Why Mobile Fundraising? A quick guide to mobile silent auctions and raffles

Why Mobile Fundraising?

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Page 1: Why Mobile Fundraising?

Why Mobile Fundraising?A qu i c k gu i de t o mob i l e s i l e n t a u c t i o n s and ra f f l e s

Page 2: Why Mobile Fundraising?

The Challenge

Maximiz ing Proceeds

Page 3: Why Mobile Fundraising?

When fundraising, your

goal is to raise as much

money as possible.

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But traditional forms of

fundraising are difficult

to use and outdated.

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The Solution

Mobi le Fundra is ing

Page 6: Why Mobile Fundraising?

Mobile fundraising is a modern

take on traditional fundraising

and allows you to:

U t i l i z e t h e web , t e x t -mes sag i ng , a nd s o c i a l med i a when fund ra i s i ng

Engage you r aud i en ce

Tap i n t o you r en t i r e n e two r k ( no t j u s t t h o s e a t you r e ven t )

Ra i s e mo re money !


Page 7: Why Mobile Fundraising?

Mobile fundraising is perfect for

silent auctions and raffles.v

Page 8: Why Mobile Fundraising?

Mobile Fundraising

Benefits: Socialize v

1. Share your s i l en t auc t ion o r ra f f l e on soc ia l med ia

2. Engage your en t i re network , no t jus t those a t your event

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Mobile Fundraising

Benefits: Bidding v

1. For raff les , users can purchase and submi t ra f f l e t i cke ts on l ine o r v ia tex t message

2. For Auct ions , users can submi t b ids on l ine o r v ia tex t message

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Mobile Fundraising

Benefits: Payment v

• Easy c red i t ca rd payments mean your donors can pay fo r ra f f l e t i ckets o r b ids on l ine o r wi th the i r phone!

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Mobile fundraising platforms like

Accelevents allow you to take

advantage of all of these



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-Car ly ReicheltDana - Fa r be r Cance r I n s t i t u e

This technology modernized our typical

Auction layout, taking out the

handwritten bidding process, and

appealed to our targeted demographic

for the evening.

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Interested in starting your

own mobile fundraiser?

Head to our website today to learn more!

Click here to learn more!