Bealtaine issuu




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A chairde, Beannachta Bealtaine, welcome to the 5th of 8 periodicals celebrating the solar festivals in Ireland.

We greet the summer, flowers are blooming and trees are in bud burst. Bealtaine is an observation of fertility and fun with many traditions celebrating through the use of Easter eggs, May poles and May bushes. The masculine Patrician energy (Equinox) has combined with feminine Brigidine energy (Imbolc) to produce the 'leanbh na Griann' child of the sun, rebirth of the self and all the promise, joy and hope that goes with that.

Abundance of BealtaineIn winter's sparseness,in lack and basic needs,the bare bonesin silence, stood.Brown and black,the lonely tones,of trunk and branchesmute in the wood.

Yet, comes theturning of the year,Spring bows to summer's brighter days.And this invigorates,brings us cheer,after winter'slean dark ways.

Bold green bud burstpaints the tree,fills in gaps between the sprigs.Leaves unsealed,here hums the bee,and summer's breezesdance merry jigs.

With this returning,life revives,difficult times pass away.Learn from the treethat yet survivesarduous winter'sbleak decay.

Forget the loneliness,watch leaves unfurled,enlightened hoursof colour excite.Fullness and plenty,love your world.Abundance blesses our souls tonight.

Bealtaine is most often celebrated on 1st May when we cross the threshold into summer. Yet the term can also refer to the season between Imbolc and Lughnasadh, starting on May Eve, 30 April. At Bealtaine we continue on our dance around the wheel of the year and along the pathway of the soul, heading towards summer solstice. We are opposite Samhain (celebration of ancestors and death), autumn and winter await six months away.

The transition from winter to spring is often extended, with stops and starts of cold and warm weather and plants holding back their bud burst. Yet the swallows return from Africa, crows nest and life is on the move again. With these uncertain days, when the wind blows strongly, the rain lashes horizontal and the stars hide behind dark clouds, there is a feeling for more empowerment of human beings. As we realise our choices we require the strength to stand up for ourselves, discover we do not need intermediaries, and can make our own decisions.

We are inspired by Mary and Brigid, by Patrick and Lugh, by the ancestral and archetypal wisdom sharers, but where we wish to place our attention and intentions is personal. We are not to be overwhelmed by the flood of events and media information, but to go with the flow of our interests and being.

We have left a dark wintry underground and are now travelling into the full light. New energy invigorates our journey. Fresh green herbs and grass for animal feed is flourishing. Luxuriant flowers promise good harvests of fruits, berries and nuts later in the year. Bealtaine vibrancy abounds; the all singing, all dancing, season.

Everyone is watching the weather on Tara the crows are busy... how high are they nesting? The higher in the tree the better the summer. Personally it is time to look forward and consider whether we need to be high and visible this summer or keep a little lower for protection from the intense and sometimes stormy summer energies.

Listening to lambs on the hillsides the birds dusk chat before going to sleep and swallows enjoy their last feed. Pheasant calls and crows settle in for the night on perfect evenings when we sit again in the promise of nature. In this happy state often arises the sounds of howling wind through the hedge and trees, rain showers and grey clouds arrive. Yet, within the turbulence, we are in a still place of calm and peace. Then evening midges start to bite, and we watch the slow steady slide of a slug across the paving and a beautiful red setting sun, before retreating indoors once more.

Chestnut 'candle' flowers light up Bealtaine

Magic:Look outside and you will notice a great transformation is underway; bud burst, the vibrant spring colours, the nesting birds. Life is stirring. This is Spring, guiding us to summer, this is Bealtaine. The underlying energy may be considered effervescent, expansive and life giving. The sleeping hibernating animals are waking up, others return from their winter migrations, and significantly the weather is improving, making up for all the cold and ice we had over winter. Days lengthen and temperatures rise. These seasonal changes occur because the earth's axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5. It just depends how near the Equator or Poles you are how much your season changes, at the Equator there is equilibrium through the whole year, and at the Poles there are full days of darkness or light. The angle of the Earths tilt is stable over long periods of time, but the Earth slightly wobbles on its axis like a spinning top. Why the earth is tilted is a mystery, with many theories expounded by learned academics. It is a magical situation that this extraordinary tilt suits and nurtures our lives on earth and this wonderful and exciting time of year. We marvel at the wonders of life and of the universe.

Inspiration:The land and all beings are aroused and nurtured in this season to full creative power for peace, light and love gr adrom sochna. We are encouraged by the growth energies and all seems possible. At one of our gatherings we realised that 'Where there's a Will there's a Way' and just as spring water bubbles nourishing water over the ground, we fortified mental use of will by imbibing the physical healing waters of a well to encourage our endeavours. Ideas and actions flow with inspiration as we drink in the cool, clear water from the local and universal wells of wisdom.

Flexible and spontaneous:Plans are made to be changed. Sometimes it seems as if the fates conspire against us, or that our destinies are calling us to take unexpected routes and head towards unknown destinations. We are all where we are meant to be, but sometimes we need to check the instructions and map of our lives, and sometimes we need to accept that diversions can take us to beautiful places. The old makes way for the new in a final push of pruning and those quiet preparations of winter are now leading us to expected and unexpected achievements.

Fecundity:Fertility is the ability to produce offspring, children, the next generation, plantlets, chicks and babes. The word's meaning can be expansive, covering the ability to create new ideas, new ways of thinking, inventions. And a fecund state is highly fertile, lush and healthy. This is the theme of this season ensuring that our offspring have the most nurturing growth environment. The natural world teaches us that to improve soil fertility we need to add compost. We need a good growing medium in which to attain full summer abundance. Clay, which is not a particularly productive material can be made workable and productive with a good compost. Thus this is a time to ensure that we are providing the best conditions in which our offspring, whatever form they take, can be abundant and flourish.

Optimism:Bealtaine is one of the four fire festivals, the name itself refers to the ritual bright summer fires. A fire in the belly is said to fuel ambition. At this season we are all looking forward with hopeful anticipation but we need determination to achieve our desires.

"may the fires of Bealtaine burn brightly for whatever you want to do, to begin, to achieve, may they burn along your path and help you run forwards"

Steps:Holy Well, Hill of Tara. These steps lead downwards to the healing well reminding us that it is often not a straight flat walk to our destination. There are highs and lows and usually stages to a journey.

Walking into summer's abundance Bealtaine offers the chance to step out, identify where there is a choice in our life and then to physically walk that choice. At St John's Well, Warrenstown, there are two sets of steps, on the right and left of the well.

Here, as in life, we can identify which flight of steps to take. The option and decision shall be our own. Starting from the well, we can choose either side to take us upwards. When we reach the top however, we shall realise that both options, although they appeared different, actually take us to higher ground, they both take us on to the next level of experience.

Gold:We have moved into the golden time of year. Phi, the 'golden ratio' number, 1.618, Divine Proportion, achieved by Fibonacci's sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. underlies creation in the universe. Gold is associated with solar symbolism in many world traditions, with attributes such as: Vitality, happiness, success, wealth, light, shared laughter, love and wisdom. It is said that the fairies will not pass over yellow golden flowers, hence these are a protection at this time.

Hawthorn tree:Decorating hedgerows with 5 petalled white flowers the hawthorn dominates the landscape, the petals looking like snow. Yet these must not be brought into the house as they will bring bad luck, even death they have a fusty smell of decay and decomposition, the smell of death. Branches of hawthorn were sometimes placed across the horns of cows to prevent milk thieves. The belief is that a thief might steal your summers milk supplies with magical chants and hawthorn gives protection.

The Sun in the Horns of Taurus:The Sun is at 15 degrees of Taurus and exactly midway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Taurus is the astrological sign for May.

Celebration on Hill of Tara, and for those with a keen eye somewhere on the hilly lands and among long dappled grass was inscribed the symbolic representation of this sacred mystery.


We are drawn to the woodlands in May, the canopy not dense enough to cut out the warming sun, bluebells abundant in a colourful haze. Wood-sorrel, wood anemone and ramsons are other early flowering plants of the ancient woodland floor.

Dry branches, fallen during the winter, provide fuel for the Bealtaine fires and Fir cones can be collected to burn their resinous flames.

A tradition based in England but followed is some parts of Ireland is the preparation of the May pole. Just before May Day villagers would go into the woods and cut down a tall tree. Long logs make great maypoles.

Greenwood 'marriages' are an opportunity for 'Wild Wooing in the Woods'. The sap is rising, inhibitions subside, invigorating flirting in romantic woodland clearings. The god and goddess meet in a joyful union. Children conceived at Bealtaine were considered to be from the coupling of two people experiencing the god and goddess within each other.

Hill of Uisneach:This ceremonial site at Uisneach in Westmeath is a complex of archaeological monuments, including Aill na Mireann, the Stone of Divisions aka the Cat Stone. It is said the the 5 divisions of Ireland centred on this omphalos. The Hill of Uisneach is one of five royal sites Cashel in Tipperary in the west, Dn Ailinne in Kildare, Rathcroghan in Roscommon and Tara in Meath in the east. An ancient route-way connected Uisneach to the Hill of Tara.

Bealtaine in Ireland is celebrated on the high places. All fires were extinguished and a sacred fire started on the Hill of Uisneach. This was then either brought physically to Tara or acted as a signal for the fires to be lit. All household fires were then kindled from this one flame. While the woodlands were ablaze with love, the hilltops were ablaze with Bealtaine fires.

Beltany stone circle:A Bronze Age (1400 - 800BC) stone circle near Raphoe in Donegal. It is suggested through the name that it has a special link to Bealtaine and it has been noted that a decorated stone (cup-marked) appears to be aligned to sunrise in early May. Often at ancient monuments alignments also fit the site into the landscape and in this instance there also appears to be a connection to the summit of Tullyrap Hill.

The pre-Christian stone head found here dates 400BC to 400AD suggesting that the site was in ceremonial / ritual use over a very long period of time.

This picture taken from the information board at the site.

Unified God and Goddess:It is the natural progression from Imbolc where we recognise the Patriarchal energy of Patrick and the Matriarchal energy of Brigid, strong male and female deities. We are inspired by Mary and Brigid, by Patrick and Lugh, by the ancestral and archetypal wisdom sharers. We honour of the marriage of yin/yang, male/female, rational/intuitive.

Accepting those powerful aspects of self, marrying them together, we create the blessed Bealtaine "Leanbh na Griann" (child of the sun) who is full of life, brightness and promise. The underlying energies sponsor expansion, growth, fun, play, joy, bounty, invigoration and cultivation. Mary 'Queen of May':The whole month of May is for Marian devotions, the Roman Catholic Church especially honouring the Virgin Mary as "Queen of May". Small blue and white statues of a smiling Mary grace flowery (Blthanna Bealtaine) altars. Larger statues of Our Lady, decorated with primroses, gorse, buttercups are paraded at shrines and churches. As usual this 'tradition' seems to be associated with more ancient celebrations, is found across Europe, and may have links to the Roman Goddess, Flora. The May Queen is the God's consort, a goddess of goodness and earth mother. Many towns choose a May Queen, and wearing a crown of flowers, she leads a procession through the streets on May Day.

May Hymn to Our Lady

Bring flowers of the rarest
bring blossoms the fairest,
from garden and woodland and hillside and dale;
our full hearts are swelling,
our glad voices tellingthe praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!

O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.

Amergin:Milesian bard and judge in the Irish Mythological Cycle.

Arriving from Spain, the Milesian king Ith was killed by Tuatha D Danann kings Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht and Mac Grine. Some versions relate that the kings welcomed the Milesians but Ith was killed by an unknown hand. Seeking reparation Amergin returned and landed at the estuary of Inber Scne, named after Amergin's wife Scne, who had died on the journey. The Tuatha D Danann queens, Banba, riu and Fdla, agreed that Amergin and his people may settle in Ireland, although each required Amergin to name the island after them. Hence, Banba and Fdla are used as poetic names and riu is the source of the name ire. To gain the land the Milesians had to fight the three kings and their followers. Firstly they must depart behind a magical boundary, beyond nine waves. From this they move forwards, but the Druids on the land set up a magical storm and they cannot reach the beach. Amergin then chants an Incantation, requesting the Spirit of Ireland to come forth and assist them.

The storm subsides. The Milesians land on a Thursday, the day before 1st May, the seventeenth day of the moon; the Year of the World 3500. It is a tradition in Louth that Amergin is buried under Millmount mound in Drogheda.

Hearthfire of Summer:In ritual a person is designated light bearer, symbolically walking into the gathering carrying the light from the west, direction of Uisneach, where the sacred fire was first kindled. Each member of the group holds the light, placing their intent and passing the flame around the group. The central Bealtaine hearth-fire can then be lit. This central candle of empowerment may be used to invigorate and acknowledge our own power, and each may light an individual candle from it. This signifies that we are part of a community and also separate beings, strong as individuals but also supported by the strength of the group. We shall take this candle and knowledge with us when we leave and can light it whenever we need to recall we are truly gifted and enabled individuals.

Healing and protection of two fires:Cattle were protected by passing them through the magical twin fires of Bealtaine. In ceremony we may do the same for ourselves. Extending this idea we may walk between two fires, once for the land we are on (Tara at our event), once for personal intentions and once for the world.

Gateway to Summer:left pole - dark night. dolphin for playfulness, right pole - day light. music note'Gateway' twin flames of Bealtaine, black and white feathers of balance, hoop with swan feather of dreaming, bleeding heart flowers, cleaver and dandelion cleansing, lavender for sweetness, rosemary remembering

Gratitude for blessings received:In Ireland there are many Fairy Trees (this is the Tara tree), usually hawthorn, which people visit throughout the year to petition for healing, blessing and personal intentions. It is good to say thank you at this time of year. Blessing and giving gratitude to the trees is easily done by gifting flowers amongst their branches. Having considered our personal needs we expand our intentions to the extensive worlds of nature that nourish our minds, bodies and souls.

At St. John's Well there are several beautiful specimen trees and we confirmed our gratitude to them with gifts of water from the holy well.

On another occasion we started by calling upon the animals, trees, plants, ancestors, family and friends, dreamers and all that we hold most holy to teach us and show us their ways and then remembered the abundance the earth shares with us. We passed around a pot filled with herbs - lovage, fennel, mint, lavender, lemon balm, chives, sage, bay leaves. Savouring their aroma we were sensually aware of our own perfumed gardens where they were gathered earlier. The powers of the earth were acknowledged as we poured milk and honey onto the land in gratitude and thanks for its fertility and blossoming potential.Dressing the May Bush:We decorate the May bush with flowers, especially yellow ones, and are reminded of the song 'Here we come gathering nuts in May...' the 'nuts' probably replacing the original word 'knots' i.e. loops of flowers.

England is known for the decorated Maypole and dances. But in general, the Irish had the custom of dressing the May bush, Dos Bealtaine, with flowers, ribbons and eggshells.

May Day dew:At sunrise wash you face in the dawn dew, the application gives eternal youth! or so they say. Collect the May morning dew, either putting down a cloth which will take up the healing energies or by scooping up the moisture in a bowl. It can be used through the coming year whenever healing or blessing is needed.

Elixir vitae:Herbs form the base of a special elixir vitae healing potion/ healing vibration that we created and energised by the sun on the Hill of Tara.

Journey to the abundant self:A pilgrimage takes us to a sacred or holy site. A physical journey can also be made as a metaphor for the spiritual journey to the inner self. Choose a route and destination and spend a morning, a whole day, as long as you like on this metaphorical journey. One such train journey was taken into Dublin and on to the beautiful gardens at Merrion Square, symbolic with our own personal life journey. The scenes you pass through may inspire thoughts, show words or symbols that give insights, mirroring back our own inner landscape.

Awakening the land (and ourselves):This the the synopsis of a ceremony held on the Hill of Tara. We picked 4 places over the hill and processed to each part with people joined by candle bearers trailing garlands of coloured ribbon and flowers. The flowers were part of a garland recently blessed by Amma, the 'hugging saint' of India.

One candle bearer had a representation of the Silver apple of the Moon, the other candle bearer a representation of the Golden apple of the Sun. This symbolism arose from W.B. Yeats famous poem: The Song of Wandering Aengus, the last stanza of which reads:

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.

1st connectionentering at the Gate we acknowledged the energies of the East, passed between the twin fires of our torches and were blessed with rosemary. We then proceeded up the Ceremonial Entrance, known as the Banqueting Hall.

2nd connection- we acknowledged the energies of the south at Mound of Dall (Blind), which pairs with the Mound of Dorcha (Darkness) ... someone driving to the ceremony said that there was a big dark cloud over Tara!!

We knocked on the Mound with elder and rosemary to encourage the nature spirits to wake up and come gain into the land of the living. We blessed and thanked the land using a form of flower petal divination as a means of communication with the fairy realm.

Following a time of Dall (Blindness) we prayed to wake up and see the world.

3rd connection- at the fairy tree we acknowledged the west, honoured and thanked the fairy realm with beautiful golden flowers and with chanting the sound of creation OM, including the tree as a participant of our circle. We stood listening to the music of the raindrops through the trees and the birdsong in the woodland.

4th connection - at Cloenferta - the Sloping Trenches - we acknowledged the energies of the north. We had started out in light rain and it finally cleared with a touch of blue sky showing through. The golden gorse formed the Horns of Taurus as we stood in a circle around the mound. The glorious scent of coconut from the vibrant golden flowers filled our breath as nature, humans and all beings came together in the form of the symbol.

We did not formally close the ceremony leaving it open to pour its magic enlivening energy continuously into the country which badly needs it at the moment.

Abundance Blessing:Abundance blessing - May joy and peace surround you,contentment latch your door,and happiness be with you now,and bless you evermore.

Walking into summer's abundance all walk in a circle and at each turn take one of the items, bringing their intentions for abundance of that item for one round.

Coin financial securityStone grounding in lifeRose petals beautiful environmentGreen leaf growth and nurturingCandle bringing all to lightGolden bag holding everything together

The energised bag of symbols was taken home to enhance the abundance in our lives.

Teddy Bear's picnic:

If you go down to the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today
You'd better go in disguise!For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain,
Because today's the day the
Teddy Bears have their picnic.Picnic time for Teddy Bears
The little Teddy Bears are having
A lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them picnic on their holiday.Food and feasting are always part of assembly and so at one Bealtaine we shared in a Teddy Bear's picnic. At last we can sit in the sun outdoors and enjoy sharing our flasks of tea, sandwiches and buns.

As live bears, tigers or snakes would be disconcerting it was suggested that we celebrate the animal world with our favourite soft toy friends, those that share our cars, homes, and even beds. Many adults still have their childhood friends, or have special travelling companions. Live pet dogs and children are of course very welcome.

This was a fun event with many unexpected companions, but it felt totally in tune with the dominant themes of Bealtaine, sharing a picnic while journeying with companions in a woodland setting.

Herbs:Nettles, dandelion, lavender, mint, thyme, lemon balm... the list is endless. Herbs now flourish in the hedgerows and in our gardens.

Fresh green growth flavours our salads and stews. No longer the dried and frozen of winter. Our food is now invigorated with passion and exuberant flavours.

Almond has a long association with Spring and fertility, and almond milk substitute tastes wonderful with a spicy curry. It is great addition to creams, trifles and milky blancmanges.

Pollen:This pollen laden tree is in Halifax, Nova Scotia. With improved weather the pollen count rises and hayfever brings running nose and eyes.

Not usually regarded as a food some people enjoy and find benefit from eating it whilst others can have an allergic reaction. If you want to try some take care.

But with the pollen comes the honey, which most of us can enjoy. It is wonderful to see the bees out and about on sunny days, visiting the May Day blossoms.

Butter:Blessing the churns and butter making equipment is part of the traditions of Bealtaine, using holy water from a sacred well, or salt. Visitors would be asked to take a turn at the churning, to spread the workload on this celebration day, but also as a protection for the endangered dairy. The May Eve churn of butter was highly valued and stored for special use during the following year. Other families would not use the churn on May Day itself in case the evil-eye fell upon it.

In Scotland and some parts of Ireland a drink, known as a caudle, was made from eggs, butter, oatmeal and milk and shared at the Bealtaine bonfire. Each participant would pour some on the ground as a thanks and request for prolific summer.
