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FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:





the woman

in YOU!

IINNSSIIDDEE TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEE •• Women unite: Untie Uganda..Women unite: Untie Uganda..Women unite: Untie Uganda..Women unite: Untie Uganda......................,,,,......................................................................................................3..3..3..3

•• Public expenditure tracking for famPublic expenditure tracking for famPublic expenditure tracking for famPublic expenditure tracking for family planning ily planning ily planning ily planning

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•• Civil society checklist for the 2012/13 national Civil society checklist for the 2012/13 national Civil society checklist for the 2012/13 national Civil society checklist for the 2012/13 national


•• Women and CorruptiWomen and CorruptiWomen and CorruptiWomen and Corruption on on on ….........….........….........….........................................................................................................................77

Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)

is a non-partisan national women’s organization.

Vision: A just and fair society where women and

men equally participate in and benefit from

decision-making processes.

Mission: To promote gender equality in all areas

of decision-making through advocacy,

training, research, and publications.


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FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:


Her appointment as Uganda’s second Minister for Finance, Planning and Economic Development in May

2011 caught many by surprise. Different sections of society including the women, business section and the

politicians all commended her appointment considering

her repute in the business sector. Her appointment was unique in that she is not a politician as many who occupy

ministerial positions in this country, but rather a technical person bringing her rich experience from the business

world into a Ministry that controls the country’s cash inflow and outflow.

She has a keen interest in gender issues particularly the girl child. Working closely with the government of

Buganda, she has been very supportive through the Nnabagereka Foundation in contributing towards proper

growth and development of the girl child, through

teaching them morals and life skills- in an annual program dubbed ‘Ekisaakate.’ She also worked with Her

Royal Highness the Nnabagereka to support the Makerere University Female Scholarship Foundation. The

Initiative which was established at Makerere University in 2001 funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York

aimed at supporting girls from disadvantaged socio-

economic backgrounds to access university education thus contributing to the increased female enrolment at

the university.

*So, just who is Maria Kiwanuka? Maria Kiwanuka is a Ugandan economist,

businesswoman. She is the current Minister of Finance in the Ugandan Cabinet. On account of being a cabinet

minister she is an ex-officio member of the Ugandan Parliament. Prior to her current position, she was the

Managing Director of Radio One and Radio Two, in

Uganda, in which her family owns majority shareholding. She also served as a non-Executive board member on the

Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Foundation (East Africa), the Nabagereka Development Trust, Nkumba

University, Uganda Development Bank and Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited and a member to the Presidential

Economic Commission and Presidential Investors


Connecting Girls, Inspiring the future

Each year, International Women's Day

(IWD) is celebrated on March 8 around the world. Countries use this day to mark the

economic, political and social achievements of

women. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements regardless of

age, ethnicity, and culture, economic or political differences. For Uganda there is a lot

to celebrate and despite the outstanding

challenges we need to celebrate the achievements so far.

Women in Uganda are progressively making

breakthroughs in fields long considered outside

their traditional roles. Uganda has had a female Vice President, Speaker of Parliament and

Ministers, we also continue to see an increased number of girls enrolling for education at all

levels among others.

The theme this year is CONNECTING GIRLS,

INSPIRING FUTURES which impels us to engage and involve young girls in various

development initiatives. It is believed that there is untapped potential in younger girls and

involving them in the different developments;

we ensure that the chain of excellence in the advancement of women’s rights and promotion

of gender equality is growing and continuing in generations to come.

National Celebrations took place in Nebbi district and Government through the Ministry

of Gender, Labour and Social Development used this day to launch a senior citizens

scheme under where older persons of 65 years

and above (60 in the case of Karamoja) will receive monthly Direct Income Support of Ug

shs 23,000.

This year’s international women’s day coincides with 50 years of Uganda’s independence and

so FOWODE is profiling Ugandan women who are impacting the lives of others to highlight

the journey walked by Ugandan women in their

search for gender equality and justice while at the same time inspiring the younger women.

In this edition, FOWODE presents Maria

Kiwanuka and Capt. Olive Kigongo.

Maria Kiwanuka attended Gayaza High School, a prestigious all-girls boarding high school. She joined

Makerere University, where she graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). She later pursued

further education at the London Business School in the

United Kingdom, graduating with the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Kiwanuka was the first woman to run a radio station in

Uganda. She started Radio One back in the 90s when

Uganda had only three FM Radios-Radio Sanyu, Capital FM and CBS FM. She’s reported to have relentlessly pursued a

unique quality and brand for the Radio Station and so when the station started its operation in 1997; it was the

only one of its kind, many FM stations have come on the market but none match its style and it boasts of 80%

broadcast coverage nationwide. On inception, Radio One

was the first FM station to play music off computer, when many played it off CDs. It introduced a talk show

‘Spectrum’ which is one of the highly valued radio talk shows in the country. Radio One is the first FM Radio to

incorporate online video into its programming to enable

listeners view and follow the Talks show online. The Radio’s attention to detail has made Radio One and later

Akaboozi ku Bbiri (Radio Two) one of the main players in a now crowded market. Her success in the radio market

draws a lot from her family’s support as well as her extraordinary abilities. It is reported that the mother of

two teenage boys is a stickler for high standards and

works as hard as it takes to get a job done; taking in long hours at times.

In her, the Ministry of Finance has got an expert with a great amount of hands on experience in economics,

business, banking and finance. However the challenge that lies ahead of her as a Finance Minister is to

endeavour to stabilize the economy. Women also hope for

increased financing of gender concerns which will eventually lead to meaningful empowerment of women.

“Kiwanuka was the first woman to run a radio

station in Uganda”.

“…worked with Her Royal

Highness the Nnabagereka to support girls from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds to

access university education thus contributing to the increased female enrolment at

the university.

“Maria Kiwanuka’s enthusiasm for

work, crave for accuracy and belief in success has seen her ascend to almost the highest and most influential office in government-Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Her zeal did not just start a few months ago, it started way back

…” The Observer

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FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email

Connecting Girls, Inspiring the future

In 1949 a general strike broke out. It was called ‘war number eight’. Workers who were demanding higher

salaries stopped everyone from going to work including those bringing food stuff to town. Whether it

was a bicycle repair or anything else, everything came

to a standstill. There were some who insisted on selling their farm products, such as milk, we the

children were told to pour it and we did.

In the same year another civil riot called “number

nine” broke out. Number nine was for farmers who were growing coffee and cotton.

process their crops and set their own prices. When the farmers went on strike, the army, known as King

African Rifles was brought from Jinja to quell it. The strikers went burning houses and got us children

involved as well. We started setti

of big chiefs…these and more are some of the influences that shaped my life”.

So who is Olive Zizinga?

I got married in 1953 to Mr. Zizinga at the age of

17years and had ten children. Although 17 seems

young, to me it was the best option considering that pursuing my education had become a bit of a

problem. When I completed primary four my aunt who was paying school fees took me back to my

parents claiming I was naughty and could no longer be

managed. My parents toDemonstration School but I soon dropped out because

of the distance (7 miles) I had to cover daily. My uncle later paid fees for me at Mukono Bishops School and

due to financial difficulties he could not continue his support towards my Education.

In the 1950s I joined the movement of Kamya when

he rallied us not to buy things from Indians. In 1962 I joined another force that was meant to fight for the

Kabaka, though we were not successful. We took

pangas, knives, sticks and even cassawalked towards Mengo to fight for the Kabaka only to

be disbanded around Matugga when one of our colleagues grabbed a soldier and instead of helping

him we ran away fearing that government soldiers

would shoot us if they found us.

When Museveni and his team started their struggle in the 80s I voluntarily joined them

rebel activities without my husband’s knowledge.

Capt. Olive Zizinga is one of the first women to join the National Resistance Army (NRA) liberation struggle as a fighter. Her courage and tenacity is admired by many and in 2008 she received an award from the ‘Global African Movement’ for having rendered extra ordinary service to the nation.

“… when Museveni started their strugglevoluntarily joined them involved in rebel activities

NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email

Connecting Girls, Inspiring the future

e broke out. It was called ‘war number eight’. Workers who were demanding higher

salaries stopped everyone from going to work including those bringing food stuff to town. Whether it

was a bicycle repair or anything else, everything came

ere were some who insisted on selling their farm products, such as milk, we the

children were told to pour it and we did.

In the same year another civil riot called “number

nine” broke out. Number nine was for farmers who were growing coffee and cotton. They wanted to

process their crops and set their own prices. When the farmers went on strike, the army, known as King

African Rifles was brought from Jinja to quell it. The strikers went burning houses and got us children

involved as well. We started setting ablaze the houses

of big chiefs…these and more are some of the influences that shaped my life”. The Rising Tide

So who is Olive Zizinga?

I got married in 1953 to Mr. Zizinga at the age of

17years and had ten children. Although 17 seems

e it was the best option considering that pursuing my education had become a bit of a

When I completed primary four my aunt who was paying school fees took me back to my

parents claiming I was naughty and could no longer be

managed. My parents took me to Ndejje Demonstration School but I soon dropped out because

of the distance (7 miles) I had to cover daily. My uncle later paid fees for me at Mukono Bishops School and

due to financial difficulties he could not continue his ation.

In the 1950s I joined the movement of Kamya when

he rallied us not to buy things from Indians. In 1962 I joined another force that was meant to fight for the

Kabaka, though we were not successful. We took

pangas, knives, sticks and even cassava stems and walked towards Mengo to fight for the Kabaka only to

be disbanded around Matugga when one of our colleagues grabbed a soldier and instead of helping

him we ran away fearing that government soldiers

would shoot us if they found us.

eni and his team started their struggle in the 80s I voluntarily joined them and got involved in

without my husband’s knowledge.

While with the rebels,

fighters, carried guns to the bush and would also join them to hit the enemy installations. The ruling

government started looking for me and I could no

longer stay in the village fearing I would be killed; it is then that I told my husband about my connections

with the rebels and I left him with the kids. We lseparate lives until when the war was over.

the bush, life was not easy; we forgot luxuries like

sugar and salt, we used a particular type of leaves as sanitary towels. Although we were officers we found

ourselves doing other duties like wasgonja etc… These situations taught me that every

woman needs a woman for a best friend, I became close to the other women with whom we shared

responsibilities and complemented each other during

these hard times.


family because I felt I could not endure any more suffering

day or two sometimes without food or water. I remember this one

colleagues gave me kwete

thirst, another incident was when one morning I woke up to find a big snake had peeled its skin from

under my bed. These and times we faced in the bush that made me wish to

return to the comforts of my home

I remember hiding with Gertrude Njuba to cry because we wanted to go home and when we

returned we were summoned to explain why we were crying but even then, we were never allowed to go


When we eventually captured Katonga, governor

were appointed to control and administer the war zones

advisor to ‘Mzee’ Museveni. Soon after we took over Kampala and I finally met my family again. I was

delighted to see my husband who had waited for me all

suffered a lot while I was away, many had been

arrested with their father because of me.

My saddest moments include losing our six children in 1980, our 26 year old son was killed on Kyagwe

Road, in 1982 killed in Bombo Army Barracks, in 1986 o

was killed in Makin

commanding National Resistance Army forces, the fourth child died at the age of 34, the fifth died of

Aids at the age of 31 and

I was sworn in as member of the National Resistance Council and became Honorable. Captain Zizinga. With

this new accolade, I could not do certain things at home and this caused some misunderstandings with

my husband who thought

and abandoning my duties at home. I was later appointed as a Senior Presidential Advisor but time

came when I could not meet the President and it dawned on me that the rank of Hon. Capt and the

post of Advisor were in theory and not

was eventually laiddidn’t have the senior six academic qualification.

My role in these struggles which I started engaging in

as a child is unimaginable; I endured the harsh conditions of the bush war and

me and other women trust among the male counterparts. It was also an opening for other

Ugandan women to be recognized as somewhat

equal contributors to the developmcountry.

is one of the first women to join the National Resistance Army (NRA) liberation struggle as a fighter. Her courage

city is admired by many and in 2008 she received an award from the ‘Global African Movement’ for having rendered extra ordinary

and his team struggle in the 80s I

voluntarily joined them and got involved in rebel activities…”

“My children


away, many had been

their fa

NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected]

Connecting Girls, Inspiring the future

While with the rebels, I collected food for the

fighters, carried guns to the bush and would also join them to hit the enemy installations. The ruling

government started looking for me and I could no

longer stay in the village fearing I would be killed; it is then that I told my husband about my connections

with the rebels and I left him with the kids. We lseparate lives until when the war was over.

the bush, life was not easy; we forgot luxuries like

sugar and salt, we used a particular type of leaves as sanitary towels. Although we were officers we found

ourselves doing other duties like wasgonja etc… These situations taught me that every

woman needs a woman for a best friend, I became close to the other women with whom we shared

responsibilities and complemented each other during

these hard times.

There are times when I badly wanted to return to my

family because I felt I could not endure any more suffering. We could walk long distances nonstop for a

day or two sometimes without food or water. I remember this one-time when I felt so thirsty and

colleagues gave me kwete ‘local brew’ to quench my

thirst, another incident was when one morning I woke up to find a big snake had peeled its skin from

under my bed. These and many more are the hard times we faced in the bush that made me wish to

return to the comforts of my home

I remember hiding with Gertrude Njuba to cry because we wanted to go home and when we

returned we were summoned to explain why we were crying but even then, we were never allowed to go


When we eventually captured Katonga, governor

were appointed to control and administer the war zones, it’s at this time that I was also appointed

advisor to ‘Mzee’ Museveni. Soon after we took over Kampala and I finally met my family again. I was

delighted to see my husband who had waited for me all that time. My children had grown up but they had

suffered a lot while I was away, many had been

arrested with their father because of me.

My saddest moments include losing our six children in 1980, our 26 year old son was killed on Kyagwe

Road, in 1982 our second child was arrested and killed in Bombo Army Barracks, in 1986 o

was killed in Makindye where he had been

commanding National Resistance Army forces, the fourth child died at the age of 34, the fifth died of

Aids at the age of 31 and the last born died later.

I was sworn in as member of the National Resistance Council and became Honorable. Captain Zizinga. With

this new accolade, I could not do certain things at home and this caused some misunderstandings with

my husband who thought I was disrespecting him

and abandoning my duties at home. I was later appointed as a Senior Presidential Advisor but time

came when I could not meet the President and it dawned on me that the rank of Hon. Capt and the

post of Advisor were in theory and not

was eventually laid-off and left government because I didn’t have the senior six academic qualification.

My role in these struggles which I started engaging in

as a child is unimaginable; I endured the harsh conditions of the bush war and this sacrifice earned

me and other women trust among the male counterparts. It was also an opening for other

Ugandan women to be recognized as somewhat

equal contributors to the developmcountry.

“My children had grown up but they

had suffered a lot away, many had been arrested

their father because of me.”

[email protected] Web:

Connecting Girls, Inspiring the future

FOWODE commemorated the International Women’s Day

by holding a half day dialogue

during the women’s day P

The dialogue on aimed at creating space for FOWODE

alumni and

and opportunities for women in Uganda and how the youth can engage in the development processes. During

the dialoguein gender equality and women’s empowerment and Helena

Okiring a youth and women activist women their experiences in promoting

women’s empowerment

engage in the promotion of women’s rightsactively participate

and human rights.

This dialogue was graced by Hon. Miria Matembe

I collected food for the

fighters, carried guns to the bush and would also join them to hit the enemy installations. The ruling

government started looking for me and I could no

longer stay in the village fearing I would be killed; it is then that I told my husband about my connections

with the rebels and I left him with the kids. We lived separate lives until when the war was over. While in

the bush, life was not easy; we forgot luxuries like

sugar and salt, we used a particular type of leaves as sanitary towels. Although we were officers we found

ourselves doing other duties like washing, roasting gonja etc… These situations taught me that every

woman needs a woman for a best friend, I became close to the other women with whom we shared

responsibilities and complemented each other during

I badly wanted to return to my

family because I felt I could not endure any more e could walk long distances nonstop for a

day or two sometimes without food or water. I time when I felt so thirsty and

‘local brew’ to quench my

thirst, another incident was when one morning I woke up to find a big snake had peeled its skin from

more are the hard times we faced in the bush that made me wish to

and made me cry.

I remember hiding with Gertrude Njuba to cry because we wanted to go home and when we

returned we were summoned to explain why we were crying but even then, we were never allowed to go

When we eventually captured Katonga, governors

were appointed to control and administer the war at this time that I was also appointed

advisor to ‘Mzee’ Museveni. Soon after we took over Kampala and I finally met my family again. I was

delighted to see my husband who had waited for me that time. My children had grown up but they had

suffered a lot while I was away, many had been

arrested with their father because of me.

My saddest moments include losing our six children in 1980, our 26 year old son was killed on Kyagwe

our second child was arrested and killed in Bombo Army Barracks, in 1986 our third son

e where he had been

commanding National Resistance Army forces, the fourth child died at the age of 34, the fifth died of

the last born died later.

I was sworn in as member of the National Resistance Council and became Honorable. Captain Zizinga. With

this new accolade, I could not do certain things at home and this caused some misunderstandings with

I was disrespecting him

and abandoning my duties at home. I was later appointed as a Senior Presidential Advisor but time

came when I could not meet the President and it dawned on me that the rank of Hon. Capt and the

post of Advisor were in theory and not in practice. I

off and left government because I didn’t have the senior six academic qualification.

My role in these struggles which I started engaging in

as a child is unimaginable; I endured the harsh this sacrifice earned

me and other women trust among the male counterparts. It was also an opening for other

Ugandan women to be recognized as somewhat

equal contributors to the development of their

had grown up but they

suffered a lot while I was arrested with

because of me.”

As part of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, the

WOMEN UNITE: UNTIE UGANDA mobilized women to show their solidarity with mothers whose c

suffering from

themselves opportunity to

adequately has reportedly claimed the lives o

Pader, Kitgum and Lamwo districts.

According to experts,

is mostly common among between 10 and 19 years

Women unite: Untie Uganda

Passing on the baton Facebook:

commemorated the International Women’s Day

by holding a half day dialogue with young women

the women’s day Publicity week.

The dialogue on Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futurescreating space for FOWODE young leaders’

alumni and other youth to share knowledge on challenges

and opportunities for women in Uganda and how the youth can engage in the development processes. During

the dialogue, Rhoda Kalema well known for her struggles in gender equality and women’s empowerment and Helena

Okiring a youth and women activist shared with the young women their experiences in promoting gender equality and

women’s empowerment. They interacted mainly on how to

the promotion of women’s rights and how participate in activities that promote democracy

and human rights.

dialogue was graced by Hon. Miria Matembe

As part of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, the women’s movement under its campaign

WOMEN UNITE: UNTIE UGANDA mobilized women to show their solidarity with mothers whose c

suffering from the nodding disease syndrome

themselves to trees for 30 minutes. Women also opportunity to condemn government’s failure to

adequately address the nodding disease problemreportedly claimed the lives of over 200 children

er, Kitgum and Lamwo districts.

According to experts, the cause of nodding disease which

common among children and adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years is still unknown.

Women unite: Untie Uganda

Passing on the baton



commemorated the International Women’s Day

women leaders

iring Futures young leaders’

to share knowledge on challenges

and opportunities for women in Uganda and how the youth can engage in the development processes. During

known for her struggles in gender equality and women’s empowerment and Helena

with the young gender equality and

mainly on how to

and how to in activities that promote democracy

dialogue was graced by Hon. Miria Matembe

As part of the commemoration of International Women’s under its campaign

WOMEN UNITE: UNTIE UGANDA mobilized women to show their solidarity with mothers whose children are

nodding disease syndrome by tying

. Women also took this condemn government’s failure to

problem which f over 200 children in

odding disease which

children and adolescents aged

Women unite: Untie Uganda

Page 4: 2012 newsletter  repaired


FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

who I was as a girl, what woman I would grow into there was

nstincts that refer to my sexuality to the artificial roles. This woman was

the children, animals, the home alike! Perhaps

through under the auspices of society. I wanted to strangle this

…and then I knew I was a Woman!

Right from the edge of my creation, I thought this is how I would be, and yes this is how I am. I was born a woman and a woman I will be. Throughout my infancy, I battled

with thoughts of who I was as a girl, what woman I would

grow into and what kind of woman I would later be. I was told, there was a woman that God did not create,

deterring the natural instincts that refer to my sexuality to the artificial roles. This woman was the model in society,

accepted by several, a woman who set standards for what kind of woman I was to be.

Yes I grew up as a principled young girl, groomed in a

home of 7 girls and 5 boys. The natural woman in me started growing into the ‘real’ woman; predesigned by

society. I made the fibred dolls and played mother in our childhood games, I can’t forget the ‘tantantala’ song in

depiction that marriage was the epitome of a woman’s life.

If I missed being the bride in that game, bowls of tears flowed from my eyes. I never knew what this meant. No, I

never! Well, how could I know unless I was told!

At the ages of innocence, I knew that a woman was to

take care of the man, the children, animals, and the home alike! Perhaps that is what she was created for. I saw

mother do the triple roles. Yes, she produced, dug, cooked and went to the market not mentioning taking the water

to the bathroom for father to bathe.

For that purpose, she was a professional housewife, the home was her confinement. Society taught me how to

walk on knee bows as I grew up, together with my

brothers, we moved on in this action for respect, only to be surprised, at a certain age, they stopped, while I

continued. I was so grieved at the traumatic situation my family had to go through under the auspices of society. I

wanted to strangle this person called society. Because of the same person, I heard the woes in the parents’ bed

room, several times mother packed her bags to head for

her parents, but society said “NO! You can’t do that, you are a married woman, you belong to the man, how will

society regard you?” The anger that grilled in the marital home spilled over to the children until only the daughters

who measured up to the required strength for survival remained.

Are we really far from where we started from, are we

moving miles? Is gender equality a myth in your home or a reality? Sure something is being done like

getting educated, joining of decision making positions, economic empowerment, but a lot more

needs to be done as this ascribes to only a few women, several especially at the grassroots level still

face the intensity of the gender imbalances.

Oppression is now manifesting itself in a secondary

form. Through rape, human trafficking, corruption, poverty, defilement, insecurity, the incest, domestic

violence, should I also say the Child sacrifices?

I mean, who is affected most? It is still I the woman

that I was; I am and will forever be. As we celebrate Women’s Day, woman, measure your success

according to the miles you have moved in reality, start with your own home, are you enforcing

patriarchy? Girls, women, mothers, wives, sisters,

aunties, dear grannies and of course the men out there, lets connect for the better of all the women in

Uganda. To the men, I know you like making women happy, one statement for you. The only way you can

make a woman happy is to observe, defend and

protect her rights, together, we can move MOUNTAINS!

Happy Women’s Day

By Juliet Luutu

Living only as women but in a male headed household.

Society hails our late father; the head of the family. When I send money home society still thanks ‘Salongo’ who

educated me. Dead or Alive, he Salongo still feeds the family!

I never questioned why even my younger brothers

couldn’t kneel for mother, yet it was a must for the girl

child. Did I ever see any of my brothers in the kitchen! My mind can’t trace that scene. Wow! I thought I had come

into a better world, now I knew we were two different human beings not only in spelling of the nomenclature but

in every sense of woman being different from man.

Society brought to me several normalized injustices as realities that accrued to being feminine. I witnessed the

power controls at home which manifested sometimes in the fights we had with our brothers, they played the

security role and they had the right to give the girls away

in marriage in exchange for a cock!

I hated it that my brother has to give me away for

marriage? Why not my mother, who bore the pain of

bringing me into life, little did I know that on that day, she does not even appear any where before the guests! Sshh!

I was shut down in a whisper, ‘Don’t you know that children belong to the MAN?’ Of course, the head of the

family, he was in and out of home. At the age of 12 I saw father heading 2 families and we used to say; Father is a

real man, he controls the family even when he is miles


I hated it that my brother has

to give me away for marriage? Why not my mother, because she bore the pain

Page 5: 2012 newsletter  repaired

FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email


In 2011, FOWODE began examinsafe motherhood especially Family Planning Services have been

utilized and whether there are

family planning drugs and materials. While applying the Public Expenditure Tracking Survey

tracked the flow of family planning funds/commodities from Uganda’s Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic

Development to the Ministry of Health, National Medical Stores (NMS) and to the Health Center IVs and Health Center II

5 selected districts.

In total 20 Health Center IIIs and 10 Health Center IVs were

randomly but proportionately selected in Luwero, Kabale, Kibaale, Gulu and Kibuku and data was

of funds allocated for family plnature and efficacy of criteria

account for funds released for to determine the levels of re

leakages (if any) of funds alloc

for family planning services.

Patricia Munabi the Executive Director FOWODE and Parliamentary gender champions

Public expenditure tracking for family planning services in Uganda

“…FY 2010/11 USD 923,440

by government allocated by donorsservices" NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email

Parliamentary Gender Champions

examining the extent to which funds for safe motherhood especially Family Planning Services have been

are any leakages in distribution of

amily planning drugs and materials. While applying the Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) methodology, FOWODE

tracked the flow of family planning funds/commodities from Uganda’s Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic

Development to the Ministry of Health, National Medical Stores (NMS) and to the Health Center IVs and Health Center IIIs in the

In total 20 Health Center IIIs and 10 Health Center IVs were

randomly but proportionately selected in Luwero, Kabale, Kibaale, Gulu and Kibuku and data was gathered to ascertain the amounts

of funds allocated for family planning services. To discover the criteria used to allocate, disburse and

account for funds released for Family Planning services and also determine the levels of re-allocations, diversions and/or

leakages (if any) of funds allocated to the different budget lines

the Executive Director FOWODE and Hon. Sarah der champions attending. Public expenditure tracking for family planning services in Uganda

USD 923,440 was allocated

government and USD 9,213,952 was donors for family planningNEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected]

Gender champions with

a ‘Gender Monitoring Unit’for adherence of the various government sectors to Ministry of Finance’s Budget

Call Circular directive on gender and equity budgeting.

Working hand in Parliamentary Budget Office, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

and the

unit the various parliamentary committees when auditing the compliance of the

different sectors to the budget call circular gender directive. It will also be responsible for recommendin

sectors would be befitting to receive the ‘Gender in a given

In a move to ensure that government meets its gender equality objectives, every government instit

Gender and Equityapproved by Parliament. “For the first time gender accountability is going to be

taken seriously,” stated Hon. Ros

It is yet to be decided where the unit will be housed, but it was proposed for it to be initially established as a department within the Parliamentary Budget Office

while members with the support of the Speaker of Parliament continue to

out arrangements of having a fully fledged and independent unit within the Parliamentary Structure as is the case with the Parliamentary Budget Office which

was established through the

A select committee has been constituted to develoof Reference for the Gender Monitoring Unit detailing the functions of this unit

and its operational framework. This committee was also tasked to develop the Gender and equity checklist that would guide the parliamentarians

for compliance to the gender directive for the Financial Year 2012/13. Given her

proficiency in gender analysis and gender budgeting, Democracy

guidance in this process.

Ms. Patricia Munabi Babiiha, the Executive Director, towards this

“…every governm

requiredCertificatestatement, bill or loans are

Gender Champions lobby for a gender and equity monitoring unit

extent to which funds for safe motherhood especially Family Planning Services have been

ny leakages in distribution of

amily planning drugs and materials. While applying the Public (PETS) methodology, FOWODE

tracked the flow of family planning funds/commodities from Uganda’s Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic

Development to the Ministry of Health, National Medical Stores Is in the

In total 20 Health Center IIIs and 10 Health Center IVs were

randomly but proportionately selected in Luwero, Kabale, Kibaale, ascertain the amounts

the used to allocate, disburse and

and also allocations, diversions and/or

ated to the different budget lines

Hon. Sarah Mpabwa one of the Public expenditure tracking for family planning services in Uganda

The assessment revealed that in relation to the transfer of Funds from the Central

Level to the Health Units, Donors

contributed much more than what the Central Government contributes

example for the financial year 2010/11 923,440 was allocated by the Ministry of

Finance Planning through the National

Medical Stores and USD 9,213,9allocated by donors including




family planning [email protected] Web:

Gender champions within Parliament are

‘Gender Monitoring Unit’ within parliament for adherence of the various government sectors to Ministry of Finance’s Budget

Call Circular directive on gender and equity budgeting.

Working hand in hand with the Uganda Women Parliamentarians Association, the Parliamentary Budget Office, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

and the Forum for Women in Democracy

unit to be established as an independent body that will play an advisory role to the various parliamentary committees when auditing the compliance of the

different sectors to the budget call circular gender directive. It will also be responsible for recommending to the Equal Opportunities Commission

sectors would be befitting to receive the ‘Gender in a given time frame.

In a move to ensure that government meets its gender equality objectives, every government institution or sector will be required to present the

Gender and Equity before its plan, budget, policy statement, bill or loans are approved by Parliament. “For the first time gender accountability is going to be

taken seriously,” stated Hon. Rosemary Nyakikogoro.

It is yet to be decided where the unit will be housed, but it was proposed for it to be initially established as a department within the Parliamentary Budget Office

while members with the support of the Speaker of Parliament continue to

out arrangements of having a fully fledged and independent unit within the Parliamentary Structure as is the case with the Parliamentary Budget Office which

was established through the Budget Act 2001

A select committee has been constituted to develoof Reference for the Gender Monitoring Unit detailing the functions of this unit

and its operational framework. This committee was also tasked to develop the Gender and equity checklist that would guide the parliamentarians

for compliance to the gender directive for the Financial Year 2012/13. Given her

proficiency in gender analysis and gender budgeting, Democracy (FOWODE), was co-opted on this committee t

guidance in this process.

Ms. Patricia Munabi Babiiha, the Executive Director, owards this initiative which makes gender budgeting a reality in Uganda.

“…every government institution or

required to presenCertificate before its plan, budget, policy statement, bill or loans are

a gender and equity monitoring unit

It was also discovered

and contract the National Medical Store to distribute to all health units in the country. Ministr

national medical stores planning materials to all health units in the country.

Funds for promoting consumption of family planning services at

lower health unit levels are part of grant that is released quarterly to health units

The flow of family planning commodities is not con

health units for example, standard kit of materials every two months

necessarily meet the needs of

The assessment also

planning and deliveriescenters making it hard to accurately account for these

commodities on monthly, quarterly, bi

There was also serious under utilization of family planning services at health centers with condoms

family planning method

FOWODE intends to engage with governmentstakeholder to address the key

do this systematically an advocacy strategy has been developed

to effectively lobby reproductive health services in Uganda.

Public expenditure tracking for family planning services in Uganda

revealed that in relation to ransfer of Funds from the Central

vel to the Health Units, Donors

contributed much more than what the Central Government contributes, for

2010/11 USD 923,440 was allocated by the Ministry of

Finance Planning through the National

9,213,952 was by donors including UNFPA, Facebook:

in Parliament are plotting to push for the establishment of

within parliament which will be mandated to check for adherence of the various government sectors to Ministry of Finance’s Budget

Call Circular directive on gender and equity budgeting.

hand with the Uganda Women Parliamentarians Association, the Parliamentary Budget Office, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

Forum for Women in Democracy, the Members of Parliament want this

to be established as an independent body that will play an advisory role to the various parliamentary committees when auditing the compliance of the

different sectors to the budget call circular gender directive. It will also be Equal Opportunities Commission

sectors would be befitting to receive the ‘Gender equity Certificate of Compliance’

In a move to ensure that government meets its gender equality objectives, every ution or sector will be required to present the Certificate of

before its plan, budget, policy statement, bill or loans are approved by Parliament. “For the first time gender accountability is going to be

emary Nyakikogoro.

It is yet to be decided where the unit will be housed, but it was proposed for it to be initially established as a department within the Parliamentary Budget Office

while members with the support of the Speaker of Parliament continue to

out arrangements of having a fully fledged and independent unit within the Parliamentary Structure as is the case with the Parliamentary Budget Office which

Budget Act 2001.

A select committee has been constituted to develop guidelines and specific Terms of Reference for the Gender Monitoring Unit detailing the functions of this unit

and its operational framework. This committee was also tasked to develop the Gender and equity checklist that would guide the parliamentarians when checking

for compliance to the gender directive for the Financial Year 2012/13. Given her

proficiency in gender analysis and gender budgeting, Forum for Women in opted on this committee to provide technical

Ms. Patricia Munabi Babiiha, the Executive Director, FOWODE, voiced her support initiative which makes gender budgeting a reality in Uganda.

ent institution or sector will be present the Gender equitybefore its plan, budget, policy

statement, bill or loans are approved...”

a gender and equity monitoring unit

It was also discovered that whereas Donors procure commodities

contract the National Medical Store to distribute to all health units in the country. Ministry of Finance disburses funds to the

national medical stores to purchase, store and distribute family planning materials to all health units in the country.

Funds for promoting consumption of family planning services at

lower health unit levels are part of the general PHC non wage grant that is released quarterly to health units

low of family planning commodities is not consistent in some

health units for example, Health Centre IIIs are supplied a standard kit of materials every two months which may not

necessarily meet the needs of users in a particular community

also observed, laxity in record keeping

deliveries by National Medical Stores and the making it hard to accurately account for these

odities on monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, annual basis.

There was also serious under utilization of family planning services at health centers with condoms being the

family planning method.

FOWODE intends to engage with government and other key to address the key findings of this assessment

do this systematically an advocacy strategy has been developed

to effectively lobby for improved financing and management reproductive health services in Uganda.

Public expenditure tracking for family planning services in Uganda



establishment of

ill be mandated to check for adherence of the various government sectors to Ministry of Finance’s Budget

hand with the Uganda Women Parliamentarians Association, the Parliamentary Budget Office, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

, the Members of Parliament want this

to be established as an independent body that will play an advisory role to the various parliamentary committees when auditing the compliance of the

different sectors to the budget call circular gender directive. It will also be Equal Opportunities Commission which

quity Certificate of Compliance’

In a move to ensure that government meets its gender equality objectives, every Certificate of

before its plan, budget, policy statement, bill or loans are approved by Parliament. “For the first time gender accountability is going to be

It is yet to be decided where the unit will be housed, but it was proposed for it to be initially established as a department within the Parliamentary Budget Office

while members with the support of the Speaker of Parliament continue to work

out arrangements of having a fully fledged and independent unit within the Parliamentary Structure as is the case with the Parliamentary Budget Office which

p guidelines and specific Terms of Reference for the Gender Monitoring Unit detailing the functions of this unit

and its operational framework. This committee was also tasked to develop the when checking

for compliance to the gender directive for the Financial Year 2012/13. Given her

Forum for Women in o provide technical

, voiced her support initiative which makes gender budgeting a reality in Uganda.

will be


a gender and equity monitoring unit

Donors procure commodities

contract the National Medical Store to distribute to all health disburses funds to the

to purchase, store and distribute family

Funds for promoting consumption of family planning services at

the general PHC non wage

sistent in some

are supplied a which may not

particular community.

ecord keeping of family

and the health making it hard to accurately account for these

annual, annual basis.

There was also serious under utilization of family planning the most used

and other key findings of this assessment and to

do this systematically an advocacy strategy has been developed

financing and management of

Page 6: 2012 newsletter  repaired


FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

Women councilors during the effective legislative training in Wakiso

The Councilors discussed and agreed on priority

areas of focus for their respective districts. Councilors

from Masindi agreed to mobilize women leaders,

youth and disabled persons for effective participation

in decision making, form Women Caucuses and lobby

for inclusion of gender issues in the district Annual

Budgets, while those from Busia planned to form

coalitions and caucuses within Council to effectively

lobby for gender equity.

FOWODE organizes such capacity building trainings

with an understanding that women in leadership are

still constrained by the patriarchal tendencies and

practices in legislatures that hinder their participation

and thus the prioritization of the women’s issues in

the legislatures. Additionally, the women tend to lack

adequate skills and experiences to enable them

effectively influence legislative decisions.

It is believed that once trained, the women are better

placed to influence decisions in their legislatures and

as a result, FOWODE will continue building capacities

of women at different levels so they can effectively

analyze and influence legislature from a gender


““……II hhaavvee bbeeccoommee mmoorree aawwaarree ooff wwhhaatt aauutthhoorriittyy II

ppoosssseessss aanndd wwhhaatt mmyy rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aarree aass aa

CCoouunncciilloorr.. II hhaadd nnoott bbeeeenn oorriieenntteedd oonn mmyy rroolleess

ssiinnccee II wwaass eelleecctteedd CCoouunncciilloorr..””

Women councilors trained in effective legislative engagement

the sessions on the ‘role of councilors’ and

‘assertiveness’ as well as ‘tabling motions’ in council

were most appreciated.

“The most interesting session was the role of a

Councilor. I have become more aware of what

authority I possess and what my responsibilities are as

a Councilor. No one had oriented me on my roles since

I was elected Councilor.” reported one of the


“I have learnt how to table an effective motion in

Council”, is what another participant had to say when

asked to share what she had found most exciting.”

Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)

organized a capacity building training in February

2012 for female District, Municipal and Sub County

Councilors, majority of whom are new to the

legislature, having been elected last year. The

training aimed at enlightening the Councilors from

Masindi, Wakiso and Busia districts on the Council

operations as well as furnishing them with key skills

necessary for effective legislation like public

speaking, time management and mitigating conflict

among others.

The women perceived this training as extremely

educative and timely and from the feedback received

, and ‘assertiveness’ as well as ‘tabling motions’ in

Civil society checklist for the 2012/13 national budget

on measures of mitigating climate change and its effects on

agriculture. It was further proposed that Ministry of health needs

to explain inconsistencies in demand and supply of drugs by

National medical stores while Ministry of lands needs to give a

status update on compensation of land owners in the oil rich areas

as well as the demarcation of government land.

The civil society organizations also proposed that Ministry of works needs to give a status report about all roads it committed to construct in the previous financial year and its plan for constructing community access roads.

It was also stressed that Parliament should

request the responsible sectors to give a

status update on the implementation of the

various policies and plans including the

National Action Plan for Women, the

Information Communication and Technology

Policy, the Labour Act as well as progress on

amending the Succession Act to be gender

sensitive and the development of guidelines

for the operationalisation of the Trafficking in

Persons Act.

According to Julius Mukunda, the Senior

Program Director Forum for Women in

Democracy, once finalized, the checklist will

be submitted to parliament so that the

parliamentary committees study the raised

issues and present them to the specific

sectors during the budgetary review process.

Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group believes that this checklist will guide parliament in ensuring that gender

and pro- poor concerns are incorporated into the national budget priorities for the upcoming financial year 2012/13.

Members of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy

Group a loose coalition that advocates for pro

poor and gender sensitive budgets in Uganda

developed a checklist to guide Members of

Parliamentarian when critiquing the National

Budget for the next financial year.

Recognizing that Parliament is mandated to

ensure that spending decisions are in line

with national priorities, the budget advocacy

group believes that this checklist will guide

parliament in ensuring that gender and pro-

poor concerns are incorporated into the

national budget priorities for the upcoming

financial year 2012/13.

Priority areas in Health, Education,

Agriculture, Information Communication and

Technology, Trade, Water and Sanitation,

Lands, social development and macro

economics were identified and some of the

emerging issues included the declining

budgetary allocations to the water sector yet

access to clean and safe water especially in

the rural areas is still lacking.

Other issues included, government ministries

to report on measures designed to improve

pay and welfare of teachers and health

workers, Ministry of education to clarify on

the planned scrapping of the Universal

Primary Education program in urban schools

and ministry of agriculture to report on

Page 7: 2012 newsletter  repaired

FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email

Women and Corruption

“Studies show that women

and men have similar

towards corruption but men

have more opportunities

corrupt, since they are more

likely to be part of corrupt

networks tha

When a new cabinet was announced in 2011, women jubilated over the infemale ministers from 15 in the previous cabinet to 22. But with the corruption allegationshave led to two fstepping aside to allow investigations

excitement might soon fade awayarm so far exhibited by the 9fight against inefficiency and graft

There is an ongoing debate onits effects on gender. Sare less corrupt than men and ahead to describe corrupRecent studies have assertion is not universal but culturecan even be damaging to the women’s cause. Studies by different scholars show that women and men have similar corruption, but men have more be corrupt, since they are more likely to be part of corrupt networks than the women.NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email

Women and Corruption!

ow that women

and men have similar attitudes

towards corruption but men

opportunities to be

corrupt, since they are more

likely to be part of corrupt

networks than the women”

When a new cabinet was announced in 2011, women jubilated over the increased number of female ministers from 15 in the previous cabinet

corruption allegations, which led to two female cabinet ministers

stepping aside to allow investigations, the excitement might soon fade away. The biting

r exhibited by the 9th parliament in the fight against inefficiency and graft is commendable.

There is an ongoing debate on corruption and its effects on gender. Some argue that women are less corrupt than men and some have gone

corruption is a “male game”. studies have however shown that this

assertion is not universal but culture-specific and can even be damaging to the women’s cause.

Studies by different scholars show that women and men have similar attitudes towards

ion, but men have more opportunities to be corrupt, since they are more likely to be part of corrupt networks than the women. NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected]

In her book ‘Political Cleaners: How Women are the

New Anti-Corruption Force. Does the Evidence

Wash?’(2003), Author Anne Marie Goetz suggests

that promoting women in politics as a bulwark

against corruption serves the view "women as

instruments to achieve a broader development goal"

rather than welcoming them to

matter of their democratic and social rights.

While a few women are benefiting from corruption,

as a social group, women

corruption. Women, who represent

disproportionate percentage of the world’s poor, and

are more dependent on social services, suffer the

most under a corrupt system of governance.

access to public office and institutions is restricted by

social, cultural, political and institutional


Corruption undermines a level playing field f

women and men in decision-making

parties can be bought and sold, when officials are

elected through vote-buying and when promotion

within the civil service or corporate sector is related

to personal connections rather than merit, there i

less chance that women can increase their

representation in Parliament or at management levels

within the public or private sector.

Corruption compounds this by making it even more

difficult for women to access public services. It is

estimated that Uganda loses 500 billion shillings

annually as a result of corruption, this leads to

reduced public revenues, often resulting in lower

levels of spending on basic services like education,

health and other social services, which predominantly

affect women's and children's welfare.

Corruption skews public investment choices away

from service delivery; corrupt officials or politicians

design public projects to maximize bribery receipts

and to minimize the chance of detection. Grand

infrastructure investment is pr

detriment of projects in pro-poor areas such as basic

education and health services that directly aid the

poorest. Corruption in the water and energy sectors

will particularly impact poor women, who often bear

the burden of seeking water a

families. Corruption also increases the obstacles for

women entrepreneurs, by distorting access to credit

and making it more difficult to obtain the necessary

licenses and permits.

[email protected] Web:

Political Cleaners: How Women are the

Corruption Force. Does the Evidence

’(2003), Author Anne Marie Goetz suggests

that promoting women in politics as a bulwark

against corruption serves the view "women as

instruments to achieve a broader development goal"

rather than welcoming them to public office as a

matter of their democratic and social rights.

hile a few women are benefiting from corruption,

as a social group, women do not gain from

Women, who represent a

disproportionate percentage of the world’s poor, and

ependent on social services, suffer the

most under a corrupt system of governance. Their

access to public office and institutions is restricted by

social, cultural, political and institutional

ndermines a level playing field for

making. When political

parties can be bought and sold, when officials are

buying and when promotion

within the civil service or corporate sector is related

to personal connections rather than merit, there is

less chance that women can increase their

representation in Parliament or at management levels

within the public or private sector.

Corruption compounds this by making it even more

difficult for women to access public services. It is

da loses 500 billion shillings

annually as a result of corruption, this leads to

reduced public revenues, often resulting in lower

levels of spending on basic services like education,

health and other social services, which predominantly

children's welfare.

Corruption skews public investment choices away

from service delivery; corrupt officials or politicians

design public projects to maximize bribery receipts

and to minimize the chance of detection. Grand

infrastructure investment is prioritized to the

poor areas such as basic

education and health services that directly aid the

poorest. Corruption in the water and energy sectors

will particularly impact poor women, who often bear

the burden of seeking water and fuel for their

families. Corruption also increases the obstacles for

women entrepreneurs, by distorting access to credit

and making it more difficult to obtain the necessary

Minority groups and less

as wome

a context where human rights violations are ignored

by a corrupt law enforcement system. Moreover, a

corrupt judiciary will reinforce existing explicit or

implicit gender discrimination

Despite resource limita

at the forefront of

Forum for Women in Democracy



participate in budgeting and planning

also mon

contributed to increased

accountability in the

initiatives that focus on women’s participation have

proven to be effective alternatives for gender


between Gender and Corruption Facebook:

Minority groups and less-advantaged groups such

as women and girls also suffer disproportionately in

a context where human rights violations are ignored

by a corrupt law enforcement system. Moreover, a

corrupt judiciary will reinforce existing explicit or

implicit gender discrimination.

Despite resource limitations, civil society has been

at the forefront of fighting corruption. For example

Forum for Women in Democracy

communities to establish Village Budget Clubs

where 70% of membership is women. They

articipate in budgeting and planning process

monitor and track government funds.

contributed to increased transparency and

accountability in the specific communities.

initiatives that focus on women’s participation have

proven to be effective alternatives for gender

mainstreaming in the fight against corruption.

A snap shot of the Relation

between Gender and Corruption

Gender influences how effectively

corruption is measured and


Gender shapes opportunities to

engage in corruption

Corruption has different effects

social groups of men and women

Gender informs the relevance of

anti-corruption strategies

groups of men and women

Gender shapes the dynamics of

participation and representation in

government and civil society anti

corruption interventions

Gender defines the currency of




advantaged groups such

n and girls also suffer disproportionately in

a context where human rights violations are ignored

by a corrupt law enforcement system. Moreover, a

corrupt judiciary will reinforce existing explicit or

tions, civil society has been

. For example,

Forum for Women in Democracy facilitates

Village Budget Clubs

70% of membership is women. They

processes and

funds. This has

transparency and

communities. Such

initiatives that focus on women’s participation have

proven to be effective alternatives for gender

aming in the fight against corruption.

A snap shot of the Relation

between Gender and Corruption

how effectively

corruption is measured and

shapes opportunities to

ffects on

social groups of men and women

informs the relevance of

corruption strategies for social

shapes the dynamics of

participation and representation in

and civil society anti-

the currency of

Page 8: 2012 newsletter  repaired


FOWODE E-NEWS, P.O BOX 7176, Kampala Uganda | Plot 15 Vubya Close, Ntinda Nakawa Rd. Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:

**NEW** NEW***


The Uganda Feminist Forum 2025 Vision

The FOWODE resource center is a ONE STOP CENTER, where you can access over 1000 information materials relevant to the FOWODE Thematic areas of Gender,

Governance, Democracy, and Human rights. You can also access internet, photocopying and printing services. Please visit the FOWODE website, or the FOWODE resource center at our offices in Ntinda

This Mural is a masterpiece that projects the Uganda Feminist Forum (UFF) 2025 Vision that members

thought out at the 2009 Uganda Feminist Forum. It depicts the ambitions and aspirations of the. By

this time, the mural says, women will be owning properties, city bus services, holding positions in

decision-making bodies like Parliament and even State House.

Feminists are urged to make more use of the Mural and to use it as a fundraising tool among

others. More copies in different sizes can be printed and disseminated for homes, auctioned at

fundraising drives, and even sold to international museums to allow for visibility and presence of the



Sharing the National Cake: "FOWODE's Gender

Budgeting at Work" is a documentary highlighting the

progress of Gender Budgeting in Uganda and the role of

FOWODE. This documentary also highlights the gender gaps

still existing in Uganda that need to be bridged to enhance

equitable distribution of resources for the benefit of the

women and men in Uganda.

Overcoming the Tides: “This documentary

highlights women's experiences during Uganda's 2011

election campaigns for the purpose of advocacy,

replication of good practices if any, and shared

learning. It brings to the fore the challenges and

triumphs that women face as they traverse the

political terrain within parties and among the


Check out the fowode website

Listen to


VVVoooiiiccceeesss uuunnnllliiimmmiiittteeeddd

Based in Gulu district, Speak FM covers the greater part of the Acholi sub

region including Gulu, Nwoya, Amuru, Oyam, Pader, Kitgum, Agago

districts and Partly Lira, Apac, Kotido, Karuma areas.

Programming at 89.5 Speak FM includes cultural and contemporary

music, news, weather, traffic, sports community-oriented activities,

advocacy campaigns and talk shows on topical issues.

89.5 Speak FM is committed to keeping her style contemporary while

delivering educative entertainment to her listeners.

The radio station is crystal clear, so do not hesitate to partner with 89.5

Speak FM to deliver your messages to the people in this region.

89.5 SPEAK FM is affiliated to Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)

Find us at: Plot 19, Cemetery Road, Gulu Town, P. O BOX 1444 Gulu District,

Call us on: +256 0471 436895, Email us @: [email protected]

The fowode website is regularly updated to meet your information needs. There is everything including information about our programs, researches and

assessment reports on gender equality, upcoming events, news etc... Check back often as there is always new information posted.