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Available For Area 51 Insiders Only: The True “Against All Odds” Love Story that Includes a Bunch of Ordinary Folks Piling Up Millions In Embarrassingly Easy Earnings…

“A Love Story” (Loaded With The Unfair Advantage Of Proof

That It’s All Done For You)

Good News: There’s Still Time Left To Find Out About The Underground Formula

For Piling Up Massive Wealth - Requiring Zero Experience, Zero Risk, Zero Start-up Capital - Leaving You

With Mucho Freetime For Your Family And Other Love Activities…


From the Desk of Mike Long, La Jolla, California Yo, Congratulations for uncovering this report. The choice to relax, read, and watch this entire V-Book (video-book) is yours; I created it to help give you an unfair advantage every time you make a business move, but the rest is up to you. Here’s where I’m coming from: As I write this, I feel, as I often do when I begin my work, a bit uncertain and alone – much like most folks who have a business they run from home… …But, as I look forward to the wealth of specific strategies, marketing scripts, detailed examples of ordinary folks’ success, and key business distinctions that I am about to share with you, (((NNNooottt tttooo mmmeeennntttiiiooonnn ttthhheee aaarrrssseeennnaaalll ooofff vvviiidddeeeooo tttrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg yyyooouuu nnnooowww hhhaaavvveee instantiinnssttaanntt accessaacccceessss tttooo))) I also feel confident and hopeful. And as I think of my colleague Bob Serling, my partner David Mills, our community’s blog comments, and the emails that I have been receiving, my loneliness fades far into the background. It is replaced by a sense of companionship and sense of purpose. I even have a love story to share with you… I’ve created this document for three reasons:

BBBooobbb FFFooouuunnnddd AAA WWWaaayyy FFFooorrr OOOrrrdddiiinnnaaarrryyy FFFooolllkkksss TTTooo WWWiiinnn BBBiiiggg...

Reason #1: Because Bob Serling has discovered a way for ordinary folks to walk into any business situation with a totally unfair advantage. He calls it “Licensing Proven Marketing Campaigns” – a deceptively bland name for a strategy that few understand and even fewer put into practice… …But that time after time ordinary business rookies are using to get results that don’t seem at all “fair.”

PPPrrroooooofff TTThhhaaattt IIIttt’’’sss AAAllllll DDDooonnneee FFFooorrr YYYooouuu

What is it worth to have a marketing legend standing over your shoulder? His most recent round of students had to cough up $24,000 for his help. Luckily, Bob agreed to help take you by the hand and lead you step-by-step through this whole “proof that it’s done for you” advantage. Here’s an exclusive training video:

Click Here To Watch This Video

Reason #2: Because we wanted to allow you to learn from the experiences, insights, and methods of seven of Bob’s students who I have had the opportunity to interview. Here is a short clip from that interview (the full recording is available later in this v-book):

Click here to listen to Rob Long relating his tollgate success after training with Bob Serling.

Reason #3: Because I wanted you to see through my eyes, and through the eyes of my partner David Mills. You see David and I were on to this licensing proven campaigns thing before we met Bob – and we want to share what it was like back then. (And what it’s like for us now that we’ve given our business Bob’s automated success blueprint.) Here’s the story: My partner, whom you’re about to meet, DDDaaavvviiiddd MMMiiillllllsss, posted a “classified” video that I created with marketing legend BBBooobbb SSSeeerrrllliiinnnggg onto Youtube - and it snowballed into a shockwave of positive sentiment. Now it’s taken on a life of it’s own…

CCCooonnntttrrrooovvveeerrrsssyyy AAAlllrrreeeaaadddyyy??? This was the good kind of controversy. It’s what happens when folks find out that there is still hope left out there – and that there are still heavy duty opportunities left for the little guy to make it big.

Ever since that video hit the internet, blogs, message boards and emails have been lighting up with chatter. In just the last few days our Blog has been overrun with folks who have already started to take advantage of this revolutionary training. Folks are bearing their souls and jumping for joy. This highjacked video unearthed folks experiencing tremendous success using these secret techniques. Everyone’s buzzing about licensing proven marketing campaigns because of the big bucks without risk, investment, or a bunch of work. The “without a bunch of work” part, especially, sounds like B.S., doesn’t it? Well, here’s the thing: Before I began working with Bob, and really starting to “get it,” I used methods similar to some of what he teaches – I did tollgate-like ventures taking some advantage of proven marketing campaigns… …and yet I worked like a dog much of the time. Also like a dog, I spent a horrifying amount of time chasing my own tail! Here are two great lessons that I’ve learned, one mostly from Bob, the other mostly from my own experience:

DDDooonnn’’’ttt RRReeeiiinnnvvveeennnttt TTThhheee WWWhhheeeeeelll 1) Work with proven, established products vs. trying to help launch a new product.

Here’s why trying to help somebody sell a brand new product or service is much more difficult:

• Your client is busy trying to make the product, and associates that effort with “their part” of the work. They are less available for marketing opportunities and they then psychologically want you to match the amount of work that they are doing. (Which causes a problem if you are working smart, which doesn’t take much time or effort.) For an established product, the work it took to make the product is not valued as highly (because it is farther in the past) and it isn’t associated with you.

PPPrrroooooofff IIIsss TTThhheee KKKeeeyyy HHHeeerrreee………

• It is harder to make the sale of a new

product to the ‘distribution’ side of the tollgate – to affiliates and companies with lists, because there’s no proven track record of success.

• The product itself may not be as good as the

‘product creator’ side of the tollgate claims, and you have no way to check, if the product isn’t made yet. The price has not been tested yet. And more often than you would believe, the product doesn’t get made at all, after you have put in a tremendous amount of effort making the deal and doing research for the marketing.

• People who have just created, and never tried

to sell, a product, often have unrealistic sales expectations. This makes it much harder to make your clients happy, than if

they already have realistic and tested sales numbers. And by leveraging proven marketing campaigns in a smart way, you are very likely to beat their previous sales rates.

• Note that many of the above disadvantages

apply to YOU ALSO, if it is YOUR BUSINESS that is making (and marketing) your own product. Take note: in Bob’s interview with Derek Gehl of IMC, the largest internet marketing education company on the planet, Derek revealed that licensing an existing product ALWAYS proves to be cheaper (and far more profitable) than making your own product. Unless you have a very compelling reason to make your own product, follow the advice of Bob and Derek, and you will make more money with far less hassle.

AAA BBBiiiggg KKKeeeyyy MMMooosssttt FFFooolllkkksss MMMiiissssss 2) Work with the right people – it is very important to partner with people that you can depend on. It also means you probably DON’T need a zillion partners, employees, or even outsource people.

• In the past, I’ve thought to measure myself

by how MANY people that I’ve partnered with, or had working for me. It has served me far better to focus on measuring my business by the QUALITY of people I work with, even it is just 1, 2, or a few. (Along similar lines, I now focus on the profit that I personally take home at the end of the day, rather than how much gross money the businesses I work with take in.)

• When you do partner with somebody, it is so important that you both learn to understand and appreciate the value that they bring. Otherwise you will both caught in a see-saw where first one person seems great, and the other rather weak or lazy, and then the next day, when different strengths matter, the roles seem reversed.

WWWaaarrrnnniiinnnggg::: AAAvvvoooiiiddd ContemptCCoonntteemmpptt LLLiiikkkeee TTThhheee PPPlllaaaggguuueee TTThhhaaattt IIIttt IIIsss

In Malcom Gladwell’s seminal work, “Blink” he identifies contempt as the number one relationship killer – bar none. Don’t repeat the mistake that has cost me so many friendships, so much money and so much happiness. Your team should have the attitude of wanting to do a good job at whatever it is they do. I would avoid partnering closely with anybody who doesn’t clearly have that mindset of seeking excellence in whatever they set their mind to.

• If an outsource person, jv partner, or

tollgate client shows bad signs, such as not keeping their word, being condescending or divisive, or doing weak work, DO NOT expect that to change. Drop them as fast as possible and keep looking for somebody good. Good people constantly do good work, and ‘bad’ people (in the simple, non-moral sense that I use here) constantly do bad work.

• Finally, be very careful of the mindset of “just outsource every task that you can,” so that you have time for the ‘important’ and ‘highly paid’ things. I’ve had much more success with outsourcing once I have gained some working knowledge for myself of the task that I am outsourcing. I’ve been burned a lot in the past, and so will you be, unless you are extremely lucky, if you aren’t very smart about outsourcing.

• And, especially important for somebody

starting out, you can often save a small fortune, and speed up your turn-around time, by learning and executing a task yourself. For example, video filming and editing comes to mind for me. We recently saved approximately $30,000 and ended up with a much better product by producing our own videos.

Ok, now that I’ve taken you on a crash course of what I’ve learned about success with licensing and success in business, let’s get to the main event. This story – “““AAA LLLooovvveee SSStttooorrryyy””” - will introduce you to some of the people experiencing outrageous fortune

cause of their involvement with things. be

OOOnnnllliiinnneee VVViiidddeeeooo SSShhhoooccckkkwwwaaavvveee

What was packed into these videos that created such a stir? Well, they reveal the ways that BBBooobbb SSSeeerrrllliiinnnggg and I have been piling up easy wealth – not to mention several rookies who have made massive bank. Much more on Bob soon – but for now we’ll just say that he’s a legendary marketer and the wizard

behind the scenes of most of the successful case studies I’m presenting you with today. The interview with Bob and me happened at the last second. I decided to ask Bob to help me explain a strategy that had made both of us – and several of our closest friends, partners and clients - millions in easy profits… The strategy is called “the tollgate method” because it allows you to connect two businesses in an almost embarrassingly easy way to allow for big profits with no investment, risk, or even experience on your behalf.

HHHeeerrreee’’’sss TTThhheee VVViiidddeeeooo TTThhhaaattt 222000,,,000777555 PPPeeeooopppllleee HHHaaavvveee WWWaaatttccchhheeeddd:::

Click Here To View This Video

Anyway, when my partner, David Mills, who you’re about to find out all about - watched the video, he hijacked it instantly and posted it to Youtube. That was like the first domino tumbling – and the shockwave of notoriety surround this thing has reached a fevered pitch with tens of thousands of folks hovering around this thing.

HHHeeerrreee AAArrreee TTThhheee OOOttthhheeerrr 333 VVViiidddeeeooosss:::

Click Here To Watch Parts 2, 3 and 4.

Here’s the bottom line: Like I said from the start, this is a love story.

But the bottom line is that it’s also a story about hope overcoming fear. And it’s a story about profit instead of loss.

TTTrrruuueee SSStttooorrryyy::: (I’ll even show you videos that prove it – and fill you in on the details of what’s going on in an easy to follow, step-by-step manner.) You’re about to find out about:

• Well over $$$100110000 Million Dollars worth of new businesses blasted into existence by a group of total rookies. (“clueless” sounds a bit too harsh)(With no experience, risk, and no start-up capital.)

MMiilllliioonn DDoollllaarrss

• The underground formula for creating massive

profits – and the brilliant but secretive mastermind pulling the strings behind the curtain.

• But first I’m going to tell you what this has

to do with an improbable “against-all-odds” love story that involves loads of money.

Back Story Time: It all started about four years ago with an unusual phone call from my friend DDDaaavvviiiddd MMMiiillllllsss. As soon as David, one of my oldest and most trusted pals, told me out of the blue that he might want to learn Russian, I knew something was up. …In fact, I guessed right away that David was in love.

I was right. But before I get into the back-story to that, let me explain David Mills this way…

PPPhhhiiilllooosssoooppphhhyyy BBBaaaddd---AAAssssss David is what I would describe as a “black-ops Philosophy bad-ass.” He has spent the last 14 years laying low near the campus of the University of Virginia teaching his own accelerated learning and philosophy course. What does all of this have to do with miraculous results in business – or even with our story? Here’s why this matters: I’ve been going to David for advice ever since I met him over a dozen years ago – and his advice has damn near always worked. In fact, David closely advised me on almost every project I worked on from the day I met him. Here’s the rundown:

TTThhheee SSSpppyyy AAAnnnddd TTThhheee PPPhhhiiilllooosssoooppphhheeerrr From the time I started getting advice from David Mills, it became quickly apparent to me that he would be my ideal business partner. I’ve often described David as being an idea detective – like Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot - because of the way he cuts through the mysteries of life and business.

There was just one hitch in my plan. David was focused on philosophy and not business… …At least until he met Olya. That’s when he decided to turn his mind to creating a bit of wealth. Now Olya is NOT your vanilla Russian bride. In fact, she was a rising star in a large Russian mutual fund firm. Heck, Olya was even approached by the KGB to spy on America! (I told you there was at least a little James Bond in this whole situation! Olya politely declined.) David and Olya met by accident on an online dating site – and they were almost instantly in love. Here comes the hard part: Remember how I told you that Olya was a rising star in her business? The hard part is that David was running a “lifestyle business” – teaching his philosophy seminar paid his bills, but wasn’t going to cut it for bringing Olya over to America and starting a family.

RRRuuussssssiiiaaannn BBBrrriiidddeee EEExxxeeecccuuutttiiivvveee Now, instead of the typical situation where a rich American man brings a poor Russian woman over to America – Olya would actually have to give up her high powered career and marry for love.

I told you this was a love story! The bottom line was that when David called me up he was determined to change things once and for all. HHHeeerrreee iiisss wwwhhhaaattt DDDaaavvviiiddd wwwaaasss uuuppp aaagggaaaiiinnnsssttt:::

• He had almost no business experience.

• He had almost no computer or technical savvy.

• He had little to no money to invest.

• He had few contacts or business relationships. And perhaps most importantly…

• He didn’t have a lot of time to screw around. Olya was making good money in Russia – but if they were going to be together she’d have to quit her job and give up everything – even the new apartment she had just bought. So bringing Olya to America and putting their marriage and their family first was suddenly David’s biggest priority right now. Ultimately, philosophy is where his heart is, but he realized that the fastest way to focus back on that was build a serious business once and for all. And I don’t blame him one bit… Here’s why: Olya and David are a genuinely cute couple. They are endearing and funny without being condescending of nauseating.

I could totally see why this was so important to David. In short, David was in the same situation that many folks are in – he was starting without many advantages and didn’t have much time to waste.

BBBlllaaaccckkk---OOOpppsss TTTaaaccctttiiicccsss David told me right away that if he was going to do the business thing, then he wanted to do it right – and it was going to be simple and profitable. That might sounds “ordinary” but its actually not. Instead of building the traditional million-dollar business – shackled with tons of employees burning through payroll week after week and overstuffed with fixed costs – we would have a fast business where David and I would do most of the meaningful work. We would outsource and partner for whatever we couldn’t do or wasn’t worth our time – and we wouldn’t have a ton of infrastructure and fixed costs – like office space and employees to manage. Here’s the important part: The thing that’s really particular about David is that his business plans always focus in on profits. Some guys I’ve worked with had big earnings, but then squandered most of their money and time on large staffs, huge overhead, risky investments and other needless expenses.

“““TTThhheee 111444 MMMiiilllllliiiooonnn DDDooollllllaaarrr DDDaaayyy””” What resulted was a business deal quite similar to Bob’s Tollgate Method that did nearly twenty million dollars worth of total sales before refunds or cancellations – much of it in the first 12 hours. Now remember my confession earlier? Like I said before, lots of guys were wrapped up in this thing – plus we brought in Frank Kern to help with copy and strategy… …Not to mention massive super affiliates like the Rich Jerk, John Reese, Brad Callen, Cody Moya, Ken McCarthy and Mike Filsaime – all of whom not only provided countless thousands of prospects, but also their own brand of marketing muscle… The result was that on the tasks that we agreed to do to help bring the whole thing together, David and I were both using what Bob calls “Use and Control” to supercharge all of our efforts. (Use and Control is where you get to leverage the assets of the businesses you’re working with to accomplish your earnings goals.) But despite its size, the new business didn’t require dozens of “worker bees” or massive up front costs for us.

HHHeeerrreee’’’sss TTThhheee BBBeeesssttt PPPaaarrrttt::: In fact, David and I got paid tens of thousands each UP FRONT. (With another 7-figures in earnings on the back-end.)

That’s not to say that it was all a walk in the park. (Though, with what we know now, it could have been.) This is a stat shot from that day’s worth of sales – just under 12 hours worth:

(Note: This shot doesn’t include another 3 million in recurring sales worth of paypal payments collected.) WWWaaarrrnnniiinnnggg::: The results I’m showing you are extraordinary – and as I’ve stressed again and again, they were the results of many folks pooling great power. The average person starting flat footed would be hard pressed to take the best

coaching and tools available and accomplish the same results. The lesson here is how David got to being a player in this whole thing as he helped me, our partners, and the a little bit of hired help we contracted orchestrate the moves for the launch behind the scenes. David’s take? Six figures in profit plus a lucrative business with me that now usually pockets him a high five figures per month. Olya, for her part, missed the hours she would have spent with David while we were first putting the business together, but is now totally thrilled.

SSStttaaalllkkkiiinnnggg BBBooobbb SSSeeerrrllliiinnnggg Right around the same time of the 14 million dollar day, I was first introduced to Bob Serling. Bob’s advice – especially when it came to managing the key elements of the tollgate – your content partners, your distribution partners, and of course your prospects and clients – was dead on. The more I found out about Bob, the more I realized he had oodles of experience with these kinds of leveraged marketing moves. That’s when we started stalking Bob Serling. Here’s the scoop: David and I were really thrilled with the success of our ventures and longed to share our success with others.

At the same time, David and I made the decision a while back to resist creating any products of our own – at least for now.

AAA LLLuuuccckkkyyy BBBrrreeeaaakkk Bob and I started meeting almost every week, and during one of these lunch meetings Bob was telling me one of his crazy marketing stories when he mentioned a client of his – Rob Long – who just hit his first “tollgate home run.” Rob, a total rookie when it comes to this strategy, got 20-minutes worth of advice from Bob and turned it into a high 5-figure payday with a 6-figure back-end. I asked Bob if I could talk to Rob, and Bob agreed to put us together.

Click here for my interview with Rob on MP3 (Or download it as a zip file by

clicking here) But there was a lot more where that came from… All in all, the folks that David Mills and I met really dazzled us with their success – all resulting from Bob’s licensing strategies I just showed you.

TTThhheee MMMiiilllllliiiooonnnaaaiiirrreee LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg CCCllluuubbb::: A AA TTTrrreeeaaasssuuurrreee TTTrrrooovvveee

OOOfff CCCaaassseee SSStttuuudddyyy PPPrrroooooofff There’s Pam Yellin who used one licensing tip from Bob to multiply her results 10 times – and another tip on a totally separate business to get 4 cars, a vacation and massive playtime, and then another This seems to die in the middle of a sentence – is the end of this sentence missing?

(Click here for Pam’s case study video) There was a basketball coach named Mike Jensen with a dying business and NO experience, list, or massive stashes of money to invest in expensive advertising methods – who turned his business completely around using just one of Bob’s methods. (Bob’s advice is worth thousands a week to Mike.)

(Click here for Mike’s case study video) Then there’s Tessa Stowe, who took one of Bob’s methods and created an entire business built around other folks expertise – and by continuing to build on that business, she now travels the world as an expert.

(Click here for Tessa’s case study video) Or there’s Jim Johnson, whose has a business-to-business focus. Jim used templates, provided by Bob, of proven marketing campaigns. Listen the results Jim got: I’ll give you a hint: 500% !!

(Click here for Jim’s case study video) Then there’s Henry Evans, who has a website with Dr. Brian Alman, a hypnotherapist. You’ll hear what it is like being on the ‘product’ side of benefiting FROM Bob practicing what he preaches – making tollgate deals. Henry explains how beneficial it is for him to have Bob introduce his products to businesses with big lists, and market those products with proven campaigns. This 9 minute interview is a “must listen” if you want to understand how great you will seem to the people you propose tollgate deals to.

(Click here for Henry’s case study video) Then there is Paul Quillen, who used Bob’s “business cloning” tactic to put him on track for a 50% increase in sales, then used another one of

Bob’s moves to double his sales on his primary product.

(Click here for Paul’s case study video) But there was even more… As we continued our investigation we turned up folks using all kinds of methods and tactics they’d learned from Bob to pile up easy dollars despite zero to little experience, investment, or other advantages like having a list, fancy contacts or web sites.

TTThhheee MMMaaagggnnniiifffiiiccceeennnttt SSSeeevvveeennn It turns out that there are really seven strategies that Bob has put together using proven licensed campaigns to build massive new businesses, or to revitalize old businesses - fast. Here’s what’s under the hood: Remember how we talked earlier about “ethically stealing for profit?” Well, Bob’s 7 master strategies all revolve around this same idea. Bob calls it “licensing successful marketing campaigns.”

I asked Bob to reveal all of these strategies to you – he’s already shown two. Here’s what Bob said:

LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg SSStttrrraaattteeegggyyy ###111::: LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg PPPrrrooovvveeennn CCCaaammmpppaaaiiigggnnnsss

MLC Licensing Strategy #1 – Licensing proven marketing campaigns to hundreds of businesses. Here’s that killer step-by-step case study again that Bob put together on his famed “jewelry store campaign” that explains exactly what he means by this strategy (I showed you this earlier in this report):

Click Here To Watch This Video

LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg SSStttrrraaattteeegggyyy ###222::: TTTooollllll GGGaaattteee JJJoooiiinnnttt VVVeeennntttuuurrreeesss

• MLC Licensing Strategy #2 – Toll gate joint ventures. You already know this is one of my favorite strategies because it’s been so profitable for me for almost two decades. You can put these highly profitable deals together by matching one company with a great product with another company with a great customer list

Here’s the ground braking video that Bob created going into an A-to-Z case study of a toll gate joint venture he recently put together. Most importantly – Bob gives you a FREE tool over 107 people have now used, just from watching this video, to launch businesses with massive profit potential.

Click here for the detailed recounting of the “60 minute tollgate” deal. Also: click here for the “proven for you” pdf supplemental files to the “60 minute tollgate” video

• MLC Licensing Strategy #3 – Past customer reactivation. Very few businesses understand that there's a ton of profits "hidden" in their past customer list. This strategy shows you how to make serious money reactivating these past customers for your clients quickly and easily.

This is another simple, yet highly profitable licensing strategy that you could easily build an entire, multi-million dollar business around. Once you understand how to reactivate past customers in any given industry – let’s say the software industry – and you have a proven campaign for doing this, how hard do you think it will be to get dozens, even hundreds of software companies to line up to license this service from you? I can tell you from years of experience, it’s a piece of cake.

• MLC Licensing Strategy #4 – Product customization. I love this strategy because: (a) It can be used with nearly any product or service; and (b) so few people understand how to properly apply it, you rarely see it being used – which means you’ll be able to dominate the markets you choose to use it in.

Using this strategy, you’ll show companies how to take a single existing product (or service) and quickly turn it into dozens of products by customizing it for different markets. One of my clients has taken the same service and customized it – with 90% of the core service remaining the same – for more than 60 different industries. Naturally, his sales have soared exponentially by offering versions that are tailored-made for each different industry. As with all my strategies, you license it to your clients in exchange for a solid up front fee plus an ongoing percentage of the profits.

• MLC Licensing Strategy #5 – Fee-based lead generation service. The vast majority of businesses lack the ability to consistently generate all the highly qualified leads they need. Consequently, their sales and profits suffer.

Once you understand precisely how to generate leads for almost any type of business, the sky’s the limit when

it comes to selling those leads to companies that are desperate for new customers. It gets even better when you apply this strategy to businesses with high-value clients, such as accountants, cosmetic surgeons, and dentists, because you can easily command $250 or more for every lead you provide.

I know of companies that make $80,000 per month just by providing this one service, and you’ll be able to do the same once you’re armed with the step-by-step blueprint and all the marketing pieces you need to succeed with this strategy.

• MLC Licensing Strategy #6 – Other people’s expertise. This strategy is a bit more sophisticated and sounds complex at first, by like all the other strategies, with the right blueprint it’s really a breeze.

Every business has best practices, systems, and processes in many different areas (marketing, production, operations) that can be turned into training programs for other businesses. But you’ll rarely find a business that even recognizes they have these dormant assets, and not one out of a hundred has any idea of how to capitalize on them.

But you’ll know precisely what to do to create and license out training programs that can be marketed for hundreds of thousands – or even millions – bringing your clients windfall profits and paying you a significant share of the profits.

• MLC Licensing Strategy #7 – Business cloning. Hold onto your hat, I’ve saved one of the easiest and most wildly profitable strategies for last! I’ve used this strategy with a number of clients and it’s always produced remarkable results.

Here’s how it works. For many businesses, one of the best things they can do to substantially increase their sales is set up a second business to compete with their primary business. I’m not at liberty to disclose which of my clients do this because they don’t want their competition to get wind of it. But all you need to understand is that the product is the same but given a different name –

however, what really makes it work is that the copy appeal is very different for each company. For example, one business may emphasize the best price, while the other emphasizes the best customer service in the industry. Companies I’ve worked with who use this strategy produce net profit increases as high as 80% – and I get my standard retainer fee plus a lucrative share of the profits. Of course, like all the other strategies, you offer this service on a licensing basis, collecting your five-figure retainer up front, followed by a share of the profits for years to come.

-Bob Serling ---------------------------------------- The members of Bob’s little club had success and freedom in common – and in some cases that success was staggering.

“““222555 MMMiiilllllliiiooonnn DDDooollllllaaarrr LLLeeetttttteeerrr””” David and I were touched and inspired by the moving stories the membership of this little club shared with us. But nothing could have prepared me for the following that Bob showed me:

How Mr. X closed a 25 Million Dollar deal before going underground: I’m probably best known for writing a one and a half page lead generation letter that many people refer to as the “$25 million letter”. That’s because the first time my client used it, by sending it to just one prospect, he landed an agreement for a $25 million sale. At this point, I would normally give you a testimonial in the client’s own words describing exactly how this happened. However, because this story has been spread so far

and wide, my client, who I’ll call “Mr. X” for now, asked me if I would please stop using his testimonial and name in my materials. Why? Because ever since the story first got out, and as it has grown, my client has been inundated with phone calls and emails from people asking him to share his success story, consult with them (usually for free), answer thousands of questions, and more. So to give the poor guy a break, rather than use his testimonial, I’ll just give you a review of what happened. So here goes… Mr. X used this letter – and all it took was one mailing to one prospect – to land an appointment with a U.S. Congressman and his Chief of Staff. In fact, the Congressman insisted that Mr. X fly out to Washington, D.C. immediately. Once he arrived, Mr. X had a 90-minute lunch meeting with the Congressman and his Chief of Staff and walked away with an agreement in principle for a $25 million contract. And while both Mr. X and I were convinced this letter would work well for his business, these instant results certainly exceeded both our expectations. However, the story doesn’t end there… Now, obviously, those results are quite gratifying. But that’s really just the beginning of the licensing story. What most people don’t know is that I’ve used variations of this same letter many times in my own business – and I’ve licensed it out to many of my clients multiple times for a five-figure retainer up front plus a percentage of the profits. Remember my skateboard toy with Tony Hawk’s logo? I used a variation of this letter, that required just ten minutes to modify, to license out that toy. I also used it to license out the testing and training software suite I created along with two partners. Our licensing deals lead to the software company being acquired for $6.4 million just 17 months after we started the company. Just a couple months ago, I again licensed a variation of this letter to yet another client. The results were that he broke all sales records for the entire 25 years he’s been in business and increased his profits by 500% in four months. Can you see why I wanted to share this information with folks? Folks went so wild when I first revealed this case study that the guy who we interviewed for it ended up being literally bombarded with calls and business requests.

After a while he just asked us to keep his name private – no problems. Anyways, David and I were blown away with the success these ordinary folks were having. The more we looked the more we found massive results with a minimum of risk and investment… Here’s the bad news:

TTThhheee MMMiiilllllliiiooonnnaaaiiirrreee LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg CCCllluuubbb IIIsss TTToootttaaallllllyyy SSSooolllddd OOOuuuttt

Yes. That’s right. Bob opened up the membership for a limited time a few months back and has sat tight even though folks have pressed him to accept the $17,500 tuition he’s been charging. That’s because Bob actually decided to call it quits after this year – he’d made more than enough money to retire several times over and enjoys spending time mentoring his son and sharing boat trips with his wife.

(Bob and his wife – whom incidentally had a production credit on the Music Video “Thriller” – are another great love story.) Here’s how things changed:

DDDaaavvviiiddd MMMiiillllllsss’’’ EEEvvviiilll PPPlllaaannn AAAlllsssooo SSSnnnaaarrreeesss BBBooobbb,,, FFFooorrrccceeesss HHHiiimmm TTTooo CCCooommmppplllyyy

Ok, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. But the bottom line is that all of the fuss over the video that David released worked two ways. One is that it forced me to explain exactly what was going on with this whole Licensing Proven Marketing campaigns opportunity gold-rush. Here’s the other thing: The other thing is that because we were hit with a tidal wave of emotion and support for Bob to keep the club going - dozens of people literally begged Bob to open up training one last time – and finally, Bob agreed not to throw in the towel... You see, it’s a major commitment, because Bob really gives his clients his all. And the members of the Millionaire Licensing Club have reaped the rewards. So Bob’s decision to take on a few more students is terrific news for a handful of lucky folks.

IIInnntttrrroooddduuuccciiinnnggg TTThhheee MMMiiilllllliiiooonnnaaaiiirrreeeL

LLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg CCCllluuubbb:::

Your 13 CDs, 6 DVDs, 2 Heavy Duty Millionaire Licensing Club Blueprint Manuscripts and your Millionaire Licensing Club Done For You Arsenal. Now you can have Bob stand over your shoulder, take you by the hand and lead you from A to Z when it comes to landing deals and cashing in. Here’s how it works: What folks are starting to wonder is, how is this level of success possible again and again?

TTThhheee PPPrrrooovvveeennn “““IIIttt’’’sss AAAllllll DDDooonnneee FFFooorrr Y YYooouuu””” AAAdddvvvaaannntttaaagggeee

Here’s how this all comes together: The reason folks are experiencing such uniform results in landing and cashing in on big deals comes down to these three words: Proven For You. It keeps working and working because Bob has made everything so easy for his clients. It’s easy because of the proven in the trenches, pre-loaded materials and plug-in templates that he offers his licensing clients. Every step is laid out in clear detail – with simple “cookie cutter” instructions for cashing in with all 7 of Bob’s licensing strategies over and over again. This marketing arsenal is legendary and includes documents and resources that give his clients an unfair advantage at every step of the way.

SSSttteeeppp---BBByyy---SSSttteeeppp IIInnnssstttrrruuuccctttiiiooonnn

What about the moves that happen in between the done-for-you materials Bob has prepared for his little club? That’s where the second big unfair advantage kicks in.

You see, Bob’s a legendary marketer who’s learned from and trained some of the very best in the world. Here’s how you know it works: Marketing gurus from Cory Rudl to Yanik Silver, Marlon Sanders, Derek Gehl, marketing legend Gary Halbert - and more - have all been advised by Bob and his clients have reaped hundreds of millions in rewards for their investment in Bob. Bob has mapped out all of the moves that have to be made to close a deal all of the way to where you collect your paycheck… …and often repeat the process many times all over with so many of your cash ready, satisfied customers. This is powerful stuff – because it effectively turns tons of what would be one-shot customers into ongoing money-making machines for years to come.

OOOnnngggoooiiinnnggg TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg AAAnnnddd SSSuuuppppppooorrrttt Bob’s goal in creating this course, was to be able to take you by the hand, and lead you step-by-step through all of the moves you’ll need to make to succeed. So for Bob, your membership in his club looks a little more like this:

Here’s Bob With His Son Evan, Who’s Also Getting In On The

Licensing Proven Campaigns Goldrush. Does that sound a little better? So he wants to make sure that if you’re lucky enough to be one of the ones to obtain one, that you’ll have an “unfair but totally ethical” advantage with every business move you make.

IIIttt’’’sss NNNOOOTTT YYYooouuurrr FFFaaauuulllttt!!!

Folks wonder if it’s their fault when their business plans fall through. But it’s NOT your fault if you’ve tried before and failed – or if you’ve never gotten started. Here’s how Bob puts it: “Folks are just bombarded with so much garbage.

All they want is a simple blueprint to follow wrapped up with a done-for-you arsenal of unfair advantages for their unique business. But they think it’s complicated to make big money this way. And it is – unless you know a few inside secrets for making it ‘dumb simple’. And once you know how, it’s actually almost embarrassingly easy.” That’s why Bob created this A-B-C instruction and support for his exclusive membership and that’s why he piles on so much ongoing training and support

d done-for-you unfair advantages. an

HHHeeerrreee’’’sss ttthhheee cccaaatttccchhh:::

I have to fess up, there is a “catch” here. If you’re feeling uncomfortable with the phrase – “if you’re lucky enough to obtain one” then you’re probably not alone. In fact, I’ve got something I’ve been wanting to tell you… …I guess I’ve been beating around the bush long enough and I might as well admit it:

WWWhhheeerrreee TTThhheee PPPlllaaannn BackfiredBBaacckkffiirreedd...

Here’s where things went haywire: Like I told you, even though we planned for it, the success of this video sort of crept up on us.

And because of the video – and because of the free training videos we put out there for you, we actually drew a bunch more attention to this thing than we had ever planned. The bottom line is that if you add up all of the folks who have already watched our videos and who are keeping an eye on this thing, it’s now going on nearly a million or more folks circling around this thing. Now granted, not all of them will have the time, money or commitment to obtain their slot in the Millionaire Licensing Club– but for the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands vying for a slot we’ve got some bad news. The bottom line is that don’t have nearly enough supply as we’ll need to keep up with the demand – not by a long shot. Here it is: In fact, though I’m not going to name the final number now because we’re still working like crazy to free up some more slots – but I can tell you that we’ve got significantly less than 1000 slots available total. And if you do the math, you realize that means that a LOT of folks are going to be left out of this one.

TTThhheee “““SSSiiilllvvveeerrr LLLiiinnniiinnnggg””” There is a silver lining to this whole dark situation. That’s because Bob has decided to make a ONE HOUR of consulting to one person absolutely free.

Yes. That’s right.

YYYooouuu CCCaaannn WWWiiinnn OOOnnneee FFFrrreeeeee HHHooouuurrr ooofff CCCooonnnsssuuullltttiiinnnggg WWWiiittthhh BBBooobbb SSSeeerrrllliiinnnggg BBBeeefffooorrreee TTThhheee

MMMiiilllllliiiooonnnaaaiiirrreee LLLiiiccceeennnsssiiinnnggg CCCllluuubbb EEEvvveeennn OOOpppeeennnsss IIItttsss DDDoooooorrrsss AAAgggaaaiiinnn

Bob charges $1,500 per hour if he’s even available. As you saw above, one of Bob’s clients made $83,000 from just 20 minutes of Bob’s powerful advice. Imagine what a full hour will do for you. Here’s how to win: Go to our blog and fill out a comment on the “Millionaire Licensing Club Scholarship” contest. Tell Bob why he should give you an hour of his time. (It can be for ANY reason – because of success you’ve already had applying Bob’s techniques, because you have a “special case” or “important mission” or because you have already studied all of what we have been sharing this month, or just because you think it’s cool.) Bob and I will go through every single submission and Bob will decide on the final winner. Sound good?

Click here for a direct link to where you can post your contest entry. That’s it! Ok, I’ve got to run – I’ve got a feeling we’re going to have a LOT of questions about the specifics of the Millionaire Licensing Club and I’ve got to get ready to answer them! Listen, one last thing. There has already been a lot of speculation on the price of this thing. Ever since word got out that Bob’s most recent round of clients had to cough up $24,000 for their slots – and those filled up right away leaving some folks out in the cold – well, folks have been freaking out.

DDDooonnn’’’ttt FFFrrreeeaaakkk OOOuuuttt Here’s why: Because of the way Bob put this thing together, and because of some support that me and David were able to give him, Bob’s not going to have to charge anywhere near $24,000 for a slot. Talk Soon,

Mike Long

P.S. Bob Serling here. Look, I know what Mike Long has shown you in this V-Book sounds almost too good to be true. And I know you’ve probably been burned by so-called marketing experts who promised you the moon and then left you practically empty handed. So I don’t blame you if you’re feeling skeptical. But there’s one key difference here and it all boils down to this: Undeniable Proof. You see, I don’t want you to take my word for it, or even Mike’s word, even though he’s already made a ton of money with my licensing strategies. The real proof is in the interviews and blog comments from so many folks just like you who were starting from scratch and are now enjoying a lifestyle they always thought was out of reach. So I strongly urge you to keep your eye on your inbox for when we open this whole thing up. You deserve a chance to enjoy all the benefits these other folks are now getting – more money, more time with their loved ones, and the absolute confidence that their financial future is totally secure. Like I said – keep your eye on your inbox and be prepared to move quickly. P.P.S. Finally, I want to ask you for your help. Mike Long and I have done just about everything we could think of to give you a master level education all for FREE. And now I’d like to ask you to help spread the word. All the buzz that’s been stirred up about this has come through word of mouth. A tremendous grass roots movement has sprung up because folks like you love to give their friends free access to our valuable library of free videos. So in exchange for everything we’ve given you, I’d appreciate it if you’d tell at least 3 more of your friends about this. It’s simple to do – just have them click this link: Thanks for your help – and I look forward to teaching you more of my inside secrets for making millions with licensing.