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Created By: Nouri McLucas

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Brief History of the Library of


Contents of the

Library of Alexandria

Destruction of the

Library of Alexandria

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Brief History of the Library of Alexandria

Library was founded in the 3rd century B.C.

Ptolemy 1st founded the library Ptolemy 3rd founded daughter library

called the Library of Serapis in 235 B.C.


Brief History of the Library of Alexandria

Library not only contained books, but also had a zoo, residence hall for teachers, gardens, and lecture halls

"Letter of Aristeas“ provides much information about ancient library

"Letter of Aristeas“ was written in the 2nd century B.C.


Pop Question #1

What famous person was the library named after ?



Answer to #1

Alexander the Great



Contents of the Library of Alexandria

Library held more than 700,000 books

Books came from many countries Greece Egypt Persia India Assyria



Contents of the Library of Alexandria

Many manuscripts in the library were purchased

Legend says that all ships that entered Egypt had to give all of their literature to scribes at the library so that they could be copied and later put into the library’s collection


Pop Question #2

How many manuscripts were housed in the Library of Alexandria ?

Angled glass roof of the Biblioteca Alexandrina. Photo Egypt My Way


Answer to #2

More than 700,000 scrolls

Artist's impression of a manuscript storage room in the ancient Library of Alexandria. Source: Carl Sagan's Cosmos television program (1980).


Destruction of the Library of Alexandria

Historians do not know exactly how the library was destroyed

List of people blamed for the crime includes Caesar The Christians Patriarch Theophilus Omar, the Muslim



The “new” Library of Alexandria

Bibliotheca Alexandrina was opened in 2003 A. D.

Library stands on the exact site of the ancient library

Library contains the Calligraphy and Manuscript Centers

Library also has several museums attached to it including The Antiquities Museum The Manuscript Museum A planetarium

The Planetarium. Photo Aaron Wenner


Pop Question #3

Name at least two people who have been suspected as culprits who burned down the Library of Alexandria.

Aerial view of the unique modern building.

Public domain.


Answer to #3

Caesar The Christians Patriarch Theophilus Omar, the Muslim




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Brozyna, M. (2009, September 16). The history of the library of alexandria. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/about_5420856_history-library-alexandria.html