By Eloise Barr School Magazine Ideas

School Magazine Ideas

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Page 1: School Magazine Ideas

By Eloise Barrett

School Magazine


Page 2: School Magazine Ideas

Title Ideas


Secrets of TSS

Shake & Salt

Salt & Shake

Salts Secrets

Secrets of Salts

I decided to use ‘Salts Secrets’ as my title. I chose this title because it’s catchy and the word ‘secret’ is an interesting word, it makes the reader want to know what the ‘secrets’ of the school are.

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Target Audience My target audience for my magazine is the whole school (Year 7-13(11-18)) and parents/carers.

I chose parents/carers as well as students because their children/nephews/nieces may be looking to go to the school and they may like to know how well the school is doing and how well it has done in the past.

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1 main image of someone standing with their finger over their lips as if they are saying ‘shhhh’.

School logo at the top near the title Cover lines to give people an idea of what will be on the

inside Masthead to draw the reader/readers in

What will the front cover need?

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Contents Page

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What will my contents page need? Title- every page needs a title so the reader knows what

information is on each page Pictures- the images on that I will include on the content

page will be linked to the information in the rest of the magazine

Page numbers with titles of each page/what’s on the page Colour- the contents page will need some colour to show

that it’s a fun magazine as it is school based.