


A slideshow for a presentation at Kings Norton CLC re our pilot of ActiveExpression by Promethean

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Jayne Ashton

Pete Lee

Queensbridge School

What have we done?

•Feedback on new topics [to check understanding]

•Flexibility : no need to create special flipcharts

•Check understanding at the end of a topic / lesson. Compare responses to [similar or same] questions

•Export results to

•Revision sessions : SAT / GCSE

•Peer Assessing: text based responses as opposed to....”L5”

•Plenary : “What’s the best thing you’ve done to your re-draft today....”

•Group work


•Informing planning : during the lesson, post lesson planning

•Decision making : no hiding place!

•PLTS skill surgery

•Customer satisfaction survey

•Engagement factor: txt language

•Lower sets : competition

•Waiting for weaker pupils to answer : time out not always helpful

•More character space

•Use on top of existing lessons : ad hoc questioning

•Everyday part of our classroom