Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program PROCEDURE- 12 OPERATION AND CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS TECHNOLOGIES 1019 Central Parkway North, Suite 115 San Antonio, Texas 78232 210-494-4282

Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

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Page 1: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program




1019 Central Parkway North, Suite 115 San Antonio, Texas 78232


Page 2: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for



1.1 SCOPE ............... .................................................................................................... ...................... 1 1.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 CALIBRATION .......... .......................................................................... .............................................. 3 1.6 COUNTER QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS .......................................................................... .......................... 4 1.7 PERFORMANCE CHECK ............................................................................................................................. 10

2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE LUDLUM MODEL 18 ANALYZER WITH LUDLUM MODEL 43-68 GAS PROPORTIONAL DETECTOR .................................................................................... 12

2.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 12 2.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 12 2.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.5 FLUSH ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.6 OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................... 15

2.7 PERFORMANCE TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 17 2.8 CALCULATION OF M INIMAL DETECTABLE ACTIVITY .................................................................................. 18 MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................... 19


3.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 19 3.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 19 3.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.5 M AINTENANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 21


4.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 4.2 RE FERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 21 4.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................... .. 21 4.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 22 4.5 CALIBRATION................................................................................................................................................. 23 4.6 PERFORMANCE TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 28 4.7 M AINTENANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 29


5.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 5.2 RE FERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 29 5.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 29 5.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 30 5,.5 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................................ 31 5.6 PERFORMANCE TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 34 5.7 M AINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 35


6 .1 S C O P E ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 5 6.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 35 6.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIM ITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 36 6.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 36

Page 3: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

6.5 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................................ 38 6.6 PERFORMANCE TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 40

6.7 M AINTENANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 40

7 OPERATION AND CALIBRATION OF THE LUDLUM MODEL LV-1 LOW VOLUME AIR SAM PLER ................................................................................................................................................................. 40

7.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 40

7.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 41

7.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 41

7.4 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 41

7.5 M AINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 42


8.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 43

8.2 RE FERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 43

8.3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 43

8.4 EQUIPMENT LIST FOR CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................. 43 8.5 CALIBRATION AND DRIFT CHECK ................................................................................................................. 44

9 MODEL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION PROGRAM .......................................................................... 46

9.1 TRA INING ...................................................................................................................................................... 46



FLOW PROPORTIONAL COUNTERS, AND MULTICHANNEL ANALYZERS ............................................................... 48

10 CALIBRATIO N .............................................................................................................................................. 48

10.1 CALIBRATION REPORTS ............................................................................................................................ 48


11.1 M CA OPERATION .................................................................................................................................... 51 11.2 M CA CALIBRA TION ................................................................................................................................. 51

Table of Tables

Table 10-1 - Radiation Monitoring Instrument Specifications ................................................. 50

Page 4: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Attachment Number





















Title of Attachment

Portable HEPA Ventilation Operating Log

Survey Meter Calibration Form

Smear Counting Analysis Report

Instrument Service Record Ludlum Model 2929/or Equivalent

Voltage Plateau Data Sheet

Voltage Plateau Graph Form

Background Determination Data Sheet

Ludlum Model 2929/or Equivalent daily 10 Minute Background and Efficiency

Chi Squared Test of Reliability Data Sheet

Daily Instrument Performance Test Log Form

Daily Instrument Check

Instrument Service Record High Volume Air Sampler

Calibration Sticker

Instrument Service Record Ludlum Model 19/or Equivalent

Instrument Service Record Ludlum Model 3/or Equivalent

Instrument Service Record Ludlum Model 3

Instrument Service Record Ludlum Model 9

Instrument Service Record Low Volume Air Sampler

PIC Drift and Calibration Data Form

Procedure 12 Attachments

Page 5: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for


cc - Alpha 13 - Beta y - Gamma A - Micro

241Am - Amenrcium-241 137 Ce - Cesium-137 234Pa - Protactinium-234 2 0Pb - Lead-210 210po - Polonium-210 2 1'Po - Polonium-214 2t8Po Polonium-218 232PU- Plutonium-232 226Ra - Radium-226 228Ra - Radium-228 219R.R - Radon-219 (Actinium Series) 220pn - Radon-220 (Thorium Series) 2 22 Pn - Radon-222 (Uranium Series) 89Sr - Strontium-89 9DSr - Strontium-90 23•Th - Thorium-230 232Th - Natural Thorium 238U - Uranium-238

tCi - MicroCurie R.Ci/hr - MicroCuries per hour j-Cijml - MicroCuries per milliliter tiM - Micrometer [tR/hr - MicroRoentgen per hour Itg/mg - Microgram per milligram

ALARA - As low as reasonably achievable ALI - Annual limit on intake ANSI - American National Standards Institute APR - Air-purifying respirator

Bq - Becquerel Bq/m' - Becquerels per cubic meter of air BZ - Breathing Zone

C - Coulomb C/kg - Coulombs per kilogram CDE Committed Dose Equivalent CEDE - Committed Effective Dose Equivalent

Page 6: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Ci - Curie CIH - Certified Industrial Hygienist CFM - Cubic feet per minute CLIA - Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act CLP - Contract Laboratory Program cm - Centimeter cm/sec - Centimeters per second cpm - Counts per minute CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CSE - Certified Safety Executive

(D) - Duplicate count DAC - Derived air concentration DAC-h - DAC hours DCA - Double Contingency Analysis DDE - Deep Dose Equivalent DI - De-ionized water DOT - U.S. Department of Transportation dm2

- Square Decimeter; one square decimeter equals 100 square centimeters dpm - Disintegrations per minute dpm/cm2 - Disintegrations per minute per square centimeter dpm/dm2 - Disintegrations per minute per square decimeter dps - Disintegrations per second DRD - Direct reading dosimeter DU - Depleted uranium

EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency eV - Electronvolt

FE - Feces sample FIDLER - Field instrument for detection of low energy radiation FR - Filter ratio FSP - Field Sampling Plan ft2

- Square foot

Y - Gamma ray GA - General area GeLi - Germanium - Lithium G-M - Geiger-Mueller GMC-H - Mine Safety Appliances Company, full-facepiece, dual ..combination filter

cartridges for an APR GPD Gaseous Diffusion P lang

11 hours lie-3 Heliun Three (3)

Page 7: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

HEPA High efficiency particulate air HN0 3 - Nitric acid HP - Health Physics hr - Hour HS - Hot spot (radiation) HSP - Site-specific Health and Safety Plan HWP - Hazardous Work Permit

ICRP - International Commission on Radiological Protection ID - Identification IDLH - Immediately dangerous to life or health IDW - Investigation derived waste IP - Ionization potential IVC - Independent verification contractor

keV - Kiloelectronvolt kg - Kilogram

LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory 1pm - Liters Per Minute

MCA - Multi-channel analyzer MDA - Minimum detectable activity meV - Millielectronvolt m - Meter m2

- Squared Meters m 3

- Cubic meters mCi - MilliCurie MSHP - Manager, Vista Safety and Health Program mil - 1/1000 inch MIl - Milliliter mm - Millimeter mR - MilliRoentgen mR/hr - MilliRoentgens per hour mrem - Millirem mrem/hr - Millirems per hour MSA - Mine Safety Appliances Company MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration

Nal - Sodium iodide NCA - Nuclear Criticality Analysis NCS Nuclear Criticality Safety NCRII - National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurcments NEA Nuclear Energy Agency NIST National Institute of Science and Technology

Page 8: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health n. o. s. - Not otherwise specified

NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRC - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NS - Nose swipe NTIS - National Technical Information Service NVLAP - National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program

OHSO - On-Site Health and Safety Officer ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORPO - On-Site Ionizing Radiation Protection Officer OSHA - U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

pCi - PicoCurie pCi/gm - PicoCuries per gram pCi/l - PicoCuries per liter P.E. - Professional Engineer PF - Protection Factor PIC - Pocket Ionization Chamber PM - Project Manager PMT - Photomultiplier Tube PPE - Personal Protective Equipment PRP - Potentially Responsible Party PRS - Portable ratemeter/scaler PVC - Polyvinyl chloride

QA - Quality assurance QC - Quality control

R Roentgen RA - Restricted (radiation) area rad - Radiation absorbed dose RAS- 1 - Kurz air sampling pump flow calibration kit REM - Roentgen equivalent man RHSC - Radiation Health and Safety Committee RSO - VISTA Radiation Safety Officer RWP - Radiation work permit

SAP - Sampling and Analysis Plan SCBA - Self-contained breathing apparatus SRD - Self-reading dosimeter

TODE Total Organ Dose Equivalent TLD Thermoluminescent dosimeter TWA A Time-weighted average

Page 9: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Un•l Natural uranium UR - Urine sample U.S. - United States

VISTA - Vista Technologies, Inc. VSHP - VISTA Safety and Health Program VRSP - VISTA Radiation Safety Program

WL - Working Level WP - Work Plan

Page 10: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

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1.1 Scope

This procedure sets forth the specific requirements to be used for the operation and calibration of the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 AlphaBeta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for use on Vista field projects.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation and calibration of the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 AlphaBeta-Gamma Detector or equivalent.

1.2 References

"* Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

"* ANSI N3.1, "Selection, Qualifications and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants;"

* ANSI N323, "Instrument Test and Calibration;" * Vista's Radiation Safety Program (RSP), Procedure 15 "Monitoring and Surveying",

Section 2 "Radiation and Contamination Survey Techniques" and, * Vista's RSP Procedure 18 "Site Access and Radiation Work Permits", section 6

"Control of Radioactive Material".

1.3 Precautions and Limitations


"* In the event of loss of power to the instrument, the Ludlum Model 2929 or equivalent shall require a performance test.

"* The user should verify that the sample activity does not cause a count rate in excess of 1,000 cpm with a pancake probe Geiger-Mueller (GM) detector prior to inserting the sample into the counter to prevent contaminating the probe surface area.

"* Unless the sample tray drawer is locked closed, the probe will receive no high voltage and the instrument will register no counts. The scaler will cycle through the counting process regardless of the sample tray drawer position.

"• All sources and samples shall be controlled in accordance with Vista's RSP Procedure 18.6.


* The Ludlum Model 2929 is semi-portable and requires 110 volt line current to operate.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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" Only thin samples of diameter no larger than 2" (5cm) may be counted on the instrument.

"* Calibration shall be performed semi-annually, after maintenance is performed, if the instrument fails the performance test or if its proper operation is in question.

"* The instrument shall be performance tested daily when in use per Vista's RSP Procedure 12.1.7.

1.4 Procedure

1.4.1 Operation Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker and is not out of calibration, and the performance test has been completed and initialed on the Performance Test Daily Check Sticker. If the performance test has not been completed, have a Health Physics Technician perform the test (Vista's RSP Procedure 12.1.7). Inspect the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation. It should include inspecting for loose, damaged knobs and buttons, broken or damaged meter movements/displays, dented or corroded instrument cases, and punctured/deformed probe/probe window(s). Particular attention should be given to cables and connectors, since these components frequently become damaged or worn. Any instrument or detector having a questionable physical condition shall not be used until properly corrected.

1.4.2 Perform counting of smears and air samples by: Place the sample in a clean planchet with the suspected radioactive material up. Place the planchet in the sample drawer and push the drawer fully into the detector unit. Lock the drawer in place. Activate the count for the pre-selected period by pressing the "count" button. Air samples should be counted for a minimum of 5 minutes. Smears should be counted for a minimum of 1 minute, depending on the desired sensitivity for the count. Upon completion of the count period, obtain the total counts in the alpha and beta-gamma channel displays and record this data on Attachment 69. Remove the sample from the detector unit by unlocking and pulling out the drawer.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Page 12: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Page 3 Repeat Steps through for the remaining samples to be counted. Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) shall be calculated and recorded in accordance with Procedure

1.5 Calibration

1.5.1 Equipment Needed:

* Calibrated electrostatic voltmeter or equivalent traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

* Calibrated Eberline minipulser or equivalent traceable to NIST. * Th-230 reference source greater than 10,000 dpm traceable to NIST. * Tc-99 reference source greater than 10,000 dpm traceable to NIST. Initiate the Instrument Service Record Ludlum Model 2929/43-10-1 or equivalent (Attachment 70) by completing Section 1 of Attachment 70. Attach the old Calibration Data Sticker to the new Attachment 70. Check the physical condition of the instrument for defects that could affect instrument operation. If necessary, complete the "AS FOUND DATA" and arrange for repair before proceeding to record your findings on Attachment 70. Sections 1 and 2 of Attachment 70 should be performed only upon initial calibration or repair which may affect the scaler or proper operation of the scaler in question. Amp/Disc Board Calibration

a) Apply a negative pulse of 10-mV amplitude to the DETECTOR input of the Model 2929 or equivalent. A count rate greater than 25,000 CPM should be displayed.

b) Connect an oscilloscope probe to the AMP OUT connector located on the back panel of the Model 2929 or equivalent.

c) Adjust the GAIN control located internally to and on the right-hand side of the instrument for a positive pulse amplitude of 250mV (at the AMP OUT connector). This amplitude has been decreased from the initial value of 400mrV.

d) This completes the amplifier gain calibration. The optimum amplifier gain should be 25 V/V. B-G Threshold and Width Calibration

a) Apply a negative pulse of 200mV amplitude. b) Attach an oscilloscope probe to pin 7, U5 (CD4098) and adjust B-G WIDTH (R6) for

a 5 micro-second wide negative 5 volt pulse. c) Move the oscilloscope probe to pin 9, U5 (CD4098) and adjust B-G WIDTH (R5) for

a 10 micro-second wide positive 5 volt pulse.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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d) Now move the oscilloscope to pin 9, U6 (CD4098) and apply a negative pulse of 4mV amplitude.

e) Adjust B-G THS (R3) until negative 5 volt pulses just appear. f) Apply a negative pulse of 50mV amplitude and adjust B-G WIN (R2) until negative 5

volt pulses just disappear. g) Apply a negative pulse of 175mV amplitude and adjust ALPHA THS (R4) until a 5

volt positive pulse appears at pin 6 of U6 (CD4098).

NOTE: Steps (a), (b), and (c) above do not normally require re-adjustment. These steps may be accomplished without the use of an oscilloscope by using the audio speakers.

Beta-Gamma audio should only be present for any applied pulse amplitude from 4mV to 50mV. Alpha audio should only be present for pulse amplitudes of 175mV and above. High Voltage Power Supply Calibration

a) Using a high voltage meter of at least 100 megohm input impedance adjust the front panel HV control for 1000 VDC at the DETECTOR connector.

b) Adjust R5 (brd 5170-011-00) for a front panel meter reading of 1 Kilovolt (Note: if adjustment is necessary, a 10-pin extender board will be required).

c) With no detector attached, turn the HV dial to maximum (fully clockwise) and adjust R13 for 1500 Volts (higher limits may be necessary depending upon the type of detector being used).

1.5.2 Counter Verification Connect an Eberline minipulser or equivalent to the input connector of the Model 2929 or equivalent. Increase the minipulser amplitude enough to make the Model 2929 or equivalent count and use the pulse inputs signified on Attachment 70 as the inputs. Record your findings on Attachment 70. If the readings are within the acceptance ranges record the "AS FOUND" readings as the "AS LEFT" readings. If the readings are out of specification, then disposition the unit for repair. Note accordingly, in the remarks section of Attachment 70, your findings.

1.6 Counter Quality Control Checks

Quality control testing and evaluation shall be performed semi-annually (± 15 days). The routine frequency may be extended by up to one additional month with written approval of the Vista Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). In addition to the routine frequency of performance, quality control testing and evaluation shall be performed under the following conditions:

(a) Prior to placing a new counting system into service; or (b) After any major repair or alteration to the counting system or detectors.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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1.6.1 Detector Voltage Plateau Obtain a radiation source with a known counting rate in the region of 1000 to 20,000 counts per minute (cpm). Record the following information on the Plateau Data Sheet, Attachment 71.

* Scaler/counter ID Number; * Detector ID Number, if external/separate; and * Source ID Number. Place the source in the detector chamber. Set the high voltage adjustment of the counting system to the lowest possible setting. Gradually increase the high voltage until a rapid increase in count rate is obtained. Note the high voltage setting. Reduce the high voltage to approximately 100 volts below the noted increase point. Obtain and record on the Plateau Data Sheet a series of one minute counts at appropriate voltage increments, usually equal increments of 20 to 50 volts are convenient, until EITHER no further voltage increase is possible, OR a second sharp increase in count rate is noted. Using the Voltage Plateau Graph, plot a curve of count rate (vertical axis) versus voltage (horizontal axis). Record the following on the Voltage Plateau Graph, Attachment 72:

* Scalar/counter ID number; * Detector ID Number, if external/separate; and * Source ID Number. The relatively flat portion of the plot is the plateau. The correct operating voltage is located one-third to one-half the distance up the plotted plateau. Pick a point within this range with a convenient value of high voltage: Use whole numbers, if possible a multiple of 10, only. Record this operating voltage on Attachment 72. Perform the following:

"* Enter the date, time, and printed name of the individual performing the test on both the data sheet and the graph sheet.

" Sign both the data sheet and the graph sheet.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation.

Page 15: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Page 6 The plateau data and graph MAY be submitted to the Vista On-Site Radiation Protection Officer (ORPO) at this time for review. Review should be performed at this time if:

"* Any of the data were anomalous, or "* The entire Quality Control evaluation is not being performed at this time.

1.6.2 Determination of the System Background Prerequisites

A valid voltage plateau or operating voltage has been determined and documented. Record the following information on Attachment 73, Background Determination Data Sheet:

* Scalar/counter ID number; * Detector ID Number, if external/separate; and * Source ID Number Data Accumulation

* Place a clean, empty planchet in the sample holder. * Insert the sample holder in the detector chamber. * Set the instrument for a timed count of 20 minutes. * Count the empty planchet. * Record the total counts on Attachment 73.

Repeat this step nine additional times. Remove the empty planchet from the detector chamber.

1.6.3 Calculations:

a) Total the values of the individual counts. Enter the value in the Total box on Attachment 73.

b) Divide the total by the number, 10, of determinations and enter this value in the Mean Count, x, box on the data sheet.

c) Subtract the mean count, x, from each of the individual counts. Enter the values found in the column labeled (X-x(mean)) on the data sheet.

d) Square each of the deviations, (X-x(mean)), and enter the values found in the column labeled (X-x(mean))^2 on the data sheet.

e) Total the values of the squared deviations column, and enter this value in the Sum of Squares, box on the data sheet.

f) Divide the Sum of Squares by nine (9). Enter this value in the Variance box on the data sheet.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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g) Extract the square root of the variance, and enter the value in the Standard Deviation (c) (Counts) box on the data sheet.

h) Divide the Standard Deviation (a-) (Counts), by 20 minutes, enter this value in the Standard Deviation.

i) Divide the Mean Count, x, by 20 minutes, enter this value in the Background Count Rate box on the data sheet.

j) The background count rate ± 2a is the acceptable background range. k) Enter the background range in the appropriate blocks of Attachment 73. 1) Performing the following:

0 Enter the date, time, and printed name of the individual performing the test on Attachment 73; and

"* Sign the data sheet. The Background data MAY be submitted to the Vista ORPO at this time for review. Review should be performed at this time if:

* Any of the data were anomalous, or * The entire Quality Control evaluation is not being performed at this time.

1.6.4 Chi-Squared Test of Reliability Prerequisites

* A valid voltage plateau, or operating voltage, has been determined and documented. * A well determined background value has been obtained and documented. Ensure that the counting system is set up for operation according to the applicable Instrument Calibration and Use Procedure and/or the manufacturer's technical literature. Obtain a NIST Traceable Standard Source with isotopic content appropriate to the detector being evaluated.

"* The source should be of sufficient activity to yield a counting rate of 1,000 to 20,000 counts per minute (cpm).

"* The source should not exceed 20,000 cpm. Record the following information on Attachment 75, Chi-Squared Test of Reliability Data Sheet:

* Scalar/Counter Model and Serial Number; * Detector Model and Serial Number, if external/separate; and * Source ID Number. Place the source in the detector chamber. Collect ten (10) counts of two (2) minutes duration each. Record the results, in counts per

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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minute, in the column labeled "CPM Gross (CG)." Subtract the background count rate, CB, from each count to obtain the net count rate. Record the results in the column labeled "CPM Net (C,)." Calculations:

a) Sum the ten C, values and record the results in the box labeled:

Z (C,) b) Divide the total by 10 and record the results obtained in the box labeled:

Z (C,)/10 c) Subtract the mean count rate, c, from each of the Ci values, recording the results in

the column "(Ci - c)"

d) Square each of the (Ci - c) values obtained and record the results in the column labeled

"(Ci -C) .

e) Sum the (Ci - c ) 2 values and record the results (sum of squares) in the box


E2 = (c, c),

f) Divide the value obtained in e) above by the net mean comting rate, c, and record the results in the appropriate box.

Y2/c = ((C, - c)2))/c

g) Take the square root of the results in f) and record the Chi square value in the appropriate box;

2 = SQRT ((Z(C - c)2))/c) If the X2 value is NOT between 8.91 and 32.85, THEN notify the Vista ORPO prior to continuing. Sample Standard Deviation

a) Divide the sum of the squared deviations by the degrees of freedom of the test. b) Extract the second root of the value. c) Enter this value in the Chi-squared, x2, block.

1.6.5 Perform the Following:

a) Enter the date, time, and printed name of the individual performing the test on

Attachment 75, the Chi-squared Data Sheet.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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b) Sign the data sheet. c) The Chi-squared data MAY be submitted to the Vista ORPO at this time for review.

Review should be performed at this time if: 1. Any of the data were anomalous, or 2. The entire Quality Control evaluation is not being performed at this time.

1.6.6 Counting System Efficiency Prerequisites

a) A valid voltage plateau, or operating voltage, has been determined and documented. b) A well determined background value has been obtained and documented. c) A successful Chi-squared test has been performed and documented. Non-routine isotopes

In addition to the routine frequency of determination, counting system efficiencies SHOULD be determined when isotopes with energies significantly different from the calibration energy must be analyzed. Enter the following information on the Efficiency Data Sheet:

- Scalar/Counter ID Number; - Detector ID Number, if external/separate; - Source ID Number; - Source Present Activity (pCi/dpm); and - The mean counting rate, -E, of the source. Calculation

a) Complete the following calculation on the Efficiency Data Sheet:

NOTE: Non-routine sources and/or geometries should be calculated only at the

direction of the Health Physics Technical Supervisor or designee.

E = ((Net CPM) (4.5 E-7))/(Source tCi) Alpha Channel

a) Obtain a 1 7/8" diameter Th-230 reference source greater than 1,000 dpm. b) Place the source in the detector chamber and count for a period of one minute. c) Determine the net count rate from the source. d) Determine the specific efficiency, E:

E = ((Net CPM) (4.5 EXP-7))/(Source gtCi)

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document. Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Record the result on the Efficiency Data Sheet. Perform the following:

NOTE: 4.5 E-7 is conversion from ýiCi to dpm. It is not needed if source activity is expressed in dpm.

a) Enter the date, time, and printed name of the individual performing the test on the Efficiency Data Sheet.

b) Sign the data sheet.

c) The efficiency data MAY be submitted to the Vista ORPO at this time for review. Review SHOULD be performed at this time if: 1) Any of the data were anomalous, or 2) The entire Quality Control evaluation is not being performed at this time. Beta Channel

a) Obtain a 1 7/8" diameter Tc-99 reference source greater than 1,000 dpm. b) Perform Steps b) through

1.7 Performance Check

1.7.1 Background Check

* Remove any source or sample from the detector tray. * Place the appropriate clean blank in the clean counting planchet. * Lock the drawer closed. * Perform a 20 minute timed background count. • Divide the total counts for the alpha and beta-gamma channels by twenty (20) to

obtain results in CPM. * Record the Alpha and Beta-Gamma results in cpm, in the respective columns on the

Daily Background and Efficiency Count Form, Attachment 74. * Compare each background rate to its acceptable background range. • If either background rate exceeds its limits, clean the sample drawer and perform

NOTE: Detection efficiencies for different sample types (i.e., geometry, mass, etc.) must be calculated separately.

background count again. If either background remains out of range, remove the instrument from service and arrange for repair. Notify the Vista ORPO.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 0 1/13/99

Note For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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1.7.2 Alpha Source Check (Th-230)

* Retrieve from storage the check source identified in the "SOURCE ID#" space at the top of Attachment 74.

* Place the source in an empty counting planchet. * Open the sample drawer and place the source/planchet in the sample tray. * Close and lock the drawer in the count position, perform a 1-minute timed count, and

record the results on Attachment 74. * Record the result of the source count in the "SOURCE COUNTS" (CPM): column of

the form. * If the net response is within +/-10% of the source activity multiplied by the efficiency

of the instrument, initial the "Initials" column of Attachment 74.

1.7.3 Beta Source Check (Tc-99)

"* Repeat the steps of section 1.7.2 above using the beta check source specified in the "SOURCE ID#" space at the top of Attachment 74.

"* Record the data in the applicable columns of Attachment 76 and complete the entry on Attachment 74.

"* Initial Attachment 76 and Attachment 74 in the appropriate columns. Initial the Performance Test Daily Check Sticker.

"* Return the check sources to their designated storage locations.

1.7.4 Determination of Minimum Detectable Activity Prerequisites

a) A valid voltage plateau has been performed and documented for those instruments or systems with a variable high voltage capability.

b) A well-determined background is available, unless an exception is made in the specific instrument procedure.

c) A successful Chi-squared test has been performed and documented. d) Counting efficiency for the appropriate emission has been determined and

documented. e) The daily checks have demonstrated that the instrument is in statistical control; OR;

where directed by specific procedure, a daily working background has been determined. Calculation

a) Calculate MDA by performing a count of a paired blank for counting time equal to the sample counting time. A paired blank means a sample that is identical, chemically and physically, to the samples to be counted, except that no isotope is present (e.g.,, for smear samples a smear of a clean surface could be used as a paired blank for smears of potentially contaminated surfaces).

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 12 MDA may be calculated from the following formula:

MDA (dpm) = (2.71 + 4.65 CB/TB ) / E

where: C,= Background Counts for the paired blank (CPM) TB= Sample Count Time for the paired blank (Minutes) E = Instrument Efficiency for the isotope expected, expressed as a decimal

Record the MDA value for each channel (beta-gamma and alpha) on form Attachment 69

1.7.5 Maintenance There are no special storage requirements. Electronic maintenance (except external adjustments and cable replacements) shall be performed by a Health Physics Instrumentation Technician or by the manufacturer or an approved vendor.


2.1 Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation of the Ludlum Model 18 Analyzer with Ludlum Model 43-68 Gas Proportional Detector.

2.2 References

"* NRC Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparations of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

"* ANSI N3.1, "Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants;"

"* Manufacturer's instruction manual for the Ludlum Model 18 Analyzer; "* Manufacturer's instruction manual for the Ludlum Model 43-68 Gas Proportional

Detector; "* Manufacturer's instruction manual for the Ludlum Model 2750 Flow Control Meter;

and "* ANSI N323, "Instrument Test and Calibration."

2.3 Precautions and Limitations


"* Take care not to puncture the thin mylar window of the gas proportional detector. "• To prevent contamination of the probe, avoid contact with the person(s) or object(s)

being surveyed.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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* When using this instrument in a known or suspected contaminated area, seal the instrument case in a protective media (e.g., plastic and poly) to prevent contamination of the instrument case.


"* The operation of the Model 18 depends on the condition of the battery. Therefore, the battery check should be performed before operation and periodically during use to ensure proper operation.

"• Calibration shall be performed semiannually, after maintenance is performed, if the instrument fails the performance test or if its proper operation is in question.

"* A daily performance test is required when the instrument is in use.

2.4 Procedure

2.4.1 Flushing the Ludlum Model 43-68 Gas Proportional Detector.

2.4.2 The Ludlum Model 43-68 Gas Proportional Detector must be flushed prior to use.

2.4.3 Connect the Ludlum Model 43-68 Gas Proportional Detector to the Ludlum Model 18 Analyzer using the supplied cable with series "C" type connectors.

2.4.4 The following is a list of recommended equipment for flushing the detector:

a) P-10 Gas (90% argon, 10% methane); b) Dual Stage Regulator (One stage to show supply pressure and another sitage to reduce

supply pressure to 1-2 psi); c) Needle valve between the second regulator stage and flowmeter for easier flow

adjustment; and d) Ludlum Model 2750 Flow Control Meter 0-100 cc/min.

2.5 Flush

2.5.1 Connect the counting gas input and output lines to the detector.

CAUTION The Model 43-68 uses double ended quick connects. Both the male and female quick connects have to be connected to allow gas flow through the detector. DO NOT flow gas into the detector unless both inlet and outlet are connected. It will rupture the detector.

2.5.2 Connect the regulator to the P-10 gas supply bottle. Ensure the gas bottle supply is off.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Ensure the outlet valve of the regulator is in the closed position.

2.5.3 Connect the gas supply line to the "SUPPLY" port of the flowmeter.

2.5.4 Connect the gas line from the "TO DET" port of the flowmeter to the gas input line of the detector.

2.5.5 Connect the gas line from the output of the detector to the "FROM DET" port of the flowmeter.

2.5.6 Open the "EXHAUST" port of the flowmeter by connecting a male quick connect to the port.

2.5.7 Ensure the needle valve located at the bottom of the "IN" gauge on the flowmeter is fully closed (clockwise).

2.5.8 Turn main supply on and flush detector at 100 cc/min at 1- 2 psi gauge pressure for (1) hour.

2.5.9 The flow of gas through the detector can be increased by opening (turning counterclockwise) the needle valve at the bottom of the "IN" gauge on the flowmeter and vice versa.

CAUTION The main supply should be reduced to less than 50 cc/min before the output gas line is reconnected.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

NOTE A faster flush time can be realized if the output gas line is disconnected from the output of the detector. A male quick connect must be connected to the output port of the detector to ensure gas flow through the detector. Flush time may be reduced to 20-30 minutes.

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2.5.10 After flush is complete, set flow to 30-50 cc/min.

2.5.11 After the output line is reconnected check for detector leakage by comparing the readings on the "IN" and "OUT" gauges on the flowmeter. If a difference of more than 5 cc/min is observed tag the detector out of service and do not use until the detector has been repaired.

2.5.12 Disconnect the input quick connect on the detector.

2.5.13 Disconnect the output quick connect on the detector.

2.5.14 Turn the main gas supply off.

2.5.15 After two hours of use or when a noticeable decrease in detector efficiency is observed during use, whichever come first, the detector must be re-flushed.

2.5.16 Re-flush the detector following Steps 2.5.1 through 2.5.14.

2.6 Operation

2.6.1 Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker Attachment 79 and is not out of calibration, and the daily performance test has been completed and initialed on the Performance Test Daily Check Sticker, Attachment 68.

2.6.2 Inspect the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation. It should include inspecting for loose, damaged knobs, buttons, broken or damaged meter movements/displays, dented or corroded instrument cases, and punctured/deformed probe/probe window(s). Particular attention should be given to cables and connectors, since these components firequently become damaged or worn. Any instrument or detector having a questionable physical condition shall not be used until properly corrected.

2.6.3 Perform a battery check on the instrument by moving the switch to the "BAT" position. Observe the meter indication for the current battery condition.

2.6.4 If unsatisfactory results are obtained, refer to the Instrument's manual for the replacement of the batteries and repeat the check. The instrument shall display a satisfactory battery check prior to each use.

2.6.5 Set the audio switch to the "on" position. Set the response switch to the slow "s" position, and range selector to the lowest setting.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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2.6.6 Position the high voltage adjustment switch to the HV-1 (Alpha) position. In a low

NOTE The Model-18 analyzer has a 3 position high voltage adjustment switch labeled HVl, HV2, and HV3 that allows for selection of desired voltage operating points. The positions of the switch are as follows:

HV-1: Alpha HV-2: Beta/Alpha HV-3: Not Used (GM Detector Use Only)

-1,200 volts -1,700 volts

-900 volts

background area perform a background check on the instrument. Observe the instrument's reading. Reading should be between 0 and 5 cpm. If a greater reading is noted, the detector's mylar window may be damaged. The instrument should be taken out of service and the Vista ORPO should be notified immediately.

2.6.7 Position the high voltage adjustment switch to the HV-2 (Beta/Alpha) position. In a low background area perform a background check on the instrument. Observe the instrument'sreading.

Reading should be between 200 and 300 cpm. If a greater reading is noted, the detector's mylar window may be damaged. The instrument should be taken out of service and the Vista ORPO notified immediately.

2.6.8 If a low background rate cannot be achieved check the instrument probe face for contamination. Decontaminate if necessary, taking care not to damage the probe face.

2.6.9 Proceed with operation in accordance with the desired use.

2.6.10 If performing a direct probe survey for beta/gamma surface contamination, the detector face should be within 1/2" of the surface being surveyed. The movement rate of the detector probe should be one probe width per second or slower.

2.6.11 If performing a direct probe survey for alpha surface contamination, the detector face

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/131/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

NOTE When using the Model 43-68 detector, to do an evaluation of a surface which may contain natural radioactivity (such as concrete or plaster), determine background near contact with a non-contaminated section of the material. This will ensure that activity determination accounts for the presence of low-level natural radioactivity in the material.

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should be within 1/4" of the surface being surveyed. The movement rate of the detector probe should be one probe width per second or slower.

2.6.12 If counting smears, masslin, etc., the counting time should be a minimum of 30 seconds, or when meter deflection stabilizes.

2.6.13 When performing direct scan surveys of objects, surface areas, etc., static readings should be performed frequently to insure the detection of residual activity.

2.7 Performance Test

2.7.1 Conduct a performance test daily check on the instrument and record all data on Attachment 76, Daily Performance Test Log Sheet.

2.7.2 Obtain a 100 cm 2 Tc-99 Performance Test source.

2.7.3 Record the information for each section of Attachment 76.

2.7.4 Examine the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation.

2.7.5 Verify that the instrument has a current Calibration Data Sticker and Performance Test Daily Check Sticker.

2.7.6 Perform a Battery Check to ensure that the battery is within the Batt OK range on the meter.

2.7.7 Place the high voltage adjustment switch in the HV-2 position. Expose the detector to the performance test source. If the response is within the designated range for the source, proceed to step 2.7.8. If the instrument fails, record "F" for fail on Attachment 76 and remove the instrument from service for repair or calibration.

2.7.8 Obtain a 100 cm2 Th-230 Performance Test source.

2.7.9 Place the high voltage adjustment switch in the HV-2 position. Expose the detector to the performance test source. If the response is within the designated range for the source, proceed to step 2.7.11. If the instrument fails, record "F" for fail on Attachment 76 and remove the instrument from service for repair or calibration.

2.7.10 If the instrument fails any portion of the performance test, log the instrument as failing on the Performance Test Log Sheet, remove from service and notify the Vista ORPO.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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2.7.11 If the instrument passes the performance test, record "P" for pass on Attachment 76, then initial the P~rformance Test Daily Check Sticker on the instrument and initial the Performance Test Log Sheet, Attachment 76.

2.8 Calculation of Minimal Detectable Activity

2.8.1 Calculation of MDA when meter is used for stationary (static) readings. After obtaining a background count rate, the MDA can be calculated using the following formula:

MDA = ((4.65)((BR/2tj))' 2)/((E x A)/100))


MDA= B =


tc =

E= A =

activity level in disintegrations/minute/100cm2

background count rate in counts/minute

meter time constant in minutes

detector efficiency in counts/disintegration

active probe area in cm 2

2.8.2 Calculation of MDA when meter is used for scanning. After obtaining a background level the MDA can be calculated using the following formula:

MDA = ( 3 x R)/ ((E x (A/100))




activity level in disintegrations/minute/100cm2

background rate in counts/minute

detector efficiency in counts/disintegration

active probe area in cm 2

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Page 28: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

NOTE I his yields an approximation of MDA based on a scan rate of approximately 2 p ge 19

nches per second. The MDA will decrease with higher scan rates.

2.9 Maintenance

2.9.1 Instruments shall be stored in areas which prevent damage by movement, accumulation of moisture or dust. Detector covers shall be used for storage when practical.

2.9.2 Electronic maintenance (except probe and cable replacements) shall be performed by a Health Physics Instrumentation Technician, by the manufacturer or by an approved vendor.


3.1 Scope

This procedure sets forth the specific requirements to be used for the operation and calibration of the F & J Specialty Products Model H-9400 High Volume Air Samplers.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation, use, and calibration of the F & J Specialty Products Model H-9400 High Volume Air Samplers.

3.2 References

"* NRC Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

"* ANSI N3.1, "Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants";

* Vista's RSP Procedure 16, "Air Radiological Sampling;" * Technical Manual for the F & J Specialty Products Model H-9400 High Volume Air

Sampler; and * Vista's RSP Procedure 18, Section 6 "Control of Radioactive Material", "Site Access

Control and Radiation Work Permits".

3.3 Precautions and Limitations


"* Do not operate air samplers in an explosive environment unless the air sampler is specifically certified and designated for such use.

"* Ensure the power switch is in the "off' position prior to plugging any air sampling devices into electrical outlets.

"* Air samplers shall be considered internally contaminated and controlled in accordance with References of Vista's RSP Procedure 18, Section 6.


Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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* Calibration shall be performed annually, after maintenance is performed, or if air sampler proper operation is in question.

• Calibration shall be performed by the manufacturer or a qualified vendor only. * Air samplers shall be operated in accordance with this procedure and Procedure 16.0. * Some gauges are calibrated in Liters Per Minute (LPM) versus Cubic Feet per Minute

(CFM). 1 CFM = 28.32 LPM * Only F & J Model FP-4.0 (4 inch) type (or equivalent) filters should be used for

particulate air sampling.

3.4 Procedure

3.4.1 Operation

3.4.2 Preparation

* Upon receipt of the air sampler from the manufacturer or qualified vendor, complete Attachment 78 and place a copy with the air sampler.

* Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker, Attachment 79. * Inspect the air sampler for any obvious physical damage. * Air sampling equipment should be prepared prior to entering work areas in order to

minimize potential contamination of equipment. • Check for adequate power supply prior to entering the work area.

3.4.3 Sample Collection

" Air samples shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16, "Air Radiological Sampling".

"* Load a new 4" particulate filter into the filter holder by unscrewing (counterclockwise) the outer retaining ring on the filter holder. Particulate filter should be placed "fuzzy" side in (away from the flow). After filter is centered in the filter holder, screw back on the outer retaining ring (clockwise). Hand tighten only.

NOTE: An inspection of the filter holder should be made prior to placing the filter in the holder. Ensure the mesh backing screen is in place and not damaged. Ensure the flow gauge is not damaged and is securely fit into the air sampler exhaust port.

"* Place the air sampler in a position that is appropriate for the area to be sampled. "• Turn on the air sampler and observe the flow rate on the gauge. Use the Calibration

Data Sticker (Attachment 79) as a reference. Record the sample start date/time and flow rate on the appropriate forms in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16.

"* Run the sampler until a volume indicated in Vista's RSP Procedure 16 has been collected.

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Note: For the purposes of this document. Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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"* Upon collection of the desired volume, observe the flow rate to ensure it has not changed significantly, and turn off the air sampler.

"* Record the stop time and flow rate on the appropriate forms in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16.

"* Remove the filter from the filter holder and place it in an envelope or bag taking care not to cross contaminate the filter.

"* Count the filter in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16.

3.5 Maintenance

* No special storage requirements. * Electrical repair of this instrument shall be performed by the manufacturer or an

approved vendor only.


4.1 Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation and calibration of the Ludlum Model 19 Micro-R Meter.

4.2 References

"* NRC Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparations of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

"* ANSI N3. 1, "Selection, Qualifications and Training of Personnel For Nuclear Power Plants;"

• Manufacturer's instruction manual for the Ludlum Model 19 Micro-R Meter; and * ANSI N323, "Instrument Test and Calibration."

4.3 Precautions and Limitations


* Due to the very low response ranges on the Model 19, only the 5,000 faR scale can be calibrated to an actual source reading. All other scales will be calibrated to a pulse generator.

* These detectors are not guaranteed light tight when outside of their instrument cases. * Due to the very low response ranges, this instrument should not be used in areas

where elevated (>5 mR/hr) radiation fields are anticipated. * When using this instrument in a known, or suspected contaminated area, seal the

instrument in a protective media (i.e., plastic or poly) to prevent contamination of the instrument.


Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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The operation of the Model 19 depends on the condition of the battery. Therefore, the battery check should be performed before each use and periodically during use to ensure proper operation.

0 Calibration shall be performed semi-annually, after maintenance is performed, if the instrument fails the performance test or if proper operation is in question.

* A daily performance test is required when this instrument is in use. * This is a gamma ray/photon exposure rate survey instrument only. Due to the non

linear detection efficiency of the sodium iodide detector, the term exposure rate is used loosely in this sentence.

4.4 Procedure

4.4.1 Operation Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker, is not out of calibration, and the daily performance test has been completed and initialed on the Performance Test Daily Check Sticker. If the performance test has not been completed, have the Vista ORPO perform the test (Vista's RSP Procedure 12.1.7). Inspect the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation. It should include inspecting for loose, damaged knobs, buttons, broken or damaged meter movements/displays, dented or corroded instrument cases, and punctured/deformed probe/probe window(s). Particular attention should be given to cables and connectors, since these components frequently become damaged or worn. Any instrument or detector having a questionable physical condition shall not be used until properly corrected. Perform a battery check by pressing the "BAT" button on the meter with the instrument selector switch turned to an "on" scale position. Ensure that the meter needle is within the "BATTERY" area on the meter face. If unsatisfactory results are obtained, refer to the manufacturers instruction manual for replacement of the batteries and repeat the check. The instrument shall display a satisfactory battery check prior to each use. If the instrument fails any of the above checks, remove it from service, notify the Vista ORPO, and arrange for repair of the meter. Set the audio response switch to the "on" position. Set the F/S selector switch to the appropriate setting. (F:Fast, 4 sec response time, erratic needle deflection; S:Slow, 22 sec response time, stable needle deflection). Set the range selector switch to an appropriate range for the activity being investigated.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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When entering an area of unknown radiation levels always enter the area on the highest scale (5,000 VLR/hr) and scale down until an upward meter deflection is observed.

NOTE: 1 ptR/hr =-.001 mrem/hr The instrument's case is constructed with three dimples on the bottom front end of the case. These dimples represent the detector crystal centerline. This area of the instrument should be held closest to the source of activity when performing surveys. Read the meter after sufficient response time (i.e., the meter needle is relatively stable) changing ranges as necessary for the activity encountered. If the meter is used for an extended period of time, check the battery condition periodically to ensure proper operation. Upon completion of instrument use, Sections and of this procedure should be performed to ensure the instrument is still functioning properly. If the instrument fails either portion, notify the Vista ORPO and arrange for instrument repair.

4.5 Calibration

4.5.1 Equipment needed:



Calibrated Eberline MP-2 or equivalent traceable to NIST. Calibrated Shepherd Model 28-B Calibrator or equivalent traceable to NIST.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Page 33: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Page 24 Initiate the Instrument Service Record- Ludlum Model 19 (Attachment 80) by completing

section 1. Attach the old Calibration Data Sticker to the new Attachment 80. Perform the following checks. If necessary, complete the "As Found Data" and arrange

for repair before proceeding. Record your findings in the remarks section of Attachment 80. Check the physical condition of the instrument for defects that could affect

instrumentation operation and record the results on Attachment 80. Perform a battery check and replace if necessary in accordance with the manufacturer's

manual. Record results on Attachment 80. Depress the reset switch to see that the meter returns to zero from any deflection.

Record as "SAT" or "UNSAT" in Section 2 on Attachment 80. Change F/S switch (FAST/SLOW) between positions and verify the instrument's meter

responds accordingly. Record as "SAT or "UNSAT" on Attachment 80. Switch the audio "ON" and verify that the speaker works. Record as "SAT or

"UNSAT" on Attachment 80. Determine the exposure rates to be used as follows: Select from the calibration curve of the Model 28-5A source (or equivalent) two exposure

rate values for the high scale. These values should be approximately 20% and 80% of full-scale. Determine the required values for the four lower scales which will be pulse calibrated by

reducing the exposure rates selected on high scale by the appropriate factors (i.e., reduce by a

factor of 10 when going from 5,000 to the 500 scale.

4.5.2 Determine the "AS FOUND" reading for the high scale as follows: Ensure that the selector switch is at the desired scale position. Expose the properly centered detector to each selected exposure rate. Record the reading in the "AS FOUND" column on Attachment 80.

4.5.3 Determine the "AS FOUND" reading for the lower scales, which are calibrated by pulse

generator, as follows: Disconnect the detector jacks from the circuit board.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 25 Connect the pulse generator to the detector jacks on the circuit board. Set the pulse height to between 60 and 100 milli-volts negative. Set the selector switch to the high scale. Adjust the pulse rate until the required value for 20% of the high scale is indicated For each lower scale, reduce the pulse rate by the appropriate factor (i.e., reduce by a factor of 10 when going from 5000 scale to the 500 scale). Record the readings in the "AS FOUND" column on Attachment 80. Repeat steps 4.5.3 through for approximately 80% of the scale. Remove the pulse generator and connect the detector to the circuit board.

4.5.4 Place the selector switch to the high scale.

"* Connect an electrostatic voltmeter or equivalent to the connections on the circuit board.

"* Measure the high voltage at the detector connection and record the high voltage in the "AS FOUND" column on Attachment 80.

4.5.5 With the selector switch in the "OFF" position, determine if the meter movement is on zero (0).

"* If the meter movement reads zero proceed to Section "* If the meter movement is not on zero, turn the mechanical zero screw on the meter

face until the meter movement reaches zero. If the "AS FOUND" readings observed in Section fall within the ±20% tolerance limit and the mechanical zero was not adjusted, record the readings in the "AS LEFT" column on Attachment 80. If any of the "AS FOUND" readings observed in Sections and do not fall within the ±20% tolerance limit or if the mechanical zero was adjusted, proceed to Step 4.5.6.

4.5.6 Determine the detector operating voltage as follows: Expose the instrument to an approximately I mR/hr field.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 26 Decrease the high voltage until there is a marked decrease in the exposure rate indicated on the meter. Increase high voltage in approximately 50 volt increments and plot a voltage vs. indicated exposure rate plateau until there is a significant increase in exposure rate as indicated on the meter. Do not increase the voltage more than 1200 volts. Set the voltage'in the middle of the plateau. Measure the high voltage and record as the "AS LEFT" voltage on Attachment 80.

4.5.7 Calibrate the high scale to the required value as follows: Position the instrument so that the effective center of the detector will be in the source beam when the source is exposed. Expose the detector to the selected exposure rate to give 80% of full scale response (4000 liR/hr). Adjust calibration control until the reading is within + 20% of the required value. Expose the detector to the selected exposure rate to give 20% of full scale response (1000 liR/hr). Adjust the calibration control, if necessary, to obtain the reading to within ± 20% of the required value. Record the observed value for each selected position in the "AS LEFT" column on Attachment 80. If the instrument cannot be adjusted to ± 20% of the required value, remove the instrument from service, notify the Vista ORPO, and arrange for repair of the instrument.

4.5.8 Adjust each scale that is to be calibrated to the pulse generator as follows: Set the selector switch to the high scale. Adjust the pulse generator until the required value is selected for approximately 80% of full scale. Set the selector switch to the next range to be checked and reduce the pulse rate by the appropriate factor.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 27 Adjust the calibration control until the reading is within ± 20% of the tolerance limit. Repeat Steps and of this procedure for each lower scale. Repeat Steps through of this procedure for approximately ± 20% of the full-scale. Record the final observed value for each selected position in the "AS LEFT" position on Attachment 80. If the instrument cannot be adjusted to read within + 20% of the required value, remove the instrument from service, notify the Vista ORPO and arrange for instrument repair. Disconnect the pulse generator and reconnect the detector. Reassemble the unit.

4.5.9 Determine Performance Test Data

* Obtain a 5 i.tCi Cs-137 button source and record the serial number on Attachment 80. * Switch the instrument to the appropriate range and obtain a source reading on contact.

Record the observed reading on Attachment 80. * Calculate the performance test range, + 20% of the source reading, and record the

results on Attachment 80.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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4.5.10 If the above calibration steps are completed satisfactorily, attached a completed Calibration Data Sticker and Performance Test Daily Check Log to the instrument. Complete Attachment 80 as appropriate.

4.6 Performance Test

4.6.1 Perform a performance test on the instrument and record all data on Attachment 76, Daily Instrument Performance Test Log Sheet.

4.6.2 Obtain the performance test source designated by the Performance Test Daily Check Sticker on the instrument.

4.6.3 Record the information for each section of Attachment 76.

4.6.4 Examine the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation.

4.6.5 Verify that the instrument has a current Calibration Data Sticker and Performance Test Daily Check Log.

4.6.6 Perform a battery check by turning the selector switch to the 5,000 .R/hr scale and depressing the "BATT" button. If the unit does not read in the "BATTERY" area, replace the batteries.

4.6.7 Expose the center of the detector to the designated source. If the reading is within the designated range for the source, proceed to VRSP of this procedure. If the instrument fails record "F" for "FAIL" on Attachment 76 and remove the instrument from service for repair or calibration.

4.6.8 If the instrument fails any portion of the performance test, log the instrument as failing on the Daily Instrument Performance Test Log Sheet, remove from service, and notify the Vista ORPO.

NOTE: Due to the extremely low ranges incorporated in the instrument, only the high scales may be performance tested to actual source reading.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Noteý For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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4.6.9 If the instrument passes the performance test, record "P" for "PASS" on Attachment 76, then initial the Daily Instrument Performance Test Daily Check Log on the instrument and initial Performance Test Log Sheet.

4.7 Maintenance

"* No special storage requirements. "* Electronic maintenance shall be performed by a Health Physics Instrumentation

Technician or by the manufacturer or an approved vendor. "* All maintenance shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturers'

specifications. "* If re-calibration is not required, performance test the instrument as per Vista's RSP

Procedure 12.1.7 prior to returning the instrument to service.


5.1 Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation and calibration of the Ludlum Model 3 Survey Meter.

5.2 References

"* NRC Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

"* ANSI N3.1, "Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants;"

* Manufacturer's instruction manual for the Ludlum Model 3 Survey Meter; and * ANSI N323, "Instrument Test and Calibration."

5.3 Precautions and Limitations


"* Take care not to puncture the thin mica window of the "pancake" GM detector, or the thin mylar window of the ZnS (Ag) scintillation detector.

"* To prevent contamination of the probe, avoid contact with the person(s) or object(s) being surveyed.

"* When using this instrument case in a known, or suspected contaminated area, seal the instrument in a protective media (i.e., plastic or poly) to prevent contamination of the instrument.


o The operation of the Model 3 depends on the condition of the battery. Therefore, the battery check should be performed before operation and periodically during use to ensure proper operation.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: I-or the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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* Calibration shall be performed semi-annually, after maintenance is performed, if the instrument fails the performance test or if its proper operation is in question.

* A daily performance test is required when the instrument is in use. "* "Pancake" GM detectors and ZnS (Ag) scintillation detectors shall be considered 10%

efficient unless otherwise noted for a specific situation.

5.4 Procedure

5.4.1 Operation Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker, Attachment 78, and is not out of calibration, and the daily performance test has been completed and initialed on the Performance Test Daily Check Log. Inspect the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation. It should include inspecting for loose, damaged knobs, buttons, broken or damaged meter movements/displays, dented or corroded instrument cases, and punctured/deformed probe/probe window(s). Particular attention should be given to cables and connectors, since these components frequently become damaged or worn. Any instrument or detector having a questionable physical condition shall not be used until properly corrected. Perform a battery check on the instrument by moving the switch to the "BAT" position. Observe the meter indication for the current battery condition. If unsatisfactory results are obtained, refer to the manufacturers instrument manual for the replacement of the batteries and repeat the check. The instrument shall display a satisfactory battery check prior to each use. Set the audio switch to the "on" position. Set the response switch to the slow "s" position, and range selector to the lowest setting. In a low background area perform a background check on the instrument. If the instrument is equipped with a ZnS (Ag) scintillation detector hold the detector probe up to, and facing a light source. Observe the instrument's reading. Reading should be between 0 and 5 cpm. If a greater reading is noted, the detector's mylar window may be damaged. Notify the Vista ORPO immediately. If the instrument is equipped with a "pancake" GM detector observe the instrument's reading. If the reading is 300 cpm or greater the instrument must be moved to a lower background area for air sample filter, smear filter, and masslin counting purposes. The lowest possible background area should be used for counting purposes. If a low background rate cannot be achieved, check the instrument probe face for

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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contamination. Decontaminate if necessary, taking care not to damage the probe face. Proceed with operation in accordance with the desired use.

5.4. 1. 10 If performing a direct probe survey with a "pancake" GM detector, the detector face should be within 1/2" of the surface being surveyed. The movement rate of the detector probe should be one probe width per second or slower. If performing a direct probe survey with a ZnS (Ag) scintillation detector, the detector face should be within 1/4" of the surface being surveyed. The movement rate of the detector probe should be one probe width per second or slower. If counting air sample filters the counting time should be a minimum of 1 minute, or when meter deflection stabilizes. If counting smears, masslin, etc., the counting time should be a minimum of 30 seconds, or when meter deflection stabilizes. When performing direct scan surveys of objects, surface areas, etc., static readings should be performed frequently to insure the detection of residual activity. If the Model 3 is calibrated with the Ludlum Model 44-6 Probe or equivalent as a exposure rate meter, ensure probe is parallel to the source/surface being surveyed.

NOTE: This probe only indicates the presence of beta and is not a quantitative measurement. Measurement of photon dose rates are strongly energy dependent and calibration must ensure determination of meter response for a specific energy range. High energy betas may be seen if the Model 44-6 probe shield is rotated sideways exposing the GM tube.

5.5 Calibration

5.5.1 Equipment needed:

* Calibrated Electrostatic Voltmeter or equivalent traceable to NIST. * Calibrated MP-2 or equivalent traceable to NIST. * Tc-99 Reference Source traceable to NIST. Initiate the Instrument Service Record- Ludlum Model 3, by completing Section 1 of Attachment 82. Attach the old Calibration Data Sticker to the new Attachment 82.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 32 Check the physical condition of the instrument for defects that could affect instrument operation. If necessary complete the "AS FOUND" data and arrange for repair before proceeding. Record your findings on Attachment 82. Check and adjust the mechanical zero on the meter face as necessary. Perform a battery test. Replace as necessary. Record on Attachment 82. Connect an Eberline MP-2 or equivalent to the Model 3 probe connector. Set the pulser amplitude to approximately 80 millivolts. Set the Model 3 selector switch to the X1O position. Set the pulser to provide a pulse rate of 40,000 cpm. Record the resulting meter reading on the Model 3 in the appropriate space under Instrument Reproducibility on the Calibration and Data sheet. Remove the pulser signal. Repeat the last step to collect three successive values and record on the Calibration and Data sheet. All values should exhibit less than 10% deviation from the average. Complete the calculation on Attachment 82. "AS FOUND" data collection:

e Note any completed repairs that may influence the "AS FOUND" values in the remarks section of Attachment 82.

* Using an electrostatic voltmeter or equivalent, check the High Voltage of the Model 3 and record in the "AS FOUND" space on Attachment 82.

* Connect an Eberline Minipulser or equivalent to the Model 3 probe connector. Set the pulser to approximately 80 millivolts.

* For the following pulse rates and appropriate scale, record the indicated value on the Model 3 in the "AS FOUND" values on Attachment 82:

.XA10cf& ..Am4,00a0e. c Xm10 cale X100s0caple' 100 cpm 1,000 cpm 10,000 cpm 100,000 cpm 400 cpm 4,000 cpm 40,000 cpm 400,000 cpm Review the "AS FOUND" data to ensure the values are within the acceptance range on Attachment 82. If the "AS FOUND" values are 20% or more out of tolerance, notify the Vista ORPO for evaluation. High Voltage Adjustment: Using an electrostatic voltmeter or equivalent, adjust the high voltage to 900 volts using the HV Adjust potentiometer and record this value as the high voltage "AS LEFT" on Attachment 82. If this cannot be achieved, terminate this calibration and arrange for repair of the instrument.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Page 42: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for

Page 33 Calibration potentiometer adjustments: Adjust the X.1, X1, X10, and X100 potentiometers as necessary to bring the readings as close as possible to the following pulse rates:

100 cpm 1,000 cpm 10,000 cpm. 100,000 cpm 400 cpm 4,000 cpm 40,000 cpm 400,000 cpm After each scale has been adjusted as necessary, record the final readings as the "AS LEFT" values on Attachment 82. If the acceptance range cannot be met, terminate this calibration and arrange for the repair of the meter. Efficiency determination

* Connect Ludlum Model 44-9 probe or equivalent to the instrument. * Determine and record on Attachment 82 the background count. * Verify the current DPM of the reference source or decay correct the reference sources

using the following formula:

A = A e -.693 (t)/t Y, 0

Where: A = corrected source activity A = original activity 0

e = 2.71828 t½/2 radionuclide half-life t = lapsed time

* Place the probe 1/2" above the Tc-99 source and record the resulting count rate on Attachment 82.

* Subtract the background CPM from the source CPM to obtain the net counts per minute.

* Determine the efficiency using the following formula:

%EFF = (Net Counts Per Minute (cpm) x 100%) / Source Activity (DPM)

Record the results on Attachment 82.

* The efficiency must be greater than ±20%. If not, terminate this procedure and arrange for repair of the meter. Determine Performance Test Reference Data

* Record the Tc-99 source serial number on Attachment 82. * Perform a one-minute background count and record on Attachment 82. * Perform a one-minute source count and record results on Attachment 82.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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" Determine the reference value by subtracting the background count from the source count.

"* Calculate the reference range, ± 10% of the reference value, and record on Attachment 82. Model 3 Dose Rate Calibration

"* Dose rate calibrations of the Model 3 shall be performed by the manufacturer or qualified vendor.

" Upon receipt from the manufacturer or qualified vendor, initiate the Instrument Service Record - Ludlum Model 3 (Exposure Rate), Attachment 83, by completing Section 1.

" Perform a physical condition inspection of the instrument for transient damage. Record on Attachment 83 as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory conditions shall require a description of the defect in Section 3 of Attachment 83.

"* Perform a battery test. Replace the batteries if necessary. Document on Attachment 83 as satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

"* Determine Performance Test Data (a) Obtain a 51tCi Cs-137 Button Source and record the serial number on

Attachment 83. (b) Place the source in contact with the side of the Model 44-6 probe. Switch the

instrument to the appropriate range to obtain an on-scale reading. Record the reading on Attachment 83.

(c) Calculate the reference value range, ± 10% of the source reading, and record on Attachment 83.

"* Attach a copy of the manufacturer or qualified vendor's Calibration Data Sheet to Attachment 83.

"* If the above calibration steps are completed satisfactorily, attach a completed Calibration Data Sticker, and Performance Test Daily Check Sticker to the instrument and complete Section 3 of Attachment 68. The old Calibration Data Sticker shall be attached to the new Attachment 77.

5.6 Performance Test

5.6.1 Conduct a performance test daily check on the instrument and record all data on Attachment 76, Daily Instrument Performance Test Log Sheet.

5.6.2 Obtain the Performance Test source designated by the Performance Test Daily Check Log on the instrument.

5.6.3 Record the information for each section of Attachment 76.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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5.6.4 Examine the instrument for any obvious physical damage that could interfere with its proper operation.

5.6.5 Verify that the instrument has a current Calibration Data Sticker and Performance Test Daily Check Log.

5.6.6 Perform a Battery Check to ensure that the battery is within the Battery OK range on the meter.

5.6.7 Expose the detector to the performance test source. If the response is within the designated range for the source, proceed to step 5.6.9. If the instrument fails, record "F" for fail on Attachment 76 and remove the instrument from service for repair or calibration.

5.6.8 If the instrument fails any portion of the performance test, log the instrument as failing on the Performance Test Log Sheet, remove from service, and notify the Vista ORPO.

5.6.9 If the instrument passes the performance test, record "P" for pass on Attachment 76, then initial the Performance Test Daily Check Log on the instrument and initial Attachment 76.

5.7 Maintenance

"* Instruments shall be stored in areas which prevent damage by movement, accumulation of moisture or dust. Detector covers shall be used for storage when practical.

"* Electronic maintenance (except probe and cable replacements) shall be performed by a Health Physics Instrumentation Technician or by the manufacturer or an approved vendor.


6.1 Scope

This procedure sets forth the specific requirements to be used for the operation and calibration of the Ludlum Model 9 Ionization Chamber Radiation Detector or equivalent for use on Vista field projects.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation and calibration of the Ludlum Model 9 Ion Chamber.

6.2 References

* NRC Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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"* ANSI N3. 1, "Selection, Qualifications and Training of Personnel For Nuclear Power Plants;"

"* Manufacturer's instruction manual for the Ludlum Model 9 Ion Chamber; and "* ANSI N323, "Instrument Test and Calibration."

6.3 Precautions and Limitations


* The ion chamber is vented to atmosphere and thus is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature.

* When the shield is open, protect the thin face against puncture damage. * When using this instrument in a known, or suspected, contaminated area, seal the

instrument in a protective media (i.e., plastic or poly) to prevent contamination of the instrument. Check the zero setting during use on the low range. Adjust as necessary. Readjustment is not required on the higher ranges.


"* The operation of the Model 9 depends on the condition of the battery. Therefore, the battery check should be performed before each use and periodically during use to ensure proper operation.

"* Calibration shall be performed semi-annually, after maintenance is performed, if the instrument fails the performance test or if proper operation is in question.

"* A daily performance test is required when the instrument is in use.

6.4 Procedure

6.4.1 Operation Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker Label (Attachment 68) and is not out of calibration, and the daily performance test has been completed and initialed on the Performance Test Daily Check Sticker. If the performance test has not been completed, have the Vista ORPO perform the test, as explained below ( Inspect the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with its proper operation. Include inspection for loose, damaged knobs, buttons, broken or damaged meter movements/displays, dented or corroded instrument cases, and punctured/deformed probe/probe window(s). Particular attention should be given to cables and connectors, since these components frequently become damaged or worn. Any instrument or detector having a questionable physical condition shall not be used until properly corrected. Perform a battery check on the instrument by turning the range selector switch on the meter face to the "BAT" position. Observe the meter needle position on the meter face. Ensure

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

NoteI For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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the needle position is above the "BAT TEST" area on the meter face scale. If not, replace the batteries in accordance with the manufacturers' manual and repeat the above test. Turn the range selector switch on the meter face to the X I range setting and wait approximately 5 minutes. Re-zero the meter in a low background radiation area by turning the zero adjust knob on the meter face to obtain a reading on the meter of zero, if necessary. If the instrument fails any of the above checks, remove it from service, notify the Vista ORPO, and arrange for repair of the meter. Turn the audio switch on the meter face to the "ON" position. For gamma exposure rates proceed as follows:

* Ensure the P3 shield is covering the mylar window. * When entering a radiation area of unknown radiation levels turn the range selector

switch on the meter face to the highest scale Xl100 range (I R/hr to 5 R/hr range) and scale down until an upscale meter needle deflection is observed on the meter scale face.

" If possible, place the entire chamber volume in and perpendicular to the radiation field of interest.

NOTE: If the entire detector volume is not in the radiation field, detector response will be low by the fraction of the volume exposed.

"* Allow sufficient time for the meter to respond. The Ludlum Model-9 instrument has a response time of approximately 3 seconds to achieve 90% of full scale.

"* Proceed with use of the instrument. Determine the presence of 13 radiation as follows:

"• Obtain an Y exposure rate measurement in accordance with Step of this procedure. 13 shield closed Closed Window (CW).

"* Slide the 13 shield back exposing the mylar window. * Take an Open Window (OW) reading. * A higher reading with the 13 shield open indicates the presence of 13 radiation.

NOTE: In situations where very low photons are encountered, the phenolic shield may attenuate these photons. In such cases, the low energy photons may appear to be beta radiation. Determine the approximate P3 dose rate for contact/surface exposure rates as follows:

o Take an Y exposure rate reading (CW) approximately 1/2" from the surface of interest.

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Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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* Slide back the P3 shield and take a reading with the mylar window open (OW) at the same location.

0 Using the (3 Correction Factor (BCF), calculate the approximate P3 exposure rate as follows:

S3exposure rate = BCF X (OW-CW) For 30 cm (3exposure rates:

* Take a y reading (CW) approximately 30 cm from the source. 0 Slide back the 13 shield and take a reading with the mylar window open (OW) at the

same location. * Using a BCF of 1.5, calculate the approximate P3 exposure rate as follows:

03 exposure rate = (1.5) X (OW-CW) Surveys under unusual atmospheric conditions:

"* These ion chambers are vented to atmospheric pressure and are sensitive to changes in pressure and temperature. The error, however, is approximately <10% for temperatures between 40 F to 120 F and 10% for altitude changes of 2,000 feet.

"* If the instrument is to be used outside these ranges, refer to the manufacturers manual for correction factors. Return of the instrument after surveys.

"* After completion of a survey, perform a battery check, (Section of this procedure) and decontaminate as applicable, and return the instrument to its proper storage location.

" If the battery check indicates an unsatisfactory condition, survey results should be evaluated by the Vista ORPO.

6.5 Calibration

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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6.5.1 Calibration shall be performed by the manufacturer or a qualified vendor.

NOTE: The Health Physics Technician or Health Physics Instrument Technician shall perform steps 5.2 through 5.7 of this procedure.

6.5.2 Upon receipt from the manufacturer or qualified vendor, perform a physical inspection of the instrument. Record as satisfactory or unsatisfactory on Attachment 84.

6.5.3 Perform a battery check; replace if necessary. Record as satisfactory or unsatisfactory on Attachment 84.

6.5.4 Determine contact beta correction factor as follows:

* Obtain the depleted uranium slab. Utilizing fixed geometry, perform a Closed Window Source Reading. Record results on Attachment 84.

* Perform an Open Window Source Reading. Record results on Attachment 84. * Record the actual beta dose rate from the depleted uranium slab as indicated on the

source assay certificate on Attachment 84. * Calculate the Beta Correction Factor (BCF) as follows:

BCF = (Actual Beta Dose Rate) / (OPEN Window - CLOSED window)

NOTE: Calculated BCF is to be used for contact readings only. BCF for 30cm readings is 1.5.

* Record the BCF on Attachment 84.

6.5.5 Determine performance test reference data.

* Record the Cs-137 source serial number on Attachment 84. * Perform an Open Window Source Reading with the Cs-137 source in contact with the

mylar window. Record results on Attachment 84. * Calculate the reference value range ± 10% of the source reading and record results on

Attachment 84.

Procedure 12 -Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Noteý For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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6.5.6 Attach the manufacturer or qualified vendor's Calibration Data Sheet to Attachment 84.

6.5.7 If the above calibration steps are completed satisfactorily, attach a completed Calibration Data Sticker Attachment 62 and a Performance Test Daily Check Sticker to the instrument. Complete Section 3 of Attachment 84.

6.6 Performance Test

"* Do a performance test on the instrument and record all data on Attachment 76, Daily Instrument Performance Test Log.

"* Obtain the performance test source designated by Attachment 84 and Attachment 68 on the instrument.

* Record the information for each section of Attachment 76. * Examine the instrument for any obvious physical damage which could interfere with

its proper operation. * Verify that the instrument has a current Calibration Data Sticker, Attachment 68, and

a Performance Test, Daily Check Log. * Turn the range selector switch to the "BAT" position and check that the battery is

within the "BAT TEST" range on the meter scale face. * Turn the range selector switch to the Xl position and perform a zero check on the

instrument. Adjust the "ZERO ADJUST" knob on the meter face to obtain a reading of zero if necessary.

* Expose the detector to the designated source. If the response is within the designated range for the source, record "P" for pass on the Daily Instrument Performance Test Log. If the instrument fails, record "F" for fail and remove the instrument from service for repair or calibration.

* If the instrument passes the performance test, initial the Performance Test Daily Check Log on the instrument and initial the Daily Instrument Performance Test Log, Attachment 76.

6.7 Maintenance

"* Instruments shall be stored in areas which prevent damage by movement, and accumulation of moisture or dust. Detector covers shall be used for storage when practical.

"* Electronic maintenance shall be performed by a Health Physics Instrumentation Technician or by the manufacturer or an approved vendor.


7.1 Scope

Procedure 12 -Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for the operation, use, and calibration of the F & J Specialty Products Model LV- 1 low volume air samplers.

7.2 References

* NRC Regulatory Guide 10.8, "Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Use Programs,";

0 ANSI N3. 1, "Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants;"

0 Vista's RSP Procedure 16, Air Radiological Sampling; and

* Technical Manual for the F & J Specialty Products Model LV-1 Regulated Low Volume Air Sampler.

7.3 Precautions and Limitations


"* Do not operate air samplers in an explosive environment unless the air sampler is specifically certified and designated for such use.

"* Ensure the power switch is in the "off' position prior to plugging any air sampling devices into electrical outlets.

Limitations * Calibration shall be performed annually, after maintenance is performed, or if air

sampler proper operation is in question.

* Calibration shall be performed by the manufacturer or a qualified vendor only.

* True flow is center of the rotometer ball reading.

* Some rotometers are calibrated in Liters Per Minute (LPM) versus Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM). I CFM = 28.32 LPM.

* Air samplers shall be operated in accordance with this procedure and Vista's RSP Procedure 16.0.

• Only F & J TEDA impregnated (or equivalent) charcoal cartridges shall be used during operation of the air samplers.

* Only F & J Model FP47 type (or equivalent) filters should be used for particulate air sampling.

7.4 Procedure

7.4.1 Operation Preparation

"* Upon receipt of the air sampler from the manufacturer or qualified vendor, complete Attachment 85 and place a copy with the air sampler.

"* Verify that the instrument has a valid Calibration Data Sticker, Attachment 79.

"* Inspect the air sampler for any obvious physical damage.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-ionizing Radiation

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Page 42

* Air sampling equipment should be prepared prior to entering work areas in order to minimize potential contamination of equipment.

* Check for adequate power supply prior to entering the work area. * The Model LV- I air sampler is provided with a six and one-quarter amp fuse for

overload protection. Check the fuse located near the on/off power switch prior to air sampler operation. Replace if necessary.

7.4.2 Sample Collection

"* Air samples shall be collected according to the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16. Load a new particulate and new charcoal cartridge (if applicable) into the sample holder. Particulate filter should be placed "fuzzy" side in (away from the flow). Charcoal cartridge should be placed in the sampler with the air flow indicator facing toward the pump.

"* Connect the sample holder to the air sampler inlet connection via the quick disconnect coupling. Insure the sample holder "clicks" into position.

NOTE: An inspection of the sample holder should be made prior to the placing of the filter(s) in the holder. Insure all O-rings are in place prior to use of the sample holder.

"* Place the air sampler in a position that is appropriate for the area to be sampled. "* Turn on the air sampler and observe the flow rate. Using the Calibration Data Sticker

(Attachment 79) as a reference, adjust the flow rate by rotating the flow adjustment knob at the bottom of the air flow regulator to the desired flow rate. Clockwise movement increases flow; counter clockwise movement decreases flow.

"* Record the sample start date/time and flow rate on the appropriate forms in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16.

"* Run the sampler until a volume indicated in Vista's RSP Procedure 16 has been collected.

"* Upon collection of the desired volume, obserye the flow rate to ensure it has not changed significantly, and turn off the air sampler.

"* Record the stop time and flow rate on the appropriate forms in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16.

"* Remove the filter and cartridge (if applicable) from the sample holder and place them in an envelope or bag taking care not to cross contaminate the filter and cartridge.

"* Count the filter(s) in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 16.

7.5 Maintenance

"* No special storage requirements.

"* Electrical repair of this instrument shall be performed by the manufacturer or an approved vendor only.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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8.1 Scope

This procedure shall provide the guidelines for the calibration of the Pocket Ionization Chamber (PIC) instruments used by Vista on field projects. This document is applicable to Vista Health Physics Personnel.

This document ensures that proper calibration of PICs is performed in accordance with the provisions of the manufacturer's technical specifications.

8.2 References

* Vista's RSP Procedure 18 "Site Access Control", Section 1 "Controlled Areas". * Vista's RSP Procedure 18, Section 3, "Access Control: Personnel" and * Vista's RSP Procedure 18, Section 4 "Access Control: Equipment, Vehicles and

Materials" "* Vista's RSP Procedure 18, Section 5 "release of Materials from Controlled Areas" "* Vista's RSP Procedure 11.5.8, "Control and Issuance of Pocket Ionization

Chambers;" "* ANSI N13.5, "Performance Specifications for Direct Reading and Indirect Reading

Pocket Dosimeters for X and Gamma Radiation;" "* ANSI N322, "Inspection, and Test Specifications for Direct and Indirect Reading

Dosimeters;" * NRC Regulatory Guide 8.4, "Direct Reading and Indirect Reading Dosimeters;" and * Manufacturer's technical manual(s).

8.3 Precautions and Limitations

Precautions e PICs shall be re-calibrated at 6-month intervals.

Limitations "* The Drift Check (Step 8.5.2 of this procedure) may be performed by the Vista ORPO,

Health Physics Instrumentation Personnel, or qualified vendor personnel. "* Calibration of PICs may be performed by the manufacturer, qualified vendor, or by

the Vista RSO. "* The control and issuance of PICs shall be performed in accordance with the

provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 11.7.8.

8.4 Equipment List for Calibration

"* Shepard Model 28-5A calibrator (or equivalent) containing a certified, traceable gamma source.

"* PICs requiring calibration. "* Reader/charger.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note iFor the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 44

* Transfer instrument. * Calibrated timer. * Calibration labels. * Swabs and alcohol.

8.5 Calibration and Drift Check

8.5.1 Pre-calibration

"* The Vista ORPO shall collect all PICs to be calibrated and notify the Vista RSO. The Vista ORPO shall notify the Health Physics technician to perform a release survey of the PICs in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 18.4. Upon release of the PICs the Vista ORPO shall arrange transport to the Health Physics Instrumentation Lab, manufacturer or qualified vendor.

"* The source in the calibrator shall be certified and traceable to NIST.

NOTE: The PIC charging contacts shall be cleaned using swabs and laboratory alcohol prior to calibration.

" The calibrator exposure rates shall be certified by a transfer instrument or verified by a dose calibration record derived from use of a source and instrument or device that is NIST traceable.

8.5.2 Drift Check

"* Zero the dosimeters to be tested in accordance with the provisions of Vista's RSP Procedure 11,

"* Inspect the dosimeter's cross hair (fiber). The image should be clear and legible. The cross-hair image should be parallel to the scale divisions.. If the cross-hair (fiber) inspection is not satisfactory, attempt to clear by gently cleaning with a swab. If unable to clear, tag the PIC "Out of Service".

e Determine the amount of dosimeter drift. Place the zeroed dosimeters in a low background radiation area for at least twenty-four hours and then read the dosimeters. The amount of drift is considered acceptable if it is less than 2 percent of full scale for the twenty-four hour period. Record the percentage of dosimeter drift and the dosimeter reading on Attachment 86, PIC Drift and Calibration Data Sheet.

* If dosimeter drift is unacceptable, gently clean the dosimeter with a swab, paying particular attention to the charging contacts and retest the dosimeter. If the drift is still unacceptable, remove the dosimeter from service and set it aside in a segregated container or holder. Return all rejected dosimeters to the appropriate Vista designated location. Record the dosimeter as rejected (Y) or accepted (N) in the Drift Reject colunm on Attachment 86, and place a "REJECTED" sticker on the barrel of the rejected PlC.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Noteý For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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8.5.3 Calibration Calculate an irradiation time and an irradiation distance that will cause the dosimeter to deflect to approximately midpoint of scale. To minimize errors, an irradiation distance in accordance with calibrator manufacturer specification shall be used and an irradiation time of at least five (5) minutes shall be used unless otherwise authorized by the Vista ORPO. Record the irradiation time and the irradiation distance in the appropriate columns on Attachment 86. Determine the exposure rate at the calibration point by one of two acceptable methods.

a) Measure the exposure rate with a transfer instrument having NIST. traceable calibration.

b) Calculate the exposure rate at the exposure point by using the source's exposure rate calibration information and correcting for decay and distance.

SNOTE: Method "a" is the t referred method and should be used unless not available. Expose the dosimeters using distance and time specifications determined in Step Record the delivered exposure on Attachment 86. Read and record the dosimeter's reading. The reading is considered acceptable if the dosimeter responds to within + 20 percent of the delivered exposure. Record the percentage of error on Attachment 86. When the results of a dosimeter calibration are unacceptable, segregate the dosimeter. Place a "REJECTED" sticker on the barrel of each unacceptable PIC and return all rejected dosimeters to the designated Vista location. Complete the PIC Drift and Calibration Data Sheet, Attachment 86, for all tested Dosimeters.

"* In the "Remarks" section, identify the calculation or measurement method used to determine true exposure rate. Record the serial number of any calibration instrument used to measure the true exposure rate.

"* Indicate acceptance or rejection by placing a sat/unsat in the appropriate column. "* Complete all required information regarding source used for the calibration. Attach a calibration label to each dosimeter that meets calibration criteria. The recalibration due date shall be no more than six months from this calibration date.

NOTE: PICs may also be sent off-site to the manufacturer, or qualified vendor, to be calibrated.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 46

9 Model Instrument Calibration Program

9.1 Training

Before allowing an individual to perform survey instrument calibrations, the RSO will ensure that he or she has sufficient training and experience to perform independent survey instrument calibrations.

Classroom training may be in the form of lecture, videotape, or self-study and will cover the following subject areas:

"* Principles and practices of radiation protection "* Radioactivity measurements, monitoring techniques, and using instruments "* Mathematics and calculations basic to using and measuring radioactivity "* Biological effects of radiation.

9.1.1 Appropriate on-the-job training consists of the following:

"* Observing authorized personnel performing survey instrument calibration "* Conducting survey meter calibrations under the supervision and in the physical

presence of an individual authorized to perform calibrations.

9.2 Facilities and Equipment for Calibration of Dose Rate or Exposure Rate Instruments

To reduce doses received by individuals not calibrating instruments, calibrations will be conducted in an isolated area of the facility or at times when no one else is present. Individuals conducting calibrations will wear assigned dosimetry. Individuals conducting calibrations will use a calibrated and operable survey instrument to ensure that unexpected changes in exposure rates are identified and corrected.

9.2.1 Model Procedure for Calibrating Survey Instruments

A radioactive sealed source(s) used for calibrating survey instruments will:

- Approximate a point source - Have its apparent source activity or the exposure rate at a given distance traceable

by documented measurements to a standard certified to be within + 5% accuracy by National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)

- Approximate the same energy and type of radiation as the environment in which the calibrated device will be employed or develop energy curves to compensate for differing energies

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 47

For dose rate and exposure rate instruments, the source should be strong enough to give an exposure rate of at least about 7.7 x 10-6 coulombs/kilogramlhour (30 mR/hr) at 100 cm [e.g., 3.1 gigabecquerels (85 mCi) of cesium-137 or 7.8 x 102 megabecquerels (21 mCi) of cobalt-60]

* The three kinds of scales frequently used on dose or dose rate survey meters are calibrated as follows 2 : - Linear readout instruments with a single calibration control for all scales should

be adjusted at the point recommended by the manufacturer or at a point within the normal range of use. Instruments with calibration controls for each scale should be adjusted on each scale. After adjustment, the response of the instrument should be checked at approximately 20% and 80% of full scale. The instrument's readings should be within ± 15% of the conventionally true values for the lower point and ± 10% for the upper point.

- Logarithmic readout instruments, which commonly have a single readout scale spanning several decades, nonrnally have two or more adjustments. The instrument should be adjusted for each scale according to site specifications or the manufacturer's specifications. After adjustment, calibration should be checked at a minimum of one point on each decade. Instrument readings should have a maximum deviation from the conventionally true value of no more than 10% of the full decade value.

- Meters with a digital display device shall be calibrated the same as meters with a linear scale.

Readings above 2.58 X 10-4 coulomb/kilogram/hour (1 R/hr) need not be calibrated, but such scales should be checked for operation and response to radiation. The inverse square and radioactive decay laws should be used to correct changes in exposure rate due to changes in distance or source decay.

9.2.2 Surface Contamination Measurement Instruments

A survey meter's efficiency must be determined by using radiation sources with similar energies and types of radiation that the survey instrument will be used to measure or develop energy curves to compensate for differing energies.

If each scale has a calibration potentiometer, the reading should be adjusted to read the conventionally true value at approximately 80% of full scale, and the reading at approximately 20% of full scale should be observed. If only one calibration potentiometer is available, the reading should be adjusted at mid-scale on one of the scales, and readings on the other scales should be observed. Readings should be within 20% of the conventionally true value.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 48

9.3 Model Procedures for Calibrating, Liquid Scintillation Counters, Gamma Counters, Gas Flow Proportional Counters, and Multichannel Analyzers

9.3.1 A radioactive sealed source used for calibrating instruments will do the following:

"* Approximate the geometry of the samples to be analyzed "* Have its apparent source activity traceable by documented measurements to a

standard certified to be within + 5% accuracy by National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)

"* Approximate the same energy and type of radiation as the samples that the calibrated device will be used to measure.

10 Calibration

Calibration of survey instruments used in well logging procedures for assessing dose or exposure rates must be conducted at least every 6 months or after instrument servicing. Calibration must produce readings within ± 20 per cent of the actual values over the range of the instrument. Calibration of liquid scintillation counters will include quench correction.

10.1 Calibration Reports

Calibration reports, for all survey instruments, will indicate the procedure used and the data obtained. The description of the calibration will include:

* The owner or user of the instrument e A description of the instrument, including the manufacturer's name, model

number, serial number, and type of detector * A description of the calibration source, including the exposure rate at a specified

distance or activity on a specified date * Foreach calibration point, the calculated exposure rate or count rate, the indicated

exposure rate or count rate, the deduced correction factor (the calculated exposure rate or count rate divided by the indicated exposure rate or count rate), and the scale selected on the instrument

o For instruments with external detectors, the angle between the radiation flux field and the detector (i.e., parallel or perpendicular)

* For instruments with internal detectors, the angle between radiation flux field and a specified surface of the instrument

* For detectors with removable shielding, an indication whether the shielding was in place or removed during the calibration procedure

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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"* The exposure rate or count rate from a check source, if used

"* The name of the person who performed the calibration and the date it was performed.

The following information should be attached to the instrument as a calibration sticker or tag:

"* For exposure rate meters, the source isotope used to calibrate the instrument (with correction factors) for each scale

"* The efficiencyT of the instrument, for each isotope the instrument will be used to measure (if efficiency is not calculated before each use)

"* For each scale or decade not calibrated, an indication that the scale or decade was

checked only for function but not calibrated

"* The date of calibration and the next calibration due date

"* The apparent exposure rate or count rate from the check source, if used.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Page 50

Detectors Exposure Rate Meters Count Rate Meters


Table 10-1 - Radiation Monitoring Instrument Specifications

Portable Instruments Used for Contamination and Ambient Radiation Surveys Radiation Energy Range Gamma, X-ray R-R



Nal Scintillator

Plastic Scintillator

Gamma Gamma


All energies (dependent on window thickness) All energies (dependent on window thickness) All energies All energies (dependent on crystal thickness) Carbon-14 or higher (dependent on window thickness)

Efficiency N/A



<1% Moderate


Stationary Instruments Used to Measure Wipe, Bioassay, and Samples from Tracer/Field Flood Study Jobsites Radiation Energy Range Efficiency

intillation Counter* Alpha All energies High Beta All energies High Gamma Moderate

pectroscopy System Gamma All energies Highusing a (NaI)* detector Gas Proportional Alpha

Beta Gamma

All energies All energies All energies

High Moderate <1%

Table adapted from The Health Physics & Radiological Health Handbook, Revised Edition, Edited by Bernard Shleien, 1992 (except for * items).

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Detectors Liquid Sci

Gamma S


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Page 51

Note: One-word reminders or symbols that are explained on the Survey Meter Calibration Report may be used on the calibration sticker.


11.1 MCA Operation

In site characterization/remediation and Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D), it is possible for all large number radioisotopes of atomic number 1 to 94 (and beyond) to exist simultaneously. This is because the radioactive contamination could be caused by a wide variety of radionuclides from tritium to the fission products, to fissile materials, or combinations of all of these. This is especially true for nuclear analytical laboratories to be characterized.

MCA systems with the proper and intelligent deconvolution (also called "spectrum stripping) software can identify all radioactive elements with atomic numbers ranging from 1 to 104.

The MCA gets its processed input from a nuclear electronic system, which is typically connected to an (x-ray)/gamma radiation detector. The detector can resolve many closely spaced energy peaks over a wide energy range. This, the nuclear radiation detector must have a very narrow Full width at Half Maximums (FWHMs) over a wide energy range. After the deconvolution software separates the closely spaced energy peaks, then additional and intelligent software is used (with libraries of energy spectrums of essentially all radioisotopes) to determine (sometimes with the detector response function) the types of radioisotopes that were present. The computer software used to separate the x-ray/gamma peaks, and identify all of the radionuclides which are present, is quite complex.

11.2 MCA Calibration

MCA systems are calibrated using a range of calibrated radioisotopes which possess a minimum (hopefully 1) of full energy peaks. It is preferred to have one very pronounced and narrow (i.e., very small FWHM) full energy deposition peak for an energy calibration source.

A (x-ray)/gamma energy calibration source is placed near the radiation detector. The MCA is allowed to accumulate a substantial number of counts on the MCA screen. The MCA controls are adjusted to place the energy bin at the exact energy of the calibration source. This process is repeated using calibrated sources with a wide range of (x-ray)/gamma energies. Some iteration may be required with the sources because one energy bin (from one source) may slightly shift other energy bins (from other sources), and additional MCA control adjustment will be required.

Procedure 12 - Operation and Calibration of Instruments 01/13/99

Note: For the purposes of this document, Ionizing Radiation includes certain types of Non-Ionizing Radiation

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Attachment 62


Unit Serial Number:

Location/Project Used:

Set Up By:

Placed in Service By:

Start Up Data:


Contact Exposure Rate:

30 cm Exposure Rate: _







Vista Radiation Safety Program

IN-USE DATA: (Every 4 hours while in use)




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Attachment 68


Serial No.

Range +/- 10% CF within +/- 20%

Dedicated Check Source Serial Number:

Activity _ Date Reading.

Calibration Date:

Next Calibration Due:

Calibrated By:


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EFFICIENCIES: a__ _ MDA: a_ __





a fy j a _ _ __ a r I _ _ __ __ _ I _ _ I _ _ _ _ __T

I I t t

*1- I I I t

+ I I I I

F 1 r+ t I t

i I t t - i i


Reviewed By: Date:

Page 65: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for



43-10-1 Serial No. Calibration Due Date:

Minipulser M&TE No. Calibration Due Date:

Voltmeter M&TE No. Calibration Due Date:

Th230 Reference Source ID No. Th230 Activity: Assay Date:

Tc9 9 Reference Source ID No. Tc Activity: Assay Date:

HIGH VOLTAGE As Found: As Left:



100 90-110

400 360-440

1,000 900- 1,000

4,000 3,600 - 4,400

10,000 9,000 - 11,000

40,000 36,000 - 44,000

100,000 90,000 -110,000

400,000 360,000 -440,000

Page 1 of2

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Reference Source Used ID# or Serial #: Isotope: @ _ dpm

Reference Source Used ID# or Serial #: Isotope:- @ - dpm

10 Minute Background Count: CPM

10 Minute Background Count: CPM


TC90 =Wpmm-Bg X 100= E%dpm = cpm_ (1/1E= 1/Effasadecimal)

Th2 3 0 = cpm - Bg X 100 = E% dpm = Wm! (1/E = 1/Eff as a decimal)

Calibrated by: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:


Page 2 of 2

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Instrument Model: Instrument Serial No.

Last Calibration Date: Detector Model Detector Serial No.

Today's Date Source ID No.

Data Collected By:

Count Number Voltage (Volts) Count










10 11










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Attachment 72


Instrument Model:

Detector Model:

Today's Date:

Instrument Serial Number

Detector Serial Number:

Source I.D. Number:

Data Plotted by:

Voltage Plateau

Voltage (Volts)

Record the count and voltage scales as needed based on data from the plateau data sheet. Plot the curve of counts vs. voltage as you increase the voltage 50 volts per data point. A rapid increase in response indicates a voltage beyond the detector's design voltage. Do not allow operation at a voltage in this continuous discharge range as it will damage the detector.

Follow instructions in the QA procedure to determine the optimum range for operating voltage of the detector. Record the optimum voltage below.

Optimum operating voltage: volts

Technirian" -nte"



ICounts I

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Instrument Model: Instrument Serial No.

Last Calibration Date: Detector Model Detector Serial No.

Today's Date:

Data Collected By:

Alpha Beta-Gamma (Circle One)

Count Number Count(X) (X- x) (X- x )2











Total = 0(X)

Mean Count() = O(X)/10

Sum of Squares = 11X - x 2 =

Variance = -= (X - x 2 /9 =

Standard Deviation ( = SORT (IUtX - xd /9 =

*Standard Deviation (9 = Standard Deviation /20 =

Background Count Rate Range = Mean (x)/20 CPM ±2 2__

Calculations Completed By: Date:

Data and Calculations Reviewed By: Date:

Page 70: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for




Instrument ID: Detector ID:

Sources Used: Alpha: S/N: Activity Beta: S/N: Activity_

Acceptable Range of Background: a cts to BIt cts to


Date 1 0-win Bkgd 1-win Alpha EfftAipha 1 -min Beta- Eff.Beta/Gamm Initials a fr Source Counts Gamma a

Source Counts _______

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For 199

Instrument ID: Detector ID:

Sources Used: Alpha: S/N: Beta: S/N:

Acceptable Range of Background: a

Activity Activity

cts to cts to


Date 20- Bkgd 1-min Alpha Eff.Alpha 1-min Beta- Eff.Beta/Gamin Initials min frr Source Counts Gamma a

a_ Source Counts

Page 72: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for


CHI-SQUARED TEST OF RELIABILITY DATA SHEET Instrument Model: Instrument Serial No. Background Count Rate

I CB: Last Calibration Date: Detector Model Detector Serial No.

Today's Date: Data Collected By: Source ID No.

Count Number CPM Gross (CG) CPM Net (Ci) (Ci-c) (C, -c )2











Sum (Ci)

Mean ( c ) (Ci)/10

Sum of Squares = (Ci c

Sum of Squares divided by c = (C, - c )2 /9

Chi Squared = SQRT ( (Ci _- )2 /9

Calculations Completed By: Date :

Data and Calculations Reviewed By: Date-

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Attachment 76




Y/N____ _

1- 1 I -t t 1 -t

1- I 1 1 1 1 1-

_____ L + 1 1 -r -� +

L ± 1 1 1 1 1 4- -t

L 4- 1 1 -t ± 1-+ +

L f + 1 1 t t 1--t +

L 4. 4 4 -t 4 + 4-

1- 1 1 1 1� 1 t ±

4- 1 1 1 1 1 t 1-

L 4- 4 1 4 + 4-

Vista Radiation Safety Program

_________________ L .1. a . - ______ a. __________


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Attachment 77



Check Month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Day Initials Day Initials Day Initials

1 11 21

2 12 22

3 13 23

4 14 24

5 15 25

6 16 26

7 17 27

8 18 28

9 19 29

10 20 30

Technician initials Indicate Battery and Source Checks OK 31

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•,r .aV . IDATE:

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Attachment 79



Source Isotope:

Efficiency: _ %

Date of Cal.:

Checked for function, not calibratei

Exposure Rate:

Next Cal. Due:

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Description Serial No. Calibration Date

Model 19


Mini Pulser

Shepherd 28-S or Equivalent

Battery Test

i 4Audio Check

4 4Reset Switch

4 4F/S Response


As Found As Left





500 400 360 - 440

500 100 90 - 110

250 200 180 - 220

250 50 45 - 55

50 40 36 - 44

50 10 9 -11

25 20 18 -22

25 5 4.5 -5.5


5 ;LCi Cst3" Button Source Serial # Meter Reading with Source Performance Test Range ± 10% of Meter Reading

Page 78: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for


Page 79: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for



Model 3 Serial No: Calibration Due Date:

Voltmeter M&TE No: Date:

Mini Pulser M&TE No: Calibration Due Date:

TC-99 I.D. No. Activity: Assay Date:


Physical Condition: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Battery Test Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Reproducability - Meter Reading:

1. 2. 3. Avg.

Are readings within ±High

As Found: As Left:

ACCEPTANCE RANGE: 850 - 950 Volts Scale As Found Values (CPM) Acceptance Range (CPM)

X0.1 100 90 - 110

X0.1 400 360 - 440

X1 1,000 900 - 1,100

Xl 4,000 3,600 - 4,400

X10 10,000 9,000 - 11,000

X10 40,000 36,000 - 44,000

X100 100,000 90,000 - 110,000

X100 400,000 360,000 - 440,000

EFFICIENCY DETERMINATIONt Background Meter Reading with Source Activity Efficiency = Net CPM x 100


PERFORMANCE TEST DATA% TC-99 Serial# Background Master Reading Reference Value Meter Range ± 10% of Reference


Calibrated by: Date:_ Calibration Due Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

Page 80: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for



Model 3 Serial No: Calibration Due Date:

Voltmeter M&TE No: Date:

Mini Pulser M&TE No: Calibration Due Date:

TC-99 I.D. No. Activity: Assay Date:


Physical Condition: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Battery Test Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Reproducability - Meter Reading:

. 2. 3.vg.

Are readings within ±High

As Found- As Left:

ACCEPTANCE RANGE: 850 - 950 Volts Scale As Found Values (CPM) Acceptance Range (CPM)

X0.1 100 90 - 110

X0.1 400 360 - 440

X1 1,000 900 - 1,100

Xl 4,000 3.600 - 4,400

XI0 10,000 9,000 - 11,000

X10 40,000 36,000 - 44,000

XI00 100,000 90,000 - 110,000

X100 400,000 360,000 - 440,000


Background Meter Reading with Source Activity Efficiency = Net CPM x 100


PERFORKANCE TEST DATAz TC-99 Serial# Background Master Reading Reference Value Meter Range ± 10% of Reference


Calibrated by: Date:- Calibration Due Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

Page 81: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for


SECTION 1:2 INSTRUIMINT DATA. - ; , ' I , •• • . • ••, i • '• ......."& . .*!i

SModel 9 Serial Number: Calibration Date:

Depleted Uranium Source Serial Number: Assay Date:


Note: See Attached Calibration Data Sheet for the Dose Rate Calibration

Physical Condition Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Battery Test Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Actual Beta Dose Rate = BCF

Beta Correction Factor: OPEN Window - CLOSED Window

Cs-137 Source Serial Number Source Reading Range 10% of Source Reading


Checked By: Date:

Calibration Due Date: Date:

Reviewed By: Date:

Page 82: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for





NOTE: Please see attached copy of the manufacturer's (or qualified vendor's) Calibration Data Sheet for Dose Rate Data. PHYSICAL CONDITION: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY





.... .. . SECTION 3: REMARKS




Page 83: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for


Attachment 85


Check Source:Battery Test:

Page 84: Vista Technologies, Inc. Radiation Safety Program · the Ludlum Model 2929 Dual Channel Scaler or equivalent and the Ludlum Model 43-10-1 Alpha Beta-Gamma Detector or equivalent for



%Drift / Drift Irradiation Delivered Dosimeter Cal. Serial Dosimeter Reject Irradiation Distance Exposure Reading % Sat or Number Range Reading Y/N Time (Min.) (meters) (mR) (mR) Error Unsat

/ / / / / / /

/ /



Source (Radionuclide) ID # Assay Activity Assay Date

Current Activity Decay Correction Date

Calibrated by: Date