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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 16, 1918


    _3_1-1_ _ 1 OUR -TO lPledgeWeek]VOLUME IV . NUMBER 32 NARBERTH, PA., THUll.SDAY. MAY 16 , 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS

    AN IMPORTANT MEETING of the Civic Associat ion8 o'clock at th e Y. M. C.requested to be present . will be held TOMORROW (Friday) evening atA. Members from the various organizations ar eBRING SOME ONE WITH YOU.






    MAY 17,8.15 P. M.



    Owing t o t he p re va le nc e .of meas'lesin Xarhe rth , the schools wil l b e closedfor at l ea st t he b al an ce of the week.The author it ies have s tated t hat manyof the eases ar e qUite severe. aIHI ch i ld ren , there fore, must keep asmuc h a s p os si bl e t o their homes, andnot congrega te in public places. Pare nt s a re caut ioned to see that the utmos t ca ut io n b e ~ b s e r v e d that children ar e not a l lowed to communicatewith any of those under quarantine.

    Children 25 c Adults"35c..D A N C I N G

    10 A . M . Next SundaySnbJeel-"Good Government"METHODffiTEPffiCOPALCHURCH


    Betty Baxter's G08sll>THE FIRESIDETHE Narberth Guarddrills eVery Thursdayevening in the Fire House,7.45 to 8.45 P. M.

    Commencement'WeekAnnouncementSunday. June 16-Baccalaurea tle Sermon, PresbYlterianChurch.Tuesday, June 18, 8 P. M.-Alumni Night.Wednesday, June 19, 1.30 P. M.-Senior Class Day.Thursday, June 20, 9 A. M.-Awarding of Trophies.Friday, June 21, 10.30 A. M.-High School Outing; 8.00 P.M.-Commenqelll'ent.Saturday, June 22, 8.00 P. M.-Senior FareWielI Social.

    Fine Suggestion by William S. Homer and Walton M. WentzHONOR FLAG, SERVICE FLAG AND STARS AND STRIPES


    Last Tuesday evening there was alarge a nd e nthu si as ti c g at he ri ng ofRepublican supporters of Hon. President Joseph H. Nash has call Fletcher W. Stites, candidate for Con- ed a meeting of th e Civic Associationg re ss iona l honor s i n t he Eigh th D is - f or I "r ld ay evening, 8 o'clock, at th etrict of Pennsylvania , at Elm Hall, to Y. M. C. A. TIIG directors ar e rer ef ut e t he infamous and pe rs istent at - q ue st ed t o mee t at 7.30, immediate'lyt ac k s on his character by t he G rundy- bef or e t he general meeting.Scheidt c rowd . T he se re pr es en tat iv e A t t he g en er al meeting,. matters ofc it iz en s o f Nar be rt h e xp re ss ed t he ir g r ea t moment to al l i nt er es t ed i ndisgust at the low, pot-house politician: civic affairs wil l b e presented. A nummethods adopted by th e Watson Call1- i her o f c ommi tt ee s will be appointed,paign Committee to besmirch tile i a nd t he q ue st io n of awar ds f or bestcharacter and reCOrd of our honored i gardens will Ibe discussed.friend and neighbor, and to refute the Among o th er mat te rs , t he care ofmisstatements with which their clr-: vaeant lots wi11 be considered. A plancular letters fairly reek. . f or z on ing or d ist r ic t ing the boroughA. J. Loos was elected chairman,' will be presented. !l;eighborhoodMessrs. Hor ne r a nd v.rentz have the ca r Windows, a s t ra in s approach and Hev. W. Scott NeVin, D. D., secre- gl 'oups will he sugg,ested for co-opera-

    had on thei r th ink ing caps, and have !\arberth f rom t he city, 01' leave for tory, of th e meeting. Rev. Harry 1\1. tive effort in doing c iv ic work.evo lved a brilliant suggestion regard- the city, t owar ds t he nor th side, and Red Cross wool distributed Chalfant, of the Anti-Saloon League. J ~ v e r y director should be on hand toing the proper and effective d ispl ay t he y wil l s ee a f in e, clear open space, at Red Cross Workroom in Y. Who was la rge ly responsib le for t he m al ,e t hi s m ee ti ng a success. Otherof ou r v ar ious flags. Mr. Horner splendidly adapted fo r such a display. selection of Mr. Stites as candidate for ! l ;a rber th organizations ar e invited, asthoug)lt that a borough service flag Passengers on a ll t ra in s, l ooking in M. C. A., Monday, Wednesday th e P ennsylva ni a Leg is la tu re t hr ee matters will be discussed t ha t a re ofs ho ul d b e disp layed for our boys, in that direction, could no t fail to see years ago, wa s p re se nt . T he se ge!l- vital interest to every resident. fromaddition t o t he S ta rs and S tr ip es a nd t he t hr ee flags, and all of our people, and Friday. tIemen and others made s tr on g t he s ta ndpoin t o f h ea lt h, c le an li ne sshonor flag, now di spl ay ed on t he ten - when g oing to t he postoffice, would speeches in support of Mr. Stites as and beauty.nis grounds , by cour tesy of the Nar- see theRe bea ut if ul emh lems o f Nar - a candidate for Congress, and in refu-ber th Tennis Association. b er th p at ri ot ism a nd loyalty. Sus- Buy a stamp. tation of th e misstatements in tIleUnfortunately, the flags ar e not as pended from a w ir e. t he y wou ld a l- T ha t W ar Chest Idea should prove Watson campaign literature.clearly s ee n in that location as might ways fI.oat free, and every star could a popular success. A commit tee of five was appoin tedbe, and a survey of th e possibilities he seen. I f you ar c no t fighting ar e you to draft a letter in reply to those sentby Mess rs. Horner a nd Wen tz r esul t- It would not be expensive to string worth fighting for? out hy t he Wat son Committee. Thisell in the suggestion that a sufficient- t he w ir e a nd p ur ch as e t he a dd it io na l Sign your pledge c ar d a nd ~ i v e it letter was accepted by t he mee ti ng a sl y h ea vy w ir e should be strung from f lag. Mr. Edwin P. Dold, associated with to your letter carrier. expressing its sentiments, and wast he map le t re e in front of th e post- Messrs. Horner and 'Ventz, w ou ld : W or km en ar e bu sy k no ck in g t he s igned b y everyone present. Copies'office to Mr. Fied ler ' s p ine t r ee , from make a f in e committee to collect small. holes out of Lancaster pike. were circulated on Wednesday fo r a,lwhich th e 'borough could suspend the subsc rip tions from man y i ndi vid uals, L et' s put Narberth "Over th e Top" ditional signatures and many more obStars and Stripes, flanked hy th e h on- and to attend to t he c ar ry in g o ut of ,with pledges for War S av ings S tamps. t ai ne d. We quote the le tte r in full asor flag a nd the s er vi ce flag. the plan. if i t meets popular approval.: Mrs. Charles Verna. of Grayling avc- follows.Our citizens ar e asked to look from What say you, fel low citizens? . nue. entertained at bridge last TUil." "Xarberth, Pa., May 7, 1918.

    = = : : : : : : : : ~ = : : : : : : : : = = : : : : : : : : ~ = : : : : : : : : : : : : = = : : : : : : : : ~ = : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = : : : : = = : : : : ~ day. "The Hen ry W. Watson CampaignI Mrs. Rohert E. Pat ti son. ' J r . ;5:Manager Jim McKell. who starred in 'spending a fortnight at Atlantic Cit).. Committee, Norris town, Pa.:! t he Iowa State Leag,ue a few years! N. J. "Gentlemen-In view of the factON DECORATION DAY I Iback, b ef ore h e b eg an drawing p lc - I Invest in War Savings S tamps a nd that numerous letters from your co'm- Th e foregoing letter was c i rcu la tedtures for t he S at ev ep os t a nd other, Thrift Stamps. In teres t ra te is 4 41-4 n ~ l ~ t e e have. been a dd re ss ed to the o ut si de o f the m eet in g an d a large-- - I well-lolOwll periodicals. ,per cent. CItizens of lIiarberth, we, a group of number of signatures obtained. Manyrennis Nine to Meet Narberth I And how a bout Tho rny Gruga n a nd I f the Pledge Week canvassers : ~ p r ~ s e n t a t i v . e s of aforesaid coml11un- i more would have bee n g,lad t o s ig n,Basebal l Club in Gr eat Con-' Bob Pa tt i son and Bill Henderson, and ' shOUld miss you, get a pledge card at I I?', 111 meeting a s ~ e m b l e d , have d l ~ - , b ut t he letter was sent to the printer,

    t t f th Be fit f th R d : ou r President o f Coune ll . B il l W. H. , the postoffice. clded t m.ake JOInt r ep l) ' to your a s copies will be se nt t o about 250es Or e ne 0 eel' I) Hall w110 I' sr' 'e I t I' I. e01l1mUlllcaUons. k . B k C .. . 1,1 P onlls I 0 I Ig: Don'! forget card party and dan ce , '" , . ' wor ers III IIC S , ounty , and 400 InCross-Keep th e Date Open out of th e lan l lly t rul lk the Red and, Ji:11I1 Hall, B'riday evening, May 24, at.: . 'I h.e pu.rpose o f y ou r ,arlOUS le.t- i M o n t g o m e r ~ ' County, connected with! Blue st:>ekings he w ore on Franklin S o'clock Isharp. t.ers s ~ e m s to be a n a tt empt to Wlll: th e Anti-Sa loon League. The se w i ll

    B ~ d i t o r Our Town: ] es t a en Sprmg,s" t ry , and in th is Congressiona l dis-

    reserve Decoration Day morning for Stamps, May 12-18 \ ;anaj. ; I ' C T' 1\ triel, Mr. Watson has an abso lu te r igh tthis big event. I"irst, t he g "me will rs. .1 W1l1 . own smother, 1:-8. to be a candidate for Co g d.. 'J G T il . . 't ' D l\l' n r es s, a nb e p la ye d f or th e benef it o f the Red This Is pledge week. When th e so- :Ed 't ~ u s , IS ~ I l 1 ~ g r. a nl ! '. 1':- i none bu t a coward would attempt to _Cross, than which there is no more, lIeitol' calls at your home please be ' w n . own,o ar l er th an d 'Vmu - d efea t hi s p ur po se by resorting to- " ,SOl' avenues .worthy agency , e spec ia l ly right at prepared to fill out t he c ar d p le dg ing HI' . methods now bemg used by )'our C0111-this time, when eve ry pos si bl e dol la r t he amoun t you aim to bUy b e ~ o r e the I emem >er that th e r1l1glng o t he mit te e. 'Ve claim for Mr. S ti te s t heis ,needed, a nd when eve ry dol la r con- end of t he year. Pl eas e h elp al l you II1rch h ~ l l S each I ~ a y . at n o ~ n IS an same fair and gent lemanly treatment'tributed to t he Red Cross m e a n ~ the can, a s t he t im e a ll ot te d to the com- ~ t P e a l fo aoll to JOIll II I a br ief war- that has been accorded Mr. WatsonallevlatI.on of sUffering for some young I ll it te e i s short and the territory is ~ e ~ r W a Y ~ r l : All ' '. ever s in ce h e first sought this highman-maybe on e of ou r own Narberth large. s. lam en, of ", es t PhlI.,- Office.boys- -over there .in It'rance. Saving, t o t he p oi nt o f b ein g a 'lIt- ~ I P h l ~ i \ ~ 1 s p e n ; i n ~ seve ra l days with " Two y ea rs ag o Mr. St ite s becameIn the second place, i t 's going to be t ie inconvenient is a new phase of Mrs: am ar er, of Essex aut! a candidate for the Legislature at th e I.. .. I b II t t d I II' erlon avenues. ur e t t f b d f ' f Isome lase a con es ,a n 11Ia {eno Ie to the average American, bu t we Brlf' . g n reques 0 a 0 y 0 cItizens 0mistake about that ! What, can tennis will emerge a th ri f ty na tion rather d e t :emorJa l exercises Will be this community who a re in te res ted ir.players play b a s e b a ~ l ? You can bet than an im provident one as we ex- ~ ~ n u ~ e in the public schools on progressive and humanitarian legisla-you r swe et life t he y c an , as th e old i ste d prior to ou r e n t r a n ~ e i nt o t hi s I ~ ~ S , ty , M:r I ~ O ' I at 8.45 A. M. The tion. They judged of his f it ne ss byprofessor In English l i terature at H ar- g re at conflict. p c GS cor a y .nvlted. th e splendid w ork he bad done forv ar d u se d to say. And anyone who a r. . e o r g ~ E. Fowler has a.ccep:ted civic betterment in ou r own com-doubts t hi s s ta temen t is going to Jo'. II. IIARf,lES MOV};S in POcSitiOn W I ~ h t he l ar ge st slllpbuII.!- munity a nd t he reputation he hadwake up to a b ig sur pr is e. Take Bert TO VALI,Jo;Y Jo'OJWE f g . ompany II I Wilmington, N. C . His es tab li shed fo r per sona l I nt eg ri ty A tSimpso.n, for instance, who In addl- a: l IY ;111 j ~ i n f him i n June. t he p rima ry election, notWithstandingtlon to managing, directing, working I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 16, 1918


    NARBERTH, PA,-OUR TOWN--MA.Y 1 6 1 ~ 1 8OUR TOWN Telephones,1267

    1268 HOWARD'S or course, wedellver - anypi a c e - anyUme.Owned an d Publlshed every Thurs

    day by t he N a rb er th Civic Association.

    The Brightest Spot in NarberthA drug store in themost modern sense of the term

    5Subs'Crlption p rice o ne d olla r pe r

    year in advance.r O ~ m I T T E } ; S OF COUNCIL


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 16, 1918


    NARBERTH, PA.-OUR ' .rOWN-MAY 16 . 1918




    45th and Parrish Sts.




    Prime Meals

    ra..a - M ~ G i n l ~ ~UIPSouth Irnst P f l i l a d e l ~ ~

    OUR TOWN wfll gladly printany news Item about any subjectthat Is of Int eres t to Narbe rt hfolks, but In order to meetthe printing scJulIlule, aU "copy"-manuscripts-must r ea ch tb eedlt,or by (l P. 111. Monday eachweek.


    H. C. FRITSCHPupertles For Rent and Sal.Fire InsuranceBell Phone 86l! w.Wall BnlldJng. Narberth, Pa.

    Storm Work

    C. A. SPEAKMAN214 l l A ~ I l > D E N AVENUENarberthCAUI>ENTJm .\ND BUILDEUAlterations . RepnjrJng

    Home pressed Poultry, Butter. E ; : : - ~ s an J GameFane.. fn l l t and Vegetahlps. "A STORE FORPARTICULAR PEOPLE"Telephone. N A R B E R T H , PA .

    I HAVE REMAININGFor Sale No. 229 Forrest AvenueAnd Bungalow on Avon Road

    Sereen Work

    Pasteurized Milk I DELIVERIESBrynclovis Certilled WEST PBILAMilk (Pedriallc society) OVERBROOKSpecial ..Guernsey" MERIONMilk WVNNEFIELD(Roberts& Sharpless' BALA.CVNWVDairies) NARO."RTBCream Buttermilk ARDMORETable and Whipp ing WYNNEWOOD




    (Cont inued f rom Second Pagel

    Some peopl e dye tihelir hl\;ir helCau:!;Jit is gray, and ,some because of a lackof gray mat ter In their understanding. I

    Narber th Office, ARCADE BUILDING

    Aver)' S. J)cmIllY, I>lLstor

    ~ T ~ l A J W A I t E ' r ' S eUl'n(:n

    .UlmIOX .m;ETThG lIOUSE

    Hm'. ,John Yl1n ~ ( ' S S , J[fnlster

    Rev. Amlrew 8. Burke, Pastor

    HelpYourTownBUY IT HERE

    Al,L S A I ~ ' I ' S ' I'. J-:. CHl7RCIl

    'I'IIE .. n E 8 1 1 \ " l ' J - : R L \ ~ ( ~ l l U l t C l I

    Meetings for next Sunday:10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. All departments.11.00 A. I \L-Pllu' lic worship. Sermon by Rev. L. M. Kehn.i.OO P. M.-Chrlstbn Endeavormee ti ng . A ll young people invited.7.45 P. M.-l1'[ST (lHunCH shown at the Pa lace Thea t re . Ardmore.O}

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 16, 1918


    NA!-tBEI{'l'II, PA.-OUl t TOWN-MAY 16,1918


    !'\ewton ComptonWi l li am DurbinCharles EnsingerEdwarrl EnsingerGeorge FleckF re d H a rs chA ll an K ir kGeorge P . M cC ai gWalter MiesellI ...oul::; NicholsonEarl Russ el l P r ic ePerry RediferHar ry SimpsonCharles Stretch.Th e secretary will welcome an y in

    format.ion that w il l p e rmi t h im to ad dt o t hi s list.

    IIIILKScott-I'owell llalrle . Phone , Preston 2398 .S ee d i sp l ay advertlsenlent In th is t88ue.1I10ltTGAOESShnlu4on. James C. 232 E s se x a v e.Phonc, 636, or 14 20 Chestnut .t .IIIUSJCVowln, T. Stuart. Plano Teacher.206 Merion ave . Phone . Narberth 347-R.Loos, Fanny H. Plano teacher.S tudio, A rc ade Bldg. Phone , 316 -J .SJohohn, III1s8 .:blla. Music Teacher and Acc0l11panist, ::l28 l ana av e Narber th .NOTAUl' rUBLICJeO'erles, J. II. I II Narberth ave.Phone. 666-JII.T"son, "'arren U. 200 Woodbine aVe.Phone, 1202-W.O I ' T I C I A ~ SF ..nton. Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Phone, 638-W.Pblla. address. ISor. Chestnut st.PAINTEUSCole, Jame. n.246 Have rtOl 'd ave . Phone , 1226- JW. G. Cummer. Phone. 12-62 W. .210 EIJnwood av e . Narberth.Walzer red.117 Winsor ave. Phone, 1247-J.PAI'ER IIANGERSD ..nv..r, Richard A. Arcade Building.Pbone, Narberth 1693-W."ltt.., Geo . A. Fai rv iew ave .Phone, Cynwyd 778-J. First-class work.PIIOTO I'LAYS"Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut st... . Phil..See display advertisement In this lo.ue.PLVIIIBING, ETV.Suplee, Geo. B. Phone , 1289.See display advertisement In thl. losu.Wall, H. B . Phone , 319.J.See display advertisement In thl. Is.u&.REAL ESTATECaldw..11 & Co, Phone. 1271-W.See display advertisement In thle Issu&.Fritsch, II . C. Phone. 262-W.See dIsplay advertisement In this Iue,God frey , Wm. B.114 'Voodslde ave . Phone,, Robert J. Phone, 606.Money tor Fi rs t and SeCond Mortgage.ROOFING. ETC.Gara-lIlcGlnl..y Co. Phone , 1268-W.See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.)llIJer. John A. 243 Iona ave . Phone , 661-J.Shop, 246 Haverford ave . Phone, 1226.J.SVHOOLS. ETV.Z..ntma,er'., The III1.s....

    Phone, Narbe r th 66I J.SHOEMAKERSGood Wear Shoe RepaIr Shop,Con.tantlne, B. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.The above d ..partment ehould be of tb .ereateot u se t o the community, the list Cont aIns the name of every profeulonal man,t r ade llman. mechanic . shopkeeper . etc., 'Whodoes or can In any way serve hi. fellowtownsman, and who Is progreulve enoul'bto add name to lI.t of Reelster.A. It Is dlmcult for tho.e cOntrlbutlnat he ir t ime a nd e ff or t. to ths production or"Ou r Town " t o personally either kno.... orIntervIew all s uc h, I t wo ul d b e most belpful I t t ho .e n ot n ow tound In the prIntedlIat ....ould eend In a memo of tbelr nam .. .addreee, phone numbe1'1l and bu .lne. se . o rprofe lone for lI.tlng. Thl . . . . .111 co.t .. follow.: 10 eent. eacb Iuue for J line.: I c.nut or ea cb addltloDal IIDe.

    Two Lines, IOc pe r issue; Sc for each aJJitionalline

    Buy W. S. S.-World's Safest Security!The Bell Telephone Company of PennsylvaniaBusiness Office,1 23 0 A rc h Street , Philadelphia.

    Danger and disaster make us realize how efficient is th etelephone operator. Always at her pos t to protect life andproperty, there are count less instances of he r steadfastnessin emergency.Bu t it takes day-by-day devotion to t he ord inary task tomake the hero ine in t imes of stress.In peace or war 100,000 Bell Telephone operators "man"the country's switchboards, rendering a faithful and honor able service. More than 12,000 specially trained operatorsare meeting the Government needs today.Surely th e telephone operator is worthy of ou r deep consideration, for upon her in no smal l measure depends ou rsuccess i n t hi s mighty struggle,

    Narberth Register

    Guardians of the Nation

    Y. M C. A. HONOR ROLL'









    2 21I4 4 11 27 10 I

    :{ 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0_6iI0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0--4

    DARBYR. H.1 11 I2 0o 0o 0o 1o 1o 0o 0



    The "Fete au Profit de s Hopltaux

    Buckman. 2.iJ.GateB. SR. . .Berkely, p.Hausmon, lh ., c.. ,ColiBon, cf. . . . . . .Spahr. ;{h., lb .J