Page 1: KOC NEWS - Kuwait Oil Company New… ·  · 2017-06-20During his speech, Al-Adsani said the ... engineers and geologists. ... KOC Celebrates International Day for Biological Diversity

Visits 2

TechnologyKOC Implements Information Security Management System

CEO Visits on the occasionof Holy Month of Ramadan


AwardKOC Receives OSHA Certificate


KOC Hosts Annual K-Lead EventDiscussions featured 2016/17 accomplishments

and future plans

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KOC recently hosted the annual K-Lead event for KPC and its subsidiaries, which was attended by KPC CEO Ni-zar Al-Adsani and a number of senior oil sector officials, including KOC CEO Jamal Abdul Aziz Jaafar.The event was held at the KOC Tent, which featured discussions on K-Com-pany achievements for the 2016/17 fiscal year, as well as future plans - es-pecially those related to achieving stra-tegic objectives.During his speech, Al-Adsani said the achievements were the result of cohe-

sion and cooperative orchestration by various KPC subsidiaries, indicating that developments in the oil market have made great strides on the local and international levels along with fierce competition, which requires in-creased efforts and initiatives that pro-vide flexibility and edge for the Kuwaiti oil industry.

A number of subsidiary CEOs and KOC DCEOs also overviewed recent accom-plishments, which represent prominent milestones on the road to achieve Ku-wait’s oil sector objectives.

KOC News is a fortnightly newsletter published by the KOC Information Team for KOC employees • Editor-in-Chief: Menahi Saeed Al-Enezi • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

31st Year - No. 73411 th June 2017

The KOC NewsletterKOC NEWS

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KOC CEO Visits Company EmployeesOn the occasion of Holy Month of Ramadan

As part of a series of inspection visits to various work sites, KOC CEO Jamal Jaafar recently visited a number of facilities and Gathering Centers throughout the Company. The visits took place in North Kuwait, West Kuwait, and South & East Kuwait.

DCEO (South & East Kuwait) Abdulla Al-Sumaiti and DCEO Corporate Services Yousef Ali accompanied the CEO on his visit to S&EK, where they shared an Iftar meal with employees at GC-22, and DCEO (NK) Badriah Abdul Raheem accompanied the CEO on his visit to North Kuwait, where they met with employees at a Water Injection Facility. Meanwhile, DCEO (WK) Ismail Abdulla and DCEO Exploration and Gas Menahi Al-Enezi accompanied the CEO on a visit to West Kuwait, where they shared an Iftar meal at BS-171 with Company employees.

In a statement he made during his visit, Jaafar praised the dedication displayed by Company employees in performing their tasks. He also encouraged them to continue working toward ensuring the continuity of production operations at different sites in accordance with the goals of the Company’s 2030 Strategy.

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KOC Implements Information Security Management SystemSuccessful implementation of ISMS ISO 27001:2013

Under the patronage and presence of KOC CEO Jamal Abdul Aziz Jaafar, the KOC Information Security Team (Corporate Information Technology Group), recently celebrated the successful implementation of the Information Security Management System ISO 27001:2013.

The event was attended by a number of DCEOs, all Team Leaders and personnel form the Group, as well as representatives from Deloitte Services Company, a KOC business partner. The celebration began with a short video presentation speech by Manager (CIT) Ali Al-Nakeeb, who spoke about the successful journey of the Information Security Team in implementing ISO 27001:2013. He also commended the concrete efforts of the Team in protecting the information security of the Company. He then touched on the importance of keeping up with the latest technology at the corporate level to enhance the safety of information security, especially at a large company like KOC where information security is a basic requirement for the challenges of this age.

Meanwhile, TL Information Security Dr. Reem Al-Shammari touched on the benefits of this system, its significance, and the phases it goes through to be successfully implemented in the Company. She also confirmed the Team’s adherence to comply with international security standards and implement them widely at the corporate level.

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The 2017 MFA Forum, which lasted for three consecutive days, was recently held at the Hubara Center. It was held under the auspices of DCEO Drilling & Technology Ahmad Al-Eidan, and the TIU (Subsurface) was headed by Al-Eidan. TL Technical Personnel Development and the Head of CDU (Subsurface) Eisa Al-Daihany helped conduct the forum.

DCEO (NK) Badria Abdul Rahim also attended the forum along with a number of Group Managers, Team Leaders and employees to listen to presentations given by young engineers and geologists.

In his opening speech, Al-Eidan highlighted the importance of the vital role of the youth in the Company by involving them in daily operations. He also pointed out the importance of their focus on the future of their professional careers, and said that he considered this forum a primary platform for young employees where they can present their innovations and competencies. He also urged Group Managers to participate in this event to offer support to young employees.

Meanwhile, Al-Daihany touched on the importance of employee development to be able to contribute to KOC strategies, where training and development enhance the performance of employees, which should result in achieving the desired goals of KOC’s strategies.

KOC Celebrates International Day for Biological DiversityUnder the patronage and presence of DCEOs Ismail Abdulla and Yousef Ali

MFA Forum 2017Event highlighted the important role young employees play for KOC

Under the patronage of DCEO Corporate Services Yousef Ali and DCEO West Kuwait Ismail Abdulla, the H&E Team and HSE (WK) Team recently celebrated International Biodiversity Day 2017. The event was held under the theme of “Biological Diversity and Sustainable Tourism.”

The event at the KOC Tent was attended by a number of Group Managers, Team Leaders, KOC employees, contractors and representatives from KISR. The event falls under the context of KOC’s continuous commitment towards the protection of biodiversity and the environment in order to maintain and increase wildlife populations and biodiversity in the country’s natural areas. KOC celebrated the day in line with the International Day for Biological Diversity, which is an occasion to help increase global understanding and awareness of issues and challenges in regard to biodiversity.

DCEO Yousef Ali welcomed the participants in his opening speech and explained the event’s objectives and importance. Representatives from the Water Handling Team (WK) and the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) delivered presentations during the event, where they focused on delivering the message of biodiversity. KOC Postmasters, screensavers and prisma panels were utilized as part of this event to help create awareness about the importance of biological diversity and sustainability.

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Compassionate Leaves & Bail Bonds for June 2017Mobile No.9901293299011420

Under the patronage of DCEO (NK) Badria Abdul Raheem and Ag. Manager Operations Support (NK) Mohammad Al-Otaibi, the HSE (NK) Team celebrated World Environment Day 2017 at the NK Directorate.

The event was organized in commemoration of the international World Environment Day celebrated annually by the United Nations on June 5 to encourage global awareness and taking positive action toward the environment.

The event started with an HSE moment by playing a video on this year’s World Environment Day theme of “Connecting People to Nature”. Al-Otaibi then delivered his welcome speech in which he explained the history and importance of World Environment Day and upheld KOC’s commitment to environmental protection by highlighting various environmental initiatives and strategic projects implemented across the Company.

The event included an environmental awareness presentation by local industry expert Dr. Essa Ramadan on “Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation”, and Dr. Sultan Al-Salem from KISR on “Waste to Energy Solutions in Multi-scale Unit Operations”.

As a part of this event, plants were distributed to the attendees as a contribution towards making our planet Earth green. Furthermore, plaques were distributed to the presenters in appreciation for their valuable contribution to the event.

The event was attended by a large number of KOC employees and contractors, and the success of the program was evident from the enthusiasm and sincere appreciation expressed by the participants.

NK Directorates Celebrates World Environment DayPresentations delivered and environmental awareness issues discussed

Under the patronage of DCEO West Kuwait Ismail Abdulla, the Fields Development Team (WK) organized a farewell party for Consultant Dr. C.V. Nair, on his retirement from KOC after more than 25 years of service to the Company.

DCEO (WK) Ismail Abdulla, Manager Reservoir Management Group Eisa Al-Maraghi, Act. Manager Fields Development (WK) Tahani Al-Rashidi, Team Leader UG (WK) Mishal Al-Mufarej and Team Leader NFD I (WK) Riyad Quttainah attended the event, along with employees from the Fields Development (WK) Team.

In a statement he made during the event, DCEO (WK) Ismail Abdulla said he appreciated the service and contributions of Dr. Nair to KOC, whereas Al-Rashidi elaborated on the technical contributions of Dr. Nair for FD (WK) and his mentoring to many young engineers - including herself. She mentioned that Dr. Nair’s retirement is a loss to KOC and that it will be a challenge to find someone to take his place.

Manager RM Group Eisa Al-Maraghi acknowledged and appreciated the knowledge and guidance he received from Dr. Nair and how that helped him to build his career. Dr. Nair thanked KOC for the service opportunity given and briefly mentioned his successful journey in KOC with several technical colleagues, who are now in senior management positions at KOC and KPC subsidiary companies.

At the conclusion of the event, a memento was presented to Dr. Nair as a token of appreciation while everyone present wished the departing KOC employee a very happy and prosperous retired life.

KOC Holds Farewell Party for Dr. C.V. NairDr. Nair retired after more than 25 years of service with KOC

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The KOC Information Technology Operations Team, represented by its Team Leader Anaam Al-Jenaa, recently took part in an informative seminar on technology and communication. The event was attended by a number of experts from K-Companies and government bodies.

The seminar was held at the Ahmad Al-Jaber Oil & Gas Exhibition and was attended by Manager (CIT) Ali Al-Nakib and Group Team Leaders. The seminar was conducted by two consultants from Gartner, the international research institute in the field of information technology specialized in managing business continuity. KOC Information Technology Planning Team Snr. System Analyst Muneera Al-Saifi also took part.

The lecture touched on the latest technologies in communication and in the field of digital cloud services. It was attended by 120 people.

During the event, an announcement was made by Gartner and the development acceleration program “Hemmetak” on selecting KOC as one of the digital pioneers on the state level for 2017.

KOC was then commended for its efforts in enhancing information technology culture, especially towards the employee’s family members and young adults, through organizing specialized events throughout the year. Following the seminar, the attendees toured the exhibition and were introduced to its sections and the unique experience it offered.

Informative Seminar on Technology and CommunicationKOC honored as a digital pioneer in 2017

For the third straight year, KOC obtained a major accomplishment after the Company received Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recognition through the Major Projects and Technical Services Directorate, which received a certificate that recognized the significant amount of work the Directorate accomplished in regard to the completion of an awareness campaign that was launched recently under the title of “National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction.”

During the event, TL Q&HSE Faris Al-Mansouri opened the session by commending the efforts of team members and the cooperation of other Teams throughout the Directorate. The Directorate’s Quality & HSE Team previously conducted the program in collaboration with OSHA to implement international best practices in order to prevent falls throughout Company facilities and construction sites by introducing a specialized program to contractors throughout the Directorate.

The Team also organized an awareness session to deliver the content of the program to the Directorate’s contractors and PMCs. The session also included a workshop where participants exchanged best practices for construction methods, particularly scaffolding.

The workshop aimed to improve competent skills on fall prevention and the protection of workers while working at heights.

KOC Receives OSHA CertificateAwareness session and workshop were also organized

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The Human Resources Group recently conducted a welcome meeting for newly recruited UD employees and KIPIC UDs.

HR Group Manager Hasan Abdullah Al-Kandari headed the meeting, which was also attended by Team Leader Personnel Admin. Hashem Al-Refai, Team Leader Job Evaluation Fahad Al-Otaibi, Team Leader Industrial Relations Dharar Al-Sumait, Team Leader Compensation Abdul Aziz Al-Rukhayes, and HR Group Planning Coordinator Yousef Al-Zahameel.

During the meeting, Al-Kandari explained the basic structure of KOC, HR functional processes, career progression opportunities and training opportunities. He encouraged those in attendance to be proactive in their field of work and advised them to understand the procedures and criteria by which employee performance is evaluated. He also assured various forms of assistance and advice would be provided in case of any obstacles at work.

Represented by Ahmadi Hospital, KOC participated in the recent celebration held by the Central Blood Bank on the occasion of Blood Donation Day. The celebration honored distinguished parties and individuals who support its campaigns, especially those with the highest number of donors in Kuwait.

The honoring included 20 private and governmental institutions with the highest number of donations in Kuwait, including KOC, which attained third place in 2017 after coming in first for the last three years consecutively.

This year, KOC had 1,579 donors, whereas the “Al-Imam Campaign” of the Central Blood Bank came in first place with 1,889 donors, and KNPC attained second place with 1,689 donors.

Within the activities of the Kuwait Capital of Youth for 2017, the honoring included youth donors aged between 18 to 25 years.

Medical Support Services Chief Officer Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmi represented KOC, whereas Medical Labs Manager at Ahmadi Hospital Shakir Al-Mutawa received the Company’s award. The Hospital’s Blood Bank Section Head Munira Al-Subaie and all section employees were among the attendees.

HR Group Holds Welcome MeetingFor newly recruited UD employees

KOC Takes Part in Blood Donation Day CelebrationHonored for the third highest number of donors in 2017

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In cooperation with the Quality & Accreditation Department from the Ministry of Health, Ahmadi Hospital recently organized a workshop that focused on incident management and reporting.

The workshop, which was presided over by Dr. Haitham Abdulaziz, took place in the meeting hall at the hospital. The event featured the participation of a number of medical managers and quality department heads from Ahmadi Hospital as well as other private hospitals in Kuwait.

The workshop included an educational lecture, presentation, video screening, case studies, application exercises and a general discussion about the subject. Dr. Abdulaziz confirmed that the workshop aims to support the Ministry of Health’s goal of unifying quality and accreditation system standards in governmental and private hospitals. It also aimed to introduce participants to the various means of patients safety, understanding incidents and different reporting systems, objectives, categorization, principles as well as enabling the nursing staff to distinguish between critical and simple incidents and how to respond to them.

He added that participants will eventually develop their skills in terms of filling reporting forms and understanding their different parts, how serious an incident is, what caused it, and the development of an action plan to deal with different situations.

Ahmadi Hospital Organizes Incident Management WorkshopIn cooperation with the MoH Quality & Accreditation Department

KOC recently organized four HSSE courses that were presented by Mahmoud Chamma, HSE Consultant, A&F Directorate.

Each course was conducted over the course of a day, and two focused on Behavior Based Safety (BBS)/Safety Observation and Conversation (SOC). The first was attended by Managers and Team Leaders and 40 CAEs, while the second was attended by 109 employees from other levels and different departments.

The third course, which was attended by 109 employees, focused on Defensive Driving, while the last and fourth course, attended by 145 employees, discussed HSE Audits, Inspection and Self-Assessment.

All the courses were conducted at the Ahmad Al-Jaber Oil & Gas Exhibition and were part of a series of awareness events in different fields.

KOC Organizes Four HSSE CoursesManagers, Team Leaders, and employees attended the safety-based courses