★★ 5

Unit 1 Are Hot Drinks Dangerous?





scalding: やけどするほど熱いliquid: 液体

list: をリストに載せる

of�cial: 当局

risk factor: 危険因子

AFP news agency: AFP通信社

National Coffee Association: 全国コーヒー協会

The researchers note that South Americans not only

drink their maté very hot, they also drink it (13 ) a metal straw. This sends the scalding liquid directly into

the (14 ).The findings, however, are good news for coffee drinkers.

In 1991, the World Health Organization listed coffee as

“(15 ) carcinogenic.” WHO officials have since changed their position on that listing. They now suggest

that the temperature of your hot drink is a greater risk

factor than the (16 ) drink itself.Christopher Wild is the director of the IARC. When he

(17 ) with the AFP news agency, he said the results “suggest that drinking very hot beverages is one

(18 ) cause of esophageal cancer and that it is the temperature, rather than the drinks themselves, that

appears to be (19 ).”The National Coffee Association called the change “great

news for coffee drinkers.”

But how common is esophageal cancer? Worldwide, it is

the (20 ) most common cancer. Cancer of the esophagus killed about 400,000 people in 2012.

TRUE OR FALSE?1) 〜 5) のなかからニュースの内容として正しいものには T、間違っているものには F を選びなさい。

1) Researchers say that drinking very hot beverages may be dangerous.2) Lancet Oncology is a medical journal.3) People in Iran and South America often drink beverages at high

temperatures.4) The WHO now believes that coffee itself is also carcinogenic.5) Esophageal cancer is now the world’s most common cancer.

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Page 4: Unit Are Hot Drinks Dangerous? 1 - Shohakushayerba mat é: イエルバ・マ テ The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, you might want to (1) it cool down a bit

★★ 6

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS日本語に合うように (   ) を埋めなさい。

1) 大学の近くにアパートを見つければ朝早い授業に時間通りに着けるようになるだろう。

Finding an apartment near the university will ( ) you get to

early morning classes on time.

2) 私の友だちは広場恐怖症だ。つまりは、彼は人混みと公共の場をこわがる。

My friend is agoraphobic. In ( ) words, he is afraid of crowds

and public places.

3) 彼女はとても才能があるだけでなくとても勤勉だ。

She is not only very talented ( ) also very industrious.

4) レポートを提出する前に、友だちにそれをチェックしてもらったほうが良いかも知れない。

Before you hand your paper in, you might ( ) to ask a friend

to check it for you.

TRANSLATIONS日本語に合うように (   ) の語句を並び替えて、一文を完成させなさい。

1) パリ協定は地球の平均気温の上昇を 1880 年の平均気温より 1.5℃に制限しようと求めてい


The Paris Agreement ( above / global temperature / increase to 1.5℃ /

limit / seeks to / the average / the 1880 ) average temperature.

2) 水を除いて、紅茶やコーヒーやビールは、世界で最も人気のある飲み物だと言われている。

Excluding water, tea, coffee, and beer ( are / be / beverages / in / most /

popular / said / the / to ) the world.

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