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Bali is one of the 33 provinces of Indonesia. The capital of province is Denpasar. With a population recorded as 3,891,428 in the 2010 census, the island is home to most of Indonesia's Hindu minority. Unlike most of Muslim-majority Indonesia, about 93.18% of Bali’s population adheres to Balinese Hinduism, formed as a combination of existing local beliefs and Hindu influences from mainland Southeast Asia and South Asia. Minority religions include Islam (4.79%), Christianity (1.38%), and Buddhism (0.64%).

Bali, una dintre cele 33 de provincii din Indonezia, are o populaţie de 3.891.428 locuitori (recensământ 2010). Marea majoritate a populaţiei practică hinduismul balinez (iar budiştii ca minoritate religioasă reprezintă cca 0,64%)

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Buddhism is the second oldest religion in Indonesia, just after Hinduism. During the rule of the Majapahit kingdom between 13th to 15th century, Buddhism and Hinduism coexisted peacefully. After the fall of Majapahit, Islam was brought to Indonesia by traders from Gujarat, India. The influence of Buddhism started to decrease substantially after that, and was mainly confined to the areas of Eastern Java and Bali.

Ca vechime budismul este a doua cea mai veche religie în Indonezia, după hinduism. În vremea regatului Majapahit, între secolele XIII - XV, budismul şi hinduismul au coexistat paşnic. După căderea Regatului Majapahit, islamul adus de către comercianţi din Gujarat, India, s-a răspândit în continuare, influenţa budismului a început să scadă substanţial şi a fost limitat în principal la zona din estul insulei Java şi Bali.

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Buddhism is one of five religions recognized by the Indonesian government, besides Islam, Catholic, Protestant, and Hinduism. According to a census conducted in 1990, the majority of the population is Moslem (around 87%).

While present day Bali is predominantly Hindu, it is perhaps a lesser known fact, that Buddhism actually arrived to the island many years before Hinduism.

Budismul este una dintre cele cinci religii recunoscute de către guvernul indonezian, alături de Islam, religia catolică, cea protestantă, şi hinduism. Potrivit unui recensământ efectuat în 1990, în Indonezia majoritatea populaţiei este musulmană (în jur de 87%). Chiar dacă în prezent în Bali populaţia este predominant hindusă, budismul a ajuns în insulă cu mulți ani înainte de hinduism.

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Unlike most of Muslim-majority Indonesia, about 93.18% of Bali’s population adheres to Balinese Hinduism, formed as a combination of existing local beliefs and Hindu influences from mainland Southeast Asia and South Asia. Minority religions include Islam (4.79%), Christianity (1.38%), and Buddhism (0.64%).

Spre deosebire de restul Indoneziei unde religia majoritară este cea musulmană, aproximativ 93.18% din populaţia din Bali aderă la hinduism, format ca o combinaţie de credinţe locale existente şi influenţe hinduse din Asia de Sud. Religiile minoritare includ Islamul (4,79%), creştinismul (1,38%), şi budismul (0,64%).

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Bali’s only Buddhist monastery, a mini-Borobudur with grey stone stupas and an overriding sense of calm, although there are plenty of Hindu touches as well.

Singura mănăstire budistă din Bali, un mini-Borobudur, cu stupe de piatră gri, care are totuşi o mulţime de influenţe hinduse

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Allamanda catharticaIn Bali, it is called Bungan Kemoning. It is woody vine with bright yellow flowers. The blooms appear from March until August. Allamanda, also known as Yellow Bell, Golden Trumpet or Buttercup Flower, is a genus of tropical shrubs or vines native to South and Central America.

(Trompeta galbenă, Clopoţelul galben) Arbust cu ramuri suple, asemănător lianelor, cu frunze ovale, simple, uşor ondulate pe margini, colorate în verde, lucioase. Plantă perenă.Origine : America Centrală şi America de Sud

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The hall at the bottom is for prayer. The top building is for meditation.

Sala de la parter este pentru rugăciune. Partea superioară este pentru meditaţie

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The Theravadic vipashana breathing technique is practiced here. A number of books on Buddhism are for sale here. From this monastery, we can see the beautiful scenery of hills and greenery.

În mănăstire se practică tehnica de respiraţie Theravadic vipassana. O serie de cărţi privind budismului sunt de vânzare aici. Din această mănăstire, putem admira frumoasele peisaje din împrejurimi.

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Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

This flower is regard as the sacred symbol by Hindus and Buddhists. It is only used in offerings but also in countless art forms.

Atât în religia şi cultura hindusă, cât şi în cea budistă lotusul este considerat plantă sacră (ca si busuiocul), el regăsindu-se în numeroase poveşti mitologice, în literatură şi artă, floarea sa fiind unul dintre cele mai vechi simboluri. Este adus ca ofrandă şi folosit în alte nenumărate feluri.

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Adenium (Adenium obesum)Balinese call this flower as Jepun Jepang. This is a member of the same botanical family as Frangipani. It grows in sunny area. The flower’s shape like trumpet and has color range from pink to crimson.

Adenium obesum (Trandafirul deşertului) este o plantă suculentă cu aspect de tufă cu tulpina îngroşată şi ramurile subţiri, ce atinge până la 50 cm înălţime ca bonsai. Originară din Africa de Est

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Water lily, Nymphaea (Egyptian lotus) is not related to the Chinese and Indian lotus of genus Nelumbo. But it is closely related to Nuphar, another genus commonly called "lotus".

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Syzygium samarangense (syn. Eugenia javanica) is a plant species in the Myrtaceae, native to India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Thailand, and widely cultivated in the tropics. English common names include wax apple, love apple, java apple, royal apple, bellfruit, Jamaican apple, water apple, mountain apple, cloud apple, wax jambu, rose apple, and bell fruit.

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Syzygium samarangense (syn. Eugenia javanica) is a plant species in the Myrtaceae, native to India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Thailand, and widely cultivated in the tropics. English common names include wax apple, love apple, java apple, royal apple, bellfruit, Jamaican apple, water apple, mountain apple, cloud apple, wax jambu, rose apple, and bell fruit.

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The monastery is presided over by one of Bali's few Buddhists monks, Bhikku Giri Rakhita, a Brahman from Banjar, now elderly but still formidably energetic. The ashram, set into a hillside a few miles inland from Banjar, is well signposted and welcomes visitors.

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The monastery a blend of Balinese and mainland Southeast Asian architecture, offers a stunning panorama down to the sea. Not far to the west of the monastery is the Banjar Tega Hot Springs.

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The Brahmavira Arama Buddhist Monastery is perched on a hill overlooking the sea it is located in Tegehe hamlet, the village of Banjar, near Lovina, in Buleleng Regency.It is not a tourist attraction and a fully functional monastery with free entry and you can borrow sarongs should you need one.

The Brahma Vihara Ashrama is beautiful Buddhist monastery, built 1972 and repaired after earthquake damage four years later, is unique to Bali and was built with help from Thailand.

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Text & pictures: Internet

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

Sound: Gamelan Selonding - Gending Nyangjangan
