Armour Mag Holiday Issue



WashU's premiere style magazine and blog

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When the Armour team thinks of December, we think of cozy sweaters, warm pie, and the FIRST OFFICIAL HOLIDAY ISSUE! This holiday season, we want to encourage you to be true to yourself and have fun. When the clock strikes twelve, make sure that you have no regrets and go for the gold in the New Year. Take time to enjoy your surroundings, family, and the fun holiday cheer wherever you might live.

Make this the year that you go out and spread some love by using our holiday gift guide for your friends. Check out new ways to pump up your look with studs and a fresh pair of kicks. Make a bold statement on December 31st with some tips from our makeup review and inspiration from our 11:59 editorial. Transform your style into a festivity in itself.

Use the New Year as a fresh start to get inspired by the prospect of new opportunities. This holiday season, focus on you! Be the best you possible. Most of all, we want to wish you the happiest and healthiest holiday season.

So here’s to 2013!

And, as always,

get your armour on.

(P.S. its pronounced AR-mour. Think that shiny stuff on knights.)

Chantal Strasburger

Jacob Lenard

Felicia Podberesky




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Past trends, muses, travel,

other art

Runway showsand


Fast fashionretailers

Upper echelon street style, magazines

Mass retailers, the masses



She’s soooo trendy.But wait, what does that even mean?






1 Zara, 2 Target, 3 Pillbox hats, 4 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show,5 If it dates from 1920 to 1960Photo by Athena Hay



Past trends, muses, travel,

other art

Runway showsand


Fast fashionretailers

Upper echelon street style, magazines

Mass retailers, the masses



She’s soooo trendy.But wait, what does that even mean?






1 Zara, 2 Target, 3 Pillbox hats, 4 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show,5 If it dates from 1920 to 1960Photo by Athena Hay

































Tis The Season

for Knit Holiday sweaters are not just for your Great Aunt Esther anymore; The statement piece has evolved from an embarrassing relative’s “party” go-to into practically a staple for any and all holiday festivities. It’s no secret that the comfy pullover has recently gained popularity as a comical way to show your spirit for the season. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or something completely different altogether, a holiday sweater is a (forgive the pun) seamless way to show off your comfortable-chic holiday style. Be it an ugly, extra-large crew neck with crocheted reindeers or a button-down sweater vest donned with snowflakes and light bulbs, you can be sure that your sweater will not go unnoticed or unappreciated at a party. Our suggestion? Play around with your sweater. With such a statement piece, why not style it to your liking? You could pair it with jeans and winter boots, but what fun would that be? Be adventurous with your look! Dress it up with a skirt or some sweet kicks. Heck, wear it with black pumps if you want! The idea is to take the once seldom-used, seasonal sweater and make it your own. So next time you’re getting ready to go out with friends, don’t be afraid to rock your obnoxious knit on your night out on the town!

By Claudia Vaughan Photography by: Bonner Williams

Model: Missy Quick




and I think my obsession with the 1960’s definitely has a

presence in both my wardrobe and my bedroom. I sometimes feel

like I was born in the wrong decade, and am inspired by anything that

reminds me of another era.

and antique apartment furnishings, as well as the activity

of digging through tons of stuff to find unique gems. The Green Shag

on Manchester is awesome because it’s filled with things that are

fascinating just to look at, which makes the experience of shopping

there interesting and different each time.

and feel compelled to decorate every surface of my

room as a form of self-expression. I’m a hugely sentimental person,

and my room has become a place that I cover with reminders of

people and memories that are important to me.

as well

as repurposing and DIY-ing clothes and furnishings to give them

our own quirky flair. One example of a recyclable decoration that

has taken over our apartment is dried flowers in wine bottle vases, a

concept that came to us when we realized that we drink a lot of wine

and always forget to water our flowers!

and the places we’ve

traveled. Mel is a diehard Beatles and Phish fan, so we have some memorabilia and sixties-influenced stuff, and my tastes really

ran the gamut depending on my mood, but we both have records in our room. Her room has photos of her study abroad in Italy

on the walls, while I have a tie-dye sarong from Thailand on mine. One of our friends called our place a cat lady apartment once,

and I was like, “I’ll take it!” It’s pretty accurate with our janky furniture and couples’ photographs scattered around...

because I like the challenge! I’m really an online-shopping addict, but my

favorite brick-and-mortar store is Wasteland, a California-based vintage clothing store. It can be pretty hit-or-miss, but when you

find a hit, it’s always something nuts like this studded vintage Boy Scouts uniform shirt I got there over the summer.

and we both love our Docs. We definitely influence each other’s styles considerably but Mel pulls

off so much cool stuff that I could never think of myself, so I try to dig around in her closet whenever I can!


and I think my obsession with the 1960’s definitely has a

presence in both my wardrobe and my bedroom. I sometimes feel

like I was born in the wrong decade, and am inspired by anything that

reminds me of another era.

and antique apartment furnishings, as well as the activity

of digging through tons of stuff to find unique gems. The Green Shag

on Manchester is awesome because it’s filled with things that are

fascinating just to look at, which makes the experience of shopping

there interesting and different each time.

and feel compelled to decorate every surface of my

room as a form of self-expression. I’m a hugely sentimental person,

and my room has become a place that I cover with reminders of

people and memories that are important to me.

as well

as repurposing and DIY-ing clothes and furnishings to give them

our own quirky flair. One example of a recyclable decoration that

has taken over our apartment is dried flowers in wine bottle vases, a

concept that came to us when we realized that we drink a lot of wine

and always forget to water our flowers!

and the places we’ve

traveled. Mel is a diehard Beatles and Phish fan, so we have some memorabilia and sixties-influenced stuff, and my tastes really

ran the gamut depending on my mood, but we both have records in our room. Her room has photos of her study abroad in Italy

on the walls, while I have a tie-dye sarong from Thailand on mine. One of our friends called our place a cat lady apartment once,

and I was like, “I’ll take it!” It’s pretty accurate with our janky furniture and couples’ photographs scattered around...

because I like the challenge! I’m really an online-shopping addict, but my

favorite brick-and-mortar store is Wasteland, a California-based vintage clothing store. It can be pretty hit-or-miss, but when you

find a hit, it’s always something nuts like this studded vintage Boy Scouts uniform shirt I got there over the summer.

and we both love our Docs. We definitely influence each other’s styles considerably but Mel pulls

off so much cool stuff that I could never think of myself, so I try to dig around in her closet whenever I can!




Since fashion tends to cycle in 20 to 40 year periods, many seemingly edgy and new styles may in fact be an homage to earlier trends. Flipping through Wash U yearbooks from 1973, 1982, and 1992, we’ve found that some current favorites are actually tried-and-true Wash U staples. Styles from those years are now seen on runways and we were interested to find out that they are represented on campus, too. Big glasses are no longer limited to the confines of the library; they’re becoming the go-to accessory to set your outfit apart. High-waisted pants have gone from matronly to high fashion, as new cuts and styles have transformed the hated “mom jeans” into an enviable silhouette. Once taboo, patterns and prints are now a fun, accessible way to elevate a outfit.

We’ve added some photos from our blog. Check out the ways in which bears have changed, and stayed the same, over time.









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My roommate’s eyeliner lasts all day. Literally. All day. It’s bizarre how perfect it stays on from nine am to midnight. So when I decided to write a make-up review I couldn’t think of a better product to focus on. If I could get my eyeliner to last for over twelve hours without smudging, it would be nothing short of a miracle.

So what exactly is this dark magic? Introducing the Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner used in combination with the Urban Decay eye shadow primer potion. This eyeliner is really easy to correct and remove without smudging. Which is sort of perfect for those unsteady hands suffering from all-nighter caffeine jitters. I obviously had to try it out for myself and lo and behold it really does stay on all day, no smudge, even without the primer. Perfect for a morning in olin followed by a night out on the loop. This is seriously worth checking out if you want eye makeup that lasts.

Find it at or your local Sephora.



I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – junderwear. People, listen to me, it’s going to be huge. First, there were the likes of jeggings and jorts. But now what the world needs most is denim underwear, more colloquially termed “junderwear.” Junderwear with a side of jeggings and a jutton down (denim button down)? Talk about layering up on denim! The possibilities of junderwear are limitless. Jongs? Check. And for the men, the choice is simple: joxers or jiefs?

If fashion didn’t love irony, I wouldn’t own fanny packs in three different shades of pink neon. You know those measly patches of leather you see on the elbows of sweaters? Here’s what’s next: elbow pads. Genuine, straight from your overprotected childhood, go ahead and slip your elbows into a pair of bulky, plastic elbow pads as if you were slipping into all of 1992 at once. Boyz II Men is spinning on your Discman. Your hair is pulled back into a scrunchie. Your Tamagotchi would live forever. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would never go off-air. Elbow pads.

macro skirts. Like maxi skirts, but a few feet longer. A trend, like many, to be inspired by the fashion-forward Amish folk. As the Amish realize we have poached their long, conservative skirts and named them after a sanitary napkin, they will most certainly react with longer, even more conservative skirts. And we will react with the macro skirt — a trendy way to pretend you are in a wedding as well as drag your clothing into puddles. This is also where the elbow pads might come in handy.

Body art today is standard. Maybe a tattoo, a henna, some face paint, a swirl of makeup. Yet, nothing quite like some crayon wax. Think of the possibilities! A drip of Tickle Me Pink here, a drip of Jungle Green there — you’re a walking, talking Picasso.

single frame glasses. Just one eye-hole and lens, taking up your entire face. Formerly a symbol of the ultimate nerd, big eyeglasses are currently favored by hipsters, wannabe intellectuals, and the near-sighted. Predictably, hipsters of the universe will soon declare “four eyes” as too mainstream. The solution? Three eyes. Hence, the single frame eyeglass (singular).

If you think your chunky bangles are chunky, then just wait for wangles. Wangles, which have hit European markets by storm, will be the chunkiest jewelry you own. They are physically weighted down for style and fi tness purposes. When it comes to wangles, bigger is better. Wangles vary in weight from fi ve to fi fty pounds and make for a statement piece that also tones your biceps.

In sixth grade, tweens whispered to each other about that one girl actually wearing leggings as pants! “We can see her butt!” they viciously gossiped at a middle school cafeteria table. Today, no one is here to tell you to put on pants. No one is stopping you from wearing stretchy black lycra that people can see your underwear through. With the advent of jeggings, as well as leather leggings, what is stopping the world from its full embrace of fur leggings, more commonly known as feggings? Warm, practical, and begging to be pet. For the animal advocates? Ffeggings (fake fur leggings).

Grunge has swung in and out for decades. The question will forever be: is that a homeless person wearing an old banana peel? Or is that the new Marc Jacobs line Debris? The next step in grunge fashion will be a return to the classic trash bag. Held together by fi ve inches of duct tape and one oversized rubber band, this era of grunge will walk a thin line between risqué high fashion and accidental public nudity. Major benefi ts include: sustain-ability due to recyclable materials, ability to blend in at public parks and subway stations, less energy and water spent showering. Potential defects: dangerous shards of broken glass found in trash bag, pungent odors, people mistaking you for a garbage and spitting their gum out on you.

The ultimate frontier is, of course, the chic, silver full-body jumpsuit with full space-travel capabilities. Sixty years ago, the concept was futuristic and groundbreaking. But the masses have been predicting this one for eons. In upcoming seasons, this trend will scream vintage like a grandma at a frat party. Beyond its functionality, the astronaut jumpsuit is visually satisfying in its back-to-basics principles. Its sleek, no-frills approach to design cannot be matched by modern standards. Whether out for a jog, off fi ghting aliens, or out on a date, your astronaut suit will leave the world thinking one thing: “Zetus Lapetus!”

!"#$%&'(()*$%')(+&'(&,$+-')(. (I’ve decided that a major trend of the future would

be “Top Nine Lists” and that the number ten would become passé and not so cool.)

By Rebecca Kriegman

Fashion is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or else it dies. And no one wants a dead shark in their closets.











I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – junderwear. People, listen to me, it’s going to be huge. First, there were the likes of jeggings and jorts. But now what the world needs most is denim underwear, more colloquially termed “junderwear.” Junderwear with a side of jeggings and a jutton down (denim button down)? Talk about layering up on denim! The possibilities of junderwear are limitless. Jongs? Check. And for the men, the choice is simple: joxers or jiefs?

If fashion didn’t love irony, I wouldn’t own fanny packs in three different shades of pink neon. You know those measly patches of leather you see on the elbows of sweaters? Here’s what’s next: elbow pads. Genuine, straight from your overprotected childhood, go ahead and slip your elbows into a pair of bulky, plastic elbow pads as if you were slipping into all of 1992 at once. Boyz II Men is spinning on your Discman. Your hair is pulled back into a scrunchie. Your Tamagotchi would live forever. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would never go off-air. Elbow pads.

macro skirts. Like maxi skirts, but a few feet longer. A trend, like many, to be inspired by the fashion-forward Amish folk. As the Amish realize we have poached their long, conservative skirts and named them after a sanitary napkin, they will most certainly react with longer, even more conservative skirts. And we will react with the macro skirt — a trendy way to pretend you are in a wedding as well as drag your clothing into puddles. This is also where the elbow pads might come in handy.

Body art today is standard. Maybe a tattoo, a henna, some face paint, a swirl of makeup. Yet, nothing quite like some crayon wax. Think of the possibilities! A drip of Tickle Me Pink here, a drip of Jungle Green there — you’re a walking, talking Picasso.

single frame glasses. Just one eye-hole and lens, taking up your entire face. Formerly a symbol of the ultimate nerd, big eyeglasses are currently favored by hipsters, wannabe intellectuals, and the near-sighted. Predictably, hipsters of the universe will soon declare “four eyes” as too mainstream. The solution? Three eyes. Hence, the single frame eyeglass (singular).

If you think your chunky bangles are chunky, then just wait for wangles. Wangles, which have hit European markets by storm, will be the chunkiest jewelry you own. They are physically weighted down for style and fi tness purposes. When it comes to wangles, bigger is better. Wangles vary in weight from fi ve to fi fty pounds and make for a statement piece that also tones your biceps.

In sixth grade, tweens whispered to each other about that one girl actually wearing leggings as pants! “We can see her butt!” they viciously gossiped at a middle school cafeteria table. Today, no one is here to tell you to put on pants. No one is stopping you from wearing stretchy black lycra that people can see your underwear through. With the advent of jeggings, as well as leather leggings, what is stopping the world from its full embrace of fur leggings, more commonly known as feggings? Warm, practical, and begging to be pet. For the animal advocates? Ffeggings (fake fur leggings).

Grunge has swung in and out for decades. The question will forever be: is that a homeless person wearing an old banana peel? Or is that the new Marc Jacobs line Debris? The next step in grunge fashion will be a return to the classic trash bag. Held together by fi ve inches of duct tape and one oversized rubber band, this era of grunge will walk a thin line between risqué high fashion and accidental public nudity. Major benefi ts include: sustain-ability due to recyclable materials, ability to blend in at public parks and subway stations, less energy and water spent showering. Potential defects: dangerous shards of broken glass found in trash bag, pungent odors, people mistaking you for a garbage and spitting their gum out on you.

The ultimate frontier is, of course, the chic, silver full-body jumpsuit with full space-travel capabilities. Sixty years ago, the concept was futuristic and groundbreaking. But the masses have been predicting this one for eons. In upcoming seasons, this trend will scream vintage like a grandma at a frat party. Beyond its functionality, the astronaut jumpsuit is visually satisfying in its back-to-basics principles. Its sleek, no-frills approach to design cannot be matched by modern standards. Whether out for a jog, off fi ghting aliens, or out on a date, your astronaut suit will leave the world thinking one thing: “Zetus Lapetus!”

!"#$%&'(()*$%')(+&'(&,$+-')(. (I’ve decided that a major trend of the future would

be “Top Nine Lists” and that the number ten would become passé and not so cool.)

By Rebecca Kriegman

Fashion is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or else it dies. And no one wants a dead shark in their closets.











It’s that time of year again! Can you believe it? Snow is falling, fires are blazing, and everyone is heading home for the holidays! But what

about that long list of people you have got to get gifts for? Friends, family, classmates, roommates… but don’t you worry because

Armour is hooking you up with some of the most unique, funny, and practical gifts of the year. And the best part is, they won’t even break

the bank! So get shopping!

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

20 GiftS Under $20A Holiday Gift Guide

by Brittany Katz

Chocolatines’ Hot Chocolate Swirls: Yummm! $7.75 //

“CuRed” Nail Polish: An Organization started by WashU Senior Hallie Steinfeld and her family, free of harmful chemicals

and bright colors to enlighten your holiday spirit and fight cancer too!

$9 for 1 $16 for 2 // Color Me Cured

Alphabet Candle: Making the ultimate go-to gift chic and personal

$10 // West Elm

Convertible Gloves . A must-have for toasty texting.

$20 // Urban Outfitters

For your Girl: Bliss Fabulips

Sugar Lip Scrub$18 // Bliss

For your Going Out Partner in Crime: Gold Glitter Envelope Clutch

$20 // BelledeBenoir

Hues Your Noggin Printed Scarf $19.99 // Modcloth

For your Goofball: Mustache Pint$8 for 1 $12 for 2 // Urban Outfitters

iPhone Case for your Fashionista: Studs$14 // The Daisies

iPhone Case for your Pro-Gamer: Gameboy$14.99 // Rocket Cases

Neon Circle Shades$20 // Nasty Gal

Music Nut Earbuds$15 // Modcloth

Mr. Tea Infuser$11 // Perpetual Kid

Lumberjack Knit Hat with Removeable Beard

$38 // Beardo

Splurge Item!

For your Hipster Biker: ULock Holster $15 // Mission Bicycle

For your Dapper Gentleman: Clip on Bow Tie

$16 // KissofRose

Nice Jewish Guys 2013 Calendar: We do go to WashJew….

$14 // Modern Tribe

For your Vegetarian Friend: Edamame Growing Kit

$18 // Uncommon Goods

For your Bestie : A lunch date to the London Tea Room on you Iron Goddess: $4.95 per pot // The London Tea Room in STL.

For your Hopeless Romantic: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

$3 // Amazon

For your Suitemate: A tin of Ginger Snaps (to keep in the suite...)$12.99 // World Market


It’s that time of year again! Can you believe it? Snow is falling, fires are blazing, and everyone is heading home for the holidays! But what

about that long list of people you have got to get gifts for? Friends, family, classmates, roommates… but don’t you worry because

Armour is hooking you up with some of the most unique, funny, and practical gifts of the year. And the best part is, they won’t even break

the bank! So get shopping!

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

20 GiftS Under $20A Holiday Gift Guide

by Brittany Katz

Chocolatines’ Hot Chocolate Swirls: Yummm! $7.75 //

“CuRed” Nail Polish: An Organization started by WashU Senior Hallie Steinfeld and her family, free of harmful chemicals

and bright colors to enlighten your holiday spirit and fight cancer too!

$9 for 1 $16 for 2 // Color Me Cured

Alphabet Candle: Making the ultimate go-to gift chic and personal

$10 // West Elm

Convertible Gloves . A must-have for toasty texting.

$20 // Urban Outfitters

For your Girl: Bliss Fabulips

Sugar Lip Scrub$18 // Bliss

For your Going Out Partner in Crime: Gold Glitter Envelope Clutch

$20 // BelledeBenoir

Hues Your Noggin Printed Scarf $19.99 // Modcloth

For your Goofball: Mustache Pint$8 for 1 $12 for 2 // Urban Outfitters

iPhone Case for your Fashionista: Studs$14 // The Daisies

iPhone Case for your Pro-Gamer: Gameboy$14.99 // Rocket Cases

Neon Circle Shades$20 // Nasty Gal

Music Nut Earbuds$15 // Modcloth

Mr. Tea Infuser$11 // Perpetual Kid

Lumberjack Knit Hat with Removeable Beard

$38 // Beardo

Splurge Item!

For your Hipster Biker: ULock Holster $15 // Mission Bicycle

For your Dapper Gentleman: Clip on Bow Tie

$16 // KissofRose

Nice Jewish Guys 2013 Calendar: We do go to WashJew….

$14 // Modern Tribe

For your Vegetarian Friend: Edamame Growing Kit

$18 // Uncommon Goods

For your Bestie : A lunch date to the London Tea Room on you Iron Goddess: $4.95 per pot // The London Tea Room in STL.

For your Hopeless Romantic: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

$3 // Amazon

For your Suitemate: A tin of Ginger Snaps (to keep in the suite...)$12.99 // World Market


























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!"#$%!&'#()*+,-)./!*,01Fashion Design Professor at Washington University in St. Louis


Finding the line between charm and disguise is no mean feat, and that challenge prompted Chanel to remark, “Frivolity is very serious business.” By infusing her practical style with wit and intention, she showed the inherent vitality of the wearer. She created clothes for the runway, the stage, film screens, and even commercial airlines and warned, “One must beware of originality: in dressmaking you immediately descend into disguise and decoration, you descend into stage design…as paradoxical as it may seem, it has to be said that extravagance kills the personality. All superlatives are devalued.”

Yet revealing the inherent vitality of the wearer is no straightforward task. Fashion is a moving target. From the industrial revolution to the post-modern moment, rapidly changing circumstances have created disorder in our sense of self. Many respond by using fashion to shape a persona they hope will ring true. The result may feel haphazard and not an authentic expression of the wearer’s identity.

Chanel grappled with the challenge of communicating the self through clothes and remained honest in her quest for effective self-presentation. She found a credible way to incorporate the realities of her day-to-day life into her decisions. Her ability to integrate details of everyday existence into a wardrobe was central to her image and self-identity. “Survival by design” could have been Chanel’s mantra when she was living by her wits with little money. She concluded, based on her resources and surroundings that her best bet for self-presentation was disguise, which she adapted from her bohemian peers. The closets of her male friends became her happiest hunting grounds; she collaged men’s garments with her basic wardrobe, creating her own style on honest terms.

By drawing together clothing from both genders to assemble her attire, Chanel created unexpected ensembles. Remarkably, she still managed to exude a composed air with her relaxed styles. She paired simple skirts and boots with a man’s shirt or woman’s blouse, and completed the look with a man’s coat and tie or riding jacket. The effect was a jaunty look that supported her activities and expressed her spirit. Her appearance offered a counterpoint to the hyper-feminine overwrought style of the women around her. Chanel’s “disguise” relied on limited resources and clever instincts to convey the clear message that she was an independent woman. And by drawing on her daily realities as she created her personal style, she ensured that her disguises were credible.



— 22


Fashion Future


By: Felicia PodbereskyPhotography by: Chantal Strasburger

QUICK TIP:Once you land the job, Vassallo recommends to be friendly and positive, dress appropriately, be early and ready to work at all times, and pick up on office routines.With these guidelines, it is easy to set yourself apart from others at the workplace. Remember to be yourself and find the career that fits you best!

EVERY YEAR, THE FASHION DESIGN Program, in collaboration with the Career Center, hosts Fashion Futures: an informative event on how to gain your first internship or job experience in the industry and what to expect from them (the good and the bad). This year, the students got an opportunity to hear from 2010 alumnus, Lauren Vassallo. As a graduate of the Fashion Design major and a successful internship at Michael Kors, she currently works as an Assistant Accessories Designer at Tory Burch in New York City. With experience transitioning from the design program into career, Vassallo provided 10 key tips on being successful in the job hunt.

!""#$%$&'(("&)*'+$',$*-%."/0$$Not only to keep in touch with trends, but it is important to see how clothes are currently being presented on the body in terms of silhouette, proportions, etc.

1"$%2%3"$',$)4"$,%/4*'+$2'3(50$It is always important to be cognizant of current trends, notable designers, how the business side of industry is faring.

6"%3$7'83$#'3),'(*'$)'2%35/$)4"$"-#('7"30$$Whether more sculptural, minimalist, or very feminine, cater your work towards the aesthetic of the company.

9"+5$7'83$3"/8-"$'8)$":"3724"3"0$While it may be tedious, this is the only way to start getting your name out there.

;/"$7'83$&'+)%&)/0$Everyone knows everyone in this industry, so start asking your father’s aunt’s sister’s patients. It can get you into the door.

6")$7'83$,'')$*+$)4"$5''30$$Start wherever you can—even if it means being a receptionist.

6'$%,)"3$%$<3%+5/$7'8$(':"0$$Don’t settle!

='+>)$?85."$%$<''@$<7$*)/$&':"30$$There is much more to a company than what meets the eye.

A+)"3+B$$The best way to gain industry experience, which can also turn into an employment opportunity before you know it.

1"$/@")&4*+.$&'+/)%+)(70$$Not only is it a way to be constantly thinking and finding inspiration, but employers love to see the thought process behind designing.











Fashion Future


By: Felicia PodbereskyPhotography by: Chantal Strasburger

QUICK TIP:Once you land the job, Vassallo recommends to be friendly and positive, dress appropriately, be early and ready to work at all times, and pick up on office routines.With these guidelines, it is easy to set yourself apart from others at the workplace. Remember to be yourself and find the career that fits you best!

EVERY YEAR, THE FASHION DESIGN Program, in collaboration with the Career Center, hosts Fashion Futures: an informative event on how to gain your first internship or job experience in the industry and what to expect from them (the good and the bad). This year, the students got an opportunity to hear from 2010 alumnus, Lauren Vassallo. As a graduate of the Fashion Design major and a successful internship at Michael Kors, she currently works as an Assistant Accessories Designer at Tory Burch in New York City. With experience transitioning from the design program into career, Vassallo provided 10 key tips on being successful in the job hunt.

!""#$%$&'(("&)*'+$',$*-%."/0$$Not only to keep in touch with trends, but it is important to see how clothes are currently being presented on the body in terms of silhouette, proportions, etc.

1"$%2%3"$',$)4"$,%/4*'+$2'3(50$It is always important to be cognizant of current trends, notable designers, how the business side of industry is faring.

6"%3$7'83$#'3),'(*'$)'2%35/$)4"$"-#('7"30$$Whether more sculptural, minimalist, or very feminine, cater your work towards the aesthetic of the company.

9"+5$7'83$3"/8-"$'8)$":"3724"3"0$While it may be tedious, this is the only way to start getting your name out there.

;/"$7'83$&'+)%&)/0$Everyone knows everyone in this industry, so start asking your father’s aunt’s sister’s patients. It can get you into the door.

6")$7'83$,'')$*+$)4"$5''30$$Start wherever you can—even if it means being a receptionist.

6'$%,)"3$%$<3%+5/$7'8$(':"0$$Don’t settle!

='+>)$?85."$%$<''@$<7$*)/$&':"30$$There is much more to a company than what meets the eye.

A+)"3+B$$The best way to gain industry experience, which can also turn into an employment opportunity before you know it.

1"$/@")&4*+.$&'+/)%+)(70$$Not only is it a way to be constantly thinking and finding inspiration, but employers love to see the thought process behind designing.











Photography by: Jacob Lenard

Models: Mahlette Mammo & Julie Safferstein



The familiar combination of a T-shirt and jeans is all too easy to throw on in the morning. Sometimes, we all need that little something to improve our look easily before an 8:00 am class. Studs are the easiest way to upgrade a drab outfit- creating instant wow-factor to your look. If you’re new to the world of embellishment, or feel a little anxious about fitting studs into your personal style, breathe. BREATHE. I promise you can do it- all you need is to start small.

Start off by incorporating a studded “statement piece” into an otherwise basic outfit, like a spiked shoe or handbag. Mixing studs with other pieces like a feminine skirt or brightly colored top can juxtapose hard and soft for a more dynamic look For a more tough look, try a jacket with studded shoulder detailing, or pants with a studded-out back pocket. I find it’s best to stick with one color – silver, gold, or black – when pairing multiple studded pieces. You don’t want to overwhelm the public by going to class looking like a British punk caricature – unless you do. So go out into the world studded- we promise you’ll feel embellished.








