European Exploration and Colonization Chapters 2 & 3


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European Exploration and Colonization

Chapters 2 & 3

Chapter 2 – Section 2

Europeans Reach the Americas

The Age of Exploration

• Crusades (1095-1291) – wars against Muslim countries to take back Jerusalem– Soldiers came back with exotic goods like salt,

pepper, and silk from Asia– PROBLEM? Going to Asia by land is dangerous

and takes time!

Christopher Columbus

• Spain hired an Italian named Christopher Columbus– Queen Isabella convinced King Ferdinand to

finance Columbus’ trip

• Columbus had a radical idea: sail west to India– MYTH: Most people believed the world was flat

and you could sail off the edge– FALSE! Most people accepted that the world was

round, they just didn’t know the size

Columbus’ Voyage

• 1492 – Columbus sets sail• He landed in the Carribbean, called it San

Salvador– To his dying day Columbus swore he had reached


• CC’s voyage paved the way for otherexplorers

Three G’s

• Europeans came for three reasons:– Gold: to make money by trade or finding gold– God: spread Christianity to the NA’s– Glory: for power or to discover landmarks

Chapter 3 – Section 1

The Southern Colonies


• Roanoke = England’s first attempt at a colony– John White and 150 settlers built the colony– White returned to England, came back 3 years later to

find the colony abandoned• WHAT?! To this day no one knows what

happened to the settlers!– The only clue they have is the word “Croatoan”

carved into a tree– The settlers probably resettled due to disease or

threat of Indian attack


• 1588 – Spanish armada is defeated by England– Allows England to get serious about colonizing

• 1607 – Jamestown was founded– Founded with a charter from the king– (You’ll never guess who was king of England)– Joint stock company – investors put money into the colony– First PERMANENT English settlement

• Built on a peninsula for defense against Indians/Spanish– NOT A GOOD IDEA! Swamps = mosquitoes, Mosquitoes =


The Two Johns• Most of the 105 settlers died in the first winter– Digging for gold & not planting crops = STARVATION– One man murdered his pregnant wife to eat her!

• John Smith made a new rule: You don’t work, you don’t eat!

• Colony still struggled until John Rolfe– Made peace with Powhatan Indians, married

Pocahontas (she died in England after meeting the king)

– Rolfe also brought tobacco as a cash crop

Labor in Virginia

• Indentured servants – worked 4 - 7 years for someone to pay their way to America

• 1619 – slaves are brought from Africa to work on plantations– Africans were more resistant to European diseases

than Indians• Bacon’s rebellion – Nathaniel Bacon led a group

of indentured servants– They were upset that the governor would not take

Indian land


• Founded by George Calvert, Lord Baltimore– He’s Catholic in a Protestant country!

• He wrote the Toleration Act of 1649– Also known as the Act of Toleration– Made it a crime to restrict religious rights of all

Christians– Paved the way for religious toleration

Carolinas & Georgia

• Carolinas (Charles’ Land) used to be one colony but “broke up” because of differing economies– North = tobacco– South = rice and indigo, plus SC had Charlestown

• Georgia – James Oglethorpe founded it for debtors to start over– You’ll never guess who was king in 1733!– Strict rules such as no slavery, alcohol, or large farms

Representative Government

• Virginia population grows!• Colonists want to make their own laws• VIRGINIA HOUSE OF BURGESSES (burgess =

representative from a town)• Representatives (people elected) from each

town in VA go and vote on laws• FIRST REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN



• Use your historical knowledge. On the last page of your packet, draw a bird’s eye view of what you think Jamestown would have looked like in 1607.

Chapter 3 – Section 2

The New England Colonies

Pilgrim and Puritans• Separatist and Puritans (Protestant groups

unhappy with the Church of England) were persecuted in England

• 1620 - Separatist find a ship headed to VA called the Mayflower– Separatists cal themselves Pilgrims because they are

going on a religious journey• OOPS! The ship landed too far north!• Settlers & Pilgrims wrote The Mayflower

Compact – contract to have fair laws for the good of the Plymouth colony


• 1/2 of the Pilgrims died in the first winter• Squanto and Samoset = Indians that helped

the Pilgrims survive– In exchange for this the Pilgrims helped wipe out a

local Indian tribe

• Pilgrims had a feast to celebrate


• John Winthrop – founded Massachusetts Bay– Puritans left England because of persecution

• General Court = Mass. Legislature– Had to be white, male, Puritan

• Puritans were strict, some people dissented– Example: Scarlet Letter, Salem witch trials– Wanted to establish a “City on a Hill”

Connecticut & Rhode Island

• Thomas Hooker – Puritans are too strict so he moved– Wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

• America’s 1st written constitution• Representative government

• Roger Williams – kicked out of Mass, founded R.I.– All men could vote– Religious toleration

• Anne Hutchinson – argued with Puritan ministers, kicked out of Mass.

NE Economy and Education

• How they make money in NE:– Trade– Manufacturing– Shipbuilding– Fishing/whaling

• Puritans set up the first public schools– New England had more schools

Chapter 3 – Section 3

The Middle Colonies

England Takes Over

• New York – used to be New Netherlands, capital was New Amsterdam, land was given to the Duke of York– Peter Stuyvesant was the governor, when English

ships and 450 troops showed up he surrendered• Pennsylvania – given to William Penn– Refuge place for Quakers– Quakers = pacifists, also against slavery and

alcohol, promoted women’s rights

Economy of the Middle Colonies

• Warm climate + rich soil = staple crops– Wheat, barley, oats

• NY and Philadelphia = port cities, grow quickly


• Finish coloring/cutting out the colonies

• Go ahead and grab a glue stick

Chapter 3 – Section 4

Life in the Colonies


• Distance from king and mother country = more freedom– Town meetings – people could discuss local issues

• English Bill of Rights– Signed my William and Mary– Reduced the power of the monarch– Guaranteed certain rights

Economics and Trade

• Mercantilism – trade = money, money = power– Parliament passes Navigations Acts to control

colonial trade• All items went to England• Had to use English ships

– Colonists are upset because they want to get the best price

Triangular Trade

Culture• Great Awakening– Religious revival that spread through the colonies– Hellfire and brimstone sermons– Jonathan Edwards = famous preacher

• Enlightenment– Science, reason, and technology could improve life

• Benjamin Franklin = genius– Wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac, discovered electricity, organized

post office• John Locke – wrote about naturals rights• William Blackstone – wrote books about English law, will

influence American law


• French & Indian War = war between Britain and France– Fought over the Ohio River Valley because of fur trade– Most Indians liked the French

• They spoke their language and had small settlements• Britain was losing at first– George Washington at Ft. Necessity, becomes a hero– Ambush of Edward Braddock

• Britain comes back to win in 1763!• Treaty of Paris 1763 – France gives up all land in NA• Proclamation of 1763 – colonists not allowed W of

App. Mts.

Chapter 3 – Section 5

Conflict in the Colonies


• Britain won F&I War, but…..was broke• Parliament wanted colonies to help pay– Sugar Act – taxed sugar and molasses

• Tried to stop smugglers– Searched ships– No juries in smuggling courts• Guilty until proven innocent

Stamp Act

• Stamp Act of 1765 – taxed all paper items– If you didn’t pay you might pay a fine or go to jail

• Colonists are angered– Parliament has never taxed them directly– Colonists had no MP

• Samuel Adams created the Sons of Liberty– Protested SA by boycotting– Committees of Correspondence – organized

protests in other colonies

Townshend Acts

• Parliament repealed the Stamp Act– Declaratory Act – says Parliament can still tell the

colonies what to do• Townshend Acts – taxed imported glass, lead,

paints, paper, and tea• Boycotts start again– Daughters of Liberty made items

• John Hancock’s ship Liberty was seized– SoL attack tax collectors

Boston Massacre

• British troops brought in to stop attacks– Massachusetts legislature sent home

• Colonists and “redcoats” hated each other• March 5, 1770– Soldiers in Boston fired on a crowd of colonists– 5 were killed, one was a black dock worker:

Crispus Attucks• “Bloody Massacre” was used as propaganda– Changed peoples opinion about redcoats

Boston Tea Party

• Parliament repealed all taxes except on tea• Tea Act of 1773 – East India Company could

sell tea to colonies– Colonists were afraid they would lose business

• December 16, 1773 – Sons of Liberty dump EIC tea into the harbor– Example of civil disobedience

Intolerable Acts

• Parliament punished Boston• Coercive Acts aka “The Intolerable Acts”– Boston harbor closed until they paid back $$$– Massachusetts charter was cancelled, no more legislature– British folks sent to Britain for trials– Quartering Act – soldiers stayed in colonial homes– Quebec Act – gave land to Quebec– General Gage (Military guy) was governor of Mass.

• Colonists super-mad at Britain– Breaking point for many colonists