About us



UTMT trains poor Indian farmers add bee-boxes to their farms; offers extensive, year-long training in beekeeping; works in partnership with local NGOs to reduce costs and ensure reach; develops a local support network of farmers; and provides market access to increase farmers’ income. In doing so, UTMT seeks to increase agricultural yields and farming incomes across India, relieving pressure on food supplies.

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Bees for Poverty Reduction

Glimpses of our work

The area

Communities we work with

Promoting homestead beekeeping

with theindigenous honeybee:

‘Apis cerana indica’

Natural colony of Apis cerana indica

Farmer Trainings

Natural Colony Transfer Demonstration

Settling bees in the bee box

Bees wax making Training

Training in Bee Box Manufacturing

Handholding Support

(Box Inspection over 18 months)

Honey Harvesting

Extracting honey from Frames with Honey Extractor

Filtering extracted honey

Weighing Honey

Beekeeper Bhikare Urade with honey extracted

from his bee box

Creating Markets

Our single origin honeys

Connecting with customers

Annual Honey Subscriptions

Honey…a unique gift option

Beekeepers in Action

Beekeeper families & their Bee Boxes

UTMT is committed to and believes in the idea:

“a simple bee-box with

market access can make a world of difference.”

Thank you!