

Lethaia, Vol. 17. p. 114. Oslo. 19840415

Third Latinamerican Congress of Paleontology The Third Latinamerican Congress of Paleontology will be held from October 15 to 18, 1984, at the Vacational and Convention Center of Oaxtepec, Morelos, located 75 minutes from Mexico City. The Institute of Geology of the National University of Mexico, as the main sponsor institution, extends a cordial invitation to all paleontologists to attend. The main objective of the Congress is the exchange of knowledge of recent advances in the study of life of the past. Emphasis will be on problems related to Latinamerican Paleontology. During the previous meetings (Buenos Aires; April, 1978 and Porto Alegre, Brazil, April, 1981) the expediency of direct communi- cation was evident when discussing common topics. It is the aim of the Third Congress to do the same. Among the most probable Symposia to be included will be the following: ( I ) Cambrian - Ordovician biostratigraphy and biogeography of Latinamerica, (2) Silurian - Devonian biostratigraphy of Latin- america. (3) Late Triassic floras; phytogeography and paleoe- cology, (4) origin and early evolution of seed plants, (5) Meso- zoic faunistic exchange of Latinamerica, (6) microfloras of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Neuquen Basin, Argentina, (7) origin and history of Cenozoic Vertebrates of Latinamerica.

There will also be general sessions on the following topics: (1) Micropaleontology, (2) Palynology, (3) Late Paleozoic floras and faunas of Latinamerica and related provinces, (4) Mesozoic marine faunas, (5) Cenozoic marine faunas, (6) geo- chemistry of organic fossil matter.

There will be space available for exhibiting small collections or posters.

Social events and field trips are planned.

Languages. - The official languages for oral presentations and papers are Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Publicafions. - Abstracts of papers to be presented at the Congress will be published in the Program. Accepted papers will be printed in the Proceedings of the Congress from cam- era-ready copy and distributed during the meeting. These pa- pers will be approximately ten pages in length, illustrations included. All papers should have an Abstract in English and in Spanish or Portuguese.

Deadlines. - The deadline for abstracts was December 30, 1983, but manuscripts will be received up until March 31, 1984.

Cost. - The estimated cost for the package, including hotel, meals, publications, registration and transportation from Mexi- co City Airport and back, will be between 300 and 400 US dollars.

Please direct your inquiries to: Dr Bkanca Estcla Buitron, General Secretary. 111 Latinamerican Congress of Paleontol- ogy, Instituto de Geologia, Circuito Exterior, C. U . , Deleg. Coyoacin, 04510 Mexico, D. F. MEXICO.

(Received 14th November, 198.3)