First year writing programs A plan for UCSD Libraries

UCSD 1st year program

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First year writing programs

A plan for UCSD Libraries

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General Education1st year seminar2nd year seminar

includes: English composition, math, 3 courses in humanities,

social sciences and math/science; a multicultural component

Milestone Experience

Culminating Experience

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1. Outcome mapping (for all of UCSD institution or specific college)

At the time of receiving a ____________ degree, students:


Outcome 1:Inquiry and Critical Thinking. Specifically:a.Identify problems, articulate questions or hypotheses, and determine the need for informationb. Access and collect the needed information from appropriate primary and secondary sources….


Outcome 2:Citizenship and Ethics


Outcome 3:Multicultural/Global Knowledge and awareness


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Program view - Current

Course name DOC 1 DOC 2 DOC 3

Instruction method L [empty is ok]


Outcome 1Inquiry and Critical Thinking

1.1 Identify need for information


1.2 Collect needed primary and secondary sources


1.3 Recognize complexity of problems…


Outcome 2…Ethics

I = Introduce P= Practice E= Expand

T= Tutorial L = Libguide C= classroom

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Program view - PROPOSEDCourse name DOC 1 DOC 2 DOC 3

Instruction method(Systematic increase)


Outcome 1Inquiry and Critical Thinking

1.1 Identify need for information I P P/E

1.2 Collect needed primary and secondary sources


1.3 Recognize complexity of problems…(less repetition)


1.4 …. (depth)

I = Introduce P= Practice E= Expand

T= Tutorial L = Libguide C= classroom X = other methods?

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Learning Outcome Classroom assessment (informal)

Formal assessment (Assignment)

Teaching strategy

Course: Selecting appropriate database

Program/UCSD: Identify need for information

Database Amazing Library Race

Evaluate answers as completed.

Course assignment is a formal paper – Librarian will evaluate relevance of resources student used.

In class activity; student pairs complete activities; scaffolding diminishes from 1st to 4th leg.

Course: Designing Search Strategies (kw searching)

Program/UCSD: Collected needed information

Keyword worksheet on their topic (includes boolean, limits, etc.)

1 minute essay at end of class.

From formal paper – librarian will evaluate student ability to describe search strategies as part of of topic proposal.

In class activity; students identify important words in research topic; brainstorm synonyms and practice using them in a variety of DBs

Course ViewCourse Number/name: MMW 22 Instructor: Semester/Year: W ’14

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Learning Objective

IL outcome

Instructional strategy

Learning activity

Assessment Criteria

Distinguish relevant, high quality online sources for a MMW topic.

Describe gold standard for criteria

“Cognitive Development” exercise:1.critique bad site, 2. develop criteria, 3. find a good site

Guided worksheet, work in small groups,

Librarian and students will share and review websites found in class.

Learners will be able to identify a quality source and use them in their research papers.

Course ViewCourse Number/name: MMW 22 Instructor: Semester/Year: W ’14

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Strategic coursesDepartment/Degree Program: MMW

Beginning Level Course – MMW 11

Learning Outcome

Performance Indicator

Teaching/Assessment Strategy

Why this course?

Middle Level Course – MMW 14-15 or 21-22

Learning Outcome

Performance Indicator

Teaching/Assessment Strategy

Why this course?

End Level Course – class with a research paper in their major?

Learning Outcome

Performance Indicator

Teaching/Assessment Strategy

Why this course?

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Assess student learning

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Objective measures - retention


Perceptions of student learning

Demonstrations of student learning

RubricsStandardized tests

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from Handlesman, J., S. Miller, and C. Pfund. 2007. Scientific Teaching. New York: W.H. Freeman and Co.

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Library as student employer

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1 minute essay• I particularly appreciated….

(pick as many as you’d like)① information on my leadership style② curriculum mapping③ trends in instruction (active learning, rubrics,

concept thresholds, peer to peer learning, etc.)④ sustainable instruction

• I would have preferred…

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http://tiny.cc/[email protected]

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Suggested ReadingsAngelo, T. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques : a handbook for college teachers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.Benjes-Small, C. A. K. L. J. (n.d.). TEACHING WEB EVALUATION. . Communications in Information Literacy. 2013, 7(1).Booth, C. (2011). Reflective teaching, effective learning : instructional literacy for library educators. Chicago: American Library Association.Fabbi, J., Rinto, E., & Fawley, N. (n.d.). Pre-Event Readings - GWLA. Curriculum Mapping to Integrate and Communicate Information Literacy Learning. Retrieved from http://www.gwla.org/Committees/slo/event-schedule/pre-event-readingsIS | Analyzing Your Instructional Environment: A Workbook. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/sections/is/iswebsite/projpubs/aieReadySetReact_3fold.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cwsei.ubc.ca/Files/ReadySetReact_3fold.pdfScripps-Hoekstra, L. (2013). Eight tips from the trenches: How experience teaching high school informs my approach to information literacy instruction. Coll. res. libr. news, 74(5), 252–253. Retrieved from http://crln.acrl.org/content/74/5/252.fullSeldin, P. (2010). The teaching portfolio : a practical guide to improved performance and promotion tenure decisions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Townsend, L., Brunetti, K., & Hofer, A. (2011). Threshold concepts and information literacy. portal: Libraries and the Academy. Retrieved from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/pla/summary/v011/11.3.townsend.html