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What to Take When Going on a Business Trip

Going on a business trip? Wondering what to pack?

Getting ready for a business trip can always be stressful.

Knowing how much to bring and what to bring is a

question many ask before each trip. Bringing too much

on a trip can be a hassle. But bringing too little can cause

a great deal of stress. Following some simple guidelines

each time you are leaving on a trip can make all the

difference in the world.

In getting ready for any business trip, you need to plan

and know your itinerary. Knowing where you are going

and what you are doing will help you make more

informed decisions as to what to bring on your trip.

Don’t Forget These…

The most important items to pack are your documents. Make sure you have all of your documents

for your trip packed in a safe and easily accessible location. This includes your itinerary, hotel and

flight information, and a passport and travel visa, if you are traveling internationally.

When packing your suitcase, choose a piece of luggage that is one size smaller than what you believe

you need for clothes, toiletries, and other items. Doing this will help you avoid packing any

unnecessary clothing and will keep the packing of personal items to a minimum.

Check the weather for your destination to determine the appropriate wardrobe. Knowing the

weather will help you remember to pack your light jacket for your business trip to San Diego, or it

can help you remember to pack your thicker coat when booking your stay at Salt Lake City hotels.

Being Somewhat Creative

If you are finding you can’t fit all of your clothing items into your suitcase, get creative with what you

wear on the plane. If you’re brining one suit, for example, you can wear your suit jacket on the plane

to save space. Simply hang the jacket up in the hotel when you arrive. The wrinkles should fade

away. If all else fails, utilize the hotel’s dry cleaning services. The majority of hotels offer this service

for their guest, including hotels in Salt Lake City.

Be sure to pack a separate travel bag or briefcase with all of your

work materials, chargers for any equipment you are bringing, and

any other items you may need on the flights or meetings, such as

relaxing reading material.

And lastly, make sure to pack items that will help you network and

interact with others in a corporate setting. This includes plenty of

business cards and extra pen, for example. As you will likely be

interacting with a large amount of people, you may also want to

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bring items such as hand sanitizer and breath mints, both of which can make a big difference for you

and others in your interactions.

Packing for a business trip should never be a stressful experience. By following these simple

guidelines, you can simplify the process, making the preparation for a business trip more about the

trip than about how much you can squeeze into your suitcase.

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