1 9 Ways to Win Investors and Influence Prospects Content Draft 2, SB For Webinar with Atlas Advertising 05/10/10 8 Ways You Can Use Online GIS to Serve Prospects and Your Community

Atlas De-Mystifying Online GIS

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According to a recent study, only one third of economic development websites contain online site selection assistance tools. Yet, two thirds of ED practitioners plan to add GIS tools such as property databases, business databases, and more to their websites in the near future. With a number of options in the marketplace, how best to choose? Join Ben Wright, Atlas’ CEO, discusses the advancements in GIS technology, how prospects and site selectors are using GIS systems today, and common pitfalls in the process of provisioning such systems.

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9 Ways to Win Investors and Influence Prospects

Content Draft 2, SBFor Webinar with Atlas Advertising


8 Ways You Can Use Online GIS to Serve Prospects and Your


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About Atlas AdvertisingAtlas Advertising helps economic developers reach national and international prospect and site selection audiences. We deliver branding, website development, GIS mapping, research, social media, and creative services professionally and with a staff experienced in economic development. Unlike firms with little or no economic development experience, Atlas Advertising uses a proven mix of economic development marketing tactics that generate interest from site selection audiences.

Atlas Advertising is led by a former economic development practitioner and has worked with 50+ different economic development clients in 30 states. Our approach and experience means that our campaigns generate an average of three to ten times the response of other campaigns.

Featured clients:– State of Ohio– Indy Partnership– City of San Francisco– Greater Phoenix Economic Council – Greater Omaha Economic Development Partnership

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Cool stuff to do/download

• Download our “Compete Smarter” webinars at our Slidespace, http://www.slideshare.net/wright0405

• Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/AtlasAd

• Read more at our Blog, “Latitude”: http://blog.atlas-advertising.com

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Agenda / Outline

• Introductions• Trends and Definitions in

GIS/Geospatial Tools• 8 Ways You Can Use Online GIS to

Serve Prospects and Your Community

• Wrap Up

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Atlas Agency Services• Website Design

Services• GIS Websites• Brand Development• Search Engine

Marketing• Social Media

Marketing• Website Hosting

• Marketing, Media and Lead Generation

• Content Services• Research Services • Training Services

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Atlas Technology and Data Products• Content

Management Software – Robust Media Center – Calendar– Data Cart/Brochure

Generator – Mobile friendly websites– Blog or Microsite


• Project Tracking Software

• Email Marketing Software

• Data Products– Demographic Data– Business Lists– Enhanced Prospect Lists

• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ― Commercial Property

databases― Business databases― Data Search (Data Tab)― Other Data

Management (Map Overlays)

― Community Data Management

― GIS System Analytics― GIS Data Reporting― Data Widgets

• Website Analytics

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Case Study: Ohio InSite

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Case Study: Indy Partnership

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About the Atlas approach• The first economic development website we worked on

was in 1995. • Since then, the usage of the web has grown

astronomically, new tools such as blogs and social media have come on the scene, and Google has risen to dominance.

• Atlas created the seven components of a successful website in 2004, and since then, it has undergone two major revisions.

• We added 8 components of a successful GIS offering in 2010.

• To develop the components and scoring, we conduct annual research with site selectors and prospects, and study actual usage data collected from ED websites in 37 states by Development Results.

• This thinking goes into every website Atlas works on in collaboration with our clients.

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Trends in the use of Geospatial/GIS tools

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1. Smartphones exploding. According to a study by ComScore, in 2010, over 45.5 million people in the United States owned smartphones and it is the fastest growing segment of the mobile phone market, which comprised of 234 million subscribers in the United States.

2. Data crunching getting easier. Companies can crunch billions of lines of data faster than ever, sometimes in seconds.

3. Online delivery of geographic information getting cheaper and easier, as big companies enter. As Google and Microsoft enter this market, tools like Google Maps, Google Earth, Bing maps, and more get ubiquitous.

4. Geographic content providers take off. Companies like yelp (Likely 10 million reviews), Trulia (millions of properties), etc. are there with great online content about places.

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Annual growth projected in the geospatial marketplace:


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Examples of GIS / Geospatial tools you likely use every day

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Google Maps

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Twitter/Tweet Deck

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How Economic Development users are using GIS Systems today• In many

markets, business search outnumbers property search

• Certain reports, such as executive summaries of demographics and business lists, are the top reports downloaded.

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The difference between mapping and Geospatial

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Mapping – rendering data on a map so that it is more clearly presented.

Geospatial – Analyzing the spatial relationships between geo-tagged information.

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Eight Ways You Can Use Online GIS to Serve Prospects and Your Community

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Top 10 pages requested nationally on ED websites

1. About Us (about the organization) 2. Programs (that the organization offers) 3. Data Center4. News 5. Relocate and Expand6. Find Property 7. Site Selection Services 8. Workforce data and Information 9. Database of Companies or Largest

Employers 10.Maps of the Area

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Summary: How Online GIS can serve the content that users want • Make it integrated: Make GIS a part of, not

separate from, your community website. • It must tell a story: Your GIS system must

demonstrate how your community different, and what defining characteristics and wealth generators are there. It must also provide rich, geospatial demographic, business, and employment reports

• Include a property search: Though not the most important data on your site, it is a key part of the “transaction” that you are promoting.

• Include a database of existing employers in the region: Largest employers have long been the most used data you produce. Your GIS system should provide employer data on steroids.

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Summary: How Online GIS can serve the content that users want • Keep it fresh: All data should be updateable by

your staff or third parties in the community, without programming knowledge.

• Drive Traffic and Make Revenue: Provide strong exposure opportunities (and revenue to your organization) for property owners/brokers and businesses in your area, through featured listings, display advertising, and distributed data widgets

• Make it engaging: Give users contact information for key staff or economic development partners

• Measure Usage: Provide clear and accountable analytics for overall system usage

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GIS should be completely integrated with your website.

• Giving the user one online experience on the front end

• Utilizing one system for management on the back end

• Enabling multiple entry points into the GIS system from the website

• Providing a single brand

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Your GIS system should tell the story of your community.

• What properties are available?

• What are the business concentrations?

• What are the demographic and employment profiles?

• Where are the wealth generating assets, such as universities?

• How do I learn more?

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Your system, should include a full featured property search

• Include key properties

• Include basic search criteria, plus advanced

• Include property details, including photos

• Use available street view or birdseye content

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The most used aspect of your GIS system will be your business search• Includes all

businesses in your community

• Featured listings can include logo, contact information, and more

• In nearly all communities, business search is used as much as 20% more than property

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Keeping GIS data fresh is just as important as keeping your website fresh

• Content management integrated with your website CMS

• Web services for property data, as often as nightly

• Other data, such as “Other Places” overlays and community contact information, is updateable without programming

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GIS can also be a revenue driver for your organization• Overall

sponsorship• Featured

business and property listings

• Featured community listings

• Featured “Other Places” listings (universities, business parks, etc)

• Display advertising

• Pay per click fees for links out

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GIS can also drive users to contact information for you and your partners • Communities

tab content can locate municipalities or counties inside your area

• Certain partners can be listed as contact information

• Reports can be generated for their communities

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To measure the ROI of your system, metrics should be transparent

• Tracking total number of property and business searches

• Tracking views of top properties

• Tracking reports generated

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Summary: How Online GIS can serve the content that users want • Make it integrated: Make GIS a part of, not

separate from, your community website. • It must tell a story: Your GIS system must

demonstrate how your community different, and what defining characteristics and wealth generators are there. It must also provide rich, geospatial demographic, business, and employment reports

• Include a property search: Though not the most important data on your site, it is a key part of the “transaction” that you are promoting.

• Include a database of existing employers in the region: Largest employers have long been the most used data you produce. Your GIS system should provide employer data on steroids.

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Summary: How Online GIS can serve the content that users want • Keep it fresh: All data should be updateable by

your staff or third parties in the community, without programming knowledge.

• Drive Traffic and Make Revenue: Provide strong exposure opportunities (and revenue to your organization) for property owners/brokers and businesses in your area, through featured listings, display advertising, and distributed data widgets

• Make it engaging: Give users contact information for key staff or economic development partners

• Measure Usage: Provide clear and accountable analytics for overall system usage

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Join our LinkedIn Group: Next Gen Economic Development

Marketers(Once you sign up, you will need to be


Then, click, the link on the presentation, in Discussions.

We look forward to having you!

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Why Atlas?

• Customized interface to match your goals• Flexible, customizable features• Superior usability and interface• Our systems get used: As much as 1/2 of all page views

on our client websites go to InSite, compared to 5% for some of our competitors.

• Our expertise at marketing and lead generation• The national standard, according to the International

Economic Development Council

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Contact Atlas

Contact information:

2601 Blake Street, Suite 301Denver, CO 80205

Contact: Ben Wrightt: 303.292.3300 x 210

[email protected]

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