Financial Transparency

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Al Clarke,
Financial Accountability

Financial Accountability

We live in interesting times and we need to make union bosses more accountable for fiscal spending of our union dues

Who is minding the store?

Who is benefiting?

Is the money well spent?

Sponsorship to NDP

Despite the resolution of 1993 the local continues to dismiss the democratic majority providing cash and in-kind funds for local candidates in political elections

These expenditures contravene Union rules and makes a mockery of good governance

What's wrong with Local 222 's financial statements?

No full disclosure to basic GAAP ( General Accepted Accounting Principles

Hidden political contributions

No footnotes

Unexplained expenditures which mushroom during election periods

Who is responsible?

You guessed it

Your CAW Local 22 president , Chris Buckley is responsible for the financial voodoo

What is Al Clarke's solution to this financial mismanagement?

Al's Financial Solutions

Publish all financials in plain English with full disclosure and well documented footnotes

Stop the use of union funds to pay for political campaigns

Stop all payments to political parties through accounting tricks

Review all union funds spent on political indoctrination

Insure union funds are spend on union issues

We Need Transparency!


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