Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-15-1913 - CORE


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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-15-1913New Mexican Printing company

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VOL 50 SANTA EE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1913. NO. 129money back to Schwedtman and Prankwas never paid a cent.". I rn nnicTnimg a uno EUROPE WANTSmud1LlU DmdIUWm

nor by iln enactment of the pendingtariff bill, but. by the same inlUienoeswhich produced it before. I don't say!

;tliey will do it. I do not think they'will do it. They have no partnership;with the administration. They havebeen dissolved by the people."














Washington, 1). 0 July 15. OscurTerry Crosby, president of severalpublic utility corporations, at Wil-

mington, Del.. Chester, Pa., and Tren-

ton, N. J., is being considered byPresident Wilson for governor gener-al of the Philippines. Unless presentplans are changed, his nomination



REFUSES TO ARBITRATE WITH UNIONKl Paso, Texas, Jul- - 1". Orders re


SALARY OF $12,000 BE INCREASED TO CHAOTIC CONDITIONS IN ceived here from Washington today





probably will go to the senate this MEXICO, AND SAYS, WHAT ARE jion 11 Railroad








Mr. Crosby's home is at Warrenton,Va., though he was born in Louisiana.

to reduce the rates on imitation lardproducts from Kl Paso to Albuquerque,'

IXew Mexico, from 57 cents per bund--

'red to 32 cents and to other points inDETAILS OF NEW.New Mexico accordingly.

He is an electrical engineer by pro-

fession. Was graduated from WestPoint in 1882 and resigned from thearmy after several years service in







An Kl Paso factory complained thatARBITRATION ACTthe rate from Ft. Worth, Texas, to

Albuquerque, over 700 miles, was only



Washington, I). C July 13.

One of the great European powers,

r.l cents, while the rate from Kl

Paso to Albuquerque, 21)5 miles, was! New York. .Inly 15. The status of

the corpse of engineers. Mr. Crosby'sinterest in world affairs and particu-

larly those of the Orient, which is be-

lieved to have been considered by thepresident as one of his qualifications,

Washington, D. C, July 1.1. Vigor Washington, D. C, July .". -Senatorhi cents. The Interstate Commerce the Krie railroad may be the firsterttn ill luuinn aluroa 4ha r.itnu ",,, .1... ...I....

ous protests against the retention of Bristow introduced a resolutionE. Hayden as a special prose-- !(';: aimed at Secretary Bryan's recent

" ' . reasonable from El Paso, compared .proceedings are started under thestatement that he was obliged to goci a lecture tour because of an insuf-ficient official salary, calling on Presi-dent Wilson to report what - salarywould be sufficient to enable Mr.

here, has called the attention or sec-

retary Bryan to the chaotic conditionsin Mexico and the effect upon the

to the rate allowed from Fort Worth proposed Newlands law looking lo theand Oklahoma City. arbitration of the demands of the

'conductors and trainmen against the

ff ACC f it I AM eastern railroads. Erie officials saidWrit! UllVbUWb ..crni,, nrlv tln.t tl.ov rofucorl Ir. he

tutor for the noted Uiggs-Caininet-

white slave cases in San' Franciscowere laid before Attorney General

today by Senator Ashurst atthe request of several California Dem-ocrats. They allege among otherthings that Hayden is a friend of the

welfare of its citizens there, with a

led him in 1900 to explore portions ofAbysissia and the Soudan and in 1903

portions of Turkistan and Thibet.It is President Wilson's intention to

nominate a governor general and prob-

ably make two other changes in thePhilippine commission very soon,that the new officials may become set-

tled in their duties before the legis-lature meets in October.

Washington, D. C, July 15. Sena-

tor Reed introduced a memorandumat the lobby committee Investigationtoday which Mulhall said was a"blacklist" of congressmen. Mulhallthought it had been prepared by for-mer Representative Watson,

It follows:"Watson Here's a list for you to

knock out: Candler, Mississippi;Hamlin, Missouri; Danforth, NewYork; Payne, New York; Lever,South Carolina; Graham, Illinois;

Nebraska; Beall, Texas; Steph-ens, John P., Texas; Bowman, C. C,Pennsylvania; Lloyd, Missouri; Clark,Missouri; Humphreys, Mississippi;

Pryan to remain permanently at his polite inquiry as to what the UnitedA CAPSIZED

FLYING BOATCaminetti family.Later Senator Ashurst stated that

one of the protestants against the

post. Objection of Democratic sena-tors prevented its immediate consider-ation.

The Bristow resolution called at-

tention to Mr. Bryan's predecessors

States proposes to do.

Whether the inquiry was part of a

concerted movement on the part of

European powers to bring the statedepartment to a declaration of its pur-

pose toward Mexico, did not developtoday. Reports from the City of Mex

Chicago, 111., July 15. Haroldrecently purchased hydro-

aeroplane, driven by Max Liliie, anaviation instructor, turned over inLake Michigan two miles from shore

ja party to any arbitration, and theunion leaders contend that no roadcan bo dealt with individually, This

'might deadlock the proceedings un-

less one or the other modified itsstand, or some compromise werereached.

W. S. Carter, president of theBrotherhood of Firemen and Engine-me-

met with a committee of thatunion today, to draw up a set of spe-cifications in which it is alleged thatthe railroads may not in all respectshave lived up to the terms of the re


DOCUMENTSico, however, would appear to war

who served with salaries rangingfrom $3,500 to $8,000 and declaredthat "no one of them was compelledto neglect the duties of his ofllce be-

cause of the meagerness of the sal-

ary."It stated that the salary was in-

creased to $12,000 in lftll but that the"great commoner who now occupiesthat office, has stated that the salary

rant that conclusion. Until very re-

cently President Wilson has attachedlittle importance to rumors of outsideinfluences being brought to bear to

selection of Hayden was State Sena-tor J. B. Benford, of California.

At. the department of justice, Sena-tor Ashurst took pains to say that hewas not attacking ffuydeu personally,but only calling in question his exper-ience as a prosecutor.

"I will examine the charges verycarefully," said Attorney General

"and if it is demonstratedthat the special prosecutor is not theright man for the work, we will getsomebody else.

today when, in making a turn, one ofthe pontoons "stubbed" a wave. Lil-

iie was thrown clear of the machine,and clung to it until rescued.

Albany, N'. Y., July 15. GovernorSulzer today curtly informed theFrawley legislative committee whichis investigating various state depart-ments, that he would ignore any de

Carter, Oklahoma; Brantley, Georgia;Hull, Tennessee; Bulkley, Ohio; Bur-gess, Texas; Towner, Iowa; Focht,Pennsylvania; Gardner, Massachu-setts; Henry George, Jr., New York;Henry, R. L., Texas; Hinds, Maine;Linderbergh, Minnesota; Rees, R.,Kansas; Reilly, T. L. Connecticut;Foster, Vermont."

Before the senate lobby committeeresumed taking testimony todayChairman Overman went to the WhiteHouse to confer with President Wil-son. He declined to say what he haddiscussed with the president.

Liliie had been skimming over thelake for half nn hour when the acci-dent occurred. Mr. McCormick, ason-in-la- of John D. Rockefeller, wasnot present, but scores of bathersalong the beach witnessed the

mand for the production of public

cause to United Slates to recognizethe Huerta regime, it is beginningto be apparent now that there mustbe very soon some official declarationon the subject to reassure the Europ-ean powers on the protection of theircitizens and subjects against pecun-

iary loss by the continuance of pres

documents unless in his own judg

of $1,000 a month is not sufficient toenable him to live comfortably andthat he is compelled to neglect hisduties and go on Xhf lecture platformto earn a living."

cent award in the firemen's case.This will be submitted to the con-

ference committee tomorrow.Bill Passes Congress.

Washington, I). C, July 15. TheNewlands bill, revising the Krdmanlaw to provide arbitration of wagedisputes in a manner satisfactory to

ment the submission of such documents should be in the public inter

ent conditions. Failing, some officialsest. The committee has asked forcertain papers connected with the in

fear that European powers may them-- flDCCUC DAI ITselves take steps to restore peace

BULGARIANSvestigation of state prisons by GeorgeW. Blake, who was specially designat-ed by the governor for that purposeSome of these were produced andothers withheld.

Attention was called further to theMexican, Japanese, British and otherinternational questions before thestate department which the resolutionalleged, were not receiving full con-

sideration.It. ended by requesting the president

to give prompt attention to the mat

railroads and their employes passedthe house today without a roll calland was hurried to the senate whichwas waiting to pass it for PresidentWilson's signature.

The senate passed the Newlands

Bryan Won't Talk,

Secretary Bryan was asked todayif any foreign power had made repre-sentations to him regarding Hie sit

Hayden Goes to Washington.San Francisco, Calif., July 15.

Thomas E. Hayden, nominated by thepresident to succeed United StatesDistrict Attorney McNab here, wascue to arrive in Washington todaywhere, it was understood at his office,he had gone to consult Attorney General McReynolds on the Diggs-Cam- i

rittti cases.Friends of Mr, Hayden said that the

protest against his appointment camefrom disappointed candidates for theposition to which he had been homi-r.f.te- d

and that an attempt to present

Saloniki. .luly 15. The Greek com-nand-

reports that Bulgarian troopsfleeing before the advance of thenation in Mexico. His reply was a flat

bill without a roll call and it wasG.eeks horned the villageyesterday, hurri(1ny prppar(J(, for transmission toof Doxal, south of Drama on the rail the White House, where Presidenti. ad between that place and Kavala mHOn wa8 reiulv ,0 Bign it.

Senator Reed started Martin M.Mulhall's testimony today on a letterto Mulhall from Dr. G. Langtry Crock-ett, of Thomaston, Maine, dated July4, 1913. Crockett was one of the menwho worked with Mulhall in the fightto former Congressman

The doctor's letter was inpart: "I have just read your confession in the New York World. I be-lieve it all excepting your statementthat you are doing it for the good ofhumanity. This humanity businessof yours I cannot Bwallow. Whetheryou do ay good or not time alonecan tell; but you surely have kickedup a stink in this neck of the wood a.I hope you are getting a good thing

tuid massacred 500 of the inhabitants


New York, July 15. Joe Tinker,manager and shortstop of the Cin-

cinnati team of the National league,played through today's game againstthe New York, with the knowledgethat within forty-eig- hours heprobably would be in a Chicago hos

declination to discuss the situation in

any way. The diplomatic circle herelias its own ideas of which power theinquiring one is, but in the absenceof announcement from the state department none of the diplomats will

make any statement which could be

quoted with authority. That one pow-

er has made inquiry, however, is

ter and report to congress what sal-

ary would be sufficient so that, con-

gress could "relieve the country ofthe great loss it, suffers in being de-

prived of lite services" of the secre-

tary of state during the time he maybe on the lecture platform.

Reading of the resolution was greet-ed by broad smiles on the Republicanside of the chamber. Senators Kern,Lewis and other Democats were on

the charges made had at first been

The house judiciary committee atan early meeting today agreed to theNewlands bill for attending the Erd-ma- n

act in a manner satisfactory tothe railroads and their employes.Chairman Clayton will rail the bill tip

Heavy fighting ensued as a result ofwhich the Greeks occupied the townof Drama, 30 miles northeast of Seres.1 he Bulgarians fled In disorder, leav-

ing 70 wagon loads of ammunition on

nade through Senator Works.Mr. Hayden's .ofllce denied that he

was in a position to be influenced bypital submitting to a transfusion ofblood to his wife, who is seriously ill the Held. for passage when the house meets atknown positively. No official of the

state department will discuss the sit- - j

uation in view of Secretary Bryan's j

declination to talk about it.England May Be Power Referred To.

London, July la. The statement

. noon.Tw0 amendments were determinedKOREAN CABINET MINISTER

ru by the llouse J,1(ilRiary committee.DRAWS SIX YEAR SENTENCE, The senate was expected to accept

Tinker expects to start west tomor-

row, as physicians have informed himhis wife's condition is so precariousthat they have about decided thattransfusion is necessary.

any friendship for the Caminetti fam-ily.

The Diggs-Caminet- cases, aroundnhieh the controversy revolves, wereset today for trial in the United States(iistrict court August 5. The WesternFuel cases, delay in prosecuting whichJohn L. McNab also gave as one ofthe reasons impelling his resignation,were set for August 2(1.

State Senator Sanford. named as

Tai-Kit- , Korea, July 13. In sentenc-- "iem without delay,lug to six years' imprisonment Baron 0lle aims to maUo impossible any

from Mexico City regarding representuHnim nuirlo tn their reanpntive fl'nv.

their feet before it was concludedand objected to its consideration.

Under the rules of the senate itwent over until the next session.

Senator Williams, Democrat, whohad not heard the introduction of theresolution, demanded to know whowas responsible for it.

"In my weak way, I have tried toexpress my views of the existing sit-

uation," returned Mr. Bristow.

would autnorrzeernments by the European diplomats ;Vun Chi Ho, a former Korean cabinet construction thatcourts by injunction or otherwise to


Oshkosh, Wis., July 15. JohnSchrank, who attempted to assassin

there on the subiect of the position minister, and live other Koreans. .. . . i i..., rrutaken by the United States toward icnargect witn me attempted assassl-- , v.hki an empiujn iu uwi, j

Mexico is officially confirmed (nation of Governor General Terauchi, oilier was to provide details for filingtlie " of appeals found that, the the awards with district courts.

The British foreign office, however,ate Theodore Roosevelt, October 12,

out of this for you surely have bedaubed yourself.

"On the whole, the people downhere believe it. I know it is true Oli-

ver Otis is clamoring for me to betaken to Washington and there bepumped I am ready to go. I hopeyou are getting a good thing out ofit or are putting the knife into someof the pirates that did not like you.You and I know they wore an un-

grateful bunch."Now don't back down: stand by

your colors. If you need me y st call.I don't care if you sold my letters butif you just gave them away, it ismean of you. If you get enough out

one of those who oppose Hayden's aplast, probably will shortly be takenfrom the northern hospital for the in pointment, is a member of the Demo declines to discuss the matter or to!uelt""mu,B reuy niuueu in omuui in us perreciea lorm me new law

express any opinion, on the ground)"1 1910 ,0 kil1 tne fiovernor general, wi.uld furnish machinery expected to

that the subject is too delicate. Aa a measure of preparation, the judg-!0pe- n up the possibilities of arbitrationsane to' the states prison at Waupun.It is expected Schrank v 111 be one of


cratic State Centra,! committee, butthe committee was not willing todayto assume any responsibility for hisindividual attitude. Officials of boththe state committee and the county

melR hluu' lu,te ol U1" ueieuuunih j,d federal mediation.a v...:, Ci,i r,rHforty prisoners to be transferred to a ..i.. were 11 Ktinfnlierl tn t ie nmv npo Innew department of. the prison. The new law would establish the' Tailed States board of mediation andconciliation" to consist of a federalcommissioner of mediation and con- -

recruit executors of tho plot, but. noassassins were found and hence the1conspiracy failed.

committee of San Francisco took theposition that they had not been con-sidered in the appointment and that itwould be indelicate for them to express opinions on its acceptability.

Hayden Only Associate.

Washington, D. C, July 15. Amer-

ican warships continue to stand guardover American interests In Mexicangulf and Pacific ports. The battleship South Carolina swings at anchorin the harbor at. Tampico, and thebattleships Minnesota and Xew llamp-shor- e

are at Vera Cruz. The Michi-

gan and Louisiana arrived yesterdayat. Vera. Cruz to relieve the Minne

ciliation and two other officials of the

niunnnrf urn titi rnwmimpnt to be designated &y theUIVUKuto ntn IHLtU presiilpnt' This boartl could be ap"






lmtu tu lllieivtruu ill a ittuiuau muuid spute by either party and would firstlife its best efforts, by mediation andHUSBAND

of it and need the price, why allright. Anyway we will not quarrel."

Fred C Schwedtman, secretary loPresident Van Cleave, wrote Mulhallon August 9, 1907: "There are somelarge things brewing and there isevery indication that in our tariffcampaign we have with us the majori-ty of the Republican leading congress-men and senators and men higher upthan that too. p

Schwedtman wrote Mulhall on Sep-

tember 5, 1907, bringing in the nameof Mr. Taft, then secretary of war,

"You saw, of course, where Secre-

tary Taft referred to the National As

Pueblo, Colo., July 15. A sixmonths courtship by correspondenceby parties who had never seen eachother ended here this afternoon whenHarry R. Coats of this city, and MissHelen Lucille Hunt of Hillsboro, Tex-

as, were married by Rev. Weyer, ofthe First Presbyterian church.

Coats, who is 21 years old, is nightclerk in the local postoftice. Sixmonths ago he saw the picture of MissHunt in a number of newspapers aft-

er she had been voted the prettiestgirl in Texas. She was a telephoneoperator aged 17 years. Coats was

captivated by the pictures of the girland wrote her a letter. Since thattime they corresponded regularly. Inresponse to his pleadings she agreedto come to Pueblo to marry him andarrived shortly before noon today.

sota, which will returp north.On the Pacific side the cruiser

Pittsburg is at Guaymas and the Den-

ver is at Topolobampo.Newspaper Ordered Closed.

Vera Cruz, Mex., July 15. The mili-

tary governor of Vera Cruz, Mexico,

conciliation, to bring the disputants toan agreement. Failure would be d

by an attempt on the part ofthe b. rd to "induce the parties tosubmit riieir controversy to arbitra-tion" and in case of arbitration, spe-cial boards of either three or sixmediators would be chosen by the






Washington, D. C, July 15. Attor-

ney General McReynolds late todayexplained that Mr. Sullivan was thegovernment's leading counsel in theCaminetti-Digg- s case and that Mr.

Hayden was an associate. In additionto protests from Senator Ashurst,the attorney general has receivedprotests from California. While Mr.Hayden has been appointed an assist-ant counsel in the white slave case,and it has been reported that ulti-

mately he might be appointed U. S.

attorney at San Francisco to succeedMcNab.

Peking. China, July 15. Russiasuddenly presented to thegovernment new demandsrecognition of the full autonomy

this morning ordered the closing of

sociation of Manufacturers at greatthe onces of the dally newspapers, La

Opinion and La Tnion, accused of

f menting revolutionary Bentiment. Xo

arrests were made.

of outer Mongolia, declaring China to

be Suzerain only, binding China to acceDt Russian intermediation and reclength in. his Columbus address. If

ognizing all the rights conceded to

railroads and the employes,Arbitration under the new law

would be undertaken only after a de--I

fiiite agreement had been made byboth parties to abide by the decisionof the arbitration board for a .statedperiod.

Just how yesterday's White Houseconference was brought about becameknown today when officials therestated that Mrs. J. Borden Harrimanof the New Industrial commission,

London, July 15. A decree of di-

vorce was granted today to Mrs.George Cornwallis-West- , formerlyLady Randolph Churchill, a daughterof the late Leonard Jerome of NewYork. The decree (nisi) may be ab-

solute in six months.The grounds for granting the de-

cree were statutory desertion and mis- -





(Russia by the agreement and proto-col, signed at TJrga, the capital of

Mongolia, on November 3, 1912.

Both houses of the Chinese parlia-

ment have been hastily summonedto consider the demands. Strong op-

position to them is voiced by bothChinese and foreigners and great ex-

citement prevails at the unexpected

we succeeded In getting the councilplans thoroughly established then ourpower for good will grow right along.Next year during the presidentialcampaign we will be a factor of na-

tional importance that cannot be over-looked."

"In the days of Cushing," testifiedMulhall on another point, "there werenever any books and there neverwas any designation by name. Weall had numbers. I was eleven, d

was nine and Sherman waseight." Senator Reed wanted toknow about the association's tariffand reciprocity activities.

"The National Association of Man-

ufacturers, created and solely createdthe tariff commission," declared



had informed them that strikea wasThe hearing lasted only a fewimminent unless an agreement on aminutes'',. . , j ,.. ,1Q10 board of mediation could be secured.turn of events.

The agreement signed at TJrga In


Senate.In session at 2 p. m.

Lobby investigating committee con-

tinued hearing Mulhall testimony.Finance committee Democrats

Chairman Simmons tariff billreport which will be submitted Thurs-


Met at noon.Tok up Newlands bill amending

Erdman act for meditation and arbi-

tration of differences between - rail-

ways and their employes.

DEFENDING WILSON BILL OF CHARGE of the woman alleged to have beeni President Wilson and SecretaryNovember was as follows:





By an agreement. 3igned on NoOF CAUSING PANIC OF 1913.

vvnson were communicatee, wan Dy

Mr PnviiwnlliK-West- . counsel stated. Secretary Tumulty and the confer- -vember 3, Russia undertakes to aw

Mongolia and to maintain the auto 'never obeyed the order of the court ence subsequently was arranged withWashington, D. C, July 15. Sena Idecreeing the restitution of conjugal the help of Seth Low, president of

tor Thomas, Democrat, of Colorado, rights and this constituted desertion. the National Civic Federation,in a speech today defending the Wil-- 1 Mrs. Cornwallis-Wes- t formally cor--j .

nomous government which she has es-

tablished. She will support her rightto maintain a national army and ex-

clude, both the presence of Chinese DENVER GRAND .JURYWILL ADJOURN FRIDAY.trooDS and the colonization of her

Washington, D. C, July 15. TwoAmerican warships, the gunboatsHelena and Samar, are In the interna-tional fleet of Kiu Klang, China, whereheavy fighting is in progress betweenthe northern government forces andthe provincial troops of Kiangsiprovince.


son tariff bill of 1893 from responsi jroborated counsel's statementfor the panic which followed. ;garding her husband's

charged former President Cleveland with the restitutional order,and the New York banks with con She said her husband left her on

spiracy to precipitate a calamity tojDecember 2?,, 1312, and never return-forc-

repeal of the Sherman silver led. He had written her saying heact. never intended to return.


Lincoln, Neb., July 15. Four people

Denver, Colo., July 15. After athree months session during which Ithas returned forty Indictments, theDenver county grand jury today isreflv fnr adjournment and it will be

Today's dispatches to the state de- -

Though denouncing the 1S93 bill as. An inquiry agent testified that the

territory by the Chinese. The Mon-

golian sovereign and the governmentwill assure to Russian subjects andRussian commerce, as heretofore, afull enforcement, of the rights andprivileges enumerated in the protocol,no other foreign subjects In Mongoliabeing granted fuller rights than thoseof Russia."

The recently proposed agreement de-

clared that Russia acknowledged outerMongolia as Chinese territory, whileChina agreed that Mongolia was to

'a most, miserable pretense of tariff respondent was with a woman not the Evidnv moraine after Itshere vesterday whenwere prostratedpartment say that the many foreign--


th "eat reached the official highcrs at Kiu Kiang are on guard, but? ,1 Ipoint for the year 106 degrees. Thethat no n sentiment he- -


.. government thermometer on theeved to exist. The report from the P.street registered HO degrees.Amer can legation at Pekm says the

reform," he branded the New York petitioner in a Iiondon hotel In March, repor(. t0 judge' C. C. Butler. Thestock exchange as the "most prodig-(registere- as Captain and Mrs. West, j next gran(j jury wm De called in Sep-iou- s

gambling hell" of any age and! A chambermaid from the hotel tes--j tember in compliance with a law pass-- ,

the "Monte Carlo of American titled to the occupation of a room by e(J bv tne ast general assembly,finance." Mx. Cornwallis-We- st and a woman wh(cn proviues that town and cities

"It is the swindlers' paradise," he not the petitioner. jof 10,ono or more population mustcontinued. "It is a huge vampire that Mrs. Cornwallis-Wes- t gave her brief have wo gran(j jury sessions a

result or the ngnting is as yet un

Schwedtman wrote Mulhall on Oc-

tober 5, 1907, of "certain work whichMr. Brownell is doing unearthing theconnection between Gompers andthe national Democratic campaigncommittee."

"Who was Brownell?" asked Sena-

tor Nelson."Chief of the publicity bureau of

the National Association of Manufac-

turers," replied Mulhall. "They were

trying to bribe Gompers at thattime."

The committee did not ask for afurther explanation.

Mulhall went to St. Louis In Octo-

ber, 1907, to settle a strike of 23,000

ehoe workers."Schwedtman told me to approach

the head of the strikers, a man nam-

ed Frank. The sum of $3,000 had been; In my hands to get Frank to call

; strike off. ' If he was successfula was to be paid the money. The

ke was called off two days latera was suggested and I turned the

X NOTICE. XX In view of the fa.;t that thehave autonomy. The Peking govern

ment agreed not to send soldiers into tne Dlooa rrom tne arteries oi eviaence in a conecrea manner anu inindustry. It is a unincoroorated. Ir Sa firm voice. 'She was dressed in a;outer Mongolia, which was to have

X First 'Regiment Band will leaveX for the state encampment at Las XX Vegas tomorrow "morning, it has XX been decided by the band mem- - X

responsible monstrosity beyond the 'quiet, dark blue costume and black hatIt is the anti-thesi- s of land stood on the witness stand appar- - EXCESSIVE HEAT


its own army and police. Russiaagreed not to send soldiers into Mon-

golia except as consul guards in acpale of law.

known. Road and telegraphic com-munication to Ruling, the summer re-

port for foreigners in central China'is interrupted.

The troops in Kiangsi province aresaid to have been the aggressors.

The movement is headed by theformer military governor of Kiangsi,who was recently removed from officeand who has as allies General HuangUsing, one of the leaders of therationalist or southern party, and thepresident of the national senate.

a mid-wee- k con- - V fair dealing ana common honesty. It entiy unmovea Dy rue greai croubers to giveX cert tonight.cordance with the terms of previous Thus Santa Fe Xihas sanctioned speculation. It is the which had been attracted to the court

i 1 1 . 1. T 1 .. 1 .. IT ' .,treaties. She further agreed not tosend colonists into Mongolia, but re-

tained the extensive commercial privi-leges accorded in treaties with the

X will not be without the regular most pernicious and corroding in-- : by the case. ...uw.n..K concerts only on dates- - of July fluence in the land." Mrs. Cornwallis-Wes- t will hereafter V extreme heat claimed one vic- -

X 21 and 23. Everybody turn out X "If disaster, whose coming is now 'be known by her former name of Lady j "m in Hancock in the person of T. H.

X and hear the band conoert. so freely predicted, shall overtake us j Churchill, according , to a statement Berkshire, aged 74 one of the earliestX S X X 35 1 ill the near future, it will be caused 'made by an inquiry agency. i residents of western Iowa.head Jama of Mongolia.



AaaaaAI Stork and Cupid UNCLE SAM AS COAL ECZEMA COVEREDCunning Plotters

Many a New Home will Have Little ENTIRE SCALPA Special Sale Sunbeam to Brighten It.MINER





Spread to Body, Limbs, Back and

Ears. If Scratched Would Bleed

and Smart. Cuticura Soap and

Ointment Completely Cured

It. F. I). No. 2, Sunfield, Mich. " f wastroubled with eezema. It began with a sureon the top of the scalp, broko out as a plniplu



VUlll W 'tfooP values. irr

and grew larger until it was alarge red spot with a crustor scab over it. This becamelarger finally covering theentire sculp and spread todifferent parts of tho Imdy,the limbs and back and In thoears. These sores grew largergradually until some were- aslarge as a quarter of a dollar.



(By Uilson Gardner.)Washington, D. C, July 15. Senator

MileB Poindexter, of Washington, isthe author of a novel and very inter-

esting plan embodied in a bill just in-

troduced into the senate by which itis proposed that the United Statesf.overnment become a coal miner aswell as the operator of railroads amiCher transportation facilities inAlaska.

The more unusual feature, however,in this proposed legislation is a care-

fully worked out co operative plan bywhich employees of the governmentin the government coal mines wouldshare with consumers of the coal the"profits" of government coal mining.This principle is also applied to thegovernment transportation service.

Even more unusual is the feature ofthe bill for what might be called "ii-g- -

There Is usually a certain degree of dreadIn every woman's mind as to the probablepiiin, distress nnd dmwr of rhild-hlrt-

Hnt, thanks to a most remarkable remedyknown as Mother's Friend, all fear Is ban-

ished and the period Is one of unbounded,joyful autleipation.

Mother's Friend Is used externally. ItIs a most penetrating npplleutlon, makesthe niiiMclea of tile stomach and abdomenpliant so they expand easily and naturallywithout pain, without distress and withnune of that peculiar nausea, nervousnessand other R.viuptoms that tend to weakenthe. prospective mother. Thus Cupid andthe stork arc held up to veneration: theyare rated as cunning plotters to herald thocoming of a little sunbeam to gladden theliearts and brighten tho homes of a host ofhappy fuuillies.

There are thousands of women who haveused Mother's Friend, and thus know fromexperience that it Is one of our greatestcontributions to healthy, happy mother-hood. It is sold by all druggists at $1.00Jier bottle, and Is especially recommendedas a preventive of caking breasts audi allother such distresses.

Write to Hradtleld Regulator Co., 1S1Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, (ia., for their very

We've aoT the qqo)$




Tl y would itch and If scratched they would

lin ed and smart. Tho clothing would irri-lat- n

them at night when it was being re-

in, causing them to itch and smart so Ico. ild not sleep. A watery fluid would runIriK.i them. My scalp became, covered wit h

e s ale and when tho hair was raised up itwru'.'tl raise this scale ; tho hair was coiningout n rribly. My scalp and body itched allthe 1i:ne.

"Alter using Cuticura Soap and Ointment,Tiith two applications wu could notice agreatdifference. My way of using the CuticuraSoap and Ointment was to apply tlio Oint-ment to the sores and all over the scalp, thenafter I would wash the sores and scalp withthe Soap. In a month's time I was com-

pletely cured." (Signed) Mrs. BerthaVnderwood, Jan. 3, 1913.

Cuticura .Soap 25c. and Cuticura Oint mentMIc. are sold everywhere. Liberal sample, ofeach mailed free, with 32-- Skin Book. Ad-

dress post-car- d "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston."WMon who shave and shampoo with Cu-

ticura Soap will And it best for skin and scalp.


Buggies and Saddlers a Specialty.Hacks and Baggage Transfer. Prompt Attention and the Best

of Satisfaction Guaranteed.

THAN YOUR MONEY'S WORTH.Get u'ated competition." The governvaluable book to expectant mothers,a bottle of Mother's Friend


Telephone 9 W104 DON GASPER ST.


Deming, X. M., July 13. Dentingstill comes in for a fair share of pub-

licity in tht! July issues of the maga-zines. The Earth, a Santa Fe publi-cation devoted to the interests of tho

soutinvest, and furnishing informationevery month to 50.0UU subscribers,

ment does not propose a monopoly en'

the exploitation of Alaska. Private in-

terests are invited to compete, andhalf of all the public coal lands artreserved for leasing to any private in-

terests which desire to lease and oper-ate them for terms of 50 yeais and intracts not exceeding 2'iii0 acres to anysingle interest. The government selsthe standard for operation, however.The bill provides elaborately for themanner in which labor shall be treat-ei- i

in the government mining andtransportation service; for example,providing for an eight-hou- r day, aminimum wage, the prohibition ofchild labor, a workman's compensa- -

5WSUMME LIGHTpublic ownership of transportation and

nolle coal mining in competition with

private leasing under fair conditionsin my judgment, solve this prob-jl- i

m. Alaska is untouched; its greatnatural resources are in public owner-i- f

i'ip; there is opportunity for a newjin al. My bill seeks to protide this

i i w deal."

ttcn and accident insurance plan,proper sanitation, housing and gen- -

TO EASTFRN POINTS VIA INew Mexico Central and El Paso & Southwestern. I

cmiti cr TO pinnnponFT N m im RFTIIBN (1710 IBUTTERMILK WITH


contains this month ten editorial ref-

erences to Iteming and the Alimuresvalley. Under the caplou of "King-dom of the l'uuip"' the development of

the .Alimbres Valley Alfalfa Farmsctmpany is described. Another edi-

torial mentions the vast shipments ofcuttle from Demiug. The prospectingfoi oil here furnishes text lor fur-

ther comment. Spalding, the newtown northwest of Denting is advertedto very favorably. "From Garden toConsumer" is reproduced from the

Deming Graphic. The proposedof the Harvy house at Dent-

ing is recited. In a general comment

ppoii tho vast development of theChino copper properties near Dentingattention is called to the fact that the

The East

Best plnniMaissMljj nr


ODS,IN Electricity plays a most impor-

tant part. The grandfather would

be amazed at the radiance of the mod-

ern home and why all this light? To

make the home more homelike to make

the home the most pleasant spot on earth

for father, mother and children. Good lightthat is easy on the eyes is very much to be


etal living conditions, etc. All thesethings are guaranteed to employees.1who are to help Uncle Sam dig coaland operate his railroads and ships.It is also required that persons takingleases and proposing to compete withthe government mines must duplicateall these conditions in their privatelyoperated plants.

The next most intresting feature oftins remarkably advanced legislationis that which specifies how and wherethe products shall be marketed. ThereIs created what might be called a pTe-f- (

rential market for government-mine- d

coal. The government mining

' West

Pittsburg. Penn., July in. UnitedStates Attorney John H. Jordan, trustbuster of note, matched his stomachngainst a buttermilk cocktail with alarge white cherry in it, and lost. Theministrations of a physician were ne-

cessary, and he was taken home fortue day. --Air. Jordan first ate somecherries.

"Naturally, after having' such a

splendid meal on fruit,'' explained Mr.

Jordan, "I concluded that it would bethe proper thing to top off the cherrieswith a nice fresh glass of buttermilkwith a cherry in it."

Alimbres valley farmer furnishes gard-en truck, dairy products, poultry, hay,etc. A story from the Denting llead-lfgh- t

is reprinted giving an account of service is empowered to give prefer- -

F, S. Deen s development ot a home ence in selling its coal to certainFor Rates and Full Information Call On or Address

L. H. GIBSON, T., F. & P. Agt., N. M. C. R. R., SANTA FE,

or EUGENE FOX, G. Pass. Agt., E. P. & S., EL PASO, TEX.piot near Deming. Deming as an out-- j classes of consumers as follows: (1)lilting point for lishing expeditions to the government railroads, (2) the U. POWERthe Gila country is the text of pointededitorial mention. In addition to thesefavorable editorial comments, 11.

NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE Ledichek, secretary of the DemingChamber of commerce, has an illus-

trated article published therein detail

ing the great uevelopment now underIS QUITE SO CONVEN

N' IENT as to touch the button andyour stove is ready to cook your


Use Allen's Foot-Eas- the antisepticpowder to be shaken into the shoes.It instantly takes the sting out tit

corns, itching feet, ingrowing nails,nnd bunions. It's the greatest comfort

discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Eas- e

makes tight or new shoes feel

easy. Ladies can wear shoes one sizesmaller after using. It is a certain re-

lief for sweating, callous and swollen,tender, aching feet. Try it today. Sold

everywhere, 25c. Trial package FREE.Address, Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy,


1 Is

iron ready to use, your toasted

ready for the hurried breakfast, your vacu-

um cleaner ready for the fray, your washerready to cleanse, fan ready to cool the heat-

ed rooms. Electricity will do every thingfor you. We furnish it at reasonable rates,day and night' Estimates and full infor-

mation cheeerfully given.

N. Y.


'The WestPoiot of (he Southwest.

Ranked as "DistinguishedInstitution " by the U S.War Department.

Located In the beautiful PecoiVallej. 5,700 Icet above sealevel,iunshine every day. Ooeo airwork throughout the entire ses-

sion. Conditions (or physicaland mental development areIDEAL such as cannot be foundelsewhere in America. Four-

teen officers and Instructors, all

graduates from standard East-

ern colleges. Ten buildings,modern is every respect.

Beftnts :

E. A. CAHOO.H, President.J. E. RHEA,J. P. WHITE, Treasurer.JOHN W. POl, Secretary.W. A. FINLAY.

For particulars and Illustrated cats-- f

ne, address,



Your Expenditures

way by the Homeplot company. Fur-

ther than this, the Denver Field &

1'iirm devotes its front page to a farm-

ing scene in the Jlimbres valley, anddescribes the scene as follows in itseditorial columns: "The picture onour front page this week shows alxavy crop from the first cutting readyfor stacking. This picture was photo-

graphed on a farm two miles fromDeming, N. M., which produces eighttons of alfalfa to the acre per seasonc-- i land which as native sod a few

years ago required C5 acres to carry asteer." Town Development, one ofthe Dounleday, Page publications, con-

tains in the July issue an account ofthe activties of the Deming commerce, together with a halftone of the park well installed at the

depot for exhibition purposes by thatorganization.

AVhen Colonel Roosevelt, in coro

rany with his old friend, AV. E. Holt,vas shown the electric irrigationp.ant at the union station in DemingFriday, he declared that rain was

t'sually pleasant, but like other pleas-ant things, unreliable. "When a farm-

er has this on his farm," said the colo-

nel pointing to the abundant discharge' bis water worries are over." The

oi'ly difficulty the Deming boostershad in inducing him to view the exhib-

ition plant was that he insisted in

stopping and chucking every baby hesaw under the chin and. smilingbenignly upon the mother. "I mustece all these babies," said the colonelas he wedged his way through thecrowd.

h. navy and other government ser-vices, c!) schools and other publiciphtitutions, including municipalities.i4) domestic users of coal or ultimateconsumers, (5) associa-tions dealing with ultimate consum-ers, (C) commercial retailers, (7)wholesalers, IS) manufacturers andali other purchasers. The govern-ment is to establish distributing sta-tions in Alaska and on the Pacificcr.ast for disposing of its coal, whichis to be conveyed to these stationsby means of Its own railroads andsteamships.

The bill provides that the govern-ment's activities in all these directionsmust earn 5 per cent on the capital in-

vestment. The object of this is to payii.terest on the bonds which are float-ed to raise the money to start thework, and to furnish a sinking fundfor the retirement of these bonds atmaturity.

The prices of coal and transporta-tion are to be fixed by agents ap-

pointed by the president. The presi-dent is also charged with the full re-

sponsibility for carrying out theof the act, and is given power

io appoint such agents as may be nec-essary to this end.

The most ingenious feature of thebill is no doubt that which providesfor harmonizing the interests of theproducer and the consumer. In elab-orating the idea of sharing profits, thebill works out a plan by which it isptovided that any surplus which isleft over after paying the cost of oper-ation and the interest charge, shall beciivided between the employees o!mines and transportation services,and the purchasers of coal or of trans-portation. The share going to theoperatives is to be proportioned to thewages they receive and the share go-ing to the consumers is in proportionto the amount paid by them for coalor transportation.

In explaining the provisions or thebill today, Senator Poindexter said:"The plan in this bill has been work-ed out with a great deal of care. Itrepresents many weeks of consider-ate and research. I regard it as adistinctly workable plan.

"There has been a very proper d

that Alaskan resources be open

Send yourhard-to-su- it typist here

Any demand that your work or your typist can possiblymake, in any ordinary or exceptional requirement oftypewriting, is covered by our three machines

RemingtonSmith Premier Monarch

You can insure yourselfagainst fire, burglary, Illness,accident and death, in fact, al-

most any calamity you can im-

agine. There are big companiesthat look after such matters foryou and to whom you pay cer-

tain stipulated premiums.

You and your family can starta little Insurance company of

your own for the protection of

your purse. In this way youwill be both Insurer and insur-


By buying THE NEW MEX-

ICAN each day, and taking afew minutes' time to read theadvertisements you can protectyourself against the loss occa-

sioned by foolish buying. Youand your family owe It to your-

selves to make sure that everydollar spent is well spent.

There is no better way to dothis than to familiarize your-self with the best articles manu-

factured and offered for sale inthe leading shops. This infor-

mation may be had by readingthe advertising columns of THESANTA FE NEW MEXICAN

systematically and regularly.

Denver & Rio Grande R. R.


SUMMER TOURIST RATESComplete Visible Writing;single or double keyboard; shifting

carriage or shifting type segment;Washington Gardner, president of

machines of any width of carriage;:TO machines regulated to any touch;machines to write, add and subSt. Louis

the National Childrens Home society,and former congressman from Michi-

gan, will visit his friend, W. B. Holt,for several days. He arrived Sunday.

AV. H. Strong, of Brewton, Ala., andMiss Dell Paulk, of Union Springs,Ala., arrived Friday afternoon, andwill visit C. H. Paulk for some time.

The baseball game between Dem-

ing and Santa Rita Friday afternoonresulted in a score of 15 to 3 in favorof the latter.

tract; machines for any kind of form. $47.35


and tabular work; machines with many tSr Remington

Pueblo $16.35. . .Col'do Springs 18.15Denver, . . . 21.10Salt Lake City J 4ft ftft

Ogden, (

St. Paul. . . 51.85

Chicago . . .Detroit . . .

Buffalo . . .

New York City

special features; machines for every

78.85 special purpose; 41 differentmodels comprise our complete

ed to use, and this bill provides formeeting that demand, but at the sametime it provides assurance that therethall be no monopolistic exploitation-

Catarrh Cannot Be Curedwith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as theycannot reach the seat of the disease.Catarrh is a blood or constitutional


The Remington TypewriterService is a universal service-univ- ersal

in every sense of private interests. Private capitalwill still have a fair opportunity to gointo Alaska coal mining if it wishesto. but it must do so at a reasonable

disease, and in order to cure it youycu must take internal remedies.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern

On Sale June 1st to September 30th.

Return Limit, October 31st, except from pointseast of St. Louis or Chicago return limit will

be sixty days from date of sale.

For additional information call on or address

WM. M. SCOTT, T. F. & P. A.,244 San Francisco St., Santa Fe, N. M.

Premier word." It includes axryutmyally, and acts directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces. Hall's CatarrhCure is not a quack medicine. It was and it extends everywhere. We b . fZf


104 Galiateo Street 104Makes all kinds of Screens and

does Screening of Porches.

Porcn Swings mat Give Corafori

Step and Fruit Ladders,Fly Traps that Catch Flies,

prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country (or years and Isa regular prescription. It ia composedof the best tonics known, combinedwith the best blood purifiers, acting

not only nave macnines torevery purpose, but our serviceincludes operators, inspections,supplies, rentals ; in fact, everyconceivable requirement of the

profit and without the brutal exploita-tion of labor. The purpose of the bill,us stated in the bill itself, is this: 'toprovide transportation service andcoal at the lowest price consistentvilh the maintenance of the welfarecf all operatives at a high level, thestimulation of efficient service, andthe maximum and at the same timemost economical utilization of the fueland other natural resources ofAlaska.'

"Alaska's first and greatest need istransportation to develop her naturalresources. The whole Pacific coastneeds Alaskan coal and other prod-ucts. Private monopoly either oftransportation or resources Is Intoler

typewriter user.Repairs Your Furniture. Rightv a

directly on the mucous surfaces. Theperfect combination of the two ingred-ients is what produces such wonder-ful results in curing catarrh. Send fortestimonials, free.

F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props,Toledo, Ohio.

Sold by Druggist, price 75c.Take Hall's Family Pill trt constr

and Does Upholstering.IN FACT HE DOES ALL KINDS OP


Teleohone 157 W. :: SANTA FE. N. M.



License Numbers, 6M 7. -:-- Day or Night Phone, 110 Main.

Next Door to Postoffice.

Remington Typewriter Company

y. 1645 Champa Btreet, Denver, Colorado.Prices Reasonable. AH Work Guaranteed.

able and cannot be permitted. But TERMS CASH.Ration.




of theCOMANCHE OIL 4 GAS COMPANY.State of New Mexico,

State Corporation Commission.Certificate of Comparison.

T'nited States of America,State of New Mexico. ss.It. is Hereby Certified, that the an-

nexed is a full, true and completetranscript of the Certificate of Incor-

poration of Comanche Oil & GasCompany (No. 7001.) with the endorse-ments thereon, as same appears onfile and of record in the office of the

nated by them; but the company shallalways keep at its principal and regis-tered office 'in New Mexico a transferbook in which the transfers of stockcan be made, entered and registered,and also a book containing the namesand addresses of the stockholders, andthe number of shares held by themrespectively, which shall be at alltimes during business hours open tothe inspection of the stockholders Inperson.

To determine from time to timewhether, and, if allowed, under whatconditions and regulations the ao--





in mi article about, the Progressive'party, in the July number of the MetState Corporation Commission,

In Testimony Whereof, the Chair--1 counts and books of the companyman and Clerk of said Commission other than the stock and transferhave hereunto set their hands and hooks i or any of them, shall be openhfflxed the seal of said Commission, ' to the inspection of the stockholders,f t the City of Santa Fe, on this Ninth and the stockholders' rights in this y

of July, A. D. 1913. jspect are and shall be restricted orHUGH H. WILLIAMS, limited accordingly.

Chairman.Attest: To make, alter, amend and rescind j

the s of the company, to fixthe amount to be reserved as working


"GII.T EDGE" the only lii'Ii's'shm (Irpsnilig llmtpOrMllVI'ly 'OIllHillH Oil. Hlat'tvH KIHl I'nli.tH'N luill''ami rhilcirt'ii'H hoot anil p!hi8, shines nilliout t.


"DANDY" ii'inliinaiinii for cleaning arid polishingall UimlMtif niHMitt or tun shoe, i5c. "STAU'-si'-

, Iim:.

"OIIICK WHITE"(i" liquid form with HporiL'C!)iiikli-l- y

cleans and tvhllens tlirty canvas eiioijw. Inc."M.BO" cleans and whitens BUCK, NUBUf K.

SlitllK and CANVAS SHOES. In round whim imIimi

piitkcifln ziiu: tu.p-t- , with 8mntf inc. Inlarge aluminum boxes, wilh sponirfl. Hfw:.

It inird. Hlfr fl'M-- not , (In- - liiml yuil wnt. wn! titilt prli'i' in "turiiim Inr lull w i'Iihwb prtnl.

WHtTTrMORE BROS. & CO.,20-2- 8 Albany Slroat, Cambrldgo, Mass.

Thf Otttcst and jtrxnt Ufattitfacturers ujShoe Polnhts ill thr

COMANCHE OIL & GAS COMPANY Icapital, to fix the times for the decla- -

ropolitan .'.Magazine, CongressmanWilliam I liuebiiiigh, of Illinois, says:

"The future of the Progressive partyis assured. Its permanency is beyondquestion. Congressman Gardner, of

Massachusetts, one of the Republicanleaders of ihe house, in a speechwhich he made during the tariff debatein stating his reasons for the over-

throw of his party, said:"'In the lirst place, we stubbornly

resisted reasonable reforms. Why we

did so is hard to say. We failed tomove with the age. That was thehead and front of our offending. TheRepublican chieftains could not adjusttheir views to modern schools of

thought.'"In all local elections since the

presidential election wherever a na-

tional issue or a party policy has beeninvolved, the Progressive party hasmore than held its own, and this with-

out organization."It must be apparent to every think-

ing man that there can be no possi-

bility of amalgamation between theProgressive and Republican parties.Oil and water will not mix. Men whoare constitutionally conservative andmen who are constitutionally progres


Cedar Rapids, la., July 15. .1. I.Johnson, of Webster, Iowa, aged 23,was killed when an automobile drivenl y Anna Harrington turned turtle last

ration and payment of dividends, toauthorize and cause to be executedmortgages and liens upon the real andpersonal property of the company,provided always, that a majority of thewhole Board concur therein.

With the consent in writing, andpursuant also to the affirmative voteof the holders of a majority of thestock issued and outstanding, nt astockholders' meeting duly called forthat purpose, to sell, a3sign, transferor otherwise dispose of the propertyof the company as an entirety, pro-

vided always, that a majority of thewhole Board concur therein.

By a resolution passed by a majorityvote of the whole Board, under suit-able provision of the to desig-nate two or more of their numberto constitute an executive committee,which committee shall, for the timebeing, as provided in said resolution,or in the have and exerciseany, or all the powers of the Board of

r. ght. Bessie Kertrom, aged 14, hadan arm broken and Archie Pierie ashoulder blade broken. Johnson hadbeen "picked up'' by the automobilot Iter his motorcycle broke dowe.


New Mexico.One hour, dictation, for speed insive can find no common ground fori

shorthand, (viva voce) $1.25.One hour, dictation, any system,

(phonograph) $1.00.Five hours, dictation, for speed In

legislative action."The conservative or reactionary

members of the Republican party do

not believe in the Income Tux Law.



ARTICLE H. The location of theprincipal office of the corporation inthe State of New Mexico is LaughlinBuilding, in the City of Santa Fe,County of Santa Fe, in said State,which shall also be its registered o-- f

ce. The name of the agent of saidcorporation in said state, who is incharge of said principal office andupon whom process against this cor-

poration may be served is FRANCISC. WILSON.

ARTICLE III. The objects forv Inch the corporation is establishedare:

To acquire by purchase or other-wise, to sell, lease, and otherwise dis-

pose of, in any of the United Statesof America, or colonies or dependen-cies thereof, or in any other part ofthe world, lands, concessions, grants,rights, powers and privileges whichmay seem to the company capable ofbeing turned to account.

To purchase, take on lease, or other-wise acquire any mines, mining rightsand lands and any interest therein,and to explore, work, exercise, developand turn to account the same; to quar-

ry, smelt, refine, dress, amalgamateand prepare for market oil, gas, ore,metal and mineral substances of allkinds, and to carry on any otheroperations which may seem conduciveto any of the company's objects; tobuy, sell, manufacture and deal in oil,gas, minerals, plant, machinery, im-

plements, conveniences, provisionsand things capable of being used in

connection with mining operations, or

required by workmen and others em-

ployed by the company.To construct, carry out, maintain,

improve, manage, work, control and

ficate of Incorporation of COMANCHEDirectors which may be lawfully delem, .. ,ii I"""' -- ". - IP""JOIL & GAS COMPANY.gated in the management of the busU iney are evenusimsiy vupuocu ' Tgraph) $4 00 '

initiative, referendum and recall j

Teaching, any one subject, per

Extreme this date, 41 years' record,lowest, 50 In 1S9S.

ForecastFor Santa Fe and vicinity: Generally

fair and continued warm tonight andWednesday.

For New Mexico: Tonight and Wed

they nre not even willing to concedethat the members of the Progressiveparty are. sincere in their demandsfor legislation to procure social and

hour $1.25.Machine practice, or private letter

writing, any make, per hour $0.25.Per week, five hours daily, five days

week tuition $(1.00.

Per month, five hours dally, five

THE WEATHERThere, was a trace of rain yester-

day and some clouds with showers in

the vicinity of the city. The tempera-ture only reached MT at 4:20, and thelowest point was 59 at 4:50 a. m., mak-

ing a daUy average of 72 degrees ortwo degrees above the average for thepast 41 years for July 14th. Thehumidity averaged 40 per cent forthe day. The low last night was 59decrees and the low murk last night

nesday generally fair; not much 'industrial justice."Tliev still believe the tariff and

Filed in Office of State CorporationCommission Jul. 9. 1913; 3 p. m.


Compared J. J. O. to M. H.STATE OF NEW MEXICO,

County of Santa Fe. ss.I hereby certify that this instru-

ment was filed for record on the 11thday ot July. A. D. 1913, at H o'clocka. m., and was duly recorded in Book2, of the records of corporations, page

ness und affairs of the company, andshall have power to authorize the sealof the company to be affixed to allpapers which may require it.

The company may use and apply Itssurplus earnings or accumulated pro-

fits to the purchase or acquisition ofproperty, and to the purchase or ac-

quisition of its own capital stock fromtime to time, to such extent, and insuch manner, and upon such terms asits Board of Directors shall determ-ine; and neither the property nor the

change in temperature.Conditions.

The barometer remaiiiH low overthe trusts are the only issues in

which the people are vitally interest days week, tuition $20.00.Life scholarship for shorthand, type-

writing, spelling $100.00.Life scholarship for above, and any

the western slope of the Rockies and ed. They cannot conceive how menthe Salt Lake basin, with a continua-lea- n seriously contemplate using thetion of high temperatures in the 'machinery of government to reach

down to the man in the ditch andand all commercial subjects, or ten ofthe subjects named: Bookkeeping,arithmetic, advertising, banking,

(il. this 12th day of July, A. D. 1913. at the othe). Btal;ona was as follows:capita.! stock so purchased and ac Witness my hand and Seal of Of help him to stand erect, in the know-

ledge that, he is of great importance

southwest. Considerable cloudiness ispresent, this morning, and showershave occurred over northern NewMexico, western Colorado and southeast Wyoming. Over the Dakotas and

quired shall be regarded as profits for ci edit, science, civil service, commerto society mid the nation cial law, English, Spanish, elocution,the purpose of declaration or payment

of dividends, unless otherwise determ

fice.M. A. ORTIZ.

County Clerk, Santa Fe Co.V. I. A LA RID, Deputy.

The scales have not. fallen from , rmrmal niiMio snnnlrinir.N. M.

Amariilo, 72; Bismarck, 54; Boise,48; Cheyenne, 58; Dodge City, 74;Durango, 58; Flagstaff. 5(i; GrandJunction, 70; Helena, 4(1; Kansas City,78; Lander. 58; Los Angeles, 62; Mo-den-

60; Phoenix, 80; Portland, 52;Pueblo, 66; Rapid City. 56; Roseburg,

ined by a majority of the Board of the North Pacific the barometer has who forj the eyes of these men. many renman8hlPi salesmanship, system,Directors. voice culture $250.00.

risen further, and fair weather pre-;- j ears have believed that the highest,vails. Conditions favor a continuation purpose to which our governmentThe corporation reserves the right THE

SANTA FE BUSING COLLEGE!of generally fair and warm weather in could be put was the conservation ofto amend, alter or repeal any provis; iRoBwell, 68; Salt Lake City, 70: this section over Wednesrlnv

OBEY THAT IMPULSE!Instead of enduring the daily tor-

ment of weak back, backache, soreion contained in this Certificate of Insuperintend any roads, ways, pipe the almighty dollar.

"These conservative men have seenSan Francisco, 52; Spokane, 4S; TonO'lines, reservoirs, water courses, acque- -

I; Winnemueea, 4C.ducts, wharves, furnaces, mills, crush' kidneys, swollen joints and rheuma- - P11'1'

tism, obey that impulse to take Foley'sing works, hydraulic works, refineries,factories, warehouses, and other worksand conveniences which may seemdirectly or indirectly conducive to

corporation, in the manner now orhereafter prescribed by statute, andall rights conferred on stockholdersherein are granted subject to thisreservation.

In accordance with "An Act to regu-late the formation and government of

corporations for mining, manufactur-ing, industrial and other pursuits," .

B. No. RS, approved March 15, 1905,

no harm in the great corporationsbeing represented by lobbyists in con-

gress. H has never occurred to themthat legislation should not be shapedby the privileged classes in whose in-

terest it was to be enacted."We do not challenge the sincerity

of these men. We simply say they areasleep at the Rwitch. The thunder of

DON'T use a cough medicine con-

taining opium or morphine. They con-

stipate the bowels and do not cure,only stifle the cougn. Examine thelabel and if the medicine containsthese harmful opiates refuse it. Fol-

ey's Honey and Tar Compound con-

tains no opiates, Is healing and sooth-

ing. The Capital Pharmacy.

Local Data.

Highest temperature yesterday, Sti

Highest temperature, this date lastyear, 7G.

Lowest temperature this date lastyear, 55.

Extreme this date, 41 years' recerodhighest, 92 in 1SS1.

Kidney Pills. They withnature, which accounts for their suc-

cess in all kidney and bladder disor-ders. They are healing, strengthen-ing and tonic. Obey that impulse to-

day and give them a chance to helpyou. The Capital Pharmacy.

any of the objects of the company.To enter into, make, perform and

THINK OF IT30,000 Persons Publicly Recommend

Our Remedy. Some are Santa FePeople.Over one' hundred thousand have

recommended Doan's Kidney Pills,For backache, kidney, urinary ills.Thirty thousand signed testimon-

ials.Are appearing now in public print.Some of them are Santa Fe people.Some are published in Santa Fe.No other remedy shows such proof.Follow this Santa Fe man's ex

carry out contracts of every kindwith any person, firm, association or

(Progressive doctrine reverberatingcorporation. for the purpose of forming a corpora- - j

.'throughout the land has never reach- -To purchase or otherwise acquire, tion. the undersigned have signed thisto hold, sell, assign, transfer, mort certificate end affixed their seals here ENGLISH 'GIRLS MAYIBEKWELL.'BRED. BUT THEY NEUER LOOK AS !ed their f!2igage, pledge, exchange or otherwise SMART AS OUR AMERICAN GIRLS. WRITES BILLIE BURKE FROMdispose of, and to guarantee, under HOTEL ARRIVALS.

to this 30th day of .Tune, A. t. 191.3.


Signed, sealed and delivered in the

write, register and transfer bonds,mortgages, debentures, obligations or


corporation and to exercise while the presence of: Leighton P. Stradley.STATE OF PENNA.owner thereof all the rights, powers

ample.Henry Geier, 317 San Francisco St.,

Santa Fe, New Mexico, says: "Itmust be nearly fifteen years since Ifirst used Doan's Kidney Pills. I suf-fered a great deal from pains in myback and side. The pains were sobad at times that I could hardlystand them. I had headches, too andmv kidneys were in bad shape. I

COUNTY OF PHILA. ss.On this 30th day of June, A. D. 1913,

De Vargas.R. O. Wiggin, Fort Scott, Kansas.E. M. Baxter, Rocky Ford, Colorado.Parker Wiggin, Fort Scott, Kans.L. .). Dunn, Lincoln, Neb.Miss 11. Bell, Amblebide, England.If. .1. Mendenhall, Artesia.O. A. Carruth, Antonito.William Dowell, Alamosa.E. .1. Strawn, AlamosaGeorge H. Danton, Indianapolis, Ind.Albert Silver, Jr., Chicago.K. Atkinson, Chicago.D. T. Broderson, St. Louts.F. J. Daves, St. Iouis.

before me appeared the undersigned,a Notary Public within and for theCounty of Philadelphia, personally ap-



EVANS, each to me known to be ihepersons described in nnd who exe

good for these nilments and beganusing them. They were just what Iheard that Doan's Kidney Pills wereneeded. After I used one box, mykidneys were strengthened and thobackache was cured. 1 felt better inevery way. Since then, I have useda few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills

(By Billie Burke.)The Savoy, London, Eng., July 15.

Of course, they are not!English women are not as gool look-

ing as American women, for they lackanimation and, besides, most of them,being more or less loyal subjects toCiien Mary, feel that they must followher mode of dressing and this styleis of vintage of her illustrious

Queen Victoria.There is a tradition that Englisli

romeu always have the finest com-

plexions in the world, and so theyhave up to the age of forty; after thatriost of them have too much color.They grow red and mottled or yellowand parchment-like-.

The young English girl of a goodfamily shows breeding always, and

cuted the foregoing instrument andthey each acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act anddeed for the uses and purposes thereinset forth. off and on and they have kept me

La Salle.IL L. Hubbard, Alamosa.O. L. Taylor, Stanley.A. L. Stevens, Albuquerque.



and privileges, including the right tovote thereon, which natural personsbeing the owners of such stock andproperty, might, could or would exer-

cise.To the same extent as natural per-

sons might or could do, to purchaseor otherwise acquire, to hold, own, tomortgage, sell, convey or otherwisedispose of, without limit as to amount,within or without the State of NewMexico, real and personal property ofevery class and description.

To procure the company to be regis-tered or recognized and to carry onits operations and business and tohave and maintain one or more offices,and to hold, purchase, mortgage andconvey real and personal propertyout of the State of New Mexico, andin any state or territory of the UnitedStates, and in any foreign country orplace., To do ajl and everything necessary,suitable or proper for the accomplish-ment of any of the purposes or attain-ment of any of the objects hereinbe-fore enumerated, or which shall atany time appear conducive or expedi-ent for the protection or benefit ofthe company, and in general to engageIn any and all lawful business what-ever, necessary or convenient.

hereunto subscribed my hand and af-

fixed my official seal the day and yearin this Certificate first above written.

free from kidney complaint."For sale by all dealers. Price 50

cents. Foster-Milbur-n Co., Buffalo,New York, sole agents for the UnitedStates.

Remember the name Doan's andtake no other.



Commission expires Feb. 13, 1915.

the damp air keeps her skin beautiful.She is not afraid of rain or mist andshe walks from five to twenty milesevery day, rides and practically livescutdoors. She looks healthy andueually has red cheeks and white skin.Besides this, she has always with hera splendid skin beautifier and that is


C. E. Lewis, I.HR Vegas.M. C. Spicer, Helen.F. .1. Holmes, Los Angeles.A. G. Woodford, Bishop's Ranch.Adele M. Jones, Dayton, O.Mrs. S. E. Coffin, Detroit, Mich.Mrs. R. P. Hopkins and daughter,

Farmington.D. C. Howell, Estancia.E. W. McKenzie, El Paso.May A. Mahoney, Brooklyn.Genevieve F. Wallace, Brooklyn.Mary McSweeney, Jamaica, N. Y.

Quincy Randies, Albuquerque.C. S. Hart, Portales.John J. Cole, Philadelphia.C. S. Harper and wife, Cimarron.

11481 Acknowledgement (Notary.)

NOTICE!Notice is hereby given that the un-

dersigned State Treasurer ot the Stateof New Mexico, will redeem twentypercent of the Certificates of Indebted-ne- s

known as Cacual Deficit Certi-ficates of the issue of 1912, dated July1. 1912, and twenty per cent thereof


County of Philadelphia. ss.I, HENRY F. WALTON, Prothono- -

tary of the County of Philadelphiabeing redeemable on the first day ofand Clerk of the Court of Common

most equable temper and a splendidpoise.

You did not know that would effect

jour skin?The next time you get angry or givo

way to any other trying emotion ex-

amine your face in a magnifying mir-

ror just afterward nnd you will see

Pleas of said County, which areCourts of Record having a commonseal, being the officer authorized bythe laws of the State of Pennsylvania

ARTICLE IV. The corporationshall be authorized to Issue capitaletock to the extent of Two Hundredand Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,


c 11 sorts of changes. Anger will burnthe skin up; grief will make it paleand lifeless, joy will paint in rose and

ttOO.OO), divided into Two Hundred and

July, 1913.The holders ot the said Certificates,

numbered from One (1) to Eighty (80)inclusive, are notified to present thesame to the undersigned State Treas-urer at the office of the said StateTreasurer when said Certificates withinterest accrued thereon will be re-

deemable, and notice is further giventhat interest upon said Certificatewill cease on the first day ot Julyt1913.


' State Treasurer.

Fifty Thousand (250,000) shares of X , Jthe par value of One (Dollar ($1.00)each.

to make the following Certificate, doCERTIFY, That Leighton P. Stradley,Esquire, whose name is subscribed tothe certificate of the acknowledgementof the annexed instrument and thereonwritten, was at the time of such ack-

nowledgement a NOTARY PUBLICfor the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-vania, residing in the County afore-

said, duly commissioned and qualifiedto administer oaths and affirmationsand to take acknowledgements andproofs of Deeds or Conveyances forlands, tenements and hereditamentsto be recorded in said State of Penn

The following communication receiv-

ed by the Chamber of Commerce is ofinterest to the citizens of Santa Feand will be received with delight bythe automobile owners. Good drivingbetween Taos and Santa Fe has beenlong desired.

The V 'ount of capital stock withwhich this company will commencebusiness is Two Thousand Dollars($2,000.00), being Two Thousand(2,000) shares of the par value of One BILLIE BURKE.Dollar ($1.00) each.

most care she is apt to wrinkle early. . der that the Englishman with an eye July 10, 191.1.ARTICLE V. The names and post

ortice addresses of the incorporators She never represses an emotion. This for beauty goes over to America and secrearv chamber of Commerce,fclie calls "living.'' '

'picks up our fairest. Santa Fe, N. M.

No man falls In love with a frump, Dear Sir:Almost the first thing an Englishand the number of shares of stock foiwhich severally and respectively thesaid Incorporators do hereby sub- -

..., - t 1. T. rr nn.MAA;..l il.. I. ! nnAgirl is taught is repression. I have iioB" " '"ay warn, w mime me imu um,, u, u 6 usylvania, and to all whose acts, as

such, full faith and credit are andought to be given, as well in Courts often been called cold and lifeless by uuo one. u ";scribe are as follows

my girl admirers in America simplvi If the English girl would leave orx; r,UA,u ui. uof Judicature as elsewhere; and thatI am well acquainted with the hand-

writing of the said NOTARY PUBLIC and verily believe his signature

NOTICE!State of New Mexico, County ot

Santa Fe, in the Probate Court forand in the County of Santa .

In the matter of the estate of Rich-

ard Wilson Barry, Deceased.Last Will and Testament of Richard

Wilson Barry, Deceased.To Whom It May Concern:

Notice is hereby given that Wednes-

day, the 30th day of July, A. D. 1913,

at ten o'clock, a. m., of said day, andthe Court Room of the Probate Courtof the County of Santa Fe, New Mex-

ico, at the County Court House in theCity of Santa Fe and County andState aforesaid, has been appointed asthe time and place of proving the will

it flat to centers removeu , um ,e r- -

because my education about half her hair and comb

repression,carried on with ber head as the average American J-J- Wold"

represion and ended when 1 went .JTSZ Thigh cenTer. now Theon

sandthe with regression. onRtaee , . ...hi nt F.mbndn is said in have hpenthereto is genuine, and I further cer-

tify that the said Instrument is exe-cuted and acknowledged in conformity

An English woman of birth consid- - ot her tunny pompadour, she vouia improvedlook much prettier and much more. Very respectfully.with the laws of the State of Penn t""'tm- WILLIAM McKEAN,sylvania.Secretary Pro Tern.IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I

CHARLES G. WILFONG, ForrestBuilding, Philadelphia, Penna., 800shares.

ADDISON R. MAY, Forrest Build-

ing,' Philadelphia, Penna., 800 shares.DANIEL R. EVANS, Lafayette

Building, Philadelphia, Penna., 400shares.

Total, 2,000 shares.ARTICLE VI. The duration of the

corporation shall be for fifty years.ARTICLE VII. In furtherance, and

not in limitation of the powers confer-red by the statute, the Board of Direc-tors are expressly authorized:

To hold their meetings, to have oneor more offices, and to keep the booksof the company within or without theState of New Mexico, at such places

Here Is the difference between h

and American girls Americangirls have a subtle fascination abouthave hereunto set my hand and af-

fixed the seal of said Court, this letThe agonizing discomfort and sense

them even when they are not beauti- of suffocation that accompany hay

ers it bad taste to show ner feelings.The "lady Clara Vere de Vere" typela what every English girl strives fira much now as when Tennyson's'country clod" told her "where she?ot oft," to drop from poetry into thevernacular.

And when one must do one's hair in

tLe bath bun style and wear hatsperched on top of It because QueenMary wears her hair that way andmakes her own hats after some for-

gotten Victoria formula It is no won- -

fnl. They always look "smart, ' butfever and ngthma may be greatly al-- ! of the said Richard Wilson Barry, de- -day of July in the year of our Lordone thousand nine hundred and thir-teen (1913).

QUEEN MARY. ceasednot always well bred. Knglish gim jeviated by the use of Foley's Honeylave splendidly wholesome complex- - and Tar Compound. It has a sooth- -

HENRY F. WALTON, ions, but they never wear their clothes ing effect on the mucus linings, and(COURT SEAL) Prothonotary.

(SEAL.) M. A. ORTIZ,County Clerk.

By V. I. ALARID, Deputy.Dated at Santa Fe this 7th day ot

July, A. D. 1913. ,

pearl. The American girl allows hertemperament to feed upon her beautyto such an extent even with the ut- -

veil, never look "smart." They al-

ways have an air of being "to theraanor born," however.

relieves the gasping and tickling sen-

sation in the throat and bronchialtubes. The Capital Pharmacy.


Cor. Ree d. Vol. 6, Page 226. Certi--




Detroit, Mich., July 15. A BpeclailiiHpaloh from Chicago today said thatPresident Han Johnson, of the Ameri-c-

league, had indefinitely suspended

MILK WAGON NORSE IS THE TRACK SENSATION Ty Cobb, of the Detroit club, for lanBASEBALLStanding of the Clubs.

guage he used during an altercationwith Umpire George Hildebrand In

yesterday's game with Philadelphia.Officials of the local club said they had

National League.Club. Won. Lost.

Xew York 52 21

Philadelphia 41! 30

Chicago 42 38

Pittsburg 3

Brooklyn M 38

Boston "1 43

St. lxiuis 32 47

Cincinnati 31 50


tot heard of the suspension at 6

o'clock this afternoon.In the ninth inning yeBterday Um-

pire Hildebrand ruled that Cobb "trap-pf'ri- "

a long low liner hit by Baker.Cobb protested and was ruled out oftlic game. He was later ordered intotin- club house.

Regarding the report that TyrusCobb, of the Detroit Club, had been

suspended, President BanJi,.,nson, of the American league, inNew York, attending the dedication ofKi..;.f-i- s field, Baid that the reportfrom the umpire regarding the troublethai Cobb had in yesterday's game hadr.oi !een received; (hat he had heardinn ii iii? of the trouble and thereforehad not suspended Cobb.

American League.

s'K j sf Club. Won. Pet.

Philadelphia 57 23 .713

Cleveland 50 33 .002

Washington 1(1 37 .554

Chicago H! 3!) .541

Boston 3!) 40 .494St. Louis 35 53 .398

Detroit 35 53 .398

New York 24 54 .308

American Association.Club. Won. Lost.



' '' '&'i stu1









.Milwaukee 55

Columbus 4K

Louisville 19

Minneapolis 15

Kansas City 45

St. Paul 37

Toledo 37

Indianapolis 32





Chicago, 111., July 15. According toir. format ion derived from an authora-tis- e

Bource this afternoon, Manager.';.ke Stahl has severed his connectionwith the world's champion BostonAmericana. Differences between thei .imager and James McAleer, of theBoston club, are given as the cause ofHaiti's giving up his place. No man-nm- r

it in said has heen selected ill

Western League.Won. Lost. Pet.

. ("."


Club.DenverDes MoinesOmahaSt. Joseph .

jj !.!! place, but McAleer himself prob- -

56 27.40 38if! 40

.4 ( 39

.44 4033 4834 5033 54

94l.l'iy win uirect uie team leuipurui njf.Catcher BUI Carrigan will he man- -

-- er (emporarily, it was learned laH BEST PHOTOGRAPH OF THERESA MARIE BLITZ..407.405.379

Topeka . . .

Sioux CityWichita . .

(By W. H. Alburn.)Topka, Kan., July 15. It is very

WILLIAMS IS FAVORITEinteresting to visit Topeka, becauseToday's Games. IN BANTAM BOUT.j here you may see the prettiest little

ts fill. The lines are incomparablyiVaceful and the measurements,prtists Bay, set the standard lor sculp-tors.

A tape drawn around her arm at thearmpit registers nine inches. Her.vrist 5 2 inches around, her thigh 16

li.ches, calf 10 inches ankle 7 inches.

National League. Los Angeles, Calif., July 15. JohnnyWilliams, bantamweight of Baltimore,

girl in America.I saw the "prettiest," because many

American artists, many photographers0 and the cultured Artist League of Bos- -

is a 2 to 1 tavorite over diariesLeDoux, the French champion, illtheir 20 round battle here tonight.

9 11

2 9 She weighs 55 pounds. She will be

At BrooklynChicagoBrooklyn

Cheney and Bresnalian;Stack and Fisher.

Ragan, .0(ij ,na(je the weight 0f 110 poundswithout difficulty.


seven years old next November.Theresa is as bright and good as

she Is pretty. She started to schoollast year and made rapid progress:Her father, I. M. Blitz, a local merchthe milk wagon to the race tracks.

About four years ago Prime Wright,decision bout in Philadelphia severalmonths ago.

nine minutes.There was nothing left around

Washington for Nota Prime to beat,a Yankee farmer trom v asnington,

At PhiladelphiaSt. Louis 2 10

Philadelphia 3 9 2

Burke, Salee and Win go; ChalmersBrennan and Killifor, Howley.

(10 innings.)

Conn., and his wife Mrs. Nota Wright, !so the Wrights decided to try her out

invested $125 in a likely looking colt, on the neighboring hait-mu- tracKs

U n says Theresa Marie Blitz has themost perfect features and figure to befound anywhere.

She was also the winner in a con-

tent with 2000 other child beauties,and as a prize she is going to have3 tour of the country with her fatherand a free trip to Paris.

I called at Theresa's home, saw herand talked to her. In truth, she is

very beautiful.She has soft, wavy, dark brown hair

and big, wistful, blue eyes. Her lipsaie rosy and delicately molded. Herfeatures have the rare symmetry sel-

dom found except in Greek statues.Her skin is fair, with a trace of pink

They named her Nota Prime thecombination of their own names.

Having Won $15,000 on Half-Mil-e

Tracks, Nota Prime, ,Tralned byHusband and Wife, Goes After

Grand Circuit Stars.

It was the romance of a plow-hors-

It. T. C, that was the talk of thegrand circuit after thewon the M. and M. at Detroit. Thi3

year a milk wagon horse bids fair toadd a parallel to harness horse rac-

ing.It even goes the plow-hors- e romance

one better, for it was a womau whogaVe Nota Prime the training thatenabled the mare to graduate from



2 11

4 14


Los Angeles, Calif., July 15. Four-teen persons are dead as the result ofthe wreck at Vineyard station nightbefore last, when two Pacific electrictiains collided. Several others of theinjured, whose number was declaredto exceed 150. are in a precarious con-

dition. Two bodies, those of a manand a woman, have not been

She made good, and in September,1911, they started to campaign her.In 1912 Nota Prime won 13 races onAmerican half-mil- e tracks and five

on Canadian tracks, netting close to$15,000 for her owners.

This year a relative has charge ofthe farm and Prime and Xota havetheir mare on the grand circuit, with

At New YorkCincinnatiNew York

Brown and Kling;Meyers.

The principal duty of this colt wasto haul milk three miles from the

Wright farm to the depot- Mrs. Wrighttried out the colt against other horseson the road. So did her husband, andNota Prime beat everything in sight,


ant, says his greatest ambition is her a finished education.

The little girl's mother died whenshe was eight mouths old and hergrandmother, Mrs. Mary Erickson, hasc.ired for her since.

"People say I'm pretfy," said There-sa, when the writer called to see her."I wonder if I am. What do youthink?"

Grandmother's warning finger en-

joined silence. And she whispered:"Please don't tell her! She'll find it

cut soon enough, goodness knows."Of course, I'm proud that she's so

beautiful but it's so much more im-

portant for her to be just a good,sweet, little girl."

even while hooked to the heavy milk

wagon. A watch snowed .Nota frime every prospecr, iu maniug guuu. ciucwas doing the three miles in about has a mark of 2:14 on half-mil- e tracks.

At BotonPittsburghBoston i

(Tied end of ninth inning.)

; showing through. Her ears are pinkj shells, her neck is like a fine bit of

carved ivory and her little shouldersare lovely beyond the camera's poweiWALL STREET.American League. io show.

Hands, feet and all are just as beauGEORGE MULLIN

BACK TO MINORSNew York, July 15. Although ;At St. Louis-N- ew

York 0

St. Louis 3

Keating and Smith; HamiltonAgnew.

take you off my hands," Griff said tothe veteran flinger.

In one sense Mullin was not. He admitted that he was not

pitching the kind of ball that wouldwarant his retention in the majorleague and blamed himself for at-

tempting to get rid of so much weightduring the spring training season.

Griffith purchased Mullin last Mayfrom the Detroit club at the waiver


but for some reason or other his form-

er cunning had deserted him and hewas alway hit hard.

Mulin was with the Detroit Tigerseleven years, during which time hehelped them win two American Leaguepennants.

The Washington players were sur-

prised to hear the news, and GermanySchaefer, his roommate, is heartbrok-en who was one of the most popularplayers on the team.

Mullin had nothing to say regardingthe matter last night. He did notknow which of the InternationalLeague clubs he cared to join, and

New York, July 15. George Mullinwho for the past six weeks has beena member of the Washington club, wasnotified that waivers have been obtain-ed and that two international Leagueteams wanted him.

"I am sorry, George but I will haveto let you go. I offer you a choice ofcities and managers, Buffalo or Ro-

chester, both of whom are willing to

secure more gas. The case came to

Judge Marshall's court when JudgePollock, of the Kansas district courtrequired that the case be transferredfrom his court. Arguments were madethis afternoon following a prolongedluorning session, at which GeneralManager A. B. Macbeth testified theextensions could not be made andir ore gas supplied at the presentrates.


Salt Lake City, Utah, July 15.

Judge John Marshall in the UnitedStates district court of Utah today be-

gan the hearing of the Kansas NaturalOas company case on the order of theKansas utilities committee directingthe state and federal receivers to ex:tend the pipe lines into Oklahoma to

At Chicago-Bos- ton

1 7 4

Chicago t. .2 5 5

Leonard and Thomas; Walsh andSchalk. (10 innings).

American Association. -

price, and George has won only fourgames since joining the Nationals. Hehas worked hard and conscientiously,

there was no well sustained demandfor stocks, the trend was upwardsduring the morning. Trading, whilestill abnormally dull, was more ac-

tive than yesterday. Operators saidthe firm tone of the market was dueto the extent of the short interest,which is pronounced in some quartersto be the largest of the year. Forthe first time in several days Europetook an interest in this market. Lon-don and Berlin bought. Canadian Pa-

cific and Paris sold the low pricedgroup of coppers. Despite the lag-

ging tendency of the copper group,the general market held firm and insome instances early gains were in-

creased some, by noon prices were atthe best level of the day.

Canadian Pacific increased itsgain to nearly two points.

plans to spend a few days with his ToletloSt. Paul game postponed; out in Indiana before castingTHE NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. post- -his lot with the minors. Minneapolis-Idianapoli- s gamepolled; rain.


ELECTRIFIES CROWDf Jt i WW1Those who were fortunate enough

tc be present last evening at the bil

Muskegon, Mich., July 15. The fly-

ing boat cruise from Chicago to De-

troit has been called off by mutualagreement of the contestants accord-

ing to Glenn L. Martin, who returnedto Muskegon this afternoon fromPentwater. He said the committee in

liard match between Marcus CattonInstead of

Bonds were steady.Completion of the London buying

left the market bare of orders andduring the noon hour trading camevirtually to a halt. The list maintain-ed its firm tone however, and exceptin a few cases the morning's advanceswere fully retained.

Bear traders made efforts to scaledown the slender gains of the princi- -

ard Manager Harry Oatman, the pro-

prietor of the Montezuma Billiardrooms, were afforded an opportunityof getting a definite line on the classof billiards put up byBilly Catton's son, who is now a, fullfledged Santa Fean.

Another Santa Fe man was to haveplayed Catton, but was unable to bepiesent so Catton agreed to play 150to 75 with Harry Oatman, the proprie-tor; Catton was to run 150 withoutmissing or count nothing, so one may

lai stocks but were not able to muster

charge of the cruise had withdrawnthe prize money.

At the aero club of Illinois it wassaid that the private committee whichraised bonus money for the hydro-aeroplane racers did so on an under-

standing with the promoters thatthere would be approximately twen-

ty entrants. Only eight responded,and what with one mishap and an-

other, the field after many delays andaccidents, narrowed down to Mar-

tin, Francis and Havens. Cities alongthe route of the flight who had prom-ised financial aid were greatly disap- -

aDo you realize what this means to you and tnose depend

judge what a hard proposition he wasup against. He started off by run-ri-

96, then again 88, and again had

a sumcient toiiowmg to anect quotedvalues greatly.- Reading was depress-ed to within a small fraction of yes-

terday's close, but otherwise the mar-ket stubbornly resisted such slightpressures was imposed by the limitedofferings.

The market closed strong. In thelate trading prices gradually workedupward and best figures of the daywere reported in the final hour. ' Anumber of less active stocks parti-cipated with the leaders in the ad-

vance. American Tobacco gained 5

points. Third Avenue 2, Interboroughnet preferred, 1 and Western

nAin4n nn,. ;r.,ln..1 4Kn133 when he missed; this left him

i nothing, while in the meantime Oat- -milieu, pal i it.uicii i y Yi lieu UC Ilitt- -

ing on you? -

Don't be satisfied with a small salary all your life do asthousands have done; let the International CorrespondenceSchools show you how your pay can be increased. It mattersnot where you are, in the factory or in. the shop, in the mineor in the mill, in the office or store, the I. C. S. can arid willincrease your earning capacity.

' "

The I.C. S. imparts to you just the knowledge needed toadvance you in your present position or to an occupationmore to your liking--


A dollar an hour is not out of your reach, if you will only letus help you. It will cost you nothing: to ask us HOW? Sim

chines fell behind their schedulesand crowds gathered at the severalwater fronts only to find the watersof the lake quite innocent of flyingcraft.

n an had ran 74, and only needed onetc win the game; then Cattoa display-ed the wonderful speed which madehit, father famous, and getting thelalls lined up ran 216, winning the

Maryland and Brooklyn Transit, It is a foregone conclusion thatthere is no talent in this burg that can Smelting scored a complete recovery,

MORRIS-CUTLE- BOUTAT CLOVIS TOMORROW. compete with him, and he will have following the attorney general's denial

trouble in securing an opponent. of the rumor that proceedings hadClovis, N. M., July 15 The Carl

ply send us the coupon below and it will bring toyour aid all the resources of that great institution,the I. C. S., an establishment backed by a capital

An exhibition of fancy shots and "?eel1 wn against tne company.Morris-Mart- y Cutler heavy i)r. t Inv ',.JD n. .

Q all.weight bout, , scheduled for Wednes-- 1 4',nouncement was made that another Boston Wool.

Boston, Mass., July 13. InquiriesIf jytli ''-


111 Vll WC'--of six million dollars and founded and main-tained for the benefit of poorly paid men andwomen. If you want your pay increased, sayso at once.

for fine wools has been more markedn atch with E. C. Burke, the local ex-

pert, who defeated Catton in his firstnatch, would be played next Mondayright at 8 p. m.

The 1st of August a billiard tourna-ment will be started, followed by aI ocket-billiar- d tournament, which williv.clude all the local players. Prizeswill be hung up, and no entrance feewill be demanded.

lntern3tfDal corrcspcHdeoce schools ;Box 888, Scranton, Pa. .

without further obligation on ""irieme epl!n,I part, hint 1 can quality for the FotiMn, trade, or! . i i . kik I h.w marked X.

Mark andMaU the


during the past week while the woOIbusiness as a whole has been of fairvolume compared with that of otherweeks. Prices have continued ' .firm"

with a slight tendency against thebuyer.

Although no sales of special Importnave been reported the outlook fortl.e market is considered more cheer-fulf- l.

Ohio fleeces have been in somedemand, one lot sold amounting toICO.000 pounds of half and three-eight- s

blood which is understood to haveti ought the recent market rate of 24

o Ural

day at the big open air arena here isalready attracting crowds from allparts of west Texas, Oklahoma, south-ern Colorado and New Mexico, andthis is expected to he one of the bestfights that has ever been staged inthe state.

A party with twenty motor carscame in from Texas points yesterday,and will remain over until after thefight. The Texas boys are countingheavily on Morris, as are also the fel-

lows from the "Sooner" state, but Cut-

ler is gaining as a favorite as thetime for the fight draws near, withmany.

Both men are on the ground anddoing heavy work. Morris is doingdaily hard cross-countr- y practice.Both men are in the pink of condi-tion. There will be two four-roun- d

preliminaries at the fight

Automobile RunningPoultry FarmingBookkeeperStenographerAdvernains MiaShow-Car- d WritingWindow TrimmingCommercial lllustrat.IndUBtrial DealgningArchitectural Drnlta.

Language I

Electrical WiremanElectric i EngineerMechanic) DrafmnanMechanical EngineerTelephone ExpertStationary Engineer

ManufacturingCivil EngineerBuilding ContractorArchitectConcrete Conatmct'nPlumbing, Steam Fin'gMine ForemanMine Superintendent


cents. A general assortment of ter'Name.ritory wools has moved out of deal

Washington, D. C, July 15. Thearmy polo matches,postponed once, will begin in Potomacpark here today. Teams from thetfounted service corps and (he Fifthfield artillery and anteam, will compete.

I St.&Noers hands this week, principally newwools, including Utah's, Nevada's,Idaho's and Wyoming's. - v

Arthur Pelkey, at Close Range, He is New World's HeavyweightChampion Who Won His Title When He Accidentally Killed Luther

Cowboy Fighter, In a Recent Battle in Canada.


special train tomorrowriving on aRead)' Trimmed i9



Telephone the Postal Tele- - X

S graph company if you do not get X

your paper and one will be de- - X

X livered to you at once. X


about noon.A letter today from Rev. 1!. 7..

tells of the deatli at Attum-wa- ,

Iowa, of bis aged father, andstates further than Rev. McC'olloughwill not return to Santa Fe for tendays yet.

H. J. Crichton and family of thiscity and K. G. Cooper and family of



en's Boys' SuitsAt Less Than Cost

MRS. W. LINDHARDT We are making SPECIAL PRICES on allMen's and Boys' Suits. Be sure and see usbefore buying. Our assortment is large and

prices the lowest.

125 Palace Ave

i Your Patronage Solicited jIMIIfllllMlllllllilllllllltlltlllllllllllllllMlltllllllllllllllHIIIItlliiiiiiiiHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllliHiiir

N. B. LAUGHLIN,' President. JjW. E. GRIFFIN, Cashier.

J. B. LAMY, t.

Mrs. Howard Moore, o Coyote, is iu

Santa Fe today.D. C. Howell of Estanoia, is a visit-

or in the Ancient City, today.

Denver, spent a week on the Brazosin Rio Arriba county fishing. Mr.Crichton and family returned homelast evening. They say its alwaysthe biggest, ones that get. away, butMr. Crichton has brought, three homewilii him which he has preserved andwill soon have them on exhibition toprove his stories by.

George II. Danton, professor of Ger-man at nutler University, near In-

dianapolis, llid., is in the cily meetinglocal educators. Prof. Hanton is trav

PHONE 180.210 SAN FRANCISCO ST.querqtie, is spending a few days in thecity.

Mrs. A. B. Gnagey lias returned loSanta Fe after about four monthsabsence.


Denver, Colo., July IS. ThomasSouthern who won two wives withintwo years through the agency of ma-

trimonial want ads today was sen-tenced to from three to six months im-

prisonment In the penitentiary, havingpleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy.t

eling for seven weeks ibis summer'in tile middle and southwestern partof the United States in the interestsof the Simplified Spelling Hoard ofXew York city. He spoke yesterdayto the sludents at the eiunmer school

Mrs. U. P. Hopkins and daughtersof Farmingtou, X. M., are spending a

few days In the city,j Mrs. R. P. Reuth, of Chaniita. is in

Santa Fe for a few days visiting herbrother, F. Krumholtz.

FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY5 Room Modern Brick Cottage, 2 blocks from Plaza, Price $3,8005 Room Modern Frame Cottage, 6 blocks from Plaza, Price 2,5006 Room Modern Adobe Cottage, 2 blocks from Capitol, Price 3,0006 Room Modern Brick Cottage, J blocks from Plaza, Price 4,800

10 Room Modern Adobe House, (double) rents for $45, Price 5,000

FOR SALE-RAN- CH PROPERTY2 Ranches in the Tesuque Valley

10 Ranches in the Espanola Valley3 Large Qrants in the State


Is This a Bargain ?Six-roo- adobe house on Galisteo Street, with city water and el-

ectric lights; no bath. Lot 55x158 feet with a dozen bearing fruittrees, chicken house and yard. Adobe barn in need of repairs. Twohundred dollars added to purchase price of this property In way of

repairs and Improvements will greatly enhance value.

Price, $1,825.00. Reasonable Terms.

The first wife, Alice Gorham South-- j

em, now living at Doer Trail. Colo- -

rado, and from whom he had beenseparated a year, saw the publicationof her husband's second marriage in aDenver nanor. and swore In the

at the Normal university at Las Vegas, and goes to the stale universityat. Albuquerque tonight. The pro

Cosmo Herrera of I'ojnaque, Innwho has been in Sandoval county forsome time, It) in the city.

Harry Lee, clerk of the federalcourt, and wife, motored to Albuquer-- j

fessor is inclined to beli tlial the .,,.., ,,,, ... . ., mi, vui.if.itib, niui .iiii ui,iiu,v.average person and esp'i'inlly tiiei

newspapers approach the subject ofSouthern, who is British, declared hebelieved tin? year's separation sulli- -

simplified spelling Willi ton much lev dent to constitute legal divorce, liolhwives were nurses.

I FOP PFN1T-- Four Room Modern Brick CottagesI ( 1 Five Room Modern Brick Cottage


Room 8, Capital Cily Bank Building--, Santa Fe, N. M.



ity. The aim of the board is not rad-

ical changes he says or such as wouldforever lose the ctomology of theword, but he claims that, in a year ortwo can be gained- in tin- - elementaryeducation of children by the adoptionof sanctioned simplified spelling, thatit Is worth the effort.

j Que yesterday for a few days visitthere.

Miss Esther Asplund of LittleIllinois, is visiting her two

brothers in this city, Theo. and R. F.j Asplund.j Kiladelfo 15aea of the office of thesuperintendent of public instruction,is spending a few days at the Taos

: county institute, at Taos.Miss Silena Brown, a sister of Mrs.

John Zook, who has been visiting here

Washington, D. C July IS. Demo- -


Phone, 189 J.119 San Francisco St., " : : Santa Fe, New Mexico.i

orals of the senate finance commit-ite-

met today and approved the ma-

jority report prepared by ChairmanSimmons on the tariff hill.LOCAL ITEMS.



When you can buy PERCOLATORS and CHAFING JDISH B5 run by electricity or alcohol? I have a fineassortment of the Sterneau " Inferno," all high- - I


is Interested and shouldknow about the wonderful

The sooner you buy a 3' Ba plpe!l'--Denver & Rio Grande R. R.


j II. A. Clothier ami his two daughtersIda and Blanche, left last night forCalifornia.. The young ladies made

jimmy friends during their slay here,,T. R. Martinez, Jr., of Tierra Aim-- ;

rilla, a. member of the Uio Arribacounty road board, is in Hie citv v is- -

and cake box tobacco, tin sooner you , ;,Aijt..Vi Marvel s"uoucnewill have pipe satisfaction. Zook's


J grade chafing dishes, on which you can cook a Jmeal, and the percolators which will make a cup

J of most delicious coffee in a few minutes.

j? H. C. YONTZ, JEWELER, SAN FRANCISCO STREET.A Siitch in Time V Mic lirst sign

a leak get the Plumber. That's6 iting his uncle, Don Romulo Mart inez. j0j. or j!WAsk s'nnrdnicrirtstfH. If he cannot sup-ply the MARVEL,accept no other, butKenilMEtinp forbook.

Francisco Lopez or farkview, N. ;good logic. The Santa Fe HardwareM., a prominent Rio Arriba county & 'Supply Company will do it for you.Democrat, arrived here last night and jsee new ad. llfi)i Marvel Co.,44E. 23d St., N.Y.




of days in thewill spend a coupl! city.j Rev. Deonidas Smith left thismorning for Barranca w here h will

spend a couple of days at the campof the Round Hill Placer Gold .Mining

j company.Col. K. C. Abbott, and (.'apt. James

L. Seligman motored over to CampMcDonald at Las Vegas yesterday.

Sciiooiof Dancing OpnmcnlMrs. Test's Classes in Firemen's Hall

Children's Class Begins Friday. Jnne 2d. 3 1. M

Adult Praetlce Class " " ' 8

Assembly Hellas Friday, June 20,0 to 1.80 P.M.Private !.esons. Fancy Danina Taught.


GENERAL LIVERYHack and Baggage Lines. Entire Stable Re-


Phone 139. 310 San Francisco St.

The encampment starts there tomor-

row, the entire militia and band ar- -

FOR SALE All kinds of buildinglumber. 314 Galisteo street.

A Fine Garden where there are goodgarden tools. Ain't it the truth? Thenwhy be without, both? The Reacham-Mignardo- t

Hardware company willfit you out. at the least cost. Seethe new ad. today.

Our tooth brushes represent ex-

treme values. They are carefullymade. Bristles will not come out.We buy them direct from best im-

porters. Zook's Pharmacy.Wanted A second-hand- , light, one

horse delivery wagon. Address A. IS.,

Xew Mexican.Tenth Wedding Anniversary y

was the tenth wedding anni-

versary of Mr. and Mrs. John B. s

and as is usual on such oc-

casions, a tin shower, a dinner partyfor Hi, at which Mr. and Mrs. H. C.


Knights TemplarTriennial Conclave

AUGUST 12-1- 5, 13Dates of "Sale, August 7, 9, 10, II and 12, 1913.

Final Return Limit, August 25, 1913.



Hopes Her Statement, Made Public,

will Help Other Women.

iRoehl of Albuquerque were the out of

Hines, Ala. "I must confess", sayslt0WM- W1. a dance and a generalMrs. Eula Mae Reid, of this place, "thai good time until a late hour, were theCardui, the woman's tonic, has done ni features of a most pleasant evening,a great deal of good. : t ls 0f paramount importance when

Before I commenced usincr Cardui. 1 you have a prescription filled that you

Hay, Grain FlourWe Can Save You Money.

Telephone a Trial Order. Phone 214 J.We Buy and Sell for Cash.


Guaranteed Pure, Clean and Wholesome.


PLATE GLASSThe Best That Can be Bought 1


Take no chances on eitherwhen a small amount will giveyou the protection that youneed, and when you do use in-surance get the best, as it isthe cheapest, and


FRANK M. JONES,Office United States Bank Building


who has purchased the Insur-ance Business of the L. A.Harvey Agency. Strong lines,good companies, good'protection

would spit up everything 1 ate. I had a




Manager & Treasurer.



secure drugs of known strength andpurity. We fill your prescriptionswith the best drugs and chemicals,Zook's Phtirmacy.

Wanted A boy of from fifteen toeighteen years of age to act as deliv- -

ery boy. One familiar with horsespreferred. Address A. B. New Mexi-- jcan.

Elks Remember Gene Hampel To

uicu, Mccpy iceiing an me nine, ana wasirregular. I could hardly drag around,and would have severe headaches con.tinuously.

Since taking Cardui, I have entirelyquit spitting up what I eat. Everythingseems to digest all right, and 1 havegained 10 pounds in weight."

If you are a victim of any of the numer-ous ills so common to your sex, it iswrong to suffer.


THE SANTA FE HAY AND GRAIN CO.M. O'CONNELL, Mgr., - - 1 16 Galisteo St.

show Gene HanipeJ that he entereddouble harness with the best wishesFor half a century, Cardui has been re

lJlJ.PI2v!ltii9ot all his fellow Klks, some fit) mem'

which nour into nut nffire vrar hv vMr' lr8 of ,he order gathered at the homelast evening, with Gene the guest olCardui is successful because it is comhonor at a social session at which the

in txuiJxrinjmiAnuiiruvvruu-uru-Lr- j


groom was presented with a hand-some souvenir of the occasion in theshape of three beautiful pieces of cutglass. Gene and Sliss Karolyn Krack-enber-

will be married tomorrow, andalready a new home, next to Hamperssenior, 's almost ready for

posed of ingredients which act specificallyon the womanly constitution, and helpsbuild the weakened organs back to healthand strength.

Cardui has helped others, and will helpyou, too. Get a bottle today. Youwon't regret it. Your druggist sells it.

trWfr to : Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Ad-

visory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for tiHCial InstructioHH tin your case and bonk, "HomeTreatment fur Women," sent in plain wrapper. NCI2Q

Lumber and Transfer Go.(INCORPORATED)


Shingles, Cement, Plaster, Roofing and Build-

ing Materials of Every Description.



3Your Business Solicited. Qj!




Manufacturer of all kinds of Soda Waters made from Pure Distilledwater. Agent for Manitou Spring-

- Mineral Water.TELEPHONE 35 J Santa Fe, New Mtx.


H. S. KAUNE & GC. London, July 1,". Miss Inez Mulhol-land- ,

the New York woman suffragist,was married today in this city to Eu-

gene Boissevain, a wealthy Dutchmanwhose home is in Amsterdam.

.Miss Inee Milholland is the daugh-ter of John Milholland, a wealthy NewYork lawyer and is herself a practic

PriceWhere Quality Governs the

and Price the Quality IMC











iiFoot of Montezuma Ave.Phone 100 and 35 W. SUMMER TOURISTing lawyer with offices in the financial

district. She has been prominent inwoman suffrage work since her gradu-htio- u

from Vassar several years agoand she has appeared in her profes-sional capacity in legal cases affect-

ing the condition of working girls.She headed the last woman suffrageparade in this city as chief colorbearer.

Miss Milholland sailed with her fam



Are now as low

in price as theywill be this season

We advise you to give usyour order now for


. TO- -ily for Europe about two weeks ago.






El Paso, Texas, July 15. Using Gun

Colorado Springs, $18.15

Salt Lake, Ogden, 40.00

St. Louis, . . : . 47.35

Buffalo, N. Y., . . 66.45

Atlantic Citv, . . 79.35

Denver, .

Pueblo, .

Chicago, .

St. Paul, .

New York,

boat Smith's' famous occipital blow,Jack Herrick knocked out Jack Carroll in the sixteenth round of their






CANTALOUPESLower fn price. Imper-ial Valley .Cantaloupes.These are always fine.

scheduled twenty-roun- d bout in theJuarez arena Sunday afternoon. Car-roll was out. several minutes after thefight and it looked for a while as if hewas dangerously injured. Herrick.looked fresh and ran from the ring tohis dressing quarters.



COURSES OFFERED: Mine Engineering, MiningGeology, Metallurgical Engineering, Civil Engineer-ing, Electrica Engineering and Mechanical Engi-


ADVANTAGES: Requirements fully up to thoseof standard schools of mines everywhere; close

proximity to a great variety of mines and smelters,where the various metallurgical processes are il-

lustrated; salubrious climate; water famed for its

purity; good dormitory accommodatlons'at'low cost"'etc. V

For full information, or catalogue, address





On sale daily June 1st to Sept. 30th. Return limit, October31st, except that to points east of Chicago and St. Louis

return limit is 60 days from date of sale- -


On sale daily, June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1913. Return limit, October 31st, 1913


SAN DIEGO, MU.OD OAKLAND, PV.OODates of sale, June 30, July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Return limit, August 31st.

Also on sale August 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Return limit, Oct. 22, 1913.

SUMMER TOURI5T RATESon sale to many other points in the United States and Canada.

For further particulars call on or address.


Belgrade, July 13. The report thatServia refuses to enter into peacenegotiations with Bulgaria ls withoutfoundation. She is only waiting forthe arrival of persons armed withfull power from Bulgaria to iopen

We Also Have Extra JarCaps, Rubbers, Etc., For

All Makes.

JELLY GLASSESthe discussion of peace preliminaries.After their signatures have been attached to o demand for negotiations,hostilities will cease at once.




Where Prices ar B--st

: For Saf Quality.1

Work for the New Mexican. It Is

Forking for you, for Santa Fe andthe new state.

H. S. LUTZ, Agt., SANTA FE, N. M.

HMMflBBHMBHK MbrvnJnixnnnjixirinjvaniArfuuuvri n



Catered as Socoad Clcsa Matter at tha Saate Fa eatorftc

The Santa Fa New Mexican.. .Publ!shjd DallyThe New Mexican Review. . . . .Engllik WeeklyEl Nuevo Mexicano Spanish Weekly

The New Mexican Printing Co., Publishersrf7n ."?

7m- - -


Will Be of Immense Valueto Any of Its Customers

Seeking Investments

President.General Manager

Bronson M. Cutting.Charles M. StaufferJ. Wight Qlddlugs. .. Editor

Fishing in its prime. The Pecos River the best troutstream in the Southwest. The Valley Ranch offers thebest accommodations and best location for fishing.

ft Booklet Free on Request

SUBSCRIPTION RAT18Bally, par yur, ay maH M.OI Dally, per qaaitaa. ky ajaM tMIDally, tli mentna, ay mall 12. HI tally, aar apart, ay eaiJ tlJIWeakly, par yaar. 11.01 Weekly, all Manrkt M


Tne omcers or tnis Dante win oc pieasea at any time to advise cus-tomers regarding investments ana to furnish them with high grade se-curities combining safety with satisfactory Income return.

In touch with the financial and industrial situation as it is, and will-

ing to give you the benefit of that knowledge when called uponwouldIt not be well to take advantage of that service?




"All of Today's Nowo Today uadside flowers present a wealth of h y the county in which the road workbewildering beauty that flower gardTHIS WAY FOR A COOL. ICE


vill be done, and this county in orderto secure their share must vote bondslor construction and maintenance ofrends and bridges. Good roads andbridges will attract homeseekers, whonew avoid this section. Aztec Demo-cat- .

The Big Tax Question.The discussion of the big tax ques-

tion at the chamber of commerce


ens cannot always rival.The wild carrot no one cherishes,

Slid yet that lacy, beautiful flower itbears, called Queen Anne's lace hasfew rivals, even in the cultivated gard-ens. The clustered joe pye weed,with its soft pink coloring, the goldenrod, rich with its feathery yellow,biack eyed Susan, giving a brilliantcolor to the brown field, the despised


'luesday brought out, as does everyyarrow, in its pure white cluster ot

The Montezuma HotelSANTA FE, NEW MEXICO.

THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOMECuisine and Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en suit with

private baths. Electric light. Steam Heat.Central Location.

1 ve discussion of public matters, tinciying need of a law that is just and1 onestly administered and one thatwill really and effectually equalizeluxation.

We believe that the fight for it

t;ny flowers, the cowslip and the but-t- i

rcup nestling in the grass, the dain-

ty, perfectly shaped flower on thechicory weed and the beautiful wild

after, waving by the road side, allthese are rarely beautiful fashionings

i of nature but we regard them lightly-- should begin now, and that the next

legislature should be made to under-stand that dilatory action will be tol- -4$ -


Large Sample Rooms. THOS. DORAN, they are only weeds." Added tothese is that rich colored bunch onthe sumac bush, looking like a greatplumy pyramid, and in the woodsshady and cool grow the dainty, ex-

quisite lady's slipper and the grace-ful, wide leaved wake robin and the

THE PRICE. 100.Commenting favorably mini an editorial in the New Mexican a few days

since, on the water question, one of Santa Fe's oldest residents and mostcitizens remarked thai there was but one thing he could add to the

suggestions made regarding the purity and adequate supply of water and thatwas the price.

No one will deny lhat ;his is a most important adjunct to the whole

question and belongs in ,lie class with the others in the considerationof the whole matter.

This water question has aroused a remarkable amount of interest. It

has become the main topic of conversation at the clubs and on the street.

Everyone is interested and it has become recognized as one ol those things

that goes with the building up of our city.When we advertise our climate, or health-givin-, our superb

scenery, our inducements to the huntsman, the devotee to the rod and reel,

the seeker after the ancient and the wonderful, the opening for settlers, we

want to add also that we have water per cent pure, of more than a neces-

sary supply and at a cost that is reasonable to every resident of Santa Fe

and the lands immediately adjacent to it.

In the livelv discussion of this question, it is not a matter of owner-

ship, that is the personality of the ownership, as it is of the results given

by that ownership, be it municipal, corporative or personal.

in these three propositions the whole question is involved. (liven purity,can offer all that could be ten-

deredsufficient quantity and moderate cost, we

as an indtionment to would-b- residents as fur as this particular sub-

ject is concerned, and it would be a powerful inducement as far as our

invitation to additional immigration is concerned.

The average citizen cares little or nothing who may own our public

utilities if he is getting what is coming to him from the management and



c;ated no longer. Santa Fe NewMexican.

What the Santa Fe chamber of com-merce has been doing the businessmen of Farmington have been doingand perhaps those of all the live towTisof the state.

We agree with the New Mexicanlhat the fight should begin now, andMade so hot. that the next legislaturewill not dare to fail to meet the pub-lic demand. This new state must havea better tax system before it can prop-erly develop its wonderful natural re-sources. Then men who oppose a bet

bending monk's hood. These we classtis wild flowers, growing free andwithout heed, but so too, was our love-1- )

columbine, until we took it to ourgsrdens for cultivation and care, andthe rhododendron which we cherishI always had a weakness for the flower-

ing weed that grows uncared for andunwatered, but by the rain, and feelthat we do not quite regard it. as itreally deserves.

Just A Wish.(Kdgar A. Guest in Detroit Free

Press.)do not want J. Pierpont's wad

Xor Rockefeller's roll;With less I'd be content to plod

And have an easy soul.I want no stocks of jeweled stuff

My hands and tie adorning,1 only wish 1 had enough


Meets Both North SouthBounds Trains.

Leaves Barranca en the arrival tthe north beund train and arrive alTaoa at 7 p. m.

Ten miles shorter than any etherway. Good covered hacks and goodteams. Fare $5.00 round trip. Teamfurnlahed commercial man to take Inthe aurroundlni town. Wire Embudeatatlon.

MR. HARVEY OATMAN,Proprietor of the


Has Engaged at a Great Expense,

MARCUS CATTON,Son of the Famous

"BILLY" CATTON,who will manage his billiard par-lors and instruct those desiring tolearn the game. All new tables,new cues, and a quiet, gentlemanlylounging room for those who caterto the pastime.

ter system are enemies of our state'sprogress. Farmington

AMONG THE EDITORS.the three things that interest him are the purity, tne supply aim me p.


To lie in bed some morning.

I'd like an ocean trip, of course,But that 1 do not sigh for,

I'd like to own a saddle horse.But that 1 would not try for.

I do not want the frill and fluffOf riches. Those I'm scorning;

THAT FRANKForty years ago the franking privilege was abolished by congress, but

of course, it did not last.

In a few months after the door was closed; it was opened a little waysenators and members the rightThen there was a little wider gap giving

to send public documents, copies of the Congressional Record through the

mails if adorned by a signature "written by him."

Then open Hew the door and everything went through it if it had the

EVERYONE WELCOME! JOHNW mmWheeling, W. Va., July 15. Jiltedby her lover. Dessie Mclntyre, ofNorth Wheeling, a pretty eighteen-year-ol- d

girl, secured an odd, but ef-fective revenge on her rival, who"stole" her lover, and on the faithless

Best Cure.The best cure for the New Mexi-

can who complains of the summerheat is a trip to the torrid regionseast and south of us. Merely readingthe daily papers should afford reliefto most persons. Katon Range.

Please Pass It.

If men are the salt of the earth,women are undoubtedly the sugar.Salt is necessary sugar is a luxury.Vicious men are salt-pete- stern menare rock salt; nice men are tablesalt. Old maids are brown sugar;

mm .111But I would like to have enough

To lie in bed some morning.

I do not want a vast estate.The price to hire a butler;

in lieu of a postagefacsimile- of the member stamped on the document la Salle Hotellover at the same time. Althoughher act finally landed her in jail, thepretty young woman declared she had"evened things up with both of them."

stamp.The abuse of the franking system has become outrageous.

recollect that in recent campaignsThere is scarcely a voter who cannothe has been the recipient of two, three, four or five, more or less vo'uminou



good natured matrons are loaf sugar,' j, i

is .1Htnown young business man of thisUllfti rpoiwno i iv"-"'- CHARLEY GANN, Prop'r.liiin.! ,i,v.ments but of very doubtful value as public records

I do not want a fortune great,My dream of wealth is subtler,

I'd like that comfortable senseThat comes, when day Is dawningTo him who says: "Hang the ex-

pense!I'll stay in bed this morning!"

Did you ever feel that way? 1

have, and I'll bet you have, too. It's


Pire, Life, AccidentPlate Qlass, Etc. Etc


City Property, FarmsRanches, OrchardsLand Orants. Etc

Surety Bonds

city, informed Miss Mclntyre that hecould not see her again, as he had be-come engaged to another girl. By adint of inquiry the jilted girl ascer-tained that the girl who had stolenher lover's affections was Miss Hen- -

please pass the pulverized sugar.Willard Record.

A Brief Recital.A Bernalillo county man entertained

his wife and children the other day

European Plan.Meals At All Hours.

Elegant Rooms in Connec-

tion, Steam Heat,Electric Lights and Baths.

a dandy place, that bed, when a fellowby hanging himself in their presence. Aikpn nf nH,mH ni,i ,atfeels like staying in it, but there's

that everlasting call to get a move on "e rst offered to hang his wife who ac,.0B8 the river (rom thig city' ge.thedeclined the offer, he then put RATES: 50c and 75c PER DAY. 1

I 24 1 San Franeisco Street Mand you've got to heed it. curing permission from her parent,

Miss Mclntyre had her hir cut off, andtherope around his neck and threw

The manner in which both the free sugar men and those who want a con-

tinuance the franking prmlege in fcieof the protective tariff have abused

ig the postal department to carry tons of printed argument. ProuMamounts to scandal and neither side of the controversy can be freed from

l,'aTccording Genera! Burleson this frank-


to the last report of 1'ostmasterof dollars, and has been amillionsprivilege has cost, the government

which so much has been writtendeficit, regardinglarge factor in the postal"f

There is no doubt that a member of congress and senate- - should havebut the limitations should berestrictions,the free use of the mails under

"Ttuld'a e,Wogni,ed hardship to force the postage payment on

members, but there ,s no reasonvervthmB mailed from Washington by

why' everything should be franked, from a package of garden seeds to a

afThe recent investigations have developed a condition that is intolerable,

and a curtailment should be made at once in the direction of this abuse.

other end over the limb of a tree in g Near S. W. Corner Plaza, jgdonning one of her brother's suits,life. she vinitprl RrMhishe

his yard and strangled outHis name was Iopez and

wasj Aiken.It was a case of love at first sight

drunk. Hillsboro Advocate.Does It Quietly.

North Dakota is a progressivestate, but it makes no noise about it.Tt is RpfHprt nn mninlv hv fTpmisinti

!on the part of the Bridgeport girl.Miss Mclntyre. masquerading as "Law-ranc- e

Dessing, ' was a devoted, lover,

Of All Kinds.Telephone 194 W., Room U



...How Loud and Long.

They had a funny case up in Phila-

delphia the other day. A man had arooster that lifted his voice eachmorning early and gave vent to Suchsounds as roosters will, lacking inrythm and melody and outdoing rag-time in the incessant flow with whichit issues from the bird's untunedthroat.

The neighbors got mad and went tocourt about it to get an injunctionagainst the man and the rooster whichwould prohibit the latter from liftinghis voice at daybreak and disturbingthe slumbers of those who werenot yet through. They got the In-

junction, but the rooster pays no at-

tention to it. He just crows on. Hehas no more regard for the orders ofthe court than he has for the feelings

Swedes, Norwegians and Danes. For a!nd every ni8ht fo,)nd "Lawrence Des-man- y

years it has led all other si"g at the home of Mis8 Ailten-state-

in the per capita amount of jUist Sun(ia" n'Kht, while "Dessing"

and Miss Aiken were sitting on themoney expended for public schoolsand in the sums devoted to good front Prcn of the latter"s home, Pen-road-

Incidentally, it mav be men- - Idleton appeared and demanded to

"FixitShop"For Repairing of All Kinds

In Metal and Wood



315 San Francisco St., Phone 109 J


Former Master MechanicSacramento Shaft, Biabee. Arizona,

know why another had usurped histioned that, year In and year out, itadds more per capita to the wealthof the nation than any other state.Clovis Journal.

The Best Crop.

place. Miss Aiken angrily dismissedPendleton and orded him never to callon her again. She then confessed herlove to her companion, the psuedo"Dessing." Miss Mclntyre, dressed inAfter all, the best crop raised in

this country is children, which sug- - a gown o tne latest mode, last nightgests the thought that while not for met Miss Aiken in this city. Before

WhereShall WeGo ThisSummer?

of the neighbors whoso slumbers his miss Aiken could speak the NorthWheeling girl told her how she had re-

venged herself.

a moment would one discount thevalue of improving the breed ofhogs, horses and cattle, nor find faultwith the money devoted to improving

raucous voice disturbs.What will be the next move remains

to be seen. Disobeyment of an Injunc In a moment the girls were fightingand were separated by the police.uie quaiuy or grains, very much ation Is not cause for death sentence,

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior,

U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, IT. M.June 27, 1913.

Notice is hereby given that Eliza-

beth W. Probert, widow of WilliamH. Probert, Jr., of 619 Smith St,

Both were discharged from court thisbut the wrath of the neighbors hasjtention 0l,slit to be given to promotemorning with a reprimandproven to be in many a case hereto

TRV THE AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLUncle Sam, farmer, is certainly not up to his job. Did you read what

the department of agriculture had to say on this point the other day .

the average per acre world yield olTaking as the basis of comparison

plain, staple crops; cottonwheat, oats, rve. barley, corn and potatoes-t-he

couldn't be included because It isn't grown widely enough-t- he roll call of

Urn nations showed 16 countries ahead of our own in efficiency of farm- -

Using the index figure 100 to indicate the average. Uncle Sam's batting

only 108, contrasted, to his shame, with the following: Hun-gar-

Tl3; 128; Sweden, Chile and Can-ad-

Austria. 120; France. 123; Norway.each 136; Japan. 157; Egypt. 10,1; New Zealand. 167; Denmark, 16S.

, 169; little Belgium, crowded to the gunwales, 221.

countries had anything on us in richnessAt the beginning none of these

learning through the centuries to farmhave beenof soil. But while theywith their minds as well as with their hands how many American. do you

did in the Red River valleysunnose have been doing as John Smith upNorm nakota-xu- ily that wasn't his real name' A writer in the Chicago

Record-Heral- vouches for the story:when John settled there the wheat yield was conside red

Thirty years ago,to .10 bushels an acre. As for the rich

way below par if it didn't run uploam. It seemed inexhaustible-y- ou could hardly dig to the bottom of It.

So John skimmed the cream and took little thought for the morrow-- . Today

lohn is having trouble to get an average yield of 13 bushels to the acre,

and is thinking of "quitting this gosh-dange- place" and hiking into north-

western Canada.But it was all John's fault. He has actually let $3SS.fi0 of value per acre

slip through his fingers in 30 years by his neglect to put back some of the

fertility of which he was so thoughtless robbing as fine soil as the sun ,.ershone on.

better send your boy to an agricultural school. The next generation

will have the job of correcting John s mistake.. r n .

An exchange suggests that Doc Cook and Doc Friedmann go into vaude-

ville together. They miht draw people enough, perhaps, but no one would

go away believing what they saw.o l


Saegertown, Penn., July 15. JacobCuttleton, the "meanest, man" in theworld was arrested here charged with

ine neaitn and weltare of children.It is a melancholy fact that thousandsof little children die every year be-cause not enough intelligent attentionis given them. Silver City Enterprise.

The Worst Ever.Carlsbad has been suffering from a

pest of flies for the past two weeksand the nuisance still continues.Aside from the annoyance and incon-venience occasioned by the wingedhorde, it is now conceded that var-ious disease germs are carried bythem. Concerted action in many cities

fore where chickens are concerned.Here is a case where a man can killtwo birds with one stone. The roos-ter owner can treat his family to arooster dinner and get the good willof his neighbors at the same time,and if I were in his place I'd do it.The court who issued the injunctionagainst the rooster's crow might feelmore kindly about it, too, and if everthe owner got into that court again,he might get off a little easier be

Schenectedy, N. T., who, on January12, 1911, made Homestead Entry No.014779, for NE 4 NE NEW 2 NE 4 NE W 2 SE 4

NE W 2 NE SE 4 NEE 2 El-- 2 SW 4 NE W 2 NE 4

SE1-4- , S 2 SE 4 NE 4 SE W2 SE 4 SE Sec. 24, T. 20 N., R.

2 E., and S 2 S NW SW

Upon the correct answer to thlquestion will depend much' ofthe pleasure of your outing.Why not avail yourself of theassistance of the undersigned,one of the Santa Fe's eummertour specialist 7 Hia help willcoat you nothing, but you willfind it Invaluable.

SW 4 NE 4 SW SB 4 NW4 NE 4 SW NE 4 NE SW

stealing the harness belonging to theartificial legs of Herny Milton.

When taken into custody Cuttletonwas wearing improvised suspendersmade from the stolen straps.

A few days ago Milton hurt one ofthe stumps of his legs and was com-pelled to undergo an operation. While

cause he helped the judge enforce hisinjunction in stopping the rooster's NW 4 NW 4 NW SEcrow. S 2 SW 4 SW 4 NE W 2

Under the circumstances, I do not SE 4 SW 4 NE Sec. 19 Townshipsee any particular reason against that Aortn, Kange :s East, N. M. P. B. and

and towns has led to their destructiona'most entirely In those places. A

traveling man recently In Carlsbadeaid this city had more flies to thesquare inch than any other place oiihis route, and that less seemed to bedone toward their extermination.Swat the fly! Carlsbad Current.

confined to his bed Ml'ton's artificialPhiladelphia family having a pot pie, Meridian, has filed notice of intentionto make five year proof, to establishlegs were left in a room adjoining thebut I can see good reasons why they one he occupied.should.

Why Not VisitColorado, Grand Canyon, Call

fornla, the Northwest Chicago,Adirondack, the Northern Lake

Region, or the Atlantic CoaatReaorta thl eummer?

Now a man says he will circle tne gioue in ininy-nv- e uajs. nuu wthought Jules Verne's "Around the World in Eighty Days," was a fiction thatcould never be realized.

Neglected Beauty.One hundred years ago, bo the story

claim to the land above described,before U. S. Commissioner, John Al-exander at Schenectady, N. Y., andthat of her witnesses before the reg-ister and receiver, Santa Fe, N. M.,on August 11, 1913.

They Will Attract.The investing of the $120,000 of

Cuttleton visited Milton to inquireabout the latter's condition, and onleaving the house passed through theroom where the artificial leg and thestraps and attachements were lying.He carried the leg harnes away withhim and made himself a pair of sus- -

But, on the other hand, the trust to which certain congressmen were

true, according to Mulhall, was not the trust usually meant in that state school funds in the state high-va-

bonds In place of loaning them tothe various banks of the state we be

runs, Mary Bennett, a daughter of thefcfglish Earl of Tankerville, wasstruck by the beauty of a wild flowerin her father's forest. Gathering somethrifty plants she carefully cultivatedthem.

Claimant names as witnesses:E. M. Fenton, W. H. nosrers. Win- -

fred Bletcher, all of Jemez Springs,The only explanation he gave wasComplete Information aboutsummer fare and train service,etc., aent promptly, If you

lieve is a wise decision. The statehighway bonds could not be sold atpar to eastern investors on account ofthe low rate of interest, 4 per cent,and this action of the hoard, which is

n. m., ana w. Garnett, of Senorito,that he needed the suspenders and Mil N. M.ton being in bed, did not need theFrom this beginning came one of our

most popular garden flowers the legs or the harness. FRANCISCO DELGADO,Register.pansy, known the world over for Its j composed of the governor, secretary

They say that pistol pockets In skirts are the latest. But the girlsshould be careful of pistol pockets. It has been proven in Santa Fe, at

least, they are not safe repositories, even if they are of the old. established

hip variety.n

The degree just handed out to those chaps graduated from an educa-

tional institution is not as much regarded as the degree registered by thelittle old thermometer.

. o--Dr. Friedmann, Bince he left us. has been saying some real nice things

about the United States. Perhaps he is planning on coming back, afterall.

blight little face and luxuriant Jut Try a New Mexican Want Attr state, state treasurer and attorneygeneral, not only makeB a safe invest it yon ant anlek r turns.

. S. LUTZ. Afent,


It will not pay you to waste yomtime writing out your legal formwhen you get them already printed

growth when given faithful care.We speak lightly of weeds, regard-

ing them as only fit to be dug spite-fully up and cast into a heap for the

ment for school funds but allows theconstruction of good roads In thestate.

A like amount must be furnished

Work for the New Mexican. It ttworking for you. for Santa Fe andthe new state.

at the New Mexican Printingsun to wither and kill, and yet our


the members of the Clovis Woman's That Wonderful Event I fraternal societies 'warnsSummer Hints toMothers Who 'Care'

MASONIC.Montezuma LodgeNo. 1, A. F. & A. M.A FOR RENT Furnished or unw

club occupied seats on the platformwith the speakers, readers, the baudand the choir.

Professor Croft led the choir musicin the singing of the popular and ap-

propriate songs for the occasion, theLand blayed "The Star Spangled Ban-in.r- "

and "America" and the readingLy Miss Veta Hills and Miss Maybelle

IF THERE is a time above all times when awoman should he in perfect physical condition

it is the time previous to the corning of her babePurinfl this period many women suffer from headache,

sleeplessness, pains of various description, poor appetite,.nd a host of other ailments which should be eliminated in

justice to the new hie about to be ushered Into this world.

Lished rooms. Call at New State CafeRegular communi-cation first Mondayof each month atSlBltli ROOMS FOR MKN Newly furnish- -

Masonic Hail " lea, light and airy, shower bath, use off: 7: SO.

library. Mrs. A. K. P. Robinson, cornerdr. Pierce's FAVORITE PRESCRIPTIONSeasonable Advice on the Health of

Children in Hot Weather.It is well that mothers be advised

rot to over-fee- d the children during

C. it. fAlL, VV. Al. r: rant nnrl TnllllKftll Phone 270 J.CHAS. E. LI NNEY, Secretary.

Santa Fe Chapter No1, R. A. M. Regularconvocation secondMonday of each monthat Masonic Hall at7:;i0 p. m.

Is a scientific medicine carefully compounded hy an experienced and skillfulphysician, and adapted to the needs and requirements of woman's delicatesystem. It has beun recommended for over forty years as a remedy for thosepeculiar ailments which make their appearance during "the expectant"period. Motherhood is made easier by its use. Thousands of women havebeen benefited by this great medicine.

Your drusgist can supply you in liquid or tablet form, or yon can send50 t stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescriotionTablets, to Dr. Pierce, at invalids' Hold and Surgical Institute, Buffalo.

Is your priviledge to write to Dr. Pierce for advice, and it will be gladlygiven free of charge. Of course all communications are confidential.

Davis, and the talks by Reverend.Moore, of the Presbyterian, Uev.

of the Haptist, and Rev. Evans,or the Methodist churches, added to

the length and interest of the pro-

gram. There was quite a crowd onthe streets. The Johnson band did it-

self proud, and is to be congratulatedfor its public spirit so manifested.1 here was no charge made by theband for their contribution to this pro-gia-

of the club. Mrs. S. C, Nutterhud cluii'ge of the program, as presf-c.en- t

of the club. Clovis Journal.

For Sale A senile reliable family'horse with harness and two seatedrig with top, $200. Frank Owen.

FOR RENT Beautiful new brickhouse, modern, 8 rooms, bath, range,.shades, nice yard, garage, finest loca-

tion, southeast corner of capitol. Opo.Kinsell.

the hot months. No one requires asmuch food in summer as in winter.Feed the children the lighter andmore easily digested foods. See thatthe milk is cool and kept away fromflies. Be careful that the fruit is

ripe, and if the child begins to scratchthe skin, indicating too mucn acid inthe blood, deprive it of fruit for sev-

eral days.It is quite natural that tinder these

conditions there will be some diges-tive disturbances, such as constipation,indigestion or summer diarrhoea. It



and constipation, and Mrs. John Wal was a woman evidently of literary and to let go his hold.'refined (antes, for among the articles! Employes at the Junction saw his

WANTED Railroad bridge car-San- ta

Fe Commander? renters. Mexican laborers for rail-No- .

1, K. T. Regular road work. All kinds of help wantedconclave fourth Mon-un- furnished. Call, phone, or ad-da- y

in each month at,ress Livesay and Caldwell, secondMasonic Hall at 7:30 liiour. Capital City Bank building.P- - m. Phone 52 .1.

lace, Scottsville, Ky., who finds it val LAS VEGAS MANBUYS SUNSHINE

CREAMERYmissed was four pair of stocking, a $20

may be accompanied by a cold or by

eruptions of the skin. The timelvremedy, and one which you can reljen for results, is a small dose of DfCaldwell's Syrup Pepsin on retiring

uable to herself as well as her chil-

dren, are never without it, keeping itfor just such emergencies. You alsocan obtain a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's

plight, but were unable to help him,the next telegraph station being here,

i'fhey ran after the train, expectingevery minute to see Tipple's holdI rokeii, but nearly a mile from the sta- -

.bird of paradise plume, dainty uudcr-jwear- ,

a ladies' basket pillow slips andsheets. Last but not least was a. book.


H h mnr--. hiwoiu win mnwisyrup pepsin ai nny cents or one TYPEWRITERSCleaned, adjusteo ana repaired. New

Per--! platens furnished. Ribbons and sup-de--

plies. Typewriters sold, exchcangeiAc- - land tented. Standard makes bandied

Santa Fe Lodge offection No. 1, 14thgree. Ancient and

"West ward Ho."Detectives assigned to iho case are

looking for a woman about yearsiof age whom they hope to find read-lin- g

"Westward Ho," and sporting aibird of paradise plume. They have nodescription of the stocking, except,

jthey were silk. The missing articlesare valued at $08.

Albuquerque, N. M., July 15.

Spirited bidding featured tile sale yes-

terday of the Sunshine creamery to

the Crystal Creamery company of Lasegas, E. E. Russel, representing

that concern, bidding $0050, consid-ered the highest and best bid. TheSunshine was sold at public auctionly P. F. McCanna, special master,ft llowiug foreclosure on a mortgage

dollar of any druggist. Familieswhich once use this pleasant-tastin-

laxative forever after discard cathar-tics, purgatives, salts and pills.

Families wishing to try a free sam-

ple bottle can obtain it, postpaid, by

addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 418

Washington St., Monticello, 111.

and the trouble will vanish. The ex-

ceptional tonic ingredients in thisremedy will tone the stomach and en-

rich the blood, and tne child will feelits usual self again.

Many families, like that of Mr. Wil-

liam Weber, 29 Edwin Place, Buffalo,N. V., who uses it for foul breath

cepted Scottish Rite of All repair work and typewriters guarFree Masonry meets onlanteed. Santa Fe Typewriter Ex- -

lion the train disappeared around thecure, with Tipple still clinging to therail.

Up the track a mile is Stokesdale,a flag station. The dragged and bleed-ing veteran hoped that the train wouldslop there. His heart sank as the tarlnsped through unllagged, and two moreweary miles were ahead of him. Tippleclung to the rail with a death grip tillan iron bridge was approached a

quarter of a mile from this station,lie knew if he clung any longer thegirders would not only break his hold.

the third Monday of each month at change, Phone 231 W.7:30 o'clock in the evening in the New .Cathedral. Visiting Scottish Rite A GREAT MONEY MAKBRMasons are cordially invited to attend.! FOR AGENTS.

E. C. ABBOTT, 32, The greatest chance ever offered toVenerable Master, hustlers for making money fast. One

by the Stale National bank. Ton et the mortgage J. B. llerndou, rep-- 1 VETERAN DRAGGEDresenting the State National, started j Mlf CC RV TRAINNEWS OF THE STATE CHAS. A.

i a www mi i minioff the bidding with an offer of j

WREELON, Secy. can be sold in almost every home. Atglance everybody gets a desire to

B. P. O. E. 'have one. The price of this very use- -

Santa Fe LodgeNo if"' tool is so low that every family$o."00. R. K. Putney, of Albuquerque,E. E. Russell, of Las Vegas, and Rob-- Wellsboro, Pa JJuly 1:,t i t Graham, of Roswell. became active i Tipple, a civil war veteran.

--Clifford but likely his neck. He let go and athas just the same time threw himself as fai' 460, B. P. O. K. iri,n altord to buy one. The Home,

holds 1U regular Novelty Co., Antonito, Colo.survived a more terriuiebidders for the nronertv mid bids experience clear oi mo iraCK as lie could and roll- -

atifha" lle lmd ever face'1 nni,H in the ed down the hank to safety.jumped upwards $300 and $1000a bid. .Mr. Russell, of the Crystal jarm'-


ceamerv put in a bid of $0050 The 'l,st returned from the Gettsburg jThe difference between "The Summer

the clay has added much to the valueof the yard. A sample of this clayvas sent to an eastern brick factory,where it was made into bricks andLurned. The results were even bet-- !

i than had been expected, and im-

mediately upon receipt of the favor-able report, the clay bank was uncov

eision on the sec- -


Wednesday cf each ''' overlook the grave fact thatmonth. VI itinii rheumatism easily "settles in the

Canned Indian Music.Uncle Sam is now "canning" the

music of the Indians. Recognizing theinterest that the quaint songs of thefast disappearing red men will have ifl

other years, the government is havingo:j much as possible of the music re-

corded by phonographs. The recordswill be preserved for all time. Thur-lo-

Lieurance recently undertook to

secure the music that can he madewith the instruments of the Indians atTfos. Questa Gazette.

"$1030 Under Pillow.

srecial master sounded the first, sec- - camu' llfi w('nt Willslioro Junctionoi.d and third and last call for bids ,0 HP" Slighter oil for her home,

T1"' train Parted and heunexpectedly,and the creamery went to Mr. Rus- -

sell for $0050, he tendering $1000was 0,1'y al)Ie 10 Krttb a hdrail of

immediately to nl M,e ,),.! it is itIie last coat;n. ""seen by trainmen or

brothers are Invit-- heart," and disturbs the valvular ne-

ed and welcome. tion. The cure consists in removingEDWARD P DAVIES i,n(1 Foley Kidney Pills so tone

Exalted Ruler " uml strengthen the kidneys thatC H WILSON t'1,,y keep the blood free of poisons

ered and has been used in all the that time. Maxwell Mail.

Girl" and "The Surrrner Woman."While the former is having a "good

time" the latter is too often draggingaround nervous, run down, tired out,with aching back and weary limbs,sleepless and wretched. Often it iskidney trouble not female trouble atidFoley Kidney Pills are a direct andpositive held for the condition. TheCapital Pharmacy.

understood that Mr. Rusell, who is 'passengers. His crippled conditionmade it. impossible for him to swing Secretary,will

Hear More Soon.A party of capitalists from Plain- - mi experienced creamery man,

ana uric ncm crysiais, inai causerheumatism, swollen joints, backache,the Sunshinecontinue to operate

his feet tip to the lower step and hevas dragged nearly all the way here,a distance of three miles, not daring

In fact the' . ' . . . ., without any intermission urinary irregularities and disturbedw A jheart action. Try them. The Capital

Santa Fe13514, M.cieamery has never ceased to operatetrip from that place taking in Pecos rnarmacy.

since it was taken over by Mr. Me- illivalley points, Vaughn, Encino andmeets second Tues-

day each month, so-

cial meeting thirdTuesday at Fire- -

Cf.nna, the special master. The bid-

ding that marked the sale on the blockyesterday resulted from the splendidfinancial showing that the creamfSy

It will not pay you to waste yourtime wrting out your legal formsiv. hen you can get them already print-er' at the New Mexican I'rinting


YOU WAIT" DIVORCE COLONY. man's Hall. Visit- -

ing neighbors welcome.

thence to Santa Fe, returning thisv.ay. They left here on the returntrip to Plainview today. The partyconsisted of John A. Brown, ClintShepherd, Mr. Mc.Farland and Mr.Leckhani. In an interview with a rep-resentative of this paper Mr. Brownstated that himself and associates hadbought a stock ranch with 150,000

A. G. WH1TTIER, Consul.A. E. P. ROBINSON. Clerk.

Edwin J. Keough, who has been

piospecting here several days, leftthe city Sunday morning for El Pasoni,d forgot $1030 in travelers' checksunder the pillow of his bed in the Car-su-

In Kl Paso the forgetful one re-

membered his cash and wired to thehotel. Mrs. W. O. Mangum, the host-ff-s- ,

went up to the room-an- d found1 fie money undisturbed. Monday thechecks were sent to Mr. Keoughthrough the First State bank. In

Mrs Mangum received $100 forher honesty. Deming Graphic.

has made since the special master as- j

stiined charge of its affairs, followingthe retirement of E. E. Van Horn, thecriginal promoter of the enterprise,

Work for the New Mexican. It IS

working for you, for Santa Fe and'tlio n ti ir ut'ito


It is said that Judge Abbott in SantaFe, because of the absence from the

of J"de Rolds, Ml be ask- -

and Santa Fe, but said that their dealed to sign the necessary papers which

F. W. FARMERHomestead No,2879, Brotherh-ood of Ameri-can Yoemen.

Meets secondand fourth Mon-day- s

of themonth at the

had not progressed to a point where! vill give Mr. Russell possession andownership of the creamery without

he wished to state the precise locationcf the ranch. He said, however, thattheir plans were matured and thatthey would stock the ranch with cattle

litlay.The Sunshine property consists of a

munber of fine milch cows, splendiflequipment and ideal markets, together

and horses, and that we would hearj Fireman's Hall.H. Foreman. R. L. Baca,Cor. Sec. David Gonzales.

-- Estan-more of their enterprise soon.-ci- a


Deep Tunnel Through Baldy.Manager W, T. Mclntyre, of the

Weep Tunnel Mining and Milling com-

pany, passed through Raton Wednes-

day en route to points in the east on

itr absence of several weeks in the in-

terests of the company. Work on thecompany's tunnel, which eventuallywill extend entirely through Baldymountain from the east slope to thev est side, facing Elizabethtown, has

finntn I irltro

with the best of milk and creamsources. It is believed that in thel ands of a competent creamery manthe enterprise will develop and be-

come one of the most important Indus

Hit by 2,200 Volts.There was a serious and nearly fatal

accident, although the word accident

No. 2, Knights of

Pythias meetsevery Second andFourth Friday ofthe month at 8

does not exactly describe the occur-,1"-" U,B 1 a,m HlHlK'

Appell'5 folSouth BwaMAfricanWater WUfflSSBag MTfrlfffl

Guaranteed 100 efficienttake no tubttitute

o'clock p. m.

Meeting In K.of P. Hall over

teeu progressing Bteadily during thep; st winter and spring. Recently, therear approach of the head of the tun-

nel to the heart of the mountain has

brought to light a small but rich veincf the precious ore that increases invidth as the tunnel progresses, witha heavy mineralization all about.Katon Range.


If a substitute is offered you forFoley Kidney Pills, it means a cheap-er medicine is pressed upon you forthe dealer's profit, not for yours.Foley Kidney Pills may cost the deal-er more than a cheap substitute, butthey give better results than any oth-

er kidney and bladder medicine. Askfor Foley Kidney Pills. The CapitalPharmacy.

Kaune's store.All visiting!

Knights are most

rence, foolishness is a better word.iSunday afternoon. Mott's well drill-

ing rig was being driven from thewater company's well where it liasbeen at work, to F. R. Coon's farmeast of town. It had to pass underthe electric line, and a portion of therig was too high. Below the electriclines, on the same poles, is the tele-

phone wire. Felix Garrett, a youngman who had been working with thedrilling rig, climbed up on the rig tolift the telephone line, which was


i A

cordially invited.A. P. HILL, C. C.

RE1NGARDT, K. of R. and 3.. - ...


Lodge No. 259, holds its regular(tightly stretched, so the rig could go SEEK WOMAN OFLITERARV BENT



Will positively keep woteicoolfor 48 hours in the shade orsun. Constructed on a simplescientific principle. Will with-

stand the severest kind of fielduse. Is a boon to the stock-

man, surveyor, miner, farmer,prospector and traveler. Isused by the U. S. Gov't. Isdurable light sanitary andconvenient to carry.


Made by

Adam Appell Water Bag Co.

Portland, Oregon

New Brand Of Clay.Brick making has started in earnest

tit the plant of the Maxwell Lumbercompany and a brick of superior qual-

ity is being produced. Improved ma-

chinery and a change in the processhas worked wonders in the results.

No bricks have been burned yet, butK0.00O are now ready in the yard andwill be burned thiB month. Of this

! meeting on the first Thursday of eachmonth at Fireman's hall at 7:30 p. m.

j Visiting brothers are invited and weli come.


under it. Price Garrett, who wasdriving the rig, started it up, and itcame in contact with the electriclight wires, which were carrying 2,200volts, and it went through the youngerGarrett, shocking him so that he wasknocked to the ground and burning

number about 40,000 were made by him severely on the arm, side, Hand ODD FELLOWS,No. 2, I. O. O. F.

Santa Fe Lodgthe new process, and are pronounced and leg. It is a wonder that It did

not Kill him instantly. His miniswere dressed, and he probably willpull through. Lordsburg Liberal.

meets regularlyevery Thursday evening at 8 o'clockIn Odd Fellows Hull. Visiting broth-ers always welcoma

Detroit, July 15. Feminine finerywas missing from the home of Wil-

liam H. Miller, when he and his wifereturned from a vacation recently, itwas reported to the police Wednesday.

The person whom Miller suspects,



To the Merit of LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-

pound during Change

r.erfect by those who know what goodbrick ought to be. It is confidently ex-

pected that this new industry will bethe means of bringing thousands dfelf liars here.

This discovery of a new brand ofPROFESSIONAL CARDS


EDWARD P. DAVIES,City Attorney.

Capital City Bank Building,Rooms 17-1- 8

Santa Fe, New Mezleo

of Life.Camp, A. T., & S. F. R'Y

Close Call to Injury.Dr. L. K. Warren had his ankle

broken in a runaway accident lastSunday. When the accident occurredthe doctor was on his way to attenda very sick patient in Mountain Park.He was driving a buggy. A shortdistance down Haynes' canyon, nearMcRae's mill, the axle of one of thewheels broke. This terrified the horsesand they started to run. With Dr.Warren was Chalmers McConnell,who managed to Jump from the bug-

gy; but before Dr. Warren could doso, the buggy turned over. He waspenned in by the top with his legcaught. The runaway horses musthave dragged the buggy in this posi-tion about 100 yards before the topbroke off, freeing the imprisoned doc-

tor. His clothing was badly torn, asthe road is exceedingly rocky, and

Streator, 111. "I shall always praiseLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComPicnic TIME TABLE

Effective January 1st, 1913.Q. W. PRICHARD,

Attorney and Counsetlor-at-Law- .

Practices in all the District Courtiand gives special attention to casebefore the State Supreme Court.Office: Laughlin Bldg., Santa Fe, N. M


pound wherever Igo. It has done meso much good atChange of Life, andit has also helped my

SummerFamous Beauties Who Have Secired Divorces in Reno. Edna(Top), Mrs. Smith Hollis McKim (Lower Left), and Mrs. Henry Hutt

daughter. It is oneof the grandestmedicines for wo-

men that can bebought I shall tryto induce others totryit."-M- rs. J.H.

Home his leg was broken just above the an Her marriageIleno, Nev., July 15. Reno, as divorced in Reno.kle. McConnell escaped with a num

Leave Santa Fe 8:10 a. m. to con-nect with No. 3 westbound andNo. 10 eastbound.

Returning, arrive Santa Fe 12:10 p.m.

No. 3 carries passengers to Albu-

querque, locally, and to PacificCoast points.

Leave Santa Fe 3:30 p. m. to con-nect with No. 1 westbound, andNo. 2, eastbound, connecting atAlbuquerque with "Cut-off- "

train for Clovis and er.os Val-

ley points.

vtirce center, has received a knock

Chas, F, Eaaley, . Chas. H. EasleyEASLEY A EA'JLEY,

Attorneys-a-t aw.Practice In the Courts and Defers

Land Department.Land grants and titles examined.

Santa Fe, N. M., branch Office, Estasda, N. M.

out punch.ber of scratches. He went to thenearest phone and secured another i --U ' Campbell, 206 N. The new divorce law which goes

Second St, W. S., Streator, Illinois. i'ito effect January 1, 1914, requires a

followed immediately.Mrs. Henry Hutt, wife of the artist,

vas recently divorced in Reno. Huttonce said that his wife was more beau-tiful than the Venus de Milo.

Wm. Ellis Corey, the steel magnate,secured his decree in Reno, so thathe might wed Mabel Gilman, the

year's residence before application fo(divorce can be made. Since June 30

:t has been impossible to come within

The ready-cooke- d food

Grape-Nut- s

eaten with a little cream,condenied milk or fruit, is

delicious and gives one a


Over Spitz Jewelry StorsxRooms 1, 2 and I.

Phone Red 6.Office Hours 8 a. m. to I .

And by Appointment

team to bring the injured physicianback to Cloudcroft. As Dr. Warrenit the only physician at Cloudcroft hehad to wait until Dr. J. R. Gilbertcould arrive from Alamogordo MondayMorning. It is expected that he willbe able to attend to his office dutiesin a few days.

Clovia Street Entertainment.The Clovis Woman's club held quite

an interesting meeting on the streetscf the city on the evening of theFourth, for the benefit of those whostayed at home, or who returned fromtiielr holiday outing in time to bepresent, and It was a success from

Philadelphia, Pa. " It was at the'Change of Life' that I turned to LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,using it as a tonic to build up my sys-

tem, with beneficial results. " Mrs.Sara Haywabd, 1825 W.Venango St,(Tioga) Phila., Pa.

San Francisco, Cal. "I have takenLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-

pound for many years whenever Iwould feel bad. I have gone throughthe Change of Life without any troublesand thank the Compound for it I rec-ommend it to young girls and to womenof all ages." Mrs. C. Barme, 305225th St, San Francisco, Cal.

The success of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound, made from rootsand herbs, is unparalelled.

If yon want special advice write to

Returning, arrive Santa Fe 6:05 p.m.

Leave Santa Fe 6:20 p. m. to con-

nect with No. 7 westbound car-

rying El Paso sleeper, slso No.4 eastbound.

Returning, arrive Santa Fe 8:35 p.m.

Leave Santa Fe 8:50 p. m. to con-

nect with No. 8 eastbound, andNo. 9 westbound.



tie six months provision of the law.Many internationally known women

have sought Reno for marital relief.Mrs. Margaret Emerson McKim,daughter of Isaac Emerson, the''Bromo Seltzer" king, was one of

these. On the day of the Jeffries-John-se- n

fight she acted as copy-bo- y for alocal newspaper.

After her divorce from Scott HollisMcKim, the New York Beuu Brum-mel- ,

she was married in London toAlfred Vanderbilt.

Edna Goodrich, the actress, got herdecree in Reno, and immediately mar-

ried Nat Goodwin. Virginia HarnedSothern also obtained her divorcehere and immediately married again.Mrs. Florence Jenkins, considered theoost beautiful woman in Baltimore,

actress. Corey built here as a guaran-tee that he Intended living perma-nently.

Phillip Dodge, president of theMergenthaler Linotype company, di-

vorced his wife in Reno and scores ofothers fully as prominent might bementioned.

R. M. Buddington, known as thefather of the divorce colony, althoughp. millionaire, got a job selling ticketsir a motion picture house, in order to

testify that he really was in Reno infeood faith and had regular employ-ment.

These are only a few of the hun-c'red- s

who have helped make the Ne-

vada city a "get 'em while wait" di-

vorce court.

GO Rooms 18-- 19 Laughlin Bldg--. Calls

promply attended day or hotteb;9 to II a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m arrive Santa Fe 12:30for hours.

every standpoint. Just before the con-clusion of the program, and while Rev.W. R. Evans was talking, the fiTe

a'arjn scattered the crowd and themeeting was im maturely brought to anend.

Returning,a. m.

Call "Central" for TrainReports.

Lydia E. Flnknam Medicine Co. (conn,dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter willThe platform was built In front of

It will not pay you to waste yourtime writing out your legal formswhen you can get them already print-ed at the New Mexican Printing com


"There's a Reason"tie First National bank, the band ap-- be opened, read and answered by apeared in their full dress uniform and woman and held la strict coafldence.


i.TananaatffiiB OFFICIAL. OFFICIAL.lins, of Santa Fe, Thomas B. Catronof Santa Ke, each holding 20 pharos,

land Arthur Seliginan of Santa Fe,holding 111 shares.F. ANDREWS

of the road board andd tested by the signature of the coun-ty clerk, and are addressed to thetreasurer of Dona Ana county. Youspy that upon presentation to that of-- f

cer payment was refused. You fur-t-ier say that payment of other like

warrants has been refused for the rea-son noted upon some of them that thePf.cretary-treasure- r cannot drawfunds.

You ask me to advise your boardvhether these warrants are properlydrawn, and if not, in what respect they

Best Assorted Line ot

Embroidery Floss in Whiteand Colors, both in Silk and Cot-

ton; also Crochet Cotton, D. M.

C, Royal Society, and PrincessStamped Linen, Art Center,pieces, Scarfs, etc.





Grocery, Bakery and Market.Aufo Delivery Every Hour ! Auto Delivery Every Hour!

Another car of that famous EMPRESS FLOUR. The best moneywill buy, try it. A coupon packed In every sack good for valuablepremiums, and besides this we are going to give to the boy or girl un-

der 15 years of age. who collects the most of these coupons up toSeptember 15th a $30.00 bicycle and to the next highest a watch.

Boys and girls get busy get your mother and your neighbors touse EMPRESS FLOUR.

Encampment Tomorrow.The 1'li'Hl. Kcgimmt Hand and

'Company H of the New Mexico Milwill leave in I he morning at Sill1

for La my, where ihe local contingentwill join a special train conveyingtlio otlief companies of the guard to

Camp McDonald near I.ns Vegas,where a ten days' encampment will beheld. Adjutant General Brookes and

jOiptain and Adjutant Norman L.

iKing will also leave tomorrow. Col.10. C. Abbott, and Captain James L.








tire defective, and if there Is any goodU ANA COUNTY BOARD AND

COUNTY TREASURER DISAGREEreason for the treasurer of the coun-ty to refuse payment.

I am at a loss to know any reason

ourselves. No iiinount of

and inappropriate, red brick construc-tion can injure our climate. That is:Seligmaii left yesterday by auto for

the camp. Col. Abbott leaves tonightfor Albuquerque and will take com- -

vliy the treasurer should refuse topay these warrants. The statute cre




Phone No. 4 ANDREWS Phone N()--i ating your board in Section V thereofUPIPU T(l piiy CTJTC KIRHWAY !mam'of the ePPcial train there which

will take the militia to the camp.BONDS.



I.nts under the supervision and direc-t'o-

of the county road board the ex-

penditure of all funds for road andL'ldge purposes and declares that the' methods for making such expendi-tures and acoounting thereof shall bethe same as those now or hereafter re-

quired by law in the case of expendi-tures made by the boards o county



New Doctors in New Mexico.The state board or health and medi-

cal examiners closed u two days' ses-sion today at the senate chamber ofthe capitol by examining six Candi-da les for physicians licenses in thestate. The names of those taking theexamination are C. S. Harper, GeorgeHayes, C. N. Trailer. E. A. Lines, S. T.

ours now and for always. Ilul theother an indlvidimlily, which is equal-led by no other city of equal hI.ii Inthis whole broad continent that Isnow Imperilled by a misdirected waveof cheap modernization which issweeping over the cily. Every oldadobe that iu torn down to makeroom for a modern brick cottage Isanother blow at your income, Mr.

Property Owner. Every ancient streetyou widen has detracted so much fromSanta Fe's charm.

Why do people travel? To seesomething they nre familiar with?Never! They travel to see somethingnew. Well, what is there new In acity of pretty little bricks.Even a God-give- climate cannotsave such a town. But an adobetown A Mud Town is a different

Should the road and bridge fund in

euch county be transferred to the commissioners." These warrants ap- -

Bctts and O. F. Tnornton. Five of theI ear to have been drawn In the samemanner as warrants drawn by order ofa board of county commissioners, andI can see no reason why payment

treasurer of the county road board, orshould it be left with the countyt. easurer, on whom warrants shouldlr. drawn by the county road board?Such is a question that has been re

Below is given the next chapter.There are probably several chaptersto come, judging from the tone of thecommunication below. The storyconcerns the investment of the per-manent school fund. A synopslB ofthe preceding chapters relates how

seven members of the board wereriesent, Drs. G. V. Hackney and Gerb-e- i

being absent. Since the last meet-

ing of the board, licenses to practice ferred to Attorney General F. W.C lancy. His reply will be of interest

should be refused any more thansl'ould payment of warrants drawn byorder of the county commissioners,"he statement which you say hasLeen made as to some warrants that

riedicine in New .Mexico have beenir.bued to everyone of the candidates every county road board iu the

ctiita ot,,l la ntiran

as provided ny law, tne governor, meattorney general, the secretary ofstate and the state treasurer met toaward the permanent school fund tothe highest bidders among some thir- -

who took the ' examination threemonths ago. These new doctors wereA W. Daggett, P. A. Soelberg, H. A.

Miller, W. O. Sweek, h. E. Wills, C. C.

matter. Tourists win come to seethat and coming to see means stop-- f

ping to spend. And what we need isoutside capital. Everybody admits

j that. Well, let us attract it insteadj of driving it. away.

If these sentiments ane not yoursj come and tell everybody why, to- -

night. You may ljave a thing or twoj tucked up your sleeve also. At least

you have the inalienable right ofAmerican citizen to kick. Come

then and If you cannot do anything

ty banks of the state. Three of thefour voted against the banlis and in

favor of the investment of the schoolmoney in the bonds of the state high-- !

way commission, at 4 per cent for tworeasons, first because the highwaybonds could not be sold at par on ac-- I

count of the low rate of interest andsecond because they claimed the

We have an expertPlumber to attend to

your plumbing prompt-ly and at a reasonableprice. Phone Main 83

the secretary-treasure- r canot drawfunds, has no application. Such areason might be made equally ap-- I

dieable to a warrant signed by thechairman of the board of county com-missioners and the county clerk, apdpayable to the county clerk.

I have heretofore taken the viewthat the road funds Bhould remain inthe hands of Ihe comity treasurer andthat the road board should draw war-rants against it just as the countycommissioners draw warrants and asthese warrants now under considera-tion have been wrawn, but I am some-v.ha- t

impressed with the view whichhas been recently urged upon me thatthe general intent of the legislatureas shown by the act creating the coun

Santa Fe, N. M July 12, li)13.Mr. Francis E. Lester,

Secretary-Treasure- r of the CountyRoad Hoard,

Mesilla Park, N. M.Dear Sir:

I have before me your letter of the!0th inst., which you handed to uie atthe office of the state engineer. Ordi-

narily I feel compelled to refuse togive advice to any county oncers asunder the law the district attorneysare the legal advisers and are entirelyhi dependent of the attorney general.In the present case, however, I under-stand that your district attorney hasuiready given an opinion substantiallyin accord with my own view andtl.erefore I write this letter, a carboncopy of which I will send to the dis- -

Rail, J. M. Wilmer, J. S. Herlihy, W.12. Stapp, ,T, F. McPherson, S. IS.

and H. C. Blair.Will File Complaint.

Information has been received byihe members of the state corporationcommission that the Postal Telegraphcompany intends to file before theNew Mexico commission a complaintr.gainst the low rates which the Moun-tain States Telephone company allowsthe Western Union on phoned mes-

sages and also the discriminationfliown by the telephone company inalways calling up the Western I'nionwhen any one asks central for a con-nection with a telegraph office.

bette- r-greatest good to the greatest, numberwould come from Investing in theroad bonds as it would make but lit-

tle difference to the school fund, andwould greatly aid the cause of goodroads. However it happens that the

Work for the New Mexican. It Is

working for you, for Santa Fe andthe new state.

Santa Fe Hardware & Supply Co.

Everything In Hardware. trict attorney for his information.RAISE $300To raise this quicklyfor new desks, painting, decorati n g, etc . , fo rthe new premises ofthe SANTA FE BUS-INESS COLLEGE(the

In your letter you say that at a reg-

ular meeting of your county roadboard on July 7, 1913, there were pre-sented two bills iu favor of yourselfas secretary-treasure- r of the board,to." $3.C5 and $28.85 respectively. Uponorder of the board warrants for the

NOTICE.I have this day sold my stock of

general merchandise at No. 304 SanFrancisco street to Louis S. Lowitzkiwho will conduct the business in fu-

ture.(Signed) MRS,.,JENNIE- - L.OWITZK1.

ty road boards may have been thatthe road and bridge fund should betransferred from the county treasurerto the secretary-treasure- r of the roadboard. If this is not so there seem tobe no reason whatever for requiringthe secretary-treasure- r of the roadbrard to give a bond. As to this I

cm not yet prepared to give a finalopinion and I speak of it at this timemerely to show that I am not at pres--cut entirely satisfied with the posi-- 1

payment of these bills were drawn andIt Is you enclose them for my information.

one who voted against investing inthe highway bonds was State Treas-urer O. N. llarron, in whose posses-sion the money of the schools now is,and its drawing better than five percent ,he says. He says more in theappended communication. He hasthe funds and he is going to keepthem, and it will take a court order,or words to that effect, to ever in-

vest the school money in any fourper cent bonds. But Mr. Marron doesnot mince matters, so read what hesays for yourself:

July 12, 1013.

Hon. William C. McDonald. Governorof New Mexico.

Hon. Antonio Lucero, Secretary ofState.

Hon. Frank W. Clancy, AttorneyGeneral.Dear Sirs I am in receipt of your

letter of the 10th inst., in which youstate that "we decline to pass uponthe question as to whether the banksecurities are unsafe or not." As It isno part of our duty to do so, nor haveyou any right to demand of us that

Work for the New Mexican,working for you, for Santa Fethe new state.

and They are numbered 125 and 131, and

It was The Palace Hotel,

it is nsrow

THE DE VARGASrre signed by the chairman and secre tjon I have heretofore taken, and that! S3IT1C StSITS 3S ClflV

I may feel compelled to change it UI become convinced that I have been rdl I, pnULUgrdpilCr,mistaken. the cash fee for a life

I return the two warrants here- - i c rrkiiuiaruip lur nuri- -

hand.BlindhandType- -



Yours very truly,FRANK W. CLANCY,

Attorney General.


W. Q. SARGENT, Proprietor.W. H. MENDENHALL, Business Manager.

Punctuation and Penmanship will be $95

The meeting tonight at the governThe De Vargas will be remodelled in the Spanish style and

newly furnished throughout; also freshly painted and

papered. Many private baths and all the com-

forts of a first-cla- ss hotel.

or's Palace is to bring the architects,contractors and builders of the cityinto touch with the chamber of com-

merce' New-Ol- d Santa Fe committee.As has been repeatedly stated in theNew Mexican, this movement alone

we snoum pass on that question, es-

pecially after we have united in re-

jecting the bids of the banks for theavowed purpose of investing the fundsIn the "state highway bonds," andalso that you cannot find any provi-sion of law giving me, as state treas-urer, any authority to make any in-

vestment of this (permanent school)fund, except as directed by you as aboard."

I cannot and do not agree with

instead of $150, if en-rolled before the 17thinst.,next Thursday.These much reducedterms offered to thefirst three suitable ap-plicants only. Bookkeeping $75 instead of$100. No books to buyto those who enrollwithin 7 days.

can rescue Santa Fe from mediocrity.This is a question of individuality

your construction of the law, and in- -

asmuch as these funds are now, and i

have been since their receipt severalyears ago, invested in such manneras will satisfy the provisions of joint


Flour Hay, Grain, Potatoes and Salt.Sofa Agents For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD.

ALFALFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, garden & field seeds in bulk and packages

The only exclusive grain house in Santa Fe

resolution No. 14, of the second ses-sion of the state legislature of 1912,and are returning in interest sub

and its preservation. Every man whoattempts to rob Santa Fe of this in-

dividuality is stealing from yourpocketbook actual dollars and centsand every man who aids in the pres-ervation of this priceless individuali-ty is giving you dollars and cents.There is no doubt about this.

Consider for a moment this fact.Santa Fe is not and probably neverwill be a great agricultural, miningor industrial center. Wherein thenlies the hope of any future for thecity. The answer is near at hand. Inher wonderful climate and her uniquetourist attractions. One of these,most fortunately, we cannot take from

stantially over 5 per cent, I deem it i

would be an infraction of my duty assuch state treasurer to withdraw these j

funds and invest them tn fha atata

HACK No. O.Always at the Plaza,


Driver, Celso Ortiz.

Courteous and Prompt Treat-ment Accorded All.

Phone Black45LEO HERSCHPhone Black


highway bonds as desired by you, be-

ing a security which would returnonly 4 per cent and under the circum-stances I most respectfully decline toinvest these funds as attempted to bedirected by you unless I am directedso to do by a proper judgment of thecourt.

Very respectfully,O. N. MARRON,

State Treasurer


(Thres16 Room Modern Brick-Adob- e House, Fine Shade,Compartments).Names Mounted Policeman.

uovernor :ucuonaia yesterday ap-pointed William Hill of Vaughn, Gua-

dalupe county, a mounted policemanwithout pay.

4 Room Frame House, 215 Feet Front, Fine Fruit and ShadeTrees.

5 Room Modern Bungalow, with out buildings.All of the above are rented and paying good Interest on Invest-meri- t,

can make terms to suit purchaser.FOR RENT Beautiful new brick house, modern, 8 rooms,

bath, range, shades, nice yard, garage, finest location, southeastcorner Capitol, will make long lease.

GEO. M. KINSELL, SANTA FE, N. M.II5 East De Vargas Street. Phone 123 J.

Error in Amount.The amount of money turned over

jto the state corporation commissioni yesterday by the insurance departmentjwas $977.77. instead of $9077, as statedyesterday.

Pardoned from County Jail.Joe Lewis of San Miguel county,

who was serving a y sentence in.the county jail there, has been givena full and complete pardon by Gov IT 1ernor McDonald. Representationsw ere made to the governor that Lewis Liii iNoverswas suffering from nervous prostra


"Column of vessels." "Column right.') "What is the object of it all?" I ask- -

These were some of the intelligibleed the commanding officer, Kingsley

sounds I distinguished from the dinL- - lartln;

of hntHe .,nn t. , i He explained that his men got to

tion, that he was in a critical condi-tion, had been a model prisoner andhad served two-third- s of his time, andupon these grounds the pardon was

. Wedding Boquets.Designs and Floral Decorations.

THE CLARENDON GARDEN Phone 12.i armory of the Second Battalion Naval ? nl.y few,day" each year and

"There's a good garden where there are goodgarden tools "-- -

A smooth lawn, well cut ana trimmed, adds to both the beautyand value of a residence. A well-kep- t garden not only yields betterbut is a delight to the eye. In ycur Reliable Hardware Store's lineof tools for lawn and garden, will be found every implement neededby landscape ard kitchen gardeners to produce the best results withthe greatest economy of time arc1 labor. They add to the pleasure ofthe amateur and lighten the task of the business user.

Yours for a well-ke- lawn sr.d garden,

iYour Reliable Hardware Store.THE HOME OF THE "HARDWARE MAN."

Militia in Bayridge, Brooklyn. ,"u e a""ea- - mgntnight, in signal practice andBehold! There were four miniature! c(her operations never had an oppor-men-of-w-

stripped for action, with t,lnity to Bee wUat a rea, wagLfttle flags flying and guns booming like. Consequently he had conceived


Named on Resources Commission.P. F. McCanna of Albuquerque, has

been named as a member of the Na-tural Resources commission of NewMexico, vice O. N. Marron, who wasappointed, and failed to qualify.

The San Juan Basin Oil company,in which a number of local people areinterested filed incorporation papersyesterday. The company has a capi-tal stock of $230,000, divided into 5000

each vessel crossed the flrine line this scheme of staging battles as the.nd belched forth a suggestion ofsmoke, for it was smokeless powo9rthey used.

The flash of fire and the loud reportItft no doubt that the shot came fromreal guns in the forward turret. Thevessels maneuvered first to allow abroadside to be discharged on thestarboard side, and then the port guns



ANTHRACITE COAL, ALL SIZES.Montezuma Avenue, near A T- - & S. F. Railroad Depot

shares of $50 each. Frank Stanlin nf

best substitute for sham fights at sea.The Bhips are each manned in the

hull by two boys who operate levers'connected with gears on the frontaxles, making the running propositionan easy matter. The complement ofeach vessel is complete with two mili-tiamen, also stationed in the hull, oneat the helm and the other peering outof the aft lattice mast to operate thesignals of these handsome little men- -

Farmington, N. M.. is named as thestatutory agent of the company. Thesum of $4,500 has been subscribed bythe following who are the incorpora-tors: Frank Staplin of, Farmington.

were given position to fire at theimaginary enemy a great target rep

J Lorin C. Col-- 1 resenting a fort at one end of theE. C. Abbott of Santa Fe, ;

