
Murrayburn Primary School Home Learning Primary 1 Week beginning 16.02.2021

Literacy Numeracy Other Tasks

Writing A new family has moved into our town! Write them a letter back to tell them more information about you. Write about what you like and love in your home and local area. Use the word bank to help you with sentence starters and tricky words. Draw a detailed picture to match your sentences too. Remember to use finger spaces in between words and a full stop at the end of sentences. Challenge – try and use a capital letter at the start of each new sentence.

Subtraction Recap what subtraction is with this video Can you make up a word problem about something going missing and include a subtraction sum to work out how many are left? Have a look below for my example! This can be verbal.

Time We are learning to tell the time to o’clock and half past this week. We will post a video about this or watch this one Just do o’clock if half past is too tricky. Talk about the times that you do different things each day. Teaching clock – this clock will let you change the time to use when teaching your child. You could also use it as a game for your child to build times. Build your own – you could build a clock in your house using anything you can find, natural materials or playdough if you have some. This will really get your child talking about what a clock has on it and what goes where. Game -

Reading Listen to the song What the Ladybird Heard and answer the questions on the next page. Keep reading at home too and listening to stories.

Spelling Keep practising writing, saying and recognizing the sounds we have been learning (a t p n i s m r e h d o g f u b l) Nature word building Collect leaves on your daily walk. You could write a letter on each one to build words with or write whole words on each and play pairs. Lego word building If you have lego or blocks, try and build some letters out of it! Jolly phonics songs -

Tricky words Play tic tac toe with our tricky words. 2 players choose a word each and that is what they use to play with either on paper or your read write count whiteboard. See below J

Our community A new family has moved into our street! Create a map of your local area to help them get a better idea of Edinburgh where we live. Look at the map in the Winnie the Pooh and What the Ladybird Heard books. They are labelled, coloured in, have clear drawings for each place and include all the most important things. Think about what the family would need and want to know most. Listen to the story Pooh Invents A New Game read by Miss Neish. Can you go and play Poohsticks at the canal or somewhere else in your local area?

Chinese New Year P.E. It was Chinese New Year on the 12th February. Watch this video about the story of and then you could have a go at some yoga linked to the animals of the Zodiac which we will post in the week.

Expressive Art We have been asked to create a new species of bug for our town. Recycle your old toilet roll tube by making a love bug! Have a look below for inspiration – you could use anything to add to it for wings and decoration. Remember to check the music channel on Teams for the music task this week from Miss McDonald.

Skills for life l l.. laundry! Help out someone in your house by collecting the clothes that need to be washed, folding them once they are washed and dried, pairing the socks and putting the clothes away in your wardrobe.

Twitter Check out the Murrayburn Primary Twitter page for a weekly challenge - you don’t need to have your own account, it will let you see it anyway). These range from arty activities to science fun.

Positional language We were learning some words last week and here are a few more: left, right, up, down, forwards, backwards, fast, slow. Try and use these words when playing this fun game – Scratch Jr. It is a free app you can download on your phone or tablet.

Murrayburn Primary School Home Learning Primary 1 wb 16.02.2021


Remember to check in every day on your teacher’s ‘register’ post on Teams. Try and join our weekly check in if you can J P1A – Friday P1B - Thursday

Love bug craft

Murrayburn Primary School Home Learning Primary 1 wb 16.02.2021

Subtraction story On Wednesday, Miss Fraser bought 8 apples at the shop. She gave 3 to her daughter but she wasn’t sure how many that meant she had left. 8-3 is 5 so Miss Fraser had 5 apples left! Challenge – take away more than one number. For example ‘She gave 3 to her daughter and 2 to her dog’. The answer 8-3 is 5 and 5-2 is 3.

Questions for What The Ladybird Heard

1. Who has the warmest woolliest coat? 2. What were the robbers planning? 3. How do the animals trick the robbers? 4. Who tricks the robbers by saying “moo”? 5. Design something new for the farm to keep the

prize cow safe? You can draw this or build it if you’re feeling creative.

Tic tac toe tricky words

Scratch Jr app

Sumdog Your teacher creates a new challenge each week for you to have a go at. If you manage to complete it you even get extra coins to spend in your shop so make sure you check it out J Logins are on your child’s Teams channel.











Word bank for writing task

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Murrayburn Primary School Home Learning Primary 1 wb 16.02.2021
