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Selfie Syndrome – How Social Media is Making Us


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<a href=""><img


content/uploads/2013/11/Selfie-Syndrome.png" alt="Selfie Syndrome"

width="500" border="0" /></a><br />Source: <a

href="">BestComputerScienceSc</a>What is Narcissism?● Narcissistic personality disorder involves a preoccupation with self and how one is perceived by others. Narcissists pursue gratification

from vanity and the admiration of their own physical and intellectual attributes.

Signs of narcissism:

○ Unilateral listening

■ Instead of listening in order to respond, narcissists listen in order to dismiss, negate, ignore, minimize or otherwise make someone else’s

concerns irrelevant

○ Preoccupied with self

■ Narcissists act selfishly and, even if being generous, are generally only responsive to their own concerns

○ Being above the rules

■ Narcissists feel that they are above others and that the rules don’t apply to them

○ Inability to take criticism

■ While narcissists have an inflated idea of their own importance, they can be quickly deflated by negative criticism

○ Refusal to take responsibility

■ Narcissists have a tendency to blame others for things that go wrong

○ Quick to anger

■ Narcissists may become easily angered by critical comments or being ordered what to do

Negative Effects of Social media:

● According to research from California State University: Excessive use of social networking may be connected to psychiatric problems

○ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

○ Depression

○ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

○ Narcissistic Personality Disorder

○ Hypochondriasis

○ Schizoaffective and Schizotypal Disorders

○ Body Dysmorphia

○ Voyeurism

○ Addiction

The Effects of Popular Platforms:

● Facebook- The Social Mirror

○ People who use Facebook the most tend to have more narcissistic or insecure personalities

○ Those with higher narcissism scores were frequently updating statuses, posting pictures of themselves and using quotes or mottos to

glorify themselves

○ Based on a study of Facebook users ages 18-25 using the Narcissism Personality Inventory and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.

○ A 2012 survey of divorce lawyers showed that Facebook had been implicated in ⅓ of all divorce filings the previous year

● Twitter- The Social Megaphone

○ In a University of Michigan study of college undergraduates, it was found that those who scored higher in narcissism also posted more

often on Twitter

○ Young people are using Twitter to broaden social circles and broadcast views. This usage leads people to over evaluate the importance of

their opinions

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Is narcissism an inevitable reaction to our social culture?


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