(Re)Dizajn servisa Dejan Restak CEO & Founder @Vibe Network ex Mondo.rs - Wireless Media ex B92.net

Re(dizajn) servisa

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Page 1: Re(dizajn) servisa

(Re)Dizajn servisa

Dejan Restak

CEO & Founder @Vibe Networkex Mondo.rs - Wireless Mediaex B92.net

Page 2: Re(dizajn) servisa

Definicija tržišta

1. Skup aktivnih i potencijalnih kupaca/korisnika/posetilaca

2. Za dati skup servisa ili proizvoda

3. Koji imaju zajednički skup potreba i želja

4. Koji referenciraju jedni druge kada donose odluke o kupovini

“Ako dvoje ljudi kupi isti proizvod a nemaju načina da referenciraju jedan drugog,oni nisu pripadnici istog tržišta” – Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A Moore

“Nijedna kompanija ne može priuštiti da plati za svaki pojedinačni marketing kontakt”

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Prihvatanje inovacije – Rodžers Everet (Rogers Everett)

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Kako preskočiti ponor – Džefri Mur (Geoffrey A Moore)

Inovatori – vole sve što je novo, tolerišu bagove, ne zadržavaju se dugoVizionari – traže inspiraciju, totalnu promenu, nov servis, nov proizvod, konceptPragmatisti – Traže sigurne i postepene promene na bolje, nije potrebna inovacija, lojalniKonzervativci – Ne vole promene, idu na provereno i ostaju dugoNegativci – Nema vajde, minimiziramo štetu

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Concept Product Dev.

Alpha/Beta Test

Launch/1st Ship

- Create Marcom Materials- Create Positioning

- Hire PR Agency- Early Buzz

- Create Demand- Launch Event- “Branding”

• Hire Sales VP• Pick distribution Channel

• Build Sales Channel / Distribution



• Hire First Bus Dev

• Do deals for FCS

Business Dev.

Engineering • Write MRD

• Waterfall • Q/A •Tech Pubs

Kako se to uglavnom radi

First Commercial Shipment
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Page 7: Re(dizajn) servisa

Biznis model

Svaku kompaniju opisuje 9 osnovnih elemenata

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1. Segment klijenata

Koje klijente i korisnike opslužujete? Šta oni zaista žele da im učinite?

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2. Vaša ponuda (Value proposition)

Šta nudite? Šta to njima čini? Da li im je bitno i koliko?

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3. Kanali (channels)

Kako pristupi svakom segmentu klijenata? Kojim tačkama interakcije?

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4. Odnosi sa klijentima i korisnicima

Kakve relacije uspostavljate sa svakim segmentom? perosnalne? automatske? akvizicija?


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5. Izvori prihoda

Šta su vaši klijenti i korisnici spremni da plate? Koliko? Kako?

Da li su prihodi periodični (pretplata), transakcionog tipa (prodaja ogl.prostora), servisni, po projektu?

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6. Ključni resursi

Koji resursi obezbeđuju vaš biznis model? Koja sredstva su esencijalna?

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7. Ključne aktivnosti

Koje aktivnosti morate da radite jako dobro u vašem biznis modelu? Šta je ključno?

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8. Ključni partneri

Koji partneri i dobavljači obezbeđuju vaš biznis? Na koga morate da se oslonite? Od koga zavisite?

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9. Struktura troškova

Koja je rezultujuća struktura troškova? Koji to ključni elementi čine vaše troškove?

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Business Canvas #1

- Powerful sellers

- Server providers

- Variable costs: server and traffic maintenance costs

- Fixed Cost: rent, salaries

Seller side:

- transaction fees

Buyer side:

- targeted ads

- Maintaining online

buyer/seller communities

and credibility of


- Promotion of website and


- Physical resources (IT


- Existing social

networks -Buyer and

seller communities,

- Brand awareness

- Web & App sales

- Online social networks


- Access to large

online customer pool

- Bulk sales with

reduced commission


- Better discounts

- Automated services

- Communities of buyers

and sellers

- Co-creation of value

through customer


Multi-sided platform


Pro-sellers in Amazon

and eBay who sell



Online shoppers

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Business Canvas #2

- Variable costs: server and traffic maintenance costs

- Fixed Cost: rent, salaries

Seller side:

- transaction fees

Buyer side:

- targeted ads

- Maintaining online

buyer/seller communities

and credibility of


- Promotion of website and


- Physical resources (IT


- Existing social

networks -Buyer and

seller communities,

- Brand awareness

- Web & App sales

- Online social networks


- More customer traffic

- Bulk sales with

reduced commission


- Better discounts

- Power to choose

product deal

- Buyer community

feedback on products

and sellers

- Automated services

- Communities of buyers

and sellers

- Co-creation of value

through customer


Multi-sided platform


Trustworthy online sellers

with verifiable websites


Online shoppers who are

willing to wait to get

significant discounts on


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Business Canvas #3

- Sellers who need more


-Server providers

Established services

- Online Marketing :


-Variable costs: server and traffic maintenance costs

- Fixed Cost: rent, salaries

- Online ad campaigns

Seller side:

- transaction fees

Buyer side:

- targeted ads

- Maintaining online

buyer/seller communities

and credibility of


- Promotion of website and


- Physical resources (IT


- Existing social

networks -Buyer and

seller communities,

- Brand awareness

- Web & App sales

- Online social networks

- Online advertising


- More customer traffic

- Bulk sales with

reduced commission


- Better discounts

- Power to choose

product deal

- Buyer community

feedback on products

and sellers

- Automated services

- Communities of buyers

and sellers

- Co-creation of value

through customer


Multi-sided platform


Trustworthy online sellers

with verifiable websites


Online shoppers who are

willing to wait to get

significant discounts on


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Business Canvas #4

- Sellers who need more


-Server providers

Established services

- Online Marketing :


-Payment Gateway :


- Customer Service

(Front side

webservice) : Self

- Customer Service

(Product side) : Sellers

- Delivery : Sellers

-Variable costs: server and traffic maintenance costs

- Fixed Cost: rent, salaries

- Online ad campaigns

Seller side:

- transaction fees

Buyer side:

- targeted ads

- Maintaining online

buyer/seller communities

and credibility of


- Promotion of website and


- Physical resources (IT


- Existing social

networks -Buyer and

seller communities,

- Brand awareness

- Web & App sales

- Online social networks

- Online advertising

Seller: - More customer traffic

-Bulk sales with reduced commission

- Access to customer contact information

- Cross-sell their products.- Site advertising- Power to create deals

Buyer: - Better discounts

- Power to choose product deal

- Buyer community feedback on products and sellers

- Automated services

- Communities of buyers

and sellers

- Co-creation of value

through customer


Multi-sided platform


Trustworthy online sellers

with verifiable websites


Online shoppers who are

willing to wait to get

significant discounts on


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Business Canvas Final

- Sellers who need more


-Server providers

Established services

- Online Marketing :


- Payment Gateway :


- Customer Service

(Front side

webservice) : Self

- Customer Service

(Product side) : Sellers

- Delivery : Sellers

-Variable costs: server and traffic maintenance costs

- Fixed Cost: rent, salaries

- Online ad campaigns

Seller side:

- transaction fees

Buyer side:

- targeted ads

- float money

- Growing and maintaining online buyer/seller communities and credibility of transactions- Promotion of website and brand

- Establishing credibility

- Physical resources (IT


- Existing social

networks -Buyer and

seller communities,

- Brand awareness

- Web & App sales

- Online social networks

- Online advertising

Seller: - More customer traffic

-Bulk sales with reduced commission

- Access to customer contact information

- Cross-sell their products.- Site advertising- Power to create deals

Buyer: - Better discounts

- Power to choose product deal

- Buyer community feedback on products and sellers

- Automated services

- Communities of buyers

and sellers

- Co-creation of value

through customer


Multi-sided platform


Trustworthy online sellers

with verifiable websites


Online shoppers who are

willing to wait to get

significant discounts on
