


5 common ThyRoid PRoblEms

simple steps to

boost your Energy

Reduce inflammation to fight disease

7 Reasons Why Poor sleep is bad for you

Edition 1, 2015

Gut health and your immune system





nuTRiTional sTRaTEGiEs To boosT youR EnERGyThe first area we will cover is nutrition. This is certainly an aspect of most people’s lives where improvement can be made. Unfortunately though, it is also an area where there is much confusion and debate about what constitutes a healthy diet.

Despite this, there are some fundamental principles that are universal and should be applied by everyone as often as possible.

Eat more natural, unprocessed foodsThis simply means we need to eat more foods that have been made by ‘Mother Nature’. Try to minimise eating foods that are packaged or processed. This means you should consume more fruits,

vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc.By eating more natural foods every

day you provide your body with a wide range of both macro and micronutrients that all of your body cells require. This helps them to function optimally and contribute to your sense of wellbeing and energy.

Reduce your overall food intakeResearch now conclusively shows that eating less food dramatically improves your chances of living a longer, healthier life. Of course, this certainly doesn’t mean you should starve yourself. On the contrary, it is best to consume nutrient-dense, but calorie-sparse foods. The natural foods mentioned earlier are good examples of these.

By doing so, your body doesn’t need

almost everyone would like to have more energy. Doing so would make performing everyday tasks far easier as well as making life more enjoyable.

If you feel that you need more energy (vibrancy) then this article will cover some simple steps you can take to start feeling more energetic almost immediately.

Before we cover the steps though it is important to understand exactly what it means to have more energy. Having more energy or feeling more energetic means that your body is functioning at optimum levels, you don’t feel tired during the day, and you can easily perform all of your daily tasks.

In order to do this, here are the steps you need to take:

Simple Steps to

Boost Your



to expend as much energy through the processes of digestion, assimilation, and metabolism. Plus, far less waste products and metabolic by-products are produced that need to be excreted from the body; a process that also requires a lot of energy.

Drink mostly clean, filtered waterBecause our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water, it simply makes sense to ensure we consume an adequate amount of it each day.

Staying well-hydrated helps all of our trillions of body cells function better and therefore assist in maintaining high energy levels. It also assists our body with the removal of wastes and toxins.

Even in Australia most tap water contains compounds that you don’t want to be putting into your body. Therefore, it is definitely worthwhile investing in a good-quality water filter to ensure the best possible water for you and your family.

ExERcisE PRinciPlEs To boosT youR EnERGyEveryone knows the health benefits that regular exercise provides. Perhaps one of the little-known benefits of exercise is that as little as 20 minutes can immediately boost energy. It does this by stimulating

the release of the catecholamines (adrenalin and nor adrenalin) from the adrenal glands.

Exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain, which are natural opiate-like substances that promote feelings of well being.

For maximum benefit, it is best to do a combination of both aerobic exercise and resistance exercise.

suPPlEmEnTs To boosT youR EnERGyTake a multivitamin each dayAnother way to boost your energy is to take a multivitamin/ mineral supplement each day. This provides your body with a range of micronutrients (nutrients required by your body in small amounts) that may be lacking in your diet.

As mentioned previously, this will ensureoptimum functioning of all body cells.

Use prebiotics and probioticsResearch tells us that there are more bacteria in our gut than cells in our body! This alarming fact is beginning to gain more attention since a growing body of research now demonstrates the importance of gut health for optimum body functioning in a whole range of areas, including our energy level!

Therefore, the best way to ensure proper gut function is to provide the ‘friendly’ gut bacteria with more of the food they need so they can thrive. This means having more soluble fibre in your diet, which can come from food or powerful supplemental forms, like BCN’s Gastro Forte AG.

It is also worthwhile using a probiotic regularly in order to maintain sufficient numbers of the ‘friendly’ bacteria in your gut.

Use XLR8 ThermogenicTaking an XLR8 Thermogenic capsule twice a day (morning and afternoon) can give you an immediate energy boost. The ingredients in XLR8 Thermogenic have been shown to stimulate the central

nervous system and sympathetic nervous system, which helps to immediately boost your metabolism and energy level.

Another benefit of XLR8 Thermogenic is that it helps the body mobilise fat from the fat stores and then use it as a fuel source; it can dramatically accelerate fat burning in your body.

lifEsTylE PRinciPlEs To boosT youR EnERGyImprove your sleep habitsSleep is such an important part of helping your body function well and should not be underestimated. Therefore, improving your sleep quality is imperative to having high energy levels.

If you need to improve your sleep quality then it may be worthwhile considering supplementing your diet with magnesium glycinate. It helps promote restful sleep as well as relieving muscle cramps and spasms. BCN’s Rest and Replenish (R&R) is a good example.

Reduce your stress levelsStress is virtually unavoidable in today’s society. It comes from many sources and has a negative impact on your body’s functioning and in particular, energy levels.

Therefore, finding ways to deal with stress effectively can go a long way toward improving your health and boosting your energy. Relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and meditation are all beneficial. Plus, if you want to help your body deal with everyday stress more effectively, consider using a supplement like BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced. It contains rhodiola rosea, which is an adaptogenic herb. This means it nourishes and supports our adrenal glands, helping our body deal with stress more effectively.

In summary, the natural state of human beings is to feel vibrant, alive and energetic. However, if you find yourself feeling a little flat or lacking energy on a particular day, give these strategies a go and get ready to be amazed how quickly you will boost your energy!

It is best to consume nutrient-dense, but

calorie-sparse foods.”


many of the diseases we face today are associated with inflammation. These include heart disease, stroke, thyroid disorders,

diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, autism, depression, arthritis, celiac disease, eczema, Multiple Sclerosis, lupus, and many more.

Of course, it is important to keep in

to Fight Diseasemind that not all inflammation is bad. For example, if you sprain your ankle during an exercise session an inflammatory response immediately follows. Its function is to protect the area, dispose of dead tissue, and assist with the repair process.

This is known as ‘acute’ inflammation. However, the inflammation that is of greater concern to us from a health

perspective is ‘chronic’ inflammation. Chronic inflammation in the body

tends to be a low-level, constant type and may continue silently for many years without detection.

The inflammatory process is driven by the immune system. Therefore, in order to reduce the incidence of disease in your body you must first reduce inflammation, and to reduce inflammation you must identify and eliminate the immune system trigger(s).

Unfortunately though, conventional medicine tends not to approach most diseases in this way. Their approach is to deal with the symptoms of the disease itself or the immune system (immune-suppressive drugs) or the inflammation (anti-inflammatory drugs) directly, without addressing the underlying cause of the disease.

The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t stop the underlying disease process or allow the damaged tissue to be regenerated.

inflammaTion bEGins in ThE GuTChronic inflammation in the body appears to be initiated in the gut and since around 70% of the immune system is located in the gut this makes logical sense.

What generally occurs is that a trigger or triggers damage the delicate lining of the gut causing it to allow substances to pass into the blood stream that it wouldn’t normally allow. This is known as ‘leaky gut syndrome’ or ‘intestinal hyperpermeability’.

There are a variety of triggers that may cause a leaky gut. Some of these include dietary triggers (gluten, food additives, dairy components, etc.), certain medications (antibiotics, antacids, corticosteroids, etc.), infections (yeast, bacterial overgrowth, parasites, viral

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Chronic inflammation in the body appears to be initiated in the gut.”

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infections, etc.), hormonal imbalances, environmental toxins, lifestyle factors (poor sleep, stress, etc.), metabolic disorders, and/ or neurological problems.

ThE immunE sysTEm REacTs To a lEaky GuTA leaky gut allows undigested food particles, toxins, viruses, yeasts, and bacteria to pass through the intestinal lining directly into the blood stream.

This causes the body to initiate a necessary response to the invaders via the immune system. This process involves the immune system releasing inflammatory cytokines as well as performing various other mechanisms.

Inflammatory cytokines may also be produced by other cells throughout the body contributing to the overall inflammatory response.

symPToms of inflammaTionEven though chronic inflammation in the body is hard to detect there are some common symptoms to look for. These include the following:

•   Chronic pain in the joints and/ or muscles

•   Allergies or asthma•   Elevated blood pressure•   Fluctuations in blood sugar levels•   Gut issues (constipation or diarrhoea)•   Fatigue•   Memory/ concentration problems

Another option is also to have a test for inflammation. One of the easiest tests is a blood test for a compound called, high-sensitivity, C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP). CRP is a protein produced in the liver in response to inflammation in the body.

A good example that demonstrates the relationship between inflammation and disease is the American Heart Association’s (AHA) test for cardiovascular disease risk.

According to the AHA a CRP level of less than 1mg/ L indicates a low risk of cardiovascular disease. A level of 1 – 3mg/L indicates a moderate risk of cardiovascular disease, and greater than 3mg/L indicates a high risk.

Here are some simple steps you can take in order to reduce inflammation in your body and therefore reduce your risk of disease.

9 Drink plenty of clean, filtered water. 9 Reduce your intake of processed carbohydrates (bread, pasta, baked

goods, refined sugar, etc.) 9 Add more foods high in omega-3s (fish, flax seeds, (and their oils), green

leafy vegetables) or use Healthy Essentials’ Wild Norwegian Pure Omega 3.

9 Add more fermented foods to your diet (Kombucha tea, kefir, sauerkraut, yoghurt and fermented vegetables)

9 Remove any potential leaky gut triggers from your diet and lifestyle. 9 Supplement your diet with anti-inflammatory nutrients such as omega-3

fats (fish oil), turmeric/ curcumin (found in BCN’s Relieve turmeric forte and InflammaCALM), and boswelia.

9 Supplement your diet with nutrients that heal the gut. Some of these are found in BCN’s DigestEZE.

9 Use probiotics to help re-inoculate the good bacteria in your gut, and support their growth by taking prebiotics like BCN’s Gastro Forte AG.

simPlE sTEPs To REducE inflammaTion in youR body

osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects the whole joint including bone, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. The most common symptoms are pain and stiffness of the joints. 

Osteoarthritis is commonly treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but these drugs are often associated with several adverse effects, particularly gastrointestinal problems.

There are several natural treatments available for the treatment of osteoarthritis, the most popular involving a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin. These ingredients are beneficial for many sufferers.

In a recent study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, the effectiveness of a combination of glucosamine + chondroitin (G + Ch) was compared to glucosamine + a patented curcumin extract called Meriva® (G + M).

124 patients with osteoarthritis were randomly allocated to take G+Ch or G+M for 4 months. To assess the effectiveness of the two treatments, questionnaires, distance travelled on a treadmill, and medication use were assessed at the beginning and end of the study. Some of the results are summarised in the following table.

Table 1: Clinical changes after 4 months of treatment

Glucosamine + Meriva®

Glucosamine + chondroitin

 Pain reduction 56% 34%

 Reduction in stiffness 56% 28%

 Increase in treadmill distance without pain  337% 154%

 Reduction in use of painkillers 44% 23%

 Reduction in gastrointestinal symptoms

56% 15%

Overall it was shown that the glucosamine and curcumin (Meriva®) combination was far more superior to the glucosamine and chondroitin combination. What was particularly impressive was the significant drop in medication use by people using glucosamine and Meriva®.

While further research is required (this was not a double-blind, placebo-controlled study), the findings provide further support for the effectiveness of curcumin (and in particular, the patented Meriva® curcumin) for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The anti-inflammatory effects of Meriva® have now been evaluated in several studies and is especially effective because of its higher bioavailability compared to standard curcumin. Meriva® is contained in BCN’s InflammaCalm.

Reference: Belcaro G1, Dugall M, Luzzi R, Ledda A, Pellegrini L, Cesarone MR, Hosoi M, Errichi M. (2014) Meriva®+Glucosamine versus Condroitin+Glucosamine in patients with knee osteoarthritis: an observational study. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 18(24):3959-63.

curcumin and glucosamine combination more effective than a popular natural treatment for osteoarthritis


Saffron enhances the antidepressant effects of pharmaceutical antidepressantsIn a recent study, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, the addition of saffron to standard pharmaceutical antidepressants was investigated in people suffering from depression.

Forty adults diagnosed with depression were randomly allocated into one of two groups. One group received a pharmaceutical antidepressant plus crocin capsules (a major ingredient from saffron) while the other group received a pharmaceutical antidepressant plus placebo capsules. This was a double-blind study, which meant that neither the researchers nor participants knew which group they were allocated into.

After 4 weeks of treatment, people on the antidepressant plus crocin capsules experienced significantly greater improvements in mood, compared to the antidepressant and placebo treated group. The crocin group experienced a 42% reduction in depressive symptoms after 4 weeks, whereas the placebo group only experienced a 16% reduction in depressive symptoms. People on the crocin capsules also reported greater reductions in anxiety and several other mental health symptoms.

This is the first study investigating the effects of treating depressed individuals with saffron and pharmaceutical antidepressants. The positive findings mean that people on antidepressants could potentially be treated with lower-dose antidepressants meaning a lower likelihood of side effects. Antidepressants are commonly associated with side effects which often increase in severity with higher doses. Further research is required to replicate this study with a larger sample size, but it provides further validation for the antidepressant effects of saffron.

Talaei , A., et al (2015) Crocin, the main active saffron constituent, as an adjunctive treatment in major depressive disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot clinical trial. Journal of affective disorders, 174, 51–56.

There appears to be a relationship between diabetes and depression but at this stage the mechanism through which it is established remains unknown. Nevertheless, the incidence of depression in people with diabetes occurs with twice the prevalence compared to the general population, giving it cause for concern.

It is proposed that depression is both a result of having diabetes as well as a cause of diabetes. The proposal states that people with diabetes become depressed because of their condition and the burden it places on their lifestyle. Additionally, some people with depression engage in lifestyle habits that lead to the development of diabetes.

Managing and treating depression in diabeticsAntidepressants and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) appear to be the common prescribed treatments for diabetics with depression. Unfortunately though, compliance for both approaches appears to be quite low with up to half of the patients on antidepressants discontinuing their use before they have overcome the depression.

Furthermore, less than 20% of people who engaged in CBT with a psychologist lasted more than 4 sessions even though various psychological therapies have proven to be very effective in helping diabetics overcome depression.

It seems that doctors should be regularly following up with diabetic patients with regards to their depressed condition to ensure compliance and they should also be providing some degree of education so the patient understands the benefits of the treatment strategies.


Diabetes and Depression

extent as the previously mentioned treatments. These include exercise, relaxation/ meditation, and sleep-based interventions.

Herbs and nutrients are also often used to treat mental health problems, but there is often debate about whether they actually work. It is often argued by mainstream professionals that all they do is create expensive urine and do little to improve one’s mental wellbeing.

In this article we will review some of the more commonly used natural supplements to see if there is actually any evidence to support their efficacy.

1 Omega-3 fish oils. There has been a considerable amount of research

investigating the effects of fish oil for the treatments of several mental health

can Herbs and nutrients Really Improve mental

mEntal HEaltH...naturally!ImpRovE YouR

mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and high stress are commonplace in our society. In fact, although

they often do not get the same publicity, they are experienced by more people worldwide than any other physical disorder.

It is predicted that about 50% of people will experience some type of mental health problem at least once in their lifetime, and based on estimates from the World Health Organisation (WHO), by 2020 depression will cause greater disability than any other mental or physical disorder.

Given the extent of the problem it is imperative that we come up with effective solutions for these problems. Currently, most mental health problems are treated with psychological and pharmacological interventions. The most common psychological treatments are known as cognitive-behavioural therapies (CBT), while antidepressants are the most common class of medication used to treat both depression and anxiety.

Other interventions are also effective although not promoted to the same

problems. Most of the research has been in the area of depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Overall, the evidence suggests that fish oil is moderately effective for these conditions. In several meta-analyses (reviews that combine the results of numerous studies) it has been confirmed that fish oil can improve depressive symptoms that occur in in major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. It also has a moderate effect on attentional symptoms in ADHD. Fish oil is not a magic bullet but it can help (and is also beneficial for physical health).

WEllBEIng?Currently, most mental

health problems are treated with psychological

and pharmacological interventions.”

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

BCN’s Saffron Ultra May Help to Maintain a Positive, Healthy Mood and May Relieve Mood Swings!

Saffron has a long history of use as a medicine and has traditionally been used in Persian herbal

medicine as a calming agent. Saffron may help maintain wellbeing and a positive, healthy mood, and

assist in the management of mood swings. It may also be beneficial during times of stress and may help

promote mood balance. Saffron may also be used as an eye formula to support healthy eye function.

BCN’s Saffron Ultra may help to:

4 Maintain a positive and healthy mood4 Assist in the management of mood swings4 Support healthy eye function4 Relieve stress

For more information or call 08 9248 6904

Suffering from

mood swings?

Want to maintain a

positive, healthy mood?




4 Rhodiola rosea. This herb was

originally used in Russia to enhance athletic performance and was later revealed to be effective for stress, feelings of burnout, and depression. There are several positive findings in European-based studies, although English-based ones have been fewer in number. However, a few good-quality studies have indicated that rhodiola is helpful for improving mood and seems to be particularly helpful for people with stress-related fatigue.

People who feel run-down, find it hard getting out of bed in the morning, lack motivation/ drive, experience energy slumps in the afternoon, and feel quite flat, may also benefit from rhodiola. Natural practitioners often refer to this condition as ‘adrenal fatigue.’

5 Theanine. This is an amino acid derived from green tea and is

claimed to help people experience a relaxed and calm state. There have been some moderately-good studies showing it can reduce levels of stress hormones in the body (e.g., cortisol) and can move people’s brain waves into ‘alpha’ states. Alpha brain waves are associated with relaxation and meditation.

People with a mind that is constantly racing report positive effects from theanine. This amino acid has also been shown to improve sleep in children with ADHD, and was even helpful for people with schizophrenia.

This is just a selection of herbs and nutrients that have good research-based support for their mental health benefits. There are other options available including S-adenosyl-methionine (SAME) for depression, Kava for anxiety, B-vitamins for stress, and glycine/ magnesium for sleep.

Unfortunately, natural products don’t receive the same vigorous research as pharmaceutical medications, primarily because they cannot be patented. This means that there is less money being invested in research on natural products simply because other companies can replicate the formulations and sell them under their own banner.

If you are interested in using natural supplements, make sure you purchase them from a reputable company,

preferably an Australian one because Australia has the most rigorous testing for natural supplements in the world.

The most effective fish oils for mental wellbeing are those that contain greater concentrations of EPA (a type of omega-3 fat). Just check the label to see if the fish oil you are buying has a greater level of EPA than DHA.

2 St John’s wort. This herb has traditionally been extremely

popular for the treatment of depression and there have been many good-quality studies investigating its effects. Again, in several meta-analyses, St John’s wort has been shown to be effective for the treatment of depression. However, research on stress, ADHD and other mental health problems have not been so convincing. The major problem with St John’s wort is that it interacts with many medications, so always speak to your doctor first.

3 Saffron. Interest in saffron has increased over the past decade after

there were initial positive studies confirming its effects in depression. This prompted further follow-up studies which have all established that saffron is effective for the treatment of depression.

In head-to-head comparisons with antidepressants such as Prozac and Tofranil, saffron has proven to be as effective, but with less side effects. Although saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, only a small amount is necessary so the cost is quite affordable (approximately $30-40 a month).

Another advantage is that in a recent study it was shown that the combination of saffron and a pharmaceutical antidepressant was more effective than the antidepressant alone.






Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

BCN’s Tranquil Mind May Help to Relieve Nervous Tension and Mild Anxiety!

Contains Theanine

BCN’s Tranquil Mind contains the amino acid theanine, derived from Green Tea. Theanine may have a

relaxing effect on the mind and help relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety. Theanine may also help

with sleep and green tea is a potent antioxidant that may assist with the body’s antioxidant defences





BCN’s Tranquil Mind may help to:

4 Relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety4 Induce relaxation4 Relax the mind4 Improve sleep4 Assist with the body’s antioxidant defences

For more information or call 08 9248 6904





7 Reasons Why poor Sleep is Bad For You

We have all experienced the feelings associated with a poor night’s sleep. Grogginess, poor concentration, lack of motivation and drive are all common symptoms. While these

effects are resolved after a good night’s sleep, for many people poor sleep can be a common occurrence and research confirms that it can have serious effects on our psychological, physical, social and occupational life. Below are a list of dangers associated with poor sleep.

1 Impairs your thinkingSleep has a critical role in thinking and learning.

Sleep loss impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving, making learning far more difficult.

Sleep is also believed to play a role in consolidating memories. Lack of sleep may therefore affect your ability to remember what you learned and experienced during the day.

Since sleep deprivation impairs thinking it has been a contributing factor in some of the biggest disasters in recent history. For example, in 1979 a nuclear accident at Three Mile Island and the massive Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1986 were attributed to sleepiness in the workers.

Sleep loss and fatigue is also a major cause of road accidents. It reduces reaction time and increases the likelihood of falling asleep at the wheel. Everyday injuries and accidents in the workplace are also commonly attributed to sleep deprivation.

mEntal HEaltH...naturally!ImpRovE YouR

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

BCN’s Rest and Replenish (R&R) May Help to Promote Restful Sleep

R&R contains ingredients that may provide relief from insomnia and help support a quality night’s sleep.

It also contains magnesium which may provide relief from muscle cramps and spasms, aid muscle

recovery from physical activity, and reduce the risk of magnesium deficiency.

BCN’s Rest and Replenish (R&R) may help to:

4 Promote restful sleep4 Provide relief from insomnia4 Allow you to wake up refreshed4 Relieve muscle cramps and spasms4 Aid muscle recovery

For more information or call 08 9248 6904

When Was the

Last Time You Had a

Quality Night’s Sleep?




2 Contributes to poor physical health

It has been confirmed that sleep disorders and chronic sleep deprivation can increase your risk of the following health problems:

•  Heart disease•  Heart attack•  Heart failure•  Irregular heartbeat•  High blood pressure•  Stroke•  Diabetes•  Alzheimer’s disease

3 Worsens mental healthWhile poor sleep is often a symptom

associated with many mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, the reverse is also true. That is, poor sleep can trigger mental health problems. In fact, poor sleep often occurs before the onset of depression and treating sleep problems can actually rid people of their depressive illness.

4 Destroys sex driveSleep specialists agree that sleep-

deprived men and women report lower libidos and less interest in sex. Depleted energy, sleepiness, and increased stress are largely to blame. Sleep deprivation can also negatively affect levels of important sex hormones, particularly testosterone in men.

5 Worsens your immune systemPeople with sleep problems have a

lower immunity, and are more likely to catch colds, flus and other viruses. Good-quality sleep seems to boost the immune system by increasing virus-fighting chemicals in the body.

6 Makes you fatPoor sleep has been associated with

increased obesity and weight problems. It also seems to affect appetite-hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, reducing your sense of fullness and increasing hunger. Sleep problems also adversely affect metabolic rate, meaning less calorie burning during the day, and a gradual build-up of excess kilograms.

7 Reduces fertilitySleep deprivation has been reported

to be a factor associated with fertility

and falling pregnant. It seems to affect both men and women by reducing the secretion of important reproductive hormones.

Poor sleep can have devastating effects in the body and as highlighted by these mentioned effects, it can influence both mental and physical wellbeing. Relationships, occupational and educational performances are therefore adversely affected.

Fortunately, there are things that you can be do to improve sleep. The first treatment involves improving your ‘sleep hygiene.’ This relates to developing good habits associated with sleep and bedtime, and making sleep a high priority in your life. Psychological therapies such as cognitive-behaviour therapy, and certain medications can also be helpful. There are also several natural supplements that can promote healthier, restful sleep. Ingredients such as glycine, magnesium and taurine are examples of good sleep aids and these are found in BCN’s Rest and Replenish.

If you are suffering from ongoing sleep problems make it a priority in your life and seek appropriate intervention.

Good-quality sleep seems to boost the immune system by increasing

virus-fighting chemicals in the body.”








...that Doctors overlook!


When most people visit their doctor suffering from one or more of the low thyroid symptoms detailed in table 1, the

doctor will usually test for levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and possibly thyroxine (T4).

If the test results come back low then a prescription for replacement T4 hormones is usually given. However, there is often no further examination into why the levels were low in the first place.

If, on the other hand, the levels are normal then people will be told their thyroid is fine and may even be sent away with a prescription for antidepressants!

The fact is that the physiology of the thyroid gland is extremely complex. There are several steps involved in thyroid hormone production which means that overall thyroid function can be affected at any step in the process. Furthermore, different causes of thyroid problems require different interventions rather than a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.

Here are 5 common thyroid problems that many doctors overlook:

1 PiTuiTaRy Gland dysfuncTion.This problem occurs when the

pituitary gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Levels of TSH may be clinically low or on the low end of normal (although many doctors will claim this is normal).

Reduced TSH production is caused by one or several of the following factors:

•  Infection•   Blood sugar issues (insulin 

resistance, hypoglycaemia)•  Chronic stress•  Pregnancy

In these cases, the thyroid gland functions normally, but it simply doesn’t get enough stimulation from the pituitary gland. TSH production often returns to normal once the causes have been identified and addressed.

symPToms of sub-oPTimal ThyRoid

funcTion• “Normal”thyroidstimulating

hormone(TSH)results• Weightgain/inabilitytolose

weight• Fatigue• Pooreyebrowgrowth,especially

theouterthirdoftheeyebrows• Menstrualabnormalities• Coldhandsandfeet• Constipation• Depression• Dryskin• Hairloss• Hoarseness• Poorconcentration• Nervousness• Elevatedcholesterol• Brittlenails• Musclecramps• Muscleweakness• Poormemory• Puffyeyes• Throatpain• Lowbasalbodytemperature• Irritability

5 common tHYRoID pRoBlEmS

4 A high-quality vegetable-based protein4 Dairy & soy-free4 Low in fat & carbohydrate4 Low allergenic4 Vegan-friendly4 Free from artificial sweeteners

BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is:

Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional

Protein shakes are a quick, easy, convenient, and cheap way to have a meal or snack during the day. They are especially useful for those

people who exercise regularly.

However, most of the protein shakes on the market today contain whey protein, a derivative of milk, which may cause digestive problems. It is not

uncommon for some people to experience bloating, cramps, gas, tiredness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, or irritability whenever they use a whey

protein powder. Furthermore, some people may be allergic to dairy foods and therefore must avoid consuming whey protein. Plus, there are the

potential health problems associated with the artificial sweeteners that are contained in most of these powders.

As an alternative, BCN’s ProBlend Dairy Free is an all-natural, great-tasting pea and rice protein powder that provides you with all the benefits of a

protein shake without the digestive problems. It is also hypo-allergenic and contains no artificial sweeteners.

For more information or call 08 9248 6904 Body Concepts Nutritionals

A Delicious Protein Shake That

Doesn’t Make You Bloated


2 REducEd convERsion of T4 inTo T3.T4 is the ‘inactive’ form of thyroid

hormone, while T3 (triiodothyronine) is the ‘active’ form. The majority of thyroid hormones in the body are T4.

The conversion of T4 into T3 occurs in the liver, kidneys, and cell membranes of other tissues around the body. Nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, and high cortisol levels (our primary stress hormone) reduces the conversion of T4 into T3.

When tested, TSH and T4 may be normal, but if T3 is tested, it may be low.

3 ElEvaTEd ThyRoid bindinG Globulin (TbG) lEvEls.

TBG is a protein that transports thyroid hormones around the body. However, when thyroid hormones are bound to TBG they are inactive, and therefore are unable to fulfil their role in our body.

If TBG levels are elevated, it means that a greater proportion of thyroid hormones will be bound to it. This creates a greater proportion of ‘inactive’ thyroid hormones. Although the results from blood tests may show that TSH and T4 levels are normal, the T4 is unable to be converted into T3, resulting in low T3 levels.

High TBG levels often result from elevated oestrogen in the body.

4 ThyRoid REsisTancEIn thyroid resistance both the pituitary and

thyroid glands are functioning normally with normal levels of hormones being produced.

However, when the thyroid hormones reach the relevant cells, they are unable to bind with the receptors, resulting in hypothyroid symptoms.

A major cause of thyroid resistance is chronic, high stress. High homocysteine levels and low TBG levels also play a role. [NOTE: Low TBG levels lead to abnormally elevated T3 levels, resulting in thyroid resistance.]

5 ElEvaTEd REvERsE T3 (RT3) lEvEls.Circulating T4 can be converted into T3

or its mirror image reverse T3 (rT3). RT3 binds to T3 receptors on cell membranes, making them ineffective. This means that T3 can’t have the impact on cells it is supposed to have.

Conversion of T4 into rT3 occurs when cortisol (our main stress hormone) levels are too high and/ or there are nutrient deficiencies in the body.

1 REducE sTREss. Stressisamajorcauseofthyroidproblems.Inordertoreduceyour

stresslevelsortheimpactthatstresshasonyourbody,thefollowingarerecommended:removethestressor(ifpossible),usebreathingexercises,relaxationtechniques,meditation,undergocounselling,engageinpleasurableactivitiesorusestress-promotingnaturalherbssuchasRhodiolarosea,WithaniasomniferaandEleutherococcussenticosus(Siberianginseng)(thesearefoundinbcn’s Thyron).

2 imPRovE blood suGaR lEvEls. Sinceinsulinresistanceandhypoglycaemia(lowbloodsugar)contribute

tothyroidproblems,findingwaystostabiliseyourbloodsugarlevelswillgoalongwaytowardhelpingyouovercomeyourthyroidproblems.Ifinsulinresistanceisaproblemforyouthenfollowingalow-carbdiet,eventemporarily,willbebeneficial.Performingregularexercisewillalsobehelpfulaswellastakingnaturalglucosedisposalagentssuchfenugreekorcinnamon.Thesearefoundinbcn’s multispice.

3 REducE inflammaTion in youR body. Thisisbestachievedbyavoidingfoodsthatcauseinflammationin

yourbody(i.e.allergenicfoodsaswellasfoodsthatareknowntocauseinflammationinthebodylike,dairyfoodsandgluten-containingfoods).Itmayalsobehelpfultosupplementyourdietwithfishoilandturmeric-basedsupplementslike,Relieve Turmeric forteand/or inflammacalm.

4 avoid nuTRiEnT dEficiEnciEs. Thebestwaytoavoidnutrientdeficienciesistoeatabalanceddiet,

containingplentyofnaturalfoodslike,fruits,vegetablesandherbs.Takingaspecially-designedthyroidsupportsupplementsuchasbcn’s Thyronmayalsohelp.

5 REducE oEsTRoGEn and homocysTEinE lEvEls in youR body.



in oRdER To ovERcomE ThEsE liTTlE-knoWn causEs of hyPoThyRoid symPToms, ThERE aRE

sEvERal sTEPs you can TakE:

ThE GuT balancE REvoluTionBy Gerard MullinRRP: $32.99

Your gut microbiome: Those trillions of bacteria that live in your digestive tract. There are more of them than there are of you - and if they’re balanced just right, with more “good” bacteria than “bad,” excess pounds will melt away and you’ll feel better than ever.

From the top authority on the gut

microbiome, here’s a plan that will show you how to starve the fat-forming bacteria, reseed your gut with good fat-burning ones, and fertilize those friendly flora with just the right foods to reboot, rebalance, and renew your health - and lose weight for good. It’s all based on up-to-the-minute scientific research.

Plus, 50 delicious, easy recipes, an exercise routine for each phase of the process, and stories of real people who lost up to 20 pounds in 4 weeks - and kept it off!

Best new ReadschanGE ThE Way you EaT: ThE PsycholoGy of foodBy Leanne CooperRRP: $29.99

For many people, food is no longer something to ‘enjoy’ as the stuff that nurtures us and keeps us healthy. It’s something to ‘control’, ‘do battle with’, all in a warped quest to ‘be thin’

and live up to society’s photoshopped ideals. Plus there’s the obesity epidemic where we’ve trained our tastebuds to crave the fat, salt and sugar that so much junk food is saturated with.

By examining the psychological factors that encourage us to eat more than we know we should, as well as the tricks used by marketers to influence what and how much we eat, ‘Change the Way You Eat’ provides the tools for readers to take ownership of their eating choices so that lifelong change can take place. Discover how:

•   our stage of life, gender, financial resources and values all influence our food choices

•   branding, packaging and labelling combine to manipulate our shopping habits

•   our inbuilt taste preferences can determine the food we’re drawn to, and how to reprogram them

•   our environment - from the type of music playing while we eat to the number of people we eat with - can all affect our eating habits

•   our personality and emotions can determine our food choices and habits, and

•   we can implement our newfound knowledge to take back control of our plate, become conscious eaters and gain real enjoyment from nourishing ourselves in a way that promotes long-term health and happiness.

coPinG WiTh ThyRoid disEasEBy Mark GreenerRRP: $18.99

Tells you all you need to know about thyroid disease - types, causes, medical treatment and self-help. Frequently misdiagnosed or overlooked, thyroid disease can be subtle and insidious, accounting for a range of symptoms including depression, fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, and dry skin. Yet, correctly diagnosed, it is very treatable. This book explains the thyroid’s role as a powerhouse for the whole body, and why it’s important to support conventional treatments with holistic measures.


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Healthy Essentials’ Bilberry 12,000mg Macula & Eye HealthHealthy Essentials Bilberry 12,000mg Macula & Eye Health formula now contains clinically proven high levels of lutein, the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin plus betacarotene, zeaxanthin and much more.  This formula may assist with visual acuity & performance, visual fatigue & eye strain and overall healthy eye function. Low allergen formula in a vege cap.  Vegan friendly.  Available in health food stores nationally.

Gastro Forte AGBCN’s Gastro Forte AG contains a prebiotic, soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins, which is derived from the Western Larch tree. It is a potent prebiotic and has been shown to have enormous benefits in supporting the immune system. Gastro Forte AG mixes easily in water or juice or may be added to food. It may also be better tolerated than other dietary fibres.

Tranquil MindTranquil Mind is the first product in Australia to contain therapeutic levels of the valuable amino acid, theanine. Theanine offers a wide range of health benefits including: relieving mild anxiety, calming the mind (without drowsiness), increasing focus and attention, improving sleep quality, improving liver function, preventing memory problems, helping overcome depression, preventing colds and flus, and reducing stress.

Theanine comes primarily from green tea and one serving (2 capsules) of BCN’s Tranquil Mind has the equivalent of 25 cups of green tea!

MultiSpiceSpices offer an amazing array of health benefits, making them an essential part of your daily diet. However, not everyone can consume a range of spices every day, which means they aren’t able to receive the disease-preventing and health-promoting benefits they offer.

BCN’s MultiSpice however, provides 5 organic spices in an easy-to-use vege capsule, which means that taking a range of health-boosting spices every day is now easier than ever!

ProBlend Dairy-FreeProtein is an essential part of everyone’s diet because it serves so many functions in our body. Some of the best protein sources are animal products because they supply all of the essential amino acids. However, more people are looking for vegetable-based protein sources instead of animal products in order to ensure they consume an adequate amount of protein every day.

BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is a high-quality, great-tasting vegetable-based protein powder containing a combination of pea and rice protein. It is a quick, easy and convenient way to get the extra protein in your diet every day without the problems associated with consuming dairy products or artificial sweeteners.

Healthy Essentials’ Wild Norwegian Pure Omega 3High quality double concentrate fish oil capsules with the addition of natural phospholipids and the fat digestive enzyme, lipase, to assist with breakdown and utilization. Molecular distilled. No heavy metals. Odourless. No fishy reflux. Wild fish source. Friend of the Sea and IFFO RS certification for sustainable practices. Available from health food stores nationally.


GuT hEalTh and youR immunE sysTEm


by Dr. Peter Dingle BEd, BSc, PhD

The gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota (bacteria), or the gut probiotics as they are more commonly known, are the collection of microbes which

live in our gut, essential for digestion, healthy metabolism as well as playing a crucial role in the development of our immune system. Our probiotics function as a major immunological organ and

along with the gastrointestinal tract constitute about seventy percent of the immune system. If probiotic balance is disrupted, termed dysbiosis; harmful inflammation, autoimmunity and altered immune function occurs along with an increased risk of disease. In this state, the intestinal tract is particularly vulnerable to chronic conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Studies have also found links to systemic conditions such as obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes and many more highlighting the growing importance of GI microbiota to human health.

The traditional belief was that the composition of GI microbiota was relatively stable from early childhood. However, overwhelming new evidence

Our probiotics function as a major immunological organ and along with

the gastrointestinal tract constitute about seventy percent of the immune



shows that diet, environmental and lifestyle factors such as stress can induce dysbiosis in GI microbiota. This was shown in studies on mice where diet was found to account for 57% of structural deviation in GI microbiota, with genetic difference only accounting for 12%. These findings further highlight the dominating role of diet in shaping GI microbiota. For example, the “Western” diet has been shown to induce dysbiois. Diets rich in high-fibre, complex carbohydrates (primarily from fibrous vegetables) show less growth of pathogenic species than diets higher in fat or protein. Refined sugars, on the other hand, mediate the overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria and mould species.

bEsT Way To REsToRE PRobioTic balancE in ThE GuTPrebiotics are non digestible food ingredients used as a second strategy that stimulate the growth and activity of the ‘friendly’ bacteria already in the gut. These have a more lasting effect than probiotics. A number of recent studies have shown a positive effect of prebiotic supplementation on immune health including: a reduced allergic response, prevention of respiratory disease and decreased frequency of diarrhoea, particularly in children. In fact researchers have found that breast milk naturally contains prebiotics, believed to stimulate bifidobacteria – so-called ‘friendly’ bacteria that help release energy and nutrients from food.

The potential beneficial mechanism of prebiotics to a developing immune system is the ability to remediate an imbalance between T helper type 1 and 2 cells. It is this imbalance that is thought to cause allergic diseases. T helper cells type 2 are associated with allergic diseases, and it is the T cells which then instruct the B cells to manufacture antibodies and develop an allergic reaction.

In humans, a number of randomised controlled trials have shown a preventative effect of prebiotic feeding on the development and severity of allergic disease and food hypersensitivity. Atopic dermatitis is usually the first manifestation of allergy during early

infancy. Infants with early onset allergic disease are also at risk of other variations of allergic disease, described as the allergic march. In a study on infants in the first six months of life, 9.3% of the prebiotic group had atopic dermatitis compared to 23.1% of the placebo group. Similarly, a Meta-analysis of four studies investigating susceptible children found a reduction eczema of approximately 38% in the prebiotic group. They also reported a significant reduction in asthma and eczema from prebiotic supplementation in infants who were not a high allergy risk.

A number of studies have also shown that prebiotics can enhance immune responses to protect against infections. They have been shown to prevent intestinal infections, particularly for pathogens that effect the large bowel as well as reduce infections in infants, including fewer upper respiratory tract infections and fewer infections that required treatment with antibiotics. The incidence of any recurring infection was reduced by 9.6%, while the incidence of recurring respiratory infection was cut by 6.7% infections during the first six months of life. The researchers reported the immune modulating effect of the prebiotic mixture was most likely via modification of intestinal microflora. In two animal studies mice fed prebiotics and then challenged with toxic chemicals, tumor cells and Candida albicans, or were infected systemically with Listeria or Salmonella all showed lower rates of infection and disease. In the first study they had around 50% lower rates of pre-cancerous cells and had 50% lower densities of Candida in the small intestine. None of the prebiotic mice died in the trial while nearly 30% of the mice in the control group died. In the second study more

than 80% for control mice died after being infected with Salmonella, but only 60% of the prebiotic fed mice died.

Based on this and dozens of other studies the research overwhelmingly shows prebiotics have a powerful effect on developing and controlling our immune system.

If you would like to try an effective prebiotic, then get a tub of BCN’s Gastro Forte AG. It is a powerful prebiotic derived from the western Larch tree.

Moreover, if you have a pre-existing gut issue such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome, then you may want to combine it with BCN’s DigestEZE, which can assist in soothing and healing the gut as well as providing several different prebiotics.

Prebiotics are non digestible food ingredients used as a second strategy that

stimulate the growth and activity of the ‘friendly’

bacteria already in the gut.”

Dr Dingle (PhD) has spent the past 25 years as a researcher, educator, author and public health advocate. He is Australia’s leading motivational health speaker and was an Associate Professor in health and the environment. He now runs corporate health and wellbeing programs throughout Australia. He currently has 14 books in print with the latest ones “The great cholesterol deception, medical myths and health lies that are killing us” and “Reversing heart disease blood pressure and blocked arteries without drugs”.For more information about Dr. Dingle’s seminars, books, and information, please visit:

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