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The Planting of English America

1500 - 1733

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Christopher Columbus

Arrived North America in 1492Sailed for Spain – Queen Isabella

Actually arrived in Caribbean

Only 10% of native population survived the next 100 years

From Florida south, Spain controlled

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“Sea Dogs”

Francis Drake knighted by Queen Elizabeth for plundering Spanish ships

Resulted in problems for Spain and England

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Failed Attempts1583-- First attempt of British colonization failed in Newfoundland

1585 – Sir Walter Raleigh – Roanoke Island

Settlers landed on Roanoke Island, NC settlement VANSIHED!

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Spain is Defeated1588- Defeat of the Spanish Armada by England

1604– Treaty of Peace between England and Spain

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Early 1600’s – Factors which led to

English colonization Population increase (enclosing of land)

Economic depression


Joint Stock Company

Religious Persecution

Peace with Spain

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Virginia Company 1607

Purpose: seeking gold, conversion of Indians, & passage to the Indies

Received charter from King James I to settle in the New World

guaranteed settlers the rights of Englishmen

Jamestown settled

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Virginia Colony

Saved from collapse by:John Smith – Work = Food

starving time

Colonists tried to leave but were turned back by Lord De La Warr

1625 - 1200 out of the 8000 were left

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Chief Powhatan – dominated natives in the James River area

Problems arose - colonists started raided Indian food supplies

Lord De La Warr attacked IndiansFirst Anglo-Powhatan War-1614

Second Anglo-Powhatan War - 1644

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Virginia: Child of Tobacco

John Rolfe - Saved the colony

• perfected tobacco

Tyranny of “King Nicotine”• Drained the soil & prices fluctuated

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African Slaves1619 - African Slaves – Dutch warship sold 20 Black Africans to Jamestown

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Representative AssemblyHouse of Burgesses organized in 1619

1st of its kind in the colonies

Upset King James I made Virginia a royal colony

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1634 – Founded by Lord Baltimoreproprietary colony

Tobacco economy based on white indentured servants

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A refuge for persecuted Catholics

1649 – Maryland Act of Toleration:Guaranteed religious toleration to all Christians – not Jews or atheists

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The West Indies1655 - England claimed Jamaica

Economy based on sugar

Slaves outnumbered white settlers

Depended on North America mainland for food & other supplies

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King Charles II1649 - Charles I beheaded

Oliver Cromwell takes over

1660- Charles II restored to the English throne after Cromwell’s 10 year rule

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The Carolinas

1670 – settled by 8 lord proprietorsProspered by developing close economic ties with the British West Indies

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The Carolinas

Early exports - Indian slaves & rice

Rice cultivation led to import of Africans slaves

Slaves were immune to malaria (but susceptible to sickle cell anemia)

Charles Town - busiest seaport in the south

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The Split1712 – “Squatters” from Virginia moved to North Carolina

Great resistance to authority & aristocracy

North Carolina was officially separated from South Carolina

Both became royal colonies

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1733 – Founded by James Oglethorpe haven for debtors

buffer against Spanish Florida & the French in Louisiana

Only colony to receive subsidies from British gov’t

Restrictions on black slavery after 1750

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Common Characteristics of the Southern Colonies

Plantation economy

Profitable staple crops like tobacco & rice


Large acreage in the hands of a favored few

“Soil Butchery” led to expansion westward

Establishment of churches & schools difficult

Some religious toleration

Tax-supported church of England dominate
