Wednesday, July 30, 2014 24  westerntelegraph.co.uk [email protected] www.pembs.ac.uk & 0800 9 776 788 COLEG  Sir Benfro Pembrokeshire  COLLEGE Y our College Your Choice  College News Advertisement feature College Staff go MaDD for the Community Getting to grips with nature -  Balsam Bashing for Pembroke 21C The College’s annual Make a Difference Day (MaDD) took place earlier this month and saw ov er 100 staff pro vide support to 13 community projects right across the county . Projects ranged from painting work at the A venue Social Centre i n Tenby , to Bals am bashing for Pembroke 21C and painting and maintaining boats for Fishguard Sea Cadets. A further nine projects are due to be complete d throughout Augus t including cutting down a hedge at Shalom House in Saint Davids and some general gardening for Cleddau River Day Unit. Now a regular date in the College calendar, Make a Difference Day aims to help communit y g roups and charities across Pembrokesh ire to complete jobs that they may not otherwise have the manpower to complet e themselves and show just how much the College values its community and environment. Kathryn Robso n, founder of Pembrok eshire College’s Make a Difference Day and Director of HR and Learner Services at the College commented; “Once again many of our staff turned out to give their time and skills for our loca l community as part of MaDD . There are so many benefit s to this annual event and I am delighted that the College is able to give all staff a day each yea r to make a difference. This will con tinue to be a firm date in the College calendar.”  Want to get inv olve d in 2015? If you know of a community group or a charity that would like to be part of next year’ s Make a Difference Day , please contact the College on 01437 753 201. There is no restriction on the type of project that can be submitted for considera tion as long as it is from a not-for-pr ofit group based within Pembrokeshire and it will make a difference to people in the local community.  Druidstone beach clean  Hay Baling at Stumble Head and Newgale Garden maintenance at Caldey Island 

Your College Your Choice

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Wednesday, July 30, 201424   westerntelegr

[email protected]

www.pembs.ac.uk & 0800 9 776 788

COLEG   Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire   COLLEGE

Your College – Your Choice  Coll


College Staff go

MaDD for theCommunity

Getting to grips with natur

 Balsam Bashing for Pembrok

The College’s annual Make a Difference Day (MaDD) took place

earlier this month and saw over 100 staff provide support to 13

community projects right across the county. Projects ranged from

painting work at the Avenue Social Centre i n Tenby, to Balsam

bashing for Pembroke 21C and painting and maintaining boats for

Fishguard Sea Cadets.

A further nine projects are due to be completed throughout August

including cutting down a hedge at Shalom House in Saint Davids and

some general gardening for Cleddau River Day Unit.

Now a regular date in the College calendar, Make a Difference Day

aims to help community g roups and charities across Pembrokeshire to

complete jobs that they may not otherwise have the manpower to

complete themselves and show just how much the College values its

community and environment.

Kathryn Robson, founder of Pembrokeshire College’s Make a Difference

Day and Director of HR and Learner Services at the College commented;

“Once again many of our staff turned out to give their time and skills

for our local community as part of MaDD. There are so many benefits to

this annual event and I am delighted that the College is able to give all

staff a day each year to make a difference. This will continue to be a

firm date in the College calendar.”

 Want to get involved in 2015?

If you know of a community group or a charity that would like to be pa

year’s Make a Difference Day, please contact the College on 01437 753 20

There is no restriction on the type of project that can be submitted for

consideration as long as it is from a not-for-profit group based within

Pembrokeshire and it will make a difference to people in the local comm Druidstone beach clean

 Hay Baling at Stumble Head 

and Newgale 

Garden maintenanCaldey Island

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Wednesday, July 30, 20westerntelegraph.co.uk

[email protected]

www.pembs.ac.uk & 0800 9 776 788

COLEG   Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire   COLLEGE

 Painting and decorating at the 

 Avenue Centre in Tenby

 Helping out  RDA annual

 Painting the exterior of 

 Llawhaden YFC 

Cleaning boats for

 Fishguard Sea Cadets

 Painting and decorating at 

 Monkton Old Priory

Spiking Neyland 

bowling green

2014 projects

Below is a list of the projects that have been, or will be, completed as part of 

Pembrokehsire College’s Make a Difference Day 2014:

• Painting the interior and exterior of Llawhaden YFC and

Community Hall

• Beach cleaning at both Druidstone and Newgale for Keep Wales Tidy

• Balsam bashing at Foundry House Community Centre for

Pembroke 21C

• Painting work for Monkton Old Priory Community Project

• Staking and tying 30 large trees for Freemans View Residents


• General clearing and tidying on Caldey Island for Caldey Monks

• Pen and ink drawings of houses for the Harriet Davis Trust

• Painting work for the Avenue Social Centre in Tenby

• Cutting down a hedge at Shalom House, St Davids

• General garden maintenance for Cleddau River Day Unit

• Tidying the courtyard garden at St Non Ward, Bro Cerwyn Centre

• Attaching a water butt and digging a pond forClarbeston Road Playgroup

• Scattering hay for the National Trust across land near Newgale

• Preparing and decorating therapy rooms at Adam’s Bucketful of 

Hope charity support venue

• Painting and maintaining boats for Fishguard Sea Cadets

• Providing Fishguard Primary School with assistance for a fashion/

textile project

• Spiking the bowling green for Neyland Bowls Association

• Designing a leaflet for Haven Credit Union

• Selling refreshments and cakes for the Cleddau Reach project

• Collecting tinned foods for PATCH

• Painting and general maintenance of the lifeboat station for

Little Haven and Broad Haven RNLI

• Making tea/coffee for a local knitting group

• Helping with refreshments at the Pembrokeshire Agricultural

Society annual fun day for people with special needs

• Working as volunteers at the RDA Bowlings charity horse show