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Engage. Evangelize. Empower.

2.0 Adoption in the EnterpriseThe “Before”

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Webinar Series

• NewsGator is sponsoring a 4-week webinar series exploring adoption

strategies and tactics from representative members.

• January 28th Webinar #1:  Social Computing Adoption in the Enterprise

"the Before"  - learn how to best develop the business case, gain buy-

in, select technology and establish the team

• February 4th Webinar #2:  Social Computing Adoption in the Enterprise

"the After" – gather best practices on implementation, policy formation,

training, and community management

• February 11th Webinar #3: EMC Enterprise 2.0 Case Study

• February 18th Webinar #4: Raytheon Enterprise 2.0 Case Study

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The Change Management Approach (MetLife, Swiss Re)

The “Groundswell approach” (Alcatel-Lucent)

Questions and Answers

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• The 2.0 Adoption Council is a member-driven peer forum ofbusiness and IT leaders from large organizations currentlyengaged in various stages of 2.0 adoption.

• Presenting members for today’s webinar, “The Before” include:– Bruce Galinsky, Director IT, MetLife– Anu Elmer, Senior Communications Consultant, Swiss Re– Greg Lowe, Social Media Architect/ Strategist, Alcatel-Lucent

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The Change ManagementApproach

• Assess organizational readiness

• Develop a strategy

• Sponsorship and team building

• Develop the change managementplan

• Lessons learned

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Assess Organizational Readiness

• Select the assessment team– Consultants, employees, or both?

• Identify assessment targets

• Develop assessment criteria– Evaluate process and culture “culture eats process for lunch”– Identify current “pain points”– Technology

What’s in place now? Potential for “platform zealots?”

– Other stakeholders Legal, compliance

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Develop a Strategy

• Tie it to the company’s business strategy: e.g., increasecollaboration, innovation; reduce costs through less duplication;increase quality and speed of decision making; increase employeeengagement etc

• Start small: do not roll-out a fully-featured solution to everybody.Start with a small subset of employees. Use them as the pilot testcase and your success case.

• Set targets and track metrics: these help show usage and adoption.Use the metrics to justify continued funding and ROI.

• Create a business case that includes a well thought out budgetthat makes sense for your company.

• Strong evangelists who know what they are talking about. Embraceearly adopters.

• Refer to case studies of successes at other companies

• Position it as “a business platform,” avoid the “S” word (AndrewMcAfee)

• Decommission outdated tools; develop business case forintegration: e.g., traditional KM solutions

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Focus on returns! Soft returns

Develop a Sound BusinessCase & ROI

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Get Executive Sponsorship &Build a Project Plan

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•  Identify your use cases

• Specify your internal and external resource requirements– Don’t underestimate – management needs to understand

• Specify all of your costs – resources, software, hardware,support

• Be careful about specifying hard ROE/ROI

• Develop a metrics plan– Adoption, Satisfaction, Quality, Efficiency

The Business Case

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Q1/2009 Q2/2009 Q3/2009 Q4/2009

Technical Proof of

ConceptPilot Phase

Global Rollout Preparation

Global Rollout

Global Adoption

Continue Pilot




Sponsorship and Buy-in• Get executive sponsors officially on board –both on business and IT


• Present a clear business case and position it as business tool

• Be prepared to answer questions about key risks

Project Team• Cross-functional, relatively small core team

• Find advocates for the pilot phase, virtual support network

• Clear roadmap

Sponsorship & Team Building

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Q1/2009 Q2/2009 Q3/2009 Q4/2009

Technical Proof ofConcept

Pilot Phase

Prepara:on for Global Rollout

GlobalAccess toPla@orm

Global Adop:on

Business Case & Requirements

Define Pilot Communi5es & UserSegment

Recruit Advocates

Define Pilot Phase Support

Establish Metrics & Results, Surveys

Legal Check –Ini5al PlaHorm Policy

Develop Rollout Concept

Integrate Applica5ons (e.g. EmployeeDirectory, Instant Messaging)

Service Provider Agreement with Vendor

Change Management & InternalCommunica5ons

Regular reports to Sponsors

Establish produc5on infrastructure

Finalize opera5ons concept

Finalize legal and compliance check

Implement support structure

Plan communica5on

Prepare introduc5on / training material

Plan decommissioning of outdated tools

Con:nue pla@orm as pilot

Regular Metrics

Promote  BusinessUse Cases

CommunicateSuccess Stories

Addi5onal trainingfor communitymanagers

Demonstrate mgmtsupport

Start Small – Sample Plan

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Change Management Plan

• Developing a simple governance, process, guidelinescollaboratively with pilot participants

• Execute an effective communication plan by matching topicswith appropriate channels.

• Design an intuitive and closed feedback process

• Include quantitative and qualitative metrics in our successmeasures

• Execute an incentive program to increase user adoption andparticipation

• Refine performance management criteria with HR

• Define appropriate controls and guidelines for sharing withinLegal, Risk, and Audit

• Plan for integrating with other related systems to improveworkflow effectiveness

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Lessons Learned

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REVIEW• Evolution not Revolution

• Don’t get backed into hard deadlines

• Target core business functions, that is where the biggest leveris

• Craft a key message i.e – “Need to know” to “Need to share”

• Ensure visible executive support and endorsement

• Embrace ALL early adopters

Lessons Learned

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Alcatel-Lucent Fall 2008

Groundswell Approach

70,000+ Employees130 Countries/500+ Locations

Teams spread globallyPlethora of Collaboration tools

No budget for Enterprise 2.0 programs

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Phase 1 – Getting Started

• Shoot the gaps

• Open it to everyone whois interested

• Be open with the risks

• Be informative and lead

• Do it EVERY day

• Make it about yourusers

• "What do we use thisthing for?"

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First Execu:veMen:on in an Allhands call

Next Steps

• Keep the conversationsgoing

• Be Provocative

• Educate outside thetool

• Seek that executivethat believes in thisstuff

• Be Patient

• Try new things

Phase 2 – Mainstream Adoption

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Preparing for More FormalPrograms

Judging Success

• Measure, measure,measure

• Ask why people areparticipating. What isthe value they see?

• Walk away for a day,see what happens

• Use this groundswellto springboard biggerinitiatives usingtraditional methods

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Questions and Answers

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Engage. Evangelize. Empower.

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Webinar Series

• NewsGator is sponsoring a 4-week webinar series exploring adoption

strategies and tactics from representative members.

• January 28th Webinar #1:  Social Computing Adoption in the Enterprise

"the Before"  - learn how to best develop the business case, gain buy-

in, select technology and establish the team

• February 4th Webinar #2:  Social Computing Adoption in the Enterprise

"the After" – gather best practices on implementation, policy formation,

training, and community management

• February 11th Webinar #3: EMC Enterprise 2.0 Case Study

• February 18th Webinar #4: Raytheon Enterprise 2.0 Case Study