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The Maze Runner
  SCENE 1Eric is lying on the ground in the elevator pretending to be unconscious and wakes up to see all of the other boys looking at him.Sava goes in the elevator and says "hey greenie, wake up! It's time to go to work.(Shot from Eric's perspective looking up at Gally 8 seconds)
  SCENE 2ALBY:Hello and welcome to the maze.(Sava is bringing Eric around the school)THOMAS:Have you ever solved it?ALBY:Nope it's unsolvable.No one has ever solved it.THOMAS:Have you ever-ALBY:Yep.THOMAS :How about-ALBY: YesTHOMAS:Well what aboutALBY: YesTHOMAS:Can I finish my sentence please!ALBY:Nope lets go!(It is a group shot of ALBY and Thomas 6 seconds)
  SCENE 3(Scene where Ben is being banished)ALBY: Ben you have been very bad for attacking Thomas(Show Ben tackle Thomas)BEN: Eat the chocolate!THOMAS: That's not chocolate!(Go back to ALBY with Ben)ALBY: Now you left us with no choice, you ARE sentenceD TO BANISHMENT!!BEN:No my precious, you will never take it away from me!I love it!ALBY:Ok Gollum time to go in the maze.(Close up on ALBY and Ben 20 seconds)     SCENE 4(Scene where Minho is trying to bring Alby inside the glade)MINHO: Yo greenie, little help here!THOMAS:Don't worry I know exactly what to do! Walk away and pretend like I saw none of this!MINHO: Wait no!(Screams)(Show door closing long range shot 9 seconds)   SCENE 5(Scene where Teresa is talking to Thomas telepathically)TERESA:Hey ThomasTHOMAS:Who's there?TERESA:It's ok it's me TeresaTHOMAS:WhoTERESA:TeresaTHOMAS:Okay?TERESA:I am telling you something big is comingTHOMAS:NoTERESA:What?THOMAS:I don't need you, I can do this on my own so just SHUT UP!TERESA:Um okTHOMAS:Yeah I can solve this maze on my own!(Show close up of Eric and then go to him running to "maze" 25 seconds)   8 MINUTES LATERTHOMAS:Mommy, I want my mommy.(Eric crouched against wall crying)Cue growlingTHOMAS: Huh, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!Screen goes black...(10 seconds)