Donating to the Encinitas Educational Foundation


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Donating to the Encinitas Educational Foundation

By Kristin Gaspar

Introduction A longtime official with the City of Encinitas, California,

Kristin Gaspar now serves the city as mayor. Before she was elected mayor, Kristin Gaspar spent several years on the board of the Encinitas Educational Foundation.

A nonprofit organization dedicated to maintaining quality public school education in the Encinitas Union School District, the Encinitas Educational Foundation (EEF) relies on the financial contributions of its supporters to fund educational programs at local schools. The foundation welcomes direct donations to specific schools, each of which has an organized decision-making committee tasked with allocating donations to on-site initiatives.

Encinitas Educational Foundation

The EEF participates in employer matching programs, allowing donors to double or even triple the impact of their contributions.

Additionally, the EEF accepts non-cash donations in the form of real estate, stocks, and tangible properties such as cars and boats. Other examples of non-cash gifts include charitable gift annuities, bequests in wills, and successor beneficiary designation in life insurance policies. Individuals and companies can also become community sponsors, which enables them to define the terms of their sponsorship.
